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Bazı Dicranum Hedw. Türlerinin Biyokimyasal Özellikleri

Yıl 2022, , 140 - 148, 30.11.2022


Bu çalışmada, beş farklı Dicranum türünün (D. majus, D. fuscencens, D. polysetum, D. scoparium ve D. tauricum) yağ asidi bileşimleri, yağda çözünen vitaminler, steroller, flavonoidler ve fenolik asit seviyeleri ile DPPH radikal yakalama aktiviteleri incelenmiştir. Yağda çözünen vitaminler, steroller, flavonoidler ve fenolik asitler HPLC ile değerlendirilirken, yağ asidi bileşimleri gaz kromatografisi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma bulgularına dayanarak, incelenen Dicranum türlerinin düşük düzeyde flavonoidler ve yağda çözünen vitaminler sergiledikleri belirlenmiştir. Fakat incelenen türlerin fenolik asitler açısından yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle incelenen türlerin önemli düzeyde gallik asit (52,96-63,1 g/g) ve vanilik asit (11,96-44,83 g/g) içerdiği belirlenmiştir. Sinnamik asit konsantrasyonu ise incelenen örneklerde en düşüktür. Bu çalışmada incelenen türlerin radikal yakalama kapasiteleri 250 µl'de %48,92 ile %86,89 arasında değişmektedir. Ayrıca incelenen türlerin stigmasterol içeriklerinin 35,3 ile 46,05 g/g arasında değiştiği saptanmıştır. En düşük ergosterol ve beta-sitosterol seviyeleri ise D. majus ve D. fuscescens'te bulunmuştur. Yağ asidi bileşimi sonuçlarına göre; oleik asit (C18:1 n9), linoelik asit (C18:2 n6) ve -linolenik asit (C18:3 n3)'ün baskın doymamış yağ asitleri, palmitik asit (C16:0) ve behenik asit (C22:0) ise başlıca doymuş yağ asitleridir.


  • Altuner E.M. Çetin B. Çökmüş C. 2010. Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts of Tortella tortulosa (Hedw.) Limpr. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 10: 111-116.
  • Ando H. Matsuo A. 1984. Applied Bryology, In: Schultze-Motel, W. (Ed.). Advancesin Bryology. 2: 133-224.
  • Asakawa Y. 2007. Biologically active compounds from bryophytes. Pure Applied Chemistry. 79: 557-580.
  • Asakawa Y. 1982. ChemicalConstituents of the Hepaticae, In: Herz, W., Grisebach, H., Kirby, G.W. (Eds.), Progress in theChemistry of Organic Natural Products. Springer. Vienna.
  • Asakawa Y. 1999. Phytochemistry of Bryophytes: Biologically Active Terpenoids and Aromatic Compounds from Liverworts. In: Romeo, J. (Ed.), Phytochemicals in Human Health Protection, Nutrition, and Plant Defense. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York.
  • Asakawa Y. Ludwiczuk A. 1981. Chemical Constituents of Bryophytes: Structures and Biological Activity. J. Nat. Prod., 3: 641-660.
  • Asakawa Y. Ludwiczuk A. Nagashima F. 2013. Chemical constituents of bryophytes: bio and chemical diversity, biological activity, and chemosystematics (Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products). Springer. Vien.
  • Aydın S. 2020. The free radical scavenging activities of biochemical compounds of Dicranum scoparium and Porella platyphylla. Anatolian Bryology. 6:1, 19-26.
  • Aydın S. Alataş M. Batan N. 2021. Fatty Acid Content and Free Radical Scavenging (Dpph) Activities of Some of Bryophytes Extracts. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 30:3, 2943-2951.
  • Aysel V. Şenkardeşler A. 2002. Systematics of Non-Seeded Plants, Volume III, Mosses (Bryophyta). ÇOMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Publications. Çanakkale.
  • Bahşi M. 2008. The Effect of Reseveratrol and α-lipoic Acid on Some Biochemical Parameters in Tissues and Serums of 7,12 DMBA Treated Elderly Rats. Fırat University, Institute of Science.
  • Basile A. Giardano S. Lopez-Sa’ez J.A. Cobianchini C.R. 1999. Antibacteria lactivity of pure flavonoids isolated from mosses. Phytochemistry. 52, 1479-1482.
  • Chandra S. Chandra D. Barh A. Bhatt P. Pandey K.R. Sharma I.P. 2016. Bryophytes: Hoard of remedies, an ethno-medicinal review. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 7, 1-5.
  • Cheng X. Xiao Y. Wang X. Wang P. Li H. Yan H. Liu Q. 2012. Anti-tumor And proapoptic activity of ethanolic extract and its various fractions from Polytrichum commune L. Ex Hedw in L1210 cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 143: 49-56.
  • Christie W.W. 1990. Gas Chromatography and lipids. The oily press. Glaskow.
  • Chobot V. Kubicova L. Nabbout S. Jahoda´rˇ. Hadacek F. 2008. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Some Common Mosses. Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Tübingen.
  • Çakır Sahilli Y. Alataş M. 2021. Investigation of the antioxidant properties of Pterigynandrum filiforme Hedw. International Journal of Biosciences. 19:5, 42-47.
  • Çolak E. Kara R. Ezer T. Yuvalı Çelik G. Elibol B. 2011. Investigation of antimicrobialactivity of some Turkish pleurocarpic mosses. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10: 12905-12908.
  • Çöteli E. Alataş M. Batan N. 2017. Comparing of GlutathioneIngredients of Syntrichia ruralis and Syntrichia montana (Pottiaceae) Taxa. AnatolianBryology. 3: 25-30.
  • Çöteli E. Alataş M. Batan N. Hazer Y. 2017. Comparing of Glutathione Ingredients of Some Species in Bryaceae Family. Anatolian Bryology. 5: 15-21.
  • Dembitsky V.M. Rezenka T. 1994. Acetylenic fatty acids of the Dicranaceae. Phytochemistry. 36, 685-689.
  • Ding H. 1982. Zhongguo Yao Yun Baozi Zhi Wu. KexueJishu Chuban She. Shanghai.
  • Elibol B. Ezer T. Kara R. Celik G.Y. Colak E. 2011. Antifungal and antibacterial effects of some acrocarpic mosses. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10: 986-989.
  • Elibol B. 2010. Determination of Antifungal and Antibacterial Effects of Some Acrocarpic Mosses. Ömer Halisdemir University, Institute of Science.
  • Ertürk Ö. Şahin H. Y. Ertürk E. Hotaman H.E. Koz B. Özdemir Ö. 2016. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extracts obtained from some moss species in Turkey. Herbapolonica. 61: 52-65.
  • Ertürk Ö. Şahin H. Ertürk E.Y. Hotaman H.E. Koz B. Özdemir Ö. 2015. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extract obtained from some mosss species in Turkey. From Botanical to Medical Research. 61: 52-65.
