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Yıl 2017, , 425 - 448, 01.12.2017


Tüketicilerin gıda tercihlerinde etkili olan motivasyonların belirlenmesi, yiyecek-içecek üretimi ve hizmeti sunan işletmeler için oldukça önemlidir. İşletmeler, bu motivasyonların neler olduğunu tespit ettiği taktirde belirlemiş oldukları amaçlara ulaşabileceklerdir. Bu kapsamda, yapılan akademik çalışmalar incelendiğinde daha çok yabancı turistlerin gıda tercihleri ile ilgili araştırmaların yapıldığı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Türklerin gıda tercihlerinde etkili olan motivasyonların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak anket kullanılmıştır. Anket iki bölümden oluşmakta; ilk bölümde katılımcıların demografik özelliklerini belirlenmeye yönelik 6 soru, ikinci bölümde ise katılımcıların günlük gıda seçimlerinde önem verdiği unsurları belirlemeye yönelik 44 ifade bulunmaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda; Türklerin yemek seçimlerinde en etkili olan faktör duyusal faktördür. Duyusal faktörü sırasıyla; fiyat, uygunluk ve mevcudiyet, ruh hali, doğal gıda, sağlık, ekolojik, kilo, inanç ve aşinalık, politik neden faktörleri izlemektedir


  • Antin, T. M. J. ve Hunt, G. (2012). Food choice as a multidimensional experience. A qualitative study with young African American women, Appetite, 58, 856-863.
  • Ares, G. ve Gambaro, A. (2007). Influence of gender, age and motives underlying food choice on perceived healthiness and willingness to try functional foods, Appetite, 49, 148-158.
  • Boer, J., Hoogland, C. T. ve Boersema, J. J. (2007). Towards more sustainable food choices: Value priorities and motivational orientations, Food Quality and Preference, 18, 985-996.
  • Chakrabarti, S. (2010). Factors influencing organic food purchase in India – expert survey insights, British Food Journal, 112 (8), 902-915.
  • Chen, M. (2009). Attitude toward organic foods among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness, environmental attitudes, and the mediating effects of a healthy lifestyle, British Food Journal, 111 (2), 165-178.
  • Chen, M. (2011). The gender gap in food choice motives as determinants of consumers’ attitudes toward GM foods in Taiwan, British Food Journal, 113 (6), 697-709.
  • Dikmen, D., İnan-Eroğlu, E., Göktaş, Z., Barut-Uyar, B. ve Karabulut, E. (2016). Validation of a Turkish version of the food choice questionnaire, Food Quality and Preference, 52, 81-86.
  • Dowd, K. ve Burke, K. J. (2013). The influence of ethical values and food choice motivations on intentions to purchase sustainably sourced foods, Appetite, 69, 137-144.
  • Eertmans, A., Victoir, A., Vansant, G. ve Bergh, O. (2005). Food-related personality traits, food choice motives and food intake: Mediator and moderator relationships, Food Quality and Preference, 16, 714-726.
  • Freedman, I. (2016). Cultural specificity in food choice – The case of ethnography in Japan, Appetite, 96, 138-146.
  • Goetzke, B. I. ve Spiller, A. (2014). Health-improving lifestyles of organic and functional food consumers, British Food Journal, 116 (3), 510-526.
  • Honkanen, P. ve Frewer, L. (2009) Russian consumers’ motives for food choice. Appetite, 52, 363-371.
