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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 85 - 105, 06.04.2015


Buddhism is a religion that was founded in the VI. century by Goutama Buddha. The main goal of the Goutama’s doctrine is the release of human beings from the pains and sufferings of life and the reaching of nirvana. While other religions claim that salvation is only possible by obedience to and worship of God, Buddha did not place any god in his system. Therefore Buddhism is considered by some researchers as an atheistic religion. However Buddhism doesn’t contain all the intellectual arguments typical of atheism. Although it did not have a god idea, at least in the period of its establishment, some schools of Buddhism have deified Buddha and a lot of other beings. Also Buddhism accepts a number of superhuman stages of existence as in theistic religions. Therefore while the Theravada school has atheistic features, the Mahayana sect has a polytheistic conception of God


  • ANAND, Y. P. (2004), “Mhatma Ghandi and Buddhism”, The Journal Oriental of Studies,, Erişim Tarihi:10/01/2015 Vol. 14, Tokyo, ss. 60-70
  • BARUAH, Bibhuti (2000), Buddhist Sects and Sectarianism, New Delhi.
  • BUCKLEY, Michael J. (1987), At the Origins of Modern Atheism, USA
  • BURTON, David (2007), “Buddhism”, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, Ed. Chad Meister, Paul Copan, New York, ss. 16-26.
  • CARUS, Paul (1915), The Gospel of Buddha, Chicago ve London.
  • CLİTEUR, Paul (2009), “The Definition of Atheism”, Journal of Religion and Society, Vol. 11, Netherlands, ss. 1-23.
  • COOMARASWAMY, Ananda, (2000), Hinduizm ve Budizm, İstanbul
  • DHAMMANADA, Sri K. (2002), What Budhists Believe, Kuala Lumpur,, Erişim Tarihi: 10/09/2013
  • DARGYAY, Eva K. (1985) “The Concept of Creator God in Tantric Buddhism” The Journal of the International Assocation of Buddhist Studies, ed. A. K. Narain, Universty of Wisconsin, Madison USA. Vol. 8, ss. 31-47.
  • DE BARY, William Theodore (1972), The Buddhist Tradation, New York.
  • DHARMASİRİ, Ganupala (2000), Essentials of Buddhism, Sri Lanka.
  • EDWARDS, Paul (2006), “Atheism”, The Ecyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Donald M. Borchert, Vol. 1, USA, ss.356-377.
  • FLEW, Antony (1972), “The Presumption of Atheism”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 2, No: 1, ss. 29-46.
  • GETTY, Alice (1914), The Gods of Northern Buddhism, Oxford.
  • GLASENAPP, (1966), Helmut Von, Buddhsim: A None-theistic Religion, İngilizceye çev. Irmgard Schloegl, New York, Braziller.
  • GNANARAMA, Ven. Pategama (2000), Essentials of Buddhism, Singapore.
  • GÜNGÖREN, İlhan (1995), Zen Budizmi Bir Yaşama Sanatı, İstanbul.
  • HARVEY, Peter (1990), An Introduction to Buddhism, Cambridge.
  • HAYES, Richard (1998), “Principled Atheism in the Buddhist Scholastic Tradation” Journal of Indian Philoosphy, 16, by Kluwer Academic Publishers, ss. 5-28.
  • HOPKİNS, Edward Washburn (1976), The Religions of India, New Delhi.
  • İTİL, Abidin (1963), “Budda Tanrıyı Reddediyor mu?”, A.Ü.İ.F.D. c. I, Sayı 1, Ankara, ss. 11-16.
  • JAYATİLLEKE, K. N. (2008), Facets of Buddhism, The Wheel Publication No. 162, 163, 164, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri, Lanka.
  • KARATAŞ, İbrahim E. (1999), Hint Dinlerinde Tanrı Anlayışı (Hinduizm Örneği), Bursa, (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • KEOWN, Damien (1996), Buddhism A Brief Insight, New York.
  • LARGUNPAİ, Seree (1995), World Lover World Leaver. The Book of Ecclesiastes an Thai Buddhism. A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Divinity, New College, Universty of Edinburgh for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Edinburg.
  • LYSENKO, Victoria (2012), “Buddhism as an Interactive Message”, Societal Studies.
  • MACKENZİE, Donald A. (1985), Myths and Legends Series India, London.
  • MAKRANSKY, John, (2003), “Buddhist Perspectives on Truth in other Religions: Past and Present”, Theological Studies, (6), USA, ss. 334-361.
  • MİNG, Kuan, (1985), Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhsim, Malaysia,, Erişim Tarihi: 10/09/2013
  • MOHAPATRA, A. Ranjan, (2003), “Budizm”, S.Ü.İ.F.D. Konya, Sayı 16, ss. 169-181.
  • MÜLLER, Friedrich Max (1867), Chips from a German Workshop Essays on the Science of Religion, London.
  • MÜLLER, Friedrich Max (1889), Natural Religion The Gifford Lectures, London.
  • MÜLLER, Friedrich Max (1891), Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, London.
  • PARİNDER, Geoffery (1961), Worship in the World Religions, New York.
  • PARİNDER, Geoffery (1970), Avatar and Incarnation, London.
  • RADHAKRİSHNAN, Sarvepalli (1948), Indian Philosophy, Hollanda, c. I.
  • RAHULA, Walpola Sri (1974), What the Buddha Tought, New York.
  • RUBEN, Walter (1943), “Budizmanın Menşei ve Özü”, A.Ü.D.T.C.F.D, c. II, Ankara, ss. 115-131.
  • RUBEN, Walter (2000), Eski Metinlere Göre Budizm, İstanbul.
  • SARANYU P. ve DANA S. (2000), “Distinctiveness of the Unseen: Buddhist Identity”, International Journal of Humanistic Ideology, Cluj-Napoca Romania, Vol. 4, ss.115-144.
  • SAUNDERS, Kenneth (1921), “Some Significant Aspects of the Theology of Buddhism”, The Journal of Religion, Vol. I, No: 4, Chicago, ss. 355-361.
  • SCHİMMEL, Annemaria (1955), Dinler Tarihine Giriş, Ankara
  • SENEVİRANTHA, Anurtha (1994), King Asoka and Buddhism, Sri Linka.
  • SHARPE, ERİC (1971), 50 Key Words, London.
  • SİNG, Upinder (2008), A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the Stonage to the 12th Century, New Delhi.
  • SMART, Ninian (1996), The Religious Experience, United States of America.
  • SMİTH, Vincent A. (1901), Rulers of India, Asoka, Oxford
  • The Jataka: Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births, (2000), Ed. E. W. Cowel, New Delhi.
  • The Long Discourses of the Buddha, A Translation of the Digha Nikaya, (1995), İngilizceye çev. