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Effect of Social Capital on Sustainable Development

Yıl 2015, , 75 - 90, 01.12.2015


What is social capital? How does it affect economic development? How can we measure Social capital? What are the implications for theory, research and policy? These questions lie at the heart of recent attempts to make sense of the burgeoning social capital literature, and to ascertain its usefulness as a basis for incorporating “the social dimension” more directly into academic and policy discussions of economic development. This study aims to find answers to above questions. The target of the paper is to gain information on social capital and its effects on new approaches of economic development theory.


  • Barr, A. (2002). The Functional Diversity and Spillover Effects of Social Capital. Journal of African Econo- mies 11(1), 90-113.
  • Berry, S. (1993). No Condition is Permanent:The Social Dynamics of Agrarian Change in Sub-Saharan Afri- ca, Madison: University of Wisconsin.
  • Bourdieu, P (1986). The Forms of Capital, John Ric- hardson, Westport (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and research for the Sociology of Education, içinde. CT: Greenwood.
  • Buğra, A. (2007). Yoksulluk ve sosyal Haklar Tes-iş Dergisi, 75-80.
  • Burt, R. (1992). Structural Holes:The Social Structure of Competition, Cambridge MA: Harvard University.
  • Burt, R. (1997). The Contingent Value of Social Capital Administrative Science Quarterly,42, 339-365.
  • Burt, R. (1998). The Gender of Social Capital Rationa- lity and Society, 10(1), 5-46.
  • Coleman, J. (1987).Norms as Social Capital, Gerard Radnitzky ve Peter Bernholz (Ed.), Economic Im- perialism: The economic Method Applied Outside the Field of Economics, New York: Paragon.
  • Coleman, J. (1988) Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, American Journal of Sociology, 94, 95-120.
  • Coleman, J. (1990). Foundations of Social Theory, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  • Collier, P. (1999). The Political Economy of Ethnicity, Annual Bank Conference on Development Econo- mics içinde, Washington DC: World Bank
  • Collier, P. (2002). Social Capital and Poverty: A Mic- ro Economic Perspective, Christiaan Grootaert ve Thierry Van Bastalaer (Ed.), The Role of Social Ca- pital in Development: An emprical assessment, için- de New York: Cambridge University.
  • Collier, P ve J. W. Gunning. (1999) Explaining African Economic Performance , Journal of Economic Lite- rature, 37(March), 4-111
  • Easterly, W. (2001). The Middle Class Consensus and Economic Development, Journal of Economic Growth, 6(4), 317-335.
  • Ekim, B. (2007). Sosyal Dışlanma ile Mücadelede Hak temelli yaklaşım: Avrupa yoksulluk ile Mücadele Ağı, Tes-iş Dergisi, 81-82.
  • Esman, M. ve N. Uphoff (1984). Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Development. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
  • Evans, P. (1992). The State as Problem and Solution: Predation, Embedded Authonomy, and Structu- ral Change, Stephan Haggard ve Robert Kaufman (Ed.), Politics of Economic Adjustment içinde, Prin- ceton NJ: Princeton University.
  • Evans, P. (1995). Embedded Autonomy: States and In- dustrial Transformation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.
  • Evans, P. (1996). Government Action Social Capital and Development: Reviewing the Evidence on synergy. World Development 24(6), 1119-1132.
  • Fine, B. (2011). Sosyal Sermaye Sosyal Bilime Karşı: Bin Yılın Eşiğinde Ekonomi Politik ve Sosyal Bilimler, Ayşegül Kars (Çev.), İstanbul: Yordam.
  • Fukuyama, F. (1995). Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. New York: Free.
  • Gittell, R ve A. Vidal (1998). Community Organizing: Building Social Capital as a Development Strategy, Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Granovetter, M. (1973). The Stregth of Weak Ties American Journal of Sociology,78, 1360-1380.
  • Grootaert, C. (1999). Social Capital, Household Welfa- re, and poverty in Indonesia. Local Level Instituti- ons, working Paper No.6 Washington DC: World Bank.
  • Grootaert, C ve D. Narayan. (1999). Social Capital in Burkina Faso. Local Level Institutions Study.Was- hington, DC: World Bank.
  • Hall, R. ve C. Jones (1999). Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output per Worker Than Others? Quarterly Journal of Economics 114(1), 83- 116.
  • Isham, J. ve D. Kaufman (1999). The Forgotten Rati- onale for Policy Reform: The Productivity of In- vestment Projects Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1), 149-184.
