This study aims to identify the factors influencing visitors' willingness to pay (WTP) for museum entrance fees and examine how socio-demographic factors affect WTP when additional services are provided in the museum. A quantitative approach was adopted, analyzing data from 578 surveys collected from domestic tourists visiting the Mevlana Museum. The STATA program was used for analyses, applying Tobit regression and marginal effect analyses. Findings indicate that higher income, education level, and age are positively associated with WTP. Individuals with higher disposable income and education levels were more willing to financially support cultural institutions. Moreover, the perceived value of additional services in the museum increased WTP, particularly among families and visitors seeking educational or impactful experiences. These results highlight the potential for customized service offerings and targeted pricing strategies that enhance visitor satisfaction while maintaining respect for cultural heritage, ensuring financial sustainability and accessibility. Future research could explore these dynamics across different museum types, contributing to the development of pricing approaches for various cultural institutions.
Anđelković, E., Kovačić, S., Bratić, M., Vujičić, M. D., Stankov, U., Pavluković, V., Dragin, A., Pivac, T., Džigurski, A. I., Bibić, L. I., Zadel, Z., & Vučković, S. U. (2022). Museum Tour Guide Performance: A Visitor Perspective. Sustainability, 14(16), 10269.
Andrade, G., Itoga, H., Linnes, C., Agrusa, J., & Lema, J. (2021). The economic sustainability of culture in Hawai’i: Tourists’ willingness to pay for Hawaiian cultural experiences. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(9), 420.
Bateman, I. J., Carson, R. T., Day, B., Hanemann, M., Hanley, N., Hett, T. & Sugden, R. (2002). Economic Valuation With Stated Preference Techniques: A Manual. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Boonchai, P., Ghuangpeng, S., & Lakornsri, T. (2021). Tourist shopping: Critical determinants of willingness to pay. Webology, 18, 476-488. 0.14704/WEB/V18SI04/WEB18142
Borun, M., & Dritsas, J. (1997). Developing Family-Friendly Exhibits. Curator, The Museum Journal, 40(3), 178–196.
Brida, J. G., Dalle Nogare, C., & Scuderi, R. (2017). Learning at the museum: Factors influencing visit length. Tourism Economics, 23(2), 281-294.
Burke, P. F., Burton, C., Huybers, T., Islam, T., Louviere, J. J., & Wise, C. (2010). The Scale-Adusted Latent Class Model: Application to Museum Visitation. Tourism Analysis, 15(2), 147–165.
Cheung, L. T. O. (2015). The Effect of Geopark Visitors’ Travel Motivations on their Willingness to pay for Accredited Geo-guided Tours. Geoheritage, 8(3), 201–209.
Cameron, T. A., & Huppert, D. D. (1989). OLS versus ML estimation of non-market resource values with payment card interval data. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 17(3), 230–246.
Carson, R. T., Flores, N. E., & Meade, N. F. (2001). Contingent valuation: Controversies and evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics, 19(2), 173-210.
Choi, A. S., Ritchie, B. W., Papandrea, F., & Bennett, J. (2010). Economic valuation of cultural heritage sites: A choice modeling approach. Tourism Management, 31(2), 213–220. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2009.02.014
Clover, D. E. (2015). Adult education for social and environmental change in contemporary public art galleries and museums in Canada, Scotland and England. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 34(3), 300–315.
Çetinkaya, M., & Öter, Z. (2016). Role of tour guides on tourist satisfaction level in guided tours and impact on re-visiting intention: A research in Istanbul. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 7(1), 40–54.
De Visser RO, Smith JA, McDonnell EJ. (2009). ‘That’s not masculine’: Masculine capital and health-related behaviour. Journal of Health Psychology, 14(7), 1047-1058.
Falk, J. H., & Dierking, L. D. (2016). The museum experience revisited. Routledge.
Falk, J. H. (2022). Making the case for the value of museum experiences. Museum Management and Curatorship, 37(5), 455–470.
Filene, B. (2010). Are we there yet? Children, history, and the power of place. Lynn M. & J. Russick (Edt.), Connecting Kids to History with Museum Exhibitions, Routledge.