  • Fu P. Lin S. Shan L. Lu M. Shen Y.H. Tang J. Liu R.H. Zhang X. Zhu R.L. Zhang W.D. 2012. Constituents of themoss Polytrichum Commune. Journal of Natural Products. 72: 1335-1337.
  • Garnier G. Bezaniger-Beauquesne L. Debraux G. 1969. Ressources médicinales de la florefrancaise. Vigot Frères Éditeurs. 1: 78-81.
  • Glime J.M. Saxena D.K. 1990. Uses of Bryophytes Today and Tomorrow. Printers and Publishers. New Delhi.
  • Goffinet B. Shaw A.J. 2009. Bryophyte Biology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Hodgetts, N. & Lockhart, N. 2020. Checklist and country status of European bryophytes update 2020. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 123. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
  • Hara A. Radin N.S. 1978. Lipid extraction of tissues with a low-toxicity solvent. Anal. Biochem. 90: 420-426.
  • Klavina L. 2015. A study on bryophyte chemical composition-search for new Applications. Agronomy Research. 13, 969-978.
  • Kürşat M. Emre İ. Yılmaz Ö. Erecevit P. 2011. Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity in the Seeds of Origanum vulgare L. subsp. gracile (C. Koch) Letswaart and Origanum acutidens (Hand.-Mazz.) Letswaart from Turkey. Grasasy Aceites. 62: 410-417.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2020. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia (Marchantiophyta, Anthoceratophyta, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia. 149: 1-267.
  • Liyana-Pathiranan C.M. Shahidi F. 2005. Antioxidant activity of commercial soft and hard wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as affected by gastric pH conditions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53: 3-2440.
  • Mishra R. Pandey V.K. Chandra R. 2014. Potential of Bryophytes As Therapeutics. International Journal of Pharmaceutıcal Sciences and Research. 5: 3584-3593.
  • Öztopçu Vatan P. Savaroğlu F. Filik İşcen C. Kabadere S. İlhan S. Uyar R. 2011. Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Activities of Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp. Extracts. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 20: 461-466.
  • Öcalan N. 2012. Antimicrobial Activity of Mosses. Erciyes University. Health Sciences Institute.
  • Savaroğlu F. Filik İşcen C. İlhan S. 2011a. An Evaluation of theAntimicrobial Activity of Some Turkish Mosses. Journal of MedicinalPlants. 5: 3286-3292.
  • Savaroğlu F. Filik İşcen C. Öztopçu Vatan P. Kabadere S. İlhan S Uyar R. 2011b. Determination of Antimicrobial And Antiproliferative Activities of the Aquatic Moss Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Turkish Journal of Biology. 35: 361-369.
  • Singh M. Govindarajan R. Nath V. Rawat A.K.S. Mehrotra S. 2006. Antimicrobial, wound healing and antioxidant activity of Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. Et Lind. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 107: 67-72.
  • Spjut R.W. Suffness M. Cragg G.M. Norris D.H. 1986. Mosses, liverworts and hornworts screened for antitumor agents. Economic Botany. 40: 310-338.
  • Suire C. 1975. Chimiedesbryophytes. Rev. Bryol. etLichenol. 41: 105-256.
  • Tonguç Yayıntaş Ö. Sögüt Ö. Konyalıoğlu S. Yılmaz S. Tepeli B. 2017. Antioxidant Activities and Chemical Compositon of Different Extracts of Mosses Gathered FromTurkey. AgroLifeScientific Journal. 6: 205-213.
  • Uyar G. Hacıoğlu Doğru N. Ören M. Çavuş A. 2016. Determining Antibacterial Activity of Some Mosses (Cinclidotusriparius Hostex Brid.) Arn., Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske, Thamnobryum alopecurum (Hedw.) Gangulee, Leucobryum juniperoideum (Brid.) Müll. Hal., Cirriphyllum crassinervium (Taylor) Loeske & M.Fleisch.). Anatolian Bryology. 2: 1-8.
  • Wang X. Cao J. Dai X. Xiao J. Wu Y. Wang Q. 2017. Total flavonoid concentrations of bryophytes from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province (China): Phylogeny and ecological factors. PLoS One. 12, e0173003, doi:10.1371/journal.
  • Xian’en Z. Honglun W. Chenxu D. Yourui S. Jing S. Guichen C. Xuejun S. Jinmao Y. 2006. Determination of Free Fatty Acids from Soil and Bryophyteby HPLC with Fluorescence Detection and Identification with Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 34: 150-155.
  • Zu Y.G. Li C.Y. Fu Y.J. Zhao C.J. 2006. Simultaneous Determination of Catechin, Rutin, Quercetin Kaempferol and Isorhamnetin in the Extract of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) leaves by RP-HPLC with DAD. J. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 41: 714-719.

The Biochemical Properties of Some Species of Dicranum Hedw.

Yıl 2022, , 140 - 148, 30.11.2022


In this study, the fatty acid compositions, lipid-soluble vitamins, sterols, flavonoids, and phenolic acid levels, as well as the DPPH radical scavenging activity of five different Dicranum species (D. majus, D. fuscencens, D. polysetum, D. scoparium and D. tauricum) were examined. While lipid-soluble vitamins, sterols, flavonoids, and phenolic acids were evaluated by HPLC, fatty acid compositions were assessed by gas chromatography. Based on study findings, it was determined that the examined Dicranum species exhibit low levels of flavonoids and lipid-soluble vitamins. However, it was seen that the species under study were high in terms of phenolic acids. Particularly, it was determined that the examined species have substantial levels of gallic acid (52.96-63.1 g/g) and vanilic acid (11.96-44.83 g/g). Cinnamic acid concentration was lowest in the examined samples. The radical scavenging capacity of the examined species was found to range from 48.92% to 86.89% in 250 µl in this study. Additionally, it was discovered that the investigated species' stigmasterol contents ranged from 35.3 to 46.05 g/g. The lowest levels of ergosterol and beta-sitosterol were discovered in D. majus and D. fuscescens. Based on the results of fatty acid composition, it was discovered that oleic acid (C18:1 n9), linoelic acid (C18:2 n6), and -linolenic acid (C18:3 n3) were the predominant unsaturated fatty acids and that palmitic acid (C16:0) and behenic acid (C22:0) was the major saturated fatty acid.


