Araştırma Makalesi
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Voices Regarding Online Assessment: Students’ Perceptions, Challenges and Proposed Solutions

Yıl 2024, , 844 - 865, 30.12.2024


This study aimed to explore undergraduate students’ perceptions of online assessment. It used a mixed-method research design to investigate students' perceptions of online assessments with quantitative methods and the challenges and their proposed solutions with qualitative methods. Within the scope of this study, perceptions of students were compared according to variables of computer skill level and owning computers/tablets with the correlational research design. The study sample comprises 200 students in English Language and Literature department. Online Assessment Perception Inventory developed by Alsalhi et al.(2022) was used to collect the data. Also, semi-structured interviews were held with the participants to explore the challenges and proposed solutions addressing these challenges. According to the research findings, significant differences were revealed in participants’ perceptions of online assessment regarding computer skill levels and computer-owning variables. Additionally, students’ perceptions towards online assessment were at high averages despite some negative perceptions at specific points. Qualitative data analysis showed that students ha negative connotations with online assessment. In addition, the difficulties experienced by the students in the online assessment process and their proposed solutions were revealed as a result of the qualitative data analysis. Finally, implications for online evaluation were drawn based on the results obtained.


  • Al-Ghatrifi, Y. (2016). The professional development of teachers in higher education in Oman: A case study of English teachers in the colleges of applied sciences (Doctoral dissertation, University of Reading).
  • Ali, L., & Dmour, N. A. H. H. A. (2021). The shift to online assessment due to COVID-19: An empirical study of university students’ behaviour and performance in the region of UAE. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 11(5), 220-228.
  • Al-Rahmi, W. M., Alias, N., Othman, M. S., Marin, V. I., & Tur, G. (2018). A model of factors affecting learning performance through the use of social media in Malaysian higher education.Computer & Education, 121,
  • Alsalhi, N. R., Qusef, A. D., Al-Qatawneh, S. S., & Eltahir, M. E. (2022). Students’ perspective on online assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education institutions. Information Sciences Letters, 11(1), 37-46.
  • Arifin, S. R. M. (2018). Ethical considerations in qualitative study. International Journal of Care Scholars, 1(2), 30-33.
  • Ashworth, M., Palikara, O., Burchell, E., Purser, H., Nikolla, D. and Van Herwegen, J. (2021), “Online and face-to-face performance on two cognitive tasks in children with Williams syndrome”, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11, p. 4053
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5(1), 7-74.
  • Bohrnstedt, G. W., & Knoke, D. (1988). Statistics for social data analysis. F.E. Peacock Publishers.
  • Bos, N., & Schneider, M. (2018). Online assessment in business education: Impact on learning outcomes. Journal of Education for Business, 93(7), 326-333.
  • Bovill, C., & Jordan, L. (2017). Using online peer assessment in higher education: A case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(1), 50-59.
  • Brenner, B., & Hartl, B. (2021). The perceived relationship between digitalization and ecological, economic, and social sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 315, Article 128128.
  • Cengizhan, S. (2021). The effects of COVID-19 process on time management of foreign language teacher candidates. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(2), 295-307.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2017). Coding and content analysis. In Research methods in education (pp. 668-685). Routledge.
  • Cooper, S., & Sahota, P. (2019). Academic integrity in online assessments: A technological solution. Journal of Learning Design, 12(2), 47-58.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research. Pearson.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano-Clark, V. L. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed method research (2nd ed.). Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. Oxford University Press.
  • El Otmani, M., & El Otmani, L. (2022). Comparing Moroccan EFL learners’ perceptions of traditional and online assessment. Journal of Language and Linguistics Studies, 18(1), 78-96.
  • Fetters, M. D., Curry, L. A., & Creswell, J. W. (2013). Achieving integration in mixed methods designs—principles and practices. Health services research, 48(6pt2), 2134-2156.
  • Figaredo, D., & Gil-Jaurena, I. (2024). Effects of familiarity with digital assessment in online education. Distance Education, 1-16.
  • Fitriyah, I., & Jannah, M. (2021). Online assessment effect in EFL classroom: An investigation on students and teachers’ perceptions. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 5(2), [page range].
  • Flores, M. A., Veiga Simão, A. M., Ferreira, P. C., Pereira, D., Barros, A., Flores, P., & Costa, L. (2024). Online learning, perceived difficulty and the role of feedback in COVID-19 times. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 29(2), 324-344.
