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Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 51 Sayı: 2, 103 - 108, 21.11.2022


During plant development, leaves undergo various ontogenetic changes, including differences in size, shape, and geometric dimensions. An in-depth study of morphological traits showed differences in species and populations according to adaptive traits. The P. edulis species of the Passiflora genus undergoes heteroblastic-significant changes as it grows and develops, showing a morphological distinction between young and mature vegetative phases. Morphological polymorphism of the leaves of Passiflora edulis L., one of the most promising species introduced to Azerbaijan and grown under ex situ and in situ conditions, was studied and analyzed mathematically. The leaf area was 145.9 cm2 under ex situ conditions and amounted to 115.5 cm2 under in situ conditions; The perimeter of the leaf under ex situ conditions was 378.49 cm, while in plants grown under in situ conditions this parameter was 366.5 cm. The morphological characteristics of the leaves were found to be higher in the samples grown under ex situ conditions compared to the in situ conditions. However, in addition to the leaf perimeter, diversity observed in other morphological traits and the coefficient of variation were higher in plants developed under in situ conditions compared to those grown ex situ. This is attributed to the greater stability of abiotic factors under ex situ conditions compared to in situ conditions. The high variance indicates the high adaptability of the P. edulis species.


  • Amanda Mendes Fernandes, Evandro Alexandre Fortini, Larissa Areal deCarvalho Müller, Diego Silva Batista, Lorena Melo Vieira, Priscila Oliveira Silva,Cibele Hummel do Amaral, Richard Scott Poethig, Wagner Campos Otoni. 2020. Leaf development stages and ontogenetic changes in passionfruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) are detected by narrowband spectral signal. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. Volume 209, August 2020, 111931
  • Barbalho, S.M., M.S.S.Savza, J.C.P.Silva,C.G.Mendes,G.A.Oliveira, T.Costa and F.Machado 2012. Yellow Passion Fruit Rind (Passiflora edulis ): an İndustral Waste or an Adjuvant in the Maintenance of Glycaemia and Prevention of Dyslipidemia. Journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Metabolism. (14 ): 1-5
  • Boratynski A., Marcysiak, K., Lewandowska, A., Jasinska, A., Iszkulo, G. & Burczyk, J. (2008). Differences in leaf morphology between Quercus petraea and Q. robur adult and young individuals. Silva Fennica 42(1): 2008., p. 115–124
  • Busilacchi, H.,C. Severin , M. Gattuso, A. Aguirre, O.Di Sapio and S. Gattuso,2008.Field Culture of Micro propagated Passiflora caerulea L. Historical and Chemical Studies. Redalyc Sistema de İnformacion Cientifica. 7(5):257-263.
  • Cerqueira-Silva CB, Jesus ON, Santos ESL, Correa RX,Souza AP (2014) Genetic Breeding and diversity of the genus Passiflora: Progress and perspectives in molecular and genetic studies.İnternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15:14122-14152.
  • Cronquist A.1988. The evolution and classification of flowering plants, 2nd edn. New York: New York Botanical Garden.
  • Cutri L, Nave N, Ami MB, Chayut N, Samach A, Dornelas MC.2013. Evolutionary, genetic, environmental and hormonal- induced plasticity in the fate of orqans arising from axillary meristems in Passiflora spp. Mechanisms of Development 130: 61-69.
  • Daniel H. Chitwood,Wagner C. Otoni 2017. Divergent leaf shapes among Passiflora species shared juvenile morphology. DOİ: 10.1002/pld3.28
  • De Wilde WJJO.1971. The systematic position of the tribe Paropsieae, in particular the genus Ancistrothyrsus, and a key to the genera of Passifloraceae. Blumea: 99-104.
  • Gilbert, L.E. (1982). The coevolution of a butterfly and a vine. Scientific American, 247, 110-121. 10.1038/ scientificamerican 0882-110.
  • Goebel, K. (1908). Einleitung in die experimentelle Morphologie der Pflanzen.
  • Jensen, R. J. (1990). Detecting shape variation in oak leaf morphology: a comparison of rotational‐fit methods. American Journal of Botany, 77(10), 1279-1293.
  • Guliyev, R. Genetics / R. Guliyev, K. Aliyeva; - Baku: Baku University Press, - 2002. - 396 p. (in Azerb.)
  • Lorenzi, H.; Matos, F.J.A. Plantas medicinais no Brasil: nativas e exoticas. Nova Odessa: İnstituto Plantarum de Estudos da Flora,2002. 544p.
  • O.V. Ibadli, A.D.Mehraliyev. Baku-2012. In the Question of Ivy Plants. 222 p. (in Azerb.)
  • Patel,S.S.,T.S., Mohamed Saleem, V.Ravi, B.Shrestha, N.K.Verma and K. Gauthaman. 2009, Passiflora incarnata Linn: A Phytopharmacological Review. İnternational Jurnal of Green.
  • Plotze RDO, Falvo M, Padua JG, et al. 2005, Leaf shape analysis using the multiscale Minkowski fractal dimension, a new morphometric method a study with Passiflora (Passifloraceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 287-301.
  • Silva GF, Silva EM, Correa JP , et al. 2019. Tomato oral induction and ower development are orchestrated by the interplay between gibberellin and two unrelated micro RNA – controlled modules. New Phytologist 211: 1328 – 1344.
  • T.S.Mammadov. 2010 Trees and shrubs of Absheron. Baku, 2010.- 468 pages.
  • Türemiş, N., 2012. A New Grape Fruit “ Passionflower” and Its Economic Importance. IV. National Symposium on Berries, 03-05 October 2012 Antalya, 23 p.Leipzig, Germany: B.G.Teubner Pharmacy .pp:277. (in Turk.)
  • Uzunoğlu, F. and K. Mavi, 2014. A Medical Miracle; Passionflower (Passiflora spp.) Plant. International Mesopotamia Agriculture Congress, 22- 25 September 2014.620 p. (in Turk.)
  • Y.Karimov, T.Suleymanov, C.Isayev, C.Khalilov. Farmakoqnoziya. Bakı – 2010. 738 p. (in Azerb.)
  • Zaur Humbatov 2017. Plant morphology and anatomy (textbook), Baku, ̓ ̓Apostroff̓̓”, 692 p. (in Azerb.)

