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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 4, 711 - 766, 01.12.2010


Sağlık hakkı bir insan hakkıdır. Bu makale, uluslar arası insan hakları hukukunda sağlık hakkının unsurlarını betimlemekte ve de analiz etmektedir. Sağlık hakkı, hem bölgesel hem de uluslar arası düzlemde pek çok Sözleşmede ayrıntıları ile açıklanmıştır. Sağlık hakkı, tipik olarak ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel haklar kategorisine ait bir haktır. Uluslar arası insan hakları hukuku bağlamında ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel haklar, bazen, medeni ve siyasal haklardan farklı nitelikte algılanmaktadır. Hâlbuki her iki hak kategorisi de birbirine bağımlı, birbiri ile ilişkili ve eşit önemdedir. Ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel haklar da, bütün insan hakları gibi, devletlere, insan haklarına saygı göstermek, insan haklarını korumak ve insan haklarının gereklerini yerine getirmek olarak anılan üç parçalı yükümlülükleri yüklemektedir


  • Algan, Bülent. (2007). Ekonomik, Sosyal ve Kültürel Hakların Korunması. Ankara: Seçkin. Yayıncılık.
  • Atapattu, Sumudu. (2002) “The Right to Healthy Life or the Right to Die Polluted?: The Emergence of a Human Right to a Healthy Environment Under International Law”. Tulane Environmental Law Journal, 65-126.
  • Battlett, Peter.-Oliver Lewis and Oliver Thorold. (2007). Mental Disability and the European Convention on Human Rights. Nederlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Cassel, Jennifer. (2007). “Enforcing Environmental Human Rights: Selected Strategies of US NGOs”. Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights, 104-127.
  • Cavallaro, James L.,- Emily J. Schaffer. (2004). “Less as More: Rethinking Supranational Litigation of Economic and Social Rights in the Americas”, Hastings Law Journal, 217-281.
  • Clapham, Andrew. (2004). Human Rights a Very Short Introduction. OUP, New York.
  • Craven, Matthew C. R. (1005). The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Dankwa, Victor, - Cees Flinterman And Scott Leckie, (1998) “Commentary to the Maastricht Guidelines on Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”. Human Rights Quarterly 20, 705-730.
  • Dennis, Michael J., - David P. Stewart. (2004). “Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Should There be an International Complaints Mechanism to Adjudicate the Rights to Food, Water, Housing and Health?”. American Journal of International Law, 462-515.
  • Donnelly, Jack. (1995). Teoride ve Uygulamada Evrensel İnsan Hakları. Çev: Mustafa Erdoğan-Levent Korkut. Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları.
  • Fomerand, Jacques. (2007). Historical Dictionary of the United Nations. The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Plymouth, UK.
  • Fura, Elisabet, “Implemention of European Court of Human Right Violence in the Family”, 50. Yılında AİHM ve Türkiye, Uluslararası Sempozyum. Ankara: Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Yayınları, 2009, 65-72.
  • Gable, Lance. (2007). “The Proliferation of Human Rights in Global Health Governance”. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 534-542.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (2002). İnsan Hakları Komitesi Kararlarında Yaşam Hakkı ve İşkence Yasağı. İstanbul: İstanbul Barosu Yayınları.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (2006). Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukuku Işığında Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi (Madde 3 / İşkence Yasağı) Analizi. Ankara: Ankara Barosu Yayınları.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (1994). Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukukunda Yaşam Hakkı ve İşkence Yasağı. İstanbul: Kavram Yayınları.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (2007). Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukukunun Genel Teorisine Giriş. İstanbul: Legal yayıncılık.
