Agenda 21, The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet
(ed. Daniel Starz), 1993.
Bonnefois, Christine, M.: Droit Euröpean de L'environment,
ire 6dition, Delmas 1993.
Buck, Susan J.: Understanding Environmental Administration
and Law, Washington D.C. 1991.
Carpenter, Richard, A.: "Ecology in Court and Other Disappointments
of Environmental Science and Environmental Law", 15
Natural Resources Lawyer 1982-83,573-95.
Çevre Korumada Uluslararası İşbirliği ve Avrupa Topluluğunda
Çevre Politikaları, Ataum Ders Notlan (haz. Dr. Yılmaz
Dündar), Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1995.
Çörtoğlu, Sahir: "Kirleten Öder İlkesi ve Ekolojik Zarar Kavramı",
5 Yeni Türkiye 1995,347-352.
Dales, J.H.: Çevre Sorunlarının Hukuki ve Ekonomik Temelleri
(Çev. İ. Orhan Türköz) (tarihsiz).
Dommen, Edward: "The Four Principles for Environmental
policy, and Sustainable Development: an Overwiew" in Fair Principles
For Sustainable Development (ed. Edvvard Dommen), Unctad
Davies, Clarence, C: "Standart Setting" in Pollution, Resources,
and the Environment (ed. Alain C. Enthoven-A. Myrick Freeman
111), NevvYork 1973,107-111.
Dewiees, Donald, "Tort Law and the Deterrence of Environmental
Pollution", in Innovation of Environmental Policy (ed. T. H.
Tietenberg), 1992,139-64.
Drupsteen, Thijs-Gilhius, Piet: "The Netherlands" in Understanding
US and European Environmental Law (eds. Turner T.
Smith-Pascale Kromarek), Martinis Nijhof 1989, 47-58.
Encyclopedia of The Environment (eds. Ruth A. EblenWilliam
R. Eblen), The Rene Dubos Center for Human Environment,
Environmental Encyclopedia (ed. William CunninghamTerence
Ball and the Others), 1994.
Environmental Science The Harper Collins Dictionary, 1992.
Freeman, Myrick A.: "Income Distribution and Environmental
Quality" in Pollution, Resorces, and The Environment (Eds.
Alain C. Enthoven-A. Myrick Freeman 111), Newyork 1973, 100-
Freeman, Myrick-Hayeman, Robert-Kneese, Ailen: The
Economics of Environmental Policy, 1973.
Guilloud Martine R.: Du Droit de Detruire, Essai sur le Droit
de L'environment, Presses Universitaires de France 1989.
Hardin, Garrett: "The Tragedy of the Commons" in Pollution,
Resources and the Environment (ed. Alain C. Enthowen-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), New York 1973, 1-13.
Heal, Geoffrey: "Application of the Polluter-Pays Principle in
Developing Countries" in Fair Principles for Sustainable Development
(ed. Edward Dommen), Unctad 1993, 73-80.
Juhasz, Ferenc: "Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development
in the Developing Countries" in Fair Principles for Sustainable
Development (ed. Edward Dommen) Unctad 1993, 33-59.
Kışlalıoğlu, Mine-Berkes, Niyazi: Çevre ve Ekoloji, 4. basım,
Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul 1993.
Kiss, Alexandre-Shelton Dinah: International Environmental
Law, Graham/Trotman limited, 1991.
Kneese, Allen-Ayres, Robert-D'Arge, Ralph: "Economies
and the Environment: A Material Balance Approach" in Pollution,
Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), NevvYork, 1973,25-36.
Lave, Lester B.-Seskin Eugene P.: "Air Pollution and Human
Health" in Pollution, Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain
G. Enthoven-A. Myrick Freeman 111) NevvYork 1973, 88-99.
Panel Discussions, "The Role" of Technical and Economic
Analysis in Environmental Regulation" (Moderator R.B. Stewart)
in Understanding US and European Environmental Law (eds. Turner
T. Smith-Pascale Kromarek), Martinis Nijhof 1989, 67-77.
Parikh, Kirit S.: "The Polluter-Pays and User-Pays Principles
for Developing Countries; Merits, Drawbacks and Feasibility" in
Fair Principles for Sustainable Development (ed. Edward Dommen),
Unctad 1993, 81-91.
Prieur, Michel: Droit de L'Environnmenet, 2e edition, Dalloz,
Paris 1991.
