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The Mediating Role of Organizational Silence Between Academicians' Perceptions of Organizational Injustice and Knowledge Hiding Behavior

Yıl 2023, , 364 - 375, 31.12.2023


Knowledge sharing is essential for organizations to effectively manage and utilize their most valuable intangible asset, knowledge. Considering that higher education institutions are knowledge-intensive organizations, the dissemination of individual knowledge throughout the organization becomes even more critical. There are, however, a number of individual, organizational, and contextual barriers that could make workers reluctant to share the knowledge they possess. The purpose of this study is to discover to what extent academicians' perceptions of injustice influence their knowledge-hiding behavior. The main assumption of the research is that the perception of injustice causes employee silence, which leads to knowledge hiding. The data were collected through structured questionnaires from six higher education institutions including four public and two private, operating in the provinces of Adana and Mersin (n=289). The findings suggest that organizational injustice induces knowledge hiding behaviors. Furthermore, organizational injustice has been shown to affect knowledge hiding behavior through organizational silence, although partially. The major contribution of the study is that it identifies certain barriers in higher education that distort the effective management of knowledge.


  • Abubakar, A. M., Behravesh, E., Rezapouraghdam, H., ve Yildiz, S. B. (2019). Applying artificial intelligence technique to predict knowledge hiding behavior. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 45-57.
  • Ahmed, I., ve Khan, M. K. (2016). Organizational justice, counterproductive work behavior and turnover intentions relation: Mediation by dehumanization and moderation by gender. Paradigms, 10(2), 120.
  • Bari, M. W., Ghaffar, M., ve Ahmad, B. (2020). Knowledge-hiding behaviors and employees’ silence: Mediating role of psychological contract breach. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(9), 2171-2194.
  • Cao, Y. (2022). Effect of interpersonal injustice on knowledge hiding behavior: Moderating role of high-performance work stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 858669.
  • Casimir, G., Lee, K., ve Loon, M. (2012). Knowledge sharing: Influences of trust, commitment and cost. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(5), 740-753.
  • Choudhary, N., Deswal, R. K., ve Philip, P. J. (2014). Impact of organizational justice on employees' workplace and personal outcomes: A study of Indian insurance sector. SSRN.
  • Colquitt, J. A., Greenberg, J., ve Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2013). What is organizational justice? A historical overview. In Handbook of Organizational Justice (pp. 3-56). Psychology Press.
  • Connelly, C. E., Zweig, D., Webster, J., ve Trougakos, J. P. (2012). Knowledge hiding in organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(1), 64-88.
  • Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., ve Gilliland, S. W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. Academy of Management Perspectives, 21(4), 34-48.
  • Cropanzano, R., ve Stein, J. H. (2009). Organizational justice and behavioral ethics: Promises and prospects. Business Ethics Quarterly, 19(2), 193-233.
  • Cugueró-Escofet, N., ve Fortin, M. (2014). One justice or two? A model of reconciliation of normative justice theories and empirical research on organizational justice. Journal of Business Ethics, 124, 435-451.
  • De Clercq, D., Jahanzeb, S., ve Fatima, T. (2021). How abusive supervision ultimately might enhance performance ratings among silent, neurotic employees. Personnel Review, 50(5), 1297-1315.
  • Demirkasimoglu, N. (2016). Knowledge Hiding in Academia: Is Personality a Key Factor?. International Journal of Higher Education, 5(1), 128-140.
  • Dyne, L. V., Ang, S., ve Botero, I. C. (2003). Conceptualizing employee silence and employee voice as multidimensional constructs. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1359-1392.
  • Fapohunda, T. N. (2016). Organizational silence: Predictors and consequences among university academic staff. International Journal for Research in Social Science and Humanities Research, 2(1), 83-103.
  • Fortin, M., ve Fellenz, M. R. (2008). Hypocrisies of fairness: Towards a more reflexive ethical base in organizational justice research and practice. Journal of Business Ethics, 78, 415-433.
  • Garg, N., Talukdar, A., Ganguly, A., ve Kumar, C. (2021). Knowledge hiding in academia: An empirical study of Indian higher education students. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(9), 2196-2219.
  • Greenberg, J. (1987). A taxonomy of organizational justice theories. Academy of Management review, 12(1), 9-22.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990). Organizational justice: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Journal of Management, 16(2), 399-432.
  • Griffin, R. W., Phillips, J. M., ve Gully, S. M. (2019). Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations. (13th Edn). Boston: Cengage Learning.
  • Hassan, S., DeHart‐Davis, L., ve Jiang, Z. (2019). How empowering leadership reduces employee silence in public organizations. Public Administration, 97(1), 116-131.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis. New York, NY: Guilford Publications, Inc.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2018). Introduction to mediating, moderating and conditional process analysis: A refresion based approach (Second Edn.). New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Hernaus, T., Cerne, M., Connelly, C., Poloski Vokic, N., ve Škerlavaj, M. (2019). Evasive knowledge hiding in academia: When competitive individuals are asked to collaborate. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(4), 597-618.