  • Gikandi, J. W., Morrow, D., & Davis, N. E. (2011). Online formative assessment in higher education: A review of the literature. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2333-2351.
  • Haasio, A., & Kannasto, E. (2024). Motivational factors of online learning in higher education. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 12(1), 405-419.
  • Helfaya, A. (2019), “Assessing the use of computer-based assessment-feedback in teaching digital accountants”, Accounting Education, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 28 No. 1, pp. 69- 99.
  • Herman, J., Osmundson, E., Dai, Y., Ringstaff, C., & Timms, M. (2015). Investigating the dynamics of formative assessment: Relationships between teacher knowledge, assessment practice, and learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 22(3), 344-367.
  • Huang, X., Wei, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2020). Online quizzes as a form of formative assessment in English language learning: A case study in China. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(3), 598-617.
  • Hussain, S. Daoud, H. Alrabaiah and A. K. Owais, "Students’ Perception of Online Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Undergraduate Students in the UAE," 2020 21st International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Giza, Egypt, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ACIT50332.2020.9300099.
  • Ivankova, N. V., Creswell, J. W., & Stick, S. L. (2006). Using mixed-methods sequential explanatory design: From theory to practice. Field methods, 18(1), 3-20.
  • Kallio, H., Pietilä, A. M., Johnson, M., & Kangasniemi, M. (2016). Systematic methodological review: Developing a framework for a qualitative semi‐structured interview guide. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(12), 2954-2965.
  • Kusurkar, R. A., Orsini, C., Somra, S., Artino, A. R., Daelmans, H. E., Schoonmade, L. J., & van der Vleuten, C. (2023). The effect of assessments on student motivation for learning and its outcomes in health professions education: A review and realist synthesis. GW Authored Works. Paper 2946.
  • Li, L.-Y., & Lee, L.-Y. (2016). Computer literacy and online learning attitude toward GSOE students in distance education programs. Higher Education Studies, 6(3), 147.
  • Liang, X., Yin, H., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Online formative assessment in Chinese as a foreign language learning: Effects on achievement, motivation, and autonomous learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(2), 150-162.
  • Newman, P. A., Guta, A., & Black, T. (2021). Ethical considerations for qualitative research methods during the COVID-19 pandemic and other emergency situations: Navigating the virtual field. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20, 16094069211047823.
  • Özden, M. Y. (2004). Students’ perceptions of online assessment: A case study. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education/Revue International du E-Learning et la Formation à Distance, 19(2), 77-92.
  • Pala, Ş. M., & Başıbüyük, A. (2023). The predictive effect of digital literacy, self-control, and motivation on academic achievement in the science, technology, and society learning area. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 28, 369-385.
  • Pan, X. (2020). Technology acceptance, technological self-efficacy, and attitude toward technology-based self-directed learning: Learning motivation as a mediator. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 564294.
  • Plano Clark, V. L. (2017). Mixed methods research. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12(3), 305-306. Soffer, T., Kahan, T. and Livne, E. (2017). “E-assessment of online academic courses via students’ activities and perceptions”, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 54, pp. 83- 93.
  • Sönmez, V., & Dündar, S. (2021). Learners' perceptions of online assessment: A comparative analysis of L1 and L2 writing. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(1), 53- 65.
  • Stowell, J. R., & Bennett, D. (2010). Effects of online testing on student exam performance and test anxiety. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 42(2), 161-171.
  • Subedi, D. (2016). Explanatory sequential mixed method design as the third research community of knowledge claim. American Journal of Educational Research, 4(7), 570- 577.
  • Wang, C., & Gao, Q. (2019). A systematic review of research on the use of online summative assessment in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(5), 714-731.
  • Wolt, J. D., & Mason, R. A. (2003). Online assessment: Is it ready for prime time? TechTrends, 47(5), 23-28.
  • Valdez, M. T. C. C., and Maderal, L. D., 2021. An Analysis of Students’ Perception of Online Assessments and its Relation to Motivation Towards Mathematics Learning. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 19(5), pp. 416-431,
  • Yilmaz, R., & Karadeniz, S. (2021). EFL teachers' perceptions of online assessment practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education and Information Technologies, 26(5), 6143 - 6158.
  • Zhang, Y., Cui, G., & Hu, G. (2019). Online peer assessment in a Chinese as a foreign language classroom: Its impact on writing performance and metacognitive awareness. System, 84, 1-11.

