Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education started its publication history in 2012. It is published in 4 issues; in January, April, July, and October. Articles submitted to the journal are reviewed in an independent, bias-free manner and under the principles of double-blinded refereeing. All articles are required to be submitted in English text only. An abstract (250 words maximum) and title of the manuscript in Turkish language should also be submitted. Authors whose mother tongue is not Turkish may request a translation service which is free of charge, from the editors of BUEFAD in the messages tab on DergiPark system. All papers published in BUEFAD are assigned with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number and authors are not charged any fee in any of the progresses of reviewing and publishing.
BUEFAD provides a platform for the publishing of studies in the fields of; learning, teaching and education. The primary criteria in the process of reviewing and selecting are related to contribution in the areas of learning, teaching, and education. The specific scope of the manuscript must be accurately selected in the journal's list of scopes included in the manuscript submission page on the DergiPark system. Original manuscripts which include research in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods conducted in the educational contexts ranging from pre-school to adult education are welcomed to be submitted.
All articles are required to be submitted in English text only. An abstract (250 words maximum) and title of the manuscript in Turkish language should also be submitted. Authors whose mother tongue is not Turkish may request a translation service which is free of charge, from the editors of BUEFAD in the messages tab on DergiPark system.
BUEFAD prioritizes manuscripts which:
- assist in the development of new educational models, assessment tools, and interdisciplinary research designs in education,
- effectively connects theory and practice while using rigorous scientific methods,
- include in-depth examination of local policies, programs, and innovations with an international perspective,
- make use of multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies,
- integrate technology into learning environments,
- develop tests of usability of educational measurement tools,
- include technology integration to improve educational practices,
- develop or evaluate a new educational model, whether theoretical or applied,
- enhance the professional development of teachers or preservice teachers.
BUEFAD may not accept studies which:
- were not conducted in the context of learning, teaching, or education
- have significant language issues affecting its overall clarity, accuracy, and coherence in the English language,
- are only limited to a review of literature (excluding rigorous systematic reviews), a book, or a concept.
- are quantitative studies which include only one independent variable (effect of A on B)
- lack a rich and rigid data collection method and data analysis (data collected from inadequate number of participants and analyses based only on demographic characteristics)
- do not cite recent publications in the literature
- do not clearly explain the background, significance of the study and its contribution to the literature.
In making decisions, BUEFAD values the views of the editorial board, English language editors and the preliminary review reports. A manuscript may be rejected by the editors of the journal before the reviewing process begins.