  • Hislop, D. (2003). Linking human resource management and knowledge management via commitment: A review and research agenda. Employee Relations, 25(2), 182-202.
  • Iqbal, O., Ali, Z., ve Azam, A. (2022). Exploring the underlying mechanism between perceived injustice and knowledge hiding: An empirical investigation. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 3683-3697.
  • Islam, T., Asif, A., Jamil, S., ve Ali, H. F. (2022). How abusive supervision affect knowledge hiding? The mediating role of employee silence and moderating role of psychological ownership. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, (ahead-of-print).
  • İspirli, D. (2014). Knowledge as an object of psychological ownership and knowledge hiding via territoriality among knowledge workers. (Yükseklisans tezi). Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi.
  • Jahanzeb, S., De Clercq, D., ve Fatima, T. (2021). Organizational injustice and knowledge hiding: The roles of organizational dis-identification and benevolence. Management Decision, 59(2), 446-462.
  • Kelloway, E. K., ve Barling, J. (2000). Knowledge work as organizational behavior. International Journal of Management Reviews, 2(3), 287-304.
  • Khan, A. G., Li, Y., Akram, Z., ve Akram, U. (2022). Why and how targets’ negative workplace gossip exhort knowledge hiding? Shedding light on organizational justice. Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(5), 1458-1482.
  • Maqbool, S., Černe, M., ve Bortoluzzi, G. (2019). Micro-foundations of innovation: Employee silence, perceived time pressure, flow and innovative work behaviour. European Journal of Innovation Management, 22(1), 125-145.
  • Matteson, M. L., Ming, Y., ve Silva, D. E. (2021). The relationship between work conditions and perceptions of organizational justice among library employees. Library & Information Science Research, 43(2), 101093.
  • Milliken, F. J., Morrison, E. W., ve Hewlin, P. F. (2003). An exploratory study of employee silence: Issues that employees don’t communicate upward and why. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1453-1476.
  • Mohammad, J., Habib, F. Q. B., Adnan, M., ve Alias, B. (2010). Organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in higher education. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2(1), 13-32.
  • Milliken, F.J., Morrison, E.W. ve Hewlin, P.F. (2003). An exploratory study of employee silence: Issues that employees don’t communicate upward and why. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1453-1476.
  • Niehoff, B. P., ve Moorman, R. H. (1993). Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring and organizational citizenship behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 36(3), 527-556.
  • Polat, S. (2007). Ortaöğretim öğretmenlerinin örgütsel adalet algıları, örgütsel güven düzeyleri ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışları arasındaki ilişki.(Doktora tezi). Kocaeli Üniversitesi.
  • Rai, A., ve Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Workplace bullying and employee silence: A moderated mediation model of psychological contract violation and workplace friendship. Personnel Review, 47(1), 226-256.
  • Riege, A. (2005). Three‐dozen knowledge‐sharing barriers managers must consider. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(3), 18-35.
  • Rogelberg, S. G. (2017). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. California: Thousand Oaks.
  • Rowley, J. (2000). Is higher education ready for knowledge management?. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(7), 325-333.
  • Rupp, D. E., Shapiro, D. L., Folger, R., Skarlicki, D. P., ve Shao, R. (2017). A critical analysis of the conceptualization and measurement of organizational justice: Is it time for reassessment?. Academy of Management Annals, 11(2), 919-959.
  • Seligman, M. E. P. & Maier, S. F. (1967). Failure to Escape Traumatic Shock. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74 (1), 1-9.
  • Song, B., Qian, J., Wang, B., Yang, M., ve Zhai, A. (2017). Are you hiding from your boss? Leader's destructive personality and employee silence. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 45(7), 1167-1174.
  • Taşkıran, E. (2010). Liderlik tarzının örgütsel sessizlik üzerindeki etkisinde örgütsel adaletin rolü ve bir araştırma (Doktora tezi) Marmara Universitesi.
  • Teng, J. T., ve Song, S. (2011). An exploratory examination of knowledge‐sharing behaviors: Solicited and voluntary. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 104-117.
  • Tripp, T. M., Bies, R. J. (2015). " Doing justice": The role of motives for revenge in the workplace. in The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace (Cropanzano R. ve Ambrose M. Edn). New York: Oxford Univerity Press.
  • Üçok, D., & Torun, A. (2015). Örgütsel sessizliğin nedenleri üzerine nitel bir araştırma. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2(1), 27-37.
  • Webster, J., Brown, G., Zweig, D., Connelly, C. E., Brodt, S., ve Sitkin, S. (2008). Beyond knowledge sharing: Withholding knowledge at work. In Research in personnel and human resources management (pp. 1-37). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Wen Chong, C., Holden, T., Wilhelmij, P., ve Schmidt, R. A. (2000). Where does knowledge management add value?. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 1(4), 366-380.
  • Wu, M., Li, W., Zhang, L., Zhang, C., ve Zhou, H. (2023). Workplace suspicion, knowledge hiding, and silence behavior: A double-moderated mediation model of knowledge-based psychological ownership and face consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 982440.

