Araştırma Makalesi
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Evaluation of School Improvement Approaches and Implementation Processes

Yıl 2022, , 979 - 1022, 30.11.2022


The aim of this study is to systematically examine, evaluate and analyze the theoretical development process of school improvement approaches and practices. In the research, the historical development of school development was examined in periods and it was aimed to reveal 'what was effective' in school development approaches and practices carried out in these periods. The research was designed according to the document analysis method, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The documents were searched in databases and academic publication digital environments such as google scholar, ERIC, ProQuest, EBSCO, Dergipark, YÖK Thesis Search. In the research, a total of 328 documents, including 25 single-authored books, 48 editorial book chapters, 56 doctoral dissertations, 171 articles and 28 reports, were examined. Data analysis was done on the basis of each research problem. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were made on the documents. In the research, 9 themes and 14 categories were obtained. As a result, it has been seen that the approaches and practices that are accepted and thought to be effective in school development are respectively as follows: (1) developing a positive and supportive school culture and climate at school (2) defining the leadership roles of the school principal, (3) improving the professional knowledge and skills of teachers, (4) improving teaching practices and student learning outcomes, (5) promoting cooperation and cooperation among teachers, (6) including school self-evaluation and data-based decision making practices, (7) ensuring school accountability, (8) providing external expert support to the school, (9) change of the curriculum, (10) adopting a planned school development approach, (11) receiving family and community support, and (12) ensuring sustainability in practices.


  • Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Sorensen C. K. (2010). Introduction to research in education. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
  • Bellei, C., Vanni, X., Valenzuela, J. P., & Contreras, D. (2016). School improvement trajectories: an empirical typology. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 27(3), 275-292.
  • Chapman, C., & Muijs, D. (2014). Does school-to-school collaboration promote school improvement? A study of the impact of school federations on student outcomes. School effectiveness and school improvement, 25(3), 351-393.
  • Cheng, Y. C., & Tam, W. M. (2007). School effectiveness and improvement in Asia: Three waves, nine trends and challenges. In T. Townsend (Ed.), International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 245-268). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_13
  • Creemers, B. P. (2007). Educational effectiveness and improvement: The development of the field in mainland Europe. In T. Townsend (Ed.), International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 223-242). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_12
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). Teaching and educational transformation. In A. Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, M. Fullan and D. Hopkins (Eds.), Second international handbook of educational change (pp. 505-520). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-2660-6_30
  • Earl, L., & Katz, S. (2007). Leadership in networked learning communities: Defining the terrain. School Leadership and Management, 27(3), 239-258.
  • Elgart, M. A. (2017). Can schools meet the promise of continuous improvement?. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(4), 54-59.
  • Feldhoff, T., Radisch, F., & Bischof, L. M. (2016). Designs and methods in school improvement research: a systematic review. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(2), 209-240.
  • Fullan, M. (1999). Change forces: The sequel. Routledge Falmer Press.
  • Gronn, P. (2002a). Distributed leadership. In K. Leithwood and P. Hallingers (Eds.). Second international handbook of educational leadership and administration (pp. 653-696). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0375-9_23
  • Gronn, P. (2002b). Distributed leadership as a unit of analysis. The leadership quarterly, 13(4), 423-451.
  • Hallinger, P. (2010). Leadership for learning: What we have learned from 30 years of empirical research (Seminar Series Paper No. 196). Melbourne: Centre for Strategic Education.
  • Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. H. (1996). Reassessing the principal's role in school effectiveness: A review of empirical research, 1980-1995. Educational administration quarterly, 32(1), 5-44.
  • Hargreaves, D. H., & Hopkins, D. (Eds.). (1994). Development planning for school improvement. London: Cassell. Harris, A. (2000). What works in school improvement? Lessons from the field and future directions. Educational research, 42(1), 1-11.
  • Harris, A. (2001). Building the capacity for school improvement. School Leadership and Management, 21(3), 261-270.
  • Harris, A. (2002). School Improvement: What's in it for Schools? Routledge. Harris, A. (2004). Distributed leadership and school improvement: leading or misleading? Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(1), 11-24.
  • Harris, A. (2011). System improvement through collective capacity building. Journal of Educational Administration, 49, 624–636.
  • Harris, A. (2013). Distributed leadership: Friend or foe? Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(5), 545-554.
  • Harris, A., & Jones, M. (2010). Professional learning communities and system improvement. Improving schools, 13(2), 172-181.
  • Harris, A., & Jones, M. (2013). System improvement through collective capacity building: The power and potential of professional learning communities. Journal of Organisational Change Management, 2, 4-17.
  • Harris, A., & Jones, M. S. (2017). Professional learning communities: A strategy for school and system improvement?. Cylchgrawn addysg cymru/wales journal of education, 19(1), 16-38.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2010a). Testing a longitudinal model of distributed leadership effects on school improvement. The leadership quarterly, 21(5), 867-885.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2010b). Collaborative leadership effects on school improvement: Integrating unidirectional-and reciprocal-effects models. The Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 226-252.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2014). Modeling the longitudinal effects of school leadership on teaching and learning. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(5), 653-681.
  • Hopkins, D. (1994). Process indicators for school improvement. In Making Education Count: Developing and Using International Indicators, Cap, 8, (pp.145-170). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No: ED 411 322).
  • Hopkins, D. (2001). School improvement for real. Educational change and Development. London: Routledge Falmer.
  • Hopkins, D., (Ed.). (2005). Tensions in and prospects for school improvement. In The practice and theory of school improvement: International handbook of educational change, (pp.1-21). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Hopkins, D. (2016). School improvement and system reform. In C. Chapman, D. Mujis, D. Reynolds, P. Sammons and C. Teddlie (Eds.), International handbook of educational effectiveness and improvement. Research, policy and practice, (pp.124-148). Routledge.
  • Hopkins, D., & Levin, B. (2000). Educational reform and school improvement. NIRA review, 7(3), 21-26.
  • Hopkins, D., & Reynolds, D. (2001). The past, present and future of school improvement: Towards the third age. British educational research journal, 27(4), 459-475.
  • Hopkins, D., Stringfield, S., Harris, A., Stoll, L., & Mackay, T. (2014). School and system improvement: A narrative state-of-the-art review. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25(2), 257-281.
  • Katz, S., & Earl, L. (2010). Learning about networked learning communities. School effectiveness and school improvement, 21(1), 27-51.
  • Kidron, Y., & Darwin, M. J. (2007). A systematic review of whole school improvement models. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 12(1), 9-35.
  • Leithwood, K., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2008). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership. School leadership and management, 28(1), 27-42.
  • Leithwood, K., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2020). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership revisited. School leadership and management, 40(1), 5-22.
  • Leithwood, K., Patten, S., and Jantzi, D. (2010). Testing a conception of how school leadership influences student learning. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(5), 671-706.
  • Lezotte, L. W. (1990) Lessons learned, In B. O. Taylor (Ed.) Case Studies in Effective Schools Research. (pp.196-206). Madison, WI. The National Center for Effective Schools Research and Development.
  • Levin, B. (2010). The challenge of large-scale literacy improvement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 21(4), 359-376.
  • Louis, K. S., Leithwood, K., Wahlstrom, K. L., & Anderson, S. E. (2010). Investigating the links to improved student learning: Final report of research findings. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota and Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto. New York, NY: Wallace Foundation.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
  • Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (Edition 3). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
  • Mulford, B., and Silins, H. (2003). Leadership for organisational learning and improved student outcomes—What do we know?. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), 175-195.
  • Mulford, B., & Silins, H. (2011). Revised models and conceptualisation of successful school principalship for improved student outcomes. International Journal of Educational Management 25(1), 61-82.
  • Murphy, J. (2013). The architecture of school improvement. Journal of Educational Administration, 51(3), 252-263.
  • Murphy, J., & Hallinger, P. (1988). Characteristics of instructionally effective school districts. The Journal of educational research, 81(3), 175-181.
  • Potter, D., Reynolds, D., & Chapman, C. (2002). School improvement for schools facing challenging circumstances: A review of research and practice. School leadership & management, 22(3), 243-256.
  • Robinson, V. M., Lloyd, C. A., & Rowe, K. J. (2008). The impact of leadership on student outcomes: An analysis of the differential effects of leadership types. Educational administration quarterly, 44(5), 635-674.
  • Robinson, V., Hohepa, M., & Lloyd, C. (2009). School leadership and student outcomes: Identifying what works and why. Best evidence synthesis. Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Education.
  • Sackney, L. (2007). History of the school effectiveness and improvement movement in Canada over the past 25 years. In T. Townsend (Ed.) International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 167-182). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_9
  • Silins, H., & Mulford, B. (2002). Leadership and school results. In K. Leithwood and P. Hallingers (Eds.). Second international handbook of educational leadership and administration (pp. 561-612). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0375-9_21
  • Silins, H., & Mulford, B. (2007). Leadership and school effectiveness and improvement. In T. Townsend (Ed.), International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 635-658). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_35
  • Spillane, J. P. (2004). Educational leadership. Educational evaluation and policy analysis, 26(2), 169-172.
  • Spillane, J. P., Halverson, R., & Diamond, J. B. (2004).Towards a theory of leadership practice. A distributed perspective. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 36(1),3-34.
  • Stoll, L. (2009). Capacity building for school improvement or creating capacity for learning? A changing landscape. Journal of Educational Change, 10, 115–127.
  • Stoll, L. (2010). Connecting learning communities: Capacity building for systemic change. In A. Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, M. Fullan and D. Hopkins (Eds.), Second international handbook of educational change (pp. 469-484). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-2660-6_28
  • Stringfield, S., Reynolds, D., & Schaffer, E. C. (2008). Improving secondary students' academic achievement through a focus on reform reliability: 4-and 9-year findings from the High Reliability Schools project. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 19(4), 409-428.
  • Yıldırım A. ve Şimşek H.(2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.

