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Analysis of Fiscal Factors Effecting Budget Transparency in Selected OECD Countries

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 1141 - 1160, 29.09.2023


Recently, the importance of budget transparency has increased due to the changes in the administrative mentality and the ease of access to information. Concordantly, the factors effecting the budget transparency have been the subject of many studies. The aim of this study is to determine the fiscal factors that effect the budget transparency. In this context, it has been investigated whether the independent variables consisting of public sector size, public sector debt stock, public sector budget balance and primary budget balance have an effect on budget transparency. The study covers 21 member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and data for the period 2009-2020. Panel data analysis was used as a method. According to the results of the analysis, the size of the public sector and the budget deficit positively effect the budget transparency. Public sector debt stock and primary budget balance do not have a statistically significant effect on budget transparency.


  • ALBASSAM, B.A. (2015). “The Influence of Budget Transparency on Quality of Governance”. Journal of Law and Governance, 10(3), 93-111.
  • ALESINA, A., & PEROTTI, R. (1996a). “Fiscal Discipline and the Budget Process”, The American Economic Review. 86 (2), 401-407.
  • ALESINA, A., & PEROTTI, R. (1996b). Budget Deficits and Budget Institutions, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper Series (No: 5556), Cambridge.
  • ALT, J.E., LASSEN, D.D., & ROSE, S. (2006). “The Causes of Fiscal Transparency: Evidence from the U.S. States”, IMF Staff Papers, 53 (Special Issue), 30-57.
  • ALT, J.E., & LOWRY, R.C. (2010). “Transparency and Accountability: Empirical Results For US States”, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 22(4), 379-406.
  • ARAPIS, T., & REITANO, V. (2018). “Examining the Evolution of Cross-National Fiscal Transparency”, Ameriacan Review of Public Administration, 48 (6), 550-564.
  • ARAUJO, J.F.F.E., & FRANCISCA, T.R. (2016). “Local Government Transparency Index: Determinants of Municipalities’ Rankings”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 29(4), 327-347.
  • BASTIDA, F., & BENITO, B. (2007). “Central Government Budget Practices and Transparency: An International Comparison. Public Administration, 85(3), 667-716.
  • BEGG, I., (2015). “Fiscal Policy Transparency”. J. Forssbaeck, L. Oxelheim (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Economic and Institutional Transparency, Oxford University Press, 98-115.
  • BENITO, B., & BASTIDA, F. (2009). “Budget Transparency, Fiscal Performance, and Political Turnout: An International Approach”, Public Administration Review, 69(3), 403-417.
  • BIRSKYTE, L. (2018). “Determinants of Budget Transparency in Lithuanian Municipalities”, Public Performance & Management Review, 42(3), 707-731.
  • BISOGNO, M., & CUADRADO-BALLESTEROS, B. (2022). “Budget Transparency and Governance Quality: A Cross-Country Analysis”, Public Management Review, 24(10), 1610-1631.
  • BISOGNO, M., CUADRADO-BALLESTEROS, B., & SANTIS, S. (2022). “Do E-Government Initiatives and E-Participation Affect the Level of Budget Transparency?”, International Public Management Journal, 25(3), 365-391.
  • BLONDAL, J. (2003). “Budget Reforms in OECD Member Countries: Common Trends”, Reglas Macrofiscales, Sostenibilidad Y Procedimientos Presupuestarios: Documentos Presentados. 15. Seminario Regional de Política Fiscal-LC/L., 57-85.
  • BOLIVAR, M.P.R., MUNOZ, L.A., & HERNANDEZ, A.M.L. (2013). “Determinants of Financial Transparency in Government”, International Public Management Journal, 16(4), 557-602.
  • BREITUNG, J. (2000). “The Local Power of Some Unit Root Tests for Panel Data”, Advances in Econometrics, 15, 161-177.
  • CIMPOERU, V.M., & CIMPOERU, V. (2015a). “Influence of Government Quality on Budgetary Transparency”, 22nd International Economic Conference–IECS 2015 “Economic Prospects in the Context of Growing Global and Regional Interdependencies, 147-153.
  • CIMPOERU, M.V., & CIMPOERU, V. (2015b). “Budgetary Transparency – An Improving Factor for Corruption Control and Economic Performance”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 27, 579–586.
  • CITRO, F., CUADRADO-BALLESTEROS, B., & BISOGNO, M. (2021). “Explaining Budget Transparency Through Political Factors”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87(1), 115-134.
