Araştırma Makalesi
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Erosion of the Rule of Law Principle through the Instrumentalization of Law: Practices from Council of Europe States

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 71 Sayı: 2, 621 - 682, 30.06.2022


Today, authoritarian tendencies are reaching a global extent. It is
possible to say that these tendencies deserve the characterization of - in
Huntington's words- a Reverse Wave in the Third Wave of democratization.
This study examines the developments in the Russian Federation, Hungary,
and Poland, where authoritarianism and regression from the rule of law are
seen. A separation from democratization and the rule of law in all these three
countries is clear. It started in Russia and spread to other countries in the
form of an avalanche, especially in the field of judiciary. The regression in
the Third Wave is taking place in the judiciary, relatively the most harmless
political power, through instrumentalization of law. It is observed that the
supranational mechanisms, which protect human rights, are rendered
dysfunctional under the pretext of ensuring the supremacy of the
constitution, and the rupture from those mechanisms is veiled by presenting
it as a matter of sovereignty. Therefore, it is essential that the judiciary be
freed from the interventions of other powers and regains its essential role in
protecting rights. To that end, the necessity of nation-states’ reintegration
with supranational mechanisms which protect human rights is emphasized.


  • Arato, Andrew and Zoltan Miklosi. Constitution Making and Transitional Politics in Hungary”, Framing the State in Times of Transition, (Editör L. Miller). Washington: USIP Press, 2010.
  • Avakyan, Suren. Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossii, [Rusya Anayasa Hukuku]. Moskova: Norma,2005.
  • Avakyan, Suren. Konstitutsiya Rossii: Priroda, Evolutsiya, Sovremennost; [Rusya Anayasası: Doğası, Evrimi, Çağdaşlığı].Moskova:Şaşko, 2000.
  • Berman, Harold. “The Rule of Law and Law- Based State (Rechtsstaat)”, The Harriman Institute Forum 4, No.5, Mayıs1991.
  • Blankenagel, Aleksandr. “Detsvo, Otroçestvo, Yunost” Rossiskogo Konstitutsionnogo Suda [Rusya Federasyonu Anayasa Mahkemesinin “Çocukluk, Ergenlik, Yetişkinliği”. Moskova:1996. Aktaran Trochev, Aleksei. Judging Russia Constitutional Courts of Russian Politics 1990-2006.NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Brzezinski, Mark F. “The Emergence of Judicial Review in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland”, The American Journal of Comparative Law 41, no. 2, (Oxford University Press, Spring 1993), 153-200.
  • Brzezinski, Mark F. and Leszek Garlicki. “Judicial Review in Post-Communist Poland: The Emergence of a Rechtsstaat”, Stanford Journal of International Law 31, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 13-60.
  • Ekiert, Grzegorz and Anna Grzymala-Busse. “Strengthening Pluralism and Public Participation in New Democracies”, The Construction of Democracy (Lessons from Practice and Research), Eds. Jorge Dominguez and Anthony Jones, (Baltimore Maryland, 2007).
  • Garlicki, Lech and Zofia A. Garlicka. “Constitution Making, Peace Building, and National Reconciliation the Experience of Poland.”, Framing the State in Times of Transition Case Studies in Constitution Making, edited by Laurel E. Miller and Louis Aucoin, (Washington: United States Institute of Peace, 2012), 391-416.
  • Garlicki, Leszek and Marta Derleatka, “Constitutional Court of Poland – 1996 – 2018”, Development of Constitutional Law Through Constitutional Justice: Landmark Decisions and Their Impact on Constitutional Culture, Eds. Rainer Arnold, Anna Rytel-Warzocha and Andrzej Szmyt, XXth International Congress on European and Comparative Constitutional Law, (Gdańsk, 20-23 September 2018), 151-168.
  • Gorbaçov, Mihail. Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and The World. New York:Harper & Row Publischers, 1987.
  • Gsovski, Vladimir and Kazimierz Grzybowski. Government, Law and Courts in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. New York: Praeger, 1960.
  • Halmai, Gabor. “The Early Retirement Age of the Hungarian Judges”, EU Law Stories, Editörler Fernanda Nicola and Bill Davies, 471-488. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
  • Halmai, Gabor. "The Fall of the Rule of Law in Hungary and the Complicity of the EU.", Italian Journal of Public Law, cilt.12. No.2, 204-223. 2020.
  • Hirschl, Ran. “The Political Origins of Judicial Empowerment Through Constitutionalization: Lessons from Four Constitutional Revolutions”, Law & Social Inquiry, cilt.25, No.1.,91-149.Wiley Press: Winter, 2000.
  • Huntington, Samuel. Üçüncü Dalga. Ankara: Kilit Yayınları,2011. Kazai, Viktor, and Ăgnes Kovăks.“The Last Days of the Independent Supreme Court of Hungary?” Verfassungsblog E.T: 01.11.2021
  • Kutafin, Oleg. Rossiskii Konstitutsionalizm [Rus Anayasacılığı]. Moskova:Norma, 2016. Limbach, Jutta. “The Concept of the Supremacy of the Constitution”, The Modern Law Review, cilt. 64, No.1. Aktaran Ergül, Ozan.Türk Anayasa Mahkemesi ve Demokrasi. Ankara: Adalet Yayınevi, 2007.
  • Landau, David. "Abusive Constitutionalism," U.C. Davis Law Review 47, No.1, 189-260. Kasım 2013.
  • Lang, Gyorgy. "Hungary: Building Democracy Through Law" Legal Reference Services Quarterly, Cilt.13, No.1, 31-90. Boston College Law School Library,1993.
  • Maltas Magyarra. “An İlliberal Chief Jusitce” E.T: 01.11.2021
  • Marçenko, Mihail. Teoriya Gosudarstva i Prava [Devlet ve Hukuk Teorisi]. Moskova:Prospekt, 2015.
  • Mityukov, Mihail . K İstorii Konstitutsionnogo Pravosudiya vı Rossii [Rusya’da Anayasa Yargısının Tarihi Üzerine], Moskova: Pravo i Politika,2002.
  • Mityukov, Mihail and Barnaşov Aleksandr. Oçerki Konstitutsionnogo Pravosudiya [Anayasa Yargısı üzerine Deneme].Tomsk: Tomskii Gosudarstvennıy Universitet, 1999.
  • Nersestyants, Vladik. İstoriya Politiçeskih i Pravovıh Uçenii [Siyasal ve Hukuki Öğretinin Tarihi]. Moskova: Norma,2004.
  • Özkan, Zeynep. Rusya Federasyonu Anayasa Mahkemesinin Temel Hakların Korunmasındaki İşlevi.Adana:Karahan Kitabevi, 2019.
  • Pech, Laurent and Dimitry Kochenaov, Respect for the Rule of Law in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice: A Casebook Overview of Key Judgments since the Portuguese Judges Case.
  • Raz, Joseph. “The Rule of Law and Its Virtue”, The Law Quarterly Review, cilt.93, 195-211.
  • Sadurski, Wojciech. Poland’s Constitutional Breakdown. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • Sajo, Andras. Limiting Government.Budapeşte: Central European University Press,1995.
  • Scheppele, Kim Lane. “How to Evade the Constitution: The Hungarian Constitutional Court’s Decision on Judicial Retirement Age”, Verfassungsblog, 9 Ağustos 2012, E.T: 01.11.2021
  • Trochev, Alexei. “Tinkering with Tenure”:The Russian Constitutional Court in a Comparative Perspective, “ Russia, Europe and Rule of Law, (Editör Ferdinand Feldbrugge). Leiden:Martinus Nijjhoff Publisher, 2007.
