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Space and Place of Jerusalem; Sociology of Religion and Inter-Cultural Sociopolitical Peace and Conflict

Yıl 2022, , 47 - 72, 30.06.2022


The study presents cultural, religious and peace and conflict discourse on Jerusalem (Israel-Palestine conflict), attempting to remain outside the realpolitik and examine sociopolitical-religious synergy and critical peace and partially integral human securitisation. Interculturalism, multiculturalism, and such notions emerged in the 1970s, emphasising different cultures' equivalence and dialogue. Besides cultural and territorial determinants of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the status quo is conditioned by a religious rather than a secular approach to political organisation. Both civilisations view their inhabit area through religious rights, turning history into theology and different theology into sociopolitics. It presents a human conflict. While religion and nationalism based on power have often contributed to antagonism, and violence, the objectives of the three monotheist religions addressing peace suggest a shift towards mutual compromise from hegemonic visions to practical expectancies. Jerusalem is the holy place where all confessions have the right of residence. Infiltration of faith into this political dispute, Islamism, and Judaism is a religious aspect disputed between Jews and Arabs. Conflicts are mainly due to territory, and religion gives it a higher purpose within narratives regarding supernatural rights. Despite the inter-religious tensions and passions involved in the contradictory faith elevation at this religious source, the internal and external peace is influenced by politics. The holy city of Jerusalem is a perpetual “poor” case-study paradigm. The future sociopolitical life must work around healthy inter-cultural, inter-religious, socioeconomic development, and critical human security. The revenge practice could negatively influence (any) peace process–causes related to social, psychological, historical, cultural, and societal stagnation. Balkans–Bosnia and Herzegovina is a comparable paradigm to the Israel–Palestinian question. Similar policies maintain, clerical, national, and ethnopolitical patterns materialise, i.e., critical peace stalemate persists.