Akademisyenlerin Örgütsel Adaletsizlik Algıları İle Bilgi Saklama Davranışı Arasındaki İlişkide Örgütsel Sessizliğin Aracılık Rolü

Yıl 2023, , 364 - 375, 31.12.2023


Bilgi paylaşımı, kuruluşların en değerli maddi olmayan varlıkları olan bilgiyi etkin bir şekilde yönetmeleri ve kullanmaları için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Yükseköğretim kurumlarının bilgi-yoğun örgütler olduğu düşünüldüğünde bireysel bilginin örgüt geneline dağıtılması daha da kritik hale gelmektedir. Ancak çeşitli bireysel, örgütsel ve bağlamsal unsurlar çalışanları bilgi paylaşma noktasında isteksiz hale getirebilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı akademisyenlerin adaletsizlik algılarının bilgi saklama davranışını ne derece etkilediğini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmanın temel varsayımı ise adaletsizlik algısının çalışan sessizliğine sebep olduğu, bunun da bireyleri sahip oldukları bilgiyi saklamaya teşvik etmesidir. Araştırmanın verileri Adana ve Mersin illerinde faaliyet yürüten dördü kamu ve ikisi vakıf olmak üzere toplam altı yükseköğretim kurumundan yapılandırılmış anketler aracılığıyla toplanmıştır (n= 289). Araştırmanın bulguları örgütsel adaletsizlik algısının bilgi saklama davranışını teşvik ettiğini ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca bulgular, kısmi de olsa, bahsedilen ilişkide örgütsel sessizliğin aracılık ilişkisini doğrular niteliktedir. Araştırma, bilgi-yoğun kuruluşlar olan yükseköğretim kurumlarında bilginin etkin yönetilmesi önündeki bariyerleri ortaya koyması bakımından özgün bir nitelik taşımaktadır.


