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Yıl 2024, , 67 - 83, 13.08.2024



  • Abdollahie fard ia, Sepehr M, Sherkati S (2011) Neogene salt in SW Iran and its interaction with Zagros folding. Geological Magazine 148(5-6): 854-867
  • Agard P, Omrani J, Jolivet L, Mouthereau F (2005) Convergence history across Zagros (Iran): constraints from collisional and earlier deformation. International journal of earth sciences 94(3): 401-419
  • Allen M (2010) The nature of the Dezful Embayment and the Balarud Line in the Iranian Zagros. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 10438)
  • Allen MB, Talebian M (2011) Structural variation along the Zagros and the nature of the Dezful Embayment. Geological Magazine 148(5-6): 911-924
  • Asl ME, Faghih A, Mukherjee S, Soleimany B (2019) Style and timing of salt movement in the Persian Gulf Basin, offshore Iran: Insights from halokinetic sequences adjacent to the Tonb-e-Bozorg salt diapir. Journal of Structural Geology 122: 116-132
  • Bahroudi A, Koyi H (2003) Effect of spatial distribution of Hormuz salt on deformation style in the Zagros fold and thrust belt: an analogue modelling approach. Journal of the Geological Society 160(5): 719-733
  • Berberian M, King G.C.P (1981) Towards a paleogeography and tectonic evolution of Iran. Canadian journal of earth sciences 18(2): 210-265
  • Berberian M (1995) Master “blind” thrust faults hidden under the Zagros folds: active basement tectonics and surface morphotectonics. Tectonophysics 241(3-4): 193-224
  • Bordenave M.L. Hegre J.A (2005) The influence of tectonics on the entrapment of oil in the Dezful Embayment, Zagros Fold belt, Iran. Journal of petroleum Geology 28(4): pp.339-368
  • Bordenave M.L (2014) Petroleum systems and distribution of the oil and gas fields in the Iranian part of the Tethyan region. In: Marlow L, Kendall CCG, Yose LA (Eds) Petroleum Systems of the Tethyan Region. AAPG Memoir 106. DOI:
  • Cooper M (2007) Structural style and hydrocarbon prospectivity in fold and thrust belts: A global review. In: Ries AC, Butler RWH, Graham RH (Eds) Deformation of the Continental Crust: The Legacy of Mike Coward. Geological Society, London, Spec. Pub. 272: 447-472.
  • Emami H, Vergés J, Nalpas T, Gillespie P, Sharp i, Karpuz R, Blanc E.P, Goodarzi M.G.H (2010) Structure of the Mountain Front Flexure along the Anaran anticline in the Pusht-e Kuh Arc (NW Zagros, Iran): insights from sand box models. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 330(1): 155-178.
  • Hammerstein J.A, Dicuia R, Cottam M.A, Zamora G, Butler R.W.H (2020) Fold and thrust belts: structural style, evolution and exploration–an introduction. In: Hammerstein JA, R. Dicuia, Cottam MA, Zamora G, Butler RWH (Eds.) Fold and Thrust Belts: Structural Style, Evolution and Exploration, vol. 490, Geological Society, London, Special Publications 490: 1-8.
  • Hessami K (2002) Tectonic history and present-day deformation in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. Doctoral dissertation, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
  • Homke S, Vergés J, Garcés M, Emami H, Karpuz R (2004) Magnetostratigraphy of Miocene–Pliocene Zagros foreland deposits in the front of the Push-e Kush arc (Lurestan Province, Iran). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 225(3-4): 397-410
  • Mcquarrie N (2004) Crustal scale geometry of the Zagros fold–thrust belt, Iran. Journal of structural Geology 26(3): 519-535
  • Pirouz M, Simpson G, Bahroudi A, Azhdari A (2011) Neogene sediments and modern depositional environments of the Zagros foreland basin system. Geol. Mag 148 (5–6): 838–853
  • Razavi Pash R, Sarkarinejad K, Ghoochaninejad H.Z, Motamedi H, Yazdani M (2020) Accommodation of the different structural styles in the foreland fold-and-thrust belts: northern Dezful Embayment in the Zagros belt, Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences 109(3) 109:959–970.
  • Razavi Pash R, Sarkarinejad K, Zarehparvar Ghoochaninejad H, Motamedi H (2021) Application of 3D Structural Modeling to Analyze the Structural Geometry and Kinematic Evolution: A Case Study from Lab-e-Safid and Qale Nar QN Subsurface Anticlines in the Northern Dezful Embayment, Iran. Geotectonics 55(2): 261-272.
  • Razavi Pash R.R, Sarkarinejad K, Sherkati S, Motamedi H (2021) Analogue model of the Bala Rud Fault, Zagros: an oblique basement ramp in a fold-and-thrust belt. International Journal of Earth Sciences 110(2): 741-755.
  • Safari H.O, Bagas L (2021) A transpressional model for deformation patterns in northern part of Dezful Embayment's oil fields in Zagros (Iran), using geo-information technologies. Marine and Petroleum Geology 123: 104736.
  • Safari H.O, Pirasteh S, Pradhan B (2009) Uplifting estimation in Zagros Transverse faults Iran: An application of Geoinformation Technology. Remote Sensing 1: 1240–1256.
  • Sarkarinejad K, Razavi Pash R, Motamedi H, Yazdani M (2017) Deformation and kinematic evolution of the subsurface structures: Zagros foreland fold-and-thrust belt, northern Dezful Embayment, Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences 107(4): 1287-1304.
  • Sepher M, Cosgrove J, Moieni M (2006) The impact of cover rock rheology on the style of folding in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. Tectonophysics 427(1-4): 265-281.
  • Seraj M (2021) Structural relationship study of Balarud and Qaleh Nar oi fields. National Iranian South Oil Company. Report, p. 70.
  • Sherkati S, Letouzey J (2004) Variation of structural style and basin evolution in the central Zagros (Izeh zone and Dezful Embayment), Iran. Marine and Petroleum Geology 21(5): 535-554.
  • SherkatiS, Letouzey J, Frizon de lamotte D (2006) Central Zagros fold‐thrust belt (Iran): New insights from seismic data, field observation, and sandbox modeling. Tectonics 25(4), TC4007.
  • Sherkati S, Molinaro m, DE Lamotte DF, Letouzey J (2005) Detachment folding in the Central and Eastern Zagros fold-belt (Iran): salt mobility, multiple detachments and late basement control. Journal of Structural Geology 27(9): 1680-1696.
  • Stöcklin, J (1968) Salt deposits of the Middle East. Geological Society of America, Special Issue 88: 157-181.