Rose-Ackerman, Susan: "Environmental Liability Law" in Innovation
in Environmental Policy (ed. Tom Tietenberg) 1992, 223-
Ruff, Larry A.: "The Economic Common sense of Pollution"
in Pollution, Resources and the Environment (eds. Alain, C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), 1973, 37-53.
Senece, Joseph, J.-Taussig, Michel K.: Environmental Economies,
Prentice,Hall 1974.
Stewart, Richard: "Economies, Environment and the Limits
of Legal Control", 9 Hanvard Environmental Law Reviev 1985,
The European Community and the Environment, European
Documentation, Periodical 3/1987.
The Recommendation of the Council on Guiding principles
Conceming International Aspects of Environmental Policies (26
may 1972) in Fair Principles for Sustainable Development
(ed.Edwaard Dommen), Unctad 1993, 139-45
The Recommendation of the Council on the Implementation
of the Polluter-Pays Principle (14 November 1974) in Fair Principles
For Sustainable Development (Ed. edward Dommen) Unctad
The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, International
Legal Materials, Vol.xxxi, n.4 July 1992, 876.
The State of the Environment, OECD, Paris 1991.
Toroslu, Nevzat: Ceza Hukuku ve Çevre, Türkiye Çevre Sorunları
Vakfı Yayını, 1982.
Turgut, Nükhet; Çevre ve Yurttaşlar, Yurttaşların Çevrenin
Korunmasındaki Rolü (Kamu Hukuku ve Siyasal Bilim Yaklaşımı),
Savaş Yayınları, Ankara, 1993.
Turvey, Ralph: "Side Effects of Resorce Use" in Polluttion,
Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), 1973, 59-71.
Türköz, Orhan: "Ekonomi, Hukuk ve Çevre, Çevre Meselelerinin
Ekonomik Yorumu", 5 Yeni Türkiye 1995, 320-324.
United States of America National Report, UN Conference on
Environment and Development 1992.
Yedinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı (1996-2000), RG. 25 Temmuz
1995, Sayı 22354.
Zwick, David R.: "A Critisizm of the Effluent Charge"in Pollution,
Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), NefoYork 1973, 138-40.
Agenda 21, The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet
(ed. Daniel Starz), 1993.
Bonnefois, Christine, M.: Droit Euröpean de L'environment,
ire 6dition, Delmas 1993.
Buck, Susan J.: Understanding Environmental Administration
and Law, Washington D.C. 1991.
Carpenter, Richard, A.: "Ecology in Court and Other Disappointments
of Environmental Science and Environmental Law", 15
Natural Resources Lawyer 1982-83,573-95.
Çevre Korumada Uluslararası İşbirliği ve Avrupa Topluluğunda
Çevre Politikaları, Ataum Ders Notlan (haz. Dr. Yılmaz
Dündar), Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1995.
Çörtoğlu, Sahir: "Kirleten Öder İlkesi ve Ekolojik Zarar Kavramı",
5 Yeni Türkiye 1995,347-352.
Dales, J.H.: Çevre Sorunlarının Hukuki ve Ekonomik Temelleri
(Çev. İ. Orhan Türköz) (tarihsiz).
Dommen, Edward: "The Four Principles for Environmental
policy, and Sustainable Development: an Overwiew" in Fair Principles
For Sustainable Development (ed. Edvvard Dommen), Unctad
Davies, Clarence, C: "Standart Setting" in Pollution, Resources,
and the Environment (ed. Alain C. Enthoven-A. Myrick Freeman
111), NevvYork 1973,107-111.
Dewiees, Donald, "Tort Law and the Deterrence of Environmental
Pollution", in Innovation of Environmental Policy (ed. T. H.
Tietenberg), 1992,139-64.
Drupsteen, Thijs-Gilhius, Piet: "The Netherlands" in Understanding
US and European Environmental Law (eds. Turner T.
Smith-Pascale Kromarek), Martinis Nijhof 1989, 47-58.
Encyclopedia of The Environment (eds. Ruth A. EblenWilliam
R. Eblen), The Rene Dubos Center for Human Environment,
Environmental Encyclopedia (ed. William CunninghamTerence
Ball and the Others), 1994.
Environmental Science The Harper Collins Dictionary, 1992.
Freeman, Myrick A.: "Income Distribution and Environmental
Quality" in Pollution, Resorces, and The Environment (Eds.
Alain C. Enthoven-A. Myrick Freeman 111), Newyork 1973, 100-
Freeman, Myrick-Hayeman, Robert-Kneese, Ailen: The
Economics of Environmental Policy, 1973.
