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The usage of new approaches in industrial scale to improving olive oil quality

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 48 Sayı: 1, 49 - 56, 29.03.2019


Olive oil is the most preferred oil among vegetable oils. The reason why consumers are so preferred is minor compounds in composition of oil. These compounds especially phenolic compounds, tocopherols and volatile compounds are related to olive quality. Studies on transferring new methods to industrialization are being continued to improve classical methods for olive oil processing. These innovative methods aim to increase the amount of minor components in the oil composition. In this review, the effects of new methods such as double extraction, ultrasound, microwave, de–stoning and using of heat exchanger, coadjuvants applied to the industry on oil quality have been investigated.


  • Boskou, D., 1996. Olive oil chemistry and technology. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL, USA, 52–83p.
  • Kiritsakis, A.K., 1998. Olive oil: from the tree to the table. Food and Nutrition Press, Trumbull, 155p.
  • Covas, M.I., Ruiz–Gutiérrez, V., De La Torre, R., Kafatos, A., Lamuela–Raventós, R.M., Osada, J., Owen, R.W. and Visioli, F., 2006. Minor components of olive oil: evidence to date of health benefits in humans. Nutrition Reviews 64(4):20–30.
  • Owen, R.W., Giacosa, A., Hull, W.E., Haubner, R., Spiegelhalder, B. and Bartsch, H., 2000. The antioxidant/anticancer potential of phenolic compounds isolated from olive oil. European Journal of Cancer 36(10):1235–1247.
  • Visioli, F. and Galli, C., 1998. Olive oil phenols and their potential effects on human health. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 46(10):4292–4296.
  • Kalua, C.M., Allen, M.S., Bedgood, D.R., Bishop, A.G., Prenzler, P.D. and Robards, K., 2007. Olive oil volatile compounds, flavour development and quality: A critical review. Food Chemistry 100(1):273–286.
  • Gimeno, E., Castellote, A.I., Lamuela–Raventós, R.M., De la Torre, M.C. and López–Sabater, M.C., 2002. The effects of harvest and extraction methods on the antioxidant content (phenolics, α–toco pherol, and β–carotene) in virgin olive oil. Food Chemistry 78(2):207–211.
  • Di Giovacchino, L., Solinas, M. and Miccoli, M., 1994. Effect of extraction systems on the quality of virgin olive oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 71(11): 1189–1194.
  • Di Giovacchino, L., Preziuso, S.M., Di Serio, M.G., Mucciarella, M.R., Di Loreto, G. and Lanza, B., 2017. Double extraction of olive oil in large oil mills of Southern Italy: Effects on extraction efficiency, oil quality, and economy of the process. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 119:n/a, 1600161. doi:10.100 2/ejlt.201600161
  • Chemat, F. and Khan, M.K., 2011. Applications of ultrasound in food technology: processing, preservation and extraction. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 18(4):813–835.
  • Ranalli, A., Pollastri, L., Contento, S., Iannucci, E. and Lucera, L., 2003. Effect of olive paste kneading process time on the overall quality of virgin olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 105(2):57–67.
  • Caponio, F., Alloggio, V. and Gomes, T., 1999. Phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil: influence of paste preparation techniques. Food Chemistry 64(2):203–209.
  • Ranalli, A., Contento, S., Schiavone, C. and Simone, N., 2001. Malaxing temperature affects volatile and phenol composition as well as other analytical features of virgin olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 103(4):228–238.
  • Jiménez, A., Beltrán, G. and Uceda, M., 2007. High–power ultrasound in olive paste pretreatment. Effect on process yield and virgin olive oil characteristics. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 14(6):725–731.
  • Clodoveo, M. L., Durante, V. and La Notte, D., 2013. Working towards the development of innovative ultrasound equipment for the extraction of virgin olive oil. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 20(5):1261–1270.
  • Almeida, B., Valli, E., Bendini, A. and Gallina Toschi, T., 2017. Semi–industrial ultrasound–assisted virgin olive oil extraction: impact on quality. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 119:n/a, 1600230. doi:10.1002/ejlt.201600 230
  • Bejaoui, M.A., Sánchez–Ortiz, A., Sánchez, S., Jiménez, A. and Beltrán, G.,2017. The high power ultrasound frequency: Effect on the virgin olive oil yield and quality. J. of Food Engineering 207:10–17.
  • Ranalli, A., Gomes, T., Delcuratolo, D., Contento, S. and Lucera, L., 2003. Improving virgin olive oil quality by means of innovative extracting biotechnologies. J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(9):2597–2602.
  • Patumi, M., Terenziani, S., Ridolfi, M. and Fontanazza, G., 2003. Effect of fruit stoning on olive oil quality. J. of the American Oil Chemists Society 80(3):249–255.
  • Romaniello, R., Leone, A. and Tamborrino, A., 2017. Specification of a new de‐stoner machine: evaluation of machining effects on olive paste’s rheology and olive oil yield and quality. J. of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97(1):115–121.
  • Ranalli, A., Benzi, M., Gomes, T., Delcuratolo, D., Marchegiani, D. and Lucera, L., 2007. Concentration of natural pigments and other bioactive components in pulp oils from de–stoned olives. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 8(3):437–442.
  • Angerosa, F., Basti, C., Vito, R. and Lanza, B., 1999. Effect of fruit stone removal on the production of virgin olive oil volatile compounds. Food Chemistry 67(3):295–299.
  • Amirante, P., Clodoveo, M. L., Dugo, G., Leone, A. and Tamborrino, A., 2006. Advance technology in virgin olive oil production from traditional and de–stoned pastes: Influence of the introduction of a heat exchanger on oil quality. Food Chemistry 98(4):797–805.
  • Leone, A., Esposto, S., Tamborrino, A., Romaniello, R., Taticchi, A., Urbani, S. and Servili, M., 2016. Using a tubular heat exchanger to improve the conditioning process of the olive paste: Evaluation of yield and olive oil quality. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 118(2):308–317.
  • Leone, A., Tamborrino, A., Romaniello, R., Zagaria, R. and Sabella, E., 2014. Specification and implementation of a continuous microwave–assisted system for paste malaxation in an olive oil extraction plant. Biosystems Engineering 125:24–35.
  • Tamborrino, A., Romaniello, R., Zagaria, R. and Leone, A., 2014. Microwave–assisted treatment for continuous olive paste conditioning: Impact on olive oil quality and yield. Biosystems Engineering 127:92–102.
  • Petrakis, C., 2006. Olive oil extraction. In: Olive oil: chemistry and technology. Edited by Boskou D., 2. Edition, Champaign (IL): AOCS Press. pp:191–224.
  • Clodoveo, M.L., 2012. Malaxation: Influence on virgin olive oil quality. Past, present and future an overview. Trends in Food Science & Technology 25(1):13–23.
  • Tamborrino, A., Squeo, G., Leone, A., Paradiso, V.M., Romaniello, R., Summo, C., Pasqualone, A., Catalano, P.,Bianchi, B. and Caponio, F., 2017. Industrial trials on coadjuvants in olive oil extraction process: Effect on rheological properties, energy consumption, oil yield and olive oil characteristics. J. of Food Engineering 205:34–46.
  • Sánchez‐Ortiz, A., Bejaoui, M.A., Herrera, M.P.A., Jiménez Márquez, A. and Beltrán Maza, G., 2016. Application of oxygen during olive fruit crushing impacts on the characteristics and sensory profile of the virgin olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 118:1018–1029.
  • Amirante, P., Clodoveo, M. L., Tamborrino, A., Leone, A. and Dugo, G., 2012. Oxygen concentration control during olive oil extraction process: a new system to emphasize the organoleptic and healthy properties of virgin olive oil. Acta Horticulturae 949:473–480.

Zeytinyağı üretiminde uygulanan yeni yöntemlerin yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 48 Sayı: 1, 49 - 56, 29.03.2019


Zeytinyağı, bitkisel yağlar içerisinde en fazla tercih edilen yağdır. Tüketiciler tarafından bu kadar tercih edilmesinin nedeni bileşiminde yer alan minör bileşenlerdir. Bu bileşenlerden özellikle fenolik maddeler, tokoferoller ve uçucu bileşenler zeytinyağı kalitesi ile ilişkilidir. Zeytinyağı üretiminde klasik yöntemlerin geliştirilerek yeni yöntemlerin sanayiye aktarılması çalışmaları sürdürülmektedir. Bu yenilikçi yöntemler ile minör bileşenlerin yağ bileşimindeki miktarlarının artırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu derlemede, ikili ekstraksiyon, ultrases, mikrodalga, çekirdek çıkarma ve ısı değiştirici kullanımı, yardımcı katkı maddesi kullanımı ve çalışılan atmosfer modifikasyonu gibi sanayiye uygulanan yeni metotların yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir.


  • Boskou, D., 1996. Olive oil chemistry and technology. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL, USA, 52–83p.
  • Kiritsakis, A.K., 1998. Olive oil: from the tree to the table. Food and Nutrition Press, Trumbull, 155p.
  • Covas, M.I., Ruiz–Gutiérrez, V., De La Torre, R., Kafatos, A., Lamuela–Raventós, R.M., Osada, J., Owen, R.W. and Visioli, F., 2006. Minor components of olive oil: evidence to date of health benefits in humans. Nutrition Reviews 64(4):20–30.
  • Owen, R.W., Giacosa, A., Hull, W.E., Haubner, R., Spiegelhalder, B. and Bartsch, H., 2000. The antioxidant/anticancer potential of phenolic compounds isolated from olive oil. European Journal of Cancer 36(10):1235–1247.
  • Visioli, F. and Galli, C., 1998. Olive oil phenols and their potential effects on human health. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 46(10):4292–4296.
  • Kalua, C.M., Allen, M.S., Bedgood, D.R., Bishop, A.G., Prenzler, P.D. and Robards, K., 2007. Olive oil volatile compounds, flavour development and quality: A critical review. Food Chemistry 100(1):273–286.
  • Gimeno, E., Castellote, A.I., Lamuela–Raventós, R.M., De la Torre, M.C. and López–Sabater, M.C., 2002. The effects of harvest and extraction methods on the antioxidant content (phenolics, α–toco pherol, and β–carotene) in virgin olive oil. Food Chemistry 78(2):207–211.
  • Di Giovacchino, L., Solinas, M. and Miccoli, M., 1994. Effect of extraction systems on the quality of virgin olive oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 71(11): 1189–1194.
  • Di Giovacchino, L., Preziuso, S.M., Di Serio, M.G., Mucciarella, M.R., Di Loreto, G. and Lanza, B., 2017. Double extraction of olive oil in large oil mills of Southern Italy: Effects on extraction efficiency, oil quality, and economy of the process. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 119:n/a, 1600161. doi:10.100 2/ejlt.201600161
  • Chemat, F. and Khan, M.K., 2011. Applications of ultrasound in food technology: processing, preservation and extraction. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 18(4):813–835.
  • Ranalli, A., Pollastri, L., Contento, S., Iannucci, E. and Lucera, L., 2003. Effect of olive paste kneading process time on the overall quality of virgin olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 105(2):57–67.
  • Caponio, F., Alloggio, V. and Gomes, T., 1999. Phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil: influence of paste preparation techniques. Food Chemistry 64(2):203–209.
  • Ranalli, A., Contento, S., Schiavone, C. and Simone, N., 2001. Malaxing temperature affects volatile and phenol composition as well as other analytical features of virgin olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 103(4):228–238.
  • Jiménez, A., Beltrán, G. and Uceda, M., 2007. High–power ultrasound in olive paste pretreatment. Effect on process yield and virgin olive oil characteristics. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 14(6):725–731.
