BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 473 - 481, 28.08.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Albornoz-Cabello, M., Barrios-Quinta, C. J., Barrios-Quinta, A. M., Escobio-Prieto, I., Cardero-Durán, M. d. l. A., & Espejo-Antunez, L. (2021). Effectiveness of tele-prescription of therapeutic physical exercise in patellofemoral pain syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1048.
  • Arslan, T., & Gültekin, M. Z. (2023). The effect of a supervised online group exercise program on symptoms associated with patellofemoral pain syndrome in women. Technol Health Care, 31(2), 771-782. doi:10.3233/thc-220533
  • Bahr, R., & Holme, I. (2003). Risk factors for sports injuries a methodological approach. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(5), 384. doi:10.1136/bjsm.37.5.384
  • Berkoff, D. J., Krishnamurthy, K., Hopp, J., Stanley, L., Spores, K., & Braunreiter, D. (2016). Corrected error video versus a physical therapist instructed home exercise program: accuracy of performing therapeutic shoulder exercises. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 11(5), 757.
  • Burnier, M., Barlow, J. D., & Sanchez-Sotelo, J. (2019). Shoulder and Elbow Fractures in Athletes. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med, 12(1), 13-23. doi:10.1007/s12178-019-09530-0
  • Carlson, S. A., Fulton, J. E., Pratt, M., Yang, Z., & Adams, E. K. (2015). Inadequate physical activity and health care expenditures in the United States. Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 57(4), 315-323. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2014.08.002
  • CEYLAN, A. COVID-19 Süreci ve Fizyoterapide Telerehabilitasyon Uygulamaları: Derleme. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(3), 617-627.
  • Correia, F. D., Molinos, M., Neves, C., Janela, D., Carvalho, D., Luis, S., . . . Bento, V. (2021). Digital rehabilitation for acute ankle sprains: prospective longitudinal cohort study. JMIR rehabilitation and assistive technologies, 8(3), e31247.
  • Costa, F., Janela, D., Molinos, M., Moulder, R. G., Lains, J., Francisco, G. E., . . . Correia, F. D. (2022). Digital rehabilitation for hand and wrist pain: a single-arm prospective longitudinal cohort study. Pain Rep, 7(5), e1026. doi:10.1097/pr9.0000000000001026
  • da Silva, R. T. (2010). Sports injurıes of the upper limbs. Rev Bras Ortop, 45(2), 122-131. doi:10.1016/s2255-4971(15)30280-9
  • Deutsch, J. E., Latonio, J., Burdea, G., & Boian, R. (2001). Rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries using the Rutgers ankle haptic interface: three case reports. Paper presented at the proceedings of EuroHaptics.
  • Dinvar, Y., Çubukcu, B., & Yüzgeç, U. (2017). MS kinect based tracking application for knee anterior cruciate ligament physical therapy. Paper presented at the 2017 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK).
  • Dunphy, E., & Gardner, E. C. (2020). Telerehabilitation to Address the Rehabilitation Gap in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Care: Survey of Patients. JMIR Form Res, 4(9), e19296. doi:10.2196/19296
  • Dunphy, E., Hamilton, F. L., Spasić, I., & Button, K. (2017). Acceptability of a digital health intervention alongside physiotherapy to support patients following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 18(1), 471. doi:10.1186/s12891-017-1846-0
  • Field, L. D., & Savoie, F. H. (1998). Common Elbow Injuries in Sport. Sports Medicine, 26(3), 193-205. doi:10.2165/00007256-199826030-00005
  • Gimigliano, F., Resmini, G., Moretti, A., Aulicino, M., Gargiulo, F., Gimigliano, A., . . . Iolascon, G. (2021). Epidemiology of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Adult Athletes: A Scoping Review. Medicina (Kaunas), 57(10). doi:10.3390/medicina57101118
  • Girone, M., Burdea, G., Bouzit, M., Popescu, V., & Deutsch, J. (2000). Orthopedic rehabilitation using the “Rutgers ankle” interface. Paper presented at the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2000.
