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Exploring the Effect of Undergraduate Programs to Financial Literacy Level: The Case of Turkey

Yıl 2014, , 113 - 125, 01.12.2014


This study examines the effects of undergraduate program content on financial literacy. The main assumption of the study is that financial literacy is a vital competence that can be attained through education programs. The study compares financial literacy levels of undergraduate students from Economic and Administrative Sciences Faculty, who are more exposed to financial concepts and techniques, with those of Engineering Faculty whose education content is more favored towards quantitative analysis. Data was collected from five universities in Turkey, which is a developing country. Recent developments in Turkey has placed increased responsibility on university students in terms of financial and risk management decisions. This highlights the importance of studies on financial literacy. The financial literacy of university students was measured using financial literacy scale developed by OECD. The study found 31.7% of the students to have a high level of financial literacy while 30.1% had medium and 16% had low levels of financial literacy. A significant relationship between University students’ level of financial literacy and field of study (quantitative vs. social) was also observed.


  • Atkınson, A. and Flore A. M. (2012). ‘‘Measuring Financial Literacy – Results of the OECD/ In- ternational Network on Financial Education (INFE) Pilot Study’’, finance-and-investment/measuring-financial- literacy_5k9csfs90fr4-en, 17.04.2014
  • Bernheım, D. B. (1995). ‘‘Do Households Appreciate Their Financial Vulnerabilities? An analysis of Ac- tions, Perceptions, and Public Policy’’, Tax Policy and Economic Growth, American Council for Capi- tal Formation, Washington, DC, 1-30.
  • Bernheım, D. B. (1998). ‘‘Financial Illiteracy, Educa- tion and Retirement Saving’’, Living with Defined Contribution Pensions, 38-68.
  • Bernheım, D. B., Garett, D. M. and Dean M. M. (2001). “Education and Savings: The Long-Term Effects of High School Financial Curriculum Mandates’’, Jo- urnal of Public Economics, 80(3), 435-465.
  • Bodıe Z. (2006). A Note on Economic Principles and Financial Literacy, Networks Financial Institute at Indina State University Policy Brief.
  • Borden, Lynne M.; Lee, Sun-A; Serıdo, Joyce and Dawn C. (2008). ‘‘Changing College Students’ Fi- nancial Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior thro- ugh Seminar Participation’’, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 29(1), pp 23-40
  • Capuano, A. and Ian R., (2011). ‘‘What Causes Supop- timal Financial Behaviour? An Explotatation of Flnancial Literacy, Social Influences and Behaviou- ral Economics’’, The University of Melbourne Finan- cial Literacy Project Research Report, http://www. CIAL_LITERACY_PROJECT_RESEARCH_RE- PORT_MARCH_20111.pdf, 12.04.2014.
  • European Comission (2007). ‘‘Survey of Financial Li- teracy Schemes in the EU’’, internal_market/finservicesretail/capability/in- dex_en.htm#maincontentSec2, 11.04.2014.
  • Gaisser, S. and Schmid, F., (2010). “On Testing Equa- lity of Pairwise Rank Correlations in a Multivariate Random Vector”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, (10), 2598-2615.
  • Hastings, J. S., Madrian, B. C., and William L. S. (2013). ‘‘Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Eco- nomic Outcomes’’, Annual Review of Economics, 5(1), 347-373.
  • Hilgerth, Marianne A., Hogarth, J. M., and Sondra G. B. (2003). “Household Financial Management: The Connection between Knowledge and Behavior”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, 89(7), 309-322.
  • Hogarth, J. M., (2002). ‘‘Financial Literacy and Family and Consumer Sciences’’, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 94(1), 15-28.
  • Jorgensen, B. L. (2007). ‘‘Financial Literacy of College Students: Parental and Peer Influences’’, Master’s Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Lusardi A. (2008). Household Saving Behavior: The Role of Financial Literacy, Information, and Fi- nancial Education Programs, tract=1094102
  • Lusardi, A. (2008). “Financial Literacy: An Essential Tool for Informed Consumer Choice” Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University.
  • Lusardi A. (2006). Financial Literacy and Financial Education: Review and Policy Implications, Net- works Financial Institute at Indina State University Policy Brief
  • OECD (2005). Improving Financial Literacy Analysis of Issues and Policies Organisation, OECD, Paris.
  • OECD (2009). Financial Literacy and Consumer Pro- tection: Overlooked Aspects of the Crisis, OECD Recommendation on Good Practices on Financial Education and Awareness Relating to Credit.
  • OECD (2011). Measuring Financial Literacy: Ques- tionnaire and Guidance Notes for Conducting an Internationally Comparable Survey of Financial Literacy, education/49319977.pdf, 16.10.2013
  • Özçam M. (2006). Yatırımcı Eğitimi: Dünya Uygula- maları ve Türkiye için Öneriler, Sermaye Piyasası Araştırma Raporu, Ankara.
  • PACFL (2008) (President’s Advisory Counsil on Fi- nancial Literacy), Annual Report to the President.
  • Reyes, R. L.(2006) “The Psychological Meanings of Money” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Alliant In- ternaional University.
  • Robb, C. A. and Deanna L. S. (2009). ‘‘Effect of Perso- nal Financial Knowledge on College Students’ Cre- dit Card Behavior’’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 20(1), 25-40.
  • Sabrı, M. F., Macdonald, M., Masud, J. P., Laily, H., Ta- hira K. and Othman, M.A. (2010). ‘‘Savings Beha- vior and Financial Problems Among College Stu- dents: The Role of Financial Literacy in Malaysia, Cross-Cultural Communication, 6(3), pp. 103-110.
  • Sevim, N., Temizel, F. ve Sayılır Ö. (2012). The Effects of Financial Literacy on the Borrowing Behaviour of Turkish Financial Consumers, International Jo- urnal of Consumer Studies, 36(5), pp.573-579.
  • Temizel, F. ve Fatih B. (2011). Finansal Okuryazarlık: Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakül- tesi (İİBF) Öğrencilerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Der- gisi, 12(1), ss.73-86.
  • Temizel, F. (2010), Mavi Yakalılarda Finansal Okurya- zarlık, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • The Economist, 2008.
  • Wagland, S.(2006). “Financial Literacy in the Context of Literacy in General” Fifth Australian Society of Heterodox Economists Conference
  • Widdowson, D. and Kim H. (2007). ‘‘Financial Lite- racy and Its Role in Promoting a Sound Financial System’’, Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, 70(2),37-47.
  • Worthington, A. (2006). ‘‘Predicting Financial Literacy in Australia’’, Financial Services Review, 15(1), 59- 79.
  • Vitt, L. A., Anderson, C., Lyter, D. M., Siegenthaler, J. K. and Jeremy W. (2000). ‘‘Personal Finance and the Rush to Competence: Financial Literacy Edu- cation in the U.S.’’, pdfs/rep-finliteracy.pdf, 17.04.2014

