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Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 85 - 113, 13.02.2025


2019 yılında duyurulan Avrupa Yeşil Şartı’ndan hemen sonra gelen COVID-19 pandemisinin AB’nin enerji politikasındaki karbonsuzlaştırma ivmesini azaltacağı beklenirken gelişmeler aksini göstermektedir. 2020 ve 2021’de devletlerin temel politika önceliği COVID-19 salgınıyla mücadele iken Şubat 2022’de ise bu durum hızla yerini Rusya’nın Ukrayna’ya saldırısı almıştır. COVID-19 pandemisinin neden olduğu krizin enerji dönüşümüne yönelik bir fırsat mı yoksa bir tehdit mi olduğu konusu henüz nihayete ermemişken Rusya’nın Ukrayna’ya saldırısı AB'nin enerji politikasında enerji güvenliği ve karbondan arındırma önceliklerini değiştirmiştir. Rusya’nın Ukrayna’yı işgalinin üçüncü senesine girerken hem COVID-19 Pandemisi hem de Ukrayna Savaşı tecrübe etmiş olan AB enerji politikası nasıl şekillenmiştir? Çalışma bu sorunun yanıtını Christensen ve Snyder'ın (1990) neorealizme dayalı prangalanma (chain-ganging) ve sorumluluğu paslama (buck-passing) teorisinde aramaya çalışmaktadır. Çalışma, AB ve üye ülkelerinin COVID-19 pandemisi ve sonrasında başlayan Ukrayna Savaşı sürecinde enerji politikalarını prangalanma ve sorumluluğu paslama stratejilerinden karşılıklı bağımlılık içeren prangalanma stratejisi temelinde şekillendirdikleri sonucuna varmaktadır.


  • Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu, Alin Emanuel Artene, Caius Tudor Luminosu ve Matei Tămășilă (2020), ‘‘CO2 emissions, renewable energy, and environmental regulations in the EU countries’’, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (27): 33615-33635.
  • Anderson, Roy M., Hans Heesterbeek, Don Klinkenberg ve T Déirdre Hollingsworth (2020), ‘‘How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?’’, Lancet, 395: 931- 934.
  • Ashurst (2022), (11.04.2024).
  • Atlas, Meryem İlayda (2021), ‘‘Rusya’nın Enerji Politikaları’’, Kemal İnat ve Büşra Zeynep Özdemir Daşçıoğlu (Der.), Dünya Enerji Trendleri: Rezervler, Kaynaklar ve Politikalar (İstanbul: SETA): 413-427.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2022a), REPowerEU: Joint European Action for More Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2022b), Save Gas for a Safe Winter (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024a), (22.06.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024b), (24.07.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024c), (20.07.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024d), (20.11.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024e), (20.11.2024).
  • Avrupa Konseyi (2020), Avrupa Konseyi Özel Oturumu Sonuçları, 17- 21 Temmuz 2020 (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Parlamentosu (2024), (20.11.2024).
  • Avrupa Yeşil Şartı (2019), (20.11.2024).
  • Babina, Tania, Benjamin Hilgenstock, Oleg Itskhoki, Maxim Mironov ve Elina Ribakova (2023), “Assessing the impact of international sanctions on Russian oil exports”, (29.07.2024).
  • Barigazzi, Jacopo ve Leonie Kijewski (2022), ‘‘EU’s Russian Oil Ban Stalls as Hungary Holds Up Sanctions’’, (14.07.2024).
  • Baykara, Sıla Turaç (2022), “2014 Sonrası AB Dış Enerji Politikasına Yön Veren Gelişmeler ve AB Enerji Stratejisi”, Orallı, L. E. (Der.), Enerji Politikaları ve Güvenliği (Ankara, Nobel Yayınevi): 181-196.
  • Bichikliski, Stoilko ve Çiğdem Nas (2022), “Avrupa Birliği’nin Kuzey Akım-2 Projesine Yönelik Yaklaşımı”, Bilge Strateji, 13 (24): 147-166.
  • Birol, Fatih ve Ursula von der Leyen (2024), ‘‘Europe has taken its energy destiny back into its own hands’’, (13.05.2024).
