Bu araştırma iki elma çeşidi ile (Starking ve Karasakı) Vitis I';nifera
L. ıürfinden bir üzüm çeşidinde (Karaerik) a/dığıımz çelik/er üzerinde
yapılmıştır. Elma çelikle.ri 4000 I'e 8000 ppm lBA (ındale bııtirik
asit), üzüm çelikleri ise sadece 4000 ppm lRA uygulamalarında tabi"
tutulmuşlardır. Elma çeşitlerinin köklemesine hormon uygulamalarlılın
bir etkisi olmamasma karşın, üzüm çubuklarılım uç, or(o 1'(' dip çeliklerinde
değişik etki/eri görülmüştür.
Ayrıca deneme çeşitleriııe ait çeliklerin köklenmesiyle içerdikleri
hormonlar arasındaki ilgi/er çeşitli analiz ı'e tesrlerle tesbit edilmiye
çalışılmıştır. Elmalarda. köklenine sağlanamadığı için böyle bir ilginin
olup olmadiğı saplaıwmam.ısıııa katşlI1, üzüm de kökleııme ile -bünyesel
hormonlar ara.slflda bir ilginin mncııl olduğu ortaya koyulmuştur.
A Study on the Relationships Between the Endogenous Hormons and Root Formation of the setting of Apple and Grape.
This study was conducted in order
to determine the Telationships between
the endogenous hormons and root
formatian of the cuttings from two
apple varieties (Karasakı and Starking)
and from Karaerik variety of grape
taken in Deceınber January and
Beside the results of nonnal root
formations of cuttings raken in differeut
stages, the results of lBA (Indole
butyric acid) treated samplcs were
alsa obtained and listed as fallo\.v.
L There were no root formations
on both control and 4000 and 8900
ppm threated apple cuttings.
2. "şecause of the lack of rool formation
on apple cuttings. the reIationship
could not be determined between
eudogenous hormons and root· formation.
3. On the other hand ther was a
dear relationship between endogenous
hormons and root formalions of
grape ,cuttings.
4. The application of 4000 ppm
IBA externally caused more, root formation
on the grape cutling in comparison
wİth the control samples.
5. The highest rate of root formatian
took place on basel cuttings of grape
in ·all four sampling stages. In .addition
to them the intermediate and apex cuttiııgs
taken in March also indicated high
level of root formation ratios.
6. The endogenous hormons extracted
from apple cuttin.gs and grape
cuttings after dipping them in distiIJed
water for 24 hows were assayed on oat
cokoptite. The Rf values of there endogenous
borınoas were found as fal·
law. The Rf values of growth inhibitors
exttacted from apple cuttings were found
in the section of Rf: 0.1-0.2; 0.3-0.7
The Rf values of growth stimulators
of grape cuttings were found in the
sections of. Rf: 0.7-1.0; 0.1-0.3; 0.70.9.
In generaııy the. growth inhibitors
of grape were found in Rf: 0.6-0.8 and
0.8-1.0 sectipııs and the growth stimulators
of grape were found in Rf:
0.1-0.5; 0.9-\.0 sections.
The growth stimulators were affective
in March samples of both apple
cuttings and grape cuttings.
Birincil Dil | tr;en |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 29 Aralık 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 1980 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1-2 |
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