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The Relationship Between Physical Activity Level and Fear of Childbirth (Tokophobia) in Pregnant Women: A Cross-Sectional Study

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 227 - 233, 28.08.2024


Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between physical activity level and tokophobia in pregnant women. Materials and Methods: 81 healthy pregnant women on 14-40 weeks of gestation were included in the study. The participant’s physical activity levels were measured using the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ), and their tokophobia was evaluated using the WIJMA Delivery Expectation/Experience Scale (W-DEQ). The W-DEQ results are divided into four subgroups: low fear of childbirth (W-DEQ score ≤ 37) moderate fear of childbirth (W-DEQ score between 38 and 65) severe fear of childbirth (W-DEQ score 66 -84) and clinical fear of childbirth (W-DEQ score ≥ 85). Results: We found a low level of tokophobia in participants (W-DEQ 3.57±36.19). Low-intensity physical activity decreased in the third trimester (78.82±40.88 MET-min/week) compared to the second trimester (120.10±54.80 MET-min/week) (p=0.001). Housework/care activities decreased in the third trimester (105.81±56.09 MET-min/week) compared to the second trimester (162.08±98.08 MET-min/week) (p=0.023). Low-tokophobia pregnant women (141.54 MET-min/week) were more active than moderate-tokophobia pregnant women (73.01MET-min/week) (p=0.026). There was a moderately strong negative correlation between the total W-DEQ score and the total PPAQ score (r=-0.431; p<0.001). Conclusion: It was determined that the physical activity levels of the pregnant women decrease as the trimester of pregnancy progress, and the level of physical activity decreased as tokophobia increased.


  • Adams, S. S., Eberhard-Gran, M., & Eskild, A. (2012). Fear of childbirth and duration of labour: a study of 2206 women with intended vaginal delivery. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 119(10), 1238-1246.
  • Adeniyi, A. F., & Ogwumike, O. O. (2014). Physical activity and energy expenditure: findings from the Ibadan Pregnant Women's Survey. Afr J Reprod Health, 18(2), 117-126.
  • Barut, S., & Uçar, T. (2018). Gebelerde doğum öz yeterlilik algısının doğum korkusu ile ilişkisi. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 107-115.
  • Chasan-Taber, L., Schmidt, M. D., Roberts, D. E., Hosmer, D., Markenson, G., & Freedson, P. S. (2004). Development and Validation of a Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36(10), 1750-1760.
  • Demšar, K., Svetina, M., Verdenik, I., Tul, N., Blickstein, I., & Globevnik Velikonja, V. (2018). Tokophobia (fear of childbirth): prevalence and risk factors. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 46(2), 151-154.
  • Erkaya, R., Karabulutlu, Ö., & Çalık, K. Y. (2017). Defining Childbirth Fear And Anxiety Levels In Pregnant Women. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 1045-1052.
  • Field, T. (2009). Complementary and alternative therapies research. In: American Psychological Association.
  • Field, T. (2012). Prenatal exercise research. Infant Behavior and Development, 35(3), 397-407.
  • Guelinckx, I., Devlieger, R., Mullie, P., & Vansant, G. (2009). Effect of lifestyle intervention on dietary habits, physical activity, and gestational weight gain in obese pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91(2), 373-380.
  • Guszkowska, M. (2013). The effect of exercise and childbirth classes on fear of childbirth and locus of labor pain control. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 27(2), 176-189.
  • Hall, W. A., Stoll, K., Hutton, E. K., & Brown, H. (2012). A prospective study of effects of psychological factors and sleep on obstetric interventions, mode of birth, and neonatal outcomes among low-risk British Columbian women. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 12, 78-78.
