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Analysis of International Legal Regulations in the Maritime Zone Around Svalbard Archipelago

Yıl 2019, , 64 - 91, 25.10.2019


The Arctic Region and the Svalbard Archipelago
located in the Arctic have become one of the focal points of political and
economic agenda of global and regional powers due to potential energy
resources, impacts of climate change, new maritime routes and issues over
maritime jurisdiction. Signing of the 1920 Svalbard Treaty and international
conventions on the law of the sea at different times let Norway and other
contracting parties to interpret the Svalbard Treaty differently. It creates
legal disputes between the contracting parties on maritime jurisdiction around
the archipelago. While Norway's claim on the Svalbard continental shelf and
declared fisheries protection zone are the main causes of disputes, fishing
quota regulations and Norwegian sanctions against contracting parties also
increase the tension in the region. In this study, conventions on the law of
the sea and their notions are discussed in the case of Svalbard; and legal
disputes are examined in the context of cause and effect relation.


  • Akten, N. (2004). “Türk Boğazları ve Gemilerin Geçiş Rejimi”. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, 24(1-2): 33-40.
  • Anderson, A. (2009a). After the Ice: Life, Death, and Geopolitics in the New Arctic, Smithsonian Books, New York.
  • Anderson, A. (2009b). “The Great Melt: The Coming Transformation of the Arctic”. World Policy Journal, Winter 2009/2010: 53-64.
  • Arctic Council (2018). “The Arctic Council: A backgrounder”. (erişim tarihi: 11.07.2019).
  • Arı, T. (2014). “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Büyük Tartışmalar ve Post-Modern Teoriler”. T. Arı (Ed.), Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri 2. Dora Basımevi, Bursa, 1-47.
  • Arlov, T. B. (2005). “The Discovery and Early Exploitation of Svalbard.Some Historiographical Notes”. Acta Borealia, 22(1): 3-19.
  • Associated Press (2005). “Norway Demands Nearly U.S. $2 Million from Spanish Trawler for Illegal Fishing”.$2-million-from-spanish-trawler-for-illegal-fishing (erişim tarihi: 10.06.2019).
  • Åtland, K. (2010). “Russia and its Neighbors: Military Power, Security Politics, and Interstate Relations in the Post-Cold War Arctic”. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 1(2): 279-298.
  • Åtland, K. ve Pedersen, T. (2008). “The Svalbard Archipelago in Russian Security Policy: Overcoming the Legacy of Fear – or Reproducing It?”. European Security, 17(2-3): 227-251.
  • Avango, D. ve Martin, P. (2006). “Introduction and Background”. Industrial Heritage in the Arctic: Research and Training in Svalbard, (erişim tarihi: 11.04.2019).
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi (1982). (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Brunet-Jailly, E. (2015). Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia [3 volumes],
  • Chrášťanský, F. ve Kříz, Z. (2011). “Perception of the Situation in the Arctic by Key Actors and the Possibility of Conflict Escalation”. Defence and Strategy, 1: 5-21, doi:10.3849/1802-7199.11.2011.01.005-021.
  • Churchill, R. ve Ulfstein, G. (1992). Marine Management in Disputes Areas The Case of Barents Sea, Routledge, New York.
  • Churchill, R. ve Ulfstein, G. (2010). “The Disputes Maritime Zones Around Svalbard”, M. H., Nordquist, T. H., Heidar ve J. N., Moore (Eds.), Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, 551-593.
  • CIA World Factbook (2019). “Svalbard”. (erişim tarihi: 10.06.2019).
  • Cin, T. (2006). “Devletlerarası Hukukta Balıkçılık”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1): 21-45.
  • Coates, K. ve Holroyd, C. (2017). “Non-Arctic States and Their Stake in Arctic Sustainability”. K. Keil ve S. Knecht (Eds.), Governing Arctic Change: Global Perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan, 207-228.
  • Czarny, R. M. (2015). The High North Between Geography and Politics, Springer, İsviçre.
  • Doyle, A. ve Fouche, G. (2019). “Abide by the claw: Norway's Arctic snow crab ruling boosts claim to oil”. Reuters, 14.02.2019, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Dunlap, W. V. (1997). “Straddling Stocks in the Barents Sea Loophole”. Boundary & Security Bulletin, 4(4): 79-91.
  • Dyndal, G. L. (2014). “The Political Challenge to Petroleum Activity around Svalbard”. The RUSI Journal, 159(2): 82-88, doi: 10.1080/03071847.2014.912810.
  • Fleischer, C. A. (2007). “The New International Law of the Sea and Svalbard”. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 150th Anniversary Symposium (erişim tarihi: 11.10.2015).
  • Fløistad, B. (2007). Controversy over the Legal Regime outside Svalbard’s Territorial Waters. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. University of Oslo, (erişim tarihi: 12.04.2019).
  • Government of Norway (2001). Svalbard Environmental Protection Act. (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Grydehøj, A. (2014). “Informal Diplomacy in Norway’s Svalbard Policy: The Intersection of Local Community Development and Arctic International Relations”. Global Change, Peace and Security, 26(1): 41-54.
  • Grydehøj, A., Grydehøj, A. ve Ackrén, M. (2012). “The Globalization of the Arctic: Negotiating Sovereignty and Building Communities in Svalbard, Norway”. Island Studies Journal, 7(1): 99-118.
  • Holst, J. J. (1981). “Norway’s Search for Nordpolitic”. Foreign Affairs, 60(1): 63-86.
  • Howard, R. (2009). The Arctic Gold Rush the New Race for Tomorrow’s Natural Resources, Continuum, UK.
  • ILC (1956). Report of the International Law Commission to the General Assembly (Document A/3159). United Nations Publication. New York.
  • Ingimundarson, V. (2018). “The Geopolitics of the ‘Future Return’: Britain’s Century-Long Challenges to Norway’s Control over the Spitsbergen Archipelago”. The International History Review, 40(4): 893-915, doi: 10.1080/07075332.2017.1345773.
  • Jensen, Ø. ve Rottem, S. V. (2010). “The politics of security and international law in Norway’s Arctic waters”. Polar Record, 46(236): 75–83, doi:10.1017/S0032247409990076.
  • Koivurova, T. (2010). “Environmental Protection in the Arctic and Antarctica”. N. Loukacheva (Ed.), Polar Law Textbook. TemaNord, Kopenhag, 23-43.
  • Korppoo, A., Tynkkynen, N. ve Hønneland, G. (2015). Russia and the Politics of International Environmental Regimes: Environmental Encounters or Foreign Policy?, Edward Elgar, UK
  • Köni, H. (2015). “Svalbard Antlaşması ve Arktik Bölgeler”. E. Denk (Ed.), Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Pazarcı'ya Armağan. Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, 307-318.
  • Magnússon, B. M. (2010). The Loophole Dispute From an Icelandic Perspective. Working Paper 1-2010. Centre For Small State Studies Publication Series University of Iceland. Iceland.
  • McGwin, K. (2019). “Svalbard Treaty doesn’t apply beyond coastal waters, signals Norwegian high-court ruling in snow crab case”. The Arctic Today, 14.02.2019, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Meray, S. L. (1958). “Kıta Sahanlığı Hakkında Cenevre Sözleşmesi”. SBF Dergisi, 13(4): 80-94.
  • Misund, O. A., Heggland, K., Skogseth, R., Falck, E., Gjøsæter, H., Sundet, J., Watne, J., ve Lønne, O. J. (2016). “Norwegian fisheries in the Svalbard zone since 1980. Regulations, profitability and warming waters affect landings”. Polar Science, 30: 1-11,
  • Molenaar, E. J. (2012). “Fisheries Regulation in the Maritime Zones of Svalbard”. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 27(1): 3–58 doi: 10.1163/157180812X610541.
  • Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation (2005). “Climate, Oceans and Policies Challenges for the 21st Century”. (erişim tarihi: 10.04.2019).
  • Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security (2016). Meld. St. 32 (2015–2016) Report to the Storting (white paper) Svalbard. (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2019). “The Future is in the North”.şim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Norwegian Polar Institute (2019). “Fauna on Svalbard”. (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • NSIDC (2019). “What is the Arctic?”. (erişim tarihi: 11.07.2019).
  • Østhagen, A. (2018). “Managing Conflict at Sea: The Case of Norway and Russia in the Svalbard Zone’’. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 9: 100–123.
  • Østreng, W. (1984). “Soviet-Norwegian relations in the Arctic”. International Journal, 39: 865-887.
  • Pedersen, T. (2006). “The Svalbard Continental Shelf Controversy: Legal Disputes and Political Rivalries”. Ocean Development & International Law, 37: 229-258,
  • Pedersen, T. (2008a). “The constrained politics of the Svalbard offshore area”. Marine Policy, 32: 913-919, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2008.01.006.
