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Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ve inşaat firmalarının performansı

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 28 - 41, 01.06.2009


İnşaat firmaları, ürün tabanlı ekonomiden (ü-ekonomi) bilgi tabanlı bir ekonomiye geçiş içerisindedirler. Ürün tabanlı ekonomide rekabetin temeli, mal ve hizmet üretimindeki finansal sermayenin kontrolü etrafında; bilgi ekonomisinde ise, rekabetin temeli mal ve hizmet üretimindeki bilginin yönetilmesi etrafında düzenlenmektedir. Bu yüzden, bilginin yönetilmesi; bilgi ekonomisindeki inşaat yöneticilerini ilgilendiren önemli bir kavramdır. Burada sunulan çalışmada bu önemli kavram üzerinde odaklanılmaktadır. İnşaat firmalarındaki bilgi yönetimi uygulamalarının firma performansı üzerindeki etkisi ampirik olarak araştırılmaktadır. Araştırma bulguları, teknolojik bilgi yönetimi ve yapısal bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ile inşaat firmalarının performansı arasında pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu fakat kültürel bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcısı ile inşaat firmanın performansı arasında pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki olmadığını ortaya koymaktadır


  • [1] Seetharaman A, Sooria H.H. ve Saravanan A.S., Intellectual capital accounting and reporting in the knowledge economy, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3, 2, 128-148, (2002).
  • [2] Kululanga G.K. ve McCaffer R., Measuring knowledge management for construction organizations, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 8, 5, 346-354, (2001).
  • [3] Kamara, J M, Anumba, C J ve Carrillo, P M., Knowledge management in construction, Blackwell Science Publishers, 103-120, Oxford (2005).
  • [4] Davenport, T.H. ve Prusak L., Working knowledge, Harvard Business School, Boston, (1998).
  • [5] OECD, Knowledge Management: Learning-by-Comparing Experiences from Private Firms and Public Organizations, (2001).
  • [6] Nonaka, I., A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organization Science, 5, 1, 14-37, (1994).
  • [7] Wiig, K., Knowledge management methods, Schema Press, 1995.
  • [8] Alavi, M., KPMG peat marwick U.S.: One giant brain, Harvard Business School, 75-95, (1997).
  • [9] Sveiby, K., The new organizational wealth, Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco (1997).
  • [10] Davenport, T.H., De Long D.W., Beers M.C., Successful Knowledge Management Projects, Sloan Management Review, 39, 2, 43-57, (1998).
  • [11] Choo, C.; The knowing organization: a process model of knowledge management (, (1998).
  • [12] Yeh Y.J, Lai S.Q. ve Tsang Ho C., Knowledge management enablers: a case study, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 106, 6, 793-810, (2006).
  • [13] Lee, H., ve Choi, B., Knowledge management enablers, processes, and organizational performance: An integrative view and empirical examination, Journal of Management Information Systems, 20, 1, 179-228, (2003).
  • [14] Gold, A. H., Malhotra A. ve Segars A.H., Knowledge management: an organizational capabilities perspective, Journal of Management Information Systems, 18,1, 185-214, (2001).
  • [15] Tsang Ho C., The relationship between knowledge management enablers and performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109, 1, 98-117 (2009).
  • [16] Malhotra, Y., Knowledge management for e-business performance: advancing information strategy to internet time, Information Strategy, the Executive's Journal, 16, 4, 5-16, (2000).
  • [17] Silva, M., Soares, A.L., Dora S. ve Rute C., Know-Construct: knowledge based community management in the construction industry, Workshop Working with Terminology and Knowledge Management Systems at 7th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE-05), 1-12, (2005).
  • [18] Graham, B ve Thomas, K., The development of an integrated knowledge management model for construction, 23rd Annual ARCOM Conference, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Belfast, 535-544 (2007).
  • [19] Demaid, A. ve Quintas, P.R., Knowledge across cultures in the construction industry: sustainability, innovation & design, Technovation, 26, 5-6, 603-610, (2006).
  • [20] Al-Ghassani AM, Kamara JM, Anumba CJ ve Carrillo PM, A tool for developing knowledge management strategies, ITcon ICT for Knowledge Management in Construction, 7, 69-82, (2002).
  • [21] Toffler, A. ve H. Toffler, Creating a new civilization: the politics of the third wave. Atlanta: Turner Publishing, Inc(1995).
  • [22] Nonaka, I. ve Takeuchi, H., The knowledge creating company, Oxford University Press, New York, (1995).
  • [23] Egbu, C. ve Botterill, K., Knowledge management and intellectual capital: benefits for project based industries, Proceedings of the RICS Foundation – Construction and Building Research Conference (COBRA), 69-82, (2001).
  • [24] Leonard, D. ve Sensiper, S., The role of tacit knowledge in group innovation, California Management Review, (1998).
  • [25] Choi, B., Lee, H., Knowledge management strategy and its link to knowledge creation process, Expert Systems with Applications, 23, 173-87, (2002). [26] Smith.E., The role of tacit knowledge in the workplace, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 4, 311-321, (2001).
  • [27] Wiig, K., Expert systems: impacts & potentials, Lead Article in KBS 86 - Knowledge Based Systems, Proceedings of the International conference held in London, 1-10, (1986).
  • [28] Plunkett, P.T., Managing knowledge@work: an overview of knowledge management, Knowledge Management Working Group of the Federal Chief Information Officers Council, (2001).
  • [29] Kim, S., The roles of knowledge professionals for knowledge management, INSPEL-International Journal of Special Libraries, 34, 1, 1-8, (2000).
  • [30] Bhatt, G.D., Knowledge management in organizations: examining the interaction between technologies, techniques, and people, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 68-75, (2001).
  • [31] Lee, C. C. ve Yang, J., Knowledge value chain, The Journal of Management Development, 19, 9, 783-793, (2000).
  • [32] Tiwana, A., The knowledge management toolkit, Prentice Hall, USA, 2000.
  • [33] Hsieh H.J., organizational characteristics, knowledge management strategy, enablers, and process capability: knowledge management performance In U.S. Software Companies, Phd Dissertation, Lynn University (2007).
  • [34] Chuang S.H., A resource-based perspective on knowledge management capability and competitive advantage: an empirical investigation, Expert System with Applications, 27, 459-465, (2004).
  • [35] Hope T., Competing in the third wave, Boston, Harvard Business School, sf.45, (1997).
  • [36] Thierauf, R., Knowledge management systems for business, Quorum Books, Westport, (1999).
  • [37] Binney, D., The knowledge management spectrum–understanding the KM landscape, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 33-42, (2001).
  • [38] Gottschalk, P. ve Khandelwal, V., Determinants of knowledge management technology projects in Australia law firms, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7, 4, 92-105, (2003).
  • [39] Reyes, P. ve Raisinghani, M., Integrating information technologies and knowledgebased systems: a theoretical approach in action for enhancements in production and inventory control, Knowledge and Process Management, 9, 4, 256-263, (2002).
  • [40] Lindvall, M., Rus I. ve Sinha, S., Software system support for knowledge management, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7, 5, 137-150, (2003).
  • [41] Koulopoulos, T. ve Frappaolo, C., Smart things to know about knowledge management, Capstone Publishing Limited, UK, (1999).
  • [42] Blackler, F., Collective wisdom, People Management, 6, 13, 61-63 (2000).
  • [43] Holowetzki, A., The relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture: an examination of cultural factors that support the flow and management of knowledge within an organization, Applied Information Management, University of Oregon (2002).
  • [44] Gupta, A.K. ve Govindarajan, V., Knowledge management's social dimension: lessons from nucor steel. Sloan Management Review, 42, 1, 71-81, (2000).
  • [45] Miller, K., Organizational communication: approaches and processes, Wadsworth Publishing Company, California, (1995).
  • [46] Dessler, G., Management, Prentice-Hall, USA, (1998).
  • [47] Lang, J. C., Managerial concerns in knowledge management, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 43-59, (2001).
  • [48] Beijerse, R., Questions in knowledge management: defining and conceptualizing a phenomenon, Journal of Knowledge Management, 3, 2, 94-110, (1999).
  • [49] Narasimha, S., Salience of knowledge in a strategic theory of the firm, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2, 3, 215-224, (2001).
  • [50] Martin B., Knowledge management within the context of management: An evolving relationship, Singapore Management Review, 22, 2, 17-36, (2000).
  • [51] Pfeffer, J., Managing with power: politics and influence in organizations, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, (1992).
  • [52] Storck, J. ve Hill, P., Knowledge diffusion through strategic communities, Sloan Management Review, 41, 2, 63–74, (2000).
  • [53] Lawson, P., Performance management: an overview, The performance management handbook, London, (1995).
  • [54] Barney, J.B., Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, (2002).
  • [55] Kenger E.,, (2001).
  • [56] Kennerley, M ve Neely A, Performance measurement frameworks a review, centre for business performance, Cranfield Scool of Management, (2000).
  • [57] Kinnear, T.C. ve Taylor, J.R., Marketing research: an applied approach, fourth edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, (1991).
  • [58] Nunally J.C., Psychometric Theory (2nd edition), McGraw-Hill, New York, (1978).
  • [59] Jorissen, A., Laveren, E., Martens, R. ve Reheul, A., Real versus sample-based differences in comparative family business research, Family Business Review, 18, 3, 229-46, (2005).
  • [60] Pedhazur E. J., Multiple regression in behavioral research: explanation and prediction (3rd ed.), Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, (1997).

