Otoriter sağ popülizmin yükselişinde, anti-feminist ve reaksiyoner söylem ve politikaların etkili olduğu, sağ popülist liderlerin siyasi iletişim ve üsluplarında da erkeklik vurgusunun yoğunluğu, popülizme toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifinden bakan araştırmacıların sıklıkla vurguladığı bir nokta olagelmiştir. Bu çalışma, otoriter sağ popülist liderlerin, liberal demokrasiye itiraz ederken, neden agresif bir maskülinist söylemi merkeze aldığı sorusuna yanıt aramaktadır. Otoriter sağ popülizm, liberal demokrasinin temsil ve çoğulculuk anlayışına karşı çıkarken nasıl bir toplumsal cinsiyet tahayyülüyle hareket etmektedir? Bu soruya yanıt ararken, feminist teorinin liberal demokrasi eleştirisinden ve analitik bir araç olarak aile metaforundan, özellikle de “kardeşler arası ilişkiler” metaforundan yararlanıyoruz. Çalışmada, otoriter sağ popülizmin, halkı homojen bir yapı olarak, lideri ise halk ile yekvücut olarak kurgulayışına odaklanıyor ve farklılıklara karşı takınılan agresif tavrın temelindeki toplumsal cinsiyet tahayyüllerinin analizini sunuyoruz.
Akkerman, Tjitse (2015), “Gender and the Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Policy Agendas”, Patterns of Prejudice, 49 (1-2): 37-60.
Andreescu, Florentina (2019), “Donald Trump’s appeal: a socio-psychoanalytic analysis”, Journal of Cultural Research, 23 (4): 348-364.
BBC News (2015), “Donald Trump Under Fire for Mocking Disabled Reporter”, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34930042 (21.01.2023).
BBC News (2018), “Jair Bolsonaro: Why Brazilian women are saying #NotHim”, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-45579635 (21.01.2023).
Bernini, Lorenzo (2020), “‘Merde Alors!’ A Neo-Fascist Daddy Is Marching on Brussels”, Critical Times, 3 (3): 358-383.
Berti, Carlo ve Enzo Loner (2021), “Character Assasination as a Right-Wing Populist Communication Tactic on Social Media: The Case of Matteo Salvini in Italy”, New Media & Society, 1-22.
Blais, Melissa ve Francis Dupuis-Déri (2012), “Masculinism and the Antifeminist Countermovement”, Social Movement Studies, 11 (1): 21-39.
Bonikowski, Bart (2017), “Ethno-nationalist Populism and the Mobilization of Collective Resentment”, The British Journal of Sociology, 68: 181-213.
Borba, Rodrigo (2021), “Disgusting Politics: Circuits of Affects and the Making of Bolsonaro”, Social Semiotics, 31 (5): 677-694.
Borrelli, Silvia Sciorilli (2020), “Salvini to Tunisian Teen: Are You a Drug Dealer?”, https://www.politico.eu/article/matteo-salvini-to-tunisian-teen-are-you-a-drug-dealer/ (20.03.2023).
Brown, Wendy (1992), “Finding the man in the state”, Feminist Studies, 18 (1): 7-34.
Brubaker, Roger (2017), “Why Populism?”, Theory and Society, 46 (5): 357–385.
Chavez, Paolo, Veronica Stracqualursi ve Meghan Keneally (2016), “A history of the Donald Trump-Megyn Kelly Feud”, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/history-donald-trump-megyn-kelly-feud/story?id=36526503 (21.01.2023).
CNN Türk (2011), “Başbakan: O kadın, kız mıdır, kadın mıdır?”, https://www.cnnturk.com/arsiv/2011/yazarlar/06/04/basbakan.o.kadin.kiz.midir.kadin.midir/618955.0/index.html (21.01.2023).
Cohen, Jean L. (2019), “Populism and the Politics of Resentment”, Jus Cogens, 1: 5–39.
Connell, Raewyn (1995), Masculinities (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press).
Crociani-Windland, Lita ve Paul Hoggett (2012), “Politics and Affect”, Subjectivity, 5: 161–179.