  • Clodoveo, M. L., Durante, V. and La Notte, D., 2013. Working towards the development of innovative ultrasound equipment for the extraction of virgin olive oil. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 20(5):1261–1270.
  • Almeida, B., Valli, E., Bendini, A. and Gallina Toschi, T., 2017. Semi–industrial ultrasound–assisted virgin olive oil extraction: impact on quality. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 119:n/a, 1600230. doi:10.1002/ejlt.201600 230
  • Bejaoui, M.A., Sánchez–Ortiz, A., Sánchez, S., Jiménez, A. and Beltrán, G.,2017. The high power ultrasound frequency: Effect on the virgin olive oil yield and quality. J. of Food Engineering 207:10–17.
  • Ranalli, A., Gomes, T., Delcuratolo, D., Contento, S. and Lucera, L., 2003. Improving virgin olive oil quality by means of innovative extracting biotechnologies. J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(9):2597–2602.
  • Patumi, M., Terenziani, S., Ridolfi, M. and Fontanazza, G., 2003. Effect of fruit stoning on olive oil quality. J. of the American Oil Chemists Society 80(3):249–255.
  • Romaniello, R., Leone, A. and Tamborrino, A., 2017. Specification of a new de‐stoner machine: evaluation of machining effects on olive paste’s rheology and olive oil yield and quality. J. of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97(1):115–121.
  • Ranalli, A., Benzi, M., Gomes, T., Delcuratolo, D., Marchegiani, D. and Lucera, L., 2007. Concentration of natural pigments and other bioactive components in pulp oils from de–stoned olives. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 8(3):437–442.
  • Angerosa, F., Basti, C., Vito, R. and Lanza, B., 1999. Effect of fruit stone removal on the production of virgin olive oil volatile compounds. Food Chemistry 67(3):295–299.
  • Amirante, P., Clodoveo, M. L., Dugo, G., Leone, A. and Tamborrino, A., 2006. Advance technology in virgin olive oil production from traditional and de–stoned pastes: Influence of the introduction of a heat exchanger on oil quality. Food Chemistry 98(4):797–805.
  • Leone, A., Esposto, S., Tamborrino, A., Romaniello, R., Taticchi, A., Urbani, S. and Servili, M., 2016. Using a tubular heat exchanger to improve the conditioning process of the olive paste: Evaluation of yield and olive oil quality. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 118(2):308–317.
  • Leone, A., Tamborrino, A., Romaniello, R., Zagaria, R. and Sabella, E., 2014. Specification and implementation of a continuous microwave–assisted system for paste malaxation in an olive oil extraction plant. Biosystems Engineering 125:24–35.
  • Tamborrino, A., Romaniello, R., Zagaria, R. and Leone, A., 2014. Microwave–assisted treatment for continuous olive paste conditioning: Impact on olive oil quality and yield. Biosystems Engineering 127:92–102.
  • Petrakis, C., 2006. Olive oil extraction. In: Olive oil: chemistry and technology. Edited by Boskou D., 2. Edition, Champaign (IL): AOCS Press. pp:191–224.
  • Clodoveo, M.L., 2012. Malaxation: Influence on virgin olive oil quality. Past, present and future an overview. Trends in Food Science & Technology 25(1):13–23.
  • Tamborrino, A., Squeo, G., Leone, A., Paradiso, V.M., Romaniello, R., Summo, C., Pasqualone, A., Catalano, P.,Bianchi, B. and Caponio, F., 2017. Industrial trials on coadjuvants in olive oil extraction process: Effect on rheological properties, energy consumption, oil yield and olive oil characteristics. J. of Food Engineering 205:34–46.
  • Sánchez‐Ortiz, A., Bejaoui, M.A., Herrera, M.P.A., Jiménez Márquez, A. and Beltrán Maza, G., 2016. Application of oxygen during olive fruit crushing impacts on the characteristics and sensory profile of the virgin olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 118:1018–1029.
  • Amirante, P., Clodoveo, M. L., Tamborrino, A., Leone, A. and Dugo, G., 2012. Oxygen concentration control during olive oil extraction process: a new system to emphasize the organoleptic and healthy properties of virgin olive oil. Acta Horticulturae 949:473–480.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Mustafa Kıralan 0000-0001-7401-8025

