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Uluslararası Mülteci Hukuku ve Türkiye

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 62 Sayı: 4, 1007 - 1062, 01.12.2013


Uluslararası hukukun unsurlarından birisini oluşturan mülteci hukuku, insanlık tarihinin en eski zamanlarına kadar uzanmaktadır. İnsanların bir arada yaşamaya başlamaları; baskı, şiddet ve zulüm gibi kavramları beraberinde getirmiştir. Söz konusu kavramların sosyal hayattaki varlığı ise, bunlara maruz kalan kitlelerin yer değiştirmeleri sorununun, uluslararası alanda düzenlenmesini gerektirmiştir. Konuyla ilgili çalışmaların sonucunda ortaya çıkan kurum ve kuruluşlar, günümüz mülteci hukukunun temelini oluşturmaktadır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve sonrasında yaşanan ağır insan hakları ihlalleri ile tüm dünyada gerçekleşen yoğun nüfus hareketleri, mülteci hukukunu, Birleşmiş Milletler’in en önemli gündem maddelerinden biri haline getirmiştir. Uluslararası alanda mülteci hukukuna ilişkin temel belgeler; 1951 tarihli Mültecilerin Hukuki Statüsüne İlişkin Sözleşme ve Mültecilerin Hukuki Statüsüne İlişkin 1967 Protokolü olmakla birlikte, konu, başka uluslararası belgelerde de dolaylı olarak ele alınmıştır


  • ACER, Yücel/KAYA, İbrahim/GÜMÜŞ, Mahir (2010): Küresel ve Bölgesel Perspektiften Türkiye’nin İltica Stratejisi, Ankara, USAK Yay.
  • ACER, Yücel/KAYA, İbrahim/GÜMÜŞ, Mahir (2011): “Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir İltica Stratejisi Üzerine Gözlemler”, İltica, Uluslararası Göç ve Vatansızlık: Kuram, Gözlem ve Politika, Ankara, BMMYK.
  • AKIN, Tansu (Ed.) (2001): Sığınmacı, Mülteci ve Göç Konularına İlişkin Türkiye’deki Yargı Kararları, Ankara, BMMYK.
  • ALTINIŞIK, Çiğdem/YILDIRIM, Mehmet Şahin (2002): Mülteci Haklarının Korunması, Ankara, Ankara Barosu Yay.
  • AOIFE, Duffy (2008): “Expulsion to Face Torture? Non-Refoulement in International Law” International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol. 20, s.373-390.
  • ARENAS, Nuria (2005): “The Concept of 'Mass Influx of Displaced Persons' in the European Directive Establishing the Temporary Protection System”, European Journal of Migration and Law, Vol. 7, s.435-450.
  • ÇAYBOYLU, İrfan (Haz.) (1991): Göçmen Aileleri ve Göç Olayı Paneli, Ankara, Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı.
  • ÇİÇEKLİ, Bülent (2009): Uluslararası Hukukta Mülteciler ve Sığınmacılar, Ankara, Seçkin Yay.
  • ÇİÇEKLİ, Bülent (2010): “Mülteci, Sığınmacı ve Göçmenler: Sınıflandırma ve Yasal Statünün Belirlenmesine İlişkin Sorunlar”, Vatandaşlık, Göç, Mülteci ve Yabancılar Hukukundaki Güncel Gelişmeler, Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildirileri 15 ve 16 Mayıs 2009, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Ankara, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Yay., s.327-362.
  • EGGLI, Ann Vibeke (2002): Mass Refugee Influx and the Limits of Public International Law, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Pub.
  • EKŞİ, Nuray (2008): “AİHM Kararlarında Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Türkiye’den Sınırdışı Edilmelerini Engelleyen Haller”, İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, C. 82, S. 6, s.2803-2837.
  • EKŞİ, Nuray (2010): Mültecilere ve Sığınmacılara İlişkin Mevzuat, İstanbul, Beta Yay.
  • EKŞİ, Nuray (2012): Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu (Tasarısı), İstanbul, Beta Yay.
  • FITZPATRICK, Joan (2000), "Temporary Protection of Refugees: Elements of Formalized Regime", The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 94, s.279-306.
  • GAMMELTOFT-HANSEN, Thomas (2011): Access to Asylum, International Refugee Law and the Globalisation of Migration Control, New York, Cambridge University Press.
  • GOODWIN-GILL, Guy S. (1996): The International Refugee in International Law, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press.
  • HATHAWAY, James C./DENT, John A. (1995): Refugee Rights: Report on a Comparative Survey, Toronto, York Lane Press.
  • HATHAWAY, James C./NEVE, R. Alexander (1995): “Making International Refugee Law Relevant Again: A Proposal for Collectivized and Solution-Oriented Protection”, Harvard Human Rights Journal, Vol. 10, s.115-212.
  • JASTRAM, Kate/ACHIRON, Marilyn (2001): Refugee Protection: A Guide to International Refugee Law, Inter-Parliamentary Union.
  • KAYA, İbrahim (2012): Seeking a Legal Perspective on International Migration and Turkey, İstanbul, Legal Yayıncılık.
  • KAYNAK, Muhteşem: (1992): The Iraqı Asylum Seekers and Türkiye, Ankara, Tanmak Yay.
  • KESKİN, Funda (2005): Birleşmiş Milletler ve Türkiye, Ankara, Ekin Yay. KILIÇ, Taner (2010): “Bir İnsan Hakkı Olarak İltica”, Bir_Insan_Hakki_Olarak_Iltica-2010.pdf.
  • KORKUT, Levent (2006): “Dünyada ve Türkiye’deki Son Dönemde Mülteciler Hukuku Alanındaki Gelişmeleri”, İnsan Hakları (Konferans, Panel ve Sempozyumlar), (31 Ocak 2005-23 Aralık 2005), Ankara, Ankara Barosu İnsan Hakları Merkezi Yay., s.578-589.
  • KUSHNER, Tony/KNOX, Katharine (1999): Refugees in an Age of Genocide, London, Routledge.
  • LAUTERPACHT, Elihu/BETHLEHEM, Daniel (2003): "The Scope and Content of the Principle of non-refoulement: Opinion", Refugee Protection in International Law, UNHCR's Global Consultations on International Protection, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, s.87- 177.
  • MCADAM, Jane (2005): “The European Union Qualification Directive: The Creation of a Subsidiary Protection Regime”, International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol. 17, s.461-516.
  • NAZIR, Bayram (2006): Macar ve Polonyalı Mülteciler, Osmanlı'ya Sığınanlar, İstanbul, Yeditepe Yayınevi.
  • ODMAN, Tevfik (1995): Mülteci Hukuku, Ankara, AÜSBF İnsan Hakları Merkezi Yay.
  • PAZARCI, Hüseyin (2005): Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri 2. Kitap (8. bs.), Ankara, Turhan Kitabevi.
  • PEKER, Bülent/SANCAR, Mithat (2001): Mülteciler ve İltica Hakkı: Yaşamın Kıyısındakilere Hoşgeldin Diyebilmek, Ankara, İnsan Hakları Derneği Yay.
  • PIOTROWICZ, Ryszard/VAN ECK, Carina (2004): “Subsidiary Protection and Primary Rights”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 53, s.107-138.
  • STEINBOCK, Daniel J. (1998): “Interpreting The Refugee Definition”, Ucla Law Review, Vol. 45, s. 733-816. Belgeler
  • Anti-terrorism Measures, Security and Human Rights Developments in Europe, Central Asia and North America in the Aftermath of September 11 (2003), Report by the International Helsinki Federation _report_antiterrorism_pdf%5B1%5D.pdf. Rights,
  • "Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 Apr. 2004 on Minimum Standards for the Qualification and Status of Third Country Nationals or Stateless Persons as Refugees or as Persons Who Otherwise Need International Protection and the Content of the Protection Granted" (2004), Official Journal L304, s.12-23.
  • "Council Directive 2011795/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granted" (2011).
  • qualification-directive.html.
  • "Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof" (2001).
  • 5:EN:HTML.
  • Dünya Mültecilerinin Durumu 2000, BMMYK (2001): Ankara.
  • Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, HCR/IP/4/Eng/REV.1 Reedited (1992), Geneva, UNHCR,
  • İltica ve Göç Alanındaki Avrupa Birliği Müktesebatının Üstlenilmesine İlişkinİLTİCA%20VE%20GÖÇ%20 ULUSAL%20EYLEM%20PLANI.pdf. Eylem Planı,
  • İstenmeyen Misafirler: Türkiye’de “Yabancı Misafirhaneleri”nde Tutulan Mülteciler Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği (HYD),
  • Map of Syrian Refugee Locations in Turkey, 05/10/2012,
  • Sığınma ve Mülteci Konularındaki Uluslararası Belgeler ve Hukuki Metinler, BMMYK Türkiye Temsilciliği (1998): Ankara.
  • The Principle of Non-Refoulement as a Norm of Customary International Law, Response to the Questions Posed to UNHCR by the Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cases 2 BvR 1938/93, 2 BvR 1953/93, 2 BvR 1954/93, UNHCR (1994), The State of the World’s Refugees: In Search of Solidarity (2012),
  • UNCHR, Conclusion on International Cooperation and Burden and Responsibility Sharing in Mass Influx Situations (2004), No. 100, EXCOM Conclusions, UNHCR, The State of The World's Refugees: In Search of Solutions (1995), UNHCR in Turkey, Facts&Figures (2011): Issue 3, UNHCR Turkey, Syrian Daily Step, 08 April 2013, Yargı Kararları
  • Ankara 4. İdare Mahkemesi, E. 1997/286, K. 1997/824.
  • Ankara 8. İdare Mahkemesi, E. 1997/276, K. 1997/967.
  • ECHR, Case of Abdolkhani and Karimnia v. Turkey, 01.03.2010, Application no. 30471/08.
  • ECHR, Case of A.G. and Others v. Turkey, 15.06.1999, Application no. 40229/98.
  • ECHR, Case of Athary v. Turkey, 11.03.2013, Application no. 50372/09.
  • ECHR, Case of Dbouba v. Turkey, 13.10.2010, Application no. 15916/09.
  • ECHR, Case of G.H.H. and Others v. Turkey, 31.08.1999, Application no. 43258/98.
  • ECHR, Case of Jabari v. Turkey, 11.07.2000, Application no. 40035/98.

International Refugee Law and Turkey

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 62 Sayı: 4, 1007 - 1062, 01.12.2013


Refugee law as an element of international law dates back to the earliest times of human history. The cohabitation of different people brings about social pressure, violence, persecution. These social phenomena call for regulations in international law for the remedy of the people injured. Foundations and institutions arising out of legislative works directed towards this area constitute the basis of contemporary refugee law. Grave human rights violations during and after the Second World War as well as global population movements put refugee law on the agenda of the United Nations. At the international level the main instruments related to refugee law consist of the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees as well as other international instruments dealing indirectly with the subject. In respect of refugee law, Turkey has always witnessed major population movements due to its geographical position, albeit the national Turkish legislations related to refugees law did not have a municipal law about the subject matter for so long as the ratification of the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the participation to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. During this period, solutions to the refugee problem by separate rules of various legislations become conspicuous. Since these legislations caused some practical problems within the scope of the pre-accession period to the European Union, the works for drawing up a suitable applicable refugee law have already begun and the Foreigners and International Protection Code numbered 6458 was published in the Official Gazette on April 11, 2013. In this article, first of all, the development process and basic principles of international refugee law are emphasized by taking into account the characteristics of the worldwide refugee movements in the historical process which lead to progress in international refugee law. In the ongoing section, in the light of all these informations, Turkey’s practice in this issue is analyzed