Abşeron'a getirilen Passiflora edulis L. Türünün Yapraklarının Morfometrik Parametrelerinin Değişimi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 51 Sayı: 2, 103 - 108, 21.11.2022


Bitki gelişimi sırasında, yapraklar boyut, şekil ve geometrik boyutlardaki farklılıklar dahil olmak üzere çeşitli ontogenetik değişikliklere uğramışdır. Morfolojik özelliklerin derinlemesine bir incelemesi uyarlanabilir özelliklere göre türlerde ve popülasyonlarda farklılıklar gösterdi. Passiflora cinsinin P. edulis türü büyüdükçe ve geliştikçe heteroblastik-önemli değişikliklere uğrar ve genç olgun vejetatif fazlar arasında morfolojik bir ayrım gösterir. Azerbaycanda tanıtılan en umut verici türlerden biri olan ex situ ve in situ koşullarda yetiştirilen Passiflora edulis L.'nin yapraklarının morfolojik polimorfizmi matematiksel olarak incelenmiş ve analiz edilmiştir. Yaprak alanı ex situ koşullar altında 145.9 cm2 ve in situ koşullar altında 115,5 cm2'ye ulaştı; Ex situ koşullar altında yaprağın çevresi 378.49 cm iken, in situ koşullar altında yetiştirilen bitkilerde bu parametre 366.5 cm idi. Ex situ koşullarda yetiştirilen örneklerde yaprakların morfolojik özellikleri in situ koşullara göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Ancak, in situ koşullarda geliştirilen bitkilerde yaprak çevresine ek olarak diğer morfolojik özelliklerde gözlenen çeşitlilik ve varyasyon katsayısı ex situ yetiştirilenlere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu in situ koşullara kıyasla ex situ koşullar altında abiyotik faktörlerin daha yüksek stabilitesine atfedilir. Yüksek varyans P. edulis türlerinin yüksek uyarlanabilirliğini göstermişdir.