  • Abusada, M. (2010). Islam versus Secularism in Palestine: Hamas vs. Fatah, Conference Paper, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin
  • Al-Rabi, F. (2009). Islamicjerusalem the First Qiblah. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 10, 1-26.
  • Al Tahnan, Z. (2017). Al Jazeera, Hamas and Fatah: How are the two groups different?
  • Barakat, Z. (2009). Diverging Narratives as Part of the Conflict; converging narratives as part of the solution, Proceedings of an interreligious conference, held 20 October 2009 in Jerusalem, pId=252038
  • Beauchamp, Z. (2018). Vox, How does the world feel about Israel/Palestine?
  • Biceroglu, E. (2020). AA, Hamas i Fatah zajedno protiv izraelske aneksije Zapadne obale [Hamas and Fatah together against Israel's annexation of the West Bank], hamas-i-fatah-zajedno-protiv-izraelske-aneksije-zapadne-obale/1897660
  • Bobako, M. (2017). The Palestinian Knot: The ‘New Anti-Semitism’, Islamophobia and the Question of Postcolonial Europe, Theory, Culture and Society, 35 (3), 99-120.
  • Crespi, Franco (2006). Sociologija kulture [Sociology of culture], Zagreb: Politička kultura.
  • De Martino, C. (2019). Reset Dialogues on Civilizations, Russians vs the ultra-Orthodox. Israel’s Secular–Religious Divide Gets Political”,
  • Dizdarevic, Z. (2017). Avanntgarda, Jerusalem, vjeciti grad slucaj, Novi svijet i sveti grad [Jerusalem, the Eternal City case, the New World and the Holy City],
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2011). From Aelia to Al-Quds: the Names of Islamicjerusalem in the Early Muslim Period. Mukaddime, 4 (4) , 1-42.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2016). The Inclusivity of Islamicjerusalem and its Model for Multiculturalism. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 16 (1), 23-39.
  • Frisch, H. and Sandler, H. (2004). Religion, State, and the International System in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, International Political Science Review/Revue internationale de science politique, 25 (1), 77-96
  • Havel, B. (2013). Arapsko-izraelski sukob : Religija, politika i povijest Svete zemlje [The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Religion, Politics, and the History of the Holy Land], Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
  • Hadžić, F. (2020). The Politicization of Religion and the Sacralized Balkan Nations Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 40 (7): 1-27
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Agnosticism and Atheism as Amoralism and Anti-Ideological Sociopolitical Paradigm in the Balkans, Specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (2): 68-85.
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Health inequalities and underdeveloped societies socioeconomics; critical human security with a significant focus on Africa and the Middle East, Conference paper, VIII international scientific and practical conference, International forum: problems and scientific solutions, September 6 - 8, 2021, Melbourne, Australia
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Religious and Cultural Violence; The 21st-Century Genocide against The Yazidis, Philosophy, Economics and Law review, 1 (1): 182-194, Ministry of Internal affairs of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
  • Hillenbrand, C. (1999). The Crusades Islamic Perspectives, London: Routledge.
  • International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, Transcripts, Case number IT-04-74-T, the Prosecutor versus Prlic et al.
  • Interpeace, (2017). Palestinian Youth, Challenges and Aspirations, A Study on Youth, Peace and Security Based on UN Resolution 2250,
  • Israeli, R. (1995). The charter of Allah: The platform of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Israel Affairs, 2 (1): 273-293.
  • Kalanj, R. (2000). Ideje i djelovanje: ogledi o kulturnim promjenama i razvoju [Ideas and action: essays on cultural change and development], Zagreb: Biblioteka časopisa Socijalna ekologija.
  • Katunarić, V. (2007). Lica kulture [Faces of culture], Zagreb: Biblioteka Antibarbarus.
  • Lovlie, F. (2014). Questioning the Secular-Religious Cleavage in Palestinian Politics: Comparing Fatah and Hamas, Politics and Religion, 7 (1): 100–121.
  • Lovlie, F. (2012). A secular-religious cleavage in Palestinian politics? Comparing the nationalisms of Fatah and Hamas, Conference Paper, Presented at: EUI 13th Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini Terme.
  • Munster, B. and Lotto, D. (2010). The Social Psychology of Humiliation and Revenge, The Origins of the Fundamentalist Mindset, In: The Fundamentalist Mindset: Psychological Perspectives on Religion, Violence, and History, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, (2020). The Palestine/Israel Pulse, a Joint Poll Summary Report,
  • Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, (2021). Press Release: Public Opinion Poll No (80),
  • Pascal, B. (1995). Pensées, T.S. Eliot, A.J. Krailsheimer (Trans.), London: Penguin classics.
  • Pew Research Center, (2016). Large differences in religious observance among Jews of different backgrounds,
  • Puljic, T. (2021)., “Sedamdeset godina sukoba Izraela i Palestine”,
  • Polock, D. (2020). Washington Institute for Near East Policy, A Nation Divided: Palestinian Views on War and Peace with Israel,
  • Tosum, M. (2016). AA, Kurtulmus: Neprihvatljiva priča o ograničavanju ezana u Jeruzalemu [Kurtulmus: An unacceptable story about the restriction of the call to prayer in Jerusalem],
  • United States Institute for peace, (2004). Special report, What works? Evaluating interfaith dialogue,
  • Wickert, C. (2019). Concept of Anomie (Durkheim),
  • Čačić-Kumpes, J. (2004). Politike reguliranja kulturne i etničke različitosti: o pojmovima i njihovoj upotrebi [Policies for regulating cultural and ethnic diversity: on concepts and their use], Migracijske i etničke teme, 20 (3): 143- 159.

Kudüs’ün Yeri ve Önemi; Din Sosyolojisi ve Kültürlerarası Sosyopolitik Barış ve Çatışma