  • Gómez-Espinosa, A., Espinosa-Castillo, N., & Valdés-Aguirre, B. (2018). Foot-mounted inertial measurement units-based device for ankle rehabilitation. Applied Sciences, 8(11), 2032.
  • Gregory, P., Alexander, J., & Satinsky, J. (2011). Clinical telerehabilitation: applications for physiatrists. PM&R, 3(7), 647-656.
  • Greiner, J. J., Drain, N. P., Lesniak, B. P., Lin, A., Musahl, V., Irrgang, J. J., & Popchak, A. J. (2022). Self-Reported Outcomes in Early Postoperative Management After Shoulder Surgery Using a Home-Based Strengthening and Stabilization System With Telehealth. Sports Health, 19417381221116319. doi:10.1177/19417381221116319
  • Hadizadeh, M., Amri, S., Roohi, S., & Mohafez, H. (2016). Assessment of gait symmetry improvements in national athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction during rehabilitation. International journal of sports medicine, 37(12), 997-1002.
  • Hariri, S. A., Abolahrari-Shirazi, S., & Abbasi, L. (2023). Effects of Exercise Therapy Plus Quadriceps, Gluteus Medius and Quadratus Lumborum Muscles Self-myofascial Release on Pain, Function, and Balance in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome through Telerehabilitation: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences & Research, 10(2), 93-99. doi: 10.30476/jrsr.2023.98264.1355
  • Hasani, F., Haines, T. P., Munteanu, S. E., Vicenzino, B., & Malliaras, P. (2020). Efficacy of different load intensity and time-under-tension calf loading protocols for Achilles tendinopathy (the LOADIT trial): protocol for a randomised pilot study. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 6, 99. doi:10.1186/s40814-020-00639-5
  • Hoffmann, H. (2020). Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries. In Injury and Health Risk Management in Sports: A Guide to Decision Making (pp. 81-90). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Holden,
  • Hong, C. K., Liu, Z. W., Hsu, K. L., Kuan, F. C., Yang, J. F., & Su, W. R. (2022). A novel home-based rehabilitative knee brace system is a viable option for postoperative rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a report of 15 cases. J Exp Orthop, 9(1), 96. doi:10.1186/s40634-022-00538-z
  • Höher, J., Lischke, B., Petersen, W., Mengis, N., Niederer, D., Stein, T., . . . Schmidt-Lucke, C. (2023). Sensor-based telerehabilitation system increases patient adherence after knee surgery. PLOS Digital Health, 2(2), e0000175.
  • Hurley, E., Vasavada, K., Lin, C., Gonzalez-Lomas, G., Alaia, M., Strauss, E., . . . Mojica, E. (2022). Poster 236: There is No Difference in Early Functional Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Tele-Rehabilitation versus Standard in Office Rehab after Arthroscopic Meniscectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 10(7_suppl5), 2325967121S2325900797.
  • İnal, Ö., & Tunçer, B. (2022). Telephone-based joint protection education in lateral epicondylitis: A randomized controlled trial. Work, 72, 1421-1428. doi:10.3233/WOR-211002
  • Jamwal, P. K., Hussain, S., Mir-Nasiri, N., Ghayesh, M. H., & Xie, S. Q. (2018). Tele-rehabilitation using in-house wearable ankle rehabilitation robot. Assistive Technology, 30(1), 24-33.
  • Janela, D., Costa, F., Molinos, M., Moulder, R. G., Lains, J., Bento, V., . . . Correia, F. D. (2022). Digital Rehabilitation for Elbow Pain Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15). doi:10.3390/ijerph19159198
  • Karime, A., Al-Osman, H., Alja'am, J. M., Gueaieb, W., & El Saddik, A. (2012). Tele-Wobble: A telerehabilitation wobble board for lower extremity therapy. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61(7), 1816-1824.