Çevrimiçi Değerlendirmeye İlişkin Sesler: Öğrencilerin Algıları, Karşılaştıkları Zorluklar ve Çözüm Önerileri

Yıl 2024, , 844 - 865, 30.12.2024


Bu çalışma, lisans öğrencilerinin çevrimiçi değerlendirmeye ilişkin algılarını araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Çalışmada karma yöntem araştırma deseni kullanılarak öğrencilerin çevrimiçi değerlendirmeye ilişkin algıları nicel yöntemlerle, karşılaştıkları zorluklar ve çözüm önerileri ise nitel yöntemlerle incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, öğrencilerin algıları bilgisayar beceri düzeyi ve bilgisayar/tablet sahibi olma değişkenlerine göre korelasyonel araştırma deseni ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı bölümünde okuyan 200 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplamak için Alsalhi ve diğerleri (2022) tarafından geliştirilen Çevrimiçi Değerlendirme Algısı Envanteri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, zorlukları ve bu zorluklara yönelik çözüm önerilerini keşfetmek için katılımcılarla yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, katılımcıların çevrimiçi değerlendirmeye ilişkin algılarında bilgisayar beceri düzeyleri ve bilgisayar sahibi olma değişkenleri açısından önemli farklılıklar ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin çevrimiçi değerlendirmeye yönelik algıları, belirli noktalarda bazı olumsuz algılara rağmen yüksek ortalamalarda seyretmiştir. Nitel veri analizi, öğrencilerin çevrimiçi değerlendirmeyle ilgili olumsuz çağrışımlara sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin çevrimiçi değerlendirme sürecinde yaşadıkları zorluklar ve çözüm önerileri de nitel veri analizi sonucunda ortaya çıkmıştır. Son olarak, elde edilen sonuçlara dayanarak çevrimiçi değerlendirmeye yönelik çıkarımlarda bulunulmuştur.