  • Blondeel, Mathieu, Michael J. Bradshaw, Gavin Bridge ve Caroline Kuzemko (2021), ‘‘The geopolitics of energy system transformation: a review’’, Geography Compass, 15 (7): e12580.
  • Boehm, Lasse ve Alex Wilson (2023), ‘‘EU energy security and the war in Ukraine: From sprint to marathon’’, (16.06.2024).
  • Bonaccorsi, Giovanni, Francesco Pierri, Matteo Cinelli, Andrea Flori, Alessandro Galeazzi, Francesco Porcelli, Ana Lucia Schmidt, Carlo Michele Valensise, Antonio Scala, Walter Bricout, Aymeric, Raphael Slade, Iain Staffell ve Krista Halttunen (2022), ‘‘From the geopolitics of oil and gas to the geopolitics of the energy transition: Is there a role for European supermajors?’’, Energy Research and Social Science, 88: 102634.
  • Quattrociocchi ve Fabio Pammolli (2020), ‘‘Economic and social consequences of human mobility restrictions under COVID-19’’, PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (27): 15530–15535.
  • Cheong, Serene ve Ann Koh (2022), ‘‘Europe Snaps Up Coal From Abroad to Fill Gap Left by Russia’’, (22.06.2024).
  • Chong, Cheng Tung, Yee Van Fan, Chew Tin Lee ve Jiří Jaromír Klemeš (2022), ‘‘Post Covid 19 Energy sustainability and carbon emissions neutrality’’, Energy Elsevier, 241: 122801.
  • Christensen, Thomas J. ve Jack Snyder (1990), ‘‘Chain Gangs and Passed Bucks: Predicting Alliance Patterns in Multipolarity’’, International Organization, 44 (2): 137-168.
  • Crnčec, Danijel, Jerneja Penca ve Marko Lovec (2023), ‘‘The COVID-19 pandemic and the EU: From a sustainable energy transition to a green transition?’’, Energy Policy, 175 (C): 113453.
  • Delbeke, Jos, Jan Cornillie ve Peter Vis (2022), ‘‘The impact of the war in Ukraine on Europe’s climate and energy policy’’, (27.05.2024).
  • De Pous, Pieter (2022), ‘‘Germany’s bold and ambitious 100% renewable power plan’’, (03.04.2024).
  • Emiliozzi, Simone, Fabrizio Ferriani ve Andrea Gazzani (2024), ‘‘The European energy crisis and the consequences for the global natural gas market’’, (29.07.2024).
  • Enerji Enstitüsü (2023), Statistical Review of World Energy, 2023 (Londra).
  • Eurostat (2024), (17.07.2024).
  • Eyl-Mazzega, Marc-Antoine (2023), ‘‘The Ukraine War and European Energy Dependence and Reconfiguration of Energy Relations’’, (14.05.2024).
  • France 24 (2022a), (14.05.2024).
  • France 24 (2022b), (14.05.2024).
  • Gonand, Frédéric, Linares, Pedro, Löschel, Andreas, Newbery, David, Pittel, Karen, Saavedra, Julio, Zachmann, Georg (2024), ‘‘Watts Next: Securing Europe’s Energy and Competitiveness Where the EU’s Energy Policy Should Go Now’’, Econpol policy report, 8.
  • Hoggett, Richard (2014), ‘‘Technology scale and supply chains in a secure, affordable and low carbon energy transition’’, Applied Energy, 123: 296- 306.
  • IEA (2021), (12.07.2024).
  • Jacobson, Mark Z., Mark A. Delucchi, Zack A.F. Bauer, Savannah C. Goodman, William E. Chapman, Mary A. Cameron, Cedric Bozonnat, Liat Chobadi, Hailey A. Clonts, Peter Enevoldsen, Jenny R. Erwin, Simone N. Fobi, Owen K. Goldstrom, Eleanor M. Hennessy, Jingyi Liu, Jonathan Lo, Clayton B. Meyer, Sean B. Morris, Kevin R. Moy, Patrick L. O'Neill ve Alexander S. Yachanin (2017), ‘‘100% Clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight all-sector energy roadmaps for 139 countries of the world’’, Joule, 1 (1): 108- 121.
  • Kardas, Szymon (2024), ‘‘From crisis to climate: Europe’s energy diplomacy after two years of war in Ukraine’’, (19.06.2024).
