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Administrative Structure of Trebizond and its Surroundings During the Byzantine Empire (VI-XI. Century)

Yıl 2022, , 16 - 30, 26.03.2022


Roman Empire, dominated by Trabzon and its environs in the first century BC. and made various administrative arrangements in the region. After the division of the Roman Empire, Trabzon and its surrounding areas came under Byzantine rule, and administrative arrangements were made depending on the military and political developments on the eastern border of the empire. Sassanid wars that continued throughout the VI. century and the Muslim Arab threat that began in the middle of the same century forced the Byzantine rulers to take some military and administrative measures. From the VII. century, the empire's administrative structure underwent a fundamental change and the theme system became the basis of the administrative structure in Anatolia and the Balkans. The city of Trabzon, first connected to Armeniakon theme and then became the center of the Khaldia within the theme system. This study aims to evaluate the administrative structure of Trabzon and its surroundings during the Byzantine Empire. In the study, the administrative arrangements made during the Byzantine rule in the region and the effect of these arrangements on the administrative structure of the region will be discussed.


  • Adcock, F. E. (1937), “Lesser Armenia and Galatia After Pompey’s Settlement of East”, The Journal of Roman Studies, 27/1, 12-17. Adontz, Nicholas (1970), Armenia İn The Period Of Justinian The Political Conditions Based On The Naxarar System, Trans. Nina B. Garsoian, , Lisbon: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
  • Ahmed b. Yahya el-Belazuri (2013), Fütuhu’l-Büldan/Ülkelerin Fetihleri, Ter. Mustafa Fayda, İstanbul: Siyer Yay.
  • Braund, D. ve Tsetskhladze, G. R. (1998), “The Export of Slaves From Colchis”, Classical Quarterly, 39/1, 114-125.
  • Brooks, E.W. (1901), "Byzantines and Arabs in the Time of the Early Abbasids," English Historical Review, 16/61, 728-747.
  • Bryer, Anthony ve Winfield, David (2007), The Byzantine Monuments And Topoghraphy Of The Pontos, Volume:I, Washington: Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Burney C.A. ve Lang, D.M. (1971), The Peoples Of The Hills: Ancient Ararat Of Caucasus, London.
  • Bury, J.B. (1889), “The Roman Emperors From Basil II To İsaac Komnenos”, The English Historical Review, 4/13, 41-64.
  • Bury, J.B. (1911), The İmperial Administrative System İn The Ninth Century With A Revised Text Of The Kletorologion Of The Philotheos, London: Oxfod University Press.
  • Cassius Cocceianus Dio (1914), Roman History, (Trans., Earnest Cary), Vol. III, London&New York: William Heinemann&The Macmillan.
  • Charanis, Peter (1972), Studies On The Demography Of The Byzantine Empire, London: Variorum Reprints.
  • Charanis, Peter (2014), "Yedinci Yüzyılda Bizans'ta Etnik Değişimler", Çev. İlcan Bihter Barlas, Tarih Okulu Dergisi, XVII, 713-738.
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus (1967), De Administrando Imperio, Trans. R.J.H. Jenkins, Washington.
  • Cramer, John Anthony (1832), A Geographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor, C. II, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Çiğdem, Süleyman (2012), Eski Çağ’dan Orta Çağ’a Gümüşhane, İkinci Baskı, Gümüşhane: Gümüşhane Valiliği Yayınları.
  • Demirkent, Işın (1981), “1071 Malazgirt Savaşına Kadar Bizans’ın Askeri Ve Siyasi Durumu”, İÜEFTED, 33, 133-146.
  • Eilers, Claude (2005), “A Roman East: Pompey’s Settlement to the Death of Augustus”, A Companion to the Hellenistic World, (Ed. A. Erskine), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 90-102.
  • Emir, Osman (2014), Hellenistik Ve Roma Dönemleri’nde Pontos (MÖ IV. Yy - MS III. Yy.) (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Trabzon: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Foss, Clive (1991), “Armeniakon”, The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium Vol.1, , New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Greatrex, Geoffrey ve Lieu, Samuel L. C (2002), The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars Part II, AD363-630, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Gregory, Timothy E. (2005), A History of Byzantium, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Grousset, Rene (2005), Başlangıcından 1071’e Ermenilerin Tarihi, Çev. Sosi Dolanoğlu, İstanbul: Aras Yay. Haldon, John (1993), “Military Service, Military Lands, and the Status of Soldiers: Current Problems and Interpretations”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 47, 1-67.