  • Varga, Andras. "Beyond Rule of Law." Iustum Aequum Salutare, cilt. 9, no. 2, 118-127.2013
  • Vitruk, Nikolay. Konstitutsionnoe Pravosudie v Rossii (1991-2001) Oçerki teorii i praktiki, [Rusya’da Anayasa Yargısı (1991-2001) Teori ve Uygulama Üzerine]. Moskova: Gorodets İzdat,2001.
  • Wiącek, Marcin, “Constitutional Crisis in Poland 2015–2016 in the Light of the Rule of Law Principle”, Defending Checks and Balances in EU Member States, Edited by Armin von Bogdandy, Piotr Bogdanowicz et. al., vol 298, (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 2021), 15-33.
  • Zorkin, Valery .International Conference on “Enhancing National Mechanisms for Effective Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights“, 22-23 October 2015, Russia, 15. E. T: 1.11.2021
  • Avrupa Komisyonu Tavsiye Kararı: Commission Recommendation (EU) 2016/1374 of 27 July 2016 regarding the rule of law in Poland. ; E.T.08.02.2022.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu Tavsiye Kararı: Commission Recommendation (EU) 2017/146 of 21 December 2016 regarding the rule of law in Poland complementary Recommendation (EU)2016/1374, 15 & 17. ; E.T.22.02.2022
  • Joint Urgent Opinion of The Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe on Amendments to the Law on the Common Courts, the Law on the Supreme Court, and Some Other Laws, 22 June 2020, Opinion No. 977 / 2020, CDL-AD(2020)017. ; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Comments on the Regulation on Human Rights in the Revised Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation (CDL) 93/41, 11 November 1993.
  • Venice Commission Final Opinion on the Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court, Opinion No:832/2015, CDL-AD(2016)016, 13 June 2016.
  • Venice Commission Remarks of the Hungarian Government on the Draft Opinion on Act CLI of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary (adopted 19 June 2012) CDL-AD (2012)045.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on Act CLI Of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary (adopted 19 June 2012) CDL-AD (2012)009.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the New Constitution of Hungary (adopted on 17–18 June 2011), CDL-AD (2011).
  • Venice Commission Opinion On The Cardinal Acts On The Judiciary That Were Amended Following The Adoption Of Opinion CDL-AD(2012)001, 15 October 2012.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on Amendments to the Act of 25 June 2015 on the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland, 11 March 2016, Opinion no. 833/2015, CDL-AD(2016)001.; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal, 14 October 2016, Opinion no.860/2016, CDL-AD(2016)026.; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Act on the Public Prosecutor’s Office as Amended, 11 December 2017, Opinion no.892/2017, CDL-AD(2017)028. ; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Draft Act amending the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary; on the Draft Act amending the Act on the Supreme Court, proposed by the President of Poland, and on the Act on the Organisation of Ordinary Courts, 11 December 2017, Opinion No. 904 / 2017, CDL-AD(2017)031.; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Amendments to The Act on the Organization and Administration of the Courts and the Act on the Legal Status and Remuneration of Judges Adopted by the Hungarian Parliament in December 2020. (Adopted 15-16 October 2021) CDL-AD(2021)036.
  • UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Poland, 23 November 2016, CCPR/C/POL/CO/7, 2. ; E.T.22.02.2022.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 71 Sayı: 2, 621 - 682, 30.06.2022


Günümüzde devletlerin otoriterleşme eğiliminin küresel boyuta ulaştığı, hak temelli kamu politikaları yerine popülist söylemlerin kabul gördüğü ve yöneticilerin iktidarlarını sürdürebilmek adına hukuku göz ardı eden eylem ve işlemlerle otoritelerini pekiştirdikleri açıktır. Bu otoriterleşmenin, - Huntington’ın ifadesi ile - demokratikleşmenin Üçüncü Dalgsı’nda bir Ters Dalga nitelendirmesini hak ettiğini söylemek olanaklıdır. Çalışmada otoriterleşme ve hukuk devleti ilkesinden geriye gidişin sıklıkla dile getirildiği Rusya Federasyonu, Macaristan ve Polonya’daki gelişmeler incelenmiştir. Her üç ülkede de demokratikleşme ve hukuk devleti ilkesinden açık bir ayrılış yaşanmaktadır. Bu ayrılış Rusya’daki gelişmelerle başlayıp, çığlaşma biçiminde diğer ülkelere sıçramıştır. Bu durum özellikle, anayasa yargısının tasarımı ile yargı bağımsızlığı alanında gerçekleşmektedir. Üçüncü Dalga’daki geriye gidiş, görece en zararsız olan yargı erkinde gerçekleşmekte ve bunun hukukun araçsallaştırılması yoluyla yapılmaktadır. Bu çerçevede anayasanın üstünlüğü bahanesiyle insan haklarını koruyucu ulusal üstü mekanizmaların işlevsiz hale getirildiği ve bu durum egemenlik meselesi gibi gösterilerek Sözleşme sisteminden kopuşun perdelendiği gözlenmektedir. Bu gerilemenin onarılamaz sosyal, siyasal, toplumsal ve ekonomik sonuçları olacaktır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen tespitler sonucunda yargının diğer erklerden yönelen müdahalelerden kurtarılarak hakların korunmasındaki gerçek rolüne kavuşturulması, bu amaçla ulus devletlerin insan haklarını korumaya yönelik ulusal üstü mekanizmalarla yeniden bütünleşmesi gerekliliğine işaret edilmektedir.


  • Arato, Andrew and Zoltan Miklosi. Constitution Making and Transitional Politics in Hungary”, Framing the State in Times of Transition, (Editör L. Miller). Washington: USIP Press, 2010.
  • Avakyan, Suren. Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossii, [Rusya Anayasa Hukuku]. Moskova: Norma,2005.
  • Avakyan, Suren. Konstitutsiya Rossii: Priroda, Evolutsiya, Sovremennost; [Rusya Anayasası: Doğası, Evrimi, Çağdaşlığı].Moskova:Şaşko, 2000.
  • Berman, Harold. “The Rule of Law and Law- Based State (Rechtsstaat)”, The Harriman Institute Forum 4, No.5, Mayıs1991.
  • Blankenagel, Aleksandr. “Detsvo, Otroçestvo, Yunost” Rossiskogo Konstitutsionnogo Suda [Rusya Federasyonu Anayasa Mahkemesinin “Çocukluk, Ergenlik, Yetişkinliği”. Moskova:1996. Aktaran Trochev, Aleksei. Judging Russia Constitutional Courts of Russian Politics 1990-2006.NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Brzezinski, Mark F. “The Emergence of Judicial Review in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland”, The American Journal of Comparative Law 41, no. 2, (Oxford University Press, Spring 1993), 153-200.
  • Brzezinski, Mark F. and Leszek Garlicki. “Judicial Review in Post-Communist Poland: The Emergence of a Rechtsstaat”, Stanford Journal of International Law 31, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 13-60.
  • Ekiert, Grzegorz and Anna Grzymala-Busse. “Strengthening Pluralism and Public Participation in New Democracies”, The Construction of Democracy (Lessons from Practice and Research), Eds. Jorge Dominguez and Anthony Jones, (Baltimore Maryland, 2007).
  • Garlicki, Lech and Zofia A. Garlicka. “Constitution Making, Peace Building, and National Reconciliation the Experience of Poland.”, Framing the State in Times of Transition Case Studies in Constitution Making, edited by Laurel E. Miller and Louis Aucoin, (Washington: United States Institute of Peace, 2012), 391-416.
  • Garlicki, Leszek and Marta Derleatka, “Constitutional Court of Poland – 1996 – 2018”, Development of Constitutional Law Through Constitutional Justice: Landmark Decisions and Their Impact on Constitutional Culture, Eds. Rainer Arnold, Anna Rytel-Warzocha and Andrzej Szmyt, XXth International Congress on European and Comparative Constitutional Law, (Gdańsk, 20-23 September 2018), 151-168.