  • Altuner E.M. Çetin B. Çökmüş C. 2010. Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts of Tortella tortulosa (Hedw.) Limpr. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 10: 111-116.
  • Ando H. Matsuo A. 1984. Applied Bryology, In: Schultze-Motel, W. (Ed.). Advancesin Bryology. 2: 133-224.
  • Asakawa Y. 2007. Biologically active compounds from bryophytes. Pure Applied Chemistry. 79: 557-580.
  • Asakawa Y. 1982. ChemicalConstituents of the Hepaticae, In: Herz, W., Grisebach, H., Kirby, G.W. (Eds.), Progress in theChemistry of Organic Natural Products. Springer. Vienna.
  • Asakawa Y. 1999. Phytochemistry of Bryophytes: Biologically Active Terpenoids and Aromatic Compounds from Liverworts. In: Romeo, J. (Ed.), Phytochemicals in Human Health Protection, Nutrition, and Plant Defense. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York.
  • Asakawa Y. Ludwiczuk A. 1981. Chemical Constituents of Bryophytes: Structures and Biological Activity. J. Nat. Prod., 3: 641-660.
  • Asakawa Y. Ludwiczuk A. Nagashima F. 2013. Chemical constituents of bryophytes: bio and chemical diversity, biological activity, and chemosystematics (Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products). Springer. Vien.
  • Aydın S. 2020. The free radical scavenging activities of biochemical compounds of Dicranum scoparium and Porella platyphylla. Anatolian Bryology. 6:1, 19-26.
  • Aydın S. Alataş M. Batan N. 2021. Fatty Acid Content and Free Radical Scavenging (Dpph) Activities of Some of Bryophytes Extracts. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 30:3, 2943-2951.
  • Aysel V. Şenkardeşler A. 2002. Systematics of Non-Seeded Plants, Volume III, Mosses (Bryophyta). ÇOMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Publications. Çanakkale.
  • Bahşi M. 2008. The Effect of Reseveratrol and α-lipoic Acid on Some Biochemical Parameters in Tissues and Serums of 7,12 DMBA Treated Elderly Rats. Fırat University, Institute of Science.
  • Basile A. Giardano S. Lopez-Sa’ez J.A. Cobianchini C.R. 1999. Antibacteria lactivity of pure flavonoids isolated from mosses. Phytochemistry. 52, 1479-1482.
  • Chandra S. Chandra D. Barh A. Bhatt P. Pandey K.R. Sharma I.P. 2016. Bryophytes: Hoard of remedies, an ethno-medicinal review. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 7, 1-5.
  • Cheng X. Xiao Y. Wang X. Wang P. Li H. Yan H. Liu Q. 2012. Anti-tumor And proapoptic activity of ethanolic extract and its various fractions from Polytrichum commune L. Ex Hedw in L1210 cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 143: 49-56.
  • Christie W.W. 1990. Gas Chromatography and lipids. The oily press. Glaskow.
  • Chobot V. Kubicova L. Nabbout S. Jahoda´rˇ. Hadacek F. 2008. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Some Common Mosses. Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Tübingen.
  • Çakır Sahilli Y. Alataş M. 2021. Investigation of the antioxidant properties of Pterigynandrum filiforme Hedw. International Journal of Biosciences. 19:5, 42-47.
  • Çolak E. Kara R. Ezer T. Yuvalı Çelik G. Elibol B. 2011. Investigation of antimicrobialactivity of some Turkish pleurocarpic mosses. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10: 12905-12908.
  • Çöteli E. Alataş M. Batan N. 2017. Comparing of GlutathioneIngredients of Syntrichia ruralis and Syntrichia montana (Pottiaceae) Taxa. AnatolianBryology. 3: 25-30.
  • Çöteli E. Alataş M. Batan N. Hazer Y. 2017. Comparing of Glutathione Ingredients of Some Species in Bryaceae Family. Anatolian Bryology. 5: 15-21.
  • Dembitsky V.M. Rezenka T. 1994. Acetylenic fatty acids of the Dicranaceae. Phytochemistry. 36, 685-689.
  • Ding H. 1982. Zhongguo Yao Yun Baozi Zhi Wu. KexueJishu Chuban She. Shanghai.
  • Elibol B. Ezer T. Kara R. Celik G.Y. Colak E. 2011. Antifungal and antibacterial effects of some acrocarpic mosses. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10: 986-989.
  • Elibol B. 2010. Determination of Antifungal and Antibacterial Effects of Some Acrocarpic Mosses. Ömer Halisdemir University, Institute of Science.
  • Ertürk Ö. Şahin H. Y. Ertürk E. Hotaman H.E. Koz B. Özdemir Ö. 2016. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extracts obtained from some moss species in Turkey. Herbapolonica. 61: 52-65.
  • Ertürk Ö. Şahin H. Ertürk E.Y. Hotaman H.E. Koz B. Özdemir Ö. 2015. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extract obtained from some mosss species in Turkey. From Botanical to Medical Research. 61: 52-65.
  • Fu P. Lin S. Shan L. Lu M. Shen Y.H. Tang J. Liu R.H. Zhang X. Zhu R.L. Zhang W.D. 2012. Constituents of themoss Polytrichum Commune. Journal of Natural Products. 72: 1335-1337.
  • Garnier G. Bezaniger-Beauquesne L. Debraux G. 1969. Ressources médicinales de la florefrancaise. Vigot Frères Éditeurs. 1: 78-81.
