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Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği

Yıl 2021, , 224 - 236, 01.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, turizm açısından az gelişmiş bir destinasyonda yerel halkın turizme yönelik desteğini incelemektir. Bu kapsamda, yerel halkın turizmle ilgili algıladığı olumlu ve olumsuz etkiler, genel yaşam kalitesi, topluluğa bağlılık ve turizme destek değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ölçebilmek için yapısal bir model ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu doğrultuda, Yozgat ilinde ikamet eden 457 kişiden anket tekniği ile veri toplanmıştır. Kısmi en küçük kareler tabanlı yapısal eşitlik modellemesi sonucu ortaya çıkan araştırma bulgularına göre, turizmin algılanan olumlu etkilerinin turizme desteği olumlu yönde etkilediği; algılanan olumsuz etkilerin ise turizme desteği olumsuz yönde etkilediği görülmüştür. Bununla beraber, turizm geliştiğinde algılanan olumlu etkilerin yerel halkın yaşam kalitesini etkileyeceği ortaya koyulmuştur. Ayrıca, yerel halkın yaşam kalitesinin etkileneceği algısı da turizme desteği etkilemektedir. Son olarak, yerel halkın topluluğa bağlı olma düzeyi, turizmin algılanan olumlu etkilerini ve yerel halkın turizme desteğini etkilemektedir.


