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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 50 Sayı: 1, 71 - 86, 09.04.2021


Tarımsal üretim toprak, su ve genetik kaynaklara bağlıdır. Dünya nüfusunun 2050 yılına kadar 9 milyara ulaşacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Artan nüfus ve kişi başı artan tüketim miktarı, talepleri karşılamak için üretim yoğunluğunun artmasına ve tarım sektöründe yeni üretim yöntemlerinin benimsenmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu durum, tarımla ilgili çevresel sorunları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Tarımsal sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması tarımın bağlı olduğu doğal kaynakların sürdürülebilirliğine bağlıdır. Sürdürülebilir tarımsal üretimin sağlanabilmesi için tarımın çevre üzerindeki etkilerinin bilinmesi bütün ülkeler için kaçınılmaz bir gerekliliktir. Bu çalışmada tarım ve çevre arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemek, bu etkilerin zamansal değişimini izlemek için AB, FAO ve OECD tarafından belirlenen tarımsal çevre göstergeleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma literatür taramasına dayalıdır. Türkiye’de de tarım çevre ilişkisinin belirlenmesi ve izlenmesi için ülke koşullarına uygun tarımsal çevre göstergelerinin belirlenmesi ve gerekli izleme sisteminin kurulması önemli bir ihtiyaçtır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı TAGEM


Bu çalışma Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından desteklenen Sinop İli Sarıkum Gölü Havzasında Tarımsal Sürdürülebilirliğin Değerlendirilmesi projesi ile ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • AB, 1979. Council directive of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds. No:L 103/1.
  • AB, 1992. Council directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.
  • AB, 1994. Directions for the EU on environmental indicators and green national accounting. The integration of environmental and economic information systems. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. Brussels, 21.12.1994. COM (94)670 final. Commission of the European Communities.
  • AB, 1997. Treaty of Amsterdam amending the treaty on European union, the treaties establishing the European communities and certain related acts. ISBN:92-828-1652-4.
  • AB, 1998a. Cardiff European council, 15 and 16 June 1998. presidency conclusions. SN/150/1/98 REV 1.
  • AB, 1998b. Vienna European council 11 and 12 December 1998 presidency conclusions. (http://www.europarl.europa. eu/summits/wie1_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Mart 2016).
  • AB, 1999. Helsinki European council 10 and 11 December 1999 presidency conclusions. (http://www.europarl.europa. eu/summits,hel1_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2016).
  • AB, 2000. Indicators for the integration of environmental concerns into the common agricultural policy. communication from the commission to the council and the European parliament. Brussels, 26.01.2000 xxx. COM (2000) 20 Final. Commission for the European Communities.
  • AB, 2001a. Agri-environmental indicators to describe agriculture sustainability. Statistical Commission and Economic Commission for Europe. Commission of The European Communities, Eurostat. Working Paper, No:21. Conference of European Statisticians. Joint ECE, Eurostat Work Session on Methodological Issues of Environment Statistics. Ottawa, Canada.
  • AB, 2001b. Statistical information needed for ındicators to monitor the ıntegration of environmental concerns into the common agricultural policy. Communication from the Commission to the Council and The European Parliament. Brussels, 20.03. 2001. COM (2001) 144 Final. Commission of the European Communities.
  • AB, 2001c. Goteborg European council 15 and 16 June 2001, presidency conclusion. SN 200/1/01 REV 1.
  • AB, 2001d. A framework for indicators for the economic and social dimensions of sustainable agriculture and rural development. European Commission Agriculture Directorate General. 5 February 2001.
  • AB, 2002. Decision no 1600/2002, EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 22 July 2002 laying down the sixth community environment action program me. L 524/1. Official Journal of European Communities.
  • AB, 2003. Council regulation (EC) no 1782/2003 of 29 September 2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers and amending regulations (EEC) no 2019/93, (EC) no 1452/2001, (EC) no 1453/2001, (EC) no 1454/2001, (EC) no 1868/94, (EC) no 1251/1999, (EC) no 1254/1999, (EC) no 1673/2000, (EEC) no 2358/71 and (EC) no 2529/2001.