Freeman, P. A., & Zabriskie, R. B. (2002). The role of outdoor recreation in family enrichment. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 2(2), 131–145.
Gómez-Zapata, J. D., Espinal-Monsalve, N. E., & Herrero-Prieto, L. C. (2018). Economic valuation of museums as public club goods: Why build loyalty in cultural heritage consumption? Journal of Cultural Heritage, 30, 190–198.
Göktaş, L., & Çetin, G. (2023). Tourist tax for sustainability: Determining willingness to pay. European Journal of Tourism Research, 35, 3503.
Haab, T.C. & Mcconnell, K.E. (2002). Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources. The Econometrics of Non-Market Valuation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Habibah, A., Hamzah, J., Er, A. C., & Buang, A. (2015). Appraisal of family-friendly tourism in Malaysia. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 10(1), 37-62.
Hanemann, W. M. (1991). Willingness to pay and willingness to accept: how much can they differ? The American Economic Review, 81(3), 635–647.
Haninger, K., & Hammitt, J. K. (2011). Diminishing willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year: Valuing acute foodborne illness. Risk Analysis, 31(9), 1386-1399.
Hanley, N., Mourato, S., & Wright, R. E. (2001). Choice modelling approaches: A superior alternative for environmental valuation? Journal of Economic Surveys, 15(3), 435-462.
Heimtun, B., & Abelsen, B. (2013). Singles and solo travel: Gender and type of holiday. Tourism Culture & Communication, 13(3), 161–174.
Hsu, B.-W., Lin, H.-Y., & Lee, Y.-C. (2023, October 27-29). Exploring business applications of internet technology: Impact of epidemic risk anxiety on willingness to pay for synchronous online courses using UTAUT2 model. Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Internet of Things, Yunlin, Taiwan.
Huang, F. C., Ting, C. W., & Chen, M. S. (2014). How influence is willing to pay on the cultural creative goods ? Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 17(1), 1–9.
Ishaq, M., Kolady, D., & Grebitus, C. (2023). Analyzing behavioral factors of willingness to pay for sustainability. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2, 703-717.
Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.
Koirala, B. S., Bohara, A., & Berrens, R. (2013). Willingness to pay for improved quality of trekking in Manang, Nepal. International Journal of Society Systems Science, 5(3), 215-227.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2018). Principles of marketing (17th ed.). Pearson.
Kotler, N., Kotler, P. & Kotler, W. (2008). Museum marketing and strategy: Designing missions, building audiences, generating revenue and resources (2. ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Kruger, M., & Saayman, M. (2017). Are you willing to pay more for the arts. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 9(2), 392-408.
Lancaster, K. J. (1966). A new approach to consumer theory. Journal of Political Economy, 74(2), 132-157.
Li, S., & Kallas, Z. (2021). Meta-analysis of consumers’ willingness to pay for sustainable food products. Appetite, 163, 105239.
Li, Z., Shu, S., Shao, J., Booth, E., & Morrison, A. (2021). Innovative or not? The effects of consumer perceived value on purchase ıntentions for the palace museum’s cultural and creative products. Sustainability, 13(4), 2412.
Louviere, J. J., Hensher, D. A., & Swait, J. D. (2000). Stated choice methods: Analysis and applications. Cambridge University Press.
Lyu, S. O., Kim, J., & Bae, S. W. (2020). Family vacationers’ willingness to pay for glamping travel sites: A family functioning segmentation. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(2), 155-167.
Mahboob, M. H., Ashfaq, M., Khan, R. A., Kamal, Y., & Humayon, A. A. (2020). Tourists’ attitude towards cultural heritage and their willingness to pay to visit: A case study of Lahore, Pakistan. Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, 20(1), 125–138.
Marshall, A. (1920). Principles of economics (8th ed.). Macmillan and Co.
Mihai, V., Diana E., Camelia O., Gabriela O., Felix H., & Iulia C. (2023). Exploring the factors involved in tourists’ decision-making and determinants of length of stay, Administrative Sciences, 13(10), 215.
Mitchell, R. C., & Carson, R. T. (1989). Using surveys to value public goods: The contingent valuation method. RFF Press.
Nassef, M., Mohammed, N., & Ibrahim, M. (2023). Investigating the socio-economic sustainability within the Egyptian museums over the last decade. Sustainability, 15(24):16746.