Yıl 2022, , 47 - 72, 30.06.2022


Bu çalışma, Kudüs (İsrail-Filistin Çatışması) üzerindeki kültürel, dini barış ve çatışma söylemlerini sunmaktadır. Bu sırada dışarıdaki reel politik durumu, sosyopolitik-dini sinerjiyi, eleştirel barışı ve kısmî olarak ayrılamaz insani güvenliği hatırlatmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kültürler arası diyalog, çok-kültürcülük ve bu tarz nosyonlar; farklı kültürlere, eşitlik ve diyalog kavramlarına vurgu yapmak suretiyle 1970'lerde ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Arap- İsrail çatışmasındaki kültürel ve bölgesel belirleyiciler dışında, siyasi örgütlenmeye seküler yaklaşımdan ziyade statüsko, dini olarak şekillendirilmiştir. Her iki taraf da yerleşim yerlerini tarihten devşirdikleri dini haklara dayandırmakla tarihi teolojiye ve bu değişik teolojiyi de sosyopolitikaya dönüştürmektedirler. Bu da bir insan çatışması demektir. Güce dayalı din ve milliyetçilik zıtlaşma, düşmanlığa ve şiddete katkıda bulunurken; üç semavi dinin amaçları karşılıklı bir uzlaşma çerçevesinde hegamonik vizyonlardan uygulamalı beklentilere taşıyacak bir barışa işaret etmektedir. Kudüs, tüm söylemlerin direnme hakkının olduğu kutsal bir mekandır. Bu tartışmaya, inancın, İslam ve Yahudiliğin sızması Araplar ve Yahudiler arasındaki çekişmenin dini boyutudur. Aslında çatışma bölgeseldir ancak din buna daha yüksek bir amaç kazandırarak doğaüstü haklara dair anlatımlar ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu dini kaynaktan çelişkili inanç yükselişinin de dahil olduğu dinlerarası tansiyon ve tutkulara rağmen, iç ve dış barış siyasetten etkilenmektedir. Kutsal şehir Kudüs, sürekli olarak "kötü" vaka- çalışması paradigması içerisindedir. Geleceğe dönük sosyopoliti hayat; sağlıklı kültürlerarası, dinlerarası, sosyoekonomik gelişme ve vazgeçilmez insani güvenlik çerçevesinde çalışılmalıdır. İntikam alma eylemi, sosyal, psikolojik, tarihi, külütrel ve toplumsal durgunluğa bağlı her türlü barış süreç-sonucunu olumsuz etkileyebilir. Balkan- Bosna Hersek paradigması İsrail-Filistin sorunuyla karşılaştırılabilir bir paradigmadır. Benzer politikalar devam eder; dini, ulusal ve etnopolitik modeller gerçekleşirse, kritik barış çıkmazı devam eder.


