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Çin’in Avrasya Rüyası Olarak İpek Yolu Ekonomik Kuşağı: Ortak Kimlik mi Ortak Korku mu?

Yıl 2019, , 235 - 254, 22.10.2019


İpek Yolu Ekonomik Kuşağı Çin’in Avrasya Ekseni stratejisinin anahtar bileşenidir. Bu çalışmada Çin’in Avrasya Ekseni stratejisi, sosyal kimlik teorisi perspektifinden bir yaratıcılık stratejisi olarak ele alınmıştır. Çin, yaratıcılık stratejisinde başarılı olabilmek için, İpek Yolu Ekonomik Kuşağı ülkeleriyle Çin Rüyası üzerinden ortak bir grup kimliği oluşturmaya çalışmaktadır. Fakat Çin Rüyası, Orta Asya Türk Toplumları ve Uygurlar tarafından ortak bir kimlik olarak algılanmamaktadır. Orta Asya Devletleri, Çin’in bölgedeki varlığını, ekonomik ve jeo-stratejik olarak olumlu karşılarken, Çinli göçünün yol açacağı demografik değişimlerden ve kültürel etkiden korkmaktadırlar. Bu yüzden, Çin Rüyası, İpek Yolu Ekonomik Kuşağında yer alan Türk toplumlarının ortak kimliğinden ziyade ortak korkusudur. Bu korku uzun vadede girişimin başarısını engelleyecek en önemli faktörlerden biridir.