  • CRUZ, N.F., TAVARES A.F., MARQUES, R.C., JORGE, S., & SOUSA, L. (2016). Measuring Local Government Transparency, Public Management Review. 18(6), 866-893.
  • DE RENZIO, P., & MASUD, H. (2011). “Measuring and Promoting Budget Transparency: The Open Budget Index as a Research and Advocacy Tool”, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 24(3), 607-616.
  • DİBO, M. (2021). “Bütçe Şeffaflığı ve Mali Disiplin: Yükselen Ekonomiler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 69, 107-120.
  • EISENHARDT, K.M. (1989). “Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review”, Academy of Management Review. 14(1), 57-74.
  • FEREJOHN, J. (1986). “Incumbent Performance and Electoral Control”, Public Choice 50 (1/3), 5-25.
  • FEREJOHN, J. (1997). “Accountability and Authority: Toward a Theory of Political Accountability”. A. Przeworski, S. C. Stokes, B. Manin (Eds.), Cambridge University Press: 131-153.United Kingdom.
  • FLORINI, A.M. (2002). “Increasing Transparency in Government”, International Journal on World Peace, 19(3), 3-37.
  • GERUNOV, A. (2016). “Financial Effects of Fiscal Transparency: A Critique”, Bulgarian Economic Papers, BEP-01-2016, St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Center for Economic Theories and Policies.
  • GOMEZ, P., FRIEDMAN, J., & SHAPIRO, I. (2005). “Opening Budgets to Public Understanding and Debate: Results from 36 Countries”, OECD Journal on Budgeting, 5(1), 7-36.
  • HARRISON, T.M., & SAYOGO, D.S. (2014). “Transparency, Participation, and Accountability Practices in Open Government: A Comparative Study”, Government Information Quarterly, 31(4), 513-525.
  • IBP (2022a), “Open Budget Survey 2019 Country Results (Turkey)”, https://live-international-budget-partnership.pantheonsite.io/sites/ default/files/country-surveys-pdfs/2019/open-budget-survey-turkey-2019-en.pdf, 07.10.2022.
  • IBP (2022b), “The Open Budget Index”, https://survey.internationalbudget.org/#download, 10.10.2022.
  • IMF (2022), “Fiscal Monitor Summary Report”, https://data.imf.org/?sk=EE14472F-7F15-42EF-9675-22EE611BE556, 10.10.2022.
  • JENSEN, M.C., & MECKLING, W.H. (1976). “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior Agency Costs and Ownership Structure”, Journal of Financial Economics. 3(4), 305-360.
  • KAYALIDERE, G., & MASTAR ÖZCAN, P. (2014). “Bütçe Saydamlığı ve Ekonomik Özgürlüğün Yolsuzluk Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 28(2), 219-234.
  • KEYİFLİ, N. (2021). “Yasama Organının Bütçe Gözetiminin Bütçe Saydamlığı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Ampirik Bir Analiz”, Sayıştay Dergisi. (120), 59-87.
  • KOÇDEMİR, M., & YILMAZ, H.H. (2020). “Kamu Mali Yönetiminde Bütçe Saydamlığı ve Yolsuzluk İlişkisi: Açık Bütçe Endeksi ve Yolsuzluk Algılama Endeksi Üzerinden Bir Analiz”, Sayıştay Dergisi. (118), 71-99.
  • KÖSE, H.Ö. (2007). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Yüksek Denetim. T.C. Sayıştay Başkanlığı 145. Yıl Yayınları, Ankara.
  • LOPEZ, S. (2015). “Exchange Rate Regimes and Budget Transparency”, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(1), 61-72.
  • LOPEZ, S. (2017). “Is Transparency an Effective Way of Reducing Corruption? Evidence Around the World”, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(2), 186-191.
  • MCNAB, R.M., & WILSON, S.D. (2018). “Culture Matters: What Cultural Values Influence Budget Transparency?”, Applied Economics, 50(43), 4593-4605.
  • MONTES, G.C., BASTOS, J.C.A., & OLIVEIRA, A.J. (2019). “Fiscal Transparency, Government Effectiveness and Government Spending Efficiency: Some International Evidence Based on Panel Data Approach”, Economic Modelling, 79, 211–225.
  • OECD (2002). Best Practices for Budget Transparency. OECD Publications Service, Paris.