  • Abusada, M. (2010). Islam versus Secularism in Palestine: Hamas vs. Fatah, Conference Paper, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin
  • Al-Rabi, F. (2009). Islamicjerusalem the First Qiblah. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 10, 1-26.
  • Al Tahnan, Z. (2017). Al Jazeera, Hamas and Fatah: How are the two groups different?
  • Barakat, Z. (2009). Diverging Narratives as Part of the Conflict; converging narratives as part of the solution, Proceedings of an interreligious conference, held 20 October 2009 in Jerusalem, pId=252038
  • Beauchamp, Z. (2018). Vox, How does the world feel about Israel/Palestine?
  • Biceroglu, E. (2020). AA, Hamas i Fatah zajedno protiv izraelske aneksije Zapadne obale [Hamas and Fatah together against Israel's annexation of the West Bank], hamas-i-fatah-zajedno-protiv-izraelske-aneksije-zapadne-obale/1897660
  • Bobako, M. (2017). The Palestinian Knot: The ‘New Anti-Semitism’, Islamophobia and the Question of Postcolonial Europe, Theory, Culture and Society, 35 (3), 99-120.
  • Crespi, Franco (2006). Sociologija kulture [Sociology of culture], Zagreb: Politička kultura.
  • De Martino, C. (2019). Reset Dialogues on Civilizations, Russians vs the ultra-Orthodox. Israel’s Secular–Religious Divide Gets Political”,
  • Dizdarevic, Z. (2017). Avanntgarda, Jerusalem, vjeciti grad slucaj, Novi svijet i sveti grad [Jerusalem, the Eternal City case, the New World and the Holy City],
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2011). From Aelia to Al-Quds: the Names of Islamicjerusalem in the Early Muslim Period. Mukaddime, 4 (4) , 1-42.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2016). The Inclusivity of Islamicjerusalem and its Model for Multiculturalism. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 16 (1), 23-39.
  • Frisch, H. and Sandler, H. (2004). Religion, State, and the International System in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, International Political Science Review/Revue internationale de science politique, 25 (1), 77-96
  • Havel, B. (2013). Arapsko-izraelski sukob : Religija, politika i povijest Svete zemlje [The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Religion, Politics, and the History of the Holy Land], Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
  • Hadžić, F. (2020). The Politicization of Religion and the Sacralized Balkan Nations Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 40 (7): 1-27
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Agnosticism and Atheism as Amoralism and Anti-Ideological Sociopolitical Paradigm in the Balkans, Specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (2): 68-85.
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Health inequalities and underdeveloped societies socioeconomics; critical human security with a significant focus on Africa and the Middle East, Conference paper, VIII international scientific and practical conference, International forum: problems and scientific solutions, September 6 - 8, 2021, Melbourne, Australia
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Religious and Cultural Violence; The 21st-Century Genocide against The Yazidis, Philosophy, Economics and Law review, 1 (1): 182-194, Ministry of Internal affairs of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
  • Hillenbrand, C. (1999). The Crusades Islamic Perspectives, London: Routledge.
  • International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, Transcripts, Case number IT-04-74-T, the Prosecutor versus Prlic et al.
  • Interpeace, (2017). Palestinian Youth, Challenges and Aspirations, A Study on Youth, Peace and Security Based on UN Resolution 2250,
  • Israeli, R. (1995). The charter of Allah: The platform of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Israel Affairs, 2 (1): 273-293.
  • Kalanj, R. (2000). Ideje i djelovanje: ogledi o kulturnim promjenama i razvoju [Ideas and action: essays on cultural change and development], Zagreb: Biblioteka časopisa Socijalna ekologija.
  • Katunarić, V. (2007). Lica kulture [Faces of culture], Zagreb: Biblioteka Antibarbarus.
  • Lovlie, F. (2014). Questioning the Secular-Religious Cleavage in Palestinian Politics: Comparing Fatah and Hamas, Politics and Religion, 7 (1): 100–121.
  • Lovlie, F. (2012). A secular-religious cleavage in Palestinian politics? Comparing the nationalisms of Fatah and Hamas, Conference Paper, Presented at: EUI 13th Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini Terme.
  • Munster, B. and Lotto, D. (2010). The Social Psychology of Humiliation and Revenge, The Origins of the Fundamentalist Mindset, In: The Fundamentalist Mindset: Psychological Perspectives on Religion, Violence, and History, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, (2020). The Palestine/Israel Pulse, a Joint Poll Summary Report,
  • Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, (2021). Press Release: Public Opinion Poll No (80),
  • Pascal, B. (1995). Pensées, T.S. Eliot, A.J. Krailsheimer (Trans.), London: Penguin classics.
  • Pew Research Center, (2016). Large differences in religious observance among Jews of different backgrounds,
  • Puljic, T. (2021)., “Sedamdeset godina sukoba Izraela i Palestine”,
  • Polock, D. (2020). Washington Institute for Near East Policy, A Nation Divided: Palestinian Views on War and Peace with Israel,
  • Tosum, M. (2016). AA, Kurtulmus: Neprihvatljiva priča o ograničavanju ezana u Jeruzalemu [Kurtulmus: An unacceptable story about the restriction of the call to prayer in Jerusalem],
  • United States Institute for peace, (2004). Special report, What works? Evaluating interfaith dialogue,
  • Wickert, C. (2019). Concept of Anomie (Durkheim),
  • Čačić-Kumpes, J. (2004). Politike reguliranja kulturne i etničke različitosti: o pojmovima i njihovoj upotrebi [Policies for regulating cultural and ethnic diversity: on concepts and their use], Migracijske i etničke teme, 20 (3): 143- 159.

المكان والفضاء في القدس؛ علم اجتماع الدين ما بين الصراع والسلام بين الثقافات والتركيبة الاجتماعية السياسية