  • Pedersen, T. (2008b). “The Dynamics of Svalbard Diplomacy”. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 19: 236–262, doi: 10.1080/09592290802096299.
  • Pedersen, T. (2009). “Denmark’s Policies Toward the Svalbard Area”, Ocean Development & International Law, 40:319–332, doi: 10.1080/00908320903076904.
  • Pedersen, T. ve Henriksen, T. (2009). “Svalbard’s Maritime Zones: The End of Legal Uncertainty?”. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 24: 141-161, 10.1163/157180808X353920.
  • Perry, C. M. ve Andersen, B. (2012). New Strategic Dynamics in the Arctic Region Implication for National Security and International Collaboration. The Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis. ABD.
  • Singh, E. C. ve Saguirian, A. A. (1993). “The Svalbard Archipelago: The Role of Surrogate Negotiators”. O. R. Young ve G. Osherenko (Eds.), Polar Politics Creating International Environmental Regimes. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 56-95.
  • Spohr, A. P., Höring, J., Cerioli, L. G., Lersch, B. ve Soares, J. G. A. (2013). “The Militarization of the Arctic: Political, Economic and Climate Challenges”. UFRGS Model United Nations Journal, 1: 11-70.
  • Staalesen, A. (2017a). “Snow crabs raise conflict potential around Svalbard”. The Barents Observer, 23.01.2017, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Staalesen, A. (2017b). “Norway takes tough line against EU in Svalbard waters”. The Barents Observer, 25.01.2017, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Tiller, R. ve Nyman, E. (2015). “Having the cake and eating it too: To manage or own the Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone”. Marine Policy, 60: 141-148, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.06.011.
  • Ulfstein, G. (1995). The Svalbard Treaty: from terra nullius to Norwegian sovereignty. Scandinavian University Press, Oslo.
  • United Nations-Treaty Series (1964). Convention on the Continental Shelf. Done at Geneva, on 29 April 1958. (No.7302). United Nations.
  • University of Oslo The Faculty of Law (t.y.). “The Svalbard Treaty”, (Erişim tarihi: 22.05.2019).
  • Uysal Oğuz C., ve Ersoy, G. (2016). “Kutuplardaki İklim Değişikliğinin Bölgesel ve Küresel Etkileri”. H. Gümrükçü, A. İnan Şimşek, G. Ersoy (Eds.), Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı Farklı Disiplinler Çok Yönlü Perspektifler. Efil Yayınevi, Ankara, 157-170.
  • Uysal Oğuz, C. (2017). “Inuit Halkı ve İklim Değişikliği”. H. Gümrükçü, G. Ersoy, A. İnan Şimşek, F. C. Yaşar Dinçer (Eds.), Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı Tarihi ve Hukuki Perspektif-Ekolojik Dönüşüm. Efil Yayınevi, Ankara, 111-131.
  • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969). (erişim tarihi: 05.04.2019).
  • Whist, B. S. (2008). “Norway and Russia in the High North: Clash of perceptions”. The Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Security Brief 1: 1-4.
  • Wolf, S. (2013). Svalbard’s Maritime Zones, their Status under International Law and Current and Future Disputes Scenarios. German Institute for International and Security Affairs. Berlin.

Svalbard Takımadası ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 64 - 91, 25.10.2019


Arktika Bölgesi ve bu bölgede yer alan Svalbard Takımadası, bölgedeki
potansiyel enerji kaynakları, iklim değişikliğinin etkileri, yeni deniz yolları
ve deniz yetki alanları üzerindeki tartışmalar nedeniyle küresel ve bölgesel
güçlerin politik ve ekonomik gündeminde yer almaktadır. 1920 tarihli Svalbard
Antlaşması ve uluslararası deniz hukuku sözleşmelerinin farklı zamanlarda
imzalanması, Norveç’in ve diğer akit tarafların Antlaşma’yı farklı
yorumlamalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu durum Takımada çevresindeki deniz yetki
alanlarına yönelik akit taraflar arasında hukuki anlaşmazlıklar yaratmaktadır.