  • Alpar, R. (2020). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Andereck, K. L. ve Nyaupane, G. P. (2011). Exploring the Nature of Tourism and Quality of Life Perceptions among Residents, Journal of Travel Research, 50 (3): 248–260.
  • Andereck, K. L., Valentine, K. M., Vogt, C. A. ve Knopf, R. C. (2007). A Cross-cultural Analysis of Tourism and Quality of Life Perceptions, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15 (5): 483–502.
  • Ap, J. (1992). Residents’ Perceptions on Tourism Impacts, Annals of Tourism Research, 19 (4): 665-690.
  • Ap, J. ve Crompton, J. L. (1998). Developing and Testing a Tourism Impact Scale, Journal of Travel Research, 37 (2): 120-130.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., Yi, Y. ve Phillips, L. W. (1991). Assessing Construct Validity in Organizational Research, Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (3): 421-458.
  • Bhat, A. A. ve Mishra, R. K. (2020). Demographic Characteristics and Residents’ Attitude Towards Tourism Development: A Case of Kashmir Region, Journal of Public Affairs, 21 (2), e2179.
  • Brehm, J. M., Eisenhauer, B. W. ve Krannich, R. S. (2004). Dimensions of Community Attachment and Their Relationship to Well-Being in the Amenity-Rich Rural West, Rural Sociology, 69 (3): 405–429.
  • Chen, C. F. ve Chen, P. C. (2010). Resident Attitudes toward Heritage Tourism Development, Tourism Geographies, 12 (4): 525-545.
  • Chin, W. W. (2010). How to Write Up and Report PLS Analyses. İçinde; V. Vinzi, W. Chin, J. Henseler ve H. Wang (Editörler) Handbook of Partial Least Squares: Concepts, Methods and Application (ss. 645–689). Berlin: Springer.
  • Choi, H. C. ve Murray, I. (2010). Resident Attitudes Toward Sustainable Community Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18 (4), 575–594.
  • Çelik, S. ve Rasoolimanesh, S. M. (2021). Residents’ Attitudes towards Tourism, Cost–Benefit Attitudes, and Support for Tourism: A Pre-development Perspective, Tourism Planning & Development, 1–19.
  • Çiçek, D. ve Sarı, Y. (2018). Yerel Halkın Turizme Olan Desteği: Türkiye’deki Sakin Şehirler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 29 (2): 185-196.
  • Eslami, S., Khalifah, Z., Mardani, A., Streimikiene, D. ve Han, H. (2019). Community Attachment, Tourism Impacts, Quality of Life and Residents’ Support for Sustainable Tourism Development, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36 (9): 1061-1079.
  • Guo, Y., Kim, S. ve Chen, Y. (2014). Shanghai Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism Impacts and Quality of Life, Journal of China Tourism Research, 10 (2): 142–164.
  • Gursoy, D., Jurowski, C. ve Uysal, M. (2002). Resident Attitudes: A Structural Modeling Approach, Annals of Tourism Research, 29 (1): 79–105.
  • Gursoy, D. ve Nunkoo, R. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Impacts: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. Londra: Routledge.
  • Hair, J., Hult, G., Ringle, C. ve Sarstedt, M. (2016). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Harrill, R. ve Potts, T. D. (2003). Tourism Planning in Historic Districts: Attitudes toward Tourism Development in Charleston, Journal of the American Planning Association, 69 (3): 233–244.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2015). A New Criterion for Assessing Discriminant Validity in Variance-based Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43 (1): 115-135.
  • Kervankiran, İ. ve Eteman, F. S. (2020). Turizm ve Bölgesel Gelişme: Türkiye’de İllerin Turizm Gelişmişlik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi, Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 29 (2): 125-140.
  • Khizindar, T. M. (2012). Effects of Tourism on Residents’ Quality of Life in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21 (6): 617–637.
  • Kozak, M. (2014). Bilimsel Araştırma: Tasarım, Yazım ve Yayım Teknikleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Liang, Z., Luo, H. ve Bao, J. (2021). A Longitudinal Study of Residents’ Attitudes toward Tourism Development, Current Issues in Tourism, 1–15.
  • Mccool, S. F. ve Martin, S. R. (1994). Community Attachment and Attitudes Toward Tourism Development, Journal of Travel Research, 32 (3): 29-34.
  • Moscardo, G. (2009). Tourism and Quality of Life: Towards a More Critical Approach, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 9 (2): 159–170.
  • Nunkoo, R. ve Gursoy, D. (2012). Residents’ Support for Tourism. An Identity Perspective, Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (1): 243-268.
  • Nunkoo, R. ve Ramkissoon, H. (2011a). Developing a Community Support Model for Tourism, Annals of Tourism Research, 38 (3): 964–988.
  • Nunkoo, R. ve Ramkissoon, H. (2011b). Residents’ Satisfaction with Community Attributes and Support for Tourism, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 35 (2): 171-190.
  • Nunkoo, R., Smith, S. L. J. ve Ramkissoon, H. (2013). Residents’ Attitudes to Tourism: A Longitudinal Study of 140 Articles from 1984 to 2010, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21 (1): 5-25.
  • Obradović, S. ve Stojanović, V. (2021). Measuring Residents’ Attitude Toward Sustainable Tourism Development: ACase Study of the Gradac River gorge, Valjevo (Serbia), Tourism Recreation Research, 1–13.
  • Perdue, R. R., Long, P. T. ve Allen, L. (1990). Resident Support for Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research, 17 (4): 586-599.
  • Rasoolimanesh, S. M. ve Jaafar, M. (2016). Residents’ Perception Toward Tourism Development: a pre-development perspective, Journal of Place Management and Development, 9 (1): 91-104.
  • Sharpley, R. (2014). Host Perceptions of Tourism: A Review of the Research, Tourism Management, 42: 37–49.
  • Su, L., Huang, S. ve Huang, J. (2018). Effects of Destination Social Responsibility and Tourism Impacts on Residents’ Support for Tourism and Perceived Quality of Life, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 42 (7): 1039-1057.
  • Taber, K. S. (2018). The Use of Cronbach’s Alpha When Developing and Reporting Research Instruments in Science Education, Research in Science Education, 48 (6): 1273–1296.
  • Tosun, C. (2006). Expected Nature of Community Participation in Tourism Development, Tourism Management, 27 (3): 493–504.
  • Um, S. ve Crompton, J. L. (1987). Measuring Resident’s Attachment Levels in A Host Community, Journal of Travel Research, 26 (1): 27–29.
  • Woo, E., Kim, H. ve Uysal, M. (2015). Life Satisfaction and Support for Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research, 50: 84–97.
  • Yoon, Y., Gursoy, D. ve Chen, J. S. (2001). Validating a Tourism Development Theory with Structural Equation Modelling, Tourism Management, 22 (4): 363-372.

Residents’ Support for Tourism Development in an Underdeveloped Destination: The Case of Yozgat

Yıl 2021, , 224 - 236, 01.12.2021


This study aims to explore residents’ support for tourism in an underdeveloped tourism destination. In this regard, a structural model to test the relationships among variables such as residents’ perceived effects toward tourism, overall quality of life, community attachment and support for tourism has been put forward. The research data were collected from 457 residents in Yozgat (Turkey) through a questionnaire. According to research findings from partial least squares structural equation modelling, positive perceptions of tourism effects positively influence support for tourism while negative ones negatively influence this support. The study also reveals that positive perceptions of tourism effects influence residents’ overall quality of life. Moreover, residents’ perceived expectations of overall quality of life have effects on the support for tourism. Finally, community attachment affects positive perceptions of tourism effects and support for tourism.


  • Alpar, R. (2020). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Andereck, K. L. ve Nyaupane, G. P. (2011). Exploring the Nature of Tourism and Quality of Life Perceptions among Residents, Journal of Travel Research, 50 (3): 248–260.
  • Andereck, K. L., Valentine, K. M., Vogt, C. A. ve Knopf, R. C. (2007). A Cross-cultural Analysis of Tourism and Quality of Life Perceptions, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15 (5): 483–502.
  • Ap, J. (1992). Residents’ Perceptions on Tourism Impacts, Annals of Tourism Research, 19 (4): 665-690.
  • Ap, J. ve Crompton, J. L. (1998). Developing and Testing a Tourism Impact Scale, Journal of Travel Research, 37 (2): 120-130.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., Yi, Y. ve Phillips, L. W. (1991). Assessing Construct Validity in Organizational Research, Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (3): 421-458.
  • Bhat, A. A. ve Mishra, R. K. (2020). Demographic Characteristics and Residents’ Attitude Towards Tourism Development: A Case of Kashmir Region, Journal of Public Affairs, 21 (2), e2179.
  • Brehm, J. M., Eisenhauer, B. W. ve Krannich, R. S. (2004). Dimensions of Community Attachment and Their Relationship to Well-Being in the Amenity-Rich Rural West, Rural Sociology, 69 (3): 405–429.
  • Chen, C. F. ve Chen, P. C. (2010). Resident Attitudes toward Heritage Tourism Development, Tourism Geographies, 12 (4): 525-545.
  • Chin, W. W. (2010). How to Write Up and Report PLS Analyses. İçinde; V. Vinzi, W. Chin, J. Henseler ve H. Wang (Editörler) Handbook of Partial Least Squares: Concepts, Methods and Application (ss. 645–689). Berlin: Springer.
  • Choi, H. C. ve Murray, I. (2010). Resident Attitudes Toward Sustainable Community Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18 (4), 575–594.
  • Çelik, S. ve Rasoolimanesh, S. M. (2021). Residents’ Attitudes towards Tourism, Cost–Benefit Attitudes, and Support for Tourism: A Pre-development Perspective, Tourism Planning & Development, 1–19.
  • Çiçek, D. ve Sarı, Y. (2018). Yerel Halkın Turizme Olan Desteği: Türkiye’deki Sakin Şehirler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 29 (2): 185-196.
  • Eslami, S., Khalifah, Z., Mardani, A., Streimikiene, D. ve Han, H. (2019). Community Attachment, Tourism Impacts, Quality of Life and Residents’ Support for Sustainable Tourism Development, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36 (9): 1061-1079.
  • Guo, Y., Kim, S. ve Chen, Y. (2014). Shanghai Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism Impacts and Quality of Life, Journal of China Tourism Research, 10 (2): 142–164.
  • Gursoy, D., Jurowski, C. ve Uysal, M. (2002). Resident Attitudes: A Structural Modeling Approach, Annals of Tourism Research, 29 (1): 79–105.
  • Gursoy, D. ve Nunkoo, R. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Impacts: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. Londra: Routledge.
  • Hair, J., Hult, G., Ringle, C. ve Sarstedt, M. (2016). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Harrill, R. ve Potts, T. D. (2003). Tourism Planning in Historic Districts: Attitudes toward Tourism Development in Charleston, Journal of the American Planning Association, 69 (3): 233–244.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2015). A New Criterion for Assessing Discriminant Validity in Variance-based Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43 (1): 115-135.
  • Kervankiran, İ. ve Eteman, F. S. (2020). Turizm ve Bölgesel Gelişme: Türkiye’de İllerin Turizm Gelişmişlik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi, Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 29 (2): 125-140.
  • Khizindar, T. M. (2012). Effects of Tourism on Residents’ Quality of Life in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21 (6): 617–637.
  • Kozak, M. (2014). Bilimsel Araştırma: Tasarım, Yazım ve Yayım Teknikleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Liang, Z., Luo, H. ve Bao, J. (2021). A Longitudinal Study of Residents’ Attitudes toward Tourism Development, Current Issues in Tourism, 1–15.
  • Mccool, S. F. ve Martin, S. R. (1994). Community Attachment and Attitudes Toward Tourism Development, Journal of Travel Research, 32 (3): 29-34.
  • Moscardo, G. (2009). Tourism and Quality of Life: Towards a More Critical Approach, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 9 (2): 159–170.
  • Nunkoo, R. ve Gursoy, D. (2012). Residents’ Support for Tourism. An Identity Perspective, Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (1): 243-268.
  • Nunkoo, R. ve Ramkissoon, H. (2011a). Developing a Community Support Model for Tourism, Annals of Tourism Research, 38 (3): 964–988.
  • Nunkoo, R. ve Ramkissoon, H. (2011b). Residents’ Satisfaction with Community Attributes and Support for Tourism, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 35 (2): 171-190.
  • Nunkoo, R., Smith, S. L. J. ve Ramkissoon, H. (2013). Residents’ Attitudes to Tourism: A Longitudinal Study of 140 Articles from 1984 to 2010, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21 (1): 5-25.
  • Obradović, S. ve Stojanović, V. (2021). Measuring Residents’ Attitude Toward Sustainable Tourism Development: ACase Study of the Gradac River gorge, Valjevo (Serbia), Tourism Recreation Research, 1–13.
  • Perdue, R. R., Long, P. T. ve Allen, L. (1990). Resident Support for Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research, 17 (4): 586-599.
  • Rasoolimanesh, S. M. ve Jaafar, M. (2016). Residents’ Perception Toward Tourism Development: a pre-development perspective, Journal of Place Management and Development, 9 (1): 91-104.
  • Sharpley, R. (2014). Host Perceptions of Tourism: A Review of the Research, Tourism Management, 42: 37–49.
  • Su, L., Huang, S. ve Huang, J. (2018). Effects of Destination Social Responsibility and Tourism Impacts on Residents’ Support for Tourism and Perceived Quality of Life, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 42 (7): 1039-1057.
  • Taber, K. S. (2018). The Use of Cronbach’s Alpha When Developing and Reporting Research Instruments in Science Education, Research in Science Education, 48 (6): 1273–1296.
  • Tosun, C. (2006). Expected Nature of Community Participation in Tourism Development, Tourism Management, 27 (3): 493–504.
  • Um, S. ve Crompton, J. L. (1987). Measuring Resident’s Attachment Levels in A Host Community, Journal of Travel Research, 26 (1): 27–29.
  • Woo, E., Kim, H. ve Uysal, M. (2015). Life Satisfaction and Support for Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research, 50: 84–97.
  • Yoon, Y., Gursoy, D. ve Chen, J. S. (2001). Validating a Tourism Development Theory with Structural Equation Modelling, Tourism Management, 22 (4): 363-372.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Hakem Denetimli Makaleler

Ozan Atsız 0000-0003-2962-1903

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Atsız, O. (2021). Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 32(2), 224-236.
AMA Atsız O. Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. Aralık 2021;32(2):224-236. doi:10.17123/atad.897887
Chicago Atsız, Ozan. “Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 32, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 224-36.
EndNote Atsız O (01 Aralık 2021) Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 32 2 224–236.
IEEE O. Atsız, “Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 32, sy. 2, ss. 224–236, 2021, doi: 10.17123/atad.897887.
ISNAD Atsız, Ozan. “Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 32/2 (Aralık 2021), 224-236.
JAMA Atsız O. Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2021;32:224–236.
MLA Atsız, Ozan. “Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 32, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 224-36, doi:10.17123/atad.897887.
Vancouver Atsız O. Az Gelişmiş Bir Destinasyonda Yerel Halkın Turizme Yönelik Desteği: Yozgat Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2021;32(2):224-36.