  • Januszewska, R., Pieniak, Z. ve Verbeke, W. (2011). Food choice questionnaire revisited in four countries. Does it still measure the same?, Appetite, 57, 94-98.
  • Kyutoku, Y., Minami, Y., Koizumi, T., Okamoto, M., Kusakabe, Y. ve Dan, I. (2012). Conceptualization of food choice motives and consumption among Japanese in light of meal, gender, and age effects, Food Quality and Preference, 24, 213-217.
  • Lindeman, M. ve Väänänen, M. (2000). Measurement of ethical food choice models. Appetite, 34. 55-59.
  • Magnusson, M. (2004). Consumer Perception of Organic and Genetically Modified Foods, Health and Environmental Considerations, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Faculty of Social Sciences, Uppsala.
  • Manan, H. A. (2016). The Hierarchical Influence of Personal Values on Attitudes toward Food and Food Choices, Procedia Economics and Finance, 37, 439-446.
  • Manohar, S. J., Devaru, S. D. B. ve Arundathi, S. V. (2012). Consumer Perception Towards Organic Food Products: An Exploratory Study In Bangalore Using Factor Analysis, International Journal of Management Research and Review, 2 (10), 1733-1747.
  • Menozzi, D., Halawany-Darson, R., Mora, C. ve Giraud, G. (2015). Motives towards traceable food choice: A comparison between French and Italian consumers, Food Control, 49, 40-48.
  • Milosevic, J., Žeželj, I., Gorton, M. ve Bajrolle, D. (2012) Understanding the motives for food choice in Western Balkan Countries. Appetite, 58: 205-214.
  • Missagia, S. V., Oliveira, S. R. ve Rezende, D. C. (2012). Food Choice Motives and Healthy Eating: Assessing Gender differences. Encontro da ANPAD, Rio de Janeiro/RJ-22 a 26 de setembro de 2012.
  • Mohd-Any, A. A., Mahdzan, N. S. ve Cher, C. S. (2014). Food choice motives of different ethnics and the foodies segment in Kuala Lumpur, British Food Journal, 116 (12), 1879-1896.
  • Onyango, B. M., Hallman, W. K. ve Bellows, A. C. (2007). Purchasing Organic Food in US Food Systems, A Study of Attitudes and Practice, British Food Journal, 109 (5), 399-411.
  • Pieniak, Z., Verbeke, W., Vanhonacker, F., Guerrero, L. ve Hersleth, M. (2009). Association between traditional food consumption and motives for food choice in six European countries, Appetite, 53, 101-108.
  • Prattala, R., Paalanen, L., Grinberga, D., Helasoja, V., Kasmel, A., ve Petkeviciene, J. (2006). Gender differences in the consumption of meat, fruit and vegetables are similar in Finland and the Baltic countries, The European Journal of Public Health, 17 (5), 520-525.
  • Prescott, J., Young, O., O’Neill, L., Yau, N. J. N. ve Stevens, R. (2002). Motives for food choice: a comparison of consumers from Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and New Zealand, Food Quality and Preference, 13, 489–495.
  • Share, M. ve Stewart-Knox, B. (2012). Determinants of food choice in Irish adolescents, Food Quality and Preference, 25, 57–62.
  • Steptoe, A. ve Pollard, T. M. (1995) Development of a Measure of the Motives Underlying the Selection of Food: the Food Choice Questionnaire. Appetite, 25: 267–284.
  • Stöckli, S., Stampfli, A. E., Messner, C. ve Brunner, T. A. (2016). An (un)healthy poster: When environmental cues affect consumers’ food choices at vending machines, Appetite, 96,368-374.
  • TUİK. (2017). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları 2016, Sayı: 24638.

Determination of Effective Motivations in Turks Food Preferences

Yıl 2017, , 425 - 448, 01.12.2017


Identfiying consumers’ motivations that effect on food choice is highly important for the companies which produce and service food and beverage. In case of companies identify what those motives are, they will reach their goal. In this context; when researches are reviewed, they are mostly about the motives of foreign tourists is seen. According to this study, the main purpose is determine the motivations that affect food choices of Turkish people. Data collection tool of this research is survey. Questionnaire consists of 2 sections; at the first section 6 questions are aimed at identify the demographic features’ of participants. Second section includes 44 expressions is aimed at identify the facts of daily food choice that participants attach importance to. As a result of the research; The most effective factor in Turks food choices is the sensory factor. Sensory factor is followed by price, suitability and availability, mood, natural food, health, ecological, weight, faith and familiarity, political causative factors


  • Antin, T. M. J. ve Hunt, G. (2012). Food choice as a multidimensional experience. A qualitative study with young African American women, Appetite, 58, 856-863.
  • Ares, G. ve Gambaro, A. (2007). Influence of gender, age and motives underlying food choice on perceived healthiness and willingness to try functional foods, Appetite, 49, 148-158.
  • Boer, J., Hoogland, C. T. ve Boersema, J. J. (2007). Towards more sustainable food choices: Value priorities and motivational orientations, Food Quality and Preference, 18, 985-996.
  • Chakrabarti, S. (2010). Factors influencing organic food purchase in India – expert survey insights, British Food Journal, 112 (8), 902-915.
  • Chen, M. (2009). Attitude toward organic foods among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness, environmental attitudes, and the mediating effects of a healthy lifestyle, British Food Journal, 111 (2), 165-178.
  • Chen, M. (2011). The gender gap in food choice motives as determinants of consumers’ attitudes toward GM foods in Taiwan, British Food Journal, 113 (6), 697-709.
  • Dikmen, D., İnan-Eroğlu, E., Göktaş, Z., Barut-Uyar, B. ve Karabulut, E. (2016). Validation of a Turkish version of the food choice questionnaire, Food Quality and Preference, 52, 81-86.
  • Dowd, K. ve Burke, K. J. (2013). The influence of ethical values and food choice motivations on intentions to purchase sustainably sourced foods, Appetite, 69, 137-144.
  • Eertmans, A., Victoir, A., Vansant, G. ve Bergh, O. (2005). Food-related personality traits, food choice motives and food intake: Mediator and moderator relationships, Food Quality and Preference, 16, 714-726.
  • Freedman, I. (2016). Cultural specificity in food choice – The case of ethnography in Japan, Appetite, 96, 138-146.
  • Goetzke, B. I. ve Spiller, A. (2014). Health-improving lifestyles of organic and functional food consumers, British Food Journal, 116 (3), 510-526.
  • Honkanen, P. ve Frewer, L. (2009) Russian consumers’ motives for food choice. Appetite, 52, 363-371.
  • Januszewska, R., Pieniak, Z. ve Verbeke, W. (2011). Food choice questionnaire revisited in four countries. Does it still measure the same?, Appetite, 57, 94-98.
  • Kyutoku, Y., Minami, Y., Koizumi, T., Okamoto, M., Kusakabe, Y. ve Dan, I. (2012). Conceptualization of food choice motives and consumption among Japanese in light of meal, gender, and age effects, Food Quality and Preference, 24, 213-217.
  • Lindeman, M. ve Väänänen, M. (2000). Measurement of ethical food choice models. Appetite, 34. 55-59.
  • Magnusson, M. (2004). Consumer Perception of Organic and Genetically Modified Foods, Health and Environmental Considerations, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Faculty of Social Sciences, Uppsala.
  • Manan, H. A. (2016). The Hierarchical Influence of Personal Values on Attitudes toward Food and Food Choices, Procedia Economics and Finance, 37, 439-446.
  • Manohar, S. J., Devaru, S. D. B. ve Arundathi, S. V. (2012). Consumer Perception Towards Organic Food Products: An Exploratory Study In Bangalore Using Factor Analysis, International Journal of Management Research and Review, 2 (10), 1733-1747.
  • Menozzi, D., Halawany-Darson, R., Mora, C. ve Giraud, G. (2015). Motives towards traceable food choice: A comparison between French and Italian consumers, Food Control, 49, 40-48.
  • Milosevic, J., Žeželj, I., Gorton, M. ve Bajrolle, D. (2012) Understanding the motives for food choice in Western Balkan Countries. Appetite, 58: 205-214.
  • Missagia, S. V., Oliveira, S. R. ve Rezende, D. C. (2012). Food Choice Motives and Healthy Eating: Assessing Gender differences. Encontro da ANPAD, Rio de Janeiro/RJ-22 a 26 de setembro de 2012.
  • Mohd-Any, A. A., Mahdzan, N. S. ve Cher, C. S. (2014). Food choice motives of different ethnics and the foodies segment in Kuala Lumpur, British Food Journal, 116 (12), 1879-1896.
  • Onyango, B. M., Hallman, W. K. ve Bellows, A. C. (2007). Purchasing Organic Food in US Food Systems, A Study of Attitudes and Practice, British Food Journal, 109 (5), 399-411.
  • Pieniak, Z., Verbeke, W., Vanhonacker, F., Guerrero, L. ve Hersleth, M. (2009). Association between traditional food consumption and motives for food choice in six European countries, Appetite, 53, 101-108.
  • Prattala, R., Paalanen, L., Grinberga, D., Helasoja, V., Kasmel, A., ve Petkeviciene, J. (2006). Gender differences in the consumption of meat, fruit and vegetables are similar in Finland and the Baltic countries, The European Journal of Public Health, 17 (5), 520-525.
  • Prescott, J., Young, O., O’Neill, L., Yau, N. J. N. ve Stevens, R. (2002). Motives for food choice: a comparison of consumers from Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and New Zealand, Food Quality and Preference, 13, 489–495.
  • Share, M. ve Stewart-Knox, B. (2012). Determinants of food choice in Irish adolescents, Food Quality and Preference, 25, 57–62.
  • Steptoe, A. ve Pollard, T. M. (1995) Development of a Measure of the Motives Underlying the Selection of Food: the Food Choice Questionnaire. Appetite, 25: 267–284.
  • Stöckli, S., Stampfli, A. E., Messner, C. ve Brunner, T. A. (2016). An (un)healthy poster: When environmental cues affect consumers’ food choices at vending machines, Appetite, 96,368-374.
  • TUİK. (2017). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları 2016, Sayı: 24638.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Turizm

Göksel Kemal Girgin

Berna Karakaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Girgin, G. K., & Karakaş, B. (2017). TÜRKLERİN GIDA TERCİHLERİNDE ETKİLİ OLAN MOTİVASYONLARIN BELİRLENMESİ. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(38), 425-448.