Norveç tarafından hak iddia edilen Svalbard kıta sahanlığı ve ilan edilen
Balıkçılık Koruma Bölgesi anlaşmazlıkların temel nedenleriyken, bölgedeki kota
düzenlemeleri ve buna yönelik Norveç yaptırımları anlaşmazlıkları artırıcı rol
oynamaktadır. Çalışmada, uluslararası deniz hukuku sözleşmeleri ve kavramları
Svalbard özelinde ele alınmış ve hukuki anlaşmazlıklar neden-sonuç ilişkisi
içerisinde ortaya koyulmuştur.


  • Akten, N. (2004). “Türk Boğazları ve Gemilerin Geçiş Rejimi”. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, 24(1-2): 33-40.
  • Anderson, A. (2009a). After the Ice: Life, Death, and Geopolitics in the New Arctic, Smithsonian Books, New York.
  • Anderson, A. (2009b). “The Great Melt: The Coming Transformation of the Arctic”. World Policy Journal, Winter 2009/2010: 53-64.
  • Arctic Council (2018). “The Arctic Council: A backgrounder”. (erişim tarihi: 11.07.2019).
  • Arı, T. (2014). “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Büyük Tartışmalar ve Post-Modern Teoriler”. T. Arı (Ed.), Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri 2. Dora Basımevi, Bursa, 1-47.
  • Arlov, T. B. (2005). “The Discovery and Early Exploitation of Svalbard.Some Historiographical Notes”. Acta Borealia, 22(1): 3-19.
  • Associated Press (2005). “Norway Demands Nearly U.S. $2 Million from Spanish Trawler for Illegal Fishing”.$2-million-from-spanish-trawler-for-illegal-fishing (erişim tarihi: 10.06.2019).
  • Åtland, K. (2010). “Russia and its Neighbors: Military Power, Security Politics, and Interstate Relations in the Post-Cold War Arctic”. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 1(2): 279-298.
  • Åtland, K. ve Pedersen, T. (2008). “The Svalbard Archipelago in Russian Security Policy: Overcoming the Legacy of Fear – or Reproducing It?”. European Security, 17(2-3): 227-251.
  • Avango, D. ve Martin, P. (2006). “Introduction and Background”. Industrial Heritage in the Arctic: Research and Training in Svalbard, (erişim tarihi: 11.04.2019).
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi (1982). (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Brunet-Jailly, E. (2015). Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia [3 volumes],
  • Chrášťanský, F. ve Kříz, Z. (2011). “Perception of the Situation in the Arctic by Key Actors and the Possibility of Conflict Escalation”. Defence and Strategy, 1: 5-21, doi:10.3849/1802-7199.11.2011.01.005-021.
  • Churchill, R. ve Ulfstein, G. (1992). Marine Management in Disputes Areas The Case of Barents Sea, Routledge, New York.
  • Churchill, R. ve Ulfstein, G. (2010). “The Disputes Maritime Zones Around Svalbard”, M. H., Nordquist, T. H., Heidar ve J. N., Moore (Eds.), Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, 551-593.
  • CIA World Factbook (2019). “Svalbard”. (erişim tarihi: 10.06.2019).
  • Cin, T. (2006). “Devletlerarası Hukukta Balıkçılık”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1): 21-45.
  • Coates, K. ve Holroyd, C. (2017). “Non-Arctic States and Their Stake in Arctic Sustainability”. K. Keil ve S. Knecht (Eds.), Governing Arctic Change: Global Perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan, 207-228.
  • Czarny, R. M. (2015). The High North Between Geography and Politics, Springer, İsviçre.
  • Doyle, A. ve Fouche, G. (2019). “Abide by the claw: Norway's Arctic snow crab ruling boosts claim to oil”. Reuters, 14.02.2019, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Dunlap, W. V. (1997). “Straddling Stocks in the Barents Sea Loophole”. Boundary & Security Bulletin, 4(4): 79-91.
  • Dyndal, G. L. (2014). “The Political Challenge to Petroleum Activity around Svalbard”. The RUSI Journal, 159(2): 82-88, doi: 10.1080/03071847.2014.912810.
  • Fleischer, C. A. (2007). “The New International Law of the Sea and Svalbard”. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 150th Anniversary Symposium (erişim tarihi: 11.10.2015).
  • Fløistad, B. (2007). Controversy over the Legal Regime outside Svalbard’s Territorial Waters. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. University of Oslo, (erişim tarihi: 12.04.2019).