  • Amanda Mendes Fernandes, Evandro Alexandre Fortini, Larissa Areal deCarvalho Müller, Diego Silva Batista, Lorena Melo Vieira, Priscila Oliveira Silva,Cibele Hummel do Amaral, Richard Scott Poethig, Wagner Campos Otoni. 2020. Leaf development stages and ontogenetic changes in passionfruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) are detected by narrowband spectral signal. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. Volume 209, August 2020, 111931
  • Barbalho, S.M., M.S.S.Savza, J.C.P.Silva,C.G.Mendes,G.A.Oliveira, T.Costa and F.Machado 2012. Yellow Passion Fruit Rind (Passiflora edulis ): an İndustral Waste or an Adjuvant in the Maintenance of Glycaemia and Prevention of Dyslipidemia. Journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Metabolism. (14 ): 1-5
  • Boratynski A., Marcysiak, K., Lewandowska, A., Jasinska, A., Iszkulo, G. & Burczyk, J. (2008). Differences in leaf morphology between Quercus petraea and Q. robur adult and young individuals. Silva Fennica 42(1): 2008., p. 115–124
  • Busilacchi, H.,C. Severin , M. Gattuso, A. Aguirre, O.Di Sapio and S. Gattuso,2008.Field Culture of Micro propagated Passiflora caerulea L. Historical and Chemical Studies. Redalyc Sistema de İnformacion Cientifica. 7(5):257-263.
  • Cerqueira-Silva CB, Jesus ON, Santos ESL, Correa RX,Souza AP (2014) Genetic Breeding and diversity of the genus Passiflora: Progress and perspectives in molecular and genetic studies.İnternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15:14122-14152.
  • Cronquist A.1988. The evolution and classification of flowering plants, 2nd edn. New York: New York Botanical Garden.
  • Cutri L, Nave N, Ami MB, Chayut N, Samach A, Dornelas MC.2013. Evolutionary, genetic, environmental and hormonal- induced plasticity in the fate of orqans arising from axillary meristems in Passiflora spp. Mechanisms of Development 130: 61-69.
  • Daniel H. Chitwood,Wagner C. Otoni 2017. Divergent leaf shapes among Passiflora species shared juvenile morphology. DOİ: 10.1002/pld3.28
  • De Wilde WJJO.1971. The systematic position of the tribe Paropsieae, in particular the genus Ancistrothyrsus, and a key to the genera of Passifloraceae. Blumea: 99-104.
  • Gilbert, L.E. (1982). The coevolution of a butterfly and a vine. Scientific American, 247, 110-121. 10.1038/ scientificamerican 0882-110.
  • Goebel, K. (1908). Einleitung in die experimentelle Morphologie der Pflanzen.
  • Jensen, R. J. (1990). Detecting shape variation in oak leaf morphology: a comparison of rotational‐fit methods. American Journal of Botany, 77(10), 1279-1293.
  • Guliyev, R. Genetics / R. Guliyev, K. Aliyeva; - Baku: Baku University Press, - 2002. - 396 p. (in Azerb.)
  • Lorenzi, H.; Matos, F.J.A. Plantas medicinais no Brasil: nativas e exoticas. Nova Odessa: İnstituto Plantarum de Estudos da Flora,2002. 544p.
  • O.V. Ibadli, A.D.Mehraliyev. Baku-2012. In the Question of Ivy Plants. 222 p. (in Azerb.)
  • Patel,S.S.,T.S., Mohamed Saleem, V.Ravi, B.Shrestha, N.K.Verma and K. Gauthaman. 2009, Passiflora incarnata Linn: A Phytopharmacological Review. İnternational Jurnal of Green.
  • Plotze RDO, Falvo M, Padua JG, et al. 2005, Leaf shape analysis using the multiscale Minkowski fractal dimension, a new morphometric method a study with Passiflora (Passifloraceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 287-301.
  • Silva GF, Silva EM, Correa JP , et al. 2019. Tomato oral induction and ower development are orchestrated by the interplay between gibberellin and two unrelated micro RNA – controlled modules. New Phytologist 211: 1328 – 1344.
  • T.S.Mammadov. 2010 Trees and shrubs of Absheron. Baku, 2010.- 468 pages.
  • Türemiş, N., 2012. A New Grape Fruit “ Passionflower” and Its Economic Importance. IV. National Symposium on Berries, 03-05 October 2012 Antalya, 23 p.Leipzig, Germany: B.G.Teubner Pharmacy .pp:277. (in Turk.)
  • Uzunoğlu, F. and K. Mavi, 2014. A Medical Miracle; Passionflower (Passiflora spp.) Plant. International Mesopotamia Agriculture Congress, 22- 25 September 2014.620 p. (in Turk.)
  • Y.Karimov, T.Suleymanov, C.Isayev, C.Khalilov. Farmakoqnoziya. Bakı – 2010. 738 p. (in Azerb.)
  • Zaur Humbatov 2017. Plant morphology and anatomy (textbook), Baku, ̓ ̓Apostroff̓̓”, 692 p. (in Azerb.)
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Vusala Badalova 0000-0001-7208-4141

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Kasım 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Nisan 2022
Kabul Tarihi 24 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 51 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Badalova, V. (2022). Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron. Bahçe, 51(2), 103-108. https://doi.org/10.53471/bahce.1100554
AMA Badalova V. Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron. Bahçe. Kasım 2022;51(2):103-108. doi:10.53471/bahce.1100554
Chicago Badalova, Vusala. “Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora Edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron”. Bahçe 51, sy. 2 (Kasım 2022): 103-8. https://doi.org/10.53471/bahce.1100554.
EndNote Badalova V (01 Kasım 2022) Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron. Bahçe 51 2 103–108.
IEEE V. Badalova, “Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron”, Bahçe, c. 51, sy. 2, ss. 103–108, 2022, doi: 10.53471/bahce.1100554.
ISNAD Badalova, Vusala. “Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora Edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron”. Bahçe 51/2 (Kasım 2022), 103-108. https://doi.org/10.53471/bahce.1100554.
JAMA Badalova V. Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron. Bahçe. 2022;51:103–108.
MLA Badalova, Vusala. “Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora Edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron”. Bahçe, c. 51, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 103-8, doi:10.53471/bahce.1100554.
Vancouver Badalova V. Variation of Morphometric Parameters of Passiflora edulis L. Species Leaves, First Introduced to Absheron. Bahçe. 2022;51(2):103-8.

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