  • Kemp, J. L., Coburn, S. L., Jones, D. M., & Crossley, K. M. (2018). The physiotherapy for femoroacetabular impingement rehabilitation study (physioFIRST): a pilot randomized controlled trial. journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 48(4), 307-315.
  • Lee, J. H., Shin, K. H., Lee, G. B., Son, S., & Jang, K. M. (2023). Comparison of Functional Outcomes between Supervised Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation in Female Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(3). doi:10.3390/ijerph20032233
  • Macías-Hernández, S. I., Vásquez-Sotelo, D. S., Ferruzca-Navarro, M. V., Badillo Sánchez, S. H., Gutiérrez-Martínez, J., Núñez-Gaona, M. A., . . . Morones-Alba, J. D. (2016). Proposal and Evaluation of a Telerehabilitation Platform Designed for Patients With Partial Rotator Cuff Tears: A Preliminary Study. Ann Rehabil Med, 40(4), 710-717. doi:10.5535/arm.2016.40.4.710
  • Malliaras, P., Cridland, K., Hopmans, R., Ashton, S., Littlewood, C., Page, R., . . . Haines, T. (2020). Internet and Telerehabilitation-Delivered Management of Rotator Cuff-Related Shoulder Pain (INTEL Trial): Randomized Controlled Pilot and Feasibility Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 8(11), e24311. doi:10.2196/24311
  • Mayer, N., Portnoy, S., Palti, R., & Levanon, Y. (2021). The Efficacy of Tele-Rehabilitation Program for Improving Upper Limb Function among Adults Following Elbow Fractures: A Pilot Study. Applied Sciences, 11(4). doi:10.3390/app11041708
  • Mojica, E. S., Vasavada, K., Hurley, E. T., Lin, C. C., Buzin, S., Gonzalez-Lomas, G., . . . Campbell, K. A. (2023). Despite Equivalent Clinical Outcomes, Patients Report Less Satisfaction With Telerehabilitation Versus Standard In-Office Rehabilitation After Arthroscopic Meniscectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation, 5(2), e395-e401.
  • Ongvisatepaiboon, K., Chan, J. H., & Vanijja, V. (2015). Smartphone-based tele-rehabilitation system for frozen shoulder using a machine learning approach. Paper presented at the 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence.
  • Park, K. H., & Song, M. R. (2017). Development of a web exercise video for patients with shoulder problems. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 35(5), 255.
  • Pastora-Bernal, J. M., Martín-Valero, R., & Barón-López, F. J. (2018). Cost analysis of telerehabilitation after arthroscopic subacromial decompression. J Telemed Telecare, 24(8), 553-559. doi:10.1177/1357633x17723367
  • Pech-Argüelles, R. C., Miranda-Ortiz, Y. J., Velázquez-Hernández, H. E., Domínguez-Cordero, R., Ruiz-PachecoJuan, C., Figueroa-García, J., & Rojano-Mejía, D. (2023). [Tele-rehabilitation program in patients with distal radius fracture: a controlled clinical trial].. doi:10.24875/ciru.22000328
  • Peretti, A., Amenta, F., Tayebati, S. K., Nittari, G., & Mahdi, S. S. (2017). Telerehabilitation: review of the state-of-the-art and areas of application. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 4(2), e7511.
  • Post, A., Rio, E. K., Sluka, K. A., Moseley, G. L., Bayman, E., Hall, M., . . . Dao, M. (2022). Effectiveness of Telehealth for Achilles Tendinopathy on Pain, Function, and Pain-Related Psychological Outcomes During COVID-19. The Journal of Pain, 23(5), 48.
