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Makedonyalı Büyük İskender'in Ankyra (Ankara) Seferi (MÖ 333): Kullanıldığı Düşünülen Gastronomik Ürünlere Ait Lojistik Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2023, , 170 - 189, 30.10.2023


Makedonya kralı Büyük İskender’in doğuya yaptığı seferler sonucunda Gordion şehrine geldiği ve bir süre bölgede ikamet ettiği kaynaklarda yer almaktadır. Bu kadar uzun yürüyüşler içinde tonlarca yükün ordu ile birlikte taşınması çok zorlayıcı, bir yerde olanaksız gözükmektedir. Makedon ordusunda seferler sırasında sayıları askerler kadar olan destek personeli; yiyecekler, silahlar ve diğer ekipmanlarını taşımıştır. Çok uzun seneler büyük orduların yapmış oldukları muharebelerde nasıl bir stratejik ikmal ve lojistik destek ile savaşacağı bugün bile harp akademilerinde ders olarak okutulmaktadır. Büyük İskender’in bu olağanüstü lojistik sistemi tek elden ve sorunsuz yürütmüş olması onun sadece askeri bir stratejist olması yanında lojistik dehasını da ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışma zaman, mesafe, tüketim ve ulaşım kabiliyetleri göz önüne alınarak Büyük İskender’in stratejisi, taktikleri, yürüyüşlerinin zamanlaması ve ürün tedariki arasındaki temel ilişkilerin incelenmesi üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Büyük İskender’in orduları ile Ankara’dan geçerken hangi gastronomik ürünlerin tüketilmiş olabileceğine dair o günün şartlarında bir değerlendirme yapılmaya çalışılmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Adcock, F. (1957). The Greek and Macedonian Art of War. Los Angeles: University California Press Ankara İl Turizm Müdürlüğü (1995). Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Tanıtma Genel Müdürlüğü, 1-108.
  • Arrianos, (2005). İskender’in Anabasis’i, İstanbul: Alfa Kitapları.
  • Austin., M.M. (1981). The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest. A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation NY: Cambridge.
  • Bosworth, A.B. (1988). Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great, London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bosworth, A.B. (1995). A Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander Vol. 1 Oxford: Penguen Publish
  • Bosworth, A.B. (1996). Alexander and the East. Oxford: Penguen Publish.
  • Chinnok, E.J. (1884). The Anabasis of Alexander-Arrianus the Nicomedian,Hoddder and Stoughton, London, 443 s.
  • Davies, W. E. A. (1971). The theory of elastic composite materials. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 4(9), 1325.
  • Doğaner, S.(2007). Büyük İskender: Coğrafyacı Bir Savaşçı Kral. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi Sayı 48. 19-58
  • Donald W. E. (1980). Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army. Berkeley: University of California Press,
  • Droysen, J.G. (1949). Büyük İskender, I-IV, çev. B. S. Baykal, , Ankara: M.E.B. Yayınları Alman Klasikleri.
  • Erzen, A. (1984). Eskicağ Tarihi Hakkında 4 konferans: Büyük İskender ve Dünya Devleti, , İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları
  • Fallowfield, J. L., Delves, S. K., Hill, N. E., Cobley, R., Brown, P., Lanham-New, S. A.,  Allsopp, A. J. (2014). Energy expenditure, nutritional status, body composition and physical fitness of royal marines during a 6-month operational deployment in Afghanistan. British Journal of Nutrition, 112(5), 821–829.
  • Fornaris, E., & Aubert, M. (1998). Le légionnaire romain, cet athlète méconnu [The Roman legionnaire, the misunderstood athlete]. Histoire des sciences medicales, 32(2), 161–168.
  • Gerstein, D. E., Woodward-Lopez, G., Evans, A. E., Kelsey, K., & Drewnowski, A. (2004). Clarifying concepts about macronutrients' effects on satiation and satiety. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 104(7), 1151–1153.
  • Green, P. (1992). Alexander of Macedon 356-323 B.C. A Historical Biography. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University California Press.