Nikolakopoulou, V., Printezis, P., Maniatis, V., Kontizas, D., Vosinakis, S., Chatzigrigoriou, P., & Koutsabasis, P. (2022). Conveying intangible cultural heritage in museums with interactive storytelling and projection mapping: The case of the Mastic Villages. Heritage, 5(2), 1024-1049.
Okvuran, A., & Karadeniz, C. (2021). Teacher’s impact on museum education and design of new-generation school and museum collaboration in Turkey. Museum Management and Curatorship, 37(1), 17–43.
Palau-Saumell, R., Forgas-Coll, S., Sánchez-García, J., & Robres, E. (2019). User acceptance of mobile apps for restaurants: an expanded and extended UTAUT-2. Sustainability, 11(4), 1210.
Pearce, D., Atkinson, G., & Mourato, S. (2006). Cost-benefit analysis and the environment: Recent developments. OECD Publishing.
Perouli, C. (2021). Digital storytelling in the museum: Bringing cultural heritage to life. Crossing Conceptual Boundaries, 11(1), 34-46.
Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. (2019). The experience economy: Competing for customer time, attention, and money. Harvard Business Review Press.
Preko, A., & Gyepi-Garbrah, T. F. (2021). Museum experience and satisfaction: Moderating role of visiting frequency in national museum of Ghana. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 19(2), 239-253.
Preko, A., Gyepi-Garbrah, T.F., Arkorful, H., Akolaa, A.A. and Quansah, F. (2020), Museum experience and satisfaction: moderating role of visiting frequency, International Hospitality Review, 34(2), 203-220.
Rajo, L. A., Segovia, M. S., Arias, F., & Palma, M. A. (2016). Willingness-to-Pay for an educational label: The Zamorano University Brand. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 19(1).
Restiatun, R. ., Yani, A. ., Bariyah, N. ., & Suradi, R. . (2023). Factors influencing the willingness to pay for masks during the COVID-19 pandemic: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Asian Development Policy Review, 11(2), 67–78.
Rowe, R. D., Schulze, W. D., & Breffle, W. S. (1996). A test for payment card biases. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 31(2), 178-185.
Salama, M., El-Ela, M., & Khalil, M. (2022). Exploring guardians’ perceptions towards edutainment environments: the case of Kidzania, Cairo, Egypt. Buildings, 12(8), 1281.
Samuelson, P. A. (1938). A note on the pure theory of consumer’s behaviour. Economica, 5(17), 61-71.
Sheng, C.-W., & Chen, M.-C. (2012). A study of experience expectations of museum visitors. Tourism Management, 33(1), 53–60.
Shi, Y., Siddik, A. B., Masukujjaman, M., Zheng, G., Hamayun, M., & Ibrahim, A. (2022). The antecedents of willingness to adopt and pay for the IOT in the agricultural ındustry: An application of the UTAUT 2 theory. Sustainability, 14(11), 6640.
Shine, S., & Acosta, T. Y. (2000). Parent-Child Social Play in a Children’s Museum. Family Relations, 49(1), 45–52.
Smith, M. K., & Diekmann, A. (2017). Tourism and wellbeing. Annals of Tourism Research, 66, 1-13.
Song, H., Park, C., & Kim, M. (2020). Tourism destination management strategy for young children: Willingness to pay for child-friendly tourism facilities and services at a heritage site. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7100.
Su, T., Binti Albakry, N. S., & Mat Salleh, N. S. binti. (2024). Research on the purchase intention of intangible cultural heritage creative products based on tourist perceived value. Highlights in Art and Design, 5(3), 66-71.
Tohmo, T. (2001). The economic value of the externalities associated with cultural goods. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 9(2), 237-252.