  • Glime J.M. Saxena D.K. 1990. Uses of Bryophytes Today and Tomorrow. Printers and Publishers. New Delhi.
  • Goffinet B. Shaw A.J. 2009. Bryophyte Biology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Hodgetts, N. & Lockhart, N. 2020. Checklist and country status of European bryophytes update 2020. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 123. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
  • Hara A. Radin N.S. 1978. Lipid extraction of tissues with a low-toxicity solvent. Anal. Biochem. 90: 420-426.
  • Klavina L. 2015. A study on bryophyte chemical composition-search for new Applications. Agronomy Research. 13, 969-978.
  • Kürşat M. Emre İ. Yılmaz Ö. Erecevit P. 2011. Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity in the Seeds of Origanum vulgare L. subsp. gracile (C. Koch) Letswaart and Origanum acutidens (Hand.-Mazz.) Letswaart from Turkey. Grasasy Aceites. 62: 410-417.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2020. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia (Marchantiophyta, Anthoceratophyta, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia. 149: 1-267.
  • Liyana-Pathiranan C.M. Shahidi F. 2005. Antioxidant activity of commercial soft and hard wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as affected by gastric pH conditions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53: 3-2440.
  • Mishra R. Pandey V.K. Chandra R. 2014. Potential of Bryophytes As Therapeutics. International Journal of Pharmaceutıcal Sciences and Research. 5: 3584-3593.
  • Öztopçu Vatan P. Savaroğlu F. Filik İşcen C. Kabadere S. İlhan S. Uyar R. 2011. Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Activities of Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp. Extracts. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 20: 461-466.
  • Öcalan N. 2012. Antimicrobial Activity of Mosses. Erciyes University. Health Sciences Institute.
  • Savaroğlu F. Filik İşcen C. İlhan S. 2011a. An Evaluation of theAntimicrobial Activity of Some Turkish Mosses. Journal of MedicinalPlants. 5: 3286-3292.
  • Savaroğlu F. Filik İşcen C. Öztopçu Vatan P. Kabadere S. İlhan S Uyar R. 2011b. Determination of Antimicrobial And Antiproliferative Activities of the Aquatic Moss Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Turkish Journal of Biology. 35: 361-369.
  • Singh M. Govindarajan R. Nath V. Rawat A.K.S. Mehrotra S. 2006. Antimicrobial, wound healing and antioxidant activity of Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. Et Lind. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 107: 67-72.
  • Spjut R.W. Suffness M. Cragg G.M. Norris D.H. 1986. Mosses, liverworts and hornworts screened for antitumor agents. Economic Botany. 40: 310-338.
  • Suire C. 1975. Chimiedesbryophytes. Rev. Bryol. etLichenol. 41: 105-256.
  • Tonguç Yayıntaş Ö. Sögüt Ö. Konyalıoğlu S. Yılmaz S. Tepeli B. 2017. Antioxidant Activities and Chemical Compositon of Different Extracts of Mosses Gathered FromTurkey. AgroLifeScientific Journal. 6: 205-213.
  • Uyar G. Hacıoğlu Doğru N. Ören M. Çavuş A. 2016. Determining Antibacterial Activity of Some Mosses (Cinclidotusriparius Hostex Brid.) Arn., Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske, Thamnobryum alopecurum (Hedw.) Gangulee, Leucobryum juniperoideum (Brid.) Müll. Hal., Cirriphyllum crassinervium (Taylor) Loeske & M.Fleisch.). Anatolian Bryology. 2: 1-8.
  • Wang X. Cao J. Dai X. Xiao J. Wu Y. Wang Q. 2017. Total flavonoid concentrations of bryophytes from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province (China): Phylogeny and ecological factors. PLoS One. 12, e0173003, doi:10.1371/journal.
  • Xian’en Z. Honglun W. Chenxu D. Yourui S. Jing S. Guichen C. Xuejun S. Jinmao Y. 2006. Determination of Free Fatty Acids from Soil and Bryophyteby HPLC with Fluorescence Detection and Identification with Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 34: 150-155.
  • Zu Y.G. Li C.Y. Fu Y.J. Zhao C.J. 2006. Simultaneous Determination of Catechin, Rutin, Quercetin Kaempferol and Isorhamnetin in the Extract of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) leaves by RP-HPLC with DAD. J. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 41: 714-719.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Demirbağ 0000-0001-5482-6818

Vesile Yıldırım 0000-0002-4846-9137

Nevzat Batan 0000-0001-8456-5719

Prof. Dr. Ökkeş Yılmaz 0000-0002-8276-4498

İrfan Emre 0000-0003-0591-3397

Mevlüt Alataş 0000-0003-0862-0258

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirbağ, M., Yıldırım, V., Batan, N., Yılmaz, P. D. . Ö., vd. (2022). The Biochemical Properties of Some Species of Dicranum Hedw. Anatolian Bryology, 8(2), 140-148.

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