  • Gorbaçov, Mihail. Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and The World. New York:Harper & Row Publischers, 1987.
  • Gsovski, Vladimir and Kazimierz Grzybowski. Government, Law and Courts in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. New York: Praeger, 1960.
  • Halmai, Gabor. “The Early Retirement Age of the Hungarian Judges”, EU Law Stories, Editörler Fernanda Nicola and Bill Davies, 471-488. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
  • Halmai, Gabor. "The Fall of the Rule of Law in Hungary and the Complicity of the EU.", Italian Journal of Public Law, cilt.12. No.2, 204-223. 2020.
  • Hirschl, Ran. “The Political Origins of Judicial Empowerment Through Constitutionalization: Lessons from Four Constitutional Revolutions”, Law & Social Inquiry, cilt.25, No.1.,91-149.Wiley Press: Winter, 2000.
  • Huntington, Samuel. Üçüncü Dalga. Ankara: Kilit Yayınları,2011. Kazai, Viktor, and Ăgnes Kovăks.“The Last Days of the Independent Supreme Court of Hungary?” Verfassungsblog E.T: 01.11.2021
  • Kutafin, Oleg. Rossiskii Konstitutsionalizm [Rus Anayasacılığı]. Moskova:Norma, 2016. Limbach, Jutta. “The Concept of the Supremacy of the Constitution”, The Modern Law Review, cilt. 64, No.1. Aktaran Ergül, Ozan.Türk Anayasa Mahkemesi ve Demokrasi. Ankara: Adalet Yayınevi, 2007.
  • Landau, David. "Abusive Constitutionalism," U.C. Davis Law Review 47, No.1, 189-260. Kasım 2013.
  • Lang, Gyorgy. "Hungary: Building Democracy Through Law" Legal Reference Services Quarterly, Cilt.13, No.1, 31-90. Boston College Law School Library,1993.
  • Maltas Magyarra. “An İlliberal Chief Jusitce” E.T: 01.11.2021
  • Marçenko, Mihail. Teoriya Gosudarstva i Prava [Devlet ve Hukuk Teorisi]. Moskova:Prospekt, 2015.
  • Mityukov, Mihail . K İstorii Konstitutsionnogo Pravosudiya vı Rossii [Rusya’da Anayasa Yargısının Tarihi Üzerine], Moskova: Pravo i Politika,2002.
  • Mityukov, Mihail and Barnaşov Aleksandr. Oçerki Konstitutsionnogo Pravosudiya [Anayasa Yargısı üzerine Deneme].Tomsk: Tomskii Gosudarstvennıy Universitet, 1999.
  • Nersestyants, Vladik. İstoriya Politiçeskih i Pravovıh Uçenii [Siyasal ve Hukuki Öğretinin Tarihi]. Moskova: Norma,2004.
  • Özkan, Zeynep. Rusya Federasyonu Anayasa Mahkemesinin Temel Hakların Korunmasındaki İşlevi.Adana:Karahan Kitabevi, 2019.
  • Pech, Laurent and Dimitry Kochenaov, Respect for the Rule of Law in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice: A Casebook Overview of Key Judgments since the Portuguese Judges Case.
  • Raz, Joseph. “The Rule of Law and Its Virtue”, The Law Quarterly Review, cilt.93, 195-211.
  • Sadurski, Wojciech. Poland’s Constitutional Breakdown. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • Sajo, Andras. Limiting Government.Budapeşte: Central European University Press,1995.
  • Scheppele, Kim Lane. “How to Evade the Constitution: The Hungarian Constitutional Court’s Decision on Judicial Retirement Age”, Verfassungsblog, 9 Ağustos 2012, E.T: 01.11.2021
  • Trochev, Alexei. “Tinkering with Tenure”:The Russian Constitutional Court in a Comparative Perspective, “ Russia, Europe and Rule of Law, (Editör Ferdinand Feldbrugge). Leiden:Martinus Nijjhoff Publisher, 2007.