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Müze Giriş Ücreti Ödeme İstekliliğini Etkileyen Faktörler
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ziyaretçilerin müze giriş ücretlerine yönelik ödeme yapma istekliliğini (Öİ) etkileyen unsurları ve sosyo-demografik faktörlerin müzede ek hizmetler sağlandığında Öİ üzerindeki etkilerinin nasıl olduğunu belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada nicel bir yöntem benimsenmiştir ve Mevlana Müzesi’ni ziyaret eden yerli turistlerden elde edilen 578 anket verileri analiz edilmiştir. Analizler için STATA programı kullanılmış ve tobit regresyon ve marjinal etki analizleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, daha yüksek gelir, eğitim seviyesi ve yaşın Öİ ile pozitif yönde ilişkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, daha fazla harcanabilir gelire ve eğitim seviyesine sahip bireylerin kültürel kurumları maddi olarak desteklemeye daha istekli olduklarını tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, müzede sunulan ek hizmetlerin algılanan değeri artırarak özellikle aileler ve eğitici veya etkileyici deneyim arayışında olan ziyaretçiler arasında Öİ’ni yükselttiği ortaya konmuştur. Bu sonuçlar, müze yönetimi açısından, kültürel mirasa duyulan saygıyı korurken ziyaretçi memnuniyetini artıracak şekilde finansal sürdürülebilirlik ve erişilebilirlik dengesini sağlayan özelleştirilmiş hizmet sunumları ve hedefli fiyatlandırma stratejilerinin potansiyelini vurgulamaktadır. Gelecekteki araştırmalar, farklı müze türlerinde bu dinamikleri inceleyerek, çeşitli kültürel kurumlara yönelik fiyatlandırma yaklaşımlarının geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunabilir.
Anđelković, E., Kovačić, S., Bratić, M., Vujičić, M. D., Stankov, U., Pavluković, V., Dragin, A., Pivac, T., Džigurski, A. I., Bibić, L. I., Zadel, Z., & Vučković, S. U. (2022). Museum Tour Guide Performance: A Visitor Perspective. Sustainability, 14(16), 10269.
Andrade, G., Itoga, H., Linnes, C., Agrusa, J., & Lema, J. (2021). The economic sustainability of culture in Hawai’i: Tourists’ willingness to pay for Hawaiian cultural experiences. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(9), 420.
Bateman, I. J., Carson, R. T., Day, B., Hanemann, M., Hanley, N., Hett, T. & Sugden, R. (2002). Economic Valuation With Stated Preference Techniques: A Manual. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Boonchai, P., Ghuangpeng, S., & Lakornsri, T. (2021). Tourist shopping: Critical determinants of willingness to pay. Webology, 18, 476-488. 0.14704/WEB/V18SI04/WEB18142
Borun, M., & Dritsas, J. (1997). Developing Family-Friendly Exhibits. Curator, The Museum Journal, 40(3), 178–196.
Brida, J. G., Dalle Nogare, C., & Scuderi, R. (2017). Learning at the museum: Factors influencing visit length. Tourism Economics, 23(2), 281-294.
Burke, P. F., Burton, C., Huybers, T., Islam, T., Louviere, J. J., & Wise, C. (2010). The Scale-Adusted Latent Class Model: Application to Museum Visitation. Tourism Analysis, 15(2), 147–165.
Cheung, L. T. O. (2015). The Effect of Geopark Visitors’ Travel Motivations on their Willingness to pay for Accredited Geo-guided Tours. Geoheritage, 8(3), 201–209.
Cameron, T. A., & Huppert, D. D. (1989). OLS versus ML estimation of non-market resource values with payment card interval data. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 17(3), 230–246.
Carson, R. T., Flores, N. E., & Meade, N. F. (2001). Contingent valuation: Controversies and evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics, 19(2), 173-210.
Choi, A. S., Ritchie, B. W., Papandrea, F., & Bennett, J. (2010). Economic valuation of cultural heritage sites: A choice modeling approach. Tourism Management, 31(2), 213–220. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2009.02.014
Clover, D. E. (2015). Adult education for social and environmental change in contemporary public art galleries and museums in Canada, Scotland and England. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 34(3), 300–315.
Çetinkaya, M., & Öter, Z. (2016). Role of tour guides on tourist satisfaction level in guided tours and impact on re-visiting intention: A research in Istanbul. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 7(1), 40–54.
De Visser RO, Smith JA, McDonnell EJ. (2009). ‘That’s not masculine’: Masculine capital and health-related behaviour. Journal of Health Psychology, 14(7), 1047-1058.