  • Abubakar, A. M., Behravesh, E., Rezapouraghdam, H., ve Yildiz, S. B. (2019). Applying artificial intelligence technique to predict knowledge hiding behavior. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 45-57.
  • Ahmed, I., ve Khan, M. K. (2016). Organizational justice, counterproductive work behavior and turnover intentions relation: Mediation by dehumanization and moderation by gender. Paradigms, 10(2), 120.
  • Bari, M. W., Ghaffar, M., ve Ahmad, B. (2020). Knowledge-hiding behaviors and employees’ silence: Mediating role of psychological contract breach. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(9), 2171-2194.
  • Cao, Y. (2022). Effect of interpersonal injustice on knowledge hiding behavior: Moderating role of high-performance work stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 858669.
  • Casimir, G., Lee, K., ve Loon, M. (2012). Knowledge sharing: Influences of trust, commitment and cost. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(5), 740-753.
  • Choudhary, N., Deswal, R. K., ve Philip, P. J. (2014). Impact of organizational justice on employees' workplace and personal outcomes: A study of Indian insurance sector. SSRN.
  • Colquitt, J. A., Greenberg, J., ve Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2013). What is organizational justice? A historical overview. In Handbook of Organizational Justice (pp. 3-56). Psychology Press.
  • Connelly, C. E., Zweig, D., Webster, J., ve Trougakos, J. P. (2012). Knowledge hiding in organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(1), 64-88.
  • Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., ve Gilliland, S. W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. Academy of Management Perspectives, 21(4), 34-48.
  • Cropanzano, R., ve Stein, J. H. (2009). Organizational justice and behavioral ethics: Promises and prospects. Business Ethics Quarterly, 19(2), 193-233.
  • Cugueró-Escofet, N., ve Fortin, M. (2014). One justice or two? A model of reconciliation of normative justice theories and empirical research on organizational justice. Journal of Business Ethics, 124, 435-451.
  • De Clercq, D., Jahanzeb, S., ve Fatima, T. (2021). How abusive supervision ultimately might enhance performance ratings among silent, neurotic employees. Personnel Review, 50(5), 1297-1315.
  • Demirkasimoglu, N. (2016). Knowledge Hiding in Academia: Is Personality a Key Factor?. International Journal of Higher Education, 5(1), 128-140.
  • Dyne, L. V., Ang, S., ve Botero, I. C. (2003). Conceptualizing employee silence and employee voice as multidimensional constructs. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1359-1392.
  • Fapohunda, T. N. (2016). Organizational silence: Predictors and consequences among university academic staff. International Journal for Research in Social Science and Humanities Research, 2(1), 83-103.
  • Fortin, M., ve Fellenz, M. R. (2008). Hypocrisies of fairness: Towards a more reflexive ethical base in organizational justice research and practice. Journal of Business Ethics, 78, 415-433.
  • Garg, N., Talukdar, A., Ganguly, A., ve Kumar, C. (2021). Knowledge hiding in academia: An empirical study of Indian higher education students. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(9), 2196-2219.
  • Greenberg, J. (1987). A taxonomy of organizational justice theories. Academy of Management review, 12(1), 9-22.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990). Organizational justice: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Journal of Management, 16(2), 399-432.
  • Griffin, R. W., Phillips, J. M., ve Gully, S. M. (2019). Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations. (13th Edn). Boston: Cengage Learning.
  • Hassan, S., DeHart‐Davis, L., ve Jiang, Z. (2019). How empowering leadership reduces employee silence in public organizations. Public Administration, 97(1), 116-131.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis. New York, NY: Guilford Publications, Inc.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2018). Introduction to mediating, moderating and conditional process analysis: A refresion based approach (Second Edn.). New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Hernaus, T., Cerne, M., Connelly, C., Poloski Vokic, N., ve Škerlavaj, M. (2019). Evasive knowledge hiding in academia: When competitive individuals are asked to collaborate. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(4), 597-618.
  • Hislop, D. (2003). Linking human resource management and knowledge management via commitment: A review and research agenda. Employee Relations, 25(2), 182-202.
  • Iqbal, O., Ali, Z., ve Azam, A. (2022). Exploring the underlying mechanism between perceived injustice and knowledge hiding: An empirical investigation. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 3683-3697.
  • Islam, T., Asif, A., Jamil, S., ve Ali, H. F. (2022). How abusive supervision affect knowledge hiding? The mediating role of employee silence and moderating role of psychological ownership. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, (ahead-of-print).
  • İspirli, D. (2014). Knowledge as an object of psychological ownership and knowledge hiding via territoriality among knowledge workers. (Yükseklisans tezi). Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi.