  • Knack, S. ve P. Keefer. (1995). Institutions and Econo- mic Performance: Cross Country Tests Using Alter- native Institutional Measures Economics and Poli- tics, 7 (November), 207-227.
  • Knack, S. ve P. Keefer (1997). Does Social Capital have an Economic Pay-off? A Cross Country Investiga- tion, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 1251- 1288.
  • Knack, S. (2002). Social Capital, Growth and Poverty: A Survey of Cross Country Evidence, Christiaan Grootaert and Thierry Van Bastalaer (Ed.), The Role of Social Capital in Development: An emprical assessment içinde, New York: Cambridge Univer- sity.
  • Kozel, V. ve B. Parker (1998) Poverty in Rural India: The Contrubition of Qualitative Research in Poverty Analysis. Washington DC: World Bank.
  • Krishna, A. ve E. Sharader (1999). Social Capital As- sessment Tool, Social Capital InitiativeWorking Pa- per No:22. Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Krishna, A. (2002). Active Social Capital: Tracing the Roots of Development and Democracy, New York: Colombia University.
  • Moore, M. (1997). Societies, Polities and Capitalists in Developing Countries: A Literature Survey. Journal of Development Studies, 33(3), 287-363.
  • Moser, C. (1996). Confronting Crisis: A Comperative Study of household Responses to poverty and Vul- nerability in Four Poor Urban Communities, Was- hington, DC: World Bank.
  • Narayan, D. (1997). Voices of the Poor: Poverty and So- cial Capital in Tanzania, ESD Monograph No. 17 Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Narayan, D; R. Patel; K. Schafft; A. Rademacher; ve S. Koch-Schulte. (2000). Voices of the Poor. Can anyo- ne hear us? Voices from 46 countries. Washington, DC: World bank.
  • Narayan, D. ve L. Pritchett (1999). Cents and Sociabi- lity: Household Income and Social capital in Ru- ral Tanzania Economic Development and Cultural Change , 47(4), 871-897.
  • Onyx, J. ve P. Bullen. (2000). Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 36(1), 23-42.
  • Putnam, R. (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princetone NJ: Prince- ton University .
  • Putnam, R. (1995) Tuning in Tuning out: The strange Disapperarence of Social Capital in America, Po- litical Science and Politics (December 1), 664-683.
  • Rodrik, D. (1999a). Where Did all the Growth Go? Ex- ternal Schocks, Social Conflict, and Growth Col- lapses, Journal of Economic Growth 4(4), 385-412.
  • Rodrik, D. (1999b). Making Openness Work. Baltimo- re: Johns Hopkins University.
  • Skocpol, T. (1995). Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: the political Origins of Social Policy in the United States. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  • Skocpol, T. (1996). Unraveling From Above, American Prospect25, 20-25.
  • Tanner, L. (1999). Open Australia. NSW: Pluto Press
  • Tarrow, S. (1995). Bridging the Quantitative-Qualita- tive Divide in Political Science American Political Science Review 89(2), 471-474.
  • Temple, J. (1998). Initial Conditions, Social Capital, and Growth in Africa, Journal of African Economi- es7(3), 309-347.
  • Temple, J. ve P. Johnson (1998). Social Capability and Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113(3), 965-990.
  • Van, B. T. (1999). Does social Capital Facilitate the Poor’s Access to Credit A review of the Micro Eco- nomic Literature. Social Capital Initiative Working Paper No 8. Washington D.C. World Bank.
  • Varshney, A. (2002). Ethnic Conflict and Civic life: Hin- dus and Muslims in India, New Haven, CT: Yale University.
  • Wall, E.; G. Ferazzi ve F. Schryer (1998). Getting the Rules on Social Capital, Rural Sociology, V. 63. No.2, 300-22.
  • Winter, I. (2000). Major Themes and Debates in the Social Capital Literature. The Australian Connecti- on, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melburn.
  • Woolcock D. Narayan (2006) Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research, And Policy Revisited, Bebbington, Authony (Ed.), The Search for Empowerment, Kumadian, 31-62.
  • Woolcock, M. (1998). Social Capital and Economic Development: Toward a Therotical Synthesis and Policy Framework Theory and Society, 27(2), 151- 208.
  • World Bank (1998). Assessing Aid: What Works, What doesn’t and Why. New York: Oxford University.
  • World Bank (2003). World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People, New York. Oxford University Press.
  • World Development (1996) Special Issue on Social Ca- pital,24(6).