  • Barth, Fredrik (1969). Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Little, Brown Series in Anthropology.
  • Bellér-Hann, Ildikó (2002). “Temperamental Neighbours: Uighur-Han Relations in Xinjiang, Northwest China”. Imagined Differences: Hatred and the Construction of Identity. Ed. Günther Schlee. 5. 57-83.
  • Burkhanov, Aziz and Chen Yu-Wen (2016). “Kazakh Perspective on China, the Chinese, and Chinese Migration”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (12): 2129-2148.
  • Callahan, William A. (2016). “China’s “Asia Dream” The Belt Road Initiative and the New Regional Order”. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 1 (3): 226-243.
  • Cesaro, M. Cristina (2000). “Consuming Identities: Food and Resistance among the Uyghur in Contemporary Xinjiang”. Inner Asia 2 (2): 225-238.
  • Clinton, Hillary (2011). “America’s Pacific Century”. Foreign Policy 189: 56-63.
  • Dillon, Michael (2004). Xinjiang: China’s Muslim Far Northwest. Routledge.
  • Dreyer, June Teufel (1975). “Go West Young Han: The Hsia Fang Movement to China’s Minority Areas”. Pacific Affairs 48 (3): 353-369.
  • Friend, John M. and Bradley A. Thayer (2017). “The Rise of Han-Centrism and What It Means for International Politics”. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 17 (1): 91-114.
  • Habova, Antonina (2015). “Silk Road Economic Belt: China’s Marshall Plan, Pivot to Eurasia or China’s Way of Foreign Policy”. KSI Transactions on Knowledge Society 8 (1): 64-70.
  • Han, Enze (2010). “Boundaries, Discrimination, and Interethnic Conflict in Xinjiang, China”. International Journal of Conflict and Violence 4 (2): 244-256.
  • Hann, Chris (2014). “Harmonious or Homogeneous? Language, Education and Social Mobility in Rural Uygur Society”. On the Fringes of the Harmonious Society: Tibetans and Uyghurs in Socialist China. Ed. Trine Brox and Ildikó Bellér-Hann. Nias Press. 183-208.
  • Howell, Anthony and C. Cindy Fan (2011). “Migration and Inequality in Xinjiang: A Survey of Han and Uyghur Migrants in Urumqi”. Eurasian Geography and Economics 52 (1): 119-139.
  • Jian, Zhixiang (2017). “The Recent Trend of Ethnic Intermarriage in China: An Analysis Based on the Census Data. The Journal of Chinese Sociology 4 (11): 1-23.
  • Jisi, Wang (2014). “Marching Westwards: The Rebalancing of China’s Geostrategy”. The World in 2020 According to China: Chinese Foreign Policy Elites Discuss Emerging Trends in International Politics. Ed. Shao Binhong. BRILL Publishing. 129-136.
  • Kawai, Masahiro (2015). “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in the Evolving International Financial Order”. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: China as Responsible Stakeholder. Ed. Daniel E. Bob. Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA. 5-27.
  • Kozhirova, Svetlana and Bakyt Ospanova (2014). “Chinese Migration in Kazakhstan: Implications for National Security.” European Scientific Journal 10 (10): 482-486.
  • Leibold, James (2010). More Than a Category: Han Supremacism on the Chinese Internet. The China Quarterly 203: 539-559.
  • Millward, A. James and Nabijan Tursun (2004). “Political History and Strategies of Control, 1884-1978”. Xinjiang: China’s Muslim Borderland. Ed. S. Frederick Starr. Routledge. 63-101.
  • O’Brien, David (2016). “If There is Harmony in the House There will be Order in the Nation: An Exploration of the Han Chinese as Political Actors in Xinjiang”. Inside Xinjiang: Space, Place and Power in China’s Muslim Far Northwest. Ed. Anne Hayes and Michael Clarke. Routledge. 32-52.
  • Peyrouse, Sébastien (2016). “Discussing China: Sinophilia and Sinophobia in Central Asia”. Journal of Eurasian Studies 7 (1): 14-23.
  • Ratner, Ely (2013). “Rebalancing to Asia with an Insecure China”. The Washington Quarterly 36 (2): 21-38.
  • Sadovskaya, Yelena Y. (2011). “The Dynamics of Contemporary Chinese Expansion into Central Asia”. Chinese Migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Ed. Felix B. Chang and Sunnie T. Rucker-Chang. Routledge. 85-104.
  • Smith, Joanne N. (2002). “’Making culture matter’: Symbolic, Spatial and Social Boundaries Between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. Asian Ethnicity 3 (2): 153-174.
  • Sorensen, Camilla TN. (2015). “The Significance of Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream” for Chinese Foreign Policy: From “Tao Guang Yang Hui” to” Fen Fa You Wei”. Journal of China and International Relations 3 (1): 53-73.
  • Storey, Ian (2010). “China’s Missteps in Southeast Asia: Less Charm, More Offensive”. China Brief 10 (25): 4-7.
  • Syroezhkin, Konstantin (2011). “China’s Presence in Kazakhstan: Myths and Reality”. Central Asia’s Affairs 42 (1): 17-25.
  • Tajfel, Henri and John C. Turner (2004). “The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior”. Psychology of Intergroup Relations 5: 7-24.
  • Wang, Ge (2015). “Ethnic Multilingual Education in China: A Critical Observation”. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics (WPEL) 30 (2).
  • Wang, Linzhu (2015). “The Identification of Minorities in China”. Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal 16 (2): 1-21.
  • Xuetong, Yan (2014). “China’s New Foreign Policy: Not Conflict but Convergence of Interests”. New Perspectives Quarterly 31 (2): 46-48.
  • Yiwei, Wang (2015). “China’s ‘New Silk Road’: A Case Study in EU-China Relations”. Xi’s Policy Gambles: The Bumpy Road Ahead. Ed. Alessia Amighini and Axel Berkofsky. ISPI. 103-115.
  • Electronic References Bondaz, Antoine et al. (2015). “One Belt One Road: China’s Great Leap Outward”. European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). China_analysis_belt _road.pdf. 6-8. (Accessed: 01.02.2018).
  • China Daily (2013). “18 Chinese Workers Injured in Kyrgyzstan Clash” (01.10.2013). content_16103803.htm (Accessed: 04.02.2018).
  • Clarke, Michael (2015). “Understanding China’s Eurasian Pivot”. The Diplomat. https:// (Accessed: 30.01.2017).
  • Dews, Fred (2014). “Pivot, Rebalance, or Reinvigorate? Words Matter in U.S. Strategy toward Asia”. Brookings. brookings-now/2014/04/21/pivot-rebalance-or-reinvigorate-words-matter-in-u-s-strategy-toward-asia/ (Accessed: 29.01.2017).
  • Gosset, David (2015). “And Now for the Eurasian Dream”. China Daily Europe. (Accessed: 31.01. 2017).
  • Liao, Rebecca (2015). “Out of the Bretton Woods”. Foreign Affairs. (Accessed: 02.02.2018).
  • Meyer, Patrik (2016). “Could Han Chauvinism Turn the ‘Chinese Dream’ into a ‘Chinese Nightmare’? The Diplomat. 02.02.2018).
  • National Development and Reform Commission. “Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”. (Accessed: 01.02. 2018).
  • Pantucci, Raffaello (2017). “China Must Get Along with Regional Powers to Make its New Silk Road Plan Work”. China in Central Asia. (Accessed: 03.02.2018).
  • “Public Opinion Survey Residents of Kyrgyzstan 2016”. IRI. March 7-20. 2016_eng.pdf (Accessed: 04.02.2018).
  • Silk Road Fund. (Accessed: 02.02.2018).
  • Wang, Zheng (2013). “Not Rising, but Rejuvenating: the ‘Chinese Dream’”. The Diplomat. (Accessed: 31.01.2017).
  • Xi, Jinping (2013a). “President Xi Jinping Delivers Important Speech and Proposes to Build a Silk Road Economic Belt with Central Asian Countries” (07.09.2013). (Accessed: 30. 01.2017).
  • Xi, Jinping (2013b). “Important Speech of Xi Jinping at Peripheral Diplomacy Work Conference” (2013-10-30). (Accessed: 01. 02.2018).
  • Xi, Jinping (2013c). “Let the Sense of Community of Common Destiny Take Deep Root in Neighbouring Countries” (25.10.2013). /wjbz_663308/activities_663312/t1093870.shtml (Accessed: 03.02.2018).
  • Xi, Jinping (2014). “The Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs was Held in Beijing: Xi Jinping Delivered an Important Address at the Conference” (29.11.2014). (Accessed:01.02. 2018).
  • Xinhuanet (2015). “Chronology of China’s “Belt and Road” Initiatives”. (Accessed: 30.01.2017). Yang, Jiechi (2013). “Implementing the Chinese Dream”. The National Interest. (Accessed: 02.02.2018).
  • Yi, Wang (2014). “Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press” (08.03.2014). (Accessed: 03.02.2018).
  • Yi, Wang (2015). “Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press” (08.03.2015). (Accessed: 31.01.2017).
  • Zhang, Xiaotong and Marlen Belgibayev (2014). “China’s Eurasian Pivot”.Asan Forum. (Accessed: 30.01.2017).

Silk Road Economic Belt as China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?

Yıl 2019, , 235 - 254, 22.10.2019


The Silk Road Economic Belt is the key component of China’s Eurasian Pivot strategy. In this study, China’s Eurasian Pivot is approached as a creativity strategy from the perspective of social identity theory. In order to succeed in its creativity strategy, China is trying to create a common in-group identity with the Silk Road Economic Belt countries through the Chinese Dream. However, the Chinese Dream is not perceived as a common identity by Central Asians and Uyghurs. While Central Asians respond China’s economic presence in the region positively, they are afraid of demographic changes and cultural influences that Chinese migration will cause. Therefore, the Chinese Dream has been a common fear for Turkic societies along the Silk Road Economic Belt rather than common identity. This fear could be one of the most important factors that will prevent the success of China’s Eurasian Pivot in the long run.


  • Barth, Fredrik (1969). Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Little, Brown Series in Anthropology.
  • Bellér-Hann, Ildikó (2002). “Temperamental Neighbours: Uighur-Han Relations in Xinjiang, Northwest China”. Imagined Differences: Hatred and the Construction of Identity. Ed. Günther Schlee. 5. 57-83.
  • Burkhanov, Aziz and Chen Yu-Wen (2016). “Kazakh Perspective on China, the Chinese, and Chinese Migration”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (12): 2129-2148.
  • Callahan, William A. (2016). “China’s “Asia Dream” The Belt Road Initiative and the New Regional Order”. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 1 (3): 226-243.
  • Cesaro, M. Cristina (2000). “Consuming Identities: Food and Resistance among the Uyghur in Contemporary Xinjiang”. Inner Asia 2 (2): 225-238.
  • Clinton, Hillary (2011). “America’s Pacific Century”. Foreign Policy 189: 56-63.
  • Dillon, Michael (2004). Xinjiang: China’s Muslim Far Northwest. Routledge.
  • Dreyer, June Teufel (1975). “Go West Young Han: The Hsia Fang Movement to China’s Minority Areas”. Pacific Affairs 48 (3): 353-369.
  • Friend, John M. and Bradley A. Thayer (2017). “The Rise of Han-Centrism and What It Means for International Politics”. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 17 (1): 91-114.
  • Habova, Antonina (2015). “Silk Road Economic Belt: China’s Marshall Plan, Pivot to Eurasia or China’s Way of Foreign Policy”. KSI Transactions on Knowledge Society 8 (1): 64-70.
  • Han, Enze (2010). “Boundaries, Discrimination, and Interethnic Conflict in Xinjiang, China”. International Journal of Conflict and Violence 4 (2): 244-256.
  • Hann, Chris (2014). “Harmonious or Homogeneous? Language, Education and Social Mobility in Rural Uygur Society”. On the Fringes of the Harmonious Society: Tibetans and Uyghurs in Socialist China. Ed. Trine Brox and Ildikó Bellér-Hann. Nias Press. 183-208.
  • Howell, Anthony and C. Cindy Fan (2011). “Migration and Inequality in Xinjiang: A Survey of Han and Uyghur Migrants in Urumqi”. Eurasian Geography and Economics 52 (1): 119-139.
  • Jian, Zhixiang (2017). “The Recent Trend of Ethnic Intermarriage in China: An Analysis Based on the Census Data. The Journal of Chinese Sociology 4 (11): 1-23.
  • Jisi, Wang (2014). “Marching Westwards: The Rebalancing of China’s Geostrategy”. The World in 2020 According to China: Chinese Foreign Policy Elites Discuss Emerging Trends in International Politics. Ed. Shao Binhong. BRILL Publishing. 129-136.
  • Kawai, Masahiro (2015). “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in the Evolving International Financial Order”. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: China as Responsible Stakeholder. Ed. Daniel E. Bob. Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA. 5-27.
  • Kozhirova, Svetlana and Bakyt Ospanova (2014). “Chinese Migration in Kazakhstan: Implications for National Security.” European Scientific Journal 10 (10): 482-486.
  • Leibold, James (2010). More Than a Category: Han Supremacism on the Chinese Internet. The China Quarterly 203: 539-559.
  • Millward, A. James and Nabijan Tursun (2004). “Political History and Strategies of Control, 1884-1978”. Xinjiang: China’s Muslim Borderland. Ed. S. Frederick Starr. Routledge. 63-101.
  • O’Brien, David (2016). “If There is Harmony in the House There will be Order in the Nation: An Exploration of the Han Chinese as Political Actors in Xinjiang”. Inside Xinjiang: Space, Place and Power in China’s Muslim Far Northwest. Ed. Anne Hayes and Michael Clarke. Routledge. 32-52.
  • Peyrouse, Sébastien (2016). “Discussing China: Sinophilia and Sinophobia in Central Asia”. Journal of Eurasian Studies 7 (1): 14-23.
