Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 113 - 122, 22.06.2020
Bülent Yıldız
Behzat Sayın
- Abolhassani, A., Layfield, K., & Gopalakrishnan, B. (2016). Lean and US manufacturing industry: popularity of practices and implementation barriers. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(7), 875-897.
- Alhuraish, I., Robledo, C. & Kobi, A. (2017). A comparative exploration of lean manufacturing and six sigma in terms of their critical success factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164(2017), 325-337.
- Arslankaya, S. & Atay, H. (2015). Maintenance management and lean manufacturing practices in a firm which produces dairy products. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 207(2015), 214-224.
- Botti, L., Mora C. & Regattieri, A. (2017). Integrating ergonomics and lean manufacturing principles in a hybrid assembly line. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 111(2017), 481-491.
- Burawat, P. (2019). The relationships among transformational leadership, sustainable leadership, lean manufacturing and sustainability performance in Thai SMEs manufacturing industry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 36(6), 1014-1036.
- Chavez R., Gimenez C., Fynes B., Wiengarten F. & Yu, W. (2013). Internal lean practices and operational performance The contingency perspective of industry clockspeed. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(5), 562-588.
- Chavez, R., Yu W., Jacobs, M., Fynes, Db., Wiengarten, F.& Lecuna, A. (2015). Internal lean practices and performance:The role of technological turbulence. International Journal of Production Economics, 160(2015), 157-171.
- Dave Y. & Sohani N. (2019). Improving productivity through Lean practices in central Indiabased manufacturing industries. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10(2), 601-621.
- Dora M., Kumaar M., Van Goubergen D., Molnar A. & Gellynck X. (2013). Operational performance and critical success factors of lean manufacturing in European food processing SMEs. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 31(2013), 156-164.
- Emiroğlu A. (2016). Yalın üretim yönetimi ve finansal performans arasındaki ilişki. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, ICAFR, 16(Özel Sayısı), 63-71.
- Fullerton, R.R. & Wempe, W.F. (2009). Lean manufacturing, non-financial performance measures, and financial performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29(3), 214-240.
- Hallgren, M. & Olhager, J. (2009). Lean and agile manufacturing: external and internal drivers and performance outcomes. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29(10), 976-999.
- Hong, P., Yang, M.A & Dobrzykowski D.D. (2014). Strategic customer service orientation, lean manufacturing practices and performance outcomes An empirical study. Journal of Service Management, 25(5), 699-723.
- Kafuku, J.M. (2019). Factors for effective implementation of lean manufacturing practices in selected industries in Tanzania. Procedia Manufacturing, 33(2019), 351-358.
- Kaygusuz, Y. & Kaygusuz, S. (2014). Süreç iyileştirmenin işletme performansına etkileri. Paradoks Ekonomi, Sosyoloji ve Politika Dergisi, 10(2), 31-50.
- Khanchanapong, T., Prajogo, D., Sohal, A.S., Cooper, B.K., Yeung, A.C.L. & Cheng, T.C.E. (2014). The unique and complementary effects of manufacturing Technologies and lean practices on manufacturing operational performance. International Jornal of Production Economics, 153(2014), 191-203.
- Koska, A., Göksu, N. & Sünbül, M.B. (2016). Yalın stratejinin faaliyet performansına etkisi: Kahramanmaraş tekstil işletmelerinde bir uygulama. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016(13), 283-296.
- Lin, Y., Luo J., Cai S., Ma S. & Rong K. (2016). Exploring the service quality in the e-commerce context: a triadic view. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(3), 388-415.
- Longoni, A. & Cagliano, R. (2015). Cross-functional executive involvement and worker involvement in lean manufacturing and sustainability alignment. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(9), 1332-1358.
- Panwar, A., Jain, R. & Rathore, A.P.S. (2015). Lean implementation in Indian process industries – some empirical evidence. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26(1), 131-160.
- Sahoo S. (2019). Lean manufacturing practices and performance: the role of social and technical factors. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-03-2019-0099.
- Sahoo, S. & Yadav, S. (2018). Lean production practices and bundles: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 9(3), 374-398.
- Sajan, M.P., Shalij, P.R., Ramesh, A. & Biju, Augustine P. (2017). Lean manufacturing practices in Indian manufacturing SMEs and their effect on sustainability performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 28(6), 772-793.
