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An Investigation of the Opinions of Gifted Primary School Students’ in the Programming Training Processes

Yıl 2019, , 107 - 137, 01.04.2019


Teaching programming at an early age has become popular. The aim
of this study is to examine the participant views for the teaching of
Scratch-supported programming processes to the 26 gifted students studying at
the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of primary school. Additionally, students’ opinions
on learning materials, tools and processes are examined in detail. In this case
study, five different tools were used to collect qualitative data. In this
study, a questionnaire, semi-structured personal interview form, field notes
and student reflection reports were used to collect qualitative data.One of the
highlights of the study is that the visual, colour and sound elements of the
Scratch program have positive effects on motivation and course participation.
In addition, , students who have negative attitudes towards computer lessons at
the beginning of the course have changed their attitudes at the end of the
process. Looking at the types of motivation that direct students, it can be
observed that the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation elements have similar
effects on the success, lesson participation and behaviours of the learners.


  • Bembenutty, H., & Zimmerman, B. J. (2003). The Relation of Motivational Beliefs and Self-Regulatory Processes to Homework Completion and Academic Achievement.
  • Einhorn, S. (2011). Microworlds, computational thinking, and 21st century learning. Logo Computer System Inc, White Paper. Retrieved from
  • Fairchild, A. J., Horst, S. J., Finney, S. J., & Barron, K. E. (2005). Evaluating existing and new validity evidence for the Academic Motivation Scale. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30(3), 331-358.
  • Fessakis, G.,Gouli, E., &Mavroudi, E. (2013). Problem solving by 5–6 years old kindergarten children in a computer programming environment: A case study. Computers&Education, 63, 87-97.
  • Fredricks, J. A., Blumenfeld, P. C. ve Paris, A. H. (2004). School Engagement: Potential of the concept. State of tehe Evidence. Rewiev of Educational Research. 7(4), 59-109.
  • Grover, S., & Pea, R. (2013). Computational thinking in K-12: a review of the state of the field. Educational Researcher, 42(1), 38-43.
  • Hansen, J. B., & Toso, S. J. (2007). Gifted Dropouts: Personality, Family, Social, and School Factors. Gifted Child Today, 30(4), 30-41.
  • Harper, S. R., & Quaye, S. J. (2009). Beyond sameness, with engagement and outcomes for all. Student engagement in higher education, 1-15.
  • Ismail, M. N., Ngah, N. A., & Umar, I. N. (2010). Instructional strategy in the teaching of computer programming: a need assessment analyses. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(2).
  • Jones, R. D. (2008). Strengthening Student Engagement. Author and Senior Consultant, International Center for Leadership in Education. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Kalelioğlu, F., &Gülbahar, Y. (2014). The Effects of Teaching Programming via Scratch on Problem Solving Skills: A Discussion from Learners’ Perspective. Informatics in Education, 13(1), 33-50.
  • Kim, K. Y., Song, J. B., & Lee, T. W. (2009). Effect of digital storytelling based programming education on motivation and achievement of students in elementary school. Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information, 14(1), 47-55.
  • Lau, W. W., & Yuen, A. H. (2011). Modelling programming performance: Beyond the influence of learner characteristics. Computers & Education, 57(1), 1202-1213.
  • Law, K. M., Lee, V. C., & Yu, Y. T. (2010). Learning motivation in e-learning facilitated computer programming courses. Computers & Education, 55(1), 218-228.
  • Lee, Y. J. (2011). Scratch: Multimedia programming environment for young gifted learners. Gifted Child Today, 34(2), 26-31.
  • Middleton, J. & Spanish, P. (1999). Motivation for achievement in mathematics: Findings, generalizations and criticism of the research. IRME Online, January, 65-88.
  • Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage.
  • National Research Council (2003). Engaging schools: fostering high school students' motivation to learn. Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press.
  • Partnershipfor 21st Century Skills (P21), (2007). Partnership for 21st Century Skills.ından erişilmiştir.
  • Reis, S. M., & Renzulli, J. S. (2009). Myth 1: The gifted and talented constitute one single homogeneous group and giftedness is a way of being that stays in the person over time and experiences. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 53(4), 233.
  • Renzulli, J. S., & Park, S. (2000). Gifted dropouts: The who and the why.Gifted Child Quarterly, 44(4), 261-271.
  • Resnick, M.,Maloney, J., Monroy-Hernández, A., Rusk, N., Eastmond, E., Brennan, K., …Kafai, Y. (2009). Scratch: programming for all. Communications of the ACM, 52(11), 60–67.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000a). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25(1), 54–67.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2009). Gelişim Öğrenme ve Öğretim Kuramdan Uygulamaya. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Sönmez, V. (1997). Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretimi ve Öğretmen Kılavuzu. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Swan, K. (2001). Virtual interaction: Design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived learning in asynchronous online courses. Distance Education, 22(2), 306- 331.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (2002). The parallel curriculum: A design to develop high potential and challenge high-ability learners. Corwin Press.
  • Tomlinson, C. A., Kaplan, S. N., Renzulli, J. S., Purcell, J. H., Leppien, J. H., Burns, D. E., &Imbeau, M. B. (2008). The paralel curriculum: A design to develop learner potential and challenge advanced learners. SAGE.
  • Wagner, E. D. (1998). Interaction strategies for online training designs. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning (pp. 417-420), Madison, WI.
  • Wang, H. Y., Huang, I., & Hwang, G. J. (2014). Effects of an Integrated Scratch and Project-Based Learning Approach on the Learning Achievements of Gifted Students in Computer Courses. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Wilson, A. Connolly, T.M. Hainey, T. & Moffat, D. (2011). Evaluation of Introducing Programming toYounger School Children Using a Computer Game Construction Application,Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Games-based Learning (ECGBL).
  • Valasek, T. (2001). Student persistence in web-based courses: Identifying a profile for success. Produced as part of a Raritann Valley Community College Center for the Advancement of Innovative Teaching and Learning (CAITL) In-College Sabbatical.
  • Yen, C.-Z., Wu, P.-H., & Lin, C.-F. (2012). Analysis of expert's and novice's thinking process. Engaging Learners through Emerging Technologies, Communication in Computer and Information Science, 302, 122-134.
  • Yıldırım, A.,& Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Yin, R.K. (2003). Case studyresearch: Design and methods. London: SAGE.