  • OECD, “General Government Deficit”, https://data.oecd.org/gga/general-government-deficit. htm, 10.10.2022.
  • PETRIE, M., & SHIELDS, J. (2010). “Producing a Citizens’ Guide to the Budget: Why, What and How?”, OECD Journal on Budgeting. 10(2), 1-14.
  • PORUMBESCU, G.A. (2015). “Using Transparency to Enhance Responsiveness and Trust in Local Government: Can it Work?. State and Local Government Review”, 47(3), 205-213.
  • PREMCHAND, A. (1993). Public Expenditure Management, IMF, Washington.
  • RIOS, A.M., BENITO, B., BASTIDA, F. (2013). “Determinants of Central Government Budget Disclosure: An International Comparative Analysis”, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practices, 15(3), 235-254.
  • SEDMIHRADSKÁ, L., & HAAS, J. (2013). “Budget Transparency and Fiscal Performance: Do Open Budgets Matter?”, Acta VŠFS, 7(2), 109-122.
  • SUN, S., & ANDREWS, R. (2020). “The Determinants of Fiscal Transparency in Chinese City-Level Governments”, Local Government Studies, 46(1), 44-67.
  • TEJEDO-ROMERO, F., & ARAUJO, J.F.F.E. (2018). “Determinants of Local Governments’ Transparency in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Municipality-Level Panel Data”, Administration & Society, 50(4), 527-554.
  • WORLD BANK. (2015). “Budget Transparency: What, Why and How? Using Budgets to Empower People”, Budget Transparency Initiative.
  • YERDELEN TATOĞLU, F. (2012). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı. Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., İstanbul.
  • ZUCCOLOTTO, R., & TEIXEIRA, M.A.C. (2014). “The Causes of Fiscal Transparency: Evidence in the Brazilian States”, Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 25(66), 242-254.

Seçilmiş OECD Ülkelerinde Bütçe Şeffaflığını Etkileyen Mali Faktörlerin Analizi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 1141 - 1160, 29.09.2023


Son zamanlarda yönetim anlayışındaki değişikliklere ve bilgiye erişimin kolaylaşmasına bağlı olarak bütçe şeffaflığının önemi giderek artmıştır. Buna paralel olarak bütçe şeffaflığı üzerinde etkili olan faktörler birçok çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bütçe şeffaflığını etkileyen mali faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu çerçevede kamu kesimi büyüklüğü, kamu kesimi borç stoku, kamu kesimi bütçe dengesi ile birincil bütçe dengesinden oluşan bağımsız değişkenlerin bütçe şeffaflığı üzerinde etkili olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Çalışma, Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İşbirliği Teşkilatı’na üye 21 ülkeyi ve 2009-2020 dönemine ait verileri kapsamaktadır. Yöntem olarak panel veri analizi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucuna göre kamu kesimi büyüklüğü ve bütçe dengesi bütçe şeffaflığını pozitif etkilemektedir. Kamu kesimi borç stoku ve birincil bütçe dengesinin bütçe şeffaflığına istatistiki açıdan anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmamaktadır.


  • ALBASSAM, B.A. (2015). “The Influence of Budget Transparency on Quality of Governance”. Journal of Law and Governance, 10(3), 93-111.
  • ALESINA, A., & PEROTTI, R. (1996a). “Fiscal Discipline and the Budget Process”, The American Economic Review. 86 (2), 401-407.
  • ALESINA, A., & PEROTTI, R. (1996b). Budget Deficits and Budget Institutions, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper Series (No: 5556), Cambridge.
  • ALT, J.E., LASSEN, D.D., & ROSE, S. (2006). “The Causes of Fiscal Transparency: Evidence from the U.S. States”, IMF Staff Papers, 53 (Special Issue), 30-57.
  • ALT, J.E., & LOWRY, R.C. (2010). “Transparency and Accountability: Empirical Results For US States”, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 22(4), 379-406.
  • ARAPIS, T., & REITANO, V. (2018). “Examining the Evolution of Cross-National Fiscal Transparency”, Ameriacan Review of Public Administration, 48 (6), 550-564.
  • ARAUJO, J.F.F.E., & FRANCISCA, T.R. (2016). “Local Government Transparency Index: Determinants of Municipalities’ Rankings”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 29(4), 327-347.
  • BASTIDA, F., & BENITO, B. (2007). “Central Government Budget Practices and Transparency: An International Comparison. Public Administration, 85(3), 667-716.