  • Harrison, A. L., Taylor, N. F., Shields, N., & Frawley, H. C. (2018). Attitudes, barriers and enablers to physical activity in pregnant women: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy, 64(1), 24-32.
  • Hayes, L., Kinnunen, T., Robson, S., McParlin, C., Poston, L., & Bell, R. (2012). Factors associated with level of physical activity in obese pregnant women participating in the upbeat pilot trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 97(Suppl 1), A41.43-A41.
  • Hildingsson, I., Nilsson, C., Karlström, A., & Lundgren, I. (2011). A Longitudinal Survey of Childbirth‐Related Fear and Associated Factors. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 40(5), 532-543.
  • Hofberg, K., & Ward, M. R. (2003). Fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Postgraduate medical journal, 79(935), 505-510.
  • Koc, A. E., Colak, S., Colak, G. V., Pusuroglu, M., & Hocaoglu, C. (2020). Investigating fear of childbirth in pregnant women and its relationship between anxiety sensitivity and somatosensory amplification. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 41(2), 217-223.
  • Kołomańska, D., Zarawski, M., & Mazur-Bialy, A. (2019). Physical Activity and Depressive Disorders in Pregnant Women-A Systematic Review. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 55(5), 212.
  • Korukcu, O., Kukulu, K., & Firat, M. Z. (2012). The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) with pregnant women. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19(3), 193-202.
  • Mortazavi, F., & Agah, J. (2018). Childbirth Fear and Associated Factors in a Sample of Pregnant Iranian Women. Oman medical journal, 33(6), 497-505.
  • Obstetricians, A. C. o., & Gynecologists. (2015). Committee opinion no. 650. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 126(6), e135-e142.
  • Onchonga, D., MoghaddamHosseini, V., Keraka, M., & Várnagy, Á. (2020). Prevalence of fear of childbirth in a sample of gravida women in Kenya. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 24, 100510.
  • Pirdadeh Beiranvand, S., Behboodi Moghadam, Z., Salsali, M., Alavi Majd, H., Birjandi, M., & Bostani Khalesi, Z. (2017). Prevalence of Fear of Childbirth and Its Associated Factors in Primigravid Women: A Cross- Sectional Study. Shiraz E-Medical Journal, 18(11).
  • Price, B. B., Amini, S. B., & Kappeler, K. (2012). Exercise in Pregnancy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44(12), 2263-2269.
  • Størksen, H. T., Garthus-Niegel, S., Vangen, S., & Eberhard-Gran, M. (2013). The impact of previous birth experiences on maternal fear of childbirth. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 92(3), 318-324.
  • Striebich, S., Mattern, E., & Ayerle, G. M. (2018). Support for pregnant women identified with fear of childbirth (FOC)/tokophobia – A systematic review of approaches and interventions. Midwifery, 61, 97-115.
  • Tosun, O. C., Solmaz, U., Ekin, A., Tosun, G., Mutlu, E. K., Okyay, E., Adiyeke, M., Gezer, C., Mat, E., & Malkoc, M. (2015). The Turkish version of the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity. Journal of physical therapy science, 27(10), 3215-3221.
  • Weaver, J., Browne, J., Aras-Payne, A., & Magill-Cuerden, J. (2012). A comprehensive systematic review of the impact of planned interventions offered to pregnant women who have requested a caesarean section as a result of tokophobia (fear of childbirth). JBI Library of Systematic Reviews, 10(28), 1-20.
  • Wijma, K., Wijma, B., & Zar, M. (1998). Psychometric aspects of the W-DEQ; a new questionnaire for the measurement of fear of childbirth. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 19(2), 84-97.
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 227 - 233, 28.08.2024