- Segura, M.G., Oleghe, O. & Salonitis, K. (2019). Analysis of lean manufacturing strategy using system Dynamics modelling of a business model. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLSS-05-2017-0042
- Shrafat, F.D. & Ismail, M. (2019). Structural equation modeling of lean manufacturing practices in a developing country context. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(1), 122-145.
- Taj, S. (2008). Lean manufacturing performance in China: assessment of 65 manufacturing plants. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19(2), 217-234.
- Wickramasinghe G.L.D. & Wickramasinghe V. (2017). Implementation of lean production practices and manufacturing performance The role of lean duration. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 28(4), 531-550.
- Worley, J.M. & Doolen, T.L. (2006). The role of communication and management support in a lean manufacturing implementation. Management Decision, 44(2), 228-245.
- Wyrwicka, M.K. & Mrugalska, B. (2017). Mirages of Lean Manufacturing in Practice. Procedia Engineering, 182(2017), 780-785.
- Yang M.G., Hong, P. ve Modi, S.B. (2011). Impact of lean manufacturing and environmental management on business performance: An emprical study on manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 129(2011), 251-261.
- Yavuz, V.A. (2010). Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı ve işletmeler açısından sürdürülebilir üretim stratejileri. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(7), 63-86.
- Zahraee, S.M. (2016). A survey on lean manufacturing implementation in a selected manufacturing industry in Iran. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 7(2), 136-148.
Yalın Üretim Uygulamalarının Sürdürülebilirlik Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisi
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 113 - 122, 22.06.2020
Bülent Yıldız
Behzat Sayın
İşletmelerin şiddetli rekabet ortamında rekabet edebilme üstünlüğü kazanmaları ve varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri için yalın üretim uygulamalarına yönelmeleri gerekmektedir. Günümüzde doğal kaynaklar gün geçtikçe azalmakta ve bu kaynaklara olan ihtiyaçlar artmaktadır. Bu sebepten dolayı işletmelerde israfın azaltılmasının sağlanması, verimlilik ve sürdürülebilirlik açısından önemlidir. Bu bağlamda, işletme içerisinde yalın üretim uygulamalarını benimseyerek en alttan en üste kadar tüm çalışanlar uygulamadan faydalanmalıdırlar. Bu çalışmada, yalın üretim uygulamalarının sürdürülebilirlik performansı üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi çeşitli sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren 121 imalat firmasından oluşmaktadır. Bu çerçevede örneklemi oluşturan işletmelerden araştırmanın verilerini anket yöntemi ile 2019 yılının Kasım ayında başlanmış ve 2020 yılının Ocak ayında ise tamamlanmıştır. Toplanan anketlerden elde edilen veriler yapısal eşitlik modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda yalın üretim uygulamalarının sürdürülebilirlik performansını pozitif yönde anlamlı olarak etkilediği bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu bulgu literatür taramasında belirtildiği üzere birçok çalışmanın bulgusu ile benzerlik göstermektedir. Dolayısıyla firmaların sürdürülebilirlik performanslarını artırabilmek için yalın üretim uygulamalarına gerekli önemi göstermeleri gerekmektedir.
- Abolhassani, A., Layfield, K., & Gopalakrishnan, B. (2016). Lean and US manufacturing industry: popularity of practices and implementation barriers. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(7), 875-897.
- Alhuraish, I., Robledo, C. & Kobi, A. (2017). A comparative exploration of lean manufacturing and six sigma in terms of their critical success factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164(2017), 325-337.
- Arslankaya, S. & Atay, H. (2015). Maintenance management and lean manufacturing practices in a firm which produces dairy products. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 207(2015), 214-224.
- Botti, L., Mora C. & Regattieri, A. (2017). Integrating ergonomics and lean manufacturing principles in a hybrid assembly line. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 111(2017), 481-491.
- Burawat, P. (2019). The relationships among transformational leadership, sustainable leadership, lean manufacturing and sustainability performance in Thai SMEs manufacturing industry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 36(6), 1014-1036.
- Chavez R., Gimenez C., Fynes B., Wiengarten F. & Yu, W. (2013). Internal lean practices and operational performance The contingency perspective of industry clockspeed. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(5), 562-588.
- Chavez, R., Yu W., Jacobs, M., Fynes, Db., Wiengarten, F.& Lecuna, A. (2015). Internal lean practices and performance:The role of technological turbulence. International Journal of Production Economics, 160(2015), 157-171.