  • BEGG, I., (2015). “Fiscal Policy Transparency”. J. Forssbaeck, L. Oxelheim (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Economic and Institutional Transparency, Oxford University Press, 98-115.
  • BENITO, B., & BASTIDA, F. (2009). “Budget Transparency, Fiscal Performance, and Political Turnout: An International Approach”, Public Administration Review, 69(3), 403-417.
  • BIRSKYTE, L. (2018). “Determinants of Budget Transparency in Lithuanian Municipalities”, Public Performance & Management Review, 42(3), 707-731.
  • BISOGNO, M., & CUADRADO-BALLESTEROS, B. (2022). “Budget Transparency and Governance Quality: A Cross-Country Analysis”, Public Management Review, 24(10), 1610-1631.
  • BISOGNO, M., CUADRADO-BALLESTEROS, B., & SANTIS, S. (2022). “Do E-Government Initiatives and E-Participation Affect the Level of Budget Transparency?”, International Public Management Journal, 25(3), 365-391.
  • BLONDAL, J. (2003). “Budget Reforms in OECD Member Countries: Common Trends”, Reglas Macrofiscales, Sostenibilidad Y Procedimientos Presupuestarios: Documentos Presentados. 15. Seminario Regional de Política Fiscal-LC/L., 57-85.
  • BOLIVAR, M.P.R., MUNOZ, L.A., & HERNANDEZ, A.M.L. (2013). “Determinants of Financial Transparency in Government”, International Public Management Journal, 16(4), 557-602.
  • BREITUNG, J. (2000). “The Local Power of Some Unit Root Tests for Panel Data”, Advances in Econometrics, 15, 161-177.
  • CIMPOERU, V.M., & CIMPOERU, V. (2015a). “Influence of Government Quality on Budgetary Transparency”, 22nd International Economic Conference–IECS 2015 “Economic Prospects in the Context of Growing Global and Regional Interdependencies, 147-153.
  • CIMPOERU, M.V., & CIMPOERU, V. (2015b). “Budgetary Transparency – An Improving Factor for Corruption Control and Economic Performance”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 27, 579–586.
  • CITRO, F., CUADRADO-BALLESTEROS, B., & BISOGNO, M. (2021). “Explaining Budget Transparency Through Political Factors”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87(1), 115-134.
  • CRUZ, N.F., TAVARES A.F., MARQUES, R.C., JORGE, S., & SOUSA, L. (2016). Measuring Local Government Transparency, Public Management Review. 18(6), 866-893.
  • DE RENZIO, P., & MASUD, H. (2011). “Measuring and Promoting Budget Transparency: The Open Budget Index as a Research and Advocacy Tool”, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 24(3), 607-616.
  • DİBO, M. (2021). “Bütçe Şeffaflığı ve Mali Disiplin: Yükselen Ekonomiler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 69, 107-120.
  • EISENHARDT, K.M. (1989). “Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review”, Academy of Management Review. 14(1), 57-74.
  • FEREJOHN, J. (1986). “Incumbent Performance and Electoral Control”, Public Choice 50 (1/3), 5-25.
  • FEREJOHN, J. (1997). “Accountability and Authority: Toward a Theory of Political Accountability”. A. Przeworski, S. C. Stokes, B. Manin (Eds.), Cambridge University Press: 131-153.United Kingdom.
  • FLORINI, A.M. (2002). “Increasing Transparency in Government”, International Journal on World Peace, 19(3), 3-37.
  • GERUNOV, A. (2016). “Financial Effects of Fiscal Transparency: A Critique”, Bulgarian Economic Papers, BEP-01-2016, St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Center for Economic Theories and Policies.
  • GOMEZ, P., FRIEDMAN, J., & SHAPIRO, I. (2005). “Opening Budgets to Public Understanding and Debate: Results from 36 Countries”, OECD Journal on Budgeting, 5(1), 7-36.
  • HARRISON, T.M., & SAYOGO, D.S. (2014). “Transparency, Participation, and Accountability Practices in Open Government: A Comparative Study”, Government Information Quarterly, 31(4), 513-525.
  • IBP (2022a), “Open Budget Survey 2019 Country Results (Turkey)”, https://live-international-budget-partnership.pantheonsite.io/sites/ default/files/country-surveys-pdfs/2019/open-budget-survey-turkey-2019-en.pdf, 07.10.2022.