  • Post, A. A., Rio, E. K., Sluka, K. A., Moseley, G. L., Bayman, E. O., Hall, M. M., . . . Chimenti, R. L. (2023). Efficacy of Telehealth for Movement-Evoked Pain in People With Chronic Achilles Tendinopathy: A Noninferiority Analysis. Phys Ther, 103(3). doi:10.1093/ptj/pzac171
  • Prieto-González, P., Martínez-Castillo, J. L., Fernández-Galván, L. M., Casado, A., Soporki, S., & Sánchez-Infante, J. (2021). Epidemiology of Sports-Related Injuries and Associated Risk Factors in Adolescent Athletes: An Injury Surveillance. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(9). doi:10.3390/ijerph18094857
  • Rettig, A. C. (1998). Epidemıology of Hand and Wrist Injurıes in Sports. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 17(3), 401-406. doi:
  • Richmond, T., Peterson, C., Cason, J., Billings, M., Terrell, E. A., Lee, A. C. W., . . . Cohn, E. R. (2017). American Telemedicine Association’s principles for delivering telerehabilitation services. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 9(2), 63.
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  • Ryan, J. L., Pracht, E. E., & Orban, B. L. (2019). Inpatient and emergency department costs from sports injuries among youth aged 5-18 years. BMJ Open Sport Exercise Medicine 5(1), e000491. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000491
  • Seron, P., Oliveros, M.-J., Gutierrez-Arias, R., Fuentes-Aspe, R., Torres-Castro, R. C., Merino-Osorio, C., . . . Solano, R. (2021). Effectiveness of telerehabilitation in physical therapy: a rapid overview. Physical Therapy, 101(6), pzab053.
  • Speranza, E., Bolzan, V., Roi, G. S., & Vitali, F. (2021). Impact of telerehabilitation after sports injuries on psychological outcomes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Med. Dello Sport, 74, 657-671.
  • Suero-Pineda, A., Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Á., Durán, M. R.-P., Sánchez-Laulhé, P. R., García-Frasquet, M. Á., & Blanquero, J. (2023a). Effectiveness of a Telerehabilitation Evidence-Based Tablet App for Rehabilitation in Traumatic Bone and Soft Tissue Injuries of the Hand, Wrist, and Fingers. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 104(6), 932-941. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2023.01.016
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Telerehabilitation in Orthopedic Injuries Common in Athletes

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 473 - 481, 28.08.2024


Sports injuries are frequently seen and this causes significant cost increase. Rehabilitation approaches have an important place in the treatment of sports injuries. Various rehabilitation methods have been applied to the athletes. Increasing technological developments today have also found a place in the field of rehabilitation. Increasing technology enables remote rehabilitation and increases participation in rehabilitation. Technology-based rehabilitation methods such as telerehabilitation have been applied in various populations, but studies on the use of telerehabilitation in athletes are very limited. Therefore, in this review, we aimed to summarize the literature on the telerehabilitation approach in orthopedic injuries with a high incidence in athletes.

Etik Beyan


Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Albornoz-Cabello, M., Barrios-Quinta, C. J., Barrios-Quinta, A. M., Escobio-Prieto, I., Cardero-Durán, M. d. l. A., & Espejo-Antunez, L. (2021). Effectiveness of tele-prescription of therapeutic physical exercise in patellofemoral pain syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1048.
  • Arslan, T., & Gültekin, M. Z. (2023). The effect of a supervised online group exercise program on symptoms associated with patellofemoral pain syndrome in women. Technol Health Care, 31(2), 771-782. doi:10.3233/thc-220533
  • Bahr, R., & Holme, I. (2003). Risk factors for sports injuries a methodological approach. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(5), 384. doi:10.1136/bjsm.37.5.384
  • Berkoff, D. J., Krishnamurthy, K., Hopp, J., Stanley, L., Spores, K., & Braunreiter, D. (2016). Corrected error video versus a physical therapist instructed home exercise program: accuracy of performing therapeutic shoulder exercises. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 11(5), 757.
  • Burnier, M., Barlow, J. D., & Sanchez-Sotelo, J. (2019). Shoulder and Elbow Fractures in Athletes. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med, 12(1), 13-23. doi:10.1007/s12178-019-09530-0
  • Carlson, S. A., Fulton, J. E., Pratt, M., Yang, Z., & Adams, E. K. (2015). Inadequate physical activity and health care expenditures in the United States. Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 57(4), 315-323. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2014.08.002
  • CEYLAN, A. COVID-19 Süreci ve Fizyoterapide Telerehabilitasyon Uygulamaları: Derleme. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(3), 617-627.