Programlama Öğretim Sürecinde Üstün Yetenekli İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 107 - 137, 01.04.2019


Programlama etkinliklerinin erken yaşta deneyimlenmesi gün geçtikçe önem kazanan bir konudur. Bu çalışmada ilkokul 2., 3. ve 4. sınıfta öğrenim gören 26 üstün yetenekli öğrenci ile Scratch destekli programlama öğretimine yönelik 15 haftalık bir uygulama gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu süreçte toplanan katılımcı görüşleri incelenerek katılımcıların programlama öğretim sürecine ilişkin görüşleri, katılım ve güdülenme durumunun belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Durum çalışması kullanılan bu araştırmada nitel verileri toplamak için kişisel bilgiler ve bilişim teknolojileri kullanım durumunun saptanmasıyla ilgili bir anket, yarı yapılandırılmış bireysel görüşme formu, alan notları ve öğrenci yansıma raporları kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öne çıkan sonuçlardan biri Scratch programının da görsellik, renk ve ses öğelerinin güdülenme ve derse katılım üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğudur. Ayrıca dersin başında bilgisayar dersi için olumsuz tutuma sahip öğrencilerin süreç sonunda tutumlarının değiştiği görülmüştür. Öğrencileri yönlendiren güdülenme türlerine bakıldığında içsel ve dışsal güdülenme unsurlarının öğrenenlerin katılım ve derse yönelik görüşleri üzerinde benzer etkileri olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Bembenutty, H., & Zimmerman, B. J. (2003). The Relation of Motivational Beliefs and Self-Regulatory Processes to Homework Completion and Academic Achievement.
  • Einhorn, S. (2011). Microworlds, computational thinking, and 21st century learning. Logo Computer System Inc, White Paper. Retrieved from
  • Fairchild, A. J., Horst, S. J., Finney, S. J., & Barron, K. E. (2005). Evaluating existing and new validity evidence for the Academic Motivation Scale. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30(3), 331-358.
  • Fessakis, G.,Gouli, E., &Mavroudi, E. (2013). Problem solving by 5–6 years old kindergarten children in a computer programming environment: A case study. Computers&Education, 63, 87-97.
  • Fredricks, J. A., Blumenfeld, P. C. ve Paris, A. H. (2004). School Engagement: Potential of the concept. State of tehe Evidence. Rewiev of Educational Research. 7(4), 59-109.
  • Grover, S., & Pea, R. (2013). Computational thinking in K-12: a review of the state of the field. Educational Researcher, 42(1), 38-43.
  • Hansen, J. B., & Toso, S. J. (2007). Gifted Dropouts: Personality, Family, Social, and School Factors. Gifted Child Today, 30(4), 30-41.
  • Harper, S. R., & Quaye, S. J. (2009). Beyond sameness, with engagement and outcomes for all. Student engagement in higher education, 1-15.
  • Ismail, M. N., Ngah, N. A., & Umar, I. N. (2010). Instructional strategy in the teaching of computer programming: a need assessment analyses. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(2).
  • Jones, R. D. (2008). Strengthening Student Engagement. Author and Senior Consultant, International Center for Leadership in Education. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Kalelioğlu, F., &Gülbahar, Y. (2014). The Effects of Teaching Programming via Scratch on Problem Solving Skills: A Discussion from Learners’ Perspective. Informatics in Education, 13(1), 33-50.
  • Kim, K. Y., Song, J. B., & Lee, T. W. (2009). Effect of digital storytelling based programming education on motivation and achievement of students in elementary school. Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information, 14(1), 47-55.
  • Lau, W. W., & Yuen, A. H. (2011). Modelling programming performance: Beyond the influence of learner characteristics. Computers & Education, 57(1), 1202-1213.
  • Law, K. M., Lee, V. C., & Yu, Y. T. (2010). Learning motivation in e-learning facilitated computer programming courses. Computers & Education, 55(1), 218-228.