  • Government of Norway (2001). Svalbard Environmental Protection Act. (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Grydehøj, A. (2014). “Informal Diplomacy in Norway’s Svalbard Policy: The Intersection of Local Community Development and Arctic International Relations”. Global Change, Peace and Security, 26(1): 41-54.
  • Grydehøj, A., Grydehøj, A. ve Ackrén, M. (2012). “The Globalization of the Arctic: Negotiating Sovereignty and Building Communities in Svalbard, Norway”. Island Studies Journal, 7(1): 99-118.
  • Holst, J. J. (1981). “Norway’s Search for Nordpolitic”. Foreign Affairs, 60(1): 63-86.
  • Howard, R. (2009). The Arctic Gold Rush the New Race for Tomorrow’s Natural Resources, Continuum, UK.
  • ILC (1956). Report of the International Law Commission to the General Assembly (Document A/3159). United Nations Publication. New York.
  • Ingimundarson, V. (2018). “The Geopolitics of the ‘Future Return’: Britain’s Century-Long Challenges to Norway’s Control over the Spitsbergen Archipelago”. The International History Review, 40(4): 893-915, doi: 10.1080/07075332.2017.1345773.
  • Jensen, Ø. ve Rottem, S. V. (2010). “The politics of security and international law in Norway’s Arctic waters”. Polar Record, 46(236): 75–83, doi:10.1017/S0032247409990076.
  • Koivurova, T. (2010). “Environmental Protection in the Arctic and Antarctica”. N. Loukacheva (Ed.), Polar Law Textbook. TemaNord, Kopenhag, 23-43.
  • Korppoo, A., Tynkkynen, N. ve Hønneland, G. (2015). Russia and the Politics of International Environmental Regimes: Environmental Encounters or Foreign Policy?, Edward Elgar, UK
  • Köni, H. (2015). “Svalbard Antlaşması ve Arktik Bölgeler”. E. Denk (Ed.), Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Pazarcı'ya Armağan. Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, 307-318.
  • Magnússon, B. M. (2010). The Loophole Dispute From an Icelandic Perspective. Working Paper 1-2010. Centre For Small State Studies Publication Series University of Iceland. Iceland.
  • McGwin, K. (2019). “Svalbard Treaty doesn’t apply beyond coastal waters, signals Norwegian high-court ruling in snow crab case”. The Arctic Today, 14.02.2019, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Meray, S. L. (1958). “Kıta Sahanlığı Hakkında Cenevre Sözleşmesi”. SBF Dergisi, 13(4): 80-94.
  • Misund, O. A., Heggland, K., Skogseth, R., Falck, E., Gjøsæter, H., Sundet, J., Watne, J., ve Lønne, O. J. (2016). “Norwegian fisheries in the Svalbard zone since 1980. Regulations, profitability and warming waters affect landings”. Polar Science, 30: 1-11,
  • Molenaar, E. J. (2012). “Fisheries Regulation in the Maritime Zones of Svalbard”. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 27(1): 3–58 doi: 10.1163/157180812X610541.
  • Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation (2005). “Climate, Oceans and Policies Challenges for the 21st Century”. (erişim tarihi: 10.04.2019).
  • Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security (2016). Meld. St. 32 (2015–2016) Report to the Storting (white paper) Svalbard. (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2019). “The Future is in the North”.şim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Norwegian Polar Institute (2019). “Fauna on Svalbard”. (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • NSIDC (2019). “What is the Arctic?”. (erişim tarihi: 11.07.2019).
  • Østhagen, A. (2018). “Managing Conflict at Sea: The Case of Norway and Russia in the Svalbard Zone’’. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 9: 100–123.
  • Østreng, W. (1984). “Soviet-Norwegian relations in the Arctic”. International Journal, 39: 865-887.
  • Pedersen, T. (2006). “The Svalbard Continental Shelf Controversy: Legal Disputes and Political Rivalries”. Ocean Development & International Law, 37: 229-258,
  • Pedersen, T. (2008a). “The constrained politics of the Svalbard offshore area”. Marine Policy, 32: 913-919, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2008.01.006.
  • Pedersen, T. (2008b). “The Dynamics of Svalbard Diplomacy”. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 19: 236–262, doi: 10.1080/09592290802096299.
  • Pedersen, T. (2009). “Denmark’s Policies Toward the Svalbard Area”, Ocean Development & International Law, 40:319–332, doi: 10.1080/00908320903076904.