Cumhuriyet (2022), “Erdoğan’ın Gezi Eylemcilerine Yönelik Bunlar Çürük, Bunlar Sürtük Sözlerine Kaftancıoğlu’ndan Tepki”, https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/turkiye/erdoganin-gezi-eylemcilerine-yonelik-bunlar-curuk-bunlar-surtuk-sozlerine-sert-tepki-1942341 (21.01.2023).
De la Torre, Carlos (2010), Populist Seduction in Latin America (Athens: Ohio University Press).
Ekşi, Betül ve Elizabeth Wood (2019), “Right-wing Populism as Gendered Performance: Janus-faced Masculinity in the Leadership of Vladimir Putin and Recep T. Erdogan”, Theory and Society, 48 (5): 733-751.
Glynos Jason ve Yannis Stavrakakis (2008), “Lacan and Political Subjectivity: Fantasy and Enjoyment in Psychoanalysis and Political Theory”, Subjectivity, 24: 256–274.
Guriev, Sergei ve Elias Papaioannou (2020), “The Political Economy of Populism” (February 21). http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3542052.
HalkTV (2020), “Dağları Delmeye Devam Edeceğiz!”, https://halktv.com.tr/gundem/erdogan-daglari-delmeye-devam-edecegiz-cunku-biz-ferhatiz-millet-sir-416511h (21.01.2023).
Hamdaoui, Soraya (2022), “A ‘Stylistic Anti-Populism’: An Analysis of the Sardine Movement’s Opposition to Matteo Salvini in Italy”, Social Movement Studies, 21 (4): 436-452.
Hooghe, Marc ve Ruth Dassonneville (2018), “Explaining the Trump Vote: The Effect of Racist Resentment and Anti-immigrant Sentiments”, PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(3):528–34.
Inglehart, Ronald F. ve Pippa Norris (2016), “Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash”, HKS Working Paper No. RWP16-026.
Jacobs, Emily ve Juliegrace Brufke (2022), “Trump's Speech as it Happened: Former President Attacks Liz Cheney in Her Own Backyard”, https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-rally-tonight-former-president-to-take-aim-at-liz-cheney-in-wyoming (21.01.2023).
Kaiser, Anna Jean (2018), “Woman who Bolsonaro Insulted: 'Our President-Elect Encourages Rape,” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/dec/23/maria-do-rosario-jair-bolsonaro-brazil-rape (21.01.2023).
Kington, Tom (2018), “Dumped Salvini Tells Italy: I’m not Ashamed to Have Loved,” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/dumped-salvini-tells-italy-i-m-not-ashamed-to-have-loved-8vm33j7fw (20.03.2023).
Koschut, Simon (2018), “Speaking From the Heart: Emotion Discourse Analysis in International Relations”, Clement, Maeva ve Eric Sangar (Der.), Researching Emotions in International Relations: Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan): 277-301.
Laclau, Ernesto (2005), On Populist Reason (London: Verso).
Löffler, Marion (2020), “Populist attraction: The symbolic uses of masculinities in the Austrian general election campaign 2017”, NORMA, 15 (1): 10-25.
MacCannell, Juliet F. (1991), The Regime of the Brother: After the Patriarchy (London & New York: Routledge).
Mandelbaum, Moran. (2020), “‘Making Our Country Great Again’: The Politics of Subjectivity in an Age of National‑Populism”, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 33: 451-456.
McAfee, Nöelle (2021), “Beyond Populism: The Psychodynamics of Antipolitical Popular Movements”, Populism, 4: 1-27.
Mellström, Ulf (2016), “In the Time of Masculinist Political Revival”, NORMA, 11 (3): 135-138.
Milbank, Dana (20202), “Please, Mr. President, we are tired of winning”, Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/13/please-mr-president-can-we-stop-winning-so-much/ (13.04.2020).
Miller, Mike (2016), “Donald Trump on a Protester: ‘I’d Like to Punch Him in the Face’”, Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/02/23/donald-trump-on-protester-id-like-to-punch-him-in-the-face/ (21.01.2023).
Mitchell, Juliet (1992), Siblings: Sex and Violence (Cambridge, UK: Polity).
Moffitt, Benjamin (2016), The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style and Representation (California: Stanford University Press).
Mudde, Cas (2004), “The Populist Zeitgeist”, Government & Opposition, 39 (4): 541-563.