Okul Geliştirme Yaklaşımları ve uygulama Süreçlerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2022, , 979 - 1022, 30.11.2022


Bu çalışmanın genel amacı, okul geliştirme yaklaşımları ve uygulamalarının kuramsal gelişim sürecinin sistematik olarak incelenmesi ve değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırmada okul geliştirmenin tarihsel gelişim süreci dönemler halinde incelenmiş ve bu dönemlerdeki okul geliştirme yaklaşımları ve uygulamalarında ‘neyin/nelerin etkili olduğunun’ ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma modeli doküman incelemesi yöntemine göre kurgulanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında dokümanlar google scholar, ERIC, ProQuest, EBSCO, Dergipark, YÖK Tez Tarama gibi veri tabanlarında ve akademik yayın dijital ortamlarında taranmıştır. Araştırmada 25 tek yazarlı kitap, 48 editörlü kitap bölümü, 56 doktora tezi, 171 makale ve 28 rapor olmak üzere toplam 328 doküman incelenmiştir. Her bir araştırma problemi temelinde dokümanlarda betimsel analiz ve içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 9 tema 14 kategori elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak okul geliştirmede kabul gören ve süreçte etkili olduğu düşünülen yaklaşım ve uygulamaların sırasıyla şunlar olduğu görülmüştür: (1) okulda olumlu ve destekleyici okul kültürü ve ikliminin geliştirilmesi (2) okul müdürünün liderlik rollerinin tanımlanması, (3) öğretmenlerin mesleki bilgi ve becerilerinin geliştirilmesi, (4) öğretim uygulamaları ve öğrenci öğrenme sonuçlarının geliştirilmesi, (5) öğretmenler arası işbirliği ve yardımlaşmanın teşvik edilmesi, (6) okul öz değerlendirmesi ve veriye dayalı karar verme uygulamalarına yer verilmesi, (7) okul hesap verebilirliğinin sağlanması, (8) okula uzman desteğinin verilmesi, (9) müfredatın değişimi (10) planlı okul gelişimi yaklaşımının benimsenmesi, (11) aile ve toplum desteğinin alınması ve (12) uygulamalarda sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanmasıdır.


  • Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Sorensen C. K. (2010). Introduction to research in education. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
  • Bellei, C., Vanni, X., Valenzuela, J. P., & Contreras, D. (2016). School improvement trajectories: an empirical typology. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 27(3), 275-292.
  • Chapman, C., & Muijs, D. (2014). Does school-to-school collaboration promote school improvement? A study of the impact of school federations on student outcomes. School effectiveness and school improvement, 25(3), 351-393.
  • Cheng, Y. C., & Tam, W. M. (2007). School effectiveness and improvement in Asia: Three waves, nine trends and challenges. In T. Townsend (Ed.), International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 245-268). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_13
  • Creemers, B. P. (2007). Educational effectiveness and improvement: The development of the field in mainland Europe. In T. Townsend (Ed.), International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 223-242). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_12
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). Teaching and educational transformation. In A. Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, M. Fullan and D. Hopkins (Eds.), Second international handbook of educational change (pp. 505-520). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-2660-6_30
  • Earl, L., & Katz, S. (2007). Leadership in networked learning communities: Defining the terrain. School Leadership and Management, 27(3), 239-258.
  • Elgart, M. A. (2017). Can schools meet the promise of continuous improvement?. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(4), 54-59.
  • Feldhoff, T., Radisch, F., & Bischof, L. M. (2016). Designs and methods in school improvement research: a systematic review. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(2), 209-240.
  • Fullan, M. (1999). Change forces: The sequel. Routledge Falmer Press.
  • Gronn, P. (2002a). Distributed leadership. In K. Leithwood and P. Hallingers (Eds.). Second international handbook of educational leadership and administration (pp. 653-696). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0375-9_23
  • Gronn, P. (2002b). Distributed leadership as a unit of analysis. The leadership quarterly, 13(4), 423-451.
  • Hallinger, P. (2010). Leadership for learning: What we have learned from 30 years of empirical research (Seminar Series Paper No. 196). Melbourne: Centre for Strategic Education.
  • Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. H. (1996). Reassessing the principal's role in school effectiveness: A review of empirical research, 1980-1995. Educational administration quarterly, 32(1), 5-44.
  • Hargreaves, D. H., & Hopkins, D. (Eds.). (1994). Development planning for school improvement. London: Cassell. Harris, A. (2000). What works in school improvement? Lessons from the field and future directions. Educational research, 42(1), 1-11.
  • Harris, A. (2001). Building the capacity for school improvement. School Leadership and Management, 21(3), 261-270.
  • Harris, A. (2002). School Improvement: What's in it for Schools? Routledge. Harris, A. (2004). Distributed leadership and school improvement: leading or misleading? Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(1), 11-24.
  • Harris, A. (2011). System improvement through collective capacity building. Journal of Educational Administration, 49, 624–636.
  • Harris, A. (2013). Distributed leadership: Friend or foe? Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(5), 545-554.
  • Harris, A., & Jones, M. (2010). Professional learning communities and system improvement. Improving schools, 13(2), 172-181.
  • Harris, A., & Jones, M. (2013). System improvement through collective capacity building: The power and potential of professional learning communities. Journal of Organisational Change Management, 2, 4-17.
  • Harris, A., & Jones, M. S. (2017). Professional learning communities: A strategy for school and system improvement?. Cylchgrawn addysg cymru/wales journal of education, 19(1), 16-38.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2010a). Testing a longitudinal model of distributed leadership effects on school improvement. The leadership quarterly, 21(5), 867-885.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2010b). Collaborative leadership effects on school improvement: Integrating unidirectional-and reciprocal-effects models. The Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 226-252.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2014). Modeling the longitudinal effects of school leadership on teaching and learning. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(5), 653-681.
  • Hopkins, D. (1994). Process indicators for school improvement. In Making Education Count: Developing and Using International Indicators, Cap, 8, (pp.145-170). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No: ED 411 322).
  • Hopkins, D. (2001). School improvement for real. Educational change and Development. London: Routledge Falmer.
  • Hopkins, D., (Ed.). (2005). Tensions in and prospects for school improvement. In The practice and theory of school improvement: International handbook of educational change, (pp.1-21). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Hopkins, D. (2016). School improvement and system reform. In C. Chapman, D. Mujis, D. Reynolds, P. Sammons and C. Teddlie (Eds.), International handbook of educational effectiveness and improvement. Research, policy and practice, (pp.124-148). Routledge.
  • Hopkins, D., & Levin, B. (2000). Educational reform and school improvement. NIRA review, 7(3), 21-26.