  • Al-Ghatrifi, Y. (2016). The professional development of teachers in higher education in Oman: A case study of English teachers in the colleges of applied sciences (Doctoral dissertation, University of Reading).
  • Ali, L., & Dmour, N. A. H. H. A. (2021). The shift to online assessment due to COVID-19: An empirical study of university students’ behaviour and performance in the region of UAE. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 11(5), 220-228.
  • Al-Rahmi, W. M., Alias, N., Othman, M. S., Marin, V. I., & Tur, G. (2018). A model of factors affecting learning performance through the use of social media in Malaysian higher education.Computer & Education, 121,
  • Alsalhi, N. R., Qusef, A. D., Al-Qatawneh, S. S., & Eltahir, M. E. (2022). Students’ perspective on online assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education institutions. Information Sciences Letters, 11(1), 37-46.
  • Arifin, S. R. M. (2018). Ethical considerations in qualitative study. International Journal of Care Scholars, 1(2), 30-33.
  • Ashworth, M., Palikara, O., Burchell, E., Purser, H., Nikolla, D. and Van Herwegen, J. (2021), “Online and face-to-face performance on two cognitive tasks in children with Williams syndrome”, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11, p. 4053
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5(1), 7-74.
  • Bohrnstedt, G. W., & Knoke, D. (1988). Statistics for social data analysis. F.E. Peacock Publishers.
  • Bos, N., & Schneider, M. (2018). Online assessment in business education: Impact on learning outcomes. Journal of Education for Business, 93(7), 326-333.
  • Bovill, C., & Jordan, L. (2017). Using online peer assessment in higher education: A case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(1), 50-59.
  • Brenner, B., & Hartl, B. (2021). The perceived relationship between digitalization and ecological, economic, and social sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 315, Article 128128.
  • Cengizhan, S. (2021). The effects of COVID-19 process on time management of foreign language teacher candidates. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(2), 295-307.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2017). Coding and content analysis. In Research methods in education (pp. 668-685). Routledge.
  • Cooper, S., & Sahota, P. (2019). Academic integrity in online assessments: A technological solution. Journal of Learning Design, 12(2), 47-58.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research. Pearson.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano-Clark, V. L. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed method research (2nd ed.). Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. Oxford University Press.
  • El Otmani, M., & El Otmani, L. (2022). Comparing Moroccan EFL learners’ perceptions of traditional and online assessment. Journal of Language and Linguistics Studies, 18(1), 78-96.
  • Fetters, M. D., Curry, L. A., & Creswell, J. W. (2013). Achieving integration in mixed methods designs—principles and practices. Health services research, 48(6pt2), 2134-2156.
  • Figaredo, D., & Gil-Jaurena, I. (2024). Effects of familiarity with digital assessment in online education. Distance Education, 1-16.
  • Fitriyah, I., & Jannah, M. (2021). Online assessment effect in EFL classroom: An investigation on students and teachers’ perceptions. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 5(2), [page range].
  • Flores, M. A., Veiga Simão, A. M., Ferreira, P. C., Pereira, D., Barros, A., Flores, P., & Costa, L. (2024). Online learning, perceived difficulty and the role of feedback in COVID-19 times. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 29(2), 324-344.
  • Gikandi, J. W., Morrow, D., & Davis, N. E. (2011). Online formative assessment in higher education: A review of the literature. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2333-2351.
  • Haasio, A., & Kannasto, E. (2024). Motivational factors of online learning in higher education. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 12(1), 405-419.
  • Helfaya, A. (2019), “Assessing the use of computer-based assessment-feedback in teaching digital accountants”, Accounting Education, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 28 No. 1, pp. 69- 99.
  • Herman, J., Osmundson, E., Dai, Y., Ringstaff, C., & Timms, M. (2015). Investigating the dynamics of formative assessment: Relationships between teacher knowledge, assessment practice, and learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 22(3), 344-367.
  • Huang, X., Wei, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2020). Online quizzes as a form of formative assessment in English language learning: A case study in China. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(3), 598-617.
  • Hussain, S. Daoud, H. Alrabaiah and A. K. Owais, "Students’ Perception of Online Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Undergraduate Students in the UAE," 2020 21st International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Giza, Egypt, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ACIT50332.2020.9300099.
  • Ivankova, N. V., Creswell, J. W., & Stick, S. L. (2006). Using mixed-methods sequential explanatory design: From theory to practice. Field methods, 18(1), 3-20.
  • Kallio, H., Pietilä, A. M., Johnson, M., & Kangasniemi, M. (2016). Systematic methodological review: Developing a framework for a qualitative semi‐structured interview guide. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(12), 2954-2965.
  • Kusurkar, R. A., Orsini, C., Somra, S., Artino, A. R., Daelmans, H. E., Schoonmade, L. J., & van der Vleuten, C. (2023). The effect of assessments on student motivation for learning and its outcomes in health professions education: A review and realist synthesis. GW Authored Works. Paper 2946.
  • Li, L.-Y., & Lee, L.-Y. (2016). Computer literacy and online learning attitude toward GSOE students in distance education programs. Higher Education Studies, 6(3), 147.
  • Liang, X., Yin, H., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Online formative assessment in Chinese as a foreign language learning: Effects on achievement, motivation, and autonomous learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(2), 150-162.
  • Newman, P. A., Guta, A., & Black, T. (2021). Ethical considerations for qualitative research methods during the COVID-19 pandemic and other emergency situations: Navigating the virtual field. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20, 16094069211047823.
  • Özden, M. Y. (2004). Students’ perceptions of online assessment: A case study. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education/Revue International du E-Learning et la Formation à Distance, 19(2), 77-92.
  • Pala, Ş. M., & Başıbüyük, A. (2023). The predictive effect of digital literacy, self-control, and motivation on academic achievement in the science, technology, and society learning area. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 28, 369-385.
  • Pan, X. (2020). Technology acceptance, technological self-efficacy, and attitude toward technology-based self-directed learning: Learning motivation as a mediator. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 564294.
  • Plano Clark, V. L. (2017). Mixed methods research. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12(3), 305-306. Soffer, T., Kahan, T. and Livne, E. (2017). “E-assessment of online academic courses via students’ activities and perceptions”, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 54, pp. 83- 93.
  • Sönmez, V., & Dündar, S. (2021). Learners' perceptions of online assessment: A comparative analysis of L1 and L2 writing. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(1), 53- 65.
  • Stowell, J. R., & Bennett, D. (2010). Effects of online testing on student exam performance and test anxiety. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 42(2), 161-171.
  • Subedi, D. (2016). Explanatory sequential mixed method design as the third research community of knowledge claim. American Journal of Educational Research, 4(7), 570- 577.
  • Wang, C., & Gao, Q. (2019). A systematic review of research on the use of online summative assessment in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(5), 714-731.
  • Wolt, J. D., & Mason, R. A. (2003). Online assessment: Is it ready for prime time? TechTrends, 47(5), 23-28.
  • Valdez, M. T. C. C., and Maderal, L. D., 2021. An Analysis of Students’ Perception of Online Assessments and its Relation to Motivation Towards Mathematics Learning. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 19(5), pp. 416-431,
  • Yilmaz, R., & Karadeniz, S. (2021). EFL teachers' perceptions of online assessment practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education and Information Technologies, 26(5), 6143 - 6158.
  • Zhang, Y., Cui, G., & Hu, G. (2019). Online peer assessment in a Chinese as a foreign language classroom: Its impact on writing performance and metacognitive awareness. System, 84, 1-11.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İngiliz ve İrlanda Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Çilem Aydoğdu 0000-0001-5991-9589

Yaşar Üstün Kaplan 0000-0002-2479-6029

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 14 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydoğdu, Ç., & Kaplan, Y. Ü. (2024). Voices Regarding Online Assessment: Students’ Perceptions, Challenges and Proposed Solutions. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(3), 844-865.

Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.