Mudde, Cas (2007), Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe (New York: Cambridge University Press).
Mudde, Cas ve Cristóbal R. Kaltwasser (2015), “Vox Populi or Vox Masculini? Populism and Gender in Northern Europe and South America”, Patterns of Prejudice, 49 (1-2): 16-36.
Norocel, Ov Cristian (2010), “Romania is a Family and It Needs A Strict Father: Conceptual Metaphors at Work in Radical Right Populist Discourses”, Nationalities Papers, 38 (5): 705-721.
Norocel,Ov Cristian (2013), “‘Give us back Sweden!’ A Feminist Reading of the (Re)Interpretations of the Folkhem Conceptual Metaphor in Swedish Radical Right Ropulist Discourse”, NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 21 (1): 4-20.
Norocel, Ov Cristian ve Tuija Saresma, Tuuli Lahdesmaki vd. (2020), “Discursive Constructions of White Nordic Masculinities in Right-Wing Populist Media”, Men and Masculinities, 23 (3–4): 425–446.
Norris, Pippa ve Ronald Inglehart (2019), Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism (New York: Cambridge University Press).
NTV (2012), “Aşk Kişinin Sevdiğinde Yok Olmasıdır”, https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/erdogan-ask-kisinin-sevdiginde-yok-olmasidir,0LNIuV5I2U2ulYhzE8_eaQ (21.01.2023)
Pateman, Carole (1988), The Sexual Contract (California: Stanford University Press).
Rocha, Camilio, Marsia Reverdosa ve Ivana Kottasova (2022), “Bolsonaro launches personal attack on female journalist,” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/29/americas/brazil-bolsonaro-lula-debate-intl/index.html (21.01.2023).
Salter, Leon (2016), “Populism as a Fantasmatic Rupture in the Post-Political Order: Integrating Laclau with Glynos and Stavrakakis”, Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 11 (2): 116-132.
Sonmez, Felicia ve Mike DeBonis (2019), “Trump Tells Four Liberal Congresswomen to ‘Go Back’ to Their Countries, Prompting Pelosi to Defend Them”, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-four-liberal-congresswomen-should-go-back-to-the-crime-infested-places-from-which-they-came/2019/07/14/b8bf140e-a638-11e9-a3a6-ab670962db05_story.html (21.01.2023).
Stetler, Brian (2015), “Trump Insults Fiorina in Rolling Stone: 'Look at That Face!’”, https://money.cnn.com/2015/09/09/media/donald-trump-rolling-stone-carly-fiorina/ (21.01.2023).
Stopler, Gila (2021), “The Personal is Political: The Feminist Critique of Liberalism and the Challenge of Right-Wing Populism”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 19 (2): 393-402.
TIME (2015), “Here’s Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech”, http://time.com/3923128/donald- trump-announcement-speech/ (10.03.2023).
Valcore, Jace, Nicole Asquith ve Jesse Rodgers (2023), ““We’re led by Stupid People”: Exploring Trump’s Use of Denigrating and Deprecating Speech to Promote Hatred and Violence”, Crime, Law and Social Change, 9 February, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-023-10085-y (15.03.2023).
Yıldız, Onur (2017), “Popülizmin Normatif İmkânları: Hınç ve Diğer Popülist Siyaset Biçimleri”, Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 7-31.
From the “Regime of The Brothers” to the “Regime of the Tyrant Brother”: Authoritarian Right-Wing Populism, Liberal Democracy and Gender
Researchers of populism have long noted the anti-feminist and reactionary discourses of authoritarian right-wing populist leaders, along with their aggressively masculine political performances. This study attempts to answer the following questions: Why do authoritarian right-wing populist leaders ground their objections to liberal democracy on a masculinist discourse? What kind of gendered imaginations do they act upon while attacking liberal democratic understanding of representation and pluralism? In order to answer these questions, we employ feminist theory’s critique of liberal democracy, and metaphors of family, particularly of relations between siblings, as an analytical tool. By focusing on the authoritarian right-wing populism’s construct of “the people” as a homogeneous entity, and the leader as the embodiment of that entity, we analyse the gendered imaginations that underlie the populists’ aggressive attitudes concerning plurality and difference.