  • IBP (2022b), “The Open Budget Index”, https://survey.internationalbudget.org/#download, 10.10.2022.
  • IMF (2022), “Fiscal Monitor Summary Report”, https://data.imf.org/?sk=EE14472F-7F15-42EF-9675-22EE611BE556, 10.10.2022.
  • JENSEN, M.C., & MECKLING, W.H. (1976). “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior Agency Costs and Ownership Structure”, Journal of Financial Economics. 3(4), 305-360.
  • KAYALIDERE, G., & MASTAR ÖZCAN, P. (2014). “Bütçe Saydamlığı ve Ekonomik Özgürlüğün Yolsuzluk Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 28(2), 219-234.
  • KEYİFLİ, N. (2021). “Yasama Organının Bütçe Gözetiminin Bütçe Saydamlığı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Ampirik Bir Analiz”, Sayıştay Dergisi. (120), 59-87.
  • KOÇDEMİR, M., & YILMAZ, H.H. (2020). “Kamu Mali Yönetiminde Bütçe Saydamlığı ve Yolsuzluk İlişkisi: Açık Bütçe Endeksi ve Yolsuzluk Algılama Endeksi Üzerinden Bir Analiz”, Sayıştay Dergisi. (118), 71-99.
  • KÖSE, H.Ö. (2007). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Yüksek Denetim. T.C. Sayıştay Başkanlığı 145. Yıl Yayınları, Ankara.
  • LOPEZ, S. (2015). “Exchange Rate Regimes and Budget Transparency”, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(1), 61-72.
  • LOPEZ, S. (2017). “Is Transparency an Effective Way of Reducing Corruption? Evidence Around the World”, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(2), 186-191.
  • MCNAB, R.M., & WILSON, S.D. (2018). “Culture Matters: What Cultural Values Influence Budget Transparency?”, Applied Economics, 50(43), 4593-4605.
  • MONTES, G.C., BASTOS, J.C.A., & OLIVEIRA, A.J. (2019). “Fiscal Transparency, Government Effectiveness and Government Spending Efficiency: Some International Evidence Based on Panel Data Approach”, Economic Modelling, 79, 211–225.
  • OECD (2002). Best Practices for Budget Transparency. OECD Publications Service, Paris.
  • OECD, “General Government Deficit”, https://data.oecd.org/gga/general-government-deficit. htm, 10.10.2022.
  • PETRIE, M., & SHIELDS, J. (2010). “Producing a Citizens’ Guide to the Budget: Why, What and How?”, OECD Journal on Budgeting. 10(2), 1-14.
  • PORUMBESCU, G.A. (2015). “Using Transparency to Enhance Responsiveness and Trust in Local Government: Can it Work?. State and Local Government Review”, 47(3), 205-213.
  • PREMCHAND, A. (1993). Public Expenditure Management, IMF, Washington.
  • RIOS, A.M., BENITO, B., BASTIDA, F. (2013). “Determinants of Central Government Budget Disclosure: An International Comparative Analysis”, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practices, 15(3), 235-254.
  • SEDMIHRADSKÁ, L., & HAAS, J. (2013). “Budget Transparency and Fiscal Performance: Do Open Budgets Matter?”, Acta VŠFS, 7(2), 109-122.
  • SUN, S., & ANDREWS, R. (2020). “The Determinants of Fiscal Transparency in Chinese City-Level Governments”, Local Government Studies, 46(1), 44-67.
  • TEJEDO-ROMERO, F., & ARAUJO, J.F.F.E. (2018). “Determinants of Local Governments’ Transparency in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Municipality-Level Panel Data”, Administration & Society, 50(4), 527-554.
  • WORLD BANK. (2015). “Budget Transparency: What, Why and How? Using Budgets to Empower People”, Budget Transparency Initiative.
  • YERDELEN TATOĞLU, F. (2012). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı. Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., İstanbul.
  • ZUCCOLOTTO, R., & TEIXEIRA, M.A.C. (2014). “The Causes of Fiscal Transparency: Evidence in the Brazilian States”, Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 25(66), 242-254.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Rıdvan Engin 0000-0001-7898-0131

Mehtap Öksüz 0000-0001-5862-5079

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 26 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Engin, R., & Öksüz, M. (2023). Seçilmiş OECD Ülkelerinde Bütçe Şeffaflığını Etkileyen Mali Faktörlerin Analizi. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 7(3), 1141-1160. https://doi.org/10.29023/alanyaakademik.1221611