  • Hopkins, D., & Reynolds, D. (2001). The past, present and future of school improvement: Towards the third age. British educational research journal, 27(4), 459-475.
  • Hopkins, D., Stringfield, S., Harris, A., Stoll, L., & Mackay, T. (2014). School and system improvement: A narrative state-of-the-art review. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25(2), 257-281.
  • Katz, S., & Earl, L. (2010). Learning about networked learning communities. School effectiveness and school improvement, 21(1), 27-51.
  • Kidron, Y., & Darwin, M. J. (2007). A systematic review of whole school improvement models. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 12(1), 9-35.
  • Leithwood, K., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2008). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership. School leadership and management, 28(1), 27-42.
  • Leithwood, K., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2020). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership revisited. School leadership and management, 40(1), 5-22.
  • Leithwood, K., Patten, S., and Jantzi, D. (2010). Testing a conception of how school leadership influences student learning. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(5), 671-706.
  • Lezotte, L. W. (1990) Lessons learned, In B. O. Taylor (Ed.) Case Studies in Effective Schools Research. (pp.196-206). Madison, WI. The National Center for Effective Schools Research and Development.
  • Levin, B. (2010). The challenge of large-scale literacy improvement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 21(4), 359-376.
  • Louis, K. S., Leithwood, K., Wahlstrom, K. L., & Anderson, S. E. (2010). Investigating the links to improved student learning: Final report of research findings. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota and Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto. New York, NY: Wallace Foundation.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
  • Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (Edition 3). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
  • Mulford, B., and Silins, H. (2003). Leadership for organisational learning and improved student outcomes—What do we know?. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), 175-195.
  • Mulford, B., & Silins, H. (2011). Revised models and conceptualisation of successful school principalship for improved student outcomes. International Journal of Educational Management 25(1), 61-82.
  • Murphy, J. (2013). The architecture of school improvement. Journal of Educational Administration, 51(3), 252-263.
  • Murphy, J., & Hallinger, P. (1988). Characteristics of instructionally effective school districts. The Journal of educational research, 81(3), 175-181.
  • Potter, D., Reynolds, D., & Chapman, C. (2002). School improvement for schools facing challenging circumstances: A review of research and practice. School leadership & management, 22(3), 243-256.
  • Robinson, V. M., Lloyd, C. A., & Rowe, K. J. (2008). The impact of leadership on student outcomes: An analysis of the differential effects of leadership types. Educational administration quarterly, 44(5), 635-674.
  • Robinson, V., Hohepa, M., & Lloyd, C. (2009). School leadership and student outcomes: Identifying what works and why. Best evidence synthesis. Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Education.
  • Sackney, L. (2007). History of the school effectiveness and improvement movement in Canada over the past 25 years. In T. Townsend (Ed.) International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 167-182). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_9
  • Silins, H., & Mulford, B. (2002). Leadership and school results. In K. Leithwood and P. Hallingers (Eds.). Second international handbook of educational leadership and administration (pp. 561-612). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0375-9_21
  • Silins, H., & Mulford, B. (2007). Leadership and school effectiveness and improvement. In T. Townsend (Ed.), International handbook of school effectiveness and improvement (pp. 635-658). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5747-2_35
  • Spillane, J. P. (2004). Educational leadership. Educational evaluation and policy analysis, 26(2), 169-172.
  • Spillane, J. P., Halverson, R., & Diamond, J. B. (2004).Towards a theory of leadership practice. A distributed perspective. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 36(1),3-34.
  • Stoll, L. (2009). Capacity building for school improvement or creating capacity for learning? A changing landscape. Journal of Educational Change, 10, 115–127.
  • Stoll, L. (2010). Connecting learning communities: Capacity building for systemic change. In A. Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, M. Fullan and D. Hopkins (Eds.), Second international handbook of educational change (pp. 469-484). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-2660-6_28
  • Stringfield, S., Reynolds, D., & Schaffer, E. C. (2008). Improving secondary students' academic achievement through a focus on reform reliability: 4-and 9-year findings from the High Reliability Schools project. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 19(4), 409-428.
  • Yıldırım A. ve Şimşek H.(2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Seyfettin Abdurrezzak 0000-0001-9892-7506

Mehmet Üstüner 0000-0002-1724-8825

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Abdurrezzak, S., & Üstüner, M. (2022). Okul Geliştirme Yaklaşımları ve uygulama Süreçlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 55(3), 979-1022.
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi (AÜEBFD), Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınevi'nin kurumsal dergisidir. 

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