  • Ratner, Ely (2013). “Rebalancing to Asia with an Insecure China”. The Washington Quarterly 36 (2): 21-38.
  • Sadovskaya, Yelena Y. (2011). “The Dynamics of Contemporary Chinese Expansion into Central Asia”. Chinese Migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Ed. Felix B. Chang and Sunnie T. Rucker-Chang. Routledge. 85-104.
  • Smith, Joanne N. (2002). “’Making culture matter’: Symbolic, Spatial and Social Boundaries Between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. Asian Ethnicity 3 (2): 153-174.
  • Sorensen, Camilla TN. (2015). “The Significance of Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream” for Chinese Foreign Policy: From “Tao Guang Yang Hui” to” Fen Fa You Wei”. Journal of China and International Relations 3 (1): 53-73.
  • Storey, Ian (2010). “China’s Missteps in Southeast Asia: Less Charm, More Offensive”. China Brief 10 (25): 4-7.
  • Syroezhkin, Konstantin (2011). “China’s Presence in Kazakhstan: Myths and Reality”. Central Asia’s Affairs 42 (1): 17-25.
  • Tajfel, Henri and John C. Turner (2004). “The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior”. Psychology of Intergroup Relations 5: 7-24.
  • Wang, Ge (2015). “Ethnic Multilingual Education in China: A Critical Observation”. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics (WPEL) 30 (2).
  • Wang, Linzhu (2015). “The Identification of Minorities in China”. Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal 16 (2): 1-21.
  • Xuetong, Yan (2014). “China’s New Foreign Policy: Not Conflict but Convergence of Interests”. New Perspectives Quarterly 31 (2): 46-48.
  • Yiwei, Wang (2015). “China’s ‘New Silk Road’: A Case Study in EU-China Relations”. Xi’s Policy Gambles: The Bumpy Road Ahead. Ed. Alessia Amighini and Axel Berkofsky. ISPI. 103-115.
  • Electronic References Bondaz, Antoine et al. (2015). “One Belt One Road: China’s Great Leap Outward”. European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). China_analysis_belt _road.pdf. 6-8. (Accessed: 01.02.2018).
  • China Daily (2013). “18 Chinese Workers Injured in Kyrgyzstan Clash” (01.10.2013). content_16103803.htm (Accessed: 04.02.2018).
  • Clarke, Michael (2015). “Understanding China’s Eurasian Pivot”. The Diplomat. https:// (Accessed: 30.01.2017).
  • Dews, Fred (2014). “Pivot, Rebalance, or Reinvigorate? Words Matter in U.S. Strategy toward Asia”. Brookings. brookings-now/2014/04/21/pivot-rebalance-or-reinvigorate-words-matter-in-u-s-strategy-toward-asia/ (Accessed: 29.01.2017).
  • Gosset, David (2015). “And Now for the Eurasian Dream”. China Daily Europe. (Accessed: 31.01. 2017).
  • Liao, Rebecca (2015). “Out of the Bretton Woods”. Foreign Affairs. (Accessed: 02.02.2018).
  • Meyer, Patrik (2016). “Could Han Chauvinism Turn the ‘Chinese Dream’ into a ‘Chinese Nightmare’? The Diplomat. 02.02.2018).
  • National Development and Reform Commission. “Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”. (Accessed: 01.02. 2018).
  • Pantucci, Raffaello (2017). “China Must Get Along with Regional Powers to Make its New Silk Road Plan Work”. China in Central Asia. (Accessed: 03.02.2018).
  • “Public Opinion Survey Residents of Kyrgyzstan 2016”. IRI. March 7-20. 2016_eng.pdf (Accessed: 04.02.2018).
  • Silk Road Fund. (Accessed: 02.02.2018).
  • Wang, Zheng (2013). “Not Rising, but Rejuvenating: the ‘Chinese Dream’”. The Diplomat. (Accessed: 31.01.2017).
  • Xi, Jinping (2013a). “President Xi Jinping Delivers Important Speech and Proposes to Build a Silk Road Economic Belt with Central Asian Countries” (07.09.2013). (Accessed: 30. 01.2017).
  • Xi, Jinping (2013b). “Important Speech of Xi Jinping at Peripheral Diplomacy Work Conference” (2013-10-30). (Accessed: 01. 02.2018).
  • Xi, Jinping (2013c). “Let the Sense of Community of Common Destiny Take Deep Root in Neighbouring Countries” (25.10.2013). /wjbz_663308/activities_663312/t1093870.shtml (Accessed: 03.02.2018).
  • Xi, Jinping (2014). “The Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs was Held in Beijing: Xi Jinping Delivered an Important Address at the Conference” (29.11.2014). (Accessed:01.02. 2018).
  • Xinhuanet (2015). “Chronology of China’s “Belt and Road” Initiatives”. (Accessed: 30.01.2017). Yang, Jiechi (2013). “Implementing the Chinese Dream”. The National Interest. (Accessed: 02.02.2018).
  • Yi, Wang (2014). “Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press” (08.03.2014). (Accessed: 03.02.2018).
  • Yi, Wang (2015). “Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press” (08.03.2015). (Accessed: 31.01.2017).
  • Zhang, Xiaotong and Marlen Belgibayev (2014). “China’s Eurasian Pivot”.Asan Forum. (Accessed: 30.01.2017).
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Nilgün Eliküçük Yıldırım 0000-0002-4006-1401