  • Kóczy, Laszlo Á., David Csercsik, ve Balázs R. Sziklai, (2022), “Nord Stream 2: A prelude to war”, Energy Strategy Reviews, 44: 1- 10.
  • Kolwezi, Paris ve San Pedro de Atacama (2022), ‘‘The Transition to Clean Energy will Mint New Commodity Superpowers’’, (08.04.2024).
  • Kotek, Peter, Adrienn Selei, Borbala Takacsne Toth ve Balazs Felsmann (2023), ‘‘What can the EU do to address the high natural gas prices?’’, Energy Policy, 173: 113312.
  • Kulovesi, Kati ve Sebastian Oberthür (2020), ‘‘Assessing the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework: Incremental change toward radical transformation?’’, Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 29 (2): 151- 166.
  • Kuzemko, Caroline, Mathieu Blondeel, Claire Dupont ve Marie Claire Brisbois (2022), ‘‘Russia’s war on Ukraine, European energy policy responses & implications for sustainable transformations’’, Energy Research Social Science, 93 (4): 102842.
  • Leal-Arcas, Rafael ve Alemany Rios, Juan (2015). “How can the EU diversify its energy supply to improve its energy security?”, Queen Mary School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper, 190.
  • Leruth, Luc, Adnan Mazarei, Pierre Régibeau ve Luc Renneboog (2022), “Green energy depends on critical minerals. Who controls the supply chains?”, (28.06.2024).
  • Levoyannis, Constantine (2021), “The Future of Gas and Gas Infrastructure in the European Union”, Mathioulakis, M. (Der.), Aspects ofthe Energy Union: Application and Effects of European Energy Policies in SE Europe and Eastern Mediterranean (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Liao, Shushu (2023), ‘‘The Russia–Ukraine outbreak and the value of renewable energy’’, Economics Letters, 225: 111045.
  • Michalopoulos, Sarantis (2022), ‘‘Ukraine war revives EastMed gas pipe talks but EU insists on feasibility’’, (19.11.2024).
  • Mišík, Matus ve Veronika Oravcova (2022), ‘‘Ex Ante Governance in the European Union: Energy and climate policy as a ‘test run’ for the post-pandemic recovery’’, Energy Policy, 167: 113076.
  • Misík, Matus (2022), ‘‘The EU needs to improve its external energy security’’, Energy Policy, 165: 112930.
  • Oberthür, Sebastian ve Ingmar von Homeyer (2023), ‘‘From emissions trading to the European Green Deal: the evolution of the climate policy mix and climate policy integration in the EU’’, Journal of European Public Policy, 30 (3): 445- 468.
  • Oberthür, Sebastian ve Claire Dupont (2021), ‘‘The European Union’s international climate leadership: Towards a grand climate strategy?’’, Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (7): 1095-1114.
  • Oberthür, Sebastian (2019), ‘‘Hard or soft governance? The EU’s climate and energy policy framework for 2030’’, Politics and Governance, 7 (1): 17- 27.
  • Osicka, Jan ve Filip Cernoch (2022), ‘‘European energy politics after Ukraine: the road ahead’’, Energy Research and Social Science, 91: 102757.
  • Özdil, Eser (2024), ‘‘Part 4. Turkey’s geopolitical role in the Black Sea and European energy security: From pipelines to liquefied natural gas’’, (22.11.2024).
  • Özlük, Erdem (2017), ‘‘Dengeleme mi Peşine Takılmak mı? Dış Politika Stratejilerini Yeniden Düşünmek’’, Gazi Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 10 (20): 221-263.
  • Pavel, Claudiu C., Christian Thiel, Stefanie Degreif, Darina Blagoeva, Matthias Buchert, Doris Schüler ve Evangelos Tzimas (2017), ‘‘Role of substitution in mitigating the supply pressure of rare earths in electric road transport applications’’, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 12: 62-72.
  • Prandin, Federica (2022), ‘‘EU climate policy amid Russia’s war in Ukraine: A critical overview of key REPowerEU challenges and trajectories towards net-zero’’, (24.05.2024).
  • Preussen, Wilhelmine (2022), ‘‘Hungary signs new gas deal with Gazprom’’, (17.04.2024).
