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Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population

Yıl 2019, , 602 - 612, 30.09.2019


The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of food addiction (FA)
and night eating syndrome (NES) and to investigate any correlation between them
in Turkish population.

Materials and Methods: Subjects
registered with family medicine centers were randomly invited to participate in
the study (415 volunteers). Participants were evaluated with a socio-demographic
data form, the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) and the Night Eating
Questionnaire (NEQ).

A total of 295 subjects, including 160 females and 135 males, were evaluated in
our study. The mean age of the participants was 33.78±10.72 and the mean BMI
was 25.11±4.63.  7.8% of the subjects had
FA according to the YFAS, and 13.2% had NES according to the NEQ. The
prevalence of a coexistence of NES and FA was 2%.  Using Pearson correlation analysis, a positive
correlation was established between BMI and NEQ (r=0.14, p<0.01) and a
positive correlation was found between total scores from the NEQ and the YFAS
(r=0.14, p<0.01). With multiple linear regression analysis, it was
demonstrated that 18.4% of total NEQ scores could be explained by eight YFAS
symptom scores (p<0.001).

It should be kept in mind that normal-weight,
overweight or obese individuals may have NES or FA or both. Therefore, it could
be useful to assess
problematic eating behaviors in individuals
presented to family medicine outpatient clinics and to refer those with
these problematic eating behaviors
to relevant treatment centers.


  • American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5®). Arlington: American Psychiatric Pub.; 2013.
  • Gearhardt AN, Corbin WR, Brownell KD. Preliminary validation of the Yale food addiction scale. Appetite 2009;52:430–6 (doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.12.003).
  • Claudino AM, Pike KM, Hay P, et al. The classification of feeding and eating disorders in the ICD-11: results of a field study comparing proposed ICD-11 guidelines with existing ICD-10 guidelines. BMC Med 2019;17(1):1-17.
  • Pedram P, Wadden D, Amini P, Gulliver W, Randell E, Cahill F, Ji Y. Food addiction: its prevalence and significant association with obesity in the general population. PLoS One 2013;8:e74832 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074832).
  • Meule A, Vögele C, Kübler A. German translation and validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Diagnostica 2012;58:115–26.
  • Berenson AB, Laz TH, Pohlmeier AM, Rahman M, Cunningham KA. Prevalence of Food Addiction Among Low-Income Reproductive-Aged Women. J Womens Health 2015;24:740–4 (doi:10.1089/jwh.2014.5182).
  • Pursey KM, Stanwell P, Gearhardt AN, Collins CE, Burrows TL. The prevalence of food addiction as assessed by the Yale food addiction scale: A systematic review. Nutrients 2014;6:4552–90. (doi:10.3390/nu6104552).
  • Şanlier N, Türközü D, Toka O (2016) Body image, food addiction, depression, and body mass index in university students. Ecol Food Nutr 2016;55:491–507.
  • Allison KC, Lundgren D, O'Reardon JP, Geliebter A, Gluck ME, Vinai P, Engel S. Proposed diagnostic criteria for night eating syndrome. Int J Eat Disord 2010;43:241–7.
  • O’Reardon JP, Peshek A, Allison KC. Night Eating Syndrome. CNS drugs 2005;19:997–1008.
  • Gluck ME, Geliebter A, Satov T. Night Eating Syndrome Is Associated with Depression, Low Self‐Esteem, Reduced Daytime Hunger, and Less Weight Loss in Obese Outpatients. Obes Res 2001;9:264–267 (doi:10.1038/oby.2001.31).
  • Rand CS, Macgregor A, Stunkard AJ. The night eating syndrome in the general population and among postoperative obesity surgery patients. Int J Eat Disord 1997;22:65–9.
  • Striegel‐Moore RH, Dohm FA, Hook JM, Schreiber GB, Crawford PB Daniels SR. Night eating syndrome in young adult women: prevalence and correlates. Int J Eat Disord 2005;37:200–6.
  • Kucukgoncu S, Bestepe E. Majör Depresyon ve Anksiyete Bozukluğu Hastalarında Gece Yeme Sendromu. Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2014;51:368–75.
  • Atasoy N, Saraçlı Ö, Konuk N, et al. The reliability and validity of Turkish version of The Night Eating Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatient population. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2014;15:238–47.
  • Saraçlı Ö, Atasoy N, Akdemir A, ve ark. The prevalence and clinical features of the night eating syndrome in psychiatric out-patient population. Compr Psychiatry 2015;57:79–84.
  • Sevinçer GM, İnce E, Taymur İ, Konuk N. Night eating syndrome frequency among university students: Association with impulsivity, depression, and anxiety. Klinik Psikofarmakol Bulteni,2016;26(3)(doi:10.5455/bcp.20160322093750).
  • Nolan LJ, Geliebter A. “Food addiction” is associated with night eating severity. Appetite 2016;98:89–94. Imperatori C, Innamorati M, Contardi A, et al. The association among food addiction, binge eating severity and psychopathology in obese and overweight patients attending low-energy-diet therapy. Compr Psychiatry 2014;55:1358–62.
  • Bayraktar F, Erkman F, Kurtuluş E. Adaptation study of yale food addiction scale. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2012;22(1):38.
  • Allison KC, Lundgren JD, O'Reardon JP, et al. The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric pro-perties of a measure of severity of the Night Eating Syndrome. Eat Behav 2008;9:62–72.
  • de Zwaan, M, Müller A, Allison KC, Brähler E, Hilbert A. Prevalence and correlates of night eating in the German general population. PloS one9 2014;e97667. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097667).
  • Cerú-Björk C, Andersson I, Rössner S (2001) Night eating and nocturnal eating two different or similar syndromes among obese patients? Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001;25(3) (doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0801552).
  • Lundgren JD, Rempfer MV, Brown CE, Goetz J, Hamera E. The prevalence of night eating syndrome and binge eating disorder among overweight and obese individuals with serious mental illness. Psychiatry Res 2010;175:233-6.
  • Kucukgoncu S, Midura M, Tek C (2015) Optimal management of night eating syndrome: challenges and solutions. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2015;11:751–60.