Akkerman, Tjitse (2015), “Gender and the Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Policy Agendas”, Patterns of Prejudice, 49 (1-2): 37-60.
Andreescu, Florentina (2019), “Donald Trump’s appeal: a socio-psychoanalytic analysis”, Journal of Cultural Research, 23 (4): 348-364.
BBC News (2015), “Donald Trump Under Fire for Mocking Disabled Reporter”, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34930042 (21.01.2023).
BBC News (2018), “Jair Bolsonaro: Why Brazilian women are saying #NotHim”, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-45579635 (21.01.2023).
Bernini, Lorenzo (2020), “‘Merde Alors!’ A Neo-Fascist Daddy Is Marching on Brussels”, Critical Times, 3 (3): 358-383.
Berti, Carlo ve Enzo Loner (2021), “Character Assasination as a Right-Wing Populist Communication Tactic on Social Media: The Case of Matteo Salvini in Italy”, New Media & Society, 1-22.
Blais, Melissa ve Francis Dupuis-Déri (2012), “Masculinism and the Antifeminist Countermovement”, Social Movement Studies, 11 (1): 21-39.
Bonikowski, Bart (2017), “Ethno-nationalist Populism and the Mobilization of Collective Resentment”, The British Journal of Sociology, 68: 181-213.
Borba, Rodrigo (2021), “Disgusting Politics: Circuits of Affects and the Making of Bolsonaro”, Social Semiotics, 31 (5): 677-694.
Borrelli, Silvia Sciorilli (2020), “Salvini to Tunisian Teen: Are You a Drug Dealer?”, https://www.politico.eu/article/matteo-salvini-to-tunisian-teen-are-you-a-drug-dealer/ (20.03.2023).
Brown, Wendy (1992), “Finding the man in the state”, Feminist Studies, 18 (1): 7-34.
Brubaker, Roger (2017), “Why Populism?”, Theory and Society, 46 (5): 357–385.
Chavez, Paolo, Veronica Stracqualursi ve Meghan Keneally (2016), “A history of the Donald Trump-Megyn Kelly Feud”, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/history-donald-trump-megyn-kelly-feud/story?id=36526503 (21.01.2023).
CNN Türk (2011), “Başbakan: O kadın, kız mıdır, kadın mıdır?”, https://www.cnnturk.com/arsiv/2011/yazarlar/06/04/basbakan.o.kadin.kiz.midir.kadin.midir/618955.0/index.html (21.01.2023).
Cohen, Jean L. (2019), “Populism and the Politics of Resentment”, Jus Cogens, 1: 5–39.
Connell, Raewyn (1995), Masculinities (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press).
Crociani-Windland, Lita ve Paul Hoggett (2012), “Politics and Affect”, Subjectivity, 5: 161–179.
Cumhuriyet (2022), “Erdoğan’ın Gezi Eylemcilerine Yönelik Bunlar Çürük, Bunlar Sürtük Sözlerine Kaftancıoğlu’ndan Tepki”, https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/turkiye/erdoganin-gezi-eylemcilerine-yonelik-bunlar-curuk-bunlar-surtuk-sozlerine-sert-tepki-1942341 (21.01.2023).
De la Torre, Carlos (2010), Populist Seduction in Latin America (Athens: Ohio University Press).
Ekşi, Betül ve Elizabeth Wood (2019), “Right-wing Populism as Gendered Performance: Janus-faced Masculinity in the Leadership of Vladimir Putin and Recep T. Erdogan”, Theory and Society, 48 (5): 733-751.
Glynos Jason ve Yannis Stavrakakis (2008), “Lacan and Political Subjectivity: Fantasy and Enjoyment in Psychoanalysis and Political Theory”, Subjectivity, 24: 256–274.
Guriev, Sergei ve Elias Papaioannou (2020), “The Political Economy of Populism” (February 21). http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3542052.
HalkTV (2020), “Dağları Delmeye Devam Edeceğiz!”, https://halktv.com.tr/gundem/erdogan-daglari-delmeye-devam-edecegiz-cunku-biz-ferhatiz-millet-sir-416511h (21.01.2023).
Hamdaoui, Soraya (2022), “A ‘Stylistic Anti-Populism’: An Analysis of the Sardine Movement’s Opposition to Matteo Salvini in Italy”, Social Movement Studies, 21 (4): 436-452.