  • Gevers, Sjef. (2004). “The Right to Health Care”, European Journal of Health Law, 11, 29-34.
  • Goodman, Timothy. (2005). “Is There A Right to Health?”. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 30, 643-662.
  • Gorman, Robert F., - Edwards S. Mihalkanin.(2007). Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organisations. The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Plymouth, UK.
  • Hendriks, Aart. (1999). “The Close Connection Between Classiccal Rights And the Right to Health, With Special Reference to the Right to Sexual And Reproductive Health”. Medicine and Law, 225-242.
  • Hendriks, Aart. (1998). “The Right to Health in National and International Jurisprudence”. European Journal of Health Law, 5, 389-408.
  • Heyns, Christof. (2004). “The African Regional Human Rights System: The African Charter”. Penn State Law Review, 679-702.
  • Jheelan, Navish. (2007) “The Enforceability of Socio-Economic Rights”. European Human Rights Law Review, 146-157.
  • Keener, Steven R. - Javier Vasquez. (2009). “A life Worth Living: Enforcement of the Right to Health Through the Right to Life in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 594-624.
  • Kinney, Eleanor D. (2001). “The International Human Right to Health What Does This Mean for Our Nation and World ?”. Indiana Law Review, 1457-1475.
  • Klein, Alana. (2008). “Judging As Nudging: New Governance Approaches fort he Enforcement of Constitutional Social and Economic Rights”. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 351-422.
  • Littell, Amanda. (2002). “Can a Constitutional Right to Health Guarantee Universal Health Care Coverage or Improved Health Outcomes?: A Survey of Selected States”. Connecticut Law Review, 289-314.
  • Nozick, Robert. (2006). Anarşi, Devlet ve Ütopya. Çev: Alişan Oktay, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Odinkalu, Chidi Anselm. (2002). “Implementing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the African Charter on Human And Peoples’ Rights”. Rachel Murray (Editor), African Charter on Human and Peoples’. CUP, NY, USA, 178-218.
  • Ramcharan, Bertrand G., (Editor). (2005). Judicial Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Cases and Materials. NLD: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden/Boston.
  • Robertson, A. H., - J. G. (1996). Merrils, Human Rights in the World. Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York.
  • Sachs, Albie. (2007). “Enforcement of Social And Economic Rights”. American University International Law Review, 673-708.
  • Shelton, Dinah. (2006). “Human Rights and the Environment: What Specific Environmental Rights Have Been Recognized?”. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 129-171.
  • Shelton, Dinah. (2002). “International Decisions : Decision Regarding Communication 155/96”. American Journal of International Law, 937-942.
  • Simpson, Ebow Bondzie. (1998). “A Critique of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights”. Howard Law Journal, 643-665.
  • Taylor, Prudence E. (1998). “From Environmental to Ecological Human Rights: A New Dynamic in International Law”. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 309-397.
  • Toebes, Brigit. (1999). “Towards an Improved Understanding of the International Human Right to Health”. Human Rights Quarterly, 21, 661-679.
  • Tulkens, Françoise. (2009). “In General, European Convention on Human Rights and İmplemention”, 50. Yılında AİHM ve Türkiye, Uluslararası Sempozyum. Ankara: Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Yayınları, 3-10.
  • Yamin, Alicia Ely. (2005). “The Right to Health Under International Law And Its Relevance to the United States”. American Journal of Public Health, 95(7), 1156-1161.

