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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 65 Sayı: 01, 57 - 81, 01.01.2010



  • ADU-MIREKU, Samuel (2002, “Fear of Crime Among Residents of Three Communities in Accra, Ghana,” International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 43/2: 153-168
  • BAKER, Mary H./NIENSTEDT, Barbara C./EVERETT, Ronald S./MCCLEARY, Richard (1983), “The Impact of a Crime Wave: Perceptions, Fear, and Confidence in the Police,” Law & Society Review, 17/2: 319-336.
  • BECCARIA, Cesare, (2003), “An Essay on Crimes and Punishments,” CULLEN, Francis T./ AGNEW, Robert (eds.), Criminological Theory: Past to Present – Essential Readings, Second Edition: 20–22.
  • BENNETT, R.R. & FLAVIN, J.M. (1994), “Determinants of Fear of Crime: The Effects of Cultural Setting,” Justice Quarterly, 11/3: 357-81.
  • BOERS, K. (2003), Crime, Fear of Crime and the Operation of Crime Control in the Light of Victim Surveys and Other Empirical Studies (Paper presented at the 22nd Criminological Research Conference.Electronically available at: http://www. Erişim tarihi: 01.01.2008).
  • BOROOAH, Vani K./CARCACH, Carlos A. (1997), “Crime and Fear: Evidence from Australia,” British Journal of Criminology, 37/4: 635-657.
  • BOX, S./HALE, C./ANDREWS, G. (1998), “Explaining Fear of Crime,” British Journal of Criminology, 28/3: 340-56. BROOKS, James (1974), “The Fear of Crime in the United States,” Crime and Delinquency, 20/3: 241-244.
  • BURSIK, Robert (1988), "Social Disorganization and Theories of Crime and Delinquency," Criminology, 26/4:.519-551. BURSIK, Robert J./GRASMICK, Harold G. (1993), Neighborhoods and Crime: The Dimensions of Effective Community Contro (New York: Lexington Books).
  • CHADEE, D./DITTON, J. (2003), “Are Older People Most Afraid of Crime?,” British Journal of Criminology, 43/2: 417-433.
  • CLEMENTE, F./KLEIMAN, M. B. (1977), “Fear of Crime in the United States: A Multivariate Analysis,” Social Forces, 56/2: 519-531.
  • COVINGTON, J./TAYLOR, B.R. (1991), “Fear of Crime in Urban Residential Neighborhoods: Implications of Between-and Within- Neighborhood Sources of Current Models,” The Sociological Quarterly, 32: 231-249.
  • DIETZ, A. Steven (1997), "Evaluating Community Policing: Quality Police Service and Fear of Crime," Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, 20/1: 83-100.
  • DOLU, Osman (2007), Fear of Online Crime and Public Policy: Privacy vs. Security (Unpublished Dissertation: Department of Political Science, Kent State University).
  • DUBOW, F., McCabe, E./KAPLAN, G. (1979), Reactions to Crime: A Critical Review of the Literature (U.S. Government Print Office): 93-99.
  • ESCHHOLZ, Sarah (2002), “Racial Composition of Television Offenders and Viewers’ Fear of Crime,” Critical Criminology, 11: 41–60.
  • FATTAH, Ezzat A. (1993), “Victimisation and Fear of Crime among the Elderly: A Possible Link?,” (Paper presented at the Crime and Older People Conference. Electronically available at: Erişim tarihi: 09.07.2007).
  • FERRARO, Kenneth F. (1995), Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk (Albany: State University of New York Press).
  • FERRARO, Kenneth F. (1996), “Women's Fear of Victimization: Shadow of Sexual Assault?,” Social Forces, 75/2: 667-690.
  • FRIEND, Celeste (2006), “Social Contract Theory: Thomas Hobbes,” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Elektronik olarak ulaşılabilecek adres:, Erişim tarihi: 08.02.2008).
  • Research & Forecast Inc./Friedberg, A. (1983), America Afraid: How Fear of Crime Changes the Way We Live- Based on the Widely Publicized Figgie Report (New York: New American Library).
  • GREENE, J.R./TAYLOR, R.B. (1988), “Community-based policing and foot patrol: Issue of the theory and evaluation,” GREENE, J.R./ MASTROFSKI, S. D. (eds.) Community Policing: Rhetoric or Reality? (Praeger): 195-223
  • GILCHRIST, Elizabeth/BANNISTER, Jon/DITTON, Jason/FARRALL, Stephen (1998), “Women and the 'Fear of Crime: Challenging the Accepted Stereotype,” British Journal of Criminology, 38/2: 283-298.
  • HEATH, Linda (1984), “Impact of Newspaper Crime Reports on Fear of Crime: Multimethodological Investigation,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47/2: 263-276.
  • HINDELANG, M.J./GODDFREDSON, M.R./GAROFALO, J. (1978), Victims of Personal Crime: An Empirical Foundation for a Theory of Personal Victimization (Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger Publishing Company).
  • HOBBES, Thomas (1660), The Leviathan (Chapter XVIII: Of The Rights Of Sovereigns By Institution) (Electronically available at: hobbes/leviathan-c.html#CHAPTERXVIII Erişim tarihi: 08.02.2008).
  • HOPE, T./HOUGH, M. (1998), “Community Approaches to Reducing Crime,” pp. 1–29. HOPE, T./SHAW, M. (eds), Communities and Crime Reduction (Her Majesty’s Stationary Office).
  • HUNTER, Albert (1978), Symbols of Incivility: Social Disorder and Fear of Crime in Urban Neighborhoods (Electronically available at: National Criminal Justice Reference Services web site at:
  • KELLING, George L./COLES, Catherine M. (1998), Fixing Broken Windows: Restoring Order and Reducing Crime in our Communities (New York: The Free Press).
  • KENNEDY, L.W./SILVERMAN, R. A. (1985), “Perception of Social Diversity and Fear of Crime,” Environment and Behavior, 17/3: 275–295.
  • LANE, J. /MEEKER, J.W. (2000). “Sub-Cultural Diversity and the Fear of Crime and Gangs,” Crime and Delinquency, 46/4: 497–521.
  • LEWIS, D.A./SALEM, G. (1986), Fear of Crime: Incivility and the Production of a Social Problem (New Brunswick: Transaction Books).
  • LISKA, Allen. E./BACCAGLINI, William (1990), “Feeling Safe by Comparison: Crime in the Newspapers,” Social Problems, 37/3: 360-374.
  • MASLOW, Abraham H. (1942), “The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity,” Journal of Personality, 10/4: 331-344.
  • MASLOW, Abraham H. (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation,” Psychological Review, 50: 370396.
  • MAWBY, R. I./BRUNT, P./HAMBLY, Z. (2000), “Fear of Crime among British Holidaymakers,” British Journal of Criminology, 40/3: 468-479. MCARDLE, Andrea/ERZEN, Tanya (2001), Zero Tolerance: Quality of Life and the New Police Brutality in New York City (New York: New York University Press).
  • MICELI, Renato/ROCCATO, Michele/ROSATO, Rosalba (2004), “Fear of Crime in Italy: Spread and Determinants,” Environment and Behavior, 36/6: 776-789.
  • MOLLER, Gertrude (1989), “Fear of Criminal Victimization: The Effect of Neighborhood Racial Composition,” Sociological Inquiry, 59/2: 208–221.
  • MUNGER, M. C. (2000), Analyzing Policy: Choices, Conflict, and Practice (New York: W.W. Norton & Company).
  • ORTEGA, S.T./MYLES, J.L. (1987), “Race and Gender Effects on Fear of Crime: An Interactive Model with Age,” Criminology, 25/1: 133-52.
  • PARKER, K.D./ RAY, M.C. (1990), “Fear of Crime: An Assessment of Related Factors,” Sociological Spectrum, 10/1: 29–40.
  • POLAT, Ahmet/GÜL, Serdar K. (2009), “Kentlerde Güvensizlik Kaygısı: Erzincan Alan Araştırması,” BİLGİÇ,Veysel (ed.), Değişik Yönleriyle Yerelleşme (Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi, Yayın Aşamasında).
  • PUNCH, Maurice (2007), Zero Tolerance Policing (Bristol: The Policy Press).