  • Rehimov, Ruslan (2024), ‘‘Turkmenistan on brink of exporting gas to Türkiye, Europe: President Erdogan’’, (21.11.2024).
  • REN21 (2022), (27.05.2024).
  • REPowerEU (2022), (11.07.2024).
  • Richey, Mason (2020), ‘‘Buck-passing, Chain-ganging and Alliances in the Multipolar Indo-Asia-Pacific’’, The International Spectator, 55 (1): 1-17.
  • Rokke, Nils (2022), ‘‘How Ukraine invasion is changing Europe’s energy plans’’, (18.04.2024).
  • Romanova, Tatiana (2023), ‘‘A choice between neoliberal engagement and strategic autonomy? The impossibility of EU's green cooperation with Russia between 2019 and 2021’’, Energy Policy, 172: 113329.
  • Schweller, Randall L. (2006), Unanswered Threats: Political Constraints on the Balance of Power (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press).
  • Somosi, Sarolta (2011), “The effect of energy market liberalization on EU competition”, Farkas, B. (Der.), Studies in International Economics and Finance (Szeged: JATEPress).
  • Steffen, Bjarne, Florian Egli, Michael Pahle ve Tobias S. Schmidt (2020), ‘‘Navigating the clean energy transition in the COVID-19 crisis’’, Joule, 4 (6): 1137- 1141.
  • Von Homeyer, Ingmar, Sebastian Oberthür ve Claire Dupont (2022), ‘‘Implementing the European Green Deal during the evolving energy crisis’’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 60, Annual Review: 125- 136.
  • Waltz, Kenneth (1979), Theory of International Politics (Reading: Addison- Wesley).
  • Yergin, Daniel (2022), ‘‘Europe no Longer Trusts Moscow’s Energy Brand’’, (27.04.2024).

EU’s Post-Pandemic Energy Policy as the Ukrainian War Enters Its Third Year: Chain-Ganging or Buck-Passing?

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 85 - 113, 13.02.2025


While it was expected that the COVID-19 pandemic, which came right after the European Green Deal announced in 2019, would reduce the momentum of decarbonization in the EU’s energy policy, developments point the opposite. While the main policy priority of states in 2020 and 2021 was to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, this situation was quickly replaced by Russia's attack on Ukraine in February 2022. While the issue of whether the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity or a threat to the energy transformation has not yet been resolved, Russia’s attack on Ukraine has changed the priorities of energy security and decarbonization in the EU’s energy policy. Therefore, in the third year of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, how was the EU’s post pandemic energy policy affected? The study aims to reveal the answer to this question in Christensen and Snyder’s (1990) theory of chain-ganging and buck-passing based on neorealism. The study concludes that the EU and its member countries shaped their energy policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent Ukrainian War, on the basis of a chain-ganging strategy that includes interdependence rather than buck-passing strategy.


  • Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu, Alin Emanuel Artene, Caius Tudor Luminosu ve Matei Tămășilă (2020), ‘‘CO2 emissions, renewable energy, and environmental regulations in the EU countries’’, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (27): 33615-33635.
  • Anderson, Roy M., Hans Heesterbeek, Don Klinkenberg ve T Déirdre Hollingsworth (2020), ‘‘How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?’’, Lancet, 395: 931- 934.
  • Ashurst (2022), (11.04.2024).
  • Atlas, Meryem İlayda (2021), ‘‘Rusya’nın Enerji Politikaları’’, Kemal İnat ve Büşra Zeynep Özdemir Daşçıoğlu (Der.), Dünya Enerji Trendleri: Rezervler, Kaynaklar ve Politikalar (İstanbul: SETA): 413-427.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2022a), REPowerEU: Joint European Action for More Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2022b), Save Gas for a Safe Winter (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024a), (22.06.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024b), (24.07.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024c), (20.07.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024d), (20.11.2024).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2024e), (20.11.2024).
  • Avrupa Konseyi (2020), Avrupa Konseyi Özel Oturumu Sonuçları, 17- 21 Temmuz 2020 (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Parlamentosu (2024), (20.11.2024).
  • Avrupa Yeşil Şartı (2019), (20.11.2024).
  • Babina, Tania, Benjamin Hilgenstock, Oleg Itskhoki, Maxim Mironov ve Elina Ribakova (2023), “Assessing the impact of international sanctions on Russian oil exports”, (29.07.2024).