Structural relationship between subsurface oil fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran)

Yıl 2024, , 67 - 83, 13.08.2024


How subsurface anticlines (oil fields) link structurally with faults is of great relevance in the exploration and development of oil fields. In this context, we investigate the geometric relation between lower Balarud (LBR), upper Balarud (UBR) and Qaleh Nar (QN) subsurface anticlines that are the main oil fields in the Northern Dezful Embayment, central Zagros. The Asmari (As) and the Bangestan (Bng) reservoirs are studied geophysically using seismic profiles, well data and underground contour maps (UGC). Interpretation of 3500 m deep seismic profiles indicates the geometry of the studied subsurface anticlines differs vertically and horizontally to a significant proportion. The interpreted structures much resemble As and Bng horizons in each anticline. The UBR got overturned on the LBR due to thrusting possibly in the Late Miocene. The LBR, like a rabbit-ear structure, is situated at the northern edge of the QN. The lower and upper Chenareh and LBR and UBR resemble structurally and are separated mutually by a steep (strike-slip) fault. The fault separates the LBR and UBR from the QN. Interaction of different factors: change in overburden pressure, rate of deformation and uplift in the different parts of the subsurface anticlines moved and accumulated Gachsaran Formation
towards both limbs of the anticlines.


  • Abdollahie fard ia, Sepehr M, Sherkati S (2011) Neogene salt in SW Iran and its interaction with Zagros folding. Geological Magazine 148(5-6): 854-867
  • Agard P, Omrani J, Jolivet L, Mouthereau F (2005) Convergence history across Zagros (Iran): constraints from collisional and earlier deformation. International journal of earth sciences 94(3): 401-419
  • Allen M (2010) The nature of the Dezful Embayment and the Balarud Line in the Iranian Zagros. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 10438)
  • Allen MB, Talebian M (2011) Structural variation along the Zagros and the nature of the Dezful Embayment. Geological Magazine 148(5-6): 911-924
  • Asl ME, Faghih A, Mukherjee S, Soleimany B (2019) Style and timing of salt movement in the Persian Gulf Basin, offshore Iran: Insights from halokinetic sequences adjacent to the Tonb-e-Bozorg salt diapir. Journal of Structural Geology 122: 116-132
  • Bahroudi A, Koyi H (2003) Effect of spatial distribution of Hormuz salt on deformation style in the Zagros fold and thrust belt: an analogue modelling approach. Journal of the Geological Society 160(5): 719-733
  • Berberian M, King G.C.P (1981) Towards a paleogeography and tectonic evolution of Iran. Canadian journal of earth sciences 18(2): 210-265
  • Berberian M (1995) Master “blind” thrust faults hidden under the Zagros folds: active basement tectonics and surface morphotectonics. Tectonophysics 241(3-4): 193-224
  • Bordenave M.L. Hegre J.A (2005) The influence of tectonics on the entrapment of oil in the Dezful Embayment, Zagros Fold belt, Iran. Journal of petroleum Geology 28(4): pp.339-368
  • Bordenave M.L (2014) Petroleum systems and distribution of the oil and gas fields in the Iranian part of the Tethyan region. In: Marlow L, Kendall CCG, Yose LA (Eds) Petroleum Systems of the Tethyan Region. AAPG Memoir 106. DOI:
  • Cooper M (2007) Structural style and hydrocarbon prospectivity in fold and thrust belts: A global review. In: Ries AC, Butler RWH, Graham RH (Eds) Deformation of the Continental Crust: The Legacy of Mike Coward. Geological Society, London, Spec. Pub. 272: 447-472.
  • Emami H, Vergés J, Nalpas T, Gillespie P, Sharp i, Karpuz R, Blanc E.P, Goodarzi M.G.H (2010) Structure of the Mountain Front Flexure along the Anaran anticline in the Pusht-e Kuh Arc (NW Zagros, Iran): insights from sand box models. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 330(1): 155-178.
