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Et ve İşlenmiş Et Tüketiminin Halk Sağlığına Etkileri

Yıl 2019, , 231 - 245, 30.09.2019


dünya çapında sağlık, ekonomik ve kültürel etkileri güçlü olan insan diyetinin
önemli bir parçasıdır. Et ve et ürünleri, protein, yağ ve çeşitli fonksiyonel
bileşikleri içeren önemli bir kaynaktır. Ancak, fazla et ve işlem görmüş et
tüketiminin obezite, tip 2 diyabet, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar ve kanserler
gibi halk sağlığı problemlerinin sebebidir. Bu derlemede, et ve işlenmiş et
tüketimiyle ilgili riskler ile ilgili olan mevcut literatürler incelenerek, et
ve işlem görmüş et ve et ürünlerinin tüketiminin sağlık üzerine etkilerinin nedenleri
ve sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir


  • Anderson, J.J., Darwis, N.D.M., Mackay, D.F., Celis-Morales, C.A., Lyall, D.M., Sattar, N., Gill, J.M.R., Pell, J.P. (2018). Red and processed meat consumption and breast cancer: UK Biobank cohort study and meta-analysis. European Journal of Cancer, 90, 73-82. Aykan, N.F. (2015). Red meat and colorectal cancer. Oncology Reviews, 9(1), 288. Baron, C.P., Andersen, H.J. (2002). Myoglobin-induced lipid oxidation. A review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(14), 3887-3897. Barrera, G. (2012). Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation products in cancerprogression and therapy. ISRN Oncology, 2012, 137289. Bastide, N.M., Pierre, F.H., Corpet, D.E. (2011). Heme iron from meat and risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis and a review of the mechanisms involved. Cancer Prevention Research, 4(2), 177-84. Bingham, S.A., Pignatelli, B., Pollock, J.R., Ellul, A., Malaveille, C., Gross, G., Runswick, S., Cummings, J.H., O'Neill, I.K. (1996). Does increased endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds in the human colon explain the association between red meat and colon cancer? Carcinogenesis, 17, 515-23. Binnie, M.A., Barlow, K., Johnson, V., Harrison, C. (2014). Red meats: Time for a paradigm shift in dietary advice. Meat Science, 98(3), 445-451. Bjeldanes, L.F., Morris, M.M., Timourian, H., Hatch, F.T. (1983). Effects of meat composition and cooking conditions on mutagenicity of fried ground beef. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 31(1), 18-21. Boada, L.D., Henríquez-Hernándeza, L.A., Luzardo, O.P. (2016). The impact of red and processed meat consumption on cancer and other health outcomes: Epidemiological evidences. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, 92, 236-244. Cashman, K.D., Hayes, A. (2017). Red meat's role in addressing 'nutrients of public health concern'. Meat Science, 132, 196-203. Chan, D.S., Lau, R., Aune, D., Vieira, R., Greenwood, D.C., Kampman, E., Norat, T. (2011). Red and processed meat and colorectal cancer incidence: meta-analysis of prospective studies. PloS One, 6(6), e20456. Chou, H.H., Takematsu, H., Diaz, S., Iber, J., Nickerson, E., Wright, K.L., Muchmore, E.A., Nelson, D.L., Warren, S.T., Varki, A. (1998). A mutation in human CMP-sialic acid hydroxylase occurred after the Homo-Pan divergence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95(20), 11751-6. Corpet, D.E. (2011). Red meat and colon cancer: should we become vegetarians, or can we make meat safer? Meat Science, 89, 310-316. Cross, A.J., Sinha, R. (2004). Meat-related mutagens/carcinogens in the etiology of colorectal cancer. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 44(1), 44-55. Cross, A.J., Peters, U., Kirsh, V.A., Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., Hayes, R.B., Sinha, R.A. (2005). Prospective study of meat and meat mutagens and prostate cancer risk. Cancer Research, 65(24), 11779-11784. Cross, A.J., Ferrucci, L.M., Risch, A., Graubard, B.I., Ward, M.H., Park, Y., Hollenbeck, A.R., Schatzkin, A., Sinha, R. (2010). A large prospective study of meat consumption and colorectal cancer risk: An investigation of potential mechanisms underlying this association. Cancer Research, 70(6), 2406-14. Delfino, R.J., Sinha, R., Smith, C., West, J., White, E., Lin, H.J., Liao, S.Y., Gim, J.S.Y., Ma, H.L., Butler, J., Anton-Culver, H. (2000). Breast cancer, heterocyclic aromatic amines from meat and N-acetyltransferase 2 genotype. Carsinogenesis, 21(4), 607-615. Dennis, M.J., Massey, R.C., McWeeny, D.J., Knowles, M.E., Watson, D. (1983). Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the UK total diest. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 21(5), 569-574. Dündar, A. (2011). Farklı sıcaklık ve sürelerde pişirilen köftelerde heterosiklik aromatik aminlerin oluşumunun sınırlandırılmasında optimum tuz, askorbik asi ve yağ kullanım seviyelerinin yanıt yüzey yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya. Ekmekcioglu, C., Wallner, P., Kundi, M., Weisz, U., Haas, W., Hutter, H.P. (2018). Red meat, diseases, and healthy alternatives: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(2), 247-261. Erdem, Y., Arici, M., Altun, B., Turgan, C., Sindel, S., Erbay, B., Derici, U., Karatan, O., Hasanoglu, E., Caglar, S. (2010). The relationship between hypertension and salt intake in Turkish population: SALTURK study. Blood pressure, 19(5), 313-318. Etemadi, A., Sinha, R., Ward, M.H., Graubard, B.I., Inoue-Choi, M., Dawsey, S.M., Abnet, C.C. (2017). Mortality from different causes associated with meat, heme iron, nitrates, and nitrites in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study: population based cohort study. British Medical Journal, 357, j1957. Ferrucci, L.M., Sinha, R., Graubard, B.I., Mayne, S.T., Ma, X., Schatzkin, A., Schoenfeld, P.S., Cash, B.D., Flood, A., Cross, A.J. (2009). Dietary meat intake in relation to colorectal adenoma in asymptomatic women. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104(5), 1231-40. Fritz, W., Soos, K. (1980). Smoked food and cancer. Bibliotheca Nutritio et Dieta, 29, 57-64. Gilsing, A.M., Fransen, F., de Kok, T.M., Goldbohm, A.R., Schouten, L.J., de Bruine, A.P., van Engeland, M., van den Brandt, P.A., de Goeij, A.F., Weijenberg, M.P. (2013). Dietary heme iron and the risk of colorectal cancer with specific mutations in KRAS and APC. Carcinogenesis; 34 (12), 2757-66. Guéraud, F., Tache, S., Steghens, J.P., Milkovic, L., Borovic-Sunjic, S., Zarkovic, N., Gaultier, E., Naud, N., Helies-Toussaint, C., Pierre, F., Priymenko, N. (2015). Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and heme iron induce oxidative stress biomarkers and a cancer promoting environment in the colon of rats. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 83, 192-200. Gunter, M.J., Probst-Hensch, N.M., Cortessis, V.K., Kulldorff, M., Haile, R.W., Sinha, R. (2005). Meat intake, cooking-related mutagens and risk of colorectal adenoma in a sigmoidoscopy-based case-control study. Carcinogenesis, 26(3), 637-42, Güneş, F.E. (2016). Pişirme Yöntemleri, Oluşan Kimyasal Maddeler ve İmmün Sistem. Türkiye Klinikleri Beslenme ve Diyetetik - Özel Konular, 2(2), 106-112. Godfray, H.C.J., Aveyard, P., Garnett, T., Hall, J.W., Key, T.J., Lorimer, J., Pierrehumbert, R.T., Scarborough, P., Springmann, M., Jebb, S.A. (2018). Meat consumption, health, and the environment. Science, 361(6399). Hamamcıoğlu, A.C. (2017). 