Memleketimizin diğer bölgelerine nazaran Doğu Anadolu bölgesinde
ekonomik hayat daha fazla tanma bağlıdır ve dolayısiyle tarımsal
problemler bu bölgede dahafazladır. Bölgenin tarımsal yapısının daha iyi
anlaşılaNlmesi için, bölgedeki arazi mülkiyet ve tasarruf durumunun
tesbiti lüzumludur.
Arazinin tasarruf şekli ile tarımsal üretim veya gelir arasında bir
ilişkinin mevcut olabileceği düşünülerek bölgedeki tarım işletmeleri bu
yönleri ile incelenmiştir.
Bu çalışmada, istatistik ve matematik tekniklerinin ekonomik olaylara
uygulanması şeklinde tarif edilebilecek ekonometrik analizler yapılmış,
ayrıca işletme analizlerine de yer verilmiştir. Bölgedeki tarım işletmeleri,
arazi tasarruf şekillerine göre 5 grupta toplanmış ve gruplar
arasında, kulianılan kaynaklar ve elde edilen gelirler bakımından, farklıiıklar
tesbit edilerek bu farklılıkların nedenleri araştırılmıştır.
This study is an econometric analysis
of faıms, grouped on the basis of
land tenure systems, in Erzurum proYİnce.
The data used in this study were
coJIected through questionnaires
fılled on a ıandom sampling of 175
farms which were visited during the
period of August 15-September 15
of 1969.
According to the land tenure status
of the operators, the fanns included
in the sample were divided into
five groups as: GrouırA owner operated
farms, group B- one third or
less of te farm is operated under a 50
pereent share cropping; groupC,
between 1/3 and 2/3 of the farın is operated
under a 50 pereent share cropping;
group D- 2/3 or more of the
fann is operated under a 50 pereent
share cropping; and group E- pattly
rented farıns.
The yearly accomplichment levels
of farms were obtained through the application
of some economic criteria.
According to these analysis, an average
of only 34.4 pereent of ' available
family labor is utilized, Le. theıe is a
big anı.ount of disguised unemplayınent
Qn farıns. Three of the four farms made
noprofit. Average per capita income
to family labor, ınanagement and OWD
capital is LI 67 Turkish lira a year. No
one of the five farm groups is operated
The production functions of Cobb~
Douglass type were derived in order to
show the funetional relationships between
the gross retums and the resources
use'! in obtaining the latter. Based on
these produetions functions, the marginal
returns of resources (at geometric mean
levels), the marginal efficieney
coefficients, and the marginal efficiency
of factor combinations were estimated.
According to the intergroup analysis
of variance there is not an significant
difference as to the output pro-.
duced on all farms. A search was made
between the owner operated group of
farms and other groups to see whether
the production elasticies of t,he same input
faetors were different ard it was
found that the produetion elasticities
of land, livestock, seed. and' building
of group D were different. İntergroup
comparisons proved the fact that regardless
of the land tenure status of
farmers. usually the same techonolgy
is applied on all farms and thus there
are not significant differences among
Birincil Dil | tr;en |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 11 Aralık 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 1972 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 |
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