Son yıllarda hukuk teorisi
ekonominin ilgilendiği alanlardan biri olmaya başlamıştır. Bu gelişme çok
doğaldır, çünkü her ikisinin de ortak noktası toplumdaki sosyal kurumları
anlamaktır. Daha da önemlisi ikisinin de normatif bileşimi söz konusudur, hem
hukuk hem de ekonomi sosyal kurumların faaliyetlerinin nasıl daha iyi hale
getirileceği üzerinde çalışır. Genellikle hukuk kuralları oluşturulurken
adalet, hakkaniyet, eşitlik gibi ilkeler göz önünde bulundurulur ama hukuk
kurallarının uygulanmasında etkinlik de oldukça önemlidir. İşte ekonomi bu
noktada devreye girerek etkin hukuk kurallarının oluşturulmasını
amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada mülkiyet hakları, kontrat hukuku, haksız fiiller
ve suç hukuku konuları üzerinde durularak, bunların ekonomik analizleri
Besen, S. M. ve Raskind,L.J. (1991). “An Introduction to the law and Economics of Intellectual Property”, The Journal of Economic perspectives, 5(1), 3-27.
Cooter R. ve Ulen T. (1998)., Law and Economics. USA: Harper Collins Publishers.
Dau-Schmidt, K. G ve Ulen,T. (1998) Law And Ecomomics Anthology,, USA, Ohıo, Anderson Publushing Co.
Golovetskyy, V. (2006). Simon Fraser University, Department of Economics, Econ 388 Law and economics ders notları
Klevorick, A. K. (1975). “Law and Ecomomic Theory Theory: An Ecomomist’s View”, The American Economic Review, 65 ( 2 ), 237-243
Medema, S. G ve , Zerbe R. O. (2000). “The Caosse Theorem” Encychopedia of Law and Economics
Mercuro, N. ve Medema, S. G. (1997). Economics and The Law:From Posner to Post Modernism, USA: Princeton University Press.
Miceli, T. (1997). Economics Of The Law, New York: Oxford University Press.
Oliver,J.M. (1979). Law and Ecomomics an İntroduction, Londra: George Allen And Unwin LDT.
Posner, A.R. (1980). " The economic Approach to law", Kenneth G.,Schmidt, D. ve T. S.Ulen ed. Law and Economics Antholog, Anderson Publishing Co.Ohio,USA.
Posner, A.R. (1980). "The Nature of Economic Reasoning",” Kenneth G.,Schmidt, D. ve T. S.Ulen ed. Law and Economics Antholog, Anderson Publishing Co.Ohio, USA.
Talley E. (2006).“Theory of Law and Economics” www.ref. etalley/oxford.
Veljanovski, Cento G. (1980). “The Economic Approach to law; A Critical İntroduction”, Kenneth G.,Schmidt, D. ve T. S.Ulen ed. Law and Economics Antholog, Anderson Publishing Co.Ohio, USA.
. and Econ97 Ders notları. of law and economics
In recent years law of theory become the important
area of economic analysis. This development is highly anticipated, because
the common point of these two subjects are to understand social institutions
in society. Furthermore, they have a strong normative component; law and
economics are concerned not only how social institutions function but also
how to improve their operations. While making the legal rules, justice,
fairness and equity are considered, but during the implementation of these
legal rules, efficiency become an important issue. This study focuses on
property rights, contract law, tort and criminal law and their economic
analyses are reviewed.
Besen, S. M. ve Raskind,L.J. (1991). “An Introduction to the law and Economics of Intellectual Property”, The Journal of Economic perspectives, 5(1), 3-27.
Cooter R. ve Ulen T. (1998)., Law and Economics. USA: Harper Collins Publishers.
Dau-Schmidt, K. G ve Ulen,T. (1998) Law And Ecomomics Anthology,, USA, Ohıo, Anderson Publushing Co.
Golovetskyy, V. (2006). Simon Fraser University, Department of Economics, Econ 388 Law and economics ders notları
Klevorick, A. K. (1975). “Law and Ecomomic Theory Theory: An Ecomomist’s View”, The American Economic Review, 65 ( 2 ), 237-243
Medema, S. G ve , Zerbe R. O. (2000). “The Caosse Theorem” Encychopedia of Law and Economics
Mercuro, N. ve Medema, S. G. (1997). Economics and The Law:From Posner to Post Modernism, USA: Princeton University Press.
Miceli, T. (1997). Economics Of The Law, New York: Oxford University Press.
Oliver,J.M. (1979). Law and Ecomomics an İntroduction, Londra: George Allen And Unwin LDT.
Posner, A.R. (1980). " The economic Approach to law", Kenneth G.,Schmidt, D. ve T. S.Ulen ed. Law and Economics Antholog, Anderson Publishing Co.Ohio,USA.
Posner, A.R. (1980). "The Nature of Economic Reasoning",” Kenneth G.,Schmidt, D. ve T. S.Ulen ed. Law and Economics Antholog, Anderson Publishing Co.Ohio, USA.
Talley E. (2006).“Theory of Law and Economics” www.ref. etalley/oxford.
Veljanovski, Cento G. (1980). “The Economic Approach to law; A Critical İntroduction”, Kenneth G.,Schmidt, D. ve T. S.Ulen ed. Law and Economics Antholog, Anderson Publishing Co.Ohio, USA.
. and Econ97 Ders notları. of law and economics
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