  • Adams, S. S., Eberhard-Gran, M., & Eskild, A. (2012). Fear of childbirth and duration of labour: a study of 2206 women with intended vaginal delivery. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 119(10), 1238-1246.
  • Adeniyi, A. F., & Ogwumike, O. O. (2014). Physical activity and energy expenditure: findings from the Ibadan Pregnant Women's Survey. Afr J Reprod Health, 18(2), 117-126.
  • Barut, S., & Uçar, T. (2018). Gebelerde doğum öz yeterlilik algısının doğum korkusu ile ilişkisi. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 107-115.
  • Chasan-Taber, L., Schmidt, M. D., Roberts, D. E., Hosmer, D., Markenson, G., & Freedson, P. S. (2004). Development and Validation of a Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36(10), 1750-1760.
  • Demšar, K., Svetina, M., Verdenik, I., Tul, N., Blickstein, I., & Globevnik Velikonja, V. (2018). Tokophobia (fear of childbirth): prevalence and risk factors. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 46(2), 151-154.
  • Erkaya, R., Karabulutlu, Ö., & Çalık, K. Y. (2017). Defining Childbirth Fear And Anxiety Levels In Pregnant Women. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 1045-1052.
  • Field, T. (2009). Complementary and alternative therapies research. In: American Psychological Association.
  • Field, T. (2012). Prenatal exercise research. Infant Behavior and Development, 35(3), 397-407.
  • Guelinckx, I., Devlieger, R., Mullie, P., & Vansant, G. (2009). Effect of lifestyle intervention on dietary habits, physical activity, and gestational weight gain in obese pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91(2), 373-380.
  • Guszkowska, M. (2013). The effect of exercise and childbirth classes on fear of childbirth and locus of labor pain control. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 27(2), 176-189.
  • Hall, W. A., Stoll, K., Hutton, E. K., & Brown, H. (2012). A prospective study of effects of psychological factors and sleep on obstetric interventions, mode of birth, and neonatal outcomes among low-risk British Columbian women. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 12, 78-78.
  • Harrison, A. L., Taylor, N. F., Shields, N., & Frawley, H. C. (2018). Attitudes, barriers and enablers to physical activity in pregnant women: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy, 64(1), 24-32.
  • Hayes, L., Kinnunen, T., Robson, S., McParlin, C., Poston, L., & Bell, R. (2012). Factors associated with level of physical activity in obese pregnant women participating in the upbeat pilot trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 97(Suppl 1), A41.43-A41.
  • Hildingsson, I., Nilsson, C., Karlström, A., & Lundgren, I. (2011). A Longitudinal Survey of Childbirth‐Related Fear and Associated Factors. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 40(5), 532-543.
  • Hofberg, K., & Ward, M. R. (2003). Fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Postgraduate medical journal, 79(935), 505-510.
  • Koc, A. E., Colak, S., Colak, G. V., Pusuroglu, M., & Hocaoglu, C. (2020). Investigating fear of childbirth in pregnant women and its relationship between anxiety sensitivity and somatosensory amplification. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 41(2), 217-223.
  • Kołomańska, D., Zarawski, M., & Mazur-Bialy, A. (2019). Physical Activity and Depressive Disorders in Pregnant Women-A Systematic Review. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 55(5), 212.
  • Korukcu, O., Kukulu, K., & Firat, M. Z. (2012). The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) with pregnant women. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19(3), 193-202.
  • Mortazavi, F., & Agah, J. (2018). Childbirth Fear and Associated Factors in a Sample of Pregnant Iranian Women. Oman medical journal, 33(6), 497-505.
  • Obstetricians, A. C. o., & Gynecologists. (2015). Committee opinion no. 650. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 126(6), e135-e142.
  • Onchonga, D., MoghaddamHosseini, V., Keraka, M., & Várnagy, Á. (2020). Prevalence of fear of childbirth in a sample of gravida women in Kenya. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 24, 100510.
  • Pirdadeh Beiranvand, S., Behboodi Moghadam, Z., Salsali, M., Alavi Majd, H., Birjandi, M., & Bostani Khalesi, Z. (2017). Prevalence of Fear of Childbirth and Its Associated Factors in Primigravid Women: A Cross- Sectional Study. Shiraz E-Medical Journal, 18(11).
  • Price, B. B., Amini, S. B., & Kappeler, K. (2012). Exercise in Pregnancy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44(12), 2263-2269.
  • Størksen, H. T., Garthus-Niegel, S., Vangen, S., & Eberhard-Gran, M. (2013). The impact of previous birth experiences on maternal fear of childbirth. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 92(3), 318-324.
  • Striebich, S., Mattern, E., & Ayerle, G. M. (2018). Support for pregnant women identified with fear of childbirth (FOC)/tokophobia – A systematic review of approaches and interventions. Midwifery, 61, 97-115.
  • Tosun, O. C., Solmaz, U., Ekin, A., Tosun, G., Mutlu, E. K., Okyay, E., Adiyeke, M., Gezer, C., Mat, E., & Malkoc, M. (2015). The Turkish version of the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity. Journal of physical therapy science, 27(10), 3215-3221.
  • Weaver, J., Browne, J., Aras-Payne, A., & Magill-Cuerden, J. (2012). A comprehensive systematic review of the impact of planned interventions offered to pregnant women who have requested a caesarean section as a result of tokophobia (fear of childbirth). JBI Library of Systematic Reviews, 10(28), 1-20.
  • Wijma, K., Wijma, B., & Zar, M. (1998). Psychometric aspects of the W-DEQ; a new questionnaire for the measurement of fear of childbirth. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 19(2), 84-97.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık
Bölüm Makaleler

Zeynep Yıldız Kızkın 0000-0002-2510-5410

Ali Ömer Acar 0000-0001-5496-9472

Masoud Amır Rashedı Bonab 0000-0002-7875-0499

Yusuf Hasırcı 0000-0001-7514-5843

Zubeyir Sarı 0000-0003-1643-5415

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız Kızkın, Z., Acar, A. Ö., Amır Rashedı Bonab, M., Hasırcı, Y., vd. (2024). The Relationship Between Physical Activity Level and Fear of Childbirth (Tokophobia) in Pregnant Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 227-233.

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