Hooghe, Marc ve Ruth Dassonneville (2018), “Explaining the Trump Vote: The Effect of Racist Resentment and Anti-immigrant Sentiments”, PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(3):528–34.
Inglehart, Ronald F. ve Pippa Norris (2016), “Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash”, HKS Working Paper No. RWP16-026.
Jacobs, Emily ve Juliegrace Brufke (2022), “Trump's Speech as it Happened: Former President Attacks Liz Cheney in Her Own Backyard”, https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-rally-tonight-former-president-to-take-aim-at-liz-cheney-in-wyoming (21.01.2023).
Kaiser, Anna Jean (2018), “Woman who Bolsonaro Insulted: 'Our President-Elect Encourages Rape,” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/dec/23/maria-do-rosario-jair-bolsonaro-brazil-rape (21.01.2023).
Kington, Tom (2018), “Dumped Salvini Tells Italy: I’m not Ashamed to Have Loved,” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/dumped-salvini-tells-italy-i-m-not-ashamed-to-have-loved-8vm33j7fw (20.03.2023).
Koschut, Simon (2018), “Speaking From the Heart: Emotion Discourse Analysis in International Relations”, Clement, Maeva ve Eric Sangar (Der.), Researching Emotions in International Relations: Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan): 277-301.
Laclau, Ernesto (2005), On Populist Reason (London: Verso).
Löffler, Marion (2020), “Populist attraction: The symbolic uses of masculinities in the Austrian general election campaign 2017”, NORMA, 15 (1): 10-25.
MacCannell, Juliet F. (1991), The Regime of the Brother: After the Patriarchy (London & New York: Routledge).
Mandelbaum, Moran. (2020), “‘Making Our Country Great Again’: The Politics of Subjectivity in an Age of National‑Populism”, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 33: 451-456.
McAfee, Nöelle (2021), “Beyond Populism: The Psychodynamics of Antipolitical Popular Movements”, Populism, 4: 1-27.
Mellström, Ulf (2016), “In the Time of Masculinist Political Revival”, NORMA, 11 (3): 135-138.
Milbank, Dana (20202), “Please, Mr. President, we are tired of winning”, Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/13/please-mr-president-can-we-stop-winning-so-much/ (13.04.2020).
Miller, Mike (2016), “Donald Trump on a Protester: ‘I’d Like to Punch Him in the Face’”, Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/02/23/donald-trump-on-protester-id-like-to-punch-him-in-the-face/ (21.01.2023).
Mitchell, Juliet (1992), Siblings: Sex and Violence (Cambridge, UK: Polity).
Moffitt, Benjamin (2016), The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style and Representation (California: Stanford University Press).
Mudde, Cas (2004), “The Populist Zeitgeist”, Government & Opposition, 39 (4): 541-563.
Mudde, Cas (2007), Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe (New York: Cambridge University Press).
Mudde, Cas ve Cristóbal R. Kaltwasser (2015), “Vox Populi or Vox Masculini? Populism and Gender in Northern Europe and South America”, Patterns of Prejudice, 49 (1-2): 16-36.
Norocel, Ov Cristian (2010), “Romania is a Family and It Needs A Strict Father: Conceptual Metaphors at Work in Radical Right Populist Discourses”, Nationalities Papers, 38 (5): 705-721.
Norocel,Ov Cristian (2013), “‘Give us back Sweden!’ A Feminist Reading of the (Re)Interpretations of the Folkhem Conceptual Metaphor in Swedish Radical Right Ropulist Discourse”, NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 21 (1): 4-20.
Norocel, Ov Cristian ve Tuija Saresma, Tuuli Lahdesmaki vd. (2020), “Discursive Constructions of White Nordic Masculinities in Right-Wing Populist Media”, Men and Masculinities, 23 (3–4): 425–446.
Norris, Pippa ve Ronald Inglehart (2019), Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism (New York: Cambridge University Press).
NTV (2012), “Aşk Kişinin Sevdiğinde Yok Olmasıdır”, https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/erdogan-ask-kisinin-sevdiginde-yok-olmasidir,0LNIuV5I2U2ulYhzE8_eaQ (21.01.2023)
Pateman, Carole (1988), The Sexual Contract (California: Stanford University Press).