Falk, J. H., & Dierking, L. D. (2016). The museum experience revisited. Routledge.
Falk, J. H. (2022). Making the case for the value of museum experiences. Museum Management and Curatorship, 37(5), 455–470.
Filene, B. (2010). Are we there yet? Children, history, and the power of place. Lynn M. & J. Russick (Edt.), Connecting Kids to History with Museum Exhibitions, Routledge.
Freeman, P. A., & Zabriskie, R. B. (2002). The role of outdoor recreation in family enrichment. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 2(2), 131–145.
Gómez-Zapata, J. D., Espinal-Monsalve, N. E., & Herrero-Prieto, L. C. (2018). Economic valuation of museums as public club goods: Why build loyalty in cultural heritage consumption? Journal of Cultural Heritage, 30, 190–198.
Göktaş, L., & Çetin, G. (2023). Tourist tax for sustainability: Determining willingness to pay. European Journal of Tourism Research, 35, 3503.
Haab, T.C. & Mcconnell, K.E. (2002). Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources. The Econometrics of Non-Market Valuation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Habibah, A., Hamzah, J., Er, A. C., & Buang, A. (2015). Appraisal of family-friendly tourism in Malaysia. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 10(1), 37-62.
Hanemann, W. M. (1991). Willingness to pay and willingness to accept: how much can they differ? The American Economic Review, 81(3), 635–647.
Haninger, K., & Hammitt, J. K. (2011). Diminishing willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year: Valuing acute foodborne illness. Risk Analysis, 31(9), 1386-1399.
Hanley, N., Mourato, S., & Wright, R. E. (2001). Choice modelling approaches: A superior alternative for environmental valuation? Journal of Economic Surveys, 15(3), 435-462.
Heimtun, B., & Abelsen, B. (2013). Singles and solo travel: Gender and type of holiday. Tourism Culture & Communication, 13(3), 161–174.
Hsu, B.-W., Lin, H.-Y., & Lee, Y.-C. (2023, October 27-29). Exploring business applications of internet technology: Impact of epidemic risk anxiety on willingness to pay for synchronous online courses using UTAUT2 model. Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Internet of Things, Yunlin, Taiwan.
Huang, F. C., Ting, C. W., & Chen, M. S. (2014). How influence is willing to pay on the cultural creative goods ? Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 17(1), 1–9.
Ishaq, M., Kolady, D., & Grebitus, C. (2023). Analyzing behavioral factors of willingness to pay for sustainability. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2, 703-717.
Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.
Koirala, B. S., Bohara, A., & Berrens, R. (2013). Willingness to pay for improved quality of trekking in Manang, Nepal. International Journal of Society Systems Science, 5(3), 215-227.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2018). Principles of marketing (17th ed.). Pearson.
Kotler, N., Kotler, P. & Kotler, W. (2008). Museum marketing and strategy: Designing missions, building audiences, generating revenue and resources (2. ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Kruger, M., & Saayman, M. (2017). Are you willing to pay more for the arts. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 9(2), 392-408.
Lancaster, K. J. (1966). A new approach to consumer theory. Journal of Political Economy, 74(2), 132-157.
Li, S., & Kallas, Z. (2021). Meta-analysis of consumers’ willingness to pay for sustainable food products. Appetite, 163, 105239.
Li, Z., Shu, S., Shao, J., Booth, E., & Morrison, A. (2021). Innovative or not? The effects of consumer perceived value on purchase ıntentions for the palace museum’s cultural and creative products. Sustainability, 13(4), 2412.
Louviere, J. J., Hensher, D. A., & Swait, J. D. (2000). Stated choice methods: Analysis and applications. Cambridge University Press.
Lyu, S. O., Kim, J., & Bae, S. W. (2020). Family vacationers’ willingness to pay for glamping travel sites: A family functioning segmentation. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(2), 155-167.
Mahboob, M. H., Ashfaq, M., Khan, R. A., Kamal, Y., & Humayon, A. A. (2020). Tourists’ attitude towards cultural heritage and their willingness to pay to visit: A case study of Lahore, Pakistan. Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, 20(1), 125–138.
Marshall, A. (1920). Principles of economics (8th ed.). Macmillan and Co.