  • Barigazzi, Jacopo ve Leonie Kijewski (2022), ‘‘EU’s Russian Oil Ban Stalls as Hungary Holds Up Sanctions’’, (14.07.2024).
  • Baykara, Sıla Turaç (2022), “2014 Sonrası AB Dış Enerji Politikasına Yön Veren Gelişmeler ve AB Enerji Stratejisi”, Orallı, L. E. (Der.), Enerji Politikaları ve Güvenliği (Ankara, Nobel Yayınevi): 181-196.
  • Bichikliski, Stoilko ve Çiğdem Nas (2022), “Avrupa Birliği’nin Kuzey Akım-2 Projesine Yönelik Yaklaşımı”, Bilge Strateji, 13 (24): 147-166.
  • Birol, Fatih ve Ursula von der Leyen (2024), ‘‘Europe has taken its energy destiny back into its own hands’’, (13.05.2024).
  • Blondeel, Mathieu, Michael J. Bradshaw, Gavin Bridge ve Caroline Kuzemko (2021), ‘‘The geopolitics of energy system transformation: a review’’, Geography Compass, 15 (7): e12580.
  • Boehm, Lasse ve Alex Wilson (2023), ‘‘EU energy security and the war in Ukraine: From sprint to marathon’’, (16.06.2024).
  • Bonaccorsi, Giovanni, Francesco Pierri, Matteo Cinelli, Andrea Flori, Alessandro Galeazzi, Francesco Porcelli, Ana Lucia Schmidt, Carlo Michele Valensise, Antonio Scala, Walter Bricout, Aymeric, Raphael Slade, Iain Staffell ve Krista Halttunen (2022), ‘‘From the geopolitics of oil and gas to the geopolitics of the energy transition: Is there a role for European supermajors?’’, Energy Research and Social Science, 88: 102634.
  • Quattrociocchi ve Fabio Pammolli (2020), ‘‘Economic and social consequences of human mobility restrictions under COVID-19’’, PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (27): 15530–15535.
  • Cheong, Serene ve Ann Koh (2022), ‘‘Europe Snaps Up Coal From Abroad to Fill Gap Left by Russia’’, (22.06.2024).
  • Chong, Cheng Tung, Yee Van Fan, Chew Tin Lee ve Jiří Jaromír Klemeš (2022), ‘‘Post Covid 19 Energy sustainability and carbon emissions neutrality’’, Energy Elsevier, 241: 122801.
  • Christensen, Thomas J. ve Jack Snyder (1990), ‘‘Chain Gangs and Passed Bucks: Predicting Alliance Patterns in Multipolarity’’, International Organization, 44 (2): 137-168.
  • Crnčec, Danijel, Jerneja Penca ve Marko Lovec (2023), ‘‘The COVID-19 pandemic and the EU: From a sustainable energy transition to a green transition?’’, Energy Policy, 175 (C): 113453.
  • Delbeke, Jos, Jan Cornillie ve Peter Vis (2022), ‘‘The impact of the war in Ukraine on Europe’s climate and energy policy’’, (27.05.2024).
  • De Pous, Pieter (2022), ‘‘Germany’s bold and ambitious 100% renewable power plan’’, (03.04.2024).
  • Emiliozzi, Simone, Fabrizio Ferriani ve Andrea Gazzani (2024), ‘‘The European energy crisis and the consequences for the global natural gas market’’, (29.07.2024).
  • Enerji Enstitüsü (2023), Statistical Review of World Energy, 2023 (Londra).
  • Eurostat (2024), (17.07.2024).
  • Eyl-Mazzega, Marc-Antoine (2023), ‘‘The Ukraine War and European Energy Dependence and Reconfiguration of Energy Relations’’, (14.05.2024).
  • France 24 (2022a), (14.05.2024).
  • France 24 (2022b), (14.05.2024).
  • Gonand, Frédéric, Linares, Pedro, Löschel, Andreas, Newbery, David, Pittel, Karen, Saavedra, Julio, Zachmann, Georg (2024), ‘‘Watts Next: Securing Europe’s Energy and Competitiveness Where the EU’s Energy Policy Should Go Now’’, Econpol policy report, 8.