  • AB, 2005. Council regulation (EC) no 1698/2005 of September 2005. On Support for Rural Development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
  • AB, 2006. Communication from the commission to the council and the European Parliament. Development of agri environmental indicators for monitoring the integration of environmental concerns into the common agricultural policy (Sec (2006) 1136). COM 2006, 598 Final. Brussels.
  • AB, 2009a. Directive 2009/147, EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds.
  • AB, 2009b. Council regulation (EC) no 72/2009 of 19 January 2009 on modifications to the common agricultural policy by amending regulations (EC) no 247/2006, (EC) no 320/2006, (EC) no 1405/2006, (EC) no 1234/2007, (EC) no 3/2008 and (EC) no 479/2008 and repealing regulations (EEC) no 1883/78, (EEC) no 1254/89, (EC) no 2247/89, (EEC) no 2055/93, (EC) no 1868/94, (EC) no 1182/2005 and (EC) no 315/2007. Official Journal of the European Union.
  • AB, 2016a. Agriculture and environment. Agri environment measures. (http:/,ec.,agriculture,envir,measures,index_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2016).
  • AB, 2016b. Agriculture and environment introduction (http:/,,agriculturer,envir,index_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2016).
  • AB, 2019a. Establishing agri-environmental indicators (https://ec.europa. eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php? title=agri-environmental_indicators_-_fact _sheets#establishing_agri-environmental _indicators.) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AB, 2019b. Agri-environmental indicators-fact sheets ( statistics-explained/index.php?title=agri-environmental_indicators_-_fact_sheets# policy_background) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AB, 2019c. Glossary: common agricultural policy (CAP) ( /statistics-explained/index.php?title=glos sary:common_agricultural_policy_(CAP)) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AB, 2019d. Agri-environmental indicator-commitments ( /statistics-explained/index.php?title=agri-environmental_indicator_-_commitments) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AK, 2018. Komisyon tarafından Avrupa Parlamentosuna, Konseye, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Komiteye ve Bölgeler Komitesine sunulan bilgilendirme. AB genişleme politikasına ilişkin 2018 bilgilendirmesi, komisyon çalışma dokümanı, 2018 Türkiye raporu, Strazburg, 17.04.2018, SWD (2018) 153 nihai.
  • Alba, I.A. and H.M.G. Van der Werf, 2011. The use of reference values in indicator-based methods for the environmental assessment of agricultural systems. Sustainability, 3:424-442, doi:10.3390/su 3020424. ISSN:2071-1050. (www.mdpi. com,journal/sustainability).
  • Almeida, C.M.R., F. Santos, A.C.F. Ferreira, I. Lourinha, M.C.P. Bato and A.P. Mucha, 2017. Can veterinary antibiotics affect constructed wetlands performance during treatment of livestock wastewater? Ecological Engineering 102(2017):583-588.
  • Baude, M., B.C. Meyer and M. Schindewolf, 2019. Land use change in agricultural landscape causing degradation of soil based ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment 659(2019):1526-1536 ( 2018.12.455).
  • Benzer, R. ve S. Benzer, 2018. Yeraltı suyu ve yüzey sularının nitrat kirliliği tahmini: Kütahya. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 8(1):279-287, doi:10.7212%2Fzku fbd.v8i1.1054.
  • Berkes, M.F., 1991. Çevre ve ekoloji. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul............
  • Beşen, T., E. Karakurt, E. Elmas, A. Karabulut Aloe, D. Sürek, M. Aysel Altundağ, U. Bay, F. Karahan, O. Dengiz, A. Namlı, Ç. Ateş, F. Saygın, H. Cebel, V. İncirkuş, O. Demirkıran ve O. Başkan, 2018. Ekosistem yaklaşımıyla kırsal kalkınma metodolojisinin geliştirilmesi projesi. Proje No:TAGEM/TSKAD/14/A13/ P08/01, Toprak, Gübre ve Su Kaynakları Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Bockstaller, C., P. Girardin and H.M. Van der Verf, 1997. Use of agro-ecological indicators for the evaluation of farming systems. European Journal of Agronomy 7:261-270.