A Treatise on the Contents of the Right to Health In Supra-National Human Rights Law within the Context of Qualities of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 4, 711 - 766, 01.12.2010


The right to health is a human right. This article describes and analyzes the components of the right to health in international human rights law. The right to health has been elaborated on in numerous conventions, at both the international and regional levels. The right to health is typically included in the category of economic, social and cultural rights. In the context of international human rights, economic, social and cultural rights are sometimes distinguished from civil and political rights, although it is often asserted that both sets of rights are interdependent, interrelated, and of equal importance. Like all human rights, economic, social and cultural rights also entail a tri-partite typology of obligations on states to respect, to protect and to fulfill these rights


  • Algan, Bülent. (2007). Ekonomik, Sosyal ve Kültürel Hakların Korunması. Ankara: Seçkin. Yayıncılık.
  • Atapattu, Sumudu. (2002) “The Right to Healthy Life or the Right to Die Polluted?: The Emergence of a Human Right to a Healthy Environment Under International Law”. Tulane Environmental Law Journal, 65-126.
  • Battlett, Peter.-Oliver Lewis and Oliver Thorold. (2007). Mental Disability and the European Convention on Human Rights. Nederlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Cassel, Jennifer. (2007). “Enforcing Environmental Human Rights: Selected Strategies of US NGOs”. Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights, 104-127.
  • Cavallaro, James L.,- Emily J. Schaffer. (2004). “Less as More: Rethinking Supranational Litigation of Economic and Social Rights in the Americas”, Hastings Law Journal, 217-281.
  • Clapham, Andrew. (2004). Human Rights a Very Short Introduction. OUP, New York.
  • Craven, Matthew C. R. (1005). The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Dankwa, Victor, - Cees Flinterman And Scott Leckie, (1998) “Commentary to the Maastricht Guidelines on Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”. Human Rights Quarterly 20, 705-730.
  • Dennis, Michael J., - David P. Stewart. (2004). “Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Should There be an International Complaints Mechanism to Adjudicate the Rights to Food, Water, Housing and Health?”. American Journal of International Law, 462-515.
  • Donnelly, Jack. (1995). Teoride ve Uygulamada Evrensel İnsan Hakları. Çev: Mustafa Erdoğan-Levent Korkut. Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları.
  • Fomerand, Jacques. (2007). Historical Dictionary of the United Nations. The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Plymouth, UK.
  • Fura, Elisabet, “Implemention of European Court of Human Right Violence in the Family”, 50. Yılında AİHM ve Türkiye, Uluslararası Sempozyum. Ankara: Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Yayınları, 2009, 65-72.
  • Gable, Lance. (2007). “The Proliferation of Human Rights in Global Health Governance”. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 534-542.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (2002). İnsan Hakları Komitesi Kararlarında Yaşam Hakkı ve İşkence Yasağı. İstanbul: İstanbul Barosu Yayınları.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (2006). Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukuku Işığında Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi (Madde 3 / İşkence Yasağı) Analizi. Ankara: Ankara Barosu Yayınları.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (1994). Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukukunda Yaşam Hakkı ve İşkence Yasağı. İstanbul: Kavram Yayınları.
  • Gemalmaz, Mehmet Semih. (2007). Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukukunun Genel Teorisine Giriş. İstanbul: Legal yayıncılık.
  • Gevers, Sjef. (2004). “The Right to Health Care”, European Journal of Health Law, 11, 29-34.
  • Goodman, Timothy. (2005). “Is There A Right to Health?”. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 30, 643-662.
  • Gorman, Robert F., - Edwards S. Mihalkanin.(2007). Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organisations. The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Plymouth, UK.
  • Hendriks, Aart. (1999). “The Close Connection Between Classiccal Rights And the Right to Health, With Special Reference to the Right to Sexual And Reproductive Health”. Medicine and Law, 225-242.
  • Hendriks, Aart. (1998). “The Right to Health in National and International Jurisprudence”. European Journal of Health Law, 5, 389-408.
  • Heyns, Christof. (2004). “The African Regional Human Rights System: The African Charter”. Penn State Law Review, 679-702.
  • Jheelan, Navish. (2007) “The Enforceability of Socio-Economic Rights”. European Human Rights Law Review, 146-157.
  • Keener, Steven R. - Javier Vasquez. (2009). “A life Worth Living: Enforcement of the Right to Health Through the Right to Life in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 594-624.
  • Kinney, Eleanor D. (2001). “The International Human Right to Health What Does This Mean for Our Nation and World ?”. Indiana Law Review, 1457-1475.
  • Klein, Alana. (2008). “Judging As Nudging: New Governance Approaches fort he Enforcement of Constitutional Social and Economic Rights”. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 351-422.
  • Littell, Amanda. (2002). “Can a Constitutional Right to Health Guarantee Universal Health Care Coverage or Improved Health Outcomes?: A Survey of Selected States”. Connecticut Law Review, 289-314.
  • Nozick, Robert. (2006). Anarşi, Devlet ve Ütopya. Çev: Alişan Oktay, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Odinkalu, Chidi Anselm. (2002). “Implementing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the African Charter on Human And Peoples’ Rights”. Rachel Murray (Editor), African Charter on Human and Peoples’. CUP, NY, USA, 178-218.
  • Ramcharan, Bertrand G., (Editor). (2005). Judicial Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Cases and Materials. NLD: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden/Boston.
  • Robertson, A. H., - J. G. (1996). Merrils, Human Rights in the World. Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York.
  • Sachs, Albie. (2007). “Enforcement of Social And Economic Rights”. American University International Law Review, 673-708.
  • Shelton, Dinah. (2006). “Human Rights and the Environment: What Specific Environmental Rights Have Been Recognized?”. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 129-171.
  • Shelton, Dinah. (2002). “International Decisions : Decision Regarding Communication 155/96”. American Journal of International Law, 937-942.
  • Simpson, Ebow Bondzie. (1998). “A Critique of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights”. Howard Law Journal, 643-665.
  • Taylor, Prudence E. (1998). “From Environmental to Ecological Human Rights: A New Dynamic in International Law”. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 309-397.
  • Toebes, Brigit. (1999). “Towards an Improved Understanding of the International Human Right to Health”. Human Rights Quarterly, 21, 661-679.
  • Tulkens, Françoise. (2009). “In General, European Convention on Human Rights and İmplemention”, 50. Yılında AİHM ve Türkiye, Uluslararası Sempozyum. Ankara: Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Yayınları, 3-10.
  • Yamin, Alicia Ely. (2005). “The Right to Health Under International Law And Its Relevance to the United States”. American Journal of Public Health, 95(7), 1156-1161.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA62ZP59HU
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Adil Şahin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 59 Sayı: 4

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