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Eliküçük Yıldırım, N. (2019). Silk Road Economic Belt as China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?. Bilig(91), 235-254.
AMA Eliküçük Yıldırım N. Silk Road Economic Belt as China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?. Bilig. Ekim 2019;(91):235-254. doi:10.12995/bilig.9110
Chicago Eliküçük Yıldırım, Nilgün. “Silk Road Economic Belt As China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?”. Bilig, sy. 91 (Ekim 2019): 235-54.
EndNote Eliküçük Yıldırım N (01 Ekim 2019) Silk Road Economic Belt as China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?. Bilig 91 235–254.
IEEE N. Eliküçük Yıldırım, “Silk Road Economic Belt as China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?”, Bilig, sy. 91, ss. 235–254, Ekim 2019, doi: 10.12995/bilig.9110.
ISNAD Eliküçük Yıldırım, Nilgün. “Silk Road Economic Belt As China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?”. Bilig 91 (Ekim 2019), 235-254.
JAMA Eliküçük Yıldırım N. Silk Road Economic Belt as China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?. Bilig. 2019;:235–254.
MLA Eliküçük Yıldırım, Nilgün. “Silk Road Economic Belt As China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?”. Bilig, sy. 91, 2019, ss. 235-54, doi:10.12995/bilig.9110.
Vancouver Eliküçük Yıldırım N. Silk Road Economic Belt as China’s Eurasian Dream: Common Identity or Common Fear?. Bilig. 2019(91):235-54.

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