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Kırım Tatarları’nın Statüsündeki Değişiklik: Ulusal Azınlıktan Yerli Halklığa Mı?

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 85, 299 - 332, 30.04.2018


1950lerden itibaren Kızılderili ve Eskimo halklarının hakları konusundaki akademik ilgi artışına bağlı olarak “yerli haklar” kavramı
dünya çapında bir popülerlik kazandı. Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü,
Dünya Bankası ve Birleşmiş Milletler gibi etkili uluslararası örgütlerin normatif çabaları, hak arayışındaki mahrumiyet çeken grupların
bu terimi araçsallaştırma süreçlerini hızlandırdı. 1990lardan itibaren
Kırım Tatarları da “Kırım’ın yerli halkı” olarak tanınma mücadelesine giriştiler. Hedeflerini görünürde gerçekleştirdiler. Ukrayna parlamentosu 2014 Martında Kırım’ın Rusya Federasyonu tarafından
işgalinin ardından bu statüyü Kırım Tatarları’na verdi. Ancak, bizzat
işgalin kendisi, parlamento kararının uygulanmasını engelledi. Bu
makale, esas olarak Kırım Tatarları’nın yerli halk statüsü taleplerinin
nedenlerine ve bu taleplere Ukrayna ve Rusya Federasyonu’nun tepkilerine odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmanın ana hedefi Kırım Tatarları’nın
statüsündeki tarihsel değişimleri saptayabilmektir.


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  • Aponte, Miranda Lillian (2010). “Indigenous Peoples as International Lawmakers”. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 32 (1): 203-263.
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  • Aydıngün, Ayşegül and İsmail Aydıngün (2004). Kırım Tatarlarının Vatana Dönüşü: Kimlik ve Kültürel Canlanma. Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı.
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Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: from National Minority to Indigenous People?

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 85, 299 - 332, 30.04.2018


Starting from the 1950s the term “indigenous peoples” has gained
a tenacious worldwide popularity thanks to growing academic focus
on the rights of Indian and Inuit peoples. Contiguous normative
efforts of some influential international organizations such as International Labour Organization, World Bank, and United Nations also
encouraged the instrumentalization of the term by some right-seeking disadvantaged groups. Since the 1990s, the Crimean Tatars have
also strived to be recognized as “indigenous people of Crimea”. They
eventually seemed to have reached their goals. Ukrainian parliament
gave the status of indigenous people to Crimean Tatars after Russian
Federation’s seizure of Crimea in March 2014. However, the seizure
itself prevented the implementation of the parliament act. This article
mainly focuses on the reasons behind Tatar claims for gaining the
indigenous people status as well as Ukraine’s and Russian Federation’s
reactions to those claims. The main objective of the article is to identify historical changes in the status of the Crimean Tatars. 


  • Abdulganiyev, Kurtmolla (2002). “Institutional Development of the Crimean Tatar National Movement”. International Committee for Crimea, al-movement.html [Accessed 04.09.2016].
  • Altan, Mubeyyin B. (2016). “Don’t Cry for Us Ukraina! (Ukraine)”. International Committee for Crimea, html [Accessed 29.09.2016].
  • Aponte, Miranda Lillian (2010). “Indigenous Peoples as International Lawmakers”. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 32 (1): 203-263.
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  • Aydıngün, Ayşegül and İsmail Aydıngün (2004). Kırım Tatarlarının Vatana Dönüşü: Kimlik ve Kültürel Canlanma. Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı.
  • Aydıngün, İsmail (2013). “Kırım Tatarları”. Yeni Türkiye (54): 1947-1958.
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  • Babin, Borys V. (2014). “Rights and Dignity of Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine in Revolutionary Conditions and Foreign Occupation”. Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia 53 (3): 81-115.
  • Barsh, Russel Lawrence (2001). “Is the Expropriation of Indigenous Peoples’ Land GATT-able?”. RECIEL 10 (1): 13-26.
  • Berry, Christian (2016). “Crimean Tatar: Resisting a Deportation of Identity”. Rhetorics of Names and Naming. Ed. Star Medzerian Vanguri. New York: Routledge. 132-152.
  • Bilkova, Veronika (2016). “Territorial (Se)Cession in Light of Recent Events in Crimea”. Law, Territory and Conflict Resolution: Law as a Problem and Law as a Solution. Eds. Matteo Niccolini, Francesco Palermo and Enrico Milano. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill. 194-218.
  • Bowen, John R. (2000). “Should We have a Universal Concept of ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Rights’?”. Anthropology Today 16 (4): 12-16.
  • Bowring, Bill (1999). “New Nations and National Minorities: Ukraine and the Question of Citizenship”. Minority Rights in the ‘New’ Europe. Eds. Peter Cumper and Steven Wheatley. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 233-250.
  • Bowring, Bill (2005). “The Crimean Autonomy: Innovation or Anomaly”. Autonomy, Self-Governance and Conflict Resolution: Innovative Approaches to Institutional Design in Divided Societies. Eds. Marc Weller and Stefan Wolff. London: Routledge. 65-84.
  • Bowring, Bill (2009). “Language Policy in Ukraine. International Standards and Obligations, and Ukrainian Law and Legislation”. Language Policy and Language Situation in Ukraine. Ed. Juliane Besters-Dilger. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 57-101.
  • Bukkvoll, Tor (1997). Ukraine and European Security. London: A Cassell Imprint. Cambridge Dictionaries Online. [Accessed 01.05.2015].
  • Cemiloglu, Mustafa (1995). “A History of the Crimean Tatar National Liberation Movement: A Sociopolitical Perspective”. Crimea – Dynamics, Challenges and Prospects. Ed. Maria Drohobycky. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 87-106.
  • Cooper, Tanya (2016). “Crimean Tatar Elected Body Banned in Russia”. [Accessed 05.10.2016].
  • Corntassel, Jeff J. (2003). “Who is Indigenous? ‘Peoplehood’ and Ethnonationalist Approaches to Rearticulating Indigenous Identity”. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 9 (1): 75-100.
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Toplam 114 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Utku Yapıcı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 85

Kaynak Göster

APA Yapıcı, U. (2018). Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: from National Minority to Indigenous People?. Bilig(85), 299-332.
AMA Yapıcı U. Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: from National Minority to Indigenous People?. Bilig. Nisan 2018;(85):299-332.
Chicago Yapıcı, Utku. “Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: From National Minority to Indigenous People?”. Bilig, sy. 85 (Nisan 2018): 299-332.
EndNote Yapıcı U (01 Nisan 2018) Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: from National Minority to Indigenous People?. Bilig 85 299–332.
IEEE U. Yapıcı, “Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: from National Minority to Indigenous People?”, Bilig, sy. 85, ss. 299–332, Nisan 2018.
ISNAD Yapıcı, Utku. “Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: From National Minority to Indigenous People?”. Bilig 85 (Nisan 2018), 299-332.
JAMA Yapıcı U. Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: from National Minority to Indigenous People?. Bilig. 2018;:299–332.
MLA Yapıcı, Utku. “Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: From National Minority to Indigenous People?”. Bilig, sy. 85, 2018, ss. 299-32.
Vancouver Yapıcı U. Change in the Status of the Crimean Tatars: from National Minority to Indigenous People?. Bilig. 2018(85):299-332.

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