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (1982). Alexander the Great. King, Commander, and Statesman London: Themes
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (1995). Alexander's Order during the Cleitus Episode, Ancient History Bulletin 9 111-116.
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (1997). Arrian's Mentions of Infantry Guards. Ancient History Bulletin 11. 20-24.
  • Heisserer, A. J. (1980). Alexander the Great and the Greeks. The Epigraphic Evidence. Norman: Oklahoma Press.
  • Karl, J. P., Margolis, L. M., Fallowfield, J. L., Child, R. B., Martin, N. M., & McClung, J. P. (2022). Military nutrition research: Contemporary issues, state of the science and future directions. European journal of sport science, 22(1), 87–98.
  • Kaya, M. A. (2005). Roma lejyonerleri ve Anadolu. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24(37), 87-98.
  • Lauffer, S. (2004). Büyük İskender, (çev. N.Sorguç). İzmir: İlya Yayınevi.
  • Lösch S, Moghaddam N, Grossschmidt K, Risser DU, Kanz F (2014) Stable Isotope and Trace Element Studies on Gladiators and Contemporary Romans from Ephesus (Turkey, 2nd and 3rd Ct. AD) - Implications for Differences in Diet. PLoS ONE 9(10): e110489
  • Lutz, L. J., Gaffney-Stomberg, E., Karl, J. P., Hughes, J. M., Guerriere, K. I., & McClung, J. P. (2019). Dietary intake in relation to military dietary reference values during Army Basic Combat training; a multi-center, cross-sectional study. Military Medicine, 184(3-4), e223–e230.
  • Margolis, L. M., Murphy, N. E., Martini, S., Spitz, M. G., Thrane, I., McGraw, S. M., … Pasiakos, S. M., (2014). Effects of winter military training on energy balance, whole-body protein balance, muscle damage, soreness, and physical performance. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 39(12), 1395–1401.
  • Marston, J. M., & Miller, N. F. (2014). Intensive agriculture and land use at Roman Gordion, central Turkey. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23, 761-773.
  • Massimo, V. (2001). Büyük İskender: Dünyanın Hakimi. (çev.E.Cendey) İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • Miller, N. F., Zeder, M. A., & Arter, S. R. (2009). From food and fuel to farms and flocks: the integration of plant and animal remains in the study of the agropastoral economy at Gordion, Turkey. Current Anthropology, 50(6), 915-924.
  • Murphy, N. E., Carrigan, C. T., Philip Karl, J., Pasiakos, S. M., & Margolis, L. M. (2018). Threshold of energy deficit and lower-body performance declines in military personnel: A meta-regression. Sports Medicine, 48(9), 2169–2178.
  • Oygür, A. V. (2020). Çağlar Boyu Ankara. Tarih Çevresi Dergisi, 4-24.
  • Pasiakos, S. M. (2020). Nutritional requirements for sustaining health and performance during exposure to extreme environments. Annual Review of Nutrition, 40, 221–245.
  • Plutarkhos, (1980). Büyük İskender: Hayatı ve Savaşları. (çev.V. Güntekin), İstanbul: Rado Yayınevi.
  • Robin L. F, (1973). Alexander the Great .London: Thames.
  • Robinson, T.R. (1993). Alexander and the Ganges, Ancient History Bulletin 7. 65-75
  • TSK Beslenme Kanunu, ( 2007). 5668 sayılı Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı Ve Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı Besleme Kanunu
  • TürKomp. (2013). Turkish food composition database. Determination of national food composition and formation of a widely available and sustainable system.
  • Uyar, G. , Ören, M. & Alataş, M. (2020). The bryophyte flora of Akyazı, Arifiye, Geyve, Karapürçek districts (Sakarya, Turkey). Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma , 13 (1) , 27-43 .
  • Waldemar H, (1992). The Marshals of Alexander's Empire. London: Penguen Pub.
  • Waterlow J. C. (1989). Diet of the classical period of Greece and Rome. European journal of clinical nutrition, 43 Suppl 2, 3–12.