  • ACER, Yücel/KAYA, İbrahim/GÜMÜŞ, Mahir (2010): Küresel ve Bölgesel Perspektiften Türkiye’nin İltica Stratejisi, Ankara, USAK Yay.
  • ACER, Yücel/KAYA, İbrahim/GÜMÜŞ, Mahir (2011): “Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir İltica Stratejisi Üzerine Gözlemler”, İltica, Uluslararası Göç ve Vatansızlık: Kuram, Gözlem ve Politika, Ankara, BMMYK.
  • AKIN, Tansu (Ed.) (2001): Sığınmacı, Mülteci ve Göç Konularına İlişkin Türkiye’deki Yargı Kararları, Ankara, BMMYK.
  • ALTINIŞIK, Çiğdem/YILDIRIM, Mehmet Şahin (2002): Mülteci Haklarının Korunması, Ankara, Ankara Barosu Yay.
  • AOIFE, Duffy (2008): “Expulsion to Face Torture? Non-Refoulement in International Law” International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol. 20, s.373-390.
  • ARENAS, Nuria (2005): “The Concept of 'Mass Influx of Displaced Persons' in the European Directive Establishing the Temporary Protection System”, European Journal of Migration and Law, Vol. 7, s.435-450.
  • ÇAYBOYLU, İrfan (Haz.) (1991): Göçmen Aileleri ve Göç Olayı Paneli, Ankara, Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı.
  • ÇİÇEKLİ, Bülent (2009): Uluslararası Hukukta Mülteciler ve Sığınmacılar, Ankara, Seçkin Yay.
  • ÇİÇEKLİ, Bülent (2010): “Mülteci, Sığınmacı ve Göçmenler: Sınıflandırma ve Yasal Statünün Belirlenmesine İlişkin Sorunlar”, Vatandaşlık, Göç, Mülteci ve Yabancılar Hukukundaki Güncel Gelişmeler, Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildirileri 15 ve 16 Mayıs 2009, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Ankara, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Yay., s.327-362.
  • EGGLI, Ann Vibeke (2002): Mass Refugee Influx and the Limits of Public International Law, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Pub.
  • EKŞİ, Nuray (2008): “AİHM Kararlarında Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Türkiye’den Sınırdışı Edilmelerini Engelleyen Haller”, İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, C. 82, S. 6, s.2803-2837.
  • EKŞİ, Nuray (2010): Mültecilere ve Sığınmacılara İlişkin Mevzuat, İstanbul, Beta Yay.
  • EKŞİ, Nuray (2012): Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu (Tasarısı), İstanbul, Beta Yay.
  • FITZPATRICK, Joan (2000), "Temporary Protection of Refugees: Elements of Formalized Regime", The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 94, s.279-306.
  • GAMMELTOFT-HANSEN, Thomas (2011): Access to Asylum, International Refugee Law and the Globalisation of Migration Control, New York, Cambridge University Press.
  • GOODWIN-GILL, Guy S. (1996): The International Refugee in International Law, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press.
  • HATHAWAY, James C./DENT, John A. (1995): Refugee Rights: Report on a Comparative Survey, Toronto, York Lane Press.
  • HATHAWAY, James C./NEVE, R. Alexander (1995): “Making International Refugee Law Relevant Again: A Proposal for Collectivized and Solution-Oriented Protection”, Harvard Human Rights Journal, Vol. 10, s.115-212.
  • JASTRAM, Kate/ACHIRON, Marilyn (2001): Refugee Protection: A Guide to International Refugee Law, Inter-Parliamentary Union.
  • KAYA, İbrahim (2012): Seeking a Legal Perspective on International Migration and Turkey, İstanbul, Legal Yayıncılık.
  • KAYNAK, Muhteşem: (1992): The Iraqı Asylum Seekers and Türkiye, Ankara, Tanmak Yay.
  • KESKİN, Funda (2005): Birleşmiş Milletler ve Türkiye, Ankara, Ekin Yay. KILIÇ, Taner (2010): “Bir İnsan Hakkı Olarak İltica”, Bir_Insan_Hakki_Olarak_Iltica-2010.pdf.
  • KORKUT, Levent (2006): “Dünyada ve Türkiye’deki Son Dönemde Mülteciler Hukuku Alanındaki Gelişmeleri”, İnsan Hakları (Konferans, Panel ve Sempozyumlar), (31 Ocak 2005-23 Aralık 2005), Ankara, Ankara Barosu İnsan Hakları Merkezi Yay., s.578-589.
  • KUSHNER, Tony/KNOX, Katharine (1999): Refugees in an Age of Genocide, London, Routledge.
  • LAUTERPACHT, Elihu/BETHLEHEM, Daniel (2003): "The Scope and Content of the Principle of non-refoulement: Opinion", Refugee Protection in International Law, UNHCR's Global Consultations on International Protection, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, s.87- 177.