  • Hammerstein J.A, Dicuia R, Cottam M.A, Zamora G, Butler R.W.H (2020) Fold and thrust belts: structural style, evolution and exploration–an introduction. In: Hammerstein JA, R. Dicuia, Cottam MA, Zamora G, Butler RWH (Eds.) Fold and Thrust Belts: Structural Style, Evolution and Exploration, vol. 490, Geological Society, London, Special Publications 490: 1-8.
  • Hessami K (2002) Tectonic history and present-day deformation in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. Doctoral dissertation, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
  • Homke S, Vergés J, Garcés M, Emami H, Karpuz R (2004) Magnetostratigraphy of Miocene–Pliocene Zagros foreland deposits in the front of the Push-e Kush arc (Lurestan Province, Iran). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 225(3-4): 397-410
  • Mcquarrie N (2004) Crustal scale geometry of the Zagros fold–thrust belt, Iran. Journal of structural Geology 26(3): 519-535
  • Pirouz M, Simpson G, Bahroudi A, Azhdari A (2011) Neogene sediments and modern depositional environments of the Zagros foreland basin system. Geol. Mag 148 (5–6): 838–853
  • Razavi Pash R, Sarkarinejad K, Ghoochaninejad H.Z, Motamedi H, Yazdani M (2020) Accommodation of the different structural styles in the foreland fold-and-thrust belts: northern Dezful Embayment in the Zagros belt, Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences 109(3) 109:959–970.
  • Razavi Pash R, Sarkarinejad K, Zarehparvar Ghoochaninejad H, Motamedi H (2021) Application of 3D Structural Modeling to Analyze the Structural Geometry and Kinematic Evolution: A Case Study from Lab-e-Safid and Qale Nar QN Subsurface Anticlines in the Northern Dezful Embayment, Iran. Geotectonics 55(2): 261-272.
  • Razavi Pash R.R, Sarkarinejad K, Sherkati S, Motamedi H (2021) Analogue model of the Bala Rud Fault, Zagros: an oblique basement ramp in a fold-and-thrust belt. International Journal of Earth Sciences 110(2): 741-755.
  • Safari H.O, Bagas L (2021) A transpressional model for deformation patterns in northern part of Dezful Embayment's oil fields in Zagros (Iran), using geo-information technologies. Marine and Petroleum Geology 123: 104736.
  • Safari H.O, Pirasteh S, Pradhan B (2009) Uplifting estimation in Zagros Transverse faults Iran: An application of Geoinformation Technology. Remote Sensing 1: 1240–1256.
  • Sarkarinejad K, Razavi Pash R, Motamedi H, Yazdani M (2017) Deformation and kinematic evolution of the subsurface structures: Zagros foreland fold-and-thrust belt, northern Dezful Embayment, Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences 107(4): 1287-1304.
  • Sepher M, Cosgrove J, Moieni M (2006) The impact of cover rock rheology on the style of folding in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. Tectonophysics 427(1-4): 265-281.
  • Seraj M (2021) Structural relationship study of Balarud and Qaleh Nar oi fields. National Iranian South Oil Company. Report, p. 70.
  • Sherkati S, Letouzey J (2004) Variation of structural style and basin evolution in the central Zagros (Izeh zone and Dezful Embayment), Iran. Marine and Petroleum Geology 21(5): 535-554.
  • SherkatiS, Letouzey J, Frizon de lamotte D (2006) Central Zagros fold‐thrust belt (Iran): New insights from seismic data, field observation, and sandbox modeling. Tectonics 25(4), TC4007.
  • Sherkati S, Molinaro m, DE Lamotte DF, Letouzey J (2005) Detachment folding in the Central and Eastern Zagros fold-belt (Iran): salt mobility, multiple detachments and late basement control. Journal of Structural Geology 27(9): 1680-1696.
  • Stöcklin, J (1968) Salt deposits of the Middle East. Geological Society of America, Special Issue 88: 157-181.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yer Bilimleri ve Jeoloji Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Raana Razavi Pash Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7933-158X