Lisans Eğitim Programlarının Finansal Okuryazarlık Düzeyine Etkisinin Araştırılması: Türkiye Örneği

Yıl 2014, , 113 - 125, 01.12.2014


Bu çalışmada lisans eğitim program içeriklerinin finansal okuryazarlığa etkisi araştırılmıştır. Finansal Okuryazarlığın eğitim programları ile kazanılabilen yaşamsal bir yetenek olması çalışmanın temel varsayımıdır. Finansal Kavramları ve Teknikleri tanıma imkânı daha yüksek eğitim alan İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi öğrencilerine karşılık, sayısal analizlerin eğitim içeriğinde daha büyük yer aldığı Mühendislik Fakültesi öğrencilerinin finansal okuryazarlıkları karşılaştırılmıştır. 2014 yılında toplanan verilerle finansal krizin etkilerinin halen devam etmekte olduğu bir dönemde, üniversite öğrencilerinin finansal okuryazarlık düzeyi ayrıntılı biçimde incelenmiştir. Veri, gelişmekte olan ülkeler grubunda yer alan Türkiye’den toplanmıştır. Türkiye’de son dönemde yaşanan gelişmeler, üniversite öğrencilerini finansal kararlar almak ve risk yönetimi için daha da sorumlu hale getirmiştir. Bu nedenle bu grubun finansal okuryazarlık düzeyi ile ilgili olarak yapılan çalışmaların sonuçları önem kazanmıştır. Üniversite öğrencilerinin finansal okuryazarlık düzeyleri, OECD tarafından geliştirilen finansal okuryazarlık ölçeği kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada üniversite öğrencilerinin %31,7’ sinin YÜKSEK, %30,1’ inin ORTA, %16 sının ise DÜŞÜK finansal okuryazarlığa sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Üniversite Öğrencilerinin eğitim alanları (sayısal: mühendislik fakültesi ve sözel: iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakültesi) ile finansal okuryazarlık düzeyleri arasında da anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmiştir.


  • Atkınson, A. and Flore A. M. (2012). ‘‘Measuring Financial Literacy – Results of the OECD/ In- ternational Network on Financial Education (INFE) Pilot Study’’, finance-and-investment/measuring-financial- literacy_5k9csfs90fr4-en, 17.04.2014
  • Bernheım, D. B. (1995). ‘‘Do Households Appreciate Their Financial Vulnerabilities? An analysis of Ac- tions, Perceptions, and Public Policy’’, Tax Policy and Economic Growth, American Council for Capi- tal Formation, Washington, DC, 1-30.
  • Bernheım, D. B. (1998). ‘‘Financial Illiteracy, Educa- tion and Retirement Saving’’, Living with Defined Contribution Pensions, 38-68.
  • Bernheım, D. B., Garett, D. M. and Dean M. M. (2001). “Education and Savings: The Long-Term Effects of High School Financial Curriculum Mandates’’, Jo- urnal of Public Economics, 80(3), 435-465.
  • Bodıe Z. (2006). A Note on Economic Principles and Financial Literacy, Networks Financial Institute at Indina State University Policy Brief.
  • Borden, Lynne M.; Lee, Sun-A; Serıdo, Joyce and Dawn C. (2008). ‘‘Changing College Students’ Fi- nancial Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior thro- ugh Seminar Participation’’, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 29(1), pp 23-40
  • Capuano, A. and Ian R., (2011). ‘‘What Causes Supop- timal Financial Behaviour? An Explotatation of Flnancial Literacy, Social Influences and Behaviou- ral Economics’’, The University of Melbourne Finan- cial Literacy Project Research Report, http://www. CIAL_LITERACY_PROJECT_RESEARCH_RE- PORT_MARCH_20111.pdf, 12.04.2014.
  • European Comission (2007). ‘‘Survey of Financial Li- teracy Schemes in the EU’’, internal_market/finservicesretail/capability/in- dex_en.htm#maincontentSec2, 11.04.2014.
  • Gaisser, S. and Schmid, F., (2010). “On Testing Equa- lity of Pairwise Rank Correlations in a Multivariate Random Vector”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, (10), 2598-2615.
  • Hastings, J. S., Madrian, B. C., and William L. S. (2013). ‘‘Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Eco- nomic Outcomes’’, Annual Review of Economics, 5(1), 347-373.
  • Hilgerth, Marianne A., Hogarth, J. M., and Sondra G. B. (2003). “Household Financial Management: The Connection between Knowledge and Behavior”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, 89(7), 309-322.
  • Hogarth, J. M., (2002). ‘‘Financial Literacy and Family and Consumer Sciences’’, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 94(1), 15-28.
  • Jorgensen, B. L. (2007). ‘‘Financial Literacy of College Students: Parental and Peer Influences’’, Master’s Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Lusardi A. (2008). Household Saving Behavior: The Role of Financial Literacy, Information, and Fi- nancial Education Programs, tract=1094102
  • Lusardi, A. (2008). “Financial Literacy: An Essential Tool for Informed Consumer Choice” Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University.
  • Lusardi A. (2006). Financial Literacy and Financial Education: Review and Policy Implications, Net- works Financial Institute at Indina State University Policy Brief
  • OECD (2005). Improving Financial Literacy Analysis of Issues and Policies Organisation, OECD, Paris.
  • OECD (2009). Financial Literacy and Consumer Pro- tection: Overlooked Aspects of the Crisis, OECD Recommendation on Good Practices on Financial Education and Awareness Relating to Credit.
  • OECD (2011). Measuring Financial Literacy: Ques- tionnaire and Guidance Notes for Conducting an Internationally Comparable Survey of Financial Literacy, education/49319977.pdf, 16.10.2013
  • Özçam M. (2006). Yatırımcı Eğitimi: Dünya Uygula- maları ve Türkiye için Öneriler, Sermaye Piyasası Araştırma Raporu, Ankara.
  • PACFL (2008) (President’s Advisory Counsil on Fi- nancial Literacy), Annual Report to the President.
  • Reyes, R. L.(2006) “The Psychological Meanings of Money” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Alliant In- ternaional University.
  • Robb, C. A. and Deanna L. S. (2009). ‘‘Effect of Perso- nal Financial Knowledge on College Students’ Cre- dit Card Behavior’’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 20(1), 25-40.
  • Sabrı, M. F., Macdonald, M., Masud, J. P., Laily, H., Ta- hira K. and Othman, M.A. (2010). ‘‘Savings Beha- vior and Financial Problems Among College Stu- dents: The Role of Financial Literacy in Malaysia, Cross-Cultural Communication, 6(3), pp. 103-110.
  • Sevim, N., Temizel, F. ve Sayılır Ö. (2012). The Effects of Financial Literacy on the Borrowing Behaviour of Turkish Financial Consumers, International Jo- urnal of Consumer Studies, 36(5), pp.573-579.
  • Temizel, F. ve Fatih B. (2011). Finansal Okuryazarlık: Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakül- tesi (İİBF) Öğrencilerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Der- gisi, 12(1), ss.73-86.
  • Temizel, F. (2010), Mavi Yakalılarda Finansal Okurya- zarlık, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • The Economist, 2008.
  • Wagland, S.(2006). “Financial Literacy in the Context of Literacy in General” Fifth Australian Society of Heterodox Economists Conference
  • Widdowson, D. and Kim H. (2007). ‘‘Financial Lite- racy and Its Role in Promoting a Sound Financial System’’, Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, 70(2),37-47.
  • Worthington, A. (2006). ‘‘Predicting Financial Literacy in Australia’’, Financial Services Review, 15(1), 59- 79.
  • Vitt, L. A., Anderson, C., Lyter, D. M., Siegenthaler, J. K. and Jeremy W. (2000). ‘‘Personal Finance and the Rush to Competence: Financial Literacy Edu- cation in the U.S.’’, pdfs/rep-finliteracy.pdf, 17.04.2014
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Fikret Er

Fatih Temizel

Ali Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Harun Sönmez Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Er, F., Temizel, F., Özdemir, A., Sönmez, H. (2014). Lisans Eğitim Programlarının Finansal Okuryazarlık Düzeyine Etkisinin Araştırılması: Türkiye Örneği. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(4), 113-125.

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