  • ROUNTREE, Pamela W. (1998), “A Re-examination of the Crime-Fear Linkage,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 35/ 3: 341–372.
  • SALMI, Satu/GRÖNROOS, Martti/KESKINEN, Esko (2004), “The Role of Police Visibility in Fear of Crime in Finland,” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 27/4: 573-591.
  • SAMPSON, Robert J./RAUDENBUSH, Stephen, W./EARLS, Felton (1997), “Neighborhoods and Violent Crime: A Multilevel Study of Collective Efficacy,” Science, New Series, 277/5328: 918-924.
  • SCHEIDER, Matthew C./ROWEL, Tawandra/BEZDIKIAN, Veh (2003), "The Impact of Citizen Perceptions of Community Policing on Fear of Crime: Findings from Twelve Cities," Police Quarterly, 6/4: 363-386.
  • SILVERMAN, Eli B./DELLA-GIUSTINA, Jo-Ann (2001), “Urban Policing and the Fear of Crime,” Urban Studies, 38/5–6: 941–957.
  • SKOGAN, W. & MAXFIELD, M. (1981), Coping with Crime (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications).
  • SKOGAN, W.G. (1990), Disorder and Decline: Crime and the spiral and decay in American Cities (New York: Free Press).
  • SLOVIC, Paul (2000a), “Introduction and Overview,” SLOVIC, Paul (ed.), The Perception of Risk (London ; Sterling, VA: Earthscan Publications): xxi-xxxvii. STAFFORD, M.C./GALLE, O.R. (1984), “Victimization Rates, Exposure to Risk, and Fear of Crime,” Criminology, 22/2: 173–85.
  • STANKO, Elizabeth A. (1992), “The Case of Fearful Women: Gender, Personal Safety and Fear of Crime,” Women and Criminal Justice, 4/1: 117-135.
  • SURETTE, R. (1998), “Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice,” WEITZER, R./ KUBRIN, E.C. Breaking News: How Local TV News and Real World Conditions Affect Fear of Crime Justice Quarterly, 21/3: 497–520.
  • SURETTE, Ray (1992), Media, Crime and Criminal Justice: Images and Realities (Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company).
  • SUTTON, R. M., & FARRALL, S. (2005), “Gender, Socially Desirable Responding and the Fear of Crime: Are Women Really More Anxious about Crime?,” British Journal of Criminology, 45/2: 212-224.
  • TAYLOR, Ralph B./HALE, M. (1986), “Testing Alternative Models of Fear of Crime,” The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 77/1: 151–189.
  • TAYLOR, Ralph B./SCHUMAKER, Sally A./GOTTFREDSON, Stephen D. (1985), “Neighborhood-Level Links between Physical Features and Local Sentiments: Deterioration, Fear, Crime, and Confidence,” Journal of Architectural Planning Research, 2: 261–275.
  • TAYLOR, Ralph B. (1999), Crime, Grime, Fear, and Decline: A Longitudinal Look. National Institute of Justice. (Electronically available at: pdffiles1/177603.pdf ).
  • ULUDAG, Sener (2007), Democracy, Crime Victimization, and Fear of Crime: The Effect of Democratic Quality on Citizens’ Fear of Criminal Victimization (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Kent State University, Ohio).
  • ULUDAĞ, Şener/ÖZDEMIR, Selim/DOĞUTAŞ, Cemil (2009), Vatandaşların Suç Korku (Güvenlik Endişesi) Seviyesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Alınabilecek Önlemler: Malatya Örneği (Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı Önleyici Hizmetler ve Çocuk Suçluluğu Araştırma Merkezi tarafından yayınlanan Ocak 2009 tarihli araştırma raporu).
  • WARR, Mark (1980), “The Accuracy of Public Beliefs about Crime,” Social Forces, 59/2: 456-470.
  • WEIMER, D.L./VINING, A.R. (2005), Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practice (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education).
  • WEITZER, R./KUBRIN, E.C. (2004), “Breaking News: How Local TV News and Real World Conditions Affect Fear of Crime,” Justice Quarterly, 21/3: 497-520.
  • WHITLEY, Rob/PRINCE, Martin (2005), “Fear of Crime, Mobility and Mental Health in Inner-City London, UK,” Social Science & Medicine, 61/8: 1678–1688.