  • Haldon, John (1999), Warfare State And Society In The Byzantine World, 565-1204, London: University Collage London Press.
  • Haldon, John (2011-2012), “Marching Across Anatolia: Medieval Logistics and Modeling The Mantzikert Campaign”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 65/66, 209-235.
  • Honigmann, Ernst (1970), Bizans Devletinin Doğu Sınırı, (Ter. Fikret Işıltan), İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay. Howard-Johnston, J. (1984), “Thema”, Maistor, Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies for Robert Browning, Ed. A. Moffatt, Canberra, 189-196.
  • Hussey, J.M. (1950), “The Byzantine Empire İn The Eleventh Century: Some Different İnterpretations”, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 32, 71-85.
  • İbn Hurdazbih (2008), Yollar Ve Ülkeler Kitabı, Çev. Murat Ağarı, İstanbul:Kitabevi, Jenkins, Romily J.H. (1987), Byzantium: The İmperial Centuries, A.D. 610-1071, Toronto: University of Toronto Prints.
  • Kaegi Jr, Walter Emil (1968), “Al-Baladhuri And The Armeniak Theme”, Byzantion, 38/1, 273-277.
  • Kaegi Jr, Walter Emil (1981), Byzantine Military Unrest 471-843 An Interpretation, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert.
  • Kaya, Mehmet Ali (1998). “Anadolu’da Roma Egemenliği ve Pompeius’un Siyasal Düzenlemeleri”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XIII, 161-173.
  • Kaya, Mehmet Ali (2003) “Anadolu’daki Roma Garnizonları”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XVIII/2, 83-94.
  • Kazhdan, A. (1991a), "George Of Amastris", The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium, Vol. 1, Alexander P. Kazhdan (Ed.), New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kazhdan, A. (1991b), “Tourma”, The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium, Vol.3, New York – Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  • Keçiş, Murat ve Güneş, Cüneyt (2018), “Bizansın Anadolu’daki Yeni Düzeni: Thema Sistemi’nin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Problemler”, Sosyal ve Beşerî Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19/43, 103-104.
  • Ksenophon (1980), Anabasis, Trans. Carleton L. Brownson, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,
  • Lang, D.M. (1983), Iran, Armenia and Georgia, Cambridge History of Iran, Vol.2, The Cambridge History of Iran, (Ed. Ilya Gersevitch), Cambridge: Cambridge History Press, 505-536.
  • Mitchell, Stephen (2016), Geç Roma İmparatorluğu Tarihi M.S. 284-641, Çev. Turhan Kaçar, Ankara: TTK.
  • Novellae in Corpus Juris Civilis (1888-1895), Ed. R. Schoell, Berlin: Weidmann.
  • Oikonomides, Nicolas (1972), Les Listes De Presence Byzantines Des IX Et X Siecles, Paris: Editions Du Centre National De La Recherce Scientifique.
  • Oktan, M. (2008), “Roma Cumhuriyet Döneminde Pontos’da Yapılan Düzenlemeler”, Anadolu, 34, 49-75. Ostrogorsky, Georg (2015), Bizans Devleti Tarihi, Çev. Fikret Işıltan, 8. Baskı, , Ankara: TTK.
  • Öztürk, Yücel (2012), “Tımar-Thema Teriminin Ortaya Çıkması, Bizans Uygulaması ve Osmanlı İle Mukayesesi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 31, 157-208.
  • Payne, M.R. (2006), Urartu Çivi Yazılı Belgeler Kataloğu, İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yay.
  • Pertusi, A. (1952), Costantino Porfigenito De Thematibus, Citta’ Del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
  • Pliny (1938), Natural History, (Trans., H. R. Rackham, W. H. Jones, D.E. Eichhoz), London, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Schilbach, Erich (1991), “Litra”, The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium, Vol. 2, Alexander P. Kazhdan (Ed.), New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1238.
  • Shahid, I. (1994), “Heraclius and the Unfinished Themes Of Oriens Some Final Observations”, Byzantion, LXIV/2, 352-376.
  • Syme, Ronald (1995), Anatolica: Studies in Strabo, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Tarhan, M.T. (1986), "Urartu Devleti'nin Yapısal Karakteri", IX. Türk Tarih Kongresi, Ankara, (21-25 Eylül 1981), 285-288.
  • Tezcan, Mehmet (2012), Klasik ve Ortaçağ Dönemlerinde Karadeniz ve Kafkasya, Trabzon: Serander Yayınları.
  • The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos (1999), Trans. R. W. Thomson, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press,
  • The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813 (1997), Trans. Cyril Mango, Roger Scott, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • The Geography of Strabo (1928), Vol.V, Trans. Horace Leonard Jones, London-Cambridge-Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • The History of al-Tabari, Vol.XXX, The Abbasid Caliphate in Equilibrium (1989), Trans. C.E. Bosworth, New York: State University of New York Press.
  • The Universal History of Step'anos Taronec'i (2017), Trans. Tim Greenwood, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Toynbee, Arnold (1973), Constantine Porphyrogenitus and His World, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1983) The Military Lands and the Imperial Estates in the Middle Byzantine Empire, Harvard Ukrainian StudiesOkeanos: Essays presented to Ihor Ševčenko onhis Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students, 7, 619-631.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1988), The Byzantine Revival 780-842, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Treadgold, Warren (1988), Three Byzantine Provinces and the First Byzantine Contacts with the Rus, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Proceedings of the International CongressCommemorating the Millennium of Christianity in Rus'-Ukraine, 12/13, 132-144.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1997), A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford: Stanford University Press,.
  • Vasiliev, A.A. (1943), Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi, C.I, Çev. Arif Müfid Mansel, Ankara: Maarif Matbaası.
  • Vasiliev, A. A. (1960), The Russian Attack On Constantinople In 860, Cambridge-Massachusets: The Medieval Academy Of America.
  • Vernadsky, G. (1940-1941), "Byzantium and Southern Russia: Two Notes", Byzantion, XV, 67-86.
  • Vernadsky, G. (1943), Ancient Russia, New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Winfield, David (1962), “A Note on the South-Eastern Borders of the Empire of Trebizond in the Thirteenth Century”, Anatolian Studies, XII, 163-172.

Bizans İmparatorluğu Döneminde Trabzon ve Çevresinin İdari Yapısı (VI-XI. Yüzyıl)

Yıl 2022, , 16 - 30, 26.03.2022


Roma İmparatorluğu, M.Ö. I. yüzyılda Trabzon ve çevresinde hakim olmuş ve bölgede çeşitli idari düzenlemeler gerçekleştirmiştir. Roma İmparatorluğu’nun bölünmesinden sonra Bizans hakimiyetine giren Trabzon ve çevresinde imparatorluğun doğu sınırındaki askeri ve siyasi gelişmelere bağlı olarak idari düzenlemeler yapılmıştır. VII. yüzyılda devam eden Sasani savaşları ve aynı yüzyılın ortalarında başlayan Müslüman Arap tehdidi Bizans yöneticilerini bazı askeri ve idari tedbirler almaya zorlamıştır. VII. yüzyıldan itibaren imparatorluğun idari yapısı esaslı bir değişime uğrayarak thema sistemi Anadolu ve Balkanlarda idari yapının temelini teşkil eder hale gelmiştir. Trabzon kenti, thema sistemi içerisinde önce Armeniakon themasına bağlanmış sonra da Khaldia themasının merkezi olmuştur. Bu çalışma Bizans İmparatorluğu döneminde Trabzon ve çevresinin idari yapısını değerlendirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Çalışmada, Bizans hakimiyeti boyunca bölgede yapılan idari düzenlemeler ve bu düzenlemelerin bölgenin idari yapısına olan etkisi ele alınacaktır.


  • Adcock, F. E. (1937), “Lesser Armenia and Galatia After Pompey’s Settlement of East”, The Journal of Roman Studies, 27/1, 12-17. Adontz, Nicholas (1970), Armenia İn The Period Of Justinian The Political Conditions Based On The Naxarar System, Trans. Nina B. Garsoian, , Lisbon: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
  • Ahmed b. Yahya el-Belazuri (2013), Fütuhu’l-Büldan/Ülkelerin Fetihleri, Ter. Mustafa Fayda, İstanbul: Siyer Yay.
  • Braund, D. ve Tsetskhladze, G. R. (1998), “The Export of Slaves From Colchis”, Classical Quarterly, 39/1, 114-125.
  • Brooks, E.W. (1901), "Byzantines and Arabs in the Time of the Early Abbasids," English Historical Review, 16/61, 728-747.
  • Bryer, Anthony ve Winfield, David (2007), The Byzantine Monuments And Topoghraphy Of The Pontos, Volume:I, Washington: Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Burney C.A. ve Lang, D.M. (1971), The Peoples Of The Hills: Ancient Ararat Of Caucasus, London.
  • Bury, J.B. (1889), “The Roman Emperors From Basil II To İsaac Komnenos”, The English Historical Review, 4/13, 41-64.
  • Bury, J.B. (1911), The İmperial Administrative System İn The Ninth Century With A Revised Text Of The Kletorologion Of The Philotheos, London: Oxfod University Press.
  • Cassius Cocceianus Dio (1914), Roman History, (Trans., Earnest Cary), Vol. III, London&New York: William Heinemann&The Macmillan.
  • Charanis, Peter (1972), Studies On The Demography Of The Byzantine Empire, London: Variorum Reprints.
  • Charanis, Peter (2014), "Yedinci Yüzyılda Bizans'ta Etnik Değişimler", Çev. İlcan Bihter Barlas, Tarih Okulu Dergisi, XVII, 713-738.
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus (1967), De Administrando Imperio, Trans. R.J.H. Jenkins, Washington.
  • Cramer, John Anthony (1832), A Geographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor, C. II, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Çiğdem, Süleyman (2012), Eski Çağ’dan Orta Çağ’a Gümüşhane, İkinci Baskı, Gümüşhane: Gümüşhane Valiliği Yayınları.
  • Demirkent, Işın (1981), “1071 Malazgirt Savaşına Kadar Bizans’ın Askeri Ve Siyasi Durumu”, İÜEFTED, 33, 133-146.
  • Eilers, Claude (2005), “A Roman East: Pompey’s Settlement to the Death of Augustus”, A Companion to the Hellenistic World, (Ed. A. Erskine), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 90-102.
  • Emir, Osman (2014), Hellenistik Ve Roma Dönemleri’nde Pontos (MÖ IV. Yy - MS III. Yy.) (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Trabzon: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Foss, Clive (1991), “Armeniakon”, The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium Vol.1, , New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Greatrex, Geoffrey ve Lieu, Samuel L. C (2002), The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars Part II, AD363-630, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Gregory, Timothy E. (2005), A History of Byzantium, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Grousset, Rene (2005), Başlangıcından 1071’e Ermenilerin Tarihi, Çev. Sosi Dolanoğlu, İstanbul: Aras Yay. Haldon, John (1993), “Military Service, Military Lands, and the Status of Soldiers: Current Problems and Interpretations”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 47, 1-67.
  • Haldon, John (1999), Warfare State And Society In The Byzantine World, 565-1204, London: University Collage London Press.
  • Haldon, John (2011-2012), “Marching Across Anatolia: Medieval Logistics and Modeling The Mantzikert Campaign”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 65/66, 209-235.
  • Honigmann, Ernst (1970), Bizans Devletinin Doğu Sınırı, (Ter. Fikret Işıltan), İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay. Howard-Johnston, J. (1984), “Thema”, Maistor, Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies for Robert Browning, Ed. A. Moffatt, Canberra, 189-196.
  • Hussey, J.M. (1950), “The Byzantine Empire İn The Eleventh Century: Some Different İnterpretations”, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 32, 71-85.
  • İbn Hurdazbih (2008), Yollar Ve Ülkeler Kitabı, Çev. Murat Ağarı, İstanbul:Kitabevi, Jenkins, Romily J.H. (1987), Byzantium: The İmperial Centuries, A.D. 610-1071, Toronto: University of Toronto Prints.
  • Kaegi Jr, Walter Emil (1968), “Al-Baladhuri And The Armeniak Theme”, Byzantion, 38/1, 273-277.
  • Kaegi Jr, Walter Emil (1981), Byzantine Military Unrest 471-843 An Interpretation, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert.
  • Kaya, Mehmet Ali (1998). “Anadolu’da Roma Egemenliği ve Pompeius’un Siyasal Düzenlemeleri”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XIII, 161-173.
  • Kaya, Mehmet Ali (2003) “Anadolu’daki Roma Garnizonları”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XVIII/2, 83-94.
  • Kazhdan, A. (1991a), "George Of Amastris", The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium, Vol. 1, Alexander P. Kazhdan (Ed.), New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kazhdan, A. (1991b), “Tourma”, The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium, Vol.3, New York – Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  • Keçiş, Murat ve Güneş, Cüneyt (2018), “Bizansın Anadolu’daki Yeni Düzeni: Thema Sistemi’nin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Problemler”, Sosyal ve Beşerî Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19/43, 103-104.
  • Ksenophon (1980), Anabasis, Trans. Carleton L. Brownson, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,
  • Lang, D.M. (1983), Iran, Armenia and Georgia, Cambridge History of Iran, Vol.2, The Cambridge History of Iran, (Ed. Ilya Gersevitch), Cambridge: Cambridge History Press, 505-536.
  • Mitchell, Stephen (2016), Geç Roma İmparatorluğu Tarihi M.S. 284-641, Çev. Turhan Kaçar, Ankara: TTK.
  • Novellae in Corpus Juris Civilis (1888-1895), Ed. R. Schoell, Berlin: Weidmann.
  • Oikonomides, Nicolas (1972), Les Listes De Presence Byzantines Des IX Et X Siecles, Paris: Editions Du Centre National De La Recherce Scientifique.
  • Oktan, M. (2008), “Roma Cumhuriyet Döneminde Pontos’da Yapılan Düzenlemeler”, Anadolu, 34, 49-75. Ostrogorsky, Georg (2015), Bizans Devleti Tarihi, Çev. Fikret Işıltan, 8. Baskı, , Ankara: TTK.
  • Öztürk, Yücel (2012), “Tımar-Thema Teriminin Ortaya Çıkması, Bizans Uygulaması ve Osmanlı İle Mukayesesi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 31, 157-208.
  • Payne, M.R. (2006), Urartu Çivi Yazılı Belgeler Kataloğu, İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yay.
  • Pertusi, A. (1952), Costantino Porfigenito De Thematibus, Citta’ Del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
  • Pliny (1938), Natural History, (Trans., H. R. Rackham, W. H. Jones, D.E. Eichhoz), London, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Schilbach, Erich (1991), “Litra”, The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium, Vol. 2, Alexander P. Kazhdan (Ed.), New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1238.
  • Shahid, I. (1994), “Heraclius and the Unfinished Themes Of Oriens Some Final Observations”, Byzantion, LXIV/2, 352-376.
  • Syme, Ronald (1995), Anatolica: Studies in Strabo, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Tarhan, M.T. (1986), "Urartu Devleti'nin Yapısal Karakteri", IX. Türk Tarih Kongresi, Ankara, (21-25 Eylül 1981), 285-288.
  • Tezcan, Mehmet (2012), Klasik ve Ortaçağ Dönemlerinde Karadeniz ve Kafkasya, Trabzon: Serander Yayınları.
  • The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos (1999), Trans. R. W. Thomson, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press,
  • The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813 (1997), Trans. Cyril Mango, Roger Scott, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • The Geography of Strabo (1928), Vol.V, Trans. Horace Leonard Jones, London-Cambridge-Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • The History of al-Tabari, Vol.XXX, The Abbasid Caliphate in Equilibrium (1989), Trans. C.E. Bosworth, New York: State University of New York Press.
  • The Universal History of Step'anos Taronec'i (2017), Trans. Tim Greenwood, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Toynbee, Arnold (1973), Constantine Porphyrogenitus and His World, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1983) The Military Lands and the Imperial Estates in the Middle Byzantine Empire, Harvard Ukrainian StudiesOkeanos: Essays presented to Ihor Ševčenko onhis Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students, 7, 619-631.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1988), The Byzantine Revival 780-842, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Treadgold, Warren (1988), Three Byzantine Provinces and the First Byzantine Contacts with the Rus, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Proceedings of the International CongressCommemorating the Millennium of Christianity in Rus'-Ukraine, 12/13, 132-144.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1997), A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford: Stanford University Press,.
  • Vasiliev, A.A. (1943), Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi, C.I, Çev. Arif Müfid Mansel, Ankara: Maarif Matbaası.
  • Vasiliev, A. A. (1960), The Russian Attack On Constantinople In 860, Cambridge-Massachusets: The Medieval Academy Of America.
  • Vernadsky, G. (1940-1941), "Byzantium and Southern Russia: Two Notes", Byzantion, XV, 67-86.
  • Vernadsky, G. (1943), Ancient Russia, New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Winfield, David (1962), “A Note on the South-Eastern Borders of the Empire of Trebizond in the Thirteenth Century”, Anatolian Studies, XII, 163-172.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Genç 0000-0002-1784-3771

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Genç, A. (2022). Bizans İmparatorluğu Döneminde Trabzon ve Çevresinin İdari Yapısı (VI-XI. Yüzyıl). Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(1), 16-30.