  • Lee, Y. J. (2011). Scratch: Multimedia programming environment for young gifted learners. Gifted Child Today, 34(2), 26-31.
  • Middleton, J. & Spanish, P. (1999). Motivation for achievement in mathematics: Findings, generalizations and criticism of the research. IRME Online, January, 65-88.
  • Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage.
  • National Research Council (2003). Engaging schools: fostering high school students' motivation to learn. Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press.
  • Partnershipfor 21st Century Skills (P21), (2007). Partnership for 21st Century Skills.ından erişilmiştir.
  • Reis, S. M., & Renzulli, J. S. (2009). Myth 1: The gifted and talented constitute one single homogeneous group and giftedness is a way of being that stays in the person over time and experiences. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 53(4), 233.
  • Renzulli, J. S., & Park, S. (2000). Gifted dropouts: The who and the why.Gifted Child Quarterly, 44(4), 261-271.
  • Resnick, M.,Maloney, J., Monroy-Hernández, A., Rusk, N., Eastmond, E., Brennan, K., …Kafai, Y. (2009). Scratch: programming for all. Communications of the ACM, 52(11), 60–67.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000a). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25(1), 54–67.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2009). Gelişim Öğrenme ve Öğretim Kuramdan Uygulamaya. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Sönmez, V. (1997). Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretimi ve Öğretmen Kılavuzu. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Swan, K. (2001). Virtual interaction: Design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived learning in asynchronous online courses. Distance Education, 22(2), 306- 331.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (2002). The parallel curriculum: A design to develop high potential and challenge high-ability learners. Corwin Press.
  • Tomlinson, C. A., Kaplan, S. N., Renzulli, J. S., Purcell, J. H., Leppien, J. H., Burns, D. E., &Imbeau, M. B. (2008). The paralel curriculum: A design to develop learner potential and challenge advanced learners. SAGE.
  • Wagner, E. D. (1998). Interaction strategies for online training designs. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning (pp. 417-420), Madison, WI.
  • Wang, H. Y., Huang, I., & Hwang, G. J. (2014). Effects of an Integrated Scratch and Project-Based Learning Approach on the Learning Achievements of Gifted Students in Computer Courses. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Wilson, A. Connolly, T.M. Hainey, T. & Moffat, D. (2011). Evaluation of Introducing Programming toYounger School Children Using a Computer Game Construction Application,Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Games-based Learning (ECGBL).
  • Valasek, T. (2001). Student persistence in web-based courses: Identifying a profile for success. Produced as part of a Raritann Valley Community College Center for the Advancement of Innovative Teaching and Learning (CAITL) In-College Sabbatical.
  • Yen, C.-Z., Wu, P.-H., & Lin, C.-F. (2012). Analysis of expert's and novice's thinking process. Engaging Learners through Emerging Technologies, Communication in Computer and Information Science, 302, 122-134.
  • Yıldırım, A.,& Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Yin, R.K. (2003). Case studyresearch: Design and methods. London: SAGE.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Hatice Yıldız Durak 0000-0002-5689-1805

Tolga Güyer 0000-0001-9175-5043

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız Durak, H., & Güyer, T. (2019). Programlama Öğretim Sürecinde Üstün Yetenekli İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 52(1), 107-137.
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi (AÜEBFD), Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınevi'nin kurumsal dergisidir. 

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