The Ankyra (Ankara) Expedition of Alexander the Great of Macedonia (333 BC): A logistical analysis of what is thought to be the gastronomical products

Yıl 2023, , 170 - 189, 30.10.2023


It is stated in the literature that the Macedonian king Alexander the Great came to Gordion for his eastward expedition and resided in the region for a while. It was very difficult and seemed impossible to carry a lot of military equipment on such long marches with the army. During the expedition in the Macedonian army, the number of support personnel was equal the number of soldiers and they carried food, weapons and other equipment. Even today, the war academies teach how to deal with strategic supply and logistic support in the battles of great armies for many years. The fact that Alexander the Great ran this extraordinary logistics system from centeralized manner and without any problems reveals his logistics genius as well as being a military strategist. This study is based on examining the basic relationships between Alexander the Great's strategy, tactics, timing of his marches and product supply, taking into account time, distance, consumption and transportation capabilities. It has been tried to make an evaluation under the conditions of that day about which gastronomic products may have been consumed while passing through Ankara with the armies of Alexander the Great.

Proje Numarası



  • Adcock, F. (1957). The Greek and Macedonian Art of War. Los Angeles: University California Press Ankara İl Turizm Müdürlüğü (1995). Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Tanıtma Genel Müdürlüğü, 1-108.
  • Arrianos, (2005). İskender’in Anabasis’i, İstanbul: Alfa Kitapları.
  • Austin., M.M. (1981). The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest. A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation NY: Cambridge.
  • Bosworth, A.B. (1988). Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great, London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bosworth, A.B. (1995). A Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander Vol. 1 Oxford: Penguen Publish
  • Bosworth, A.B. (1996). Alexander and the East. Oxford: Penguen Publish.
  • Chinnok, E.J. (1884). The Anabasis of Alexander-Arrianus the Nicomedian,Hoddder and Stoughton, London, 443 s.
  • Davies, W. E. A. (1971). The theory of elastic composite materials. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 4(9), 1325.
  • Doğaner, S.(2007). Büyük İskender: Coğrafyacı Bir Savaşçı Kral. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi Sayı 48. 19-58
  • Donald W. E. (1980). Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army. Berkeley: University of California Press,
  • Droysen, J.G. (1949). Büyük İskender, I-IV, çev. B. S. Baykal, , Ankara: M.E.B. Yayınları Alman Klasikleri.
  • Erzen, A. (1984). Eskicağ Tarihi Hakkında 4 konferans: Büyük İskender ve Dünya Devleti, , İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları
  • Fallowfield, J. L., Delves, S. K., Hill, N. E., Cobley, R., Brown, P., Lanham-New, S. A.,  Allsopp, A. J. (2014). Energy expenditure, nutritional status, body composition and physical fitness of royal marines during a 6-month operational deployment in Afghanistan. British Journal of Nutrition, 112(5), 821–829.
  • Fornaris, E., & Aubert, M. (1998). Le légionnaire romain, cet athlète méconnu [The Roman legionnaire, the misunderstood athlete]. Histoire des sciences medicales, 32(2), 161–168.
  • Gerstein, D. E., Woodward-Lopez, G., Evans, A. E., Kelsey, K., & Drewnowski, A. (2004). Clarifying concepts about macronutrients' effects on satiation and satiety. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 104(7), 1151–1153.
  • Green, P. (1992). Alexander of Macedon 356-323 B.C. A Historical Biography. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University California Press.
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (1982). Alexander the Great. King, Commander, and Statesman London: Themes
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (1995). Alexander's Order during the Cleitus Episode, Ancient History Bulletin 9 111-116.