  • Bockstaller, C., L. Guichard, D. Makowski, A. Aveline, P. Girardin and S. Plantureux, 2008 Agri-environmental indicators to assess cropping and farming systems. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 28(139-149). ( 10.1051/agro:2007052).
  • De Olde, E., H. Moller and others, 2016. When experts disagree: the need to rethink ındicator selection for assessing sustainability of agriculture. Environment, Development and Sustainability 19(1327-1392). (
  • Evans, A.E.V., J. Metao-Sagasta, M. Qadir, E. Boelee and A. Ippolito, 2019. Agricultural water pollution: key knowledge gaps and research needs. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 36:20-27. ( 1016/j.cosust.2018.10.003).
  • FAO, 2014. Asia and Pacific Commission on agricultural statistics, twenty-fifth session, agri-environmental indicators and the recently adopted framework for the development of environment statistics FDES ( lates/ess/documents/apcas25/apcas-14-12.4-fdes.pdf) (Erişim Tarihi: Mart 2019).
  • FAO, 2019. Agri-environmental statistics. ( (Erişim Tarihi: Mart 2019).
  • GTHB, 2018. 2018-2022 Stratejik plan. Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Ankara.........
  • Harris, J.M., 2000. Basic principles of sustainable development. Global Development and Environment Institute, Working Paper:00-04. Tufts University, USA.
  • Harrison, P., 1993. The third revolution (population, environment and sustainable world), Penguin Books, London.
  • Hemes, K.S., S.D. Cham Chamberlain, E. Eichelmann, T. Anthony, A. Valach, K. Kasak, D. Szutu, J. Verfaillie, W.L. Silver and D.D. Baldocchi, 2019. Assessing the carbon and climate benefit of restoring deraded agricultural peat soils to managed wetlands. Agricultural and Forset Meteorology 268(2019):202-2014. (https://
  • Hu, Q., Y. Yang, S. Han and J. Wang, 2019. Degradation of agricultural drainage water quantity and quality due to farmland expansion and water-saving operations in arid basins. Agricultural Water Management 213(2019):185-192. (https://
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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 50 Sayı: 1, 71 - 86, 09.04.2021


Agriculture and livestock production depends on soil, water and genetic resources. It is estimated that World population will reach 9 billion by 2050. Increased population and consumption amount increase the production density in agriculture sector by adopting new production methods. As a result of this circulation, agri environmental problems has been rised. Agricultural sustainability depends on sustainability of natural resources. In order to ensure agricultural sustainability, monitoring the effects of agriculture on the environment is inevitable necessity for all countries. Agri environmental indicators help to determine the relationship between agriculture and environment and to monitor the temporal change of the effects. In this study, the agricultural environmental indicators determined by the EU, FAO and OECD were examined. The study is based on literature review. The determination of agri-environmental indicators and establishing the monitoring system is an important need in Turkey.


  • AB, 1979. Council directive of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds. No:L 103/1.
  • AB, 1992. Council directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.
  • AB, 1994. Directions for the EU on environmental indicators and green national accounting. The integration of environmental and economic information systems. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. Brussels, 21.12.1994. COM (94)670 final. Commission of the European Communities.
  • AB, 1997. Treaty of Amsterdam amending the treaty on European union, the treaties establishing the European communities and certain related acts. ISBN:92-828-1652-4.
  • AB, 1998a. Cardiff European council, 15 and 16 June 1998. presidency conclusions. SN/150/1/98 REV 1.
  • AB, 1998b. Vienna European council 11 and 12 December 1998 presidency conclusions. (http://www.europarl.europa. eu/summits/wie1_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Mart 2016).
  • AB, 1999. Helsinki European council 10 and 11 December 1999 presidency conclusions. (http://www.europarl.europa. eu/summits,hel1_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2016).