Rocha, Camilio, Marsia Reverdosa ve Ivana Kottasova (2022), “Bolsonaro launches personal attack on female journalist,” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/29/americas/brazil-bolsonaro-lula-debate-intl/index.html (21.01.2023).
Salter, Leon (2016), “Populism as a Fantasmatic Rupture in the Post-Political Order: Integrating Laclau with Glynos and Stavrakakis”, Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 11 (2): 116-132.
Sonmez, Felicia ve Mike DeBonis (2019), “Trump Tells Four Liberal Congresswomen to ‘Go Back’ to Their Countries, Prompting Pelosi to Defend Them”, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-four-liberal-congresswomen-should-go-back-to-the-crime-infested-places-from-which-they-came/2019/07/14/b8bf140e-a638-11e9-a3a6-ab670962db05_story.html (21.01.2023).
Stetler, Brian (2015), “Trump Insults Fiorina in Rolling Stone: 'Look at That Face!’”, https://money.cnn.com/2015/09/09/media/donald-trump-rolling-stone-carly-fiorina/ (21.01.2023).
Stopler, Gila (2021), “The Personal is Political: The Feminist Critique of Liberalism and the Challenge of Right-Wing Populism”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 19 (2): 393-402.
TIME (2015), “Here’s Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech”, http://time.com/3923128/donald- trump-announcement-speech/ (10.03.2023).
Valcore, Jace, Nicole Asquith ve Jesse Rodgers (2023), ““We’re led by Stupid People”: Exploring Trump’s Use of Denigrating and Deprecating Speech to Promote Hatred and Violence”, Crime, Law and Social Change, 9 February, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10611-023-10085-y (15.03.2023).
Yıldız, Onur (2017), “Popülizmin Normatif İmkânları: Hınç ve Diğer Popülist Siyaset Biçimleri”, Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 7-31.
Feyda Sayan-cengiz
Bu kişi benim
Demiralp, S., & Sayan-cengiz, F. (2023). “Biraderler Rejimi”nden “Zorba Biraderin Rejimi”ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Alternatif Politika, 15(2), 289-314. https://doi.org/10.53376/ap.2023.11
Demiralp S, Sayan-cengiz F. “Biraderler Rejimi”nden “Zorba Biraderin Rejimi”ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Altern. Polit. Haziran 2023;15(2):289-314. doi:10.53376/ap.2023.11
Demiralp, Seda, ve Feyda Sayan-cengiz. ““Biraderler Rejimi”nden ‘Zorba Biraderin Rejimi’ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi Ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet”. Alternatif Politika 15, sy. 2 (Haziran 2023): 289-314. https://doi.org/10.53376/ap.2023.11.
Demiralp S, Sayan-cengiz F (01 Haziran 2023) “Biraderler Rejimi”nden “Zorba Biraderin Rejimi”ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Alternatif Politika 15 2 289–314.
S. Demiralp ve F. Sayan-cengiz, ““Biraderler Rejimi”nden ‘Zorba Biraderin Rejimi’ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet”, Altern. Polit., c. 15, sy. 2, ss. 289–314, 2023, doi: 10.53376/ap.2023.11.
Demiralp, Seda - Sayan-cengiz, Feyda. ““Biraderler Rejimi”nden ‘Zorba Biraderin Rejimi’ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi Ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet”. Alternatif Politika 15/2 (Haziran 2023), 289-314. https://doi.org/10.53376/ap.2023.11.
Demiralp S, Sayan-cengiz F. “Biraderler Rejimi”nden “Zorba Biraderin Rejimi”ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Altern. Polit. 2023;15:289–314.
Demiralp, Seda ve Feyda Sayan-cengiz. ““Biraderler Rejimi”nden ‘Zorba Biraderin Rejimi’ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi Ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet”. Alternatif Politika, c. 15, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 289-14, doi:10.53376/ap.2023.11.
Demiralp S, Sayan-cengiz F. “Biraderler Rejimi”nden “Zorba Biraderin Rejimi”ne: Otoriter Sağ Popülizm, Liberal Demokrasi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Altern. Polit. 2023;15(2):289-314.