  • WILLIAMS, Paul/DICKINSON, Julie (1993), “Fear of Crime: Read All About It?: The Relationship between Newspaper Crime Reporting and Fear of Crime,” British Journal of Criminology, 33/1: 33-56.
  • WILSON, James Q./KELLING, George L. (1982), “Broken Windows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety,” The Atlantic Monthly (Electronically available at: http://www.
  • WINKEL, F. W. (1998), “Fear of Crime and Criminal Victimization: Testing a Theory of Psychological Incapacitation of the 'Stressor' Based on Downward Comparison Processes,” British Journal of Criminology, 38/3: 473-484.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 65 Sayı: 01, 57 - 81, 01.01.2010


Suç korkusu, suçla çok yakından ilgili olmakla birlikte suçtan bağımsız bir olgudur. Suç oranlarının artışına paralel olarak artan suç korkusunun suç oranlarındaki düşüşle birlikte düşmediği pek çok araştırma sonucu elde edilen ortak bir bulgudur. Suç korkusu, suçun önlenebilmesi ve kontrol altına alınabilmesi için en çok ihtiyaç duyulan toplumsal dayanışmayı zedelediği için suçla mücadeleyi zorlaştırıcı bir özelliğe sahiptir. Bu nedenle de, suçla mücadele çalışmaları yanı sıra korkusuyla başa çıkabilmek için özel olarak dizayn edilmiş programların geliştirilmesine ve uygulanmasına büyük bir ihtiyaç vardır. Ancak ülkemizde, konuya ilişin gerek güvenlik birimlerine ve gerekse de güvenlik politikalarına yön veren insanlara rehberlik edebilecek yeterli düzeyde bilimsel veri bulunmamaktadır. Pek çok uluslararası örneği bulunan suç korkusu araştırmalarının Türkiye’de yalnızca birkaç lokal çalışma ile sınırlı kaldığı ve ulusal çapta yapılmış bir örneğinin ise bulunmadığı hemen göze çarpmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu makale ile bu tür araştırmalarda ele alınması gereken teorik ve pratik konuların neler olduğuna ilişkin bir yol haritası ortaya koyulacak ve ulusal çapta bir suç korkusu araştırması ile elde edilecek faydalar ilgililerin dikkatlerine sunulacaktır.


  • ADU-MIREKU, Samuel (2002, “Fear of Crime Among Residents of Three Communities in Accra, Ghana,” International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 43/2: 153-168
  • BAKER, Mary H./NIENSTEDT, Barbara C./EVERETT, Ronald S./MCCLEARY, Richard (1983), “The Impact of a Crime Wave: Perceptions, Fear, and Confidence in the Police,” Law & Society Review, 17/2: 319-336.
  • BECCARIA, Cesare, (2003), “An Essay on Crimes and Punishments,” CULLEN, Francis T./ AGNEW, Robert (eds.), Criminological Theory: Past to Present – Essential Readings, Second Edition: 20–22.
  • BENNETT, R.R. & FLAVIN, J.M. (1994), “Determinants of Fear of Crime: The Effects of Cultural Setting,” Justice Quarterly, 11/3: 357-81.
  • BOERS, K. (2003), Crime, Fear of Crime and the Operation of Crime Control in the Light of Victim Surveys and Other Empirical Studies (Paper presented at the 22nd Criminological Research Conference.Electronically available at: http://www. Erişim tarihi: 01.01.2008).
  • BOROOAH, Vani K./CARCACH, Carlos A. (1997), “Crime and Fear: Evidence from Australia,” British Journal of Criminology, 37/4: 635-657.
  • BOX, S./HALE, C./ANDREWS, G. (1998), “Explaining Fear of Crime,” British Journal of Criminology, 28/3: 340-56. BROOKS, James (1974), “The Fear of Crime in the United States,” Crime and Delinquency, 20/3: 241-244.
  • BURSIK, Robert (1988), "Social Disorganization and Theories of Crime and Delinquency," Criminology, 26/4:.519-551. BURSIK, Robert J./GRASMICK, Harold G. (1993), Neighborhoods and Crime: The Dimensions of Effective Community Contro (New York: Lexington Books).
