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STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin çerçevesi ve yetenek gelişimi için önemi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 857 - 868, 08.07.2022


21. yüzyıl, beceri ve yeteneklerin değerli olduğu bir yüzyıldır. Dijital teknoloji ile çevrelendiğimiz bu modern dünyada, bu hızlı değişim aşamalarında insanlık olarak başarılı olmak istiyorsak, öğrencilere, gerçek dünya problemlerini çözme, çok yönlü düşünme ve iş birliği yapabilme becerilerini kazandırmamız gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmada, STEAM Bütünleşik Öğrenme Modelinin çerçevesinin çizilmesi, güncel öğretim uygulamalarındaki yeri ve yetenek gelişimi için öneminin ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin kullanıldığı, Sanat (A) unsurunun, STEM (Fen, Teknoloji, Mühendislik ve Matematik) alanlarına entegre edildiği veya bütünleştirildiği güncel ve somut öğrenim çıktıları olan çalışmalar derlenmiştir. Bu derlemenin ışığında ortaya konulan sonuçlarda; STEAM Bütünleşik Öğrenme Modelinin, disiplinlerarası kavram yapılanmasından hareketle, farklı disiplinlerin entegrasyonunda bütünleşik beceri ve dolayısıyla yetenek gelişimini desteklediği ve çok yönlü zihinsel bağlantılarla; bireyleri problem çözmede ve ürün tasarlamada daha yaratıcı kıldığı ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu bağlamda, STEAM Bütünleşik Öğrenme Modelinin, daha çok araştırmaya konu olması, şu ana kadar elde edilen araştırma sonuçlarından yola çıkarak, bütünleşik beceri ve yetenek gelişimi temelli güncel öğretim uygulamalarında yerinde ve anlamlı olarak kullanılması önerilmektedir.


