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قضية الشيخ جراح في سياق المقاومة الفلسطينية ضد الاحتلال الإسرائيلي: تغيير قواعد اللعبة

Yıl 2023, , 213 - 238, 31.12.2023


اتسمت دينامكية القضية الفلسطينية بسيطره على نموذج الاستعمار الاستيطاني الذي تمارس فيه الدولة سياسات مجحفة بحق الفلسطينيين. وتهدف الدولة اليهودية، التي لم تعلن حدودها بعد، إلى توسيع البناء الاستيطاني على حساب الفلسطينيين الذين ينظر إليهم على أنهم يشكلون تهديدا ديموغرافيا. وفي حين ارتبطت "نكبة" عام 1948 بتشريد أكثر من نصف مليون فلسطيني، فمن الصعب القول إنها تقتصر على ذلك العام. أدى قرار السلطات الإسرائيلية بطرد فلسطينيي حي الشيخ جراح من منازلهم التي أقاموا فيها لعقود من الزمن، إلى إحياء فكرة النكبة التي لا تنتهي. تحاول هذه الورقة الإجابة على سؤال كيف أثرت قضية التجريد المحتمل لحي الشيخ جراح على ديناميكية القضية الفلسطينية من خلال تسليط الضوء على تطورات قضية الشيخ جراح ومنابعها وسياسات التطهير العرقي الإسرائيلية، صمود الفلسطينيين والردود الدولية الرسمية وغير الرسمية


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Sheikh Jarrah Issue in the Context of the Palestinian Resistance against the Israeli Occupation: A Game Changer

Yıl 2023, , 213 - 238, 31.12.2023


The dynamics of the Palestinian issue have been characterised by the domination of the paradigm of the settler colonialism in which the state of Israel has been exercising unjust policies against the Palestinians. The Jewish state whose borders have not yet been established, wants to build more settlements at the expense of the Palestinians who are viewed as a demographic threat. While the Nakba of 1948 is associated with the dispossession of over 500,000 Palestinians, it is difficult to say that it is limited to that year. The Israeli government’s decision to expel the Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood from the homes they had lived in for decades resurrected the image of the never-ending Nakba. This paper attempts to answer the question of how the potential dispossession of the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood impacted the dynamics of the Palestinian issue by shedding light on Sheikh Jarrah case’s developments including its origins, Israel’s ethnic cleansing policies, the Palestinians’ steadfastness and the international formal and informal responses.


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  • Al-Jbouri, A. H. A. & Al-Samarrae, A. M. A. (2020) The Role of Jerusalemites in Preserving the Palestinian Identity and confronting the Zionist Occupation: 1967-1987. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 20(2), 253-274.
  • Alkbariti, A. (2018). محمد الكرد: غربتي لأمريكا لأحكي قصة وطن وليست نزهة. Ultra Palestine.
  • AlKoo and others (2023). The Palestinian Digital Resistance in the East Jerusalem Neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah: The Role of Personal Pages on Social Media in facing the Israeli Attempts of Displacement and Judaization. Al-Quds Journal for Academic Research, 1(2), 57-74.
  • Al-Naami, S. (2021, 12 May). Israel Tu‘lin halat al-Tawari fi al-Ludd (Israel declares emergency in Lod), Al-Arabi al-Jadeed.إسرائيل-تعلن-حالة-الطوارئ-في-اللد
  • Al-Quds Al-Arabi (2021, 17 May). Idrab ‘Aam wa-Yawm Ghadab Didd al-Ihtilal Ya‘um al-Aradi al-Filistinyah al-Thulatha’. Al-Quds Al-Arabi Newspaper.إضراب-عام-ويوم-غضب-ضد-الاحتلال-يعمّ-الأ
  • Al-Quds News Agency. (2021, 10 May). Muzaharat Tadamuniyah ma‘ Ahali al-Quds fi Mukhaymat al-Filistiniyah bi-Lubanan. Wakalat al-Quds lil-Anba’.
  • Alsaafin, L. (2014, 17 April). The role of Palestinian women in resistance. Open Democracy.
  • Ammouri, S. (2021, 6 May). Al-Quds, Mustawtinun Ya’tadun ‘ala Mawaid Iftar fi al-Shaikh Jarrah. Anadolu Agency.
  • Amnesty International UK. (2021, 10 May). Israel must not be allowed to continue its rampage against Palestinians.
  • Amnesty International. (2022). Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: cruel system of domination and crime against humanity.
  • Anthonisen, G. (2019). A History of Palestinian Uprisings through Prison Resistance since 1967. [Master's thesis, McGill University], Montreal. theses/v405sg01z Arabi 21 (2021, 30 March). Ahali al-Shaikh Jarrah Yarfudun al-Tahjir wa-Yutalibun Amman Bi-Wathaiq 1956.
  • Arafeh, N. (2016, 31 May). Which Jerusalem? Israel’s Little-Known Master Plans. Al-Shabaka.
  • Arna'out, A. (2021, 11 May). European Diplomats visit Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. Anadolu Agency.
  • Arnaout, A. (2022, 22 January). Ma’saat al-Shaikh Jarrah bil-Quds… al-Qissah al-Kamilah - Taqrir. Anadolu Agency.
  • As‘ad, A. I. (2021). Mahw al-Mahw: Ta’amulat fi Habat al-Quds wa-Madaratuha (Erasing Erasure: Reflections on the Jerusalem Uprising and Its Repercussions). Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 127: 109-115.
  • Asfour, H. (2021, 2 December). Da‘awat li-Tanzim Fa‘aliyat fi Hayy al-Shaikh Jarrah fi al-Quds. Amad Media.
  • Avundukluoğlu, M. E. (2022, January 26). Turkish Parliament speaker condemns forced eviction in occupied East Jerusalem. Anadolu Agency.
  • Aweisi, S. M. (2013). The Non-Violent Resistance in Palestine after the agreement of Oslo Declaration of Principles Bil’in and Nil’in as Models. [Master's thesis, AlAzhar University], Gaza.
  • Azaizeh, A. (2021, 28 June). Muhammad el-Kurd.. Sha‘ir al-Quds Yaktub ‘An Rifqah. Arab 48.
  • Baheth Center for Palestinian and Strategic Studies (2011). Al-Irhab al-Sahyuni Tijah al-Ard al-Filistiniyah, Qanun Amlak al-Gha’ibin Namuzajan.
  • Banat, B. Y. I. (2018). Palestinian Women and Resistance. ANGLISTICUM: Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies. 7 (3), 44-55.
  • CNN (2021). Mohammed el-Kurd on CNN talking about Sheikh Jarrah. CNN Arabic.
  • Committee for Justice (2021, 9 May). Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights calls on Israel to halt forced evictions of Palestinians from Jerusalem.
  • Darrah, D. (2021, 17 May). Palestine solidarity: Mass demonstrations across Canada. Spring.
  • Dumper, M. (1991). Israeli Settlement in the Old City of Jerusalem. Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 2 (8), 1-29.
  • El-Kurd, M. (2021, 16 February). If they steal Sheikh Jarrah, Mada Masr.
  • El-Sakka, A. (2013). Al-Hawiyah al-Ijtima‘iyah al-Filistiniyah Tamathulatha wa-Tadakhlatha al-Muta‘adidah (Palestinian social identity: fragmented representations and multiple interconnections). Palestinian Centre for Research and Strategic Studies, Masarat, Ramallah, pp. 35-64.
  • English, G. M. (2021, 11 June) Viewpoint: Dispossession Is the Root Cause of Palestinian Unity. Political Violence at a Glance.
  • Fisher, M. (2016, 29 December). The Two-State Solution: What it is and why it hasn’t happened. The New York Times.
  • Frère, A. (2020). House Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem. Ramallah: Al-Haq Organisation.
  • Garbett, L. (2021, 18 May). I live in Sheikh Jarrah. For Palestinians, this is not a ‘real estate dispute.’ The Guardian.
  • Gebeily, M. (2021, 10 May). Instagram, Twitter blame glitches for deleting Palestinian posts. Reuters.
  • General Union of Palestinian Women (1977). Glimpses of the Struggle of Palestinian Women. Magazine of the General Union of the Palestinian Women.
  • Hadaf News. (2021, 10 May). Al-Diffa al-Muhtalah: Muzaharat fi Jenin wa-Ramallah Da‘man wa-Isnadan lil-Quds. Al-Hadaf News.
  • Hamid, S. (2021, 18 May). Don’t take the narrow view of what is happening in Gaza. Brookings Institution,
  • Hammuda, A. (2017, 24 July). 10 reasons electronic gates around Al-Aqsa are utterly rejected. Islam21C.
  • Harb, H. (2021, 30 June). Al-Maqdisiyah Muna el-Kurd Tahmil Hayy al-Shaikh Jarrah li-Qa‘at al-Takharuj fi Beirzeit. Al-Quds Al-Arabi Newspaper.
  • Harsanyi, D. (2021, 3 August). Rashida Tlaib Says Certain (((People))) Are Exploiting America. National Review.
  • Hilal, J. (2000). The al-Aqsa Uprising: The Direct Aims and the Elements of Endurance). Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 11(44): 1-19.
  • Høigilt, J. (2015). Nonviolent mobilization between a rock and a hard place: Popular resistance and double repression in the West Bank. Journal of Peace Research, 52(5), 636–648.
  • Hürriyet Daily News. (2021, 14 May). Turkey urges swift int’l action against Israel.
  • Huwari, Y. (2018, 14 November). Subul Taziz al-Muqawamah al-Makaniyah fi Wajh al-Istitan. Al-Akhbar.
  • Ibrahim, A. (2022, 17 May).Min Jabahat al-Shaikh Jarrah wa-Funduq al-Malik Dawud: Kayf Dafa‘ al-Filistinyun wal-Arab ‘an al-Quds iban al-Nakbah. Arabic Post.
  • Imbert, L. (2021, 4 June). En Palestine, une vague de colère «du fleuve à la mer». Le Monde.
  • Jubeh, N. (2021). حي الشيخ جراح ومعركه البقاء (Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood and the Battle of Survival). Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 127: 34-65.
  • Jundi, A. (2021a, 11 May). Sheikh Jarrah: Neighbourhood’s resilient women say ‘we will not leave’. Middle East Eye.
  • Jundi, A. (2021b, 30 December). Rasim fa-Tashwih fa-Tarmim, Jadariyat “al-Shaikh Jarrah” bil-Quds Masahat al-Nidal al-Ahali wal-Mutadaminin. Al-Jazeera Net.
  • Kark, R., & Landman, S. (1980). The Establishment of Muslim Neighbourhoods in Jerusalem, Outside the Old City, During the Late Ottoman Period. Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 112(2), 113–135.
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İsrail İşgaline Karşı Filistin Direnişi Bağlamında Şeyh Cerrah Meselesi: Oyun Değiştirici