Mohammad Seraj Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1456-909X

Soumyajit Mukherjee Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1600-4690

Ahmad Radmehr Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6469-0395

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Razavi Pash, R., Seraj, M., Mukherjee, S., Radmehr, A. (2024). Structural relationship between subsurface oil fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 174(174), 67-83.
AMA Razavi Pash R, Seraj M, Mukherjee S, Radmehr A. Structural relationship between subsurface oil fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Ağustos 2024;174(174):67-83. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1344433
Chicago Razavi Pash, Raana, Mohammad Seraj, Soumyajit Mukherjee, ve Ahmad Radmehr. “Structural Relationship Between Subsurface Oil Fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 174, sy. 174 (Ağustos 2024): 67-83.
EndNote Razavi Pash R, Seraj M, Mukherjee S, Radmehr A (01 Ağustos 2024) Structural relationship between subsurface oil fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 174 174 67–83.
IEEE R. Razavi Pash, M. Seraj, S. Mukherjee, ve A. Radmehr, “Structural relationship between subsurface oil fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran)”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 174, sy. 174, ss. 67–83, 2024, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.1344433.
ISNAD Razavi Pash, Raana vd. “Structural Relationship Between Subsurface Oil Fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 174/174 (Ağustos 2024), 67-83.
JAMA Razavi Pash R, Seraj M, Mukherjee S, Radmehr A. Structural relationship between subsurface oil fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2024;174:67–83.
MLA Razavi Pash, Raana vd. “Structural Relationship Between Subsurface Oil Fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 174, sy. 174, 2024, ss. 67-83, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1344433.
Vancouver Razavi Pash R, Seraj M, Mukherjee S, Radmehr A. Structural relationship between subsurface oil fields in the North Dezful Embayment: Qaleh Nar, Lower and Upper Balarud Anticlines (central Zagros, Iran). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2024;174(174):67-83.

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