  • Hoggett, Richard (2014), ‘‘Technology scale and supply chains in a secure, affordable and low carbon energy transition’’, Applied Energy, 123: 296- 306.
  • IEA (2021), (12.07.2024).
  • Jacobson, Mark Z., Mark A. Delucchi, Zack A.F. Bauer, Savannah C. Goodman, William E. Chapman, Mary A. Cameron, Cedric Bozonnat, Liat Chobadi, Hailey A. Clonts, Peter Enevoldsen, Jenny R. Erwin, Simone N. Fobi, Owen K. Goldstrom, Eleanor M. Hennessy, Jingyi Liu, Jonathan Lo, Clayton B. Meyer, Sean B. Morris, Kevin R. Moy, Patrick L. O'Neill ve Alexander S. Yachanin (2017), ‘‘100% Clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight all-sector energy roadmaps for 139 countries of the world’’, Joule, 1 (1): 108- 121.
  • Kardas, Szymon (2024), ‘‘From crisis to climate: Europe’s energy diplomacy after two years of war in Ukraine’’, (19.06.2024).
  • Kóczy, Laszlo Á., David Csercsik, ve Balázs R. Sziklai, (2022), “Nord Stream 2: A prelude to war”, Energy Strategy Reviews, 44: 1- 10.
  • Kolwezi, Paris ve San Pedro de Atacama (2022), ‘‘The Transition to Clean Energy will Mint New Commodity Superpowers’’, (08.04.2024).
  • Kotek, Peter, Adrienn Selei, Borbala Takacsne Toth ve Balazs Felsmann (2023), ‘‘What can the EU do to address the high natural gas prices?’’, Energy Policy, 173: 113312.
  • Kulovesi, Kati ve Sebastian Oberthür (2020), ‘‘Assessing the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework: Incremental change toward radical transformation?’’, Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 29 (2): 151- 166.
  • Kuzemko, Caroline, Mathieu Blondeel, Claire Dupont ve Marie Claire Brisbois (2022), ‘‘Russia’s war on Ukraine, European energy policy responses & implications for sustainable transformations’’, Energy Research Social Science, 93 (4): 102842.
  • Leal-Arcas, Rafael ve Alemany Rios, Juan (2015). “How can the EU diversify its energy supply to improve its energy security?”, Queen Mary School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper, 190.
  • Leruth, Luc, Adnan Mazarei, Pierre Régibeau ve Luc Renneboog (2022), “Green energy depends on critical minerals. Who controls the supply chains?”, (28.06.2024).
  • Levoyannis, Constantine (2021), “The Future of Gas and Gas Infrastructure in the European Union”, Mathioulakis, M. (Der.), Aspects ofthe Energy Union: Application and Effects of European Energy Policies in SE Europe and Eastern Mediterranean (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Liao, Shushu (2023), ‘‘The Russia–Ukraine outbreak and the value of renewable energy’’, Economics Letters, 225: 111045.
  • Michalopoulos, Sarantis (2022), ‘‘Ukraine war revives EastMed gas pipe talks but EU insists on feasibility’’, (19.11.2024).
  • Mišík, Matus ve Veronika Oravcova (2022), ‘‘Ex Ante Governance in the European Union: Energy and climate policy as a ‘test run’ for the post-pandemic recovery’’, Energy Policy, 167: 113076.
  • Misík, Matus (2022), ‘‘The EU needs to improve its external energy security’’, Energy Policy, 165: 112930.
  • Oberthür, Sebastian ve Ingmar von Homeyer (2023), ‘‘From emissions trading to the European Green Deal: the evolution of the climate policy mix and climate policy integration in the EU’’, Journal of European Public Policy, 30 (3): 445- 468.
  • Oberthür, Sebastian ve Claire Dupont (2021), ‘‘The European Union’s international climate leadership: Towards a grand climate strategy?’’, Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (7): 1095-1114.
  • Oberthür, Sebastian (2019), ‘‘Hard or soft governance? The EU’s climate and energy policy framework for 2030’’, Politics and Governance, 7 (1): 17- 27.
  • Osicka, Jan ve Filip Cernoch (2022), ‘‘European energy politics after Ukraine: the road ahead’’, Energy Research and Social Science, 91: 102757.