Yıl 2023, , 213 - 238, 31.12.2023


Filistin meselesinin dinamikleri, devletin Filistinlilere karşı adaletsiz politikalar uyguladığı yerleşimci sömürgecilik anlayışıyla belirlenmektedir. Henüz sınırlarını ilan etmemiş olan Yahudi devleti, demografik bir tehdit olarak algıladığı Filistinlilere karşı yerleşim alanlarını genişleterek politikalarını sürdürmeyi amaçlamaktadır. 1948'deki "Nakba", yarım milyondan fazla Filistinlinin mülksüzleştirilmesiyle ilişkilendirilse de, bu olayı 1948 yılı ile sınırlamak doğru olmayabilir. İsrail yetkililerinin Şeyh Cerrah Mahallesi'nde yaşayan Filistinlileri uzun yıllardır kaldıkları evlerinden çıkarma kararı, bitmeyecek bir "Nakba" kavramını yeniden gündeme getirmiştir. Bu makale, Şeyh Cerrah davasının kökenlerini, İsrail'in etnik temizlik politikalarını ve Filistin meselesinin dinamiklerini nasıl etkilediğini anlamak adına Şeyh Cerrah Mahallesi'nin mülksüzleştirilmesi konusunu ele alarak, gelişmeleri açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Bu çalışmayla ayrıca Filistinlilerin kararlılığına, uluslararası resmi ve gayri resmi tepkilerin bu bağlamda önemli bir rol oynadığına da vurgu yapılmaktadır.