  • Jahanzeb, S., De Clercq, D., ve Fatima, T. (2021). Organizational injustice and knowledge hiding: The roles of organizational dis-identification and benevolence. Management Decision, 59(2), 446-462.
  • Kelloway, E. K., ve Barling, J. (2000). Knowledge work as organizational behavior. International Journal of Management Reviews, 2(3), 287-304.
  • Khan, A. G., Li, Y., Akram, Z., ve Akram, U. (2022). Why and how targets’ negative workplace gossip exhort knowledge hiding? Shedding light on organizational justice. Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(5), 1458-1482.
  • Maqbool, S., Černe, M., ve Bortoluzzi, G. (2019). Micro-foundations of innovation: Employee silence, perceived time pressure, flow and innovative work behaviour. European Journal of Innovation Management, 22(1), 125-145.
  • Matteson, M. L., Ming, Y., ve Silva, D. E. (2021). The relationship between work conditions and perceptions of organizational justice among library employees. Library & Information Science Research, 43(2), 101093.
  • Milliken, F. J., Morrison, E. W., ve Hewlin, P. F. (2003). An exploratory study of employee silence: Issues that employees don’t communicate upward and why. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1453-1476.
  • Mohammad, J., Habib, F. Q. B., Adnan, M., ve Alias, B. (2010). Organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in higher education. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2(1), 13-32.
  • Milliken, F.J., Morrison, E.W. ve Hewlin, P.F. (2003). An exploratory study of employee silence: Issues that employees don’t communicate upward and why. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1453-1476.
  • Niehoff, B. P., ve Moorman, R. H. (1993). Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring and organizational citizenship behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 36(3), 527-556.
  • Polat, S. (2007). Ortaöğretim öğretmenlerinin örgütsel adalet algıları, örgütsel güven düzeyleri ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışları arasındaki ilişki.(Doktora tezi). Kocaeli Üniversitesi.
  • Rai, A., ve Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Workplace bullying and employee silence: A moderated mediation model of psychological contract violation and workplace friendship. Personnel Review, 47(1), 226-256.
  • Riege, A. (2005). Three‐dozen knowledge‐sharing barriers managers must consider. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(3), 18-35.
  • Rogelberg, S. G. (2017). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. California: Thousand Oaks.
  • Rowley, J. (2000). Is higher education ready for knowledge management?. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(7), 325-333.
  • Rupp, D. E., Shapiro, D. L., Folger, R., Skarlicki, D. P., ve Shao, R. (2017). A critical analysis of the conceptualization and measurement of organizational justice: Is it time for reassessment?. Academy of Management Annals, 11(2), 919-959.
  • Seligman, M. E. P. & Maier, S. F. (1967). Failure to Escape Traumatic Shock. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74 (1), 1-9.
  • Song, B., Qian, J., Wang, B., Yang, M., ve Zhai, A. (2017). Are you hiding from your boss? Leader's destructive personality and employee silence. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 45(7), 1167-1174.
  • Taşkıran, E. (2010). Liderlik tarzının örgütsel sessizlik üzerindeki etkisinde örgütsel adaletin rolü ve bir araştırma (Doktora tezi) Marmara Universitesi.
  • Teng, J. T., ve Song, S. (2011). An exploratory examination of knowledge‐sharing behaviors: Solicited and voluntary. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 104-117.
  • Tripp, T. M., Bies, R. J. (2015). " Doing justice": The role of motives for revenge in the workplace. in The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace (Cropanzano R. ve Ambrose M. Edn). New York: Oxford Univerity Press.
  • Üçok, D., & Torun, A. (2015). Örgütsel sessizliğin nedenleri üzerine nitel bir araştırma. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2(1), 27-37.
  • Webster, J., Brown, G., Zweig, D., Connelly, C. E., Brodt, S., ve Sitkin, S. (2008). Beyond knowledge sharing: Withholding knowledge at work. In Research in personnel and human resources management (pp. 1-37). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Wen Chong, C., Holden, T., Wilhelmij, P., ve Schmidt, R. A. (2000). Where does knowledge management add value?. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 1(4), 366-380.
  • Wu, M., Li, W., Zhang, L., Zhang, C., ve Zhou, H. (2023). Workplace suspicion, knowledge hiding, and silence behavior: A double-moderated mediation model of knowledge-based psychological ownership and face consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 982440.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bilgi Modelleme, Yönetim ve Ontolojiler, Bilgi Sistemleri Organizasyonu ve Yönetimi
Bölüm Hakemli Makaleler

Umut Uyan 0000-0002-8466-2903

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Uyan, U. (2023). Akademisyenlerin Örgütsel Adaletsizlik Algıları İle Bilgi Saklama Davranışı Arasındaki İlişkide Örgütsel Sessizliğin Aracılık Rolü. Bilgi Yönetimi, 6(2), 364-375.