  • Özdil, Eser (2024), ‘‘Part 4. Turkey’s geopolitical role in the Black Sea and European energy security: From pipelines to liquefied natural gas’’, (22.11.2024).
  • Özlük, Erdem (2017), ‘‘Dengeleme mi Peşine Takılmak mı? Dış Politika Stratejilerini Yeniden Düşünmek’’, Gazi Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 10 (20): 221-263.
  • Pavel, Claudiu C., Christian Thiel, Stefanie Degreif, Darina Blagoeva, Matthias Buchert, Doris Schüler ve Evangelos Tzimas (2017), ‘‘Role of substitution in mitigating the supply pressure of rare earths in electric road transport applications’’, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 12: 62-72.
  • Prandin, Federica (2022), ‘‘EU climate policy amid Russia’s war in Ukraine: A critical overview of key REPowerEU challenges and trajectories towards net-zero’’, (24.05.2024).
  • Preussen, Wilhelmine (2022), ‘‘Hungary signs new gas deal with Gazprom’’, (17.04.2024).
  • Rehimov, Ruslan (2024), ‘‘Turkmenistan on brink of exporting gas to Türkiye, Europe: President Erdogan’’, (21.11.2024).
  • REN21 (2022), (27.05.2024).
  • REPowerEU (2022), (11.07.2024).
  • Richey, Mason (2020), ‘‘Buck-passing, Chain-ganging and Alliances in the Multipolar Indo-Asia-Pacific’’, The International Spectator, 55 (1): 1-17.
  • Rokke, Nils (2022), ‘‘How Ukraine invasion is changing Europe’s energy plans’’, (18.04.2024).
  • Romanova, Tatiana (2023), ‘‘A choice between neoliberal engagement and strategic autonomy? The impossibility of EU's green cooperation with Russia between 2019 and 2021’’, Energy Policy, 172: 113329.
  • Schweller, Randall L. (2006), Unanswered Threats: Political Constraints on the Balance of Power (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press).
  • Somosi, Sarolta (2011), “The effect of energy market liberalization on EU competition”, Farkas, B. (Der.), Studies in International Economics and Finance (Szeged: JATEPress).
  • Steffen, Bjarne, Florian Egli, Michael Pahle ve Tobias S. Schmidt (2020), ‘‘Navigating the clean energy transition in the COVID-19 crisis’’, Joule, 4 (6): 1137- 1141.
  • Von Homeyer, Ingmar, Sebastian Oberthür ve Claire Dupont (2022), ‘‘Implementing the European Green Deal during the evolving energy crisis’’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 60, Annual Review: 125- 136.
  • Waltz, Kenneth (1979), Theory of International Politics (Reading: Addison- Wesley).
  • Yergin, Daniel (2022), ‘‘Europe no Longer Trusts Moscow’s Energy Brand’’, (27.04.2024).
Toplam 73 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Uluslararası Güvenlik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sıla Turaç Baykara 0000-0002-6744-3901

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 2 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Baykara, S. T. (2025). Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?. Alternatif Politika, 17(1), 85-113.
AMA Baykara ST. Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?. Altern. Polit. Şubat 2025;17(1):85-113. doi:10.53376/ap.2025.04
Chicago Baykara, Sıla Turaç. “Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?”. Alternatif Politika 17, sy. 1 (Şubat 2025): 85-113.
EndNote Baykara ST (01 Şubat 2025) Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?. Alternatif Politika 17 1 85–113.
IEEE S. T. Baykara, “Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?”, Altern. Polit., c. 17, sy. 1, ss. 85–113, 2025, doi: 10.53376/ap.2025.04.
ISNAD Baykara, Sıla Turaç. “Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?”. Alternatif Politika 17/1 (Şubat 2025), 85-113.
JAMA Baykara ST. Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?. Altern. Polit. 2025;17:85–113.
MLA Baykara, Sıla Turaç. “Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?”. Alternatif Politika, c. 17, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 85-113, doi:10.53376/ap.2025.04.
Vancouver Baykara ST. Ukrayna Savaşı’nın Üçüncü Yılına Girerken AB’nin Pandemi Sonrası Enerji Politikası: Prangalanma mı? Sorumluluğu Paslama mı?. Altern. Polit. 2025;17(1):85-113.