Yıl 2022, , 47 - 72, 30.06.2022


تعرض الدراسة الخطاب الثقافي والديني والسلام والصراع حول القدس (الصراع الإسرائيلي-الفلسطيني)، في محاولة للبقاء خارج السياسة الواقعية ودراسة التآزر الاجتماعي والسياسي والديني بالاضافة للسلام النقدي والتأهيل الإنساني المتكامل جزئيًا. ظهرت التعددية الثقافية والثقافة البينية ومثل هذه المفاهيم في السبعينيات من القرن الماضي، مؤكدة على التكافؤ والحوار بين الثقافات المختلفة. إلى جانب المحددات الثقافية والإقليمية للنزاع العربي-الإسرائيلي، فإن الوضع الراهن مرتبط بنهج ديني وليس علماني للتنظيم السياسي. تنظر كلتا الحضارتين إلى منطقة سكنهما من خلال الحقوق الدينية، وتحول التاريخ إلى نظرية دينية والنظريات الدينية المختلفة إلى سياسة اجتماعية. حيث يمثل صراعًا بشريًا. في حين أن الدين والقومية القائمتين على السلطة غالبًا ما يسهمان في العداء والعنف، فإن أهداف الديانات التوحيدية الثلاث التي تتناول السلام تشير إلى تحول نحو التسوية المتبادلة من رؤى الهيمنة إلى التوقعات العملية. القدس هي المكان المقدس التي يحق لجميع الطوائف الإقامة. إن تسلل الجانب الديني إلى هذا الخلاف السياسي، من حيث الإسلام واليهودية جانب ديني متنازع عليه بين العرب واليهود. تعود النزاعات أساسًا إلى الأرض ويمنح الدين هدفًا أسمى ضمن الروايات المتعلقة بالحقوق الخارقة للطبيعة. على الرغم من التوترات بين الأديان والمشاعر التي ينطوي عليها ارتفاع الإيمان المتناقض في هذا المصدر الديني، يجعل تأثر السلام الداخلي والخارجي مرتبط بالسياسة. تعتبر مدينة القدس المقدسة نموذج دراسة حالة "افتقار" دائمة. يجب أن تكون الحياة الاجتماعية والسياسية المستقبلية متمحورة حول التنمية الصحيحة بين الثقافات والأديان والجانب الاجتماعي الاقتصادي والأمن البشري الهام. يمكن أن تؤثر ممارسة الانتقام سلبًا على (أي) عملية سلام - بأسباب تتعلق بالركود الاجتماعي والنفسي والتاريخي والثقافي والمجتمعي. نموذج البلقان / البوسنة والهرسك مشابه للقضية الفلسطينية-الإسرائيلية. السياسات المماثلة تحافظ على أن الأنماط الدينية والوطنية والعرقية السياسية تتحقق، بمعنى آخر تمثل استمرارية مأزق السلام الخطير.