  • CHADEE, D./DITTON, J. (2003), “Are Older People Most Afraid of Crime?,” British Journal of Criminology, 43/2: 417-433.
  • CLEMENTE, F./KLEIMAN, M. B. (1977), “Fear of Crime in the United States: A Multivariate Analysis,” Social Forces, 56/2: 519-531.
  • COVINGTON, J./TAYLOR, B.R. (1991), “Fear of Crime in Urban Residential Neighborhoods: Implications of Between-and Within- Neighborhood Sources of Current Models,” The Sociological Quarterly, 32: 231-249.
  • DIETZ, A. Steven (1997), "Evaluating Community Policing: Quality Police Service and Fear of Crime," Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, 20/1: 83-100.
  • DOLU, Osman (2007), Fear of Online Crime and Public Policy: Privacy vs. Security (Unpublished Dissertation: Department of Political Science, Kent State University).
  • DUBOW, F., McCabe, E./KAPLAN, G. (1979), Reactions to Crime: A Critical Review of the Literature (U.S. Government Print Office): 93-99.
  • ESCHHOLZ, Sarah (2002), “Racial Composition of Television Offenders and Viewers’ Fear of Crime,” Critical Criminology, 11: 41–60.
  • FATTAH, Ezzat A. (1993), “Victimisation and Fear of Crime among the Elderly: A Possible Link?,” (Paper presented at the Crime and Older People Conference. Electronically available at: Erişim tarihi: 09.07.2007).
  • FERRARO, Kenneth F. (1995), Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk (Albany: State University of New York Press).
  • FERRARO, Kenneth F. (1996), “Women's Fear of Victimization: Shadow of Sexual Assault?,” Social Forces, 75/2: 667-690.
  • FRIEND, Celeste (2006), “Social Contract Theory: Thomas Hobbes,” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Elektronik olarak ulaşılabilecek adres:, Erişim tarihi: 08.02.2008).
  • Research & Forecast Inc./Friedberg, A. (1983), America Afraid: How Fear of Crime Changes the Way We Live- Based on the Widely Publicized Figgie Report (New York: New American Library).
  • GREENE, J.R./TAYLOR, R.B. (1988), “Community-based policing and foot patrol: Issue of the theory and evaluation,” GREENE, J.R./ MASTROFSKI, S. D. (eds.) Community Policing: Rhetoric or Reality? (Praeger): 195-223
  • GILCHRIST, Elizabeth/BANNISTER, Jon/DITTON, Jason/FARRALL, Stephen (1998), “Women and the 'Fear of Crime: Challenging the Accepted Stereotype,” British Journal of Criminology, 38/2: 283-298.
  • HEATH, Linda (1984), “Impact of Newspaper Crime Reports on Fear of Crime: Multimethodological Investigation,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47/2: 263-276.
  • HINDELANG, M.J./GODDFREDSON, M.R./GAROFALO, J. (1978), Victims of Personal Crime: An Empirical Foundation for a Theory of Personal Victimization (Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger Publishing Company).
  • HOBBES, Thomas (1660), The Leviathan (Chapter XVIII: Of The Rights Of Sovereigns By Institution) (Electronically available at: hobbes/leviathan-c.html#CHAPTERXVIII Erişim tarihi: 08.02.2008).
  • HOPE, T./HOUGH, M. (1998), “Community Approaches to Reducing Crime,” pp. 1–29. HOPE, T./SHAW, M. (eds), Communities and Crime Reduction (Her Majesty’s Stationary Office).
  • HUNTER, Albert (1978), Symbols of Incivility: Social Disorder and Fear of Crime in Urban Neighborhoods (Electronically available at: National Criminal Justice Reference Services web site at:
  • KELLING, George L./COLES, Catherine M. (1998), Fixing Broken Windows: Restoring Order and Reducing Crime in our Communities (New York: The Free Press).
  • KENNEDY, L.W./SILVERMAN, R. A. (1985), “Perception of Social Diversity and Fear of Crime,” Environment and Behavior, 17/3: 275–295.
  • LANE, J. /MEEKER, J.W. (2000). “Sub-Cultural Diversity and the Fear of Crime and Gangs,” Crime and Delinquency, 46/4: 497–521.
