Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 31, 47 - 67, 15.06.2014


Problem Durumu: E-öğrenme, öğretim kurumlarıyla birlikte işletmelerde de
daha geniş uygulama alanı bulmaktadır. E-öğrenme uygulamalarının etkinliği
önemli ölçüde tasarımına bağlıdır. E-öğrenme öğretim tasarımını etkileyen
faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve tasarımın cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim düzeyi, İnternet
kullanım alışkanlıkları gibi bağımsız değişkenlerle ilişkisinin açığa çıkarılması
uygulamanın etkinliğini artıracaktır.
Araştırmanın Amacı: Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türk telekomünikasyon sektöründe
çalışan kullanıcıların bakış açısıyla, e-öğrenme öğretim tasarımını etkileyen
faktörlerin belirlenmesidir. İkinci olarak e-öğrenme tasarım algısı ile
cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim düzeyi, çalışma süresi, İnternet kullanım alışkanlıkları ve
e-öğrenme deneyimi bağımsız değişkenleri arasında istatistiki olarak anlamlı
bir ilişkinin olup olmadığının açığa çıkarılmasıdır.
Yöntem: Araştırma İstanbul’da yerleşik beş Telekom firması (Avea, TTNet,
Turkcell, Türk Telekom, Vodafone) çalışanlarına uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın
uygulanmasında, anketler kullanıcılara ilgili işletmelerin İnsan Kaynakları sorumluları
tarafından iletilmiştir. Analizlerde kullanılacak anket sayısı yapılan
elemelerden sonra 305 olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın amaçlarına ulaşmak
için bir model geliştirilmiş, verilerin analizi için açıklayıcı faktör analizi
Bulgular ve Sonuçlar: Verilerin analizi sonucunda, Türk Telekom sektörü
kullanıcılarının bakış açısına göre, e-öğrenme öğretim tasarımını etkileyen üç faktör bulunmuştur. Araştırmanın amacına yönelik hipotezlerin test edilmesi
ile bir takım bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. Cinsiyet, yaş, çalışma süresi, eğitim düzeyi,
İnternet kullanım alışkanlıkları ve e-öğrenme deneyimi ile e-öğrenme tasarımı
arasında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu hipotezleri reddedilmiştir.
Öneriler: Araştırma sonucuna göre, işletmelerde e-öğrenme öğretim tasarımının
etkinliğini artırmak için tasarımcıların, içerik ve arayüz tasarımı, etkileşim
ve esneklik faktörlerine odaklanmaları gerekmektedir. Bu araştırmada
elde edilen bulguların diğer sektörler için de geçerli olduğunu söyleyebilmek
için ilave araştırmalara gereksinim vardır.