  • Pedersen, T. ve Henriksen, T. (2009). “Svalbard’s Maritime Zones: The End of Legal Uncertainty?”. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 24: 141-161, 10.1163/157180808X353920.
  • Perry, C. M. ve Andersen, B. (2012). New Strategic Dynamics in the Arctic Region Implication for National Security and International Collaboration. The Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis. ABD.
  • Singh, E. C. ve Saguirian, A. A. (1993). “The Svalbard Archipelago: The Role of Surrogate Negotiators”. O. R. Young ve G. Osherenko (Eds.), Polar Politics Creating International Environmental Regimes. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 56-95.
  • Spohr, A. P., Höring, J., Cerioli, L. G., Lersch, B. ve Soares, J. G. A. (2013). “The Militarization of the Arctic: Political, Economic and Climate Challenges”. UFRGS Model United Nations Journal, 1: 11-70.
  • Staalesen, A. (2017a). “Snow crabs raise conflict potential around Svalbard”. The Barents Observer, 23.01.2017, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Staalesen, A. (2017b). “Norway takes tough line against EU in Svalbard waters”. The Barents Observer, 25.01.2017, (erişim tarihi: 25.05.2019).
  • Tiller, R. ve Nyman, E. (2015). “Having the cake and eating it too: To manage or own the Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone”. Marine Policy, 60: 141-148, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.06.011.
  • Ulfstein, G. (1995). The Svalbard Treaty: from terra nullius to Norwegian sovereignty. Scandinavian University Press, Oslo.
  • United Nations-Treaty Series (1964). Convention on the Continental Shelf. Done at Geneva, on 29 April 1958. (No.7302). United Nations.
  • University of Oslo The Faculty of Law (t.y.). “The Svalbard Treaty”, (Erişim tarihi: 22.05.2019).
  • Uysal Oğuz C., ve Ersoy, G. (2016). “Kutuplardaki İklim Değişikliğinin Bölgesel ve Küresel Etkileri”. H. Gümrükçü, A. İnan Şimşek, G. Ersoy (Eds.), Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı Farklı Disiplinler Çok Yönlü Perspektifler. Efil Yayınevi, Ankara, 157-170.
  • Uysal Oğuz, C. (2017). “Inuit Halkı ve İklim Değişikliği”. H. Gümrükçü, G. Ersoy, A. İnan Şimşek, F. C. Yaşar Dinçer (Eds.), Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı Tarihi ve Hukuki Perspektif-Ekolojik Dönüşüm. Efil Yayınevi, Ankara, 111-131.
  • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969). (erişim tarihi: 05.04.2019).
  • Whist, B. S. (2008). “Norway and Russia in the High North: Clash of perceptions”. The Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Security Brief 1: 1-4.
  • Wolf, S. (2013). Svalbard’s Maritime Zones, their Status under International Law and Current and Future Disputes Scenarios. German Institute for International and Security Affairs. Berlin.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ceren Uysal Oğuz 0000-0001-7342-0362

Güneş Ersoy Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5445-5674

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ekim 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2019
Kabul Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Uysal Oğuz, C., & Ersoy, G. (2019). Svalbard Takımadası ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 19, 64-91.
AMA Uysal Oğuz C, Ersoy G. Svalbard Takımadası ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. Ekim 2019;19:64-91. doi:10.25294/auiibfd.632921
Chicago Uysal Oğuz, Ceren, ve Güneş Ersoy. “Svalbard Takımadası Ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 19, Ekim (Ekim 2019): 64-91.
EndNote Uysal Oğuz C, Ersoy G (01 Ekim 2019) Svalbard Takımadası ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 19 64–91.
IEEE C. Uysal Oğuz ve G. Ersoy, “Svalbard Takımadası ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, c. 19, ss. 64–91, 2019, doi: 10.25294/auiibfd.632921.
ISNAD Uysal Oğuz, Ceren - Ersoy, Güneş. “Svalbard Takımadası Ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 19 (Ekim 2019), 64-91.
JAMA Uysal Oğuz C, Ersoy G. Svalbard Takımadası ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2019;19:64–91.
MLA Uysal Oğuz, Ceren ve Güneş Ersoy. “Svalbard Takımadası Ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, c. 19, 2019, ss. 64-91, doi:10.25294/auiibfd.632921.
Vancouver Uysal Oğuz C, Ersoy G. Svalbard Takımadası ve Çevresindeki Deniz Alanlarına Yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2019;19:64-91.

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