Mihai, V., Diana E., Camelia O., Gabriela O., Felix H., & Iulia C. (2023). Exploring the factors involved in tourists’ decision-making and determinants of length of stay, Administrative Sciences, 13(10), 215.
Mitchell, R. C., & Carson, R. T. (1989). Using surveys to value public goods: The contingent valuation method. RFF Press.
Nassef, M., Mohammed, N., & Ibrahim, M. (2023). Investigating the socio-economic sustainability within the Egyptian museums over the last decade. Sustainability, 15(24):16746.
Nikolakopoulou, V., Printezis, P., Maniatis, V., Kontizas, D., Vosinakis, S., Chatzigrigoriou, P., & Koutsabasis, P. (2022). Conveying intangible cultural heritage in museums with interactive storytelling and projection mapping: The case of the Mastic Villages. Heritage, 5(2), 1024-1049.
Okvuran, A., & Karadeniz, C. (2021). Teacher’s impact on museum education and design of new-generation school and museum collaboration in Turkey. Museum Management and Curatorship, 37(1), 17–43.
Palau-Saumell, R., Forgas-Coll, S., Sánchez-García, J., & Robres, E. (2019). User acceptance of mobile apps for restaurants: an expanded and extended UTAUT-2. Sustainability, 11(4), 1210.
Pearce, D., Atkinson, G., & Mourato, S. (2006). Cost-benefit analysis and the environment: Recent developments. OECD Publishing.
Perouli, C. (2021). Digital storytelling in the museum: Bringing cultural heritage to life. Crossing Conceptual Boundaries, 11(1), 34-46.
Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. (2019). The experience economy: Competing for customer time, attention, and money. Harvard Business Review Press.
Preko, A., & Gyepi-Garbrah, T. F. (2021). Museum experience and satisfaction: Moderating role of visiting frequency in national museum of Ghana. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 19(2), 239-253.
Preko, A., Gyepi-Garbrah, T.F., Arkorful, H., Akolaa, A.A. and Quansah, F. (2020), Museum experience and satisfaction: moderating role of visiting frequency, International Hospitality Review, 34(2), 203-220.
Rajo, L. A., Segovia, M. S., Arias, F., & Palma, M. A. (2016). Willingness-to-Pay for an educational label: The Zamorano University Brand. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 19(1).
Restiatun, R. ., Yani, A. ., Bariyah, N. ., & Suradi, R. . (2023). Factors influencing the willingness to pay for masks during the COVID-19 pandemic: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Asian Development Policy Review, 11(2), 67–78.
Rowe, R. D., Schulze, W. D., & Breffle, W. S. (1996). A test for payment card biases. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 31(2), 178-185.
Salama, M., El-Ela, M., & Khalil, M. (2022). Exploring guardians’ perceptions towards edutainment environments: the case of Kidzania, Cairo, Egypt. Buildings, 12(8), 1281.
Samuelson, P. A. (1938). A note on the pure theory of consumer’s behaviour. Economica, 5(17), 61-71.
Sheng, C.-W., & Chen, M.-C. (2012). A study of experience expectations of museum visitors. Tourism Management, 33(1), 53–60.
Shi, Y., Siddik, A. B., Masukujjaman, M., Zheng, G., Hamayun, M., & Ibrahim, A. (2022). The antecedents of willingness to adopt and pay for the IOT in the agricultural ındustry: An application of the UTAUT 2 theory. Sustainability, 14(11), 6640.
Shine, S., & Acosta, T. Y. (2000). Parent-Child Social Play in a Children’s Museum. Family Relations, 49(1), 45–52.
Smith, M. K., & Diekmann, A. (2017). Tourism and wellbeing. Annals of Tourism Research, 66, 1-13.
Song, H., Park, C., & Kim, M. (2020). Tourism destination management strategy for young children: Willingness to pay for child-friendly tourism facilities and services at a heritage site. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7100.
Su, T., Binti Albakry, N. S., & Mat Salleh, N. S. binti. (2024). Research on the purchase intention of intangible cultural heritage creative products based on tourist perceived value. Highlights in Art and Design, 5(3), 66-71.
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Turizm Politikası, Kültürel Miras Turizmi, Ziyaretçi ve İzleyici Çalışmaları
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