  • AB, 2000. Indicators for the integration of environmental concerns into the common agricultural policy. communication from the commission to the council and the European parliament. Brussels, 26.01.2000 xxx. COM (2000) 20 Final. Commission for the European Communities.
  • AB, 2001a. Agri-environmental indicators to describe agriculture sustainability. Statistical Commission and Economic Commission for Europe. Commission of The European Communities, Eurostat. Working Paper, No:21. Conference of European Statisticians. Joint ECE, Eurostat Work Session on Methodological Issues of Environment Statistics. Ottawa, Canada.
  • AB, 2001b. Statistical information needed for ındicators to monitor the ıntegration of environmental concerns into the common agricultural policy. Communication from the Commission to the Council and The European Parliament. Brussels, 20.03. 2001. COM (2001) 144 Final. Commission of the European Communities.
  • AB, 2001c. Goteborg European council 15 and 16 June 2001, presidency conclusion. SN 200/1/01 REV 1.
  • AB, 2001d. A framework for indicators for the economic and social dimensions of sustainable agriculture and rural development. European Commission Agriculture Directorate General. 5 February 2001.
  • AB, 2002. Decision no 1600/2002, EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 22 July 2002 laying down the sixth community environment action program me. L 524/1. Official Journal of European Communities.
  • AB, 2003. Council regulation (EC) no 1782/2003 of 29 September 2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers and amending regulations (EEC) no 2019/93, (EC) no 1452/2001, (EC) no 1453/2001, (EC) no 1454/2001, (EC) no 1868/94, (EC) no 1251/1999, (EC) no 1254/1999, (EC) no 1673/2000, (EEC) no 2358/71 and (EC) no 2529/2001.
  • AB, 2005. Council regulation (EC) no 1698/2005 of September 2005. On Support for Rural Development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
  • AB, 2006. Communication from the commission to the council and the European Parliament. Development of agri environmental indicators for monitoring the integration of environmental concerns into the common agricultural policy (Sec (2006) 1136). COM 2006, 598 Final. Brussels.
  • AB, 2009a. Directive 2009/147, EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds.
  • AB, 2009b. Council regulation (EC) no 72/2009 of 19 January 2009 on modifications to the common agricultural policy by amending regulations (EC) no 247/2006, (EC) no 320/2006, (EC) no 1405/2006, (EC) no 1234/2007, (EC) no 3/2008 and (EC) no 479/2008 and repealing regulations (EEC) no 1883/78, (EEC) no 1254/89, (EC) no 2247/89, (EEC) no 2055/93, (EC) no 1868/94, (EC) no 1182/2005 and (EC) no 315/2007. Official Journal of the European Union.
  • AB, 2016a. Agriculture and environment. Agri environment measures. (http:/,ec.,agriculture,envir,measures,index_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2016).
  • AB, 2016b. Agriculture and environment introduction (http:/,,agriculturer,envir,index_en.htm) (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2016).
  • AB, 2019a. Establishing agri-environmental indicators (https://ec.europa. eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php? title=agri-environmental_indicators_-_fact _sheets#establishing_agri-environmental _indicators.) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AB, 2019b. Agri-environmental indicators-fact sheets ( statistics-explained/index.php?title=agri-environmental_indicators_-_fact_sheets# policy_background) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AB, 2019c. Glossary: common agricultural policy (CAP) ( /statistics-explained/index.php?title=glos sary:common_agricultural_policy_(CAP)) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AB, 2019d. Agri-environmental indicator-commitments ( /statistics-explained/index.php?title=agri-environmental_indicator_-_commitments) (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2019).
  • AK, 2018. Komisyon tarafından Avrupa Parlamentosuna, Konseye, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Komiteye ve Bölgeler Komitesine sunulan bilgilendirme. AB genişleme politikasına ilişkin 2018 bilgilendirmesi, komisyon çalışma dokümanı, 2018 Türkiye raporu, Strazburg, 17.04.2018, SWD (2018) 153 nihai.
