\. Almond, G. A., and J. S. Coleman, The Politics of the Developing Areas,
Princeton, 1960.
2. Apter, David E., «A Comparative Method for the Study of Politics,»
American Journal of Sociology, LXIV (Nov. 1958), 221-237.
3. Beer, S. H., «Great Britain: From Governing Elite to Organized Mass
Parties,» Modern Political Parties (S. Neumann, ed.), Chicago, 1956, 9-57.
4. Bracher, Kari Dietrich, Die Auflösung der Weimarer Republik, Stuttgart
and Düsseldorf, 1957.
5. Catlin, G. E. G., Principles of Politics, London, 1930.
6. Cooper, Duff, Old Men Forget, London, 1953.
7. Crick, Bernard, Reform of the Commons, London, 1959.
8. Dahi, Robert A., «Business and Politics: An Appraisal of Political Science,»
American Political Science Revievv, LIII (March 1959), 1-34.
9. Deutsch, K. W., «Toward an Inventory of Basic Trends and Patterns in
Comparative and International Politics, «American Political Science Revievv,
LIV (March 1960), 34-57.
10. Deutsch, K. W., and L. J. Edinger, Germany Rejoins the Povvers, Stanford,
11. Deutsch, M., «A Theory of Cooperation and Competition,» Human Relations,
II (1949), 129-152.
12. Eckstein, Harry, Pressure Group Politics: The Case of the B. M. A., London
13. Finer, S. E., «The Federation of British Industries,» Political Studies,
IV (Feb. 1956), 61-82.
14. Friedrich, C. J., Constitutional Government and Democracy, 2nd ed.,
Boston, 1941.
15. Gide, Andre, Journals, IV, New York, 1951.
16. de Grazia, Sebastian, The Political Community: A Study of Anomie,
Chicago, 1948.
17. Inkeles, Alex, «The Totalitarian Mystique: Some Impressions of the
Dynamics of Totalitarian Society, «Totalitarianism (C. J. Friedrich, ed.),
Cambridge, Mass., 1954.
18. Jennings, Sir Ivor, Parliamentary Reform, London, 1934.
19. de Jouvenel, Bertrand, Sovereignty, An Inquiry into the Political Good,
Chicago, 1957.
20. Kornhauser, VVilliam, The Politics of Mass Society, Glencoe, 111., 1959.
21. Kracauer, Siegfried, From Caligari to Hitler, Princeton, 1947.
22. Lasswell, Harold, Politics: Who Gets What, When, How, New York,
23. Lasswell, Harold, and Abraham Kaplan, Povver and Society, New Haven,
24. Levy, Marion J., J., The Structure of Society, Princeton, 1952.
25. Lipset, S. M., Political Man, New York, 1960.
26. Lipset, S. M., M. A. Trow, and James S. Coleman, Union Democracy,
Glencoe, 111., 1956.
27. McKenzie, R. T., British Political Parties, London, 1955.
28. Merriam, Charles, Public and Private Government, New Havcn, 1944.
29. Michels, Robert, Political Parties, Glencoe, 111., 1958.
30. Parsons, Talcott The Social System, Glencoe, 111., 1951.
31. Potter, Ailen, «Attitude Groups,» Political Quarterly, XXIX (Jan. -
March 1958), 72-82.
32. Spiro, Herbert J., «The German Political System,» Patterns of Government
(S. H. Beer and A. B. Ulam, eds.), New York, 1958.
33. Spiro, Herbert J., Government by Constitution: The Political Systems
of Democracy, New York, 1959.
34. Tropp, Asher, The School Teachers, London, 1957.
35. Young, Michael, and Peter Willmott, Family and Kinship in East London,
Glencoe, 111., 1957.
\. Almond, G. A., and J. S. Coleman, The Politics of the Developing Areas,
Princeton, 1960.
2. Apter, David E., «A Comparative Method for the Study of Politics,»
American Journal of Sociology, LXIV (Nov. 1958), 221-237.
3. Beer, S. H., «Great Britain: From Governing Elite to Organized Mass
Parties,» Modern Political Parties (S. Neumann, ed.), Chicago, 1956, 9-57.
4. Bracher, Kari Dietrich, Die Auflösung der Weimarer Republik, Stuttgart
and Düsseldorf, 1957.
5. Catlin, G. E. G., Principles of Politics, London, 1930.
6. Cooper, Duff, Old Men Forget, London, 1953.
7. Crick, Bernard, Reform of the Commons, London, 1959.
8. Dahi, Robert A., «Business and Politics: An Appraisal of Political Science,»
American Political Science Revievv, LIII (March 1959), 1-34.
9. Deutsch, K. W., «Toward an Inventory of Basic Trends and Patterns in
Comparative and International Politics, «American Political Science Revievv,
LIV (March 1960), 34-57.
10. Deutsch, K. W., and L. J. Edinger, Germany Rejoins the Povvers, Stanford,
11. Deutsch, M., «A Theory of Cooperation and Competition,» Human Relations,
II (1949), 129-152.
12. Eckstein, Harry, Pressure Group Politics: The Case of the B. M. A., London
13. Finer, S. E., «The Federation of British Industries,» Political Studies,
IV (Feb. 1956), 61-82.
14. Friedrich, C. J., Constitutional Government and Democracy, 2nd ed.,
Boston, 1941.
15. Gide, Andre, Journals, IV, New York, 1951.
16. de Grazia, Sebastian, The Political Community: A Study of Anomie,
Chicago, 1948.
17. Inkeles, Alex, «The Totalitarian Mystique: Some Impressions of the
Dynamics of Totalitarian Society, «Totalitarianism (C. J. Friedrich, ed.),
Cambridge, Mass., 1954.
18. Jennings, Sir Ivor, Parliamentary Reform, London, 1934.
19. de Jouvenel, Bertrand, Sovereignty, An Inquiry into the Political Good,
Chicago, 1957.
20. Kornhauser, VVilliam, The Politics of Mass Society, Glencoe, 111., 1959.
21. Kracauer, Siegfried, From Caligari to Hitler, Princeton, 1947.
22. Lasswell, Harold, Politics: Who Gets What, When, How, New York,
23. Lasswell, Harold, and Abraham Kaplan, Povver and Society, New Haven,
24. Levy, Marion J., J., The Structure of Society, Princeton, 1952.
25. Lipset, S. M., Political Man, New York, 1960.
26. Lipset, S. M., M. A. Trow, and James S. Coleman, Union Democracy,
Glencoe, 111., 1956.
27. McKenzie, R. T., British Political Parties, London, 1955.
28. Merriam, Charles, Public and Private Government, New Havcn, 1944.
29. Michels, Robert, Political Parties, Glencoe, 111., 1958.
30. Parsons, Talcott The Social System, Glencoe, 111., 1951.
31. Potter, Ailen, «Attitude Groups,» Political Quarterly, XXIX (Jan. -
March 1958), 72-82.
32. Spiro, Herbert J., «The German Political System,» Patterns of Government
(S. H. Beer and A. B. Ulam, eds.), New York, 1958.
33. Spiro, Herbert J., Government by Constitution: The Political Systems
of Democracy, New York, 1959.
34. Tropp, Asher, The School Teachers, London, 1957.
35. Young, Michael, and Peter Willmott, Family and Kinship in East London,
Glencoe, 111., 1957.
Ecksteın, Harry, ve Ergun Özbudun. “BİR İSTİKRARLI DEMOKRASİ TEORİSİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 24, sy. 1 (Mayıs 1967). https://doi.org/10.1501/Hukfak_0000001346.