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Elit Düzeydeki Judocların Sağlık Algı Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 240 - 247, 28.08.2024


Amaç: Sağlık algısı bireylerin fiziksel, fizyolojik ve psikolojik özelliklerini içermektedir. Yoğun rekabet ve antrenman temposu nedeniyle özellikle elit seviyedeki sporcularda sağlık algısı sporcuların yaşam kalitesi ve spor performansı açısından son derece önemlidir. Bu araştırmanın amacı elit judocuların sağlık algı düzeylerini ortaya koymaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma grubunun örneklem grubunu judo branşında aktif olarak elit düzeyde lisanslı 91 (35 Kadın, 56 Erkek) gönüllü sporcu oluşturmuştur. Katılımcıların demografik bilgilerini ve sağlık algı düzeylerini sorgulamak amacıyla veri toplama aracı olarak çevrimiçi anket formu uygulandı. Verilerin analizinde SPSS paket programından yararlanıldı ve anlamlılık p<0,05 olarak belirlendi. Bulgular: Araştırma bulgularına göre sporcuların sağlık algı düzeyleri orta düzeyde olup, erkek sporcuların sağlık algı düzeyleri kadın sporculara göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Sporcuların yaşı ve spora katılım süresi arttıkça sağlık algı düzeylerinin de arttığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yeterli ve dengeli beslenen sporcuların, daha fazla sıvı tüketen sporcuların ve beslenme eğitimi alan sporcuların sağlık algısı daha yüksek düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç: Araştırma grubunun sağlık algılarının orta düzeyde olduğu, spor yılı, yaş, beslenme ve sıvı tüketiminin sağlık açısından önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Açıksöz, S., Uzun, Ş., & Arslan, F. (2013). Examining the relationship between nursing students' health perception and health promotion behaviors. Gülhane Medical Journal, 55(3), e181-e187
  • Alkan, S. A, Özdelikara, A., & Boğa, N. M. (2017). Determining the health perceptions of nursing students. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 11-21.
  • Avcı, K., & Pala, K. (2004) Evaluation of the Quality of Life of Research Assistants and Specialist Doctors Working at Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine. Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Journal. 30(2): 81-85.
  • Condello, G., Capranica, L., Stager, J., Forte, R., Falbo, S., Di Baldassarre, A., & Pesce, C. (2016). Physical activity and health perception in aging: Do body mass and satisfaction matter? A three-path mediated link. PLoS One, 11(9), e0160805.
  • Crowson, C. S., Liao, K. P., Davis, J. M., Solomon, D. H., Matteson, E. L., Knutson, K. L., Hlatky, M. A., & Gabriel, S. E. (2013). Rheumatoi Darth Ritisand Cardiovascular Disease. American Heart Journal, 166(4), 622-628.
  • Çayırlı, R. Ö., & Demirhan, B. (2020). Examining the Relationship Between the Reasons for Involvement in Sports Activities and Health Perceptions of Women Taking Pilates Training. International Journal of Sports Culture and Science, 8(4), 275-285.
  • Çilingir, D., & Aydin, A. (2017). Health perception of students studying in the nursing department. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 25(3), 167-176.
  • Demir, G., Özen.B., & Savaş, M. (2021). Health Perception in First-Year Nursing Students. Journal of Health Sciences, 30(3), 295-300.
  • Diamond, J. J., Becker, J. A., Arenson, C. A., Chambers, C. V., & Rosenthal, M. P. (2007). Development of a scale to measure adults' perceptions of health: Preliminary findings. Journal of Community Psychology, 35(5), 557-561.
  • Dogan, D. G. (2001). A research on social factors affecting success in sports. (Doctoral dissertation, Sakarya University (Turkey).
  • Dursun, S.İ., Vural, B., Keskin, B., Kaçar, H.B., Beyhan, A., & Kadıoğlu, H. (2019). The relationship between traditional/complementary medicine attitude and health literacy and health perception in adults. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 1(1), 1-10.