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Et ve ürünlerinin pişirilmesi sırasında oluşan zararlı maddeler: polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbonlar. Etlik Merkez Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsü Türk Veteriner Hekimleri Birliği Dergisi, 3-4(8), 74-82. Kılıç, Ö., Dinçer, E.A., Erbaş, M. (2017). Gıdalarda polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbon bileşiklerinin bulunuşu ve sağlık üzerine etkileri. Gıda, 42(2), 127-135. Lacey, C., Clark, B., Frewer, L., Kuznesof, S. (2016). Reaching its limits: industry perspectives on salt reduction. British Food Journal, 118(7), 1610-1624. Larsson, S.C., Rafter, J., Holmberg, L., Bergkvist, L., Wolk, A. (2005). Red meat consumption and risk of cancers of the proximal colon, distal colon and rectum: the Swedish Mammography Cohort. International Journal of Cancer, 113(5), 829-34. Larsson, S.C., Orsini, N. (2014). Red meat and processed meat consumption and all-cause mortality: A meta-analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(3), 282-289. 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Effects of Consumption of Meat and Processed Meat on Public Health

Yıl 2019, , 231 - 245, 30.09.2019


Meat is an important
part of human diet with strong implications in health, economic, and culture
worldwide. Meat and meat products constitute important source of protein, fat,
and several functional compounds. However, over consumption of meat and
processed meat is the cause of public health problems such as obesity, type 2
diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancers. This review will examine current
literature on the risks associated with red meat and processed meat
consumption. The causes and consequences of effects on health of the
consumption of meat and processed meat have been evaluated.



  • Anderson, J.J., Darwis, N.D.M., Mackay, D.F., Celis-Morales, C.A., Lyall, D.M., Sattar, N., Gill, J.M.R., Pell, J.P. (2018). Red and processed meat consumption and breast cancer: UK Biobank cohort study and meta-analysis. European Journal of Cancer, 90, 73-82. Aykan, N.F. (2015). Red meat and colorectal cancer. Oncology Reviews, 9(1), 288. Baron, C.P., Andersen, H.J. (2002). Myoglobin-induced lipid oxidation. A review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(14), 3887-3897. Barrera, G. (2012). Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation products in cancerprogression and therapy. ISRN Oncology, 2012, 137289. Bastide, N.M., Pierre, F.H., Corpet, D.E. (2011). Heme iron from meat and risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis and a review of the mechanisms involved. Cancer Prevention Research, 4(2), 177-84. Bingham, S.A., Pignatelli, B., Pollock, J.R., Ellul, A., Malaveille, C., Gross, G., Runswick, S., Cummings, J.H., O'Neill, I.K. (1996). Does increased endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds in the human colon explain the association between red meat and colon cancer? Carcinogenesis, 17, 515-23. Binnie, M.A., Barlow, K., Johnson, V., Harrison, C. (2014). Red meats: Time for a paradigm shift in dietary advice. Meat Science, 98(3), 445-451. Bjeldanes, L.F., Morris, M.M., Timourian, H., Hatch, F.T. (1983). Effects of meat composition and cooking conditions on mutagenicity of fried ground beef. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 31(1), 18-21. Boada, L.D., Henríquez-Hernándeza, L.A., Luzardo, O.P. (2016). The impact of red and processed meat consumption on cancer and other health outcomes: Epidemiological evidences. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, 92, 236-244. Cashman, K.D., Hayes, A. (2017). Red meat's role in addressing 'nutrients of public health concern'. Meat Science, 132, 196-203. Chan, D.S., Lau, R., Aune, D., Vieira, R., Greenwood, D.C., Kampman, E., Norat, T. (2011). Red and processed meat and colorectal cancer incidence: meta-analysis of prospective studies. PloS One, 6(6), e20456. Chou, H.H., Takematsu, H., Diaz, S., Iber, J., Nickerson, E., Wright, K.L., Muchmore, E.A., Nelson, D.L., Warren, S.T., Varki, A. (1998). A mutation in human CMP-sialic acid hydroxylase occurred after the Homo-Pan divergence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95(20), 11751-6. Corpet, D.E. (2011). Red meat and colon cancer: should we become vegetarians, or can we make meat safer? Meat Science, 89, 310-316. Cross, A.J., Sinha, R. (2004). Meat-related mutagens/carcinogens in the etiology of colorectal cancer. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 44(1), 44-55. Cross, A.J., Peters, U., Kirsh, V.A., Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., Hayes, R.B., Sinha, R.A. (2005). Prospective study of meat and meat mutagens and prostate cancer risk. Cancer Research, 65(24), 11779-11784. Cross, A.J., Ferrucci, L.M., Risch, A., Graubard, B.I., Ward, M.H., Park, Y., Hollenbeck, A.R., Schatzkin, A., Sinha, R. (2010). A large prospective study of meat consumption and colorectal cancer risk: An investigation of potential mechanisms underlying this association. Cancer Research, 70(6), 2406-14. Delfino, R.J., Sinha, R., Smith, C., West, J., White, E., Lin, H.J., Liao, S.Y., Gim, J.S.Y., Ma, H.L., Butler, J., Anton-Culver, H. (2000). Breast cancer, heterocyclic aromatic amines from meat and N-acetyltransferase 2 genotype. Carsinogenesis, 21(4), 607-615. Dennis, M.J., Massey, R.C., McWeeny, D.J., Knowles, M.E., Watson, D. (1983). Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the UK total diest. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 21(5), 569-574. Dündar, A. (2011). Farklı sıcaklık ve sürelerde pişirilen köftelerde heterosiklik aromatik aminlerin oluşumunun sınırlandırılmasında optimum tuz, askorbik asi ve yağ kullanım seviyelerinin yanıt yüzey yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya. Ekmekcioglu, C., Wallner, P., Kundi, M., Weisz, U., Haas, W., Hutter, H.P. (2018). Red meat, diseases, and healthy alternatives: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(2), 247-261. Erdem, Y., Arici, M., Altun, B., Turgan, C., Sindel, S., Erbay, B., Derici, U., Karatan, O., Hasanoglu, E., Caglar, S. (2010). The relationship between hypertension and salt intake in Turkish population: SALTURK study. Blood pressure, 19(5), 313-318. Etemadi, A., Sinha, R., Ward, M.H., Graubard, B.I., Inoue-Choi, M., Dawsey, S.M., Abnet, C.C. (2017). Mortality from different causes associated with meat, heme iron, nitrates, and nitrites in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study: population based cohort study. British Medical Journal, 357, j1957. Ferrucci, L.M., Sinha, R., Graubard, B.I., Mayne, S.T., Ma, X., Schatzkin, A., Schoenfeld, P.S., Cash, B.D., Flood, A., Cross, A.J. (2009). Dietary meat intake in relation to colorectal adenoma in asymptomatic women. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104(5), 1231-40. Fritz, W., Soos, K. (1980). Smoked food and cancer. Bibliotheca Nutritio et Dieta, 29, 57-64. Gilsing, A.M., Fransen, F., de Kok, T.M., Goldbohm, A.R., Schouten, L.J., de Bruine, A.P., van Engeland, M., van den Brandt, P.A., de Goeij, A.F., Weijenberg, M.P. (2013). Dietary heme iron and the risk of colorectal cancer with specific mutations in KRAS and APC. Carcinogenesis; 34 (12), 2757-66. 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Fulya Taşçı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2019
Kabul Tarihi 12 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Taşçı, F. (2019). Et ve İşlenmiş Et Tüketiminin Halk Sağlığına Etkileri. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(2), 231-245.