  • MCADAM, Jane (2005): “The European Union Qualification Directive: The Creation of a Subsidiary Protection Regime”, International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol. 17, s.461-516.
  • NAZIR, Bayram (2006): Macar ve Polonyalı Mülteciler, Osmanlı'ya Sığınanlar, İstanbul, Yeditepe Yayınevi.
  • ODMAN, Tevfik (1995): Mülteci Hukuku, Ankara, AÜSBF İnsan Hakları Merkezi Yay.
  • PAZARCI, Hüseyin (2005): Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri 2. Kitap (8. bs.), Ankara, Turhan Kitabevi.
  • PEKER, Bülent/SANCAR, Mithat (2001): Mülteciler ve İltica Hakkı: Yaşamın Kıyısındakilere Hoşgeldin Diyebilmek, Ankara, İnsan Hakları Derneği Yay.
  • PIOTROWICZ, Ryszard/VAN ECK, Carina (2004): “Subsidiary Protection and Primary Rights”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 53, s.107-138.
  • STEINBOCK, Daniel J. (1998): “Interpreting The Refugee Definition”, Ucla Law Review, Vol. 45, s. 733-816. Belgeler
  • Anti-terrorism Measures, Security and Human Rights Developments in Europe, Central Asia and North America in the Aftermath of September 11 (2003), Report by the International Helsinki Federation _report_antiterrorism_pdf%5B1%5D.pdf. Rights,
  • "Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 Apr. 2004 on Minimum Standards for the Qualification and Status of Third Country Nationals or Stateless Persons as Refugees or as Persons Who Otherwise Need International Protection and the Content of the Protection Granted" (2004), Official Journal L304, s.12-23.
  • "Council Directive 2011795/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granted" (2011).
  • qualification-directive.html.
  • "Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof" (2001).
  • 5:EN:HTML.
  • Dünya Mültecilerinin Durumu 2000, BMMYK (2001): Ankara.
  • Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, HCR/IP/4/Eng/REV.1 Reedited (1992), Geneva, UNHCR,
  • İltica ve Göç Alanındaki Avrupa Birliği Müktesebatının Üstlenilmesine İlişkinİLTİCA%20VE%20GÖÇ%20 ULUSAL%20EYLEM%20PLANI.pdf. Eylem Planı,
  • İstenmeyen Misafirler: Türkiye’de “Yabancı Misafirhaneleri”nde Tutulan Mülteciler Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği (HYD),
  • Map of Syrian Refugee Locations in Turkey, 05/10/2012,
  • Sığınma ve Mülteci Konularındaki Uluslararası Belgeler ve Hukuki Metinler, BMMYK Türkiye Temsilciliği (1998): Ankara.
  • The Principle of Non-Refoulement as a Norm of Customary International Law, Response to the Questions Posed to UNHCR by the Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cases 2 BvR 1938/93, 2 BvR 1953/93, 2 BvR 1954/93, UNHCR (1994), The State of the World’s Refugees: In Search of Solidarity (2012),
  • UNCHR, Conclusion on International Cooperation and Burden and Responsibility Sharing in Mass Influx Situations (2004), No. 100, EXCOM Conclusions, UNHCR, The State of The World's Refugees: In Search of Solutions (1995), UNHCR in Turkey, Facts&Figures (2011): Issue 3, UNHCR Turkey, Syrian Daily Step, 08 April 2013, Yargı Kararları
  • Ankara 4. İdare Mahkemesi, E. 1997/286, K. 1997/824.
  • Ankara 8. İdare Mahkemesi, E. 1997/276, K. 1997/967.
  • ECHR, Case of Abdolkhani and Karimnia v. Turkey, 01.03.2010, Application no. 30471/08.
  • ECHR, Case of A.G. and Others v. Turkey, 15.06.1999, Application no. 40229/98.
  • ECHR, Case of Athary v. Turkey, 11.03.2013, Application no. 50372/09.
  • ECHR, Case of Dbouba v. Turkey, 13.10.2010, Application no. 15916/09.
  • ECHR, Case of G.H.H. and Others v. Turkey, 31.08.1999, Application no. 43258/98.
  • ECHR, Case of Jabari v. Turkey, 11.07.2000, Application no. 40035/98.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA37PK65KU
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nasıh Sarp Ergüven Bu kişi benim

Beyza Özturanlı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 62 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Ergüven, Nasıh Sarp, ve Beyza Özturanlı. “Uluslararası Mülteci Hukuku Ve Türkiye”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 62, sy. 4 (Aralık 2013): 1007-62.

Cited By