  • Correia, F. D., Molinos, M., Neves, C., Janela, D., Carvalho, D., Luis, S., . . . Bento, V. (2021). Digital rehabilitation for acute ankle sprains: prospective longitudinal cohort study. JMIR rehabilitation and assistive technologies, 8(3), e31247.
  • Costa, F., Janela, D., Molinos, M., Moulder, R. G., Lains, J., Francisco, G. E., . . . Correia, F. D. (2022). Digital rehabilitation for hand and wrist pain: a single-arm prospective longitudinal cohort study. Pain Rep, 7(5), e1026. doi:10.1097/pr9.0000000000001026
  • da Silva, R. T. (2010). Sports injurıes of the upper limbs. Rev Bras Ortop, 45(2), 122-131. doi:10.1016/s2255-4971(15)30280-9
  • Deutsch, J. E., Latonio, J., Burdea, G., & Boian, R. (2001). Rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries using the Rutgers ankle haptic interface: three case reports. Paper presented at the proceedings of EuroHaptics.
  • Dinvar, Y., Çubukcu, B., & Yüzgeç, U. (2017). MS kinect based tracking application for knee anterior cruciate ligament physical therapy. Paper presented at the 2017 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK).
  • Dunphy, E., & Gardner, E. C. (2020). Telerehabilitation to Address the Rehabilitation Gap in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Care: Survey of Patients. JMIR Form Res, 4(9), e19296. doi:10.2196/19296
  • Dunphy, E., Hamilton, F. L., Spasić, I., & Button, K. (2017). Acceptability of a digital health intervention alongside physiotherapy to support patients following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 18(1), 471. doi:10.1186/s12891-017-1846-0
  • Field, L. D., & Savoie, F. H. (1998). Common Elbow Injuries in Sport. Sports Medicine, 26(3), 193-205. doi:10.2165/00007256-199826030-00005
  • Gimigliano, F., Resmini, G., Moretti, A., Aulicino, M., Gargiulo, F., Gimigliano, A., . . . Iolascon, G. (2021). Epidemiology of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Adult Athletes: A Scoping Review. Medicina (Kaunas), 57(10). doi:10.3390/medicina57101118
  • Girone, M., Burdea, G., Bouzit, M., Popescu, V., & Deutsch, J. (2000). Orthopedic rehabilitation using the “Rutgers ankle” interface. Paper presented at the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2000.
  • Gómez-Espinosa, A., Espinosa-Castillo, N., & Valdés-Aguirre, B. (2018). Foot-mounted inertial measurement units-based device for ankle rehabilitation. Applied Sciences, 8(11), 2032.
  • Gregory, P., Alexander, J., & Satinsky, J. (2011). Clinical telerehabilitation: applications for physiatrists. PM&R, 3(7), 647-656.
  • Greiner, J. J., Drain, N. P., Lesniak, B. P., Lin, A., Musahl, V., Irrgang, J. J., & Popchak, A. J. (2022). Self-Reported Outcomes in Early Postoperative Management After Shoulder Surgery Using a Home-Based Strengthening and Stabilization System With Telehealth. Sports Health, 19417381221116319. doi:10.1177/19417381221116319
  • Hadizadeh, M., Amri, S., Roohi, S., & Mohafez, H. (2016). Assessment of gait symmetry improvements in national athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction during rehabilitation. International journal of sports medicine, 37(12), 997-1002.