  • Alba, I.A. and H.M.G. Van der Werf, 2011. The use of reference values in indicator-based methods for the environmental assessment of agricultural systems. Sustainability, 3:424-442, doi:10.3390/su 3020424. ISSN:2071-1050. (www.mdpi. com,journal/sustainability).
  • Almeida, C.M.R., F. Santos, A.C.F. Ferreira, I. Lourinha, M.C.P. Bato and A.P. Mucha, 2017. Can veterinary antibiotics affect constructed wetlands performance during treatment of livestock wastewater? Ecological Engineering 102(2017):583-588.
  • Baude, M., B.C. Meyer and M. Schindewolf, 2019. Land use change in agricultural landscape causing degradation of soil based ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment 659(2019):1526-1536 ( 2018.12.455).
  • Benzer, R. ve S. Benzer, 2018. Yeraltı suyu ve yüzey sularının nitrat kirliliği tahmini: Kütahya. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 8(1):279-287, doi:10.7212%2Fzku fbd.v8i1.1054.
  • Berkes, M.F., 1991. Çevre ve ekoloji. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul............
  • Beşen, T., E. Karakurt, E. Elmas, A. Karabulut Aloe, D. Sürek, M. Aysel Altundağ, U. Bay, F. Karahan, O. Dengiz, A. Namlı, Ç. Ateş, F. Saygın, H. Cebel, V. İncirkuş, O. Demirkıran ve O. Başkan, 2018. Ekosistem yaklaşımıyla kırsal kalkınma metodolojisinin geliştirilmesi projesi. Proje No:TAGEM/TSKAD/14/A13/ P08/01, Toprak, Gübre ve Su Kaynakları Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Bockstaller, C., P. Girardin and H.M. Van der Verf, 1997. Use of agro-ecological indicators for the evaluation of farming systems. European Journal of Agronomy 7:261-270.
  • Bockstaller, C., L. Guichard, D. Makowski, A. Aveline, P. Girardin and S. Plantureux, 2008 Agri-environmental indicators to assess cropping and farming systems. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 28(139-149). ( 10.1051/agro:2007052).
  • De Olde, E., H. Moller and others, 2016. When experts disagree: the need to rethink ındicator selection for assessing sustainability of agriculture. Environment, Development and Sustainability 19(1327-1392). (
  • Evans, A.E.V., J. Metao-Sagasta, M. Qadir, E. Boelee and A. Ippolito, 2019. Agricultural water pollution: key knowledge gaps and research needs. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 36:20-27. ( 1016/j.cosust.2018.10.003).
  • FAO, 2014. Asia and Pacific Commission on agricultural statistics, twenty-fifth session, agri-environmental indicators and the recently adopted framework for the development of environment statistics FDES ( lates/ess/documents/apcas25/apcas-14-12.4-fdes.pdf) (Erişim Tarihi: Mart 2019).
  • FAO, 2019. Agri-environmental statistics. ( (Erişim Tarihi: Mart 2019).
  • GTHB, 2018. 2018-2022 Stratejik plan. Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Ankara.........
  • Harris, J.M., 2000. Basic principles of sustainable development. Global Development and Environment Institute, Working Paper:00-04. Tufts University, USA.
  • Harrison, P., 1993. The third revolution (population, environment and sustainable world), Penguin Books, London.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Tarım Politikaları
Bölüm Derlemeler

Tuba Beşen 0000-0001-9777-793X

Prof.dr.emine Olhan 0000-0003-2263-2861

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Kasım 2020
Kabul Tarihi 17 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 50 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Beşen, Tuba, ve Prof.dr.emine Olhan. “TARIMSAL ÇEVRE GÖSTERGELERİNİN AB, OECD VE FAO KAPSAMINDA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Bahçe 50, sy. 1 (Nisan 2021): 71-86.
MLA Beşen, Tuba ve Prof.dr.emine Olhan. “TARIMSAL ÇEVRE GÖSTERGELERİNİN AB, OECD VE FAO KAPSAMINDA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Bahçe, c. 50, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 71-86.

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Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, 77100 Yalova
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