Guilloud Martine R.: Du Droit de Detruire, Essai sur le Droit
de L'environment, Presses Universitaires de France 1989.
Hardin, Garrett: "The Tragedy of the Commons" in Pollution,
Resources and the Environment (ed. Alain C. Enthowen-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), New York 1973, 1-13.
Heal, Geoffrey: "Application of the Polluter-Pays Principle in
Developing Countries" in Fair Principles for Sustainable Development
(ed. Edward Dommen), Unctad 1993, 73-80.
Juhasz, Ferenc: "Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development
in the Developing Countries" in Fair Principles for Sustainable
Development (ed. Edward Dommen) Unctad 1993, 33-59.
Kışlalıoğlu, Mine-Berkes, Niyazi: Çevre ve Ekoloji, 4. basım,
Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul 1993.
Kiss, Alexandre-Shelton Dinah: International Environmental
Law, Graham/Trotman limited, 1991.
Kneese, Allen-Ayres, Robert-D'Arge, Ralph: "Economies
and the Environment: A Material Balance Approach" in Pollution,
Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), NevvYork, 1973,25-36.
Lave, Lester B.-Seskin Eugene P.: "Air Pollution and Human
Health" in Pollution, Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain
G. Enthoven-A. Myrick Freeman 111) NevvYork 1973, 88-99.
Panel Discussions, "The Role" of Technical and Economic
Analysis in Environmental Regulation" (Moderator R.B. Stewart)
in Understanding US and European Environmental Law (eds. Turner
T. Smith-Pascale Kromarek), Martinis Nijhof 1989, 67-77.
Parikh, Kirit S.: "The Polluter-Pays and User-Pays Principles
for Developing Countries; Merits, Drawbacks and Feasibility" in
Fair Principles for Sustainable Development (ed. Edward Dommen),
Unctad 1993, 81-91.
Prieur, Michel: Droit de L'Environnmenet, 2e edition, Dalloz,
Paris 1991.
Rose-Ackerman, Susan: "Environmental Liability Law" in Innovation
in Environmental Policy (ed. Tom Tietenberg) 1992, 223-
Ruff, Larry A.: "The Economic Common sense of Pollution"
in Pollution, Resources and the Environment (eds. Alain, C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), 1973, 37-53.
Senece, Joseph, J.-Taussig, Michel K.: Environmental Economies,
Prentice,Hall 1974.
Stewart, Richard: "Economies, Environment and the Limits
of Legal Control", 9 Hanvard Environmental Law Reviev 1985,
The European Community and the Environment, European
Documentation, Periodical 3/1987.
The Recommendation of the Council on Guiding principles
Conceming International Aspects of Environmental Policies (26
may 1972) in Fair Principles for Sustainable Development
(ed.Edwaard Dommen), Unctad 1993, 139-45
The Recommendation of the Council on the Implementation
of the Polluter-Pays Principle (14 November 1974) in Fair Principles
For Sustainable Development (Ed. edward Dommen) Unctad
The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, International
Legal Materials, Vol.xxxi, n.4 July 1992, 876.
The State of the Environment, OECD, Paris 1991.
Toroslu, Nevzat: Ceza Hukuku ve Çevre, Türkiye Çevre Sorunları
Vakfı Yayını, 1982.
Turgut, Nükhet; Çevre ve Yurttaşlar, Yurttaşların Çevrenin
Korunmasındaki Rolü (Kamu Hukuku ve Siyasal Bilim Yaklaşımı),
Savaş Yayınları, Ankara, 1993.
Turvey, Ralph: "Side Effects of Resorce Use" in Polluttion,
Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), 1973, 59-71.
Türköz, Orhan: "Ekonomi, Hukuk ve Çevre, Çevre Meselelerinin
Ekonomik Yorumu", 5 Yeni Türkiye 1995, 320-324.
United States of America National Report, UN Conference on
Environment and Development 1992.
Yedinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı (1996-2000), RG. 25 Temmuz
1995, Sayı 22354.
Zwick, David R.: "A Critisizm of the Effluent Charge"in Pollution,
Resources, and the Environment (eds. Alain C. Enthoven-A.
Myrick Freeman 111), NefoYork 1973, 138-40.
Turgut, Nükhet. “KİRLETEN ÖDER İLKESİ VE ÇEVRE HUKUKU”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 44, sy. 1 (Mayıs 1995).