Sosyal Sermayenin Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmaya Etkisi

Yıl 2015, , 75 - 90, 01.12.2015


Sosyal sermaye nedir? Ekonomik kalkınmaya etkisi nedir? Sosyal sermaye nasıl ölçülür? Sosyal sermayenin teori, araştırma ve politika üzerindeki etkisi nedir? Bu tür sorulara aranan yanıtlar, son yıllarda sosyal sermaye literatürüne yapılan katkıların temelini oluşturmaktadır. Sosyal sermaye literatürü, ekonomik kalkınma ile ilgili akademik tartışmalara ve politika arayışlarına sosyal boyut katan bir zemin oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı yukarıda sorulan sorulara cevap aramaktır. Böylece sosyal sermaye konusunda bilgi vermek ve sosyal sermaye ile ilgili tartışmaların ekonomik kalkınma teorisi üzerinde yol açtığı yeni yaklaşımlardan söz etmek hedeflenmektedir.


  • Barr, A. (2002). The Functional Diversity and Spillover Effects of Social Capital. Journal of African Econo- mies 11(1), 90-113.
  • Berry, S. (1993). No Condition is Permanent:The Social Dynamics of Agrarian Change in Sub-Saharan Afri- ca, Madison: University of Wisconsin.
  • Bourdieu, P (1986). The Forms of Capital, John Ric- hardson, Westport (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and research for the Sociology of Education, içinde. CT: Greenwood.
  • Buğra, A. (2007). Yoksulluk ve sosyal Haklar Tes-iş Dergisi, 75-80.
  • Burt, R. (1992). Structural Holes:The Social Structure of Competition, Cambridge MA: Harvard University.
  • Burt, R. (1997). The Contingent Value of Social Capital Administrative Science Quarterly,42, 339-365.
  • Burt, R. (1998). The Gender of Social Capital Rationa- lity and Society, 10(1), 5-46.
  • Coleman, J. (1987).Norms as Social Capital, Gerard Radnitzky ve Peter Bernholz (Ed.), Economic Im- perialism: The economic Method Applied Outside the Field of Economics, New York: Paragon.
  • Coleman, J. (1988) Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, American Journal of Sociology, 94, 95-120.
  • Coleman, J. (1990). Foundations of Social Theory, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  • Collier, P. (1999). The Political Economy of Ethnicity, Annual Bank Conference on Development Econo- mics içinde, Washington DC: World Bank
  • Collier, P. (2002). Social Capital and Poverty: A Mic- ro Economic Perspective, Christiaan Grootaert ve Thierry Van Bastalaer (Ed.), The Role of Social Ca- pital in Development: An emprical assessment, için- de New York: Cambridge University.
  • Collier, P ve J. W. Gunning. (1999) Explaining African Economic Performance , Journal of Economic Lite- rature, 37(March), 4-111
  • Easterly, W. (2001). The Middle Class Consensus and Economic Development, Journal of Economic Growth, 6(4), 317-335.
  • Ekim, B. (2007). Sosyal Dışlanma ile Mücadelede Hak temelli yaklaşım: Avrupa yoksulluk ile Mücadele Ağı, Tes-iş Dergisi, 81-82.
  • Esman, M. ve N. Uphoff (1984). Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Development. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
  • Evans, P. (1992). The State as Problem and Solution: Predation, Embedded Authonomy, and Structu- ral Change, Stephan Haggard ve Robert Kaufman (Ed.), Politics of Economic Adjustment içinde, Prin- ceton NJ: Princeton University.
  • Evans, P. (1995). Embedded Autonomy: States and In- dustrial Transformation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.
  • Evans, P. (1996). Government Action Social Capital and Development: Reviewing the Evidence on synergy. World Development 24(6), 1119-1132.
  • Fine, B. (2011). Sosyal Sermaye Sosyal Bilime Karşı: Bin Yılın Eşiğinde Ekonomi Politik ve Sosyal Bilimler, Ayşegül Kars (Çev.), İstanbul: Yordam.
  • Fukuyama, F. (1995). Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. New York: Free.
  • Gittell, R ve A. Vidal (1998). Community Organizing: Building Social Capital as a Development Strategy, Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Granovetter, M. (1973). The Stregth of Weak Ties American Journal of Sociology,78, 1360-1380.
  • Grootaert, C. (1999). Social Capital, Household Welfa- re, and poverty in Indonesia. Local Level Instituti- ons, working Paper No.6 Washington DC: World Bank.
  • Grootaert, C ve D. Narayan. (1999). Social Capital in Burkina Faso. Local Level Institutions Study.Was- hington, DC: World Bank.
  • Hall, R. ve C. Jones (1999). Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output per Worker Than Others? Quarterly Journal of Economics 114(1), 83- 116.
  • Isham, J. ve D. Kaufman (1999). The Forgotten Rati- onale for Policy Reform: The Productivity of In- vestment Projects Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1), 149-184.