  • Erşahin, B. (2023). The relationship between physical activity level and quality of life of individuals exercising in sports and healthy living centers (Master's thesis, Aksaray University Health Sciences Institute).
  • Franchini., E, Vecchio., F. B. D, Matsushigue., K. A. & Artioli., G. G. (2011). Physiological profiles of elite judo athletes. Sports Med, 41, 147-66. 10.2165/11538580-000000000-00000
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for windows step bystep: A simple guide and reference.
  • Hayran, O. (2011). Health and disease. Journal of Health Thought and Medical Culture, 23, 82-85.
  • Heper, E., Sertkaya, Ö. G. Ö., Koca, C., Ertan, H., Kale, M., & Terekli, S. (2012). Introduction to Sports Sciences. Eşkişehir: Open Education Faculty Publication, 1.
  • Hünük, D., & Demirhan, G. (2003). Comparison of the attitudes of eighth grade primary school, first grade high school and university students towards physical education and sports. Journal of Sports Sciences, 14(4),175-184.
  • İzgüden, D., & Gökkaya, D. (2022). Examining the Relationship Between Individuals' Health Perceptions and Obesity Awareness. Selcuk Health Journal, 3(3), 205-220.
  • Kadıoğlu, H. & Yıldız, A. (2012). Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Health Perception Scale. Turkish Clinics Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(1), 47-53.
  • Kavlu, M. (2002). Investigation of coach behaviors in sports education (Judo model). Diss. Marmara University.
  • Klein Velderman, M., Crone, M.R., Wiefferink, C.H., & Reijneveld, S.A. (2009). Identification and management of psychosocial problems among toddlers by preventive child health care professionals. European Journal of Public Health, 20(3), 332-338.
  • Köse, M. (2020). Examining the relationship between personality types and psychological well-being levels of individuals according to their sports activities (Master's thesis). Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University.
  • Kuloğlu, Y., & Uslu, K. (2022). The Effect of Health Literacy Level on Health Perception in Future Healthcare Workers. Doğuş University Journal, 23(1),255-277.
  • Lee, SM, Jeong, HC, So, WY, & Youn, HS (2020). The mediating effect of sports participation on the relationship between health perception and health promotion behavior in adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (18), 6744.
  • Metsios, G. S., Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, A., Panoulas, V. F., Wilson, M., Nevill, A. M., Koutedakis, Y., & Kitas, G. D. (2009). Association of physical inactivity with increased cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 16(2), 188-194.
  • Olgun, Z., & Kutlu, R. (2022). Evaluation of Health Perception and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Individuals Applying to the Family Medicine Polyclinic. Turkish Journal Of Family Medicine And Primary Care, 16(1), 196-205.
  • Öztürk, G., & Kolcu, M. (2022). Health Perception of Individuals Aged 20-64 During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of İnönü University Vocational School of Health Services, 10(2), 681-692.
  • Perrin, C., Ferron, C., Gueguen, R., & Deschamps, J. P. (2002). Lifestyle patterns concerning sports and physical activity, and perceptions of health. Soz Praventivmed 47, 162–171.
  • Shirom, A., Toker, S., Berliner, S., Shapira, I., & Melamed, S. (2008). The effects of physical fitness and feeling vigorous on self-rated health. Health Psychology, 27(5), 567.
  • Tuğut, N., & Bekar, M. (2008). The relationship between university students' health perception and healthy lifestyle behaviors. Atatürk University School of Nursing Journal, 11(3), 17-26.
  • Tunç, T., Demirci, H. F. & Şahin, M. (2023). Coronavirus Anxiety in the Context of Health Perception and Life Satisfaction. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 6 (3), 446-456. 1250617