Knowledge management enablers and construction firm performance

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 28 - 41, 01.06.2009


Construction business landscape is being transformed from production-based economy (p-economy) into a knowledge-based economy (k-economy). In p-economy, the basis of competition is organized around the control of financial capital (i.e., land, labor, money, machines) in the production of goods and services. In k-economy, the basis of competition is organized around management of knowledge in the production of goods and services. Therefore, managing knowledge is the fundamental challenge facing construction executives in the k-economy. The paper presented herein focuses on this fundamental challenge. It empirically explores the impact of knowledge management practices of construction firm on their performances. The research findings reveal that technological knowledge management and structural knowledge management enablers are positively and significantly related to the construction firm’s performance and cultural knowledge management enabler is not positively and significantly related to construction firm’s performance


  • [1] Seetharaman A, Sooria H.H. ve Saravanan A.S., Intellectual capital accounting and reporting in the knowledge economy, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3, 2, 128-148, (2002).
  • [2] Kululanga G.K. ve McCaffer R., Measuring knowledge management for construction organizations, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 8, 5, 346-354, (2001).
  • [3] Kamara, J M, Anumba, C J ve Carrillo, P M., Knowledge management in construction, Blackwell Science Publishers, 103-120, Oxford (2005).
  • [4] Davenport, T.H. ve Prusak L., Working knowledge, Harvard Business School, Boston, (1998).
  • [5] OECD, Knowledge Management: Learning-by-Comparing Experiences from Private Firms and Public Organizations, (2001).
  • [6] Nonaka, I., A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organization Science, 5, 1, 14-37, (1994).
  • [7] Wiig, K., Knowledge management methods, Schema Press, 1995.
  • [8] Alavi, M., KPMG peat marwick U.S.: One giant brain, Harvard Business School, 75-95, (1997).
  • [9] Sveiby, K., The new organizational wealth, Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco (1997).
  • [10] Davenport, T.H., De Long D.W., Beers M.C., Successful Knowledge Management Projects, Sloan Management Review, 39, 2, 43-57, (1998).
  • [11] Choo, C.; The knowing organization: a process model of knowledge management (, (1998).
  • [12] Yeh Y.J, Lai S.Q. ve Tsang Ho C., Knowledge management enablers: a case study, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 106, 6, 793-810, (2006).
  • [13] Lee, H., ve Choi, B., Knowledge management enablers, processes, and organizational performance: An integrative view and empirical examination, Journal of Management Information Systems, 20, 1, 179-228, (2003).
  • [14] Gold, A. H., Malhotra A. ve Segars A.H., Knowledge management: an organizational capabilities perspective, Journal of Management Information Systems, 18,1, 185-214, (2001).
  • [15] Tsang Ho C., The relationship between knowledge management enablers and performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109, 1, 98-117 (2009).
  • [16] Malhotra, Y., Knowledge management for e-business performance: advancing information strategy to internet time, Information Strategy, the Executive's Journal, 16, 4, 5-16, (2000).
  • [17] Silva, M., Soares, A.L., Dora S. ve Rute C., Know-Construct: knowledge based community management in the construction industry, Workshop Working with Terminology and Knowledge Management Systems at 7th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE-05), 1-12, (2005).
  • [18] Graham, B ve Thomas, K., The development of an integrated knowledge management model for construction, 23rd Annual ARCOM Conference, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Belfast, 535-544 (2007).
  • [19] Demaid, A. ve Quintas, P.R., Knowledge across cultures in the construction industry: sustainability, innovation & design, Technovation, 26, 5-6, 603-610, (2006).
  • [20] Al-Ghassani AM, Kamara JM, Anumba CJ ve Carrillo PM, A tool for developing knowledge management strategies, ITcon ICT for Knowledge Management in Construction, 7, 69-82, (2002).
  • [21] Toffler, A. ve H. Toffler, Creating a new civilization: the politics of the third wave. Atlanta: Turner Publishing, Inc(1995).
  • [22] Nonaka, I. ve Takeuchi, H., The knowledge creating company, Oxford University Press, New York, (1995).
  • [23] Egbu, C. ve Botterill, K., Knowledge management and intellectual capital: benefits for project based industries, Proceedings of the RICS Foundation – Construction and Building Research Conference (COBRA), 69-82, (2001).
  • [24] Leonard, D. ve Sensiper, S., The role of tacit knowledge in group innovation, California Management Review, (1998).
  • [25] Choi, B., Lee, H., Knowledge management strategy and its link to knowledge creation process, Expert Systems with Applications, 23, 173-87, (2002). [26] Smith.E., The role of tacit knowledge in the workplace, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 4, 311-321, (2001).
  • [27] Wiig, K., Expert systems: impacts & potentials, Lead Article in KBS 86 - Knowledge Based Systems, Proceedings of the International conference held in London, 1-10, (1986).
  • [28] Plunkett, P.T., Managing knowledge@work: an overview of knowledge management, Knowledge Management Working Group of the Federal Chief Information Officers Council, (2001).
  • [29] Kim, S., The roles of knowledge professionals for knowledge management, INSPEL-International Journal of Special Libraries, 34, 1, 1-8, (2000).
  • [30] Bhatt, G.D., Knowledge management in organizations: examining the interaction between technologies, techniques, and people, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 68-75, (2001).
  • [31] Lee, C. C. ve Yang, J., Knowledge value chain, The Journal of Management Development, 19, 9, 783-793, (2000).
  • [32] Tiwana, A., The knowledge management toolkit, Prentice Hall, USA, 2000.
  • [33] Hsieh H.J., organizational characteristics, knowledge management strategy, enablers, and process capability: knowledge management performance In U.S. Software Companies, Phd Dissertation, Lynn University (2007).
  • [34] Chuang S.H., A resource-based perspective on knowledge management capability and competitive advantage: an empirical investigation, Expert System with Applications, 27, 459-465, (2004).
  • [35] Hope T., Competing in the third wave, Boston, Harvard Business School, sf.45, (1997).
  • [36] Thierauf, R., Knowledge management systems for business, Quorum Books, Westport, (1999).
  • [37] Binney, D., The knowledge management spectrum–understanding the KM landscape, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 33-42, (2001).
  • [38] Gottschalk, P. ve Khandelwal, V., Determinants of knowledge management technology projects in Australia law firms, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7, 4, 92-105, (2003).
  • [39] Reyes, P. ve Raisinghani, M., Integrating information technologies and knowledgebased systems: a theoretical approach in action for enhancements in production and inventory control, Knowledge and Process Management, 9, 4, 256-263, (2002).
  • [40] Lindvall, M., Rus I. ve Sinha, S., Software system support for knowledge management, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7, 5, 137-150, (2003).
  • [41] Koulopoulos, T. ve Frappaolo, C., Smart things to know about knowledge management, Capstone Publishing Limited, UK, (1999).
  • [42] Blackler, F., Collective wisdom, People Management, 6, 13, 61-63 (2000).
  • [43] Holowetzki, A., The relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture: an examination of cultural factors that support the flow and management of knowledge within an organization, Applied Information Management, University of Oregon (2002).
  • [44] Gupta, A.K. ve Govindarajan, V., Knowledge management's social dimension: lessons from nucor steel. Sloan Management Review, 42, 1, 71-81, (2000).
  • [45] Miller, K., Organizational communication: approaches and processes, Wadsworth Publishing Company, California, (1995).
  • [46] Dessler, G., Management, Prentice-Hall, USA, (1998).
  • [47] Lang, J. C., Managerial concerns in knowledge management, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 43-59, (2001).
  • [48] Beijerse, R., Questions in knowledge management: defining and conceptualizing a phenomenon, Journal of Knowledge Management, 3, 2, 94-110, (1999).
  • [49] Narasimha, S., Salience of knowledge in a strategic theory of the firm, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2, 3, 215-224, (2001).
  • [50] Martin B., Knowledge management within the context of management: An evolving relationship, Singapore Management Review, 22, 2, 17-36, (2000).
  • [51] Pfeffer, J., Managing with power: politics and influence in organizations, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, (1992).
  • [52] Storck, J. ve Hill, P., Knowledge diffusion through strategic communities, Sloan Management Review, 41, 2, 63–74, (2000).
  • [53] Lawson, P., Performance management: an overview, The performance management handbook, London, (1995).
  • [54] Barney, J.B., Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, (2002).
  • [55] Kenger E.,, (2001).
  • [56] Kennerley, M ve Neely A, Performance measurement frameworks a review, centre for business performance, Cranfield Scool of Management, (2000).
  • [57] Kinnear, T.C. ve Taylor, J.R., Marketing research: an applied approach, fourth edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, (1991).
  • [58] Nunally J.C., Psychometric Theory (2nd edition), McGraw-Hill, New York, (1978).
  • [59] Jorissen, A., Laveren, E., Martens, R. ve Reheul, A., Real versus sample-based differences in comparative family business research, Family Business Review, 18, 3, 229-46, (2005).
  • [60] Pedhazur E. J., Multiple regression in behavioral research: explanation and prediction (3rd ed.), Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, (1997).
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA22DK39ES
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

A. Erkan Karaman Bu kişi benim

Serdar Kale Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaman, A. E., & Kale, S. (2009). Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ve inşaat firmalarının performansı. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(1), 28-41.
AMA Karaman AE, Kale S. Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ve inşaat firmalarının performansı. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Haziran 2009;11(1):28-41.
Chicago Karaman, A. Erkan, ve Serdar Kale. “Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları Ve inşaat firmalarının Performansı”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11, sy. 1 (Haziran 2009): 28-41.
EndNote Karaman AE, Kale S (01 Haziran 2009) Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ve inşaat firmalarının performansı. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11 1 28–41.
IEEE A. E. Karaman ve S. Kale, “Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ve inşaat firmalarının performansı”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 1, ss. 28–41, 2009.
ISNAD Karaman, A. Erkan - Kale, Serdar. “Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları Ve inşaat firmalarının Performansı”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11/1 (Haziran 2009), 28-41.
JAMA Karaman AE, Kale S. Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ve inşaat firmalarının performansı. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2009;11:28–41.
MLA Karaman, A. Erkan ve Serdar Kale. “Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları Ve inşaat firmalarının Performansı”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 1, 2009, ss. 28-41.
Vancouver Karaman AE, Kale S. Bilgi yönetimi sağlayıcıları ve inşaat firmalarının performansı. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2009;11(1):28-41.