  • LEWIS, D.A./SALEM, G. (1986), Fear of Crime: Incivility and the Production of a Social Problem (New Brunswick: Transaction Books).
  • LISKA, Allen. E./BACCAGLINI, William (1990), “Feeling Safe by Comparison: Crime in the Newspapers,” Social Problems, 37/3: 360-374.
  • MASLOW, Abraham H. (1942), “The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity,” Journal of Personality, 10/4: 331-344.
  • MASLOW, Abraham H. (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation,” Psychological Review, 50: 370396.
  • MAWBY, R. I./BRUNT, P./HAMBLY, Z. (2000), “Fear of Crime among British Holidaymakers,” British Journal of Criminology, 40/3: 468-479. MCARDLE, Andrea/ERZEN, Tanya (2001), Zero Tolerance: Quality of Life and the New Police Brutality in New York City (New York: New York University Press).
  • MICELI, Renato/ROCCATO, Michele/ROSATO, Rosalba (2004), “Fear of Crime in Italy: Spread and Determinants,” Environment and Behavior, 36/6: 776-789.
  • MOLLER, Gertrude (1989), “Fear of Criminal Victimization: The Effect of Neighborhood Racial Composition,” Sociological Inquiry, 59/2: 208–221.
  • MUNGER, M. C. (2000), Analyzing Policy: Choices, Conflict, and Practice (New York: W.W. Norton & Company).
  • ORTEGA, S.T./MYLES, J.L. (1987), “Race and Gender Effects on Fear of Crime: An Interactive Model with Age,” Criminology, 25/1: 133-52.
  • PARKER, K.D./ RAY, M.C. (1990), “Fear of Crime: An Assessment of Related Factors,” Sociological Spectrum, 10/1: 29–40.
  • POLAT, Ahmet/GÜL, Serdar K. (2009), “Kentlerde Güvensizlik Kaygısı: Erzincan Alan Araştırması,” BİLGİÇ,Veysel (ed.), Değişik Yönleriyle Yerelleşme (Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi, Yayın Aşamasında).
  • PUNCH, Maurice (2007), Zero Tolerance Policing (Bristol: The Policy Press).
  • ROUNTREE, Pamela W. (1998), “A Re-examination of the Crime-Fear Linkage,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 35/ 3: 341–372.
  • SALMI, Satu/GRÖNROOS, Martti/KESKINEN, Esko (2004), “The Role of Police Visibility in Fear of Crime in Finland,” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 27/4: 573-591.
  • SAMPSON, Robert J./RAUDENBUSH, Stephen, W./EARLS, Felton (1997), “Neighborhoods and Violent Crime: A Multilevel Study of Collective Efficacy,” Science, New Series, 277/5328: 918-924.
  • SCHEIDER, Matthew C./ROWEL, Tawandra/BEZDIKIAN, Veh (2003), "The Impact of Citizen Perceptions of Community Policing on Fear of Crime: Findings from Twelve Cities," Police Quarterly, 6/4: 363-386.
  • SILVERMAN, Eli B./DELLA-GIUSTINA, Jo-Ann (2001), “Urban Policing and the Fear of Crime,” Urban Studies, 38/5–6: 941–957.
  • SKOGAN, W. & MAXFIELD, M. (1981), Coping with Crime (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications).
  • SKOGAN, W.G. (1990), Disorder and Decline: Crime and the spiral and decay in American Cities (New York: Free Press).
  • SLOVIC, Paul (2000a), “Introduction and Overview,” SLOVIC, Paul (ed.), The Perception of Risk (London ; Sterling, VA: Earthscan Publications): xxi-xxxvii. STAFFORD, M.C./GALLE, O.R. (1984), “Victimization Rates, Exposure to Risk, and Fear of Crime,” Criminology, 22/2: 173–85.
  • STANKO, Elizabeth A. (1992), “The Case of Fearful Women: Gender, Personal Safety and Fear of Crime,” Women and Criminal Justice, 4/1: 117-135.
  • SURETTE, R. (1998), “Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice,” WEITZER, R./ KUBRIN, E.C. Breaking News: How Local TV News and Real World Conditions Affect Fear of Crime Justice Quarterly, 21/3: 497–520.
  • SURETTE, Ray (1992), Media, Crime and Criminal Justice: Images and Realities (Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company).
  • SUTTON, R. M., & FARRALL, S. (2005), “Gender, Socially Desirable Responding and the Fear of Crime: Are Women Really More Anxious about Crime?,” British Journal of Criminology, 45/2: 212-224.
  • TAYLOR, Ralph B./HALE, M. (1986), “Testing Alternative Models of Fear of Crime,” The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 77/1: 151–189.
  • TAYLOR, Ralph B./SCHUMAKER, Sally A./GOTTFREDSON, Stephen D. (1985), “Neighborhood-Level Links between Physical Features and Local Sentiments: Deterioration, Fear, Crime, and Confidence,” Journal of Architectural Planning Research, 2: 261–275.
  • TAYLOR, Ralph B. (1999), Crime, Grime, Fear, and Decline: A Longitudinal Look. National Institute of Justice. (Electronically available at: pdffiles1/177603.pdf ).
  • ULUDAG, Sener (2007), Democracy, Crime Victimization, and Fear of Crime: The Effect of Democratic Quality on Citizens’ Fear of Criminal Victimization (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Kent State University, Ohio).
  • ULUDAĞ, Şener/ÖZDEMIR, Selim/DOĞUTAŞ, Cemil (2009), Vatandaşların Suç Korku (Güvenlik Endişesi) Seviyesine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Alınabilecek Önlemler: Malatya Örneği (Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı Önleyici Hizmetler ve Çocuk Suçluluğu Araştırma Merkezi tarafından yayınlanan Ocak 2009 tarihli araştırma raporu).
  • WARR, Mark (1980), “The Accuracy of Public Beliefs about Crime,” Social Forces, 59/2: 456-470.
  • WEIMER, D.L./VINING, A.R. (2005), Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practice (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education).
  • WEITZER, R./KUBRIN, E.C. (2004), “Breaking News: How Local TV News and Real World Conditions Affect Fear of Crime,” Justice Quarterly, 21/3: 497-520.
  • WHITLEY, Rob/PRINCE, Martin (2005), “Fear of Crime, Mobility and Mental Health in Inner-City London, UK,” Social Science & Medicine, 61/8: 1678–1688.
  • WILLIAMS, Paul/DICKINSON, Julie (1993), “Fear of Crime: Read All About It?: The Relationship between Newspaper Crime Reporting and Fear of Crime,” British Journal of Criminology, 33/1: 33-56.
  • WILSON, James Q./KELLING, George L. (1982), “Broken Windows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety,” The Atlantic Monthly (Electronically available at: http://www.
  • WINKEL, F. W. (1998), “Fear of Crime and Criminal Victimization: Testing a Theory of Psychological Incapacitation of the 'Stressor' Based on Downward Comparison Processes,” British Journal of Criminology, 38/3: 473-484.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 65 Sayı: 01

Kaynak Göster

APA Dolu, O., Uludağ, Ş., & Doğutaş, C. (2010). SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 65(01), 57-81.
AMA Dolu O, Uludağ Ş, Doğutaş C. SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ. SBF Dergisi. Ocak 2010;65(01):57-81. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002154
Chicago Dolu, Osman, Şener Uludağ, ve Cemil Doğutaş. “SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 65, sy. 01 (Ocak 2010): 57-81.
EndNote Dolu O, Uludağ Ş, Doğutaş C (01 Ocak 2010) SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 65 01 57–81.
IEEE O. Dolu, Ş. Uludağ, ve C. Doğutaş, “SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ”, SBF Dergisi, c. 65, sy. 01, ss. 57–81, 2010, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002154.
ISNAD Dolu, Osman vd. “SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 65/01 (Ocak 2010), 57-81.
MLA Dolu, Osman vd. “SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 65, sy. 01, 2010, ss. 57-81, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002154.
Vancouver Dolu O, Uludağ Ş, Doğutaş C. SUÇ KORKUSU: NEDENLERİ, SONUÇLARI VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKALARI İKLİŞKİSİ. SBF Dergisi. 2010;65(01):57-81.

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