Türk nüfusunda gece yeme sendromu ve yeme bağımlılığı

Yıl 2019, , 602 - 612, 30.09.2019


Amaç: Bu
çalışmanın amacı, Türk nüfusunda, yeme bağımlılığı (YB) ve gece yeme sendromu
(GYS) prevalansını belirlemek ve aralarındaki muhtemel ilişkiyi araştırmaktır.

Materyal ve Metot: Aile hekimliği
merkezlerine kayıtlı kişiler rastgele çalışmaya davet edildi (415 gönüllü).
Katılımcılar sosyodemografik veri formu, Yale Gıda Bağımlılığı Ölçeği (YGBÖ) ve
Gece Yeme Anketi (GYÖ) ile değerlendirildi.

Bulgular: Çalışmamızda 160 kadın,
135 erkek olmak üzere toplam 295 gönüllü değerlendirildi. Katılımcıların yaş
ortalaması 33.78 ± 10.72 ve BKİ ortalaması 25.11 ± 4.63 idi. Deneklerin % 7.8'i
YGBÖ'e göre YB,% 13.2'si GYÖ'ye göre GYS'e sahipti. GYS ve YB birlikteliğinin
prevalansı % 2 idi. Pearson korelasyon analizi kullanılarak BMI ve YBÖ arasında
pozitif bir korelasyon saptandı (r = 0.14, p <0.01) ve YBÖ ve YGBÖ toplam
puanları arasında pozitif bir korelasyon bulundu (r = 0.14, p <0.01). Çoklu
doğrusal regresyon analizi ile, toplam YBÖ puanlarının% 18.4'ünün sekiz YGBÖ
semptom skoruyla açıklanabileceği gösterilmiştir (p <0.001).

Sonuç: Normal kilolu, aşırı kilolu
veya obez bireylerin GYS veya YB veya her ikisine sahip olabileceği akılda
tutulmalıdır. Bu nedenle, aile hekimliği polikliniğine başvuran bireylerde bu
problemli yeme davranışlarını değerlendirmek ve bu problemli yeme davranışları
olanları ilgili tedavi merkezlerine yönlendirmek faydalı olabilir.