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mart 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Kasım 2018
Kabul Tarihi 6 Şubat 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 48 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kıralan, M. (2019). Zeytinyağı üretiminde uygulanan yeni yöntemlerin yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Bahçe, 48(1), 49-56.
AMA Kıralan M. Zeytinyağı üretiminde uygulanan yeni yöntemlerin yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Bahçe. Mart 2019;48(1):49-56.
Chicago Kıralan, Mustafa. “Zeytinyağı üretiminde Uygulanan Yeni yöntemlerin Yağ Kalitesi üzerine Etkileri”. Bahçe 48, sy. 1 (Mart 2019): 49-56.
EndNote Kıralan M (01 Mart 2019) Zeytinyağı üretiminde uygulanan yeni yöntemlerin yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Bahçe 48 1 49–56.
IEEE M. Kıralan, “Zeytinyağı üretiminde uygulanan yeni yöntemlerin yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri”, Bahçe, c. 48, sy. 1, ss. 49–56, 2019.
ISNAD Kıralan, Mustafa. “Zeytinyağı üretiminde Uygulanan Yeni yöntemlerin Yağ Kalitesi üzerine Etkileri”. Bahçe 48/1 (Mart 2019), 49-56.
JAMA Kıralan M. Zeytinyağı üretiminde uygulanan yeni yöntemlerin yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Bahçe. 2019;48:49–56.
MLA Kıralan, Mustafa. “Zeytinyağı üretiminde Uygulanan Yeni yöntemlerin Yağ Kalitesi üzerine Etkileri”. Bahçe, c. 48, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 49-56.
Vancouver Kıralan M. Zeytinyağı üretiminde uygulanan yeni yöntemlerin yağ kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Bahçe. 2019;48(1):49-56.

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