Examination of the Health Perception Levels of Elite Level Judoists

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 240 - 247, 28.08.2024


Objective: Health perception includes individuals' physical, physiological and psychological characteristics. Health perception is extremely important for athletes' quality of life and sports performance, especially in elite level athletes, due to intense competition and training pace. The objective of this research was carried out to reveal the health perception levels of elite judokas. Materials and Methods: The research group's sample group consisted of 91 (35 Female, 56 Male) volunteer athletes who were actively licensed in the judo branch at the elite level. An online questionnaire form was applied as a data collection tool to question participants' demographic information and health perception levels. For data analysis, the SPSS package program was utilized, and significance was set at p<0.05. Results: According to the research findings, athletes' health perception levels were found to be medium, with male athletes' health perception levels being higher than female athletes'. It has been discovered that as athletes' ages and years of participation in sports increase, so do their health perception levels. Furthermore, athletes who consume enough and balanced diet, athletes who drink more fluids and athletes who receive nutrition training have higher levels of health perception. Conclusion: Ultimately, it was revealed that the research group's health perceptions were on the medium level, and that sports years, age nutrition, and fluid consumption were crucial for health.


  • Açıksöz, S., Uzun, Ş., & Arslan, F. (2013). Examining the relationship between nursing students' health perception and health promotion behaviors. Gülhane Medical Journal, 55(3), e181-e187
  • Alkan, S. A, Özdelikara, A., & Boğa, N. M. (2017). Determining the health perceptions of nursing students. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 11-21.
  • Avcı, K., & Pala, K. (2004) Evaluation of the Quality of Life of Research Assistants and Specialist Doctors Working at Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine. Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Journal. 30(2): 81-85.
  • Condello, G., Capranica, L., Stager, J., Forte, R., Falbo, S., Di Baldassarre, A., & Pesce, C. (2016). Physical activity and health perception in aging: Do body mass and satisfaction matter? A three-path mediated link. PLoS One, 11(9), e0160805.
  • Crowson, C. S., Liao, K. P., Davis, J. M., Solomon, D. H., Matteson, E. L., Knutson, K. L., Hlatky, M. A., & Gabriel, S. E. (2013). Rheumatoi Darth Ritisand Cardiovascular Disease. American Heart Journal, 166(4), 622-628.
  • Çayırlı, R. Ö., & Demirhan, B. (2020). Examining the Relationship Between the Reasons for Involvement in Sports Activities and Health Perceptions of Women Taking Pilates Training. International Journal of Sports Culture and Science, 8(4), 275-285.
  • Çilingir, D., & Aydin, A. (2017). Health perception of students studying in the nursing department. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 25(3), 167-176.
  • Demir, G., Özen.B., & Savaş, M. (2021). Health Perception in First-Year Nursing Students. Journal of Health Sciences, 30(3), 295-300.
  • Diamond, J. J., Becker, J. A., Arenson, C. A., Chambers, C. V., & Rosenthal, M. P. (2007). Development of a scale to measure adults' perceptions of health: Preliminary findings. Journal of Community Psychology, 35(5), 557-561.
  • Dogan, D. G. (2001). A research on social factors affecting success in sports. (Doctoral dissertation, Sakarya University (Turkey).
  • Dursun, S.İ., Vural, B., Keskin, B., Kaçar, H.B., Beyhan, A., & Kadıoğlu, H. (2019). The relationship between traditional/complementary medicine attitude and health literacy and health perception in adults. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 1(1), 1-10.
  • Erşahin, B. (2023). The relationship between physical activity level and quality of life of individuals exercising in sports and healthy living centers (Master's thesis, Aksaray University Health Sciences Institute).
  • Franchini., E, Vecchio., F. B. D, Matsushigue., K. A. & Artioli., G. G. (2011). Physiological profiles of elite judo athletes. Sports Med, 41, 147-66. 10.2165/11538580-000000000-00000
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for windows step bystep: A simple guide and reference.
  • Hayran, O. (2011). Health and disease. Journal of Health Thought and Medical Culture, 23, 82-85.
  • Heper, E., Sertkaya, Ö. G. Ö., Koca, C., Ertan, H., Kale, M., & Terekli, S. (2012). Introduction to Sports Sciences. Eşkişehir: Open Education Faculty Publication, 1.
  • Hünük, D., & Demirhan, G. (2003). Comparison of the attitudes of eighth grade primary school, first grade high school and university students towards physical education and sports. Journal of Sports Sciences, 14(4),175-184.
  • İzgüden, D., & Gökkaya, D. (2022). Examining the Relationship Between Individuals' Health Perceptions and Obesity Awareness. Selcuk Health Journal, 3(3), 205-220.
  • Kadıoğlu, H. & Yıldız, A. (2012). Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Health Perception Scale. Turkish Clinics Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(1), 47-53.
  • Kavlu, M. (2002). Investigation of coach behaviors in sports education (Judo model). Diss. Marmara University.
  • Klein Velderman, M., Crone, M.R., Wiefferink, C.H., & Reijneveld, S.A. (2009). Identification and management of psychosocial problems among toddlers by preventive child health care professionals. European Journal of Public Health, 20(3), 332-338.
  • Köse, M. (2020). Examining the relationship between personality types and psychological well-being levels of individuals according to their sports activities (Master's thesis). Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University.
  • Kuloğlu, Y., & Uslu, K. (2022). The Effect of Health Literacy Level on Health Perception in Future Healthcare Workers. Doğuş University Journal, 23(1),255-277.
  • Lee, SM, Jeong, HC, So, WY, & Youn, HS (2020). The mediating effect of sports participation on the relationship between health perception and health promotion behavior in adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (18), 6744.
  • Metsios, G. S., Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, A., Panoulas, V. F., Wilson, M., Nevill, A. M., Koutedakis, Y., & Kitas, G. D. (2009). Association of physical inactivity with increased cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 16(2), 188-194.
  • Olgun, Z., & Kutlu, R. (2022). Evaluation of Health Perception and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Individuals Applying to the Family Medicine Polyclinic. Turkish Journal Of Family Medicine And Primary Care, 16(1), 196-205.
  • Öztürk, G., & Kolcu, M. (2022). Health Perception of Individuals Aged 20-64 During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of İnönü University Vocational School of Health Services, 10(2), 681-692.
  • Perrin, C., Ferron, C., Gueguen, R., & Deschamps, J. P. (2002). Lifestyle patterns concerning sports and physical activity, and perceptions of health. Soz Praventivmed 47, 162–171.
  • Shirom, A., Toker, S., Berliner, S., Shapira, I., & Melamed, S. (2008). The effects of physical fitness and feeling vigorous on self-rated health. Health Psychology, 27(5), 567.
  • Tuğut, N., & Bekar, M. (2008). The relationship between university students' health perception and healthy lifestyle behaviors. Atatürk University School of Nursing Journal, 11(3), 17-26.
  • Tunç, T., Demirci, H. F. & Şahin, M. (2023). Coronavirus Anxiety in the Context of Health Perception and Life Satisfaction. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 6 (3), 446-456. 1250617
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık
Bölüm Makaleler

Ramazan Erdoğan 0000-0001-5337-942X

Ahmethan Yıldırak 0000-0001-6112-7695

Korhan Kavuran 0000-0002-8924-2182

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 11 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, R., Yıldırak, A., & Kavuran, K. (2024). Examination of the Health Perception Levels of Elite Level Judoists. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 240-247.

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