  • Dell'Erba, M, Expanding Access to High-Quality Arts Instruction. National Association of State Boards of Education, 8,1-4-12, (2020).
  • Hudson, P., Integrating Science, Writing and Art. Investigating, 35-38, (2000).
  • Poldberg, M. M., Trainin, G., & Andrzejczak, N., Rocking your Writing Program: Integration of Visual Art, Language Arts, & Science. Journal for Learning Through Arts, 1-16, (2013).
  • Chu, H.-E., Martin, S. N., & Park, J., A Theoretical Framework for Developing an Intercultural STEAM Program for Australian and Korean Students to Enhance Science Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1251–1266, (2019).
  • Haroutonian, J., Artistic Ways of Knowing: Thinking Like an Artist in the STEAM Classroom. In A. J. al., Converting STEM into STEAM Programs, Environmental Discourses in Science Education 5 (pp. 169-181). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019).
  • Fattal, L., & An, H., Choreographing the Phases of the Moon CULTIVATING A KINETIC CLASSROOM. Journal of Dance Education, 178–182, (2019).
  • Steele, J. S., Fulton, L., & Fanning, L., Dancing with STEAM: Creative Movement Generates Electricity for Young Learners. Journal of Dance Education, 112–117, (2016).
  • Ezin, M., Noravian, C., Mahomed, A., Lyle, A., & Gill, A., Visual Arts Enhance Instruction in Observation and Analysis of Microscopic Forms in Developmental and Cell Biology . The STEAM Journal, 1-13, (2020).
  • Glass, D., & Wilson, C., The Art and Science of Looking: Collaboratively Learning Our Way to Improved STEAM Integration. Art Education, 8-14, (2016).
  • Rosen-O’Leary, R.. & Thompson, E. G., STEM to STEAM:Effect of Visual Art Integration on Long-Term Retention of Science Content. Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 32-35, (2019).
  • Mason, K., Picking Up STEAM: The Role of Languages and Linguistics . The STEAM Journal, 1-8, (2020).
  • Needle, A., Corbo, C., Wong, D., Greenfeder, G., Raths, L., & Fulop, Z., Combining Art And Science In "Arts and Sciences" Education. College Teaching, 114-120, (2007).
  • Westland, K., Drawing Parallels in Art Science for Collaborative Learning: A Case Study. The STEAM Journal, 1-7, (2020).
  • Taylor, P. C., Why is a STEAM curriculum perspective crucial to the 21st century? Developing Interdisciplinary STEAM Curricula (s. 89-93). Western Australia: Murdoch University, (2016).
  • Root-Bernstein, R., The Art of Science. Circe Magazine, 7-11, (2019).
  • Martin, B. H., The ABC's of STEAM. Circe Magazine, 59-65, (2019).
  • Haroutounian, J., Artistic Ways of Knowing in Gifted Education: Encouraging Every Student to Think Like an Artist. Roeper Review, 44-58, (2017).
  • Bevan, B., Peppler, K., Rosin, M., Scarff, L., Soep, E., & Wong, J., Purposeful Pursuits: Leveraging the Epistemic Practices of the Arts and Sciences. A. J. Stewart, M. P. Mueller, & D. J. Tippins içinde, Converting STEM Into STEAM Program (s. 23-32). USA: Springer, (2019).
  • Yakman, C. G., STEAM Education. From STEAM: A Framework for Education Across Disciplines:, (2015).
  • Kılıç, T., Yeni Bilim: Bağlantısallık - Yeni Kültür: Yaşamdaşlık. İstanbul: Bağlantı Yayınları, (2021).
  • Sağat, E., STEAM temelli fen öğretiminin üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrencilerin STEAM performanslarına, tasarım temelli düşünme becerilerine ve STEAM tutumlarına etkisi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Mersin Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mersin, (2019).
  • Tezeren, B.M., STEAM Temelli Puantilizm Etkinliklerinin 11-14 Yaş Üstün/ Özel Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Öğrenme Biçimlerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (2021).
  • Martinez, J. E., The Search for Method in STEAM Education. New York, NY, USA: Palgrave McMillan, (2017).
  • Babaci-Wilhite, Z., Promoting Language and STEAM as Human Rights in Education. California: Springer, (2019).
  • Herro, D., Quigley, C., & Cian, H., The Challenges of STEAM Instruction: Lessons from the Field. Action in Teacher Education, 172-190, (2019).
  • Herro, D., & Quigley, C., Investigating the Complexity of Developing STEAM Curricula for K-8 Students. Stewart, Mueller, & Tippins içinde, Converting STEM into STEAM Program (s. 42-47). USA: Springer Nature Switzerland, (2019).
  • Khine, M.S. & Areepattamannil, S., Creation of STEAM Inquiries. Khine, M.S. & Areepattamannil, S.içinde STEAM Education: Theory and Practice (s.24-27). USA: Springer Nature Switzerland, (2019).
  • Bybee, R. W., What is STEM education? Science, 329, 996. doi: 10.1126/science.1194998, (2010).
  • Bae, J. H. Yun, B. H. & Kim, J. S., The effects of science lesson applying STEAM education on science learning motivation and science academic achievement of elementary school students. Journal of Korean Elementary Science, 32(4), 557-566, (2013).
  • Graham, N. J., & Brouillette, L., Using Arts Integration to Make Science Learning Memorable in the Upper Elementary Grades: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 12(1), (2016).
  • Carsten Conner, L. D., Tzou, C., Tsurusaki, B. K., Guthrie, M., Pompea, S., & Teal-Sullivan, P., Designing STEAM for Broad Participation in Science. Creative Education, 8, 2222-2231, (2017).
  • Sukro, A. I., AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040008:, (2021).
  • Shukshina, L.V., Gegel, L. A., Erofeeva, L. A., Levina, I.D., Chugaeva, U.Y. ve Nikitin, O.D., STEM and STEAM Education in Russian Education: Conceptual Framework. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(10) :1305-8223, (2021).
  • Singh, M., Acquisition of 21st Century Skills Through STEAM Education. Academia Letters,Article 712., (2021).
  • Riley, S., Arts Integration and STEAM. From, (2020).
  • Steward, Arthur,J., Mueller, Michael,P. ve Tippins, Deborah,J., Converting STEM into STEAM Programs:Methods and Examples for Education. Springer Nature Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-25101-7, (2019).

The Framework of the STEAM Integrated Learning Model and Its Importance for Talent Development

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 857 - 868, 08.07.2022


21st century is a period in which skills and talents are valuable. In this modern world, where we are surrounded by digital technology, if we want to be successful as humans in these rapid changes, we need to equip students with the skills to solve real-world problems, to think multi-dimensionally and collaborate. Within this scope in this study, it is aimed to draw the framework of STEAM Integrated Learning Model and to reveal its place in current teaching methodologies and its importance in skill development. For this purpose, the compilation has been based on the studies with current and concrete outcomes, in which STEAM integrated learning model is used, the Art(A) element is integrated into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields. In the results presented in the light of this review; based on the interdisciplinary conceptual STEAM Integrated Learning Model, it has been revealed that the learning model supports the development of integrated skills and therefore talents in integration of different disciplines with versatile connections, making individuals more creative in problem solving and product design. In this context, it is recommended that STEAM Integrated Leaning Model be the subject of more researches on the basis of the results obtained so far and to be used appropriately and meaningfully in current teaching practices based on skill and talent development.


  • Dell'Erba, M, Expanding Access to High-Quality Arts Instruction. National Association of State Boards of Education, 8,1-4-12, (2020).
  • Hudson, P., Integrating Science, Writing and Art. Investigating, 35-38, (2000).
  • Poldberg, M. M., Trainin, G., & Andrzejczak, N., Rocking your Writing Program: Integration of Visual Art, Language Arts, & Science. Journal for Learning Through Arts, 1-16, (2013).
  • Chu, H.-E., Martin, S. N., & Park, J., A Theoretical Framework for Developing an Intercultural STEAM Program for Australian and Korean Students to Enhance Science Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1251–1266, (2019).
  • Haroutonian, J., Artistic Ways of Knowing: Thinking Like an Artist in the STEAM Classroom. In A. J. al., Converting STEM into STEAM Programs, Environmental Discourses in Science Education 5 (pp. 169-181). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019).
  • Fattal, L., & An, H., Choreographing the Phases of the Moon CULTIVATING A KINETIC CLASSROOM. Journal of Dance Education, 178–182, (2019).
  • Steele, J. S., Fulton, L., & Fanning, L., Dancing with STEAM: Creative Movement Generates Electricity for Young Learners. Journal of Dance Education, 112–117, (2016).
  • Ezin, M., Noravian, C., Mahomed, A., Lyle, A., & Gill, A., Visual Arts Enhance Instruction in Observation and Analysis of Microscopic Forms in Developmental and Cell Biology . The STEAM Journal, 1-13, (2020).
  • Glass, D., & Wilson, C., The Art and Science of Looking: Collaboratively Learning Our Way to Improved STEAM Integration. Art Education, 8-14, (2016).
  • Rosen-O’Leary, R.. & Thompson, E. G., STEM to STEAM:Effect of Visual Art Integration on Long-Term Retention of Science Content. Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 32-35, (2019).
  • Mason, K., Picking Up STEAM: The Role of Languages and Linguistics . The STEAM Journal, 1-8, (2020).
  • Needle, A., Corbo, C., Wong, D., Greenfeder, G., Raths, L., & Fulop, Z., Combining Art And Science In "Arts and Sciences" Education. College Teaching, 114-120, (2007).
  • Westland, K., Drawing Parallels in Art Science for Collaborative Learning: A Case Study. The STEAM Journal, 1-7, (2020).
  • Taylor, P. C., Why is a STEAM curriculum perspective crucial to the 21st century? Developing Interdisciplinary STEAM Curricula (s. 89-93). Western Australia: Murdoch University, (2016).
  • Root-Bernstein, R., The Art of Science. Circe Magazine, 7-11, (2019).
  • Martin, B. H., The ABC's of STEAM. Circe Magazine, 59-65, (2019).
  • Haroutounian, J., Artistic Ways of Knowing in Gifted Education: Encouraging Every Student to Think Like an Artist. Roeper Review, 44-58, (2017).
  • Bevan, B., Peppler, K., Rosin, M., Scarff, L., Soep, E., & Wong, J., Purposeful Pursuits: Leveraging the Epistemic Practices of the Arts and Sciences. A. J. Stewart, M. P. Mueller, & D. J. Tippins içinde, Converting STEM Into STEAM Program (s. 23-32). USA: Springer, (2019).
  • Yakman, C. G., STEAM Education. From STEAM: A Framework for Education Across Disciplines:, (2015).
  • Kılıç, T., Yeni Bilim: Bağlantısallık - Yeni Kültür: Yaşamdaşlık. İstanbul: Bağlantı Yayınları, (2021).
  • Sağat, E., STEAM temelli fen öğretiminin üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrencilerin STEAM performanslarına, tasarım temelli düşünme becerilerine ve STEAM tutumlarına etkisi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Mersin Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mersin, (2019).
  • Tezeren, B.M., STEAM Temelli Puantilizm Etkinliklerinin 11-14 Yaş Üstün/ Özel Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Öğrenme Biçimlerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (2021).
  • Martinez, J. E., The Search for Method in STEAM Education. New York, NY, USA: Palgrave McMillan, (2017).
  • Babaci-Wilhite, Z., Promoting Language and STEAM as Human Rights in Education. California: Springer, (2019).
  • Herro, D., Quigley, C., & Cian, H., The Challenges of STEAM Instruction: Lessons from the Field. Action in Teacher Education, 172-190, (2019).
  • Herro, D., & Quigley, C., Investigating the Complexity of Developing STEAM Curricula for K-8 Students. Stewart, Mueller, & Tippins içinde, Converting STEM into STEAM Program (s. 42-47). USA: Springer Nature Switzerland, (2019).
  • Khine, M.S. & Areepattamannil, S., Creation of STEAM Inquiries. Khine, M.S. & Areepattamannil, S.içinde STEAM Education: Theory and Practice (s.24-27). USA: Springer Nature Switzerland, (2019).
  • Bybee, R. W., What is STEM education? Science, 329, 996. doi: 10.1126/science.1194998, (2010).
  • Bae, J. H. Yun, B. H. & Kim, J. S., The effects of science lesson applying STEAM education on science learning motivation and science academic achievement of elementary school students. Journal of Korean Elementary Science, 32(4), 557-566, (2013).
  • Graham, N. J., & Brouillette, L., Using Arts Integration to Make Science Learning Memorable in the Upper Elementary Grades: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 12(1), (2016).
  • Carsten Conner, L. D., Tzou, C., Tsurusaki, B. K., Guthrie, M., Pompea, S., & Teal-Sullivan, P., Designing STEAM for Broad Participation in Science. Creative Education, 8, 2222-2231, (2017).
  • Sukro, A. I., AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040008:, (2021).
  • Shukshina, L.V., Gegel, L. A., Erofeeva, L. A., Levina, I.D., Chugaeva, U.Y. ve Nikitin, O.D., STEM and STEAM Education in Russian Education: Conceptual Framework. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(10) :1305-8223, (2021).
  • Singh, M., Acquisition of 21st Century Skills Through STEAM Education. Academia Letters,Article 712., (2021).
  • Riley, S., Arts Integration and STEAM. From, (2020).
  • Steward, Arthur,J., Mueller, Michael,P. ve Tippins, Deborah,J., Converting STEM into STEAM Programs:Methods and Examples for Education. Springer Nature Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-25101-7, (2019).
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Derleme Makalesi

Burcu Meral Tezeren 0000-0001-9338-1508

Sıla Balım 0000-0002-8140-268X

Kemal Yürümezoğlu 0000-0002-3288-9890

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tezeren, B. M., Balım, S., & Yürümezoğlu, K. (2022). STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin çerçevesi ve yetenek gelişimi için önemi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24(2), 857-868.
AMA Tezeren BM, Balım S, Yürümezoğlu K. STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin çerçevesi ve yetenek gelişimi için önemi. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Temmuz 2022;24(2):857-868.
Chicago Tezeren, Burcu Meral, Sıla Balım, ve Kemal Yürümezoğlu. “STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme Modelinin çerçevesi Ve Yetenek gelişimi için önemi”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 24, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2022): 857-68.
EndNote Tezeren BM, Balım S, Yürümezoğlu K (01 Temmuz 2022) STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin çerçevesi ve yetenek gelişimi için önemi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 24 2 857–868.
IEEE B. M. Tezeren, S. Balım, ve K. Yürümezoğlu, “STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin çerçevesi ve yetenek gelişimi için önemi”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 2, ss. 857–868, 2022.
ISNAD Tezeren, Burcu Meral vd. “STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme Modelinin çerçevesi Ve Yetenek gelişimi için önemi”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 24/2 (Temmuz 2022), 857-868.
JAMA Tezeren BM, Balım S, Yürümezoğlu K. STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin çerçevesi ve yetenek gelişimi için önemi. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2022;24:857–868.
MLA Tezeren, Burcu Meral vd. “STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme Modelinin çerçevesi Ve Yetenek gelişimi için önemi”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 857-68.
Vancouver Tezeren BM, Balım S, Yürümezoğlu K. STEAM bütünleşik öğrenme modelinin çerçevesi ve yetenek gelişimi için önemi. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2022;24(2):857-68.