- Dave Y. & Sohani N. (2019). Improving productivity through Lean practices in central Indiabased manufacturing industries. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10(2), 601-621.
- Dora M., Kumaar M., Van Goubergen D., Molnar A. & Gellynck X. (2013). Operational performance and critical success factors of lean manufacturing in European food processing SMEs. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 31(2013), 156-164.
- Emiroğlu A. (2016). Yalın üretim yönetimi ve finansal performans arasındaki ilişki. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, ICAFR, 16(Özel Sayısı), 63-71.
- Fullerton, R.R. & Wempe, W.F. (2009). Lean manufacturing, non-financial performance measures, and financial performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29(3), 214-240.
- Hallgren, M. & Olhager, J. (2009). Lean and agile manufacturing: external and internal drivers and performance outcomes. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29(10), 976-999.
- Hong, P., Yang, M.A & Dobrzykowski D.D. (2014). Strategic customer service orientation, lean manufacturing practices and performance outcomes An empirical study. Journal of Service Management, 25(5), 699-723.
- Kafuku, J.M. (2019). Factors for effective implementation of lean manufacturing practices in selected industries in Tanzania. Procedia Manufacturing, 33(2019), 351-358.
- Kaygusuz, Y. & Kaygusuz, S. (2014). Süreç iyileştirmenin işletme performansına etkileri. Paradoks Ekonomi, Sosyoloji ve Politika Dergisi, 10(2), 31-50.
- Khanchanapong, T., Prajogo, D., Sohal, A.S., Cooper, B.K., Yeung, A.C.L. & Cheng, T.C.E. (2014). The unique and complementary effects of manufacturing Technologies and lean practices on manufacturing operational performance. International Jornal of Production Economics, 153(2014), 191-203.
- Koska, A., Göksu, N. & Sünbül, M.B. (2016). Yalın stratejinin faaliyet performansına etkisi: Kahramanmaraş tekstil işletmelerinde bir uygulama. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016(13), 283-296.
- Lin, Y., Luo J., Cai S., Ma S. & Rong K. (2016). Exploring the service quality in the e-commerce context: a triadic view. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(3), 388-415.
- Longoni, A. & Cagliano, R. (2015). Cross-functional executive involvement and worker involvement in lean manufacturing and sustainability alignment. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(9), 1332-1358.
- Panwar, A., Jain, R. & Rathore, A.P.S. (2015). Lean implementation in Indian process industries – some empirical evidence. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26(1), 131-160.
- Sahoo S. (2019). Lean manufacturing practices and performance: the role of social and technical factors. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-03-2019-0099.
- Sahoo, S. & Yadav, S. (2018). Lean production practices and bundles: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 9(3), 374-398.
- Sajan, M.P., Shalij, P.R., Ramesh, A. & Biju, Augustine P. (2017). Lean manufacturing practices in Indian manufacturing SMEs and their effect on sustainability performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 28(6), 772-793.
- Segura, M.G., Oleghe, O. & Salonitis, K. (2019). Analysis of lean manufacturing strategy using system Dynamics modelling of a business model. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLSS-05-2017-0042
- Shrafat, F.D. & Ismail, M. (2019). Structural equation modeling of lean manufacturing practices in a developing country context. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(1), 122-145.
- Taj, S. (2008). Lean manufacturing performance in China: assessment of 65 manufacturing plants. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19(2), 217-234.
- Wickramasinghe G.L.D. & Wickramasinghe V. (2017). Implementation of lean production practices and manufacturing performance The role of lean duration. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 28(4), 531-550.
- Worley, J.M. & Doolen, T.L. (2006). The role of communication and management support in a lean manufacturing implementation. Management Decision, 44(2), 228-245.
- Wyrwicka, M.K. & Mrugalska, B. (2017). Mirages of Lean Manufacturing in Practice. Procedia Engineering, 182(2017), 780-785.
- Yang M.G., Hong, P. ve Modi, S.B. (2011). Impact of lean manufacturing and environmental management on business performance: An emprical study on manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 129(2011), 251-261.
- Yavuz, V.A. (2010). Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı ve işletmeler açısından sürdürülebilir üretim stratejileri. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(7), 63-86.
- Zahraee, S.M. (2016). A survey on lean manufacturing implementation in a selected manufacturing industry in Iran. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 7(2), 136-148.