  • Knack, S. ve P. Keefer. (1995). Institutions and Econo- mic Performance: Cross Country Tests Using Alter- native Institutional Measures Economics and Poli- tics, 7 (November), 207-227.
  • Knack, S. ve P. Keefer (1997). Does Social Capital have an Economic Pay-off? A Cross Country Investiga- tion, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 1251- 1288.
  • Knack, S. (2002). Social Capital, Growth and Poverty: A Survey of Cross Country Evidence, Christiaan Grootaert and Thierry Van Bastalaer (Ed.), The Role of Social Capital in Development: An emprical assessment içinde, New York: Cambridge Univer- sity.
  • Kozel, V. ve B. Parker (1998) Poverty in Rural India: The Contrubition of Qualitative Research in Poverty Analysis. Washington DC: World Bank.
  • Krishna, A. ve E. Sharader (1999). Social Capital As- sessment Tool, Social Capital InitiativeWorking Pa- per No:22. Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Krishna, A. (2002). Active Social Capital: Tracing the Roots of Development and Democracy, New York: Colombia University.
  • Moore, M. (1997). Societies, Polities and Capitalists in Developing Countries: A Literature Survey. Journal of Development Studies, 33(3), 287-363.
  • Moser, C. (1996). Confronting Crisis: A Comperative Study of household Responses to poverty and Vul- nerability in Four Poor Urban Communities, Was- hington, DC: World Bank.
  • Narayan, D. (1997). Voices of the Poor: Poverty and So- cial Capital in Tanzania, ESD Monograph No. 17 Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Narayan, D; R. Patel; K. Schafft; A. Rademacher; ve S. Koch-Schulte. (2000). Voices of the Poor. Can anyo- ne hear us? Voices from 46 countries. Washington, DC: World bank.
  • Narayan, D. ve L. Pritchett (1999). Cents and Sociabi- lity: Household Income and Social capital in Ru- ral Tanzania Economic Development and Cultural Change , 47(4), 871-897.
  • Onyx, J. ve P. Bullen. (2000). Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 36(1), 23-42.
  • Putnam, R. (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princetone NJ: Prince- ton University .
  • Putnam, R. (1995) Tuning in Tuning out: The strange Disapperarence of Social Capital in America, Po- litical Science and Politics (December 1), 664-683.
  • Rodrik, D. (1999a). Where Did all the Growth Go? Ex- ternal Schocks, Social Conflict, and Growth Col- lapses, Journal of Economic Growth 4(4), 385-412.
  • Rodrik, D. (1999b). Making Openness Work. Baltimo- re: Johns Hopkins University.
  • Skocpol, T. (1995). Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: the political Origins of Social Policy in the United States. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  • Skocpol, T. (1996). Unraveling From Above, American Prospect25, 20-25.
  • Tanner, L. (1999). Open Australia. NSW: Pluto Press
  • Tarrow, S. (1995). Bridging the Quantitative-Qualita- tive Divide in Political Science American Political Science Review 89(2), 471-474.
  • Temple, J. (1998). Initial Conditions, Social Capital, and Growth in Africa, Journal of African Economi- es7(3), 309-347.
  • Temple, J. ve P. Johnson (1998). Social Capability and Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113(3), 965-990.
  • Van, B. T. (1999). Does social Capital Facilitate the Poor’s Access to Credit A review of the Micro Eco- nomic Literature. Social Capital Initiative Working Paper No 8. Washington D.C. World Bank.
  • Varshney, A. (2002). Ethnic Conflict and Civic life: Hin- dus and Muslims in India, New Haven, CT: Yale University.
  • Wall, E.; G. Ferazzi ve F. Schryer (1998). Getting the Rules on Social Capital, Rural Sociology, V. 63. No.2, 300-22.
  • Winter, I. (2000). Major Themes and Debates in the Social Capital Literature. The Australian Connecti- on, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melburn.
  • Woolcock D. Narayan (2006) Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research, And Policy Revisited, Bebbington, Authony (Ed.), The Search for Empowerment, Kumadian, 31-62.
  • Woolcock, M. (1998). Social Capital and Economic Development: Toward a Therotical Synthesis and Policy Framework Theory and Society, 27(2), 151- 208.
  • World Bank (1998). Assessing Aid: What Works, What doesn’t and Why. New York: Oxford University.
  • World Bank (2003). World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People, New York. Oxford University Press.
  • World Development (1996) Special Issue on Social Ca- pital,24(6).
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Eşkinat, R. (2015). Sosyal Sermayenin Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmaya Etkisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(4), 75-90.