  • Hariri, S. A., Abolahrari-Shirazi, S., & Abbasi, L. (2023). Effects of Exercise Therapy Plus Quadriceps, Gluteus Medius and Quadratus Lumborum Muscles Self-myofascial Release on Pain, Function, and Balance in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome through Telerehabilitation: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences & Research, 10(2), 93-99. doi: 10.30476/jrsr.2023.98264.1355
  • Hasani, F., Haines, T. P., Munteanu, S. E., Vicenzino, B., & Malliaras, P. (2020). Efficacy of different load intensity and time-under-tension calf loading protocols for Achilles tendinopathy (the LOADIT trial): protocol for a randomised pilot study. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 6, 99. doi:10.1186/s40814-020-00639-5
  • Hoffmann, H. (2020). Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries. In Injury and Health Risk Management in Sports: A Guide to Decision Making (pp. 81-90). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Holden,
  • Hong, C. K., Liu, Z. W., Hsu, K. L., Kuan, F. C., Yang, J. F., & Su, W. R. (2022). A novel home-based rehabilitative knee brace system is a viable option for postoperative rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a report of 15 cases. J Exp Orthop, 9(1), 96. doi:10.1186/s40634-022-00538-z
  • Höher, J., Lischke, B., Petersen, W., Mengis, N., Niederer, D., Stein, T., . . . Schmidt-Lucke, C. (2023). Sensor-based telerehabilitation system increases patient adherence after knee surgery. PLOS Digital Health, 2(2), e0000175.
  • Hurley, E., Vasavada, K., Lin, C., Gonzalez-Lomas, G., Alaia, M., Strauss, E., . . . Mojica, E. (2022). Poster 236: There is No Difference in Early Functional Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Tele-Rehabilitation versus Standard in Office Rehab after Arthroscopic Meniscectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 10(7_suppl5), 2325967121S2325900797.
  • İnal, Ö., & Tunçer, B. (2022). Telephone-based joint protection education in lateral epicondylitis: A randomized controlled trial. Work, 72, 1421-1428. doi:10.3233/WOR-211002
  • Jamwal, P. K., Hussain, S., Mir-Nasiri, N., Ghayesh, M. H., & Xie, S. Q. (2018). Tele-rehabilitation using in-house wearable ankle rehabilitation robot. Assistive Technology, 30(1), 24-33.
  • Janela, D., Costa, F., Molinos, M., Moulder, R. G., Lains, J., Bento, V., . . . Correia, F. D. (2022). Digital Rehabilitation for Elbow Pain Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15). doi:10.3390/ijerph19159198
  • Karime, A., Al-Osman, H., Alja'am, J. M., Gueaieb, W., & El Saddik, A. (2012). Tele-Wobble: A telerehabilitation wobble board for lower extremity therapy. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61(7), 1816-1824.
  • Kemp, J. L., Coburn, S. L., Jones, D. M., & Crossley, K. M. (2018). The physiotherapy for femoroacetabular impingement rehabilitation study (physioFIRST): a pilot randomized controlled trial. journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 48(4), 307-315.
  • Lee, J. H., Shin, K. H., Lee, G. B., Son, S., & Jang, K. M. (2023). Comparison of Functional Outcomes between Supervised Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation in Female Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(3). doi:10.3390/ijerph20032233
  • Macías-Hernández, S. I., Vásquez-Sotelo, D. S., Ferruzca-Navarro, M. V., Badillo Sánchez, S. H., Gutiérrez-Martínez, J., Núñez-Gaona, M. A., . . . Morones-Alba, J. D. (2016). Proposal and Evaluation of a Telerehabilitation Platform Designed for Patients With Partial Rotator Cuff Tears: A Preliminary Study. Ann Rehabil Med, 40(4), 710-717. doi:10.5535/arm.2016.40.4.710
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Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık
Bölüm Derlemeler

Dilan Demirtaş Karaoba 0000-0002-6754-9335

Büsra Candiri 0000-0001-7413-6371

Burcu Talu 0000-0002-5623-8291

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 6 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirtaş Karaoba, D., Candiri, B., & Talu, B. (2024). Telerehabilitation in Orthopedic Injuries Common in Athletes. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 473-481.

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