  • American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5®). Arlington: American Psychiatric Pub.; 2013.
  • Gearhardt AN, Corbin WR, Brownell KD. Preliminary validation of the Yale food addiction scale. Appetite 2009;52:430–6 (doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.12.003).
  • Claudino AM, Pike KM, Hay P, et al. The classification of feeding and eating disorders in the ICD-11: results of a field study comparing proposed ICD-11 guidelines with existing ICD-10 guidelines. BMC Med 2019;17(1):1-17.
  • Pedram P, Wadden D, Amini P, Gulliver W, Randell E, Cahill F, Ji Y. Food addiction: its prevalence and significant association with obesity in the general population. PLoS One 2013;8:e74832 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074832).
  • Meule A, Vögele C, Kübler A. German translation and validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Diagnostica 2012;58:115–26.
  • Berenson AB, Laz TH, Pohlmeier AM, Rahman M, Cunningham KA. Prevalence of Food Addiction Among Low-Income Reproductive-Aged Women. J Womens Health 2015;24:740–4 (doi:10.1089/jwh.2014.5182).
  • Pursey KM, Stanwell P, Gearhardt AN, Collins CE, Burrows TL. The prevalence of food addiction as assessed by the Yale food addiction scale: A systematic review. Nutrients 2014;6:4552–90. (doi:10.3390/nu6104552).
  • Şanlier N, Türközü D, Toka O (2016) Body image, food addiction, depression, and body mass index in university students. Ecol Food Nutr 2016;55:491–507.
  • Allison KC, Lundgren D, O'Reardon JP, Geliebter A, Gluck ME, Vinai P, Engel S. Proposed diagnostic criteria for night eating syndrome. Int J Eat Disord 2010;43:241–7.
  • O’Reardon JP, Peshek A, Allison KC. Night Eating Syndrome. CNS drugs 2005;19:997–1008.
  • Gluck ME, Geliebter A, Satov T. Night Eating Syndrome Is Associated with Depression, Low Self‐Esteem, Reduced Daytime Hunger, and Less Weight Loss in Obese Outpatients. Obes Res 2001;9:264–267 (doi:10.1038/oby.2001.31).
  • Rand CS, Macgregor A, Stunkard AJ. The night eating syndrome in the general population and among postoperative obesity surgery patients. Int J Eat Disord 1997;22:65–9.
  • Striegel‐Moore RH, Dohm FA, Hook JM, Schreiber GB, Crawford PB Daniels SR. Night eating syndrome in young adult women: prevalence and correlates. Int J Eat Disord 2005;37:200–6.
  • Kucukgoncu S, Bestepe E. Majör Depresyon ve Anksiyete Bozukluğu Hastalarında Gece Yeme Sendromu. Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2014;51:368–75.
  • Atasoy N, Saraçlı Ö, Konuk N, et al. The reliability and validity of Turkish version of The Night Eating Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatient population. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2014;15:238–47.
  • Saraçlı Ö, Atasoy N, Akdemir A, ve ark. The prevalence and clinical features of the night eating syndrome in psychiatric out-patient population. Compr Psychiatry 2015;57:79–84.
  • Sevinçer GM, İnce E, Taymur İ, Konuk N. Night eating syndrome frequency among university students: Association with impulsivity, depression, and anxiety. Klinik Psikofarmakol Bulteni,2016;26(3)(doi:10.5455/bcp.20160322093750).
  • Nolan LJ, Geliebter A. “Food addiction” is associated with night eating severity. Appetite 2016;98:89–94. Imperatori C, Innamorati M, Contardi A, et al. The association among food addiction, binge eating severity and psychopathology in obese and overweight patients attending low-energy-diet therapy. Compr Psychiatry 2014;55:1358–62.
  • Bayraktar F, Erkman F, Kurtuluş E. Adaptation study of yale food addiction scale. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2012;22(1):38.
  • Allison KC, Lundgren JD, O'Reardon JP, et al. The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric pro-perties of a measure of severity of the Night Eating Syndrome. Eat Behav 2008;9:62–72.
  • de Zwaan, M, Müller A, Allison KC, Brähler E, Hilbert A. Prevalence and correlates of night eating in the German general population. PloS one9 2014;e97667. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097667).
  • Cerú-Björk C, Andersson I, Rössner S (2001) Night eating and nocturnal eating two different or similar syndromes among obese patients? Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001;25(3) (doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0801552).
  • Lundgren JD, Rempfer MV, Brown CE, Goetz J, Hamera E. The prevalence of night eating syndrome and binge eating disorder among overweight and obese individuals with serious mental illness. Psychiatry Res 2010;175:233-6.
  • Kucukgoncu S, Midura M, Tek C (2015) Optimal management of night eating syndrome: challenges and solutions. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2015;11:751–60.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırmalar

İbrahim Taymur Bu kişi benim

Ersin Budak Bu kişi benim

Hakan Demirci

Yusuf Karayürek Bu kişi benim

Sınay Önen Bu kişi benim

Bilgen Bicer Kanat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Taymur, İ., Budak, E., Demirci, H., Karayürek, Y., vd. (2019). Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population. Ankara Medical Journal, 19(3), 602-612.
AMA Taymur İ, Budak E, Demirci H, Karayürek Y, Önen S, Bicer Kanat B. Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population. Ankara Med J. Eylül 2019;19(3):602-612. doi:10.17098/amj.624712
Chicago Taymur, İbrahim, Ersin Budak, Hakan Demirci, Yusuf Karayürek, Sınay Önen, ve Bilgen Bicer Kanat. “Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population”. Ankara Medical Journal 19, sy. 3 (Eylül 2019): 602-12.
EndNote Taymur İ, Budak E, Demirci H, Karayürek Y, Önen S, Bicer Kanat B (01 Eylül 2019) Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population. Ankara Medical Journal 19 3 602–612.
IEEE İ. Taymur, E. Budak, H. Demirci, Y. Karayürek, S. Önen, ve B. Bicer Kanat, “Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population”, Ankara Med J, c. 19, sy. 3, ss. 602–612, 2019, doi: 10.17098/amj.624712.
ISNAD Taymur, İbrahim vd. “Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population”. Ankara Medical Journal 19/3 (Eylül 2019), 602-612.
JAMA Taymur İ, Budak E, Demirci H, Karayürek Y, Önen S, Bicer Kanat B. Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population. Ankara Med J. 2019;19:602–612.
MLA Taymur, İbrahim vd. “Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population”. Ankara Medical Journal, c. 19, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 602-1, doi:10.17098/amj.624712.
Vancouver Taymur İ, Budak E, Demirci H, Karayürek Y, Önen S, Bicer Kanat B. Night Eating Syndrome and Food Addiction in Turkish Population. Ankara Med J. 2019;19(3):602-1.