  • Varga, Andras. "Beyond Rule of Law." Iustum Aequum Salutare, cilt. 9, no. 2, 118-127.2013
  • Vitruk, Nikolay. Konstitutsionnoe Pravosudie v Rossii (1991-2001) Oçerki teorii i praktiki, [Rusya’da Anayasa Yargısı (1991-2001) Teori ve Uygulama Üzerine]. Moskova: Gorodets İzdat,2001.
  • Wiącek, Marcin, “Constitutional Crisis in Poland 2015–2016 in the Light of the Rule of Law Principle”, Defending Checks and Balances in EU Member States, Edited by Armin von Bogdandy, Piotr Bogdanowicz et. al., vol 298, (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 2021), 15-33.
  • Zorkin, Valery .International Conference on “Enhancing National Mechanisms for Effective Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights“, 22-23 October 2015, Russia, 15. E. T: 1.11.2021
  • Avrupa Komisyonu Tavsiye Kararı: Commission Recommendation (EU) 2016/1374 of 27 July 2016 regarding the rule of law in Poland. ; E.T.08.02.2022.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu Tavsiye Kararı: Commission Recommendation (EU) 2017/146 of 21 December 2016 regarding the rule of law in Poland complementary Recommendation (EU)2016/1374, 15 & 17. ; E.T.22.02.2022
  • Joint Urgent Opinion of The Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe on Amendments to the Law on the Common Courts, the Law on the Supreme Court, and Some Other Laws, 22 June 2020, Opinion No. 977 / 2020, CDL-AD(2020)017. ; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Comments on the Regulation on Human Rights in the Revised Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation (CDL) 93/41, 11 November 1993.
  • Venice Commission Final Opinion on the Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court, Opinion No:832/2015, CDL-AD(2016)016, 13 June 2016.
  • Venice Commission Remarks of the Hungarian Government on the Draft Opinion on Act CLI of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary (adopted 19 June 2012) CDL-AD (2012)045.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on Act CLI Of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary (adopted 19 June 2012) CDL-AD (2012)009.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the New Constitution of Hungary (adopted on 17–18 June 2011), CDL-AD (2011).
  • Venice Commission Opinion On The Cardinal Acts On The Judiciary That Were Amended Following The Adoption Of Opinion CDL-AD(2012)001, 15 October 2012.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on Amendments to the Act of 25 June 2015 on the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland, 11 March 2016, Opinion no. 833/2015, CDL-AD(2016)001.; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal, 14 October 2016, Opinion no.860/2016, CDL-AD(2016)026.; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Act on the Public Prosecutor’s Office as Amended, 11 December 2017, Opinion no.892/2017, CDL-AD(2017)028. ; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Draft Act amending the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary; on the Draft Act amending the Act on the Supreme Court, proposed by the President of Poland, and on the Act on the Organisation of Ordinary Courts, 11 December 2017, Opinion No. 904 / 2017, CDL-AD(2017)031.; E.T.21.02.2022.
  • Venice Commission Opinion on the Amendments to The Act on the Organization and Administration of the Courts and the Act on the Legal Status and Remuneration of Judges Adopted by the Hungarian Parliament in December 2020. (Adopted 15-16 October 2021) CDL-AD(2021)036.
  • UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Poland, 23 November 2016, CCPR/C/POL/CO/7, 2. ; E.T.22.02.2022.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Zeynep Özkan 0000-0002-0644-808X

Çiğdem Serra Uzunpınar 0000-0002-9486-4322

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Mart 2022
Kabul Tarihi 7 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 71 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özkan, Zeynep, ve Çiğdem Serra Uzunpınar. “HUKUKUN ARAÇSALLAŞTIRILMASI YOLUYLA HUKUK DEVLETİ İLKESİNDE AŞINMA: AVRUPA KONSEYİ ÜLKELERİNDEN DENEYİMLER”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 71, sy. 2 (Haziran 2022): 621-82.