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (1997). Arrian's Mentions of Infantry Guards. Ancient History Bulletin 11. 20-24.
  • Heisserer, A. J. (1980). Alexander the Great and the Greeks. The Epigraphic Evidence. Norman: Oklahoma Press.
  • Karl, J. P., Margolis, L. M., Fallowfield, J. L., Child, R. B., Martin, N. M., & McClung, J. P. (2022). Military nutrition research: Contemporary issues, state of the science and future directions. European journal of sport science, 22(1), 87–98.
  • Kaya, M. A. (2005). Roma lejyonerleri ve Anadolu. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24(37), 87-98.
  • Lauffer, S. (2004). Büyük İskender, (çev. N.Sorguç). İzmir: İlya Yayınevi.
  • Lösch S, Moghaddam N, Grossschmidt K, Risser DU, Kanz F (2014) Stable Isotope and Trace Element Studies on Gladiators and Contemporary Romans from Ephesus (Turkey, 2nd and 3rd Ct. AD) - Implications for Differences in Diet. PLoS ONE 9(10): e110489
  • Lutz, L. J., Gaffney-Stomberg, E., Karl, J. P., Hughes, J. M., Guerriere, K. I., & McClung, J. P. (2019). Dietary intake in relation to military dietary reference values during Army Basic Combat training; a multi-center, cross-sectional study. Military Medicine, 184(3-4), e223–e230.
  • Margolis, L. M., Murphy, N. E., Martini, S., Spitz, M. G., Thrane, I., McGraw, S. M., … Pasiakos, S. M., (2014). Effects of winter military training on energy balance, whole-body protein balance, muscle damage, soreness, and physical performance. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 39(12), 1395–1401.
  • Marston, J. M., & Miller, N. F. (2014). Intensive agriculture and land use at Roman Gordion, central Turkey. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23, 761-773.
  • Massimo, V. (2001). Büyük İskender: Dünyanın Hakimi. (çev.E.Cendey) İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • Miller, N. F., Zeder, M. A., & Arter, S. R. (2009). From food and fuel to farms and flocks: the integration of plant and animal remains in the study of the agropastoral economy at Gordion, Turkey. Current Anthropology, 50(6), 915-924.
  • Murphy, N. E., Carrigan, C. T., Philip Karl, J., Pasiakos, S. M., & Margolis, L. M. (2018). Threshold of energy deficit and lower-body performance declines in military personnel: A meta-regression. Sports Medicine, 48(9), 2169–2178.
  • Oygür, A. V. (2020). Çağlar Boyu Ankara. Tarih Çevresi Dergisi, 4-24.
  • Pasiakos, S. M. (2020). Nutritional requirements for sustaining health and performance during exposure to extreme environments. Annual Review of Nutrition, 40, 221–245.
  • Plutarkhos, (1980). Büyük İskender: Hayatı ve Savaşları. (çev.V. Güntekin), İstanbul: Rado Yayınevi.
  • Robin L. F, (1973). Alexander the Great .London: Thames.
  • Robinson, T.R. (1993). Alexander and the Ganges, Ancient History Bulletin 7. 65-75
  • TSK Beslenme Kanunu, ( 2007). 5668 sayılı Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı Ve Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı Besleme Kanunu
  • TürKomp. (2013). Turkish food composition database. Determination of national food composition and formation of a widely available and sustainable system.
  • Uyar, G. , Ören, M. & Alataş, M. (2020). The bryophyte flora of Akyazı, Arifiye, Geyve, Karapürçek districts (Sakarya, Turkey). Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma , 13 (1) , 27-43 .
  • Waldemar H, (1992). The Marshals of Alexander's Empire. London: Penguen Pub.
  • Waterlow J. C. (1989). Diet of the classical period of Greece and Rome. European journal of clinical nutrition, 43 Suppl 2, 3–12.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Helenistik Dönem Arkeolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tulga Albustanlıoğlu 0000-0003-1019-9909

İlkay Yılmaz 0000-0001-5938-3112

Proje Numarası yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2023
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Albustanlıoğlu, T., & Yılmaz, İ. (2023). Makedonyalı Büyük İskender’in Ankyra (Ankara) Seferi (MÖ 333): Kullanıldığı Düşünülen Gastronomik Ürünlere Ait Lojistik Bir Değerlendirme. Külliye(TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ’NİN 100. YILI ÖZEL SAYISI), 170-189.