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  • Alsaafin, L. (2014, 17 April). The role of Palestinian women in resistance. Open Democracy.
  • Ammouri, S. (2021, 6 May). Al-Quds, Mustawtinun Ya’tadun ‘ala Mawaid Iftar fi al-Shaikh Jarrah. Anadolu Agency.
  • Amnesty International UK. (2021, 10 May). Israel must not be allowed to continue its rampage against Palestinians.
  • Amnesty International. (2022). Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: cruel system of domination and crime against humanity.
  • Anthonisen, G. (2019). A History of Palestinian Uprisings through Prison Resistance since 1967. [Master's thesis, McGill University], Montreal. theses/v405sg01z Arabi 21 (2021, 30 March). Ahali al-Shaikh Jarrah Yarfudun al-Tahjir wa-Yutalibun Amman Bi-Wathaiq 1956.
  • Arafeh, N. (2016, 31 May). Which Jerusalem? Israel’s Little-Known Master Plans. Al-Shabaka.
  • Arna'out, A. (2021, 11 May). European Diplomats visit Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. Anadolu Agency.
  • Arnaout, A. (2022, 22 January). Ma’saat al-Shaikh Jarrah bil-Quds… al-Qissah al-Kamilah - Taqrir. Anadolu Agency.
  • As‘ad, A. I. (2021). Mahw al-Mahw: Ta’amulat fi Habat al-Quds wa-Madaratuha (Erasing Erasure: Reflections on the Jerusalem Uprising and Its Repercussions). Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 127: 109-115.
  • Asfour, H. (2021, 2 December). Da‘awat li-Tanzim Fa‘aliyat fi Hayy al-Shaikh Jarrah fi al-Quds. Amad Media.
  • Avundukluoğlu, M. E. (2022, January 26). Turkish Parliament speaker condemns forced eviction in occupied East Jerusalem. Anadolu Agency.
  • Aweisi, S. M. (2013). The Non-Violent Resistance in Palestine after the agreement of Oslo Declaration of Principles Bil’in and Nil’in as Models. [Master's thesis, AlAzhar University], Gaza.
  • Azaizeh, A. (2021, 28 June). Muhammad el-Kurd.. Sha‘ir al-Quds Yaktub ‘An Rifqah. Arab 48.
  • Baheth Center for Palestinian and Strategic Studies (2011). Al-Irhab al-Sahyuni Tijah al-Ard al-Filistiniyah, Qanun Amlak al-Gha’ibin Namuzajan.
  • Banat, B. Y. I. (2018). Palestinian Women and Resistance. ANGLISTICUM: Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies. 7 (3), 44-55.
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  • Committee for Justice (2021, 9 May). Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights calls on Israel to halt forced evictions of Palestinians from Jerusalem.
  • Darrah, D. (2021, 17 May). Palestine solidarity: Mass demonstrations across Canada. Spring.
  • Dumper, M. (1991). Israeli Settlement in the Old City of Jerusalem. Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 2 (8), 1-29.
  • El-Kurd, M. (2021, 16 February). If they steal Sheikh Jarrah, Mada Masr.
  • El-Sakka, A. (2013). Al-Hawiyah al-Ijtima‘iyah al-Filistiniyah Tamathulatha wa-Tadakhlatha al-Muta‘adidah (Palestinian social identity: fragmented representations and multiple interconnections). Palestinian Centre for Research and Strategic Studies, Masarat, Ramallah, pp. 35-64.
  • English, G. M. (2021, 11 June) Viewpoint: Dispossession Is the Root Cause of Palestinian Unity. Political Violence at a Glance.
  • Fisher, M. (2016, 29 December). The Two-State Solution: What it is and why it hasn’t happened. The New York Times.
  • Frère, A. (2020). House Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem. Ramallah: Al-Haq Organisation.
  • Garbett, L. (2021, 18 May). I live in Sheikh Jarrah. For Palestinians, this is not a ‘real estate dispute.’ The Guardian.
  • Gebeily, M. (2021, 10 May). Instagram, Twitter blame glitches for deleting Palestinian posts. Reuters.
  • General Union of Palestinian Women (1977). Glimpses of the Struggle of Palestinian Women. Magazine of the General Union of the Palestinian Women.
  • Hadaf News. (2021, 10 May). Al-Diffa al-Muhtalah: Muzaharat fi Jenin wa-Ramallah Da‘man wa-Isnadan lil-Quds. Al-Hadaf News.
  • Hamid, S. (2021, 18 May). Don’t take the narrow view of what is happening in Gaza. Brookings Institution,
  • Hammuda, A. (2017, 24 July). 10 reasons electronic gates around Al-Aqsa are utterly rejected. Islam21C.
  • Harb, H. (2021, 30 June). Al-Maqdisiyah Muna el-Kurd Tahmil Hayy al-Shaikh Jarrah li-Qa‘at al-Takharuj fi Beirzeit. Al-Quds Al-Arabi Newspaper.
  • Harsanyi, D. (2021, 3 August). Rashida Tlaib Says Certain (((People))) Are Exploiting America. National Review.
  • Hilal, J. (2000). The al-Aqsa Uprising: The Direct Aims and the Elements of Endurance). Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 11(44): 1-19.
  • Høigilt, J. (2015). Nonviolent mobilization between a rock and a hard place: Popular resistance and double repression in the West Bank. Journal of Peace Research, 52(5), 636–648.
  • Hürriyet Daily News. (2021, 14 May). Turkey urges swift int’l action against Israel.
  • Huwari, Y. (2018, 14 November). Subul Taziz al-Muqawamah al-Makaniyah fi Wajh al-Istitan. Al-Akhbar.
  • Ibrahim, A. (2022, 17 May).Min Jabahat al-Shaikh Jarrah wa-Funduq al-Malik Dawud: Kayf Dafa‘ al-Filistinyun wal-Arab ‘an al-Quds iban al-Nakbah. Arabic Post.
  • Imbert, L. (2021, 4 June). En Palestine, une vague de colère «du fleuve à la mer». Le Monde.
  • Jubeh, N. (2021). حي الشيخ جراح ومعركه البقاء (Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood and the Battle of Survival). Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, 127: 34-65.
  • Jundi, A. (2021a, 11 May). Sheikh Jarrah: Neighbourhood’s resilient women say ‘we will not leave’. Middle East Eye.
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Toplam 109 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sosyal Medya Çalışmaları, Siyaset Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Samah Karamah

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Karamah, S. (2023). Sheikh Jarrah Issue in the Context of the Palestinian Resistance against the Israeli Occupation: A Game Changer. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 23(2), 213-238.

ISSN:1367-1936 , e-ISSN:2514-6009