  • Abusada, M. (2010). Islam versus Secularism in Palestine: Hamas vs. Fatah, Conference Paper, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin
  • Al-Rabi, F. (2009). Islamicjerusalem the First Qiblah. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 10, 1-26.
  • Al Tahnan, Z. (2017). Al Jazeera, Hamas and Fatah: How are the two groups different?
  • Barakat, Z. (2009). Diverging Narratives as Part of the Conflict; converging narratives as part of the solution, Proceedings of an interreligious conference, held 20 October 2009 in Jerusalem, pId=252038
  • Beauchamp, Z. (2018). Vox, How does the world feel about Israel/Palestine?
  • Biceroglu, E. (2020). AA, Hamas i Fatah zajedno protiv izraelske aneksije Zapadne obale [Hamas and Fatah together against Israel's annexation of the West Bank], hamas-i-fatah-zajedno-protiv-izraelske-aneksije-zapadne-obale/1897660
  • Bobako, M. (2017). The Palestinian Knot: The ‘New Anti-Semitism’, Islamophobia and the Question of Postcolonial Europe, Theory, Culture and Society, 35 (3), 99-120.
  • Crespi, Franco (2006). Sociologija kulture [Sociology of culture], Zagreb: Politička kultura.
  • De Martino, C. (2019). Reset Dialogues on Civilizations, Russians vs the ultra-Orthodox. Israel’s Secular–Religious Divide Gets Political”,
  • Dizdarevic, Z. (2017). Avanntgarda, Jerusalem, vjeciti grad slucaj, Novi svijet i sveti grad [Jerusalem, the Eternal City case, the New World and the Holy City],
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2011). From Aelia to Al-Quds: the Names of Islamicjerusalem in the Early Muslim Period. Mukaddime, 4 (4) , 1-42.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2016). The Inclusivity of Islamicjerusalem and its Model for Multiculturalism. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 16 (1), 23-39.
  • Frisch, H. and Sandler, H. (2004). Religion, State, and the International System in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, International Political Science Review/Revue internationale de science politique, 25 (1), 77-96
  • Havel, B. (2013). Arapsko-izraelski sukob : Religija, politika i povijest Svete zemlje [The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Religion, Politics, and the History of the Holy Land], Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
  • Hadžić, F. (2020). The Politicization of Religion and the Sacralized Balkan Nations Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 40 (7): 1-27
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Agnosticism and Atheism as Amoralism and Anti-Ideological Sociopolitical Paradigm in the Balkans, Specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (2): 68-85.
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Health inequalities and underdeveloped societies socioeconomics; critical human security with a significant focus on Africa and the Middle East, Conference paper, VIII international scientific and practical conference, International forum: problems and scientific solutions, September 6 - 8, 2021, Melbourne, Australia
  • Hadžić, F. (2021). Religious and Cultural Violence; The 21st-Century Genocide against The Yazidis, Philosophy, Economics and Law review, 1 (1): 182-194, Ministry of Internal affairs of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
  • Hillenbrand, C. (1999). The Crusades Islamic Perspectives, London: Routledge.
  • International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, Transcripts, Case number IT-04-74-T, the Prosecutor versus Prlic et al.
  • Interpeace, (2017). Palestinian Youth, Challenges and Aspirations, A Study on Youth, Peace and Security Based on UN Resolution 2250,
  • Israeli, R. (1995). The charter of Allah: The platform of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Israel Affairs, 2 (1): 273-293.
  • Kalanj, R. (2000). Ideje i djelovanje: ogledi o kulturnim promjenama i razvoju [Ideas and action: essays on cultural change and development], Zagreb: Biblioteka časopisa Socijalna ekologija.
  • Katunarić, V. (2007). Lica kulture [Faces of culture], Zagreb: Biblioteka Antibarbarus.
  • Lovlie, F. (2014). Questioning the Secular-Religious Cleavage in Palestinian Politics: Comparing Fatah and Hamas, Politics and Religion, 7 (1): 100–121.
  • Lovlie, F. (2012). A secular-religious cleavage in Palestinian politics? Comparing the nationalisms of Fatah and Hamas, Conference Paper, Presented at: EUI 13th Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini Terme.
  • Munster, B. and Lotto, D. (2010). The Social Psychology of Humiliation and Revenge, The Origins of the Fundamentalist Mindset, In: The Fundamentalist Mindset: Psychological Perspectives on Religion, Violence, and History, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, (2020). The Palestine/Israel Pulse, a Joint Poll Summary Report,
  • Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, (2021). Press Release: Public Opinion Poll No (80),
  • Pascal, B. (1995). Pensées, T.S. Eliot, A.J. Krailsheimer (Trans.), London: Penguin classics.
  • Pew Research Center, (2016). Large differences in religious observance among Jews of different backgrounds,
  • Puljic, T. (2021)., “Sedamdeset godina sukoba Izraela i Palestine”,
  • Polock, D. (2020). Washington Institute for Near East Policy, A Nation Divided: Palestinian Views on War and Peace with Israel,
  • Tosum, M. (2016). AA, Kurtulmus: Neprihvatljiva priča o ograničavanju ezana u Jeruzalemu [Kurtulmus: An unacceptable story about the restriction of the call to prayer in Jerusalem],
  • United States Institute for peace, (2004). Special report, What works? Evaluating interfaith dialogue,
  • Wickert, C. (2019). Concept of Anomie (Durkheim),
  • Čačić-Kumpes, J. (2004). Politike reguliranja kulturne i etničke različitosti: o pojmovima i njihovoj upotrebi [Policies for regulating cultural and ethnic diversity: on concepts and their use], Migracijske i etničke teme, 20 (3): 143- 159.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi, Din Araştırmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Faruk Hadžić 0000-0003-1158-7858

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Hadžić, F. (2022). Space and Place of Jerusalem; Sociology of Religion and Inter-Cultural Sociopolitical Peace and Conflict. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 22(1), 47-72.

ISSN:1367-1936 , e-ISSN:2514-6009