  • Al Shibly, H. (2011). Human resources information systems success assessment: An integrative model. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5, 157-169.
  • Arı, E. (2011). Temel kavramlar . Filiz, S.,B. (Ed.) Öğrenme Öğretme Kuram ve Yaklaşımları içinde, (s. 2-23). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Bader, L., Köttstorfer, M. (2013). E-Learning from a student’s view with focus on global studies. Multicultural Education &Technology Journal, 2/3, 176-191.
  • Bal, C.G., Adaş, S., Çelik, A. (2012). Bilişim sistemleri başarı modeli ve aile hekimliği bilişim sistemleri. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 1, 35-46)
  • Benjamin P., Levine, G., Levine, E. (2010). The perplexing role of learner control in e-learning: will learning and transfer benefit or suffer? International Journal of Training and Development, 3, 180-198.
  • Brown, J., S., Duguid, P. (200). The Social Life of Information, Harward Business School Press.
  • Brown, K.G. (2005). A Field Study of Employee e-Learning Activity and Outcomes. Human Resource Development Quarterly, (16), 4, 465 -482.
  • Çakır, H., Uluyol, Ç.,Karadeniz, Ş. (2008). Öğretim stratejileri, Yalın, H.İ. (Ed.) İnternet Temelli Eğitim içinde, (s. 65-105). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Chen, C.W.D., Cheng, C.Y.J. (2009). Understanding consumer intention in online shopping: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean model. Behaviour&Information Technology, 4, 335-345.
  • Clark, R., C., Mayer, R., E. (2011). E-Learning and the Science of Instruction, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Third Edition, E-book.
  • Dam, N.V. (2002). Learning by design. E-learning. Ocak 2002. 38-39.
  • Danesh, S.Y.S., Hasheminia, S., Sirousbakht, S., Danesh, M.M.S. (2012). Evaluation of effective factors on electronic learning and satisfying learners in Virtual Universities of Tehran 820129. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 9.
  • DeLone, W.H., McLean, E.R. (2003).The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: A ten year update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 4, 9-30.
  • Eoma, S., Ashillb, N.J., Arbaughc, B. (2012). The role of information technology in e-learning systems success. Human Systems Management 31, 147–163
  • Fox, M. (2003). Learning design and e-learning”, 2003. doc/thirdparty/Epic_Whtp_learningdesign.pdf, (erişim: 30/6/2013)
  • Gharechedaghi, N. N., Fartash, A., Ghotbi, A. (2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning courses based on the Kirkpatrick Model. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 6, 5636-5643.
  • Granger, B.,P. (2012). Enhancing Training Outcomes in the Context of e-Learning: The Impact of Objective Learner Control,Training Content Complexity, Cognitive Load, Learning Goal Orientation, and Metacognitive Strategies. Graduate School Theses and Dissertations Society. 13 (4), 167-179. http://scholarcommons. (Erişim: 20.08.2013.)
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2012). E-öğrenme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Hançer, A. (2011). Türkiye’de e-öğrenmenin bugünü ve geleceği. Yamamto, G.,T., Demiray, U., Kesim, M. (Ed.) Türkiye’de E-Öğrenme Gelişmeler ve Uygulamalar içinde (s. 421-435). Ankara: Efil Yayınevi.
  • Harrison, S., Dourish, P. (1996). Re-place-ing space: the roles of place and space in collaborative systems. CSCW ’96 proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on computer supported work, 67-69. classes/ubicomplexity/pdfs/crit/harrison-place-space.pdf (Erişim: 23.08.2013)
  • Hussin, H., Bunyarit, F., Hussein, R. (2009). Instructional design and e-learning: Examining learners` perspective in Malaysian institutions of higher learning. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 1, 4-18.
  • Jelitto, M. (2004). Gender mainstreaming and the development of e-Learning content and tools. (Erişim: 30/06/2013).
  • Jung, I. (2011). The dimensions of e-learning quality: from the learner’s perspective. Education Tech Research Dev, 59, 445-464.
  • Karataş, S. Temel kavramlar ve kuramsal temeller (2008). Yalın, H.İ. (Ed.) İnternet Temelli Eğitim içinde, (s. 1-29). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Ostlund, C. (2013). E-Learning Use Patterns in the Workplace – WebLogs from Interaction with a Web Based Lecture. (Erişim: 27.08.2013)
  • Pange, A., Pange, J. (2011). Is e-learning based on learning theories? A literature review. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 80, 62-67.
  • Ramayah, T., Ahmad, N.H., Hong, T.S. (2012). An assessment of e-training effectiveness in multinational companies in Malaysia. Educational Technology & Society, 15 (2), 125-137.
  • Reiser, R.A. (2001). A History of Instructional Design and Technology: Part II: A History of Instructional Design. Educational Technology Research&Delopment, 49 (2).
  • Rosenberg, M. J. (2001). E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. McGraw-Hill.
  • Şahin, S. (2008). The relationship between student characteristics, including learning styles, and their perceptions and satisfaction in Web-based courses in Higer Education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE January 2008 (9) Number: 1, 123-138.
  • Saraç, M., Çiftçioğlu, B.A. (2010). Örgütlerde e-öğrenme açılımı. Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 29-52.
  • Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde ve Davranışsal Ölçümlerde Geçerlik ve Güvenilirlik. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • Siqueira, S.W.M., Braz, M.H. L.B., Melo, R.N. (2007. Modeling e-learning content. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 1/2, 140-152.
  • Smaldino, S.E., Lowther, D.L., Russell, J.D. ( 2008). Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, Pearson Merill prentice Hall.
  • Strother, J. (2002). An Assessment of the Effectiveness of e-learning in corporate training programs. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol.3, No. 1, pp.1-17.
  • The Penguin English Dictionary (2004). İstanbul: Alkım Yayınları. Wahlstedt, A., Pekkola, S., Niemelä, M. (2008). From e-learning space to e-learning place. British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol 39 No 6, 1020–1030
  • Wang, J., Solan, D., Ghods, A. (2010). Distance learning success – a perspective from socio-technical system theory. Behviour & Information Technology, 29 (3), 321-329.
  • Wang, J., Solan, D., Ghods, A. (2010). Distance learning success – a perspective from socio-technical system theory. Behviour & Information Technology, 29 (3), 321-329.
  • Wang, M.,Ran, W., Liao, J.,Yang, S.J.H. (2010). A-performance oriented approach to e-learning in the workplace. Educational Technology & Society.13 (4), 167-179.
  • Zaharias, P., Pylygmenakou, A. (2009). Developing a usability evaluation method for e-learning applications: Beyond functional usability. Int. Journal of Human- Computer Interaction, 1, 75-98.

Factors Affecting E-Learning Instruction Design and Relation with Design Perception

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 31, 47 - 67, 15.06.2014


Problem: E-learning has been used extensively in firms as well as in education
society. Efficiency of e-learning applications significantly depends on the design.
To determine the factors affecting the design of e-learning instruction and to reveal
the relationship between design and the independent variables such as gender,
age, education level, Internet use habits will increase the effectiveness of the
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting
the design of e-learning instruction with the view of users working in the
Turkish telecommunications sector. Another purpose is to reveal whether there
is a statistically significant relationship between perception of e-learning design
and the independent variables including gender, age, level of education, working
hours, Internet use habits, e-learning experience.
Methodology: Research was applied to the employees of five telecom firms
(Avea, TTNET, Turkcell, Turk Telekom, Vodafone) located in Istanbul. In the implementation
of the study, questionnaires were submitted to employees by Human
Resources Departments of relevant firms. After qualifications, the number
of questionnaires to be used in the analysis were determined as 305. A model was developed to achieve the objectives of the study, factor analysis was used
to analyze the data.
Findings and Results: As a result of the data analysis, from the Turkish telecom
sector users’ point of view, three factors were found to affect the design of
e-learning instruction. A number of finding were reached by testing the hypotheses
of study. The hypothesis that there is a statistically significant relationship
between e-learning design and gender, age, working years, education level, Internet
use habits, experience of e-learning was rejected.
Suggestions: According to the results of the study, in order to improve the efficiency
of e-learning instruction design, designers need to focus on content and interface
design, interactivity and flexibility factors. There is a need for further research
to assert that the findings of this study also apply to other sectors


  • Al Shibly, H. (2011). Human resources information systems success assessment: An integrative model. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5, 157-169.
  • Arı, E. (2011). Temel kavramlar . Filiz, S.,B. (Ed.) Öğrenme Öğretme Kuram ve Yaklaşımları içinde, (s. 2-23). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Bader, L., Köttstorfer, M. (2013). E-Learning from a student’s view with focus on global studies. Multicultural Education &Technology Journal, 2/3, 176-191.
  • Bal, C.G., Adaş, S., Çelik, A. (2012). Bilişim sistemleri başarı modeli ve aile hekimliği bilişim sistemleri. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 1, 35-46)
  • Benjamin P., Levine, G., Levine, E. (2010). The perplexing role of learner control in e-learning: will learning and transfer benefit or suffer? International Journal of Training and Development, 3, 180-198.
  • Brown, J., S., Duguid, P. (200). The Social Life of Information, Harward Business School Press.
  • Brown, K.G. (2005). A Field Study of Employee e-Learning Activity and Outcomes. Human Resource Development Quarterly, (16), 4, 465 -482.
  • Çakır, H., Uluyol, Ç.,Karadeniz, Ş. (2008). Öğretim stratejileri, Yalın, H.İ. (Ed.) İnternet Temelli Eğitim içinde, (s. 65-105). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Chen, C.W.D., Cheng, C.Y.J. (2009). Understanding consumer intention in online shopping: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean model. Behaviour&Information Technology, 4, 335-345.
  • Clark, R., C., Mayer, R., E. (2011). E-Learning and the Science of Instruction, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Third Edition, E-book.
  • Dam, N.V. (2002). Learning by design. E-learning. Ocak 2002. 38-39.
  • Danesh, S.Y.S., Hasheminia, S., Sirousbakht, S., Danesh, M.M.S. (2012). Evaluation of effective factors on electronic learning and satisfying learners in Virtual Universities of Tehran 820129. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 9.
  • DeLone, W.H., McLean, E.R. (2003).The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: A ten year update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 4, 9-30.
  • Eoma, S., Ashillb, N.J., Arbaughc, B. (2012). The role of information technology in e-learning systems success. Human Systems Management 31, 147–163
  • Fox, M. (2003). Learning design and e-learning”, 2003. doc/thirdparty/Epic_Whtp_learningdesign.pdf, (erişim: 30/6/2013)
  • Gharechedaghi, N. N., Fartash, A., Ghotbi, A. (2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning courses based on the Kirkpatrick Model. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 6, 5636-5643.
  • Granger, B.,P. (2012). Enhancing Training Outcomes in the Context of e-Learning: The Impact of Objective Learner Control,Training Content Complexity, Cognitive Load, Learning Goal Orientation, and Metacognitive Strategies. Graduate School Theses and Dissertations Society. 13 (4), 167-179. http://scholarcommons. (Erişim: 20.08.2013.)
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2012). E-öğrenme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Hançer, A. (2011). Türkiye’de e-öğrenmenin bugünü ve geleceği. Yamamto, G.,T., Demiray, U., Kesim, M. (Ed.) Türkiye’de E-Öğrenme Gelişmeler ve Uygulamalar içinde (s. 421-435). Ankara: Efil Yayınevi.
  • Harrison, S., Dourish, P. (1996). Re-place-ing space: the roles of place and space in collaborative systems. CSCW ’96 proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on computer supported work, 67-69. classes/ubicomplexity/pdfs/crit/harrison-place-space.pdf (Erişim: 23.08.2013)
  • Hussin, H., Bunyarit, F., Hussein, R. (2009). Instructional design and e-learning: Examining learners` perspective in Malaysian institutions of higher learning. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 1, 4-18.
  • Jelitto, M. (2004). Gender mainstreaming and the development of e-Learning content and tools. (Erişim: 30/06/2013).
  • Jung, I. (2011). The dimensions of e-learning quality: from the learner’s perspective. Education Tech Research Dev, 59, 445-464.
  • Karataş, S. Temel kavramlar ve kuramsal temeller (2008). Yalın, H.İ. (Ed.) İnternet Temelli Eğitim içinde, (s. 1-29). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Ostlund, C. (2013). E-Learning Use Patterns in the Workplace – WebLogs from Interaction with a Web Based Lecture. (Erişim: 27.08.2013)
  • Pange, A., Pange, J. (2011). Is e-learning based on learning theories? A literature review. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 80, 62-67.
  • Ramayah, T., Ahmad, N.H., Hong, T.S. (2012). An assessment of e-training effectiveness in multinational companies in Malaysia. Educational Technology & Society, 15 (2), 125-137.
  • Reiser, R.A. (2001). A History of Instructional Design and Technology: Part II: A History of Instructional Design. Educational Technology Research&Delopment, 49 (2).
  • Rosenberg, M. J. (2001). E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. McGraw-Hill.
  • Şahin, S. (2008). The relationship between student characteristics, including learning styles, and their perceptions and satisfaction in Web-based courses in Higer Education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE January 2008 (9) Number: 1, 123-138.
  • Saraç, M., Çiftçioğlu, B.A. (2010). Örgütlerde e-öğrenme açılımı. Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 29-52.
  • Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde ve Davranışsal Ölçümlerde Geçerlik ve Güvenilirlik. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • Siqueira, S.W.M., Braz, M.H. L.B., Melo, R.N. (2007. Modeling e-learning content. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 1/2, 140-152.
  • Smaldino, S.E., Lowther, D.L., Russell, J.D. ( 2008). Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, Pearson Merill prentice Hall.
  • Strother, J. (2002). An Assessment of the Effectiveness of e-learning in corporate training programs. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol.3, No. 1, pp.1-17.
  • The Penguin English Dictionary (2004). İstanbul: Alkım Yayınları. Wahlstedt, A., Pekkola, S., Niemelä, M. (2008). From e-learning space to e-learning place. British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol 39 No 6, 1020–1030
  • Wang, J., Solan, D., Ghods, A. (2010). Distance learning success – a perspective from socio-technical system theory. Behviour & Information Technology, 29 (3), 321-329.
  • Wang, J., Solan, D., Ghods, A. (2010). Distance learning success – a perspective from socio-technical system theory. Behviour & Information Technology, 29 (3), 321-329.
  • Wang, M.,Ran, W., Liao, J.,Yang, S.J.H. (2010). A-performance oriented approach to e-learning in the workplace. Educational Technology & Society.13 (4), 167-179.
  • Zaharias, P., Pylygmenakou, A. (2009). Developing a usability evaluation method for e-learning applications: Beyond functional usability. Int. Journal of Human- Computer Interaction, 1, 75-98.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Osman Bayraktar

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ekim 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 31

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayraktar, O. (2014). E-ÖĞRENME ÖĞRETİM TASARIMINI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER VE TASARIM ALGISIYLA İLGİSİ. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(31), 47-67.