Journal of Computer Science (JCS) is an international blind peer-reviewed journal. It publishes original and high-quality unpublished research papers in all areas of computer and electrical sciences (engineerings). JCS gives oppurtunity to researchers and academic professors to share their knowledge with other researchers and professors in world-wide area.
In order to upload a paper for review process:
a) Manuscript file
b) Similarity rate report
c) Copyright release form (before acceptance it is not obligatory - you can upload copyright form or upload a file depicts that after acceptance copyright form will be uploaded to system).
d) Ethics committee approval documant (if not required, you can upload a file stating this situation to the system).
should be uploaded to system.
The scope of JCS is as follow (not restricted):
Makale şablon dosyası için TIKLAYINIZ.
JCS publishes original and unpublished papers in computer science. The main objective is to support researchers with a world-wide open platform without any economic expenses. The responsibility of plagiarism is upon to all authors/corresponding author.
Publishing papers in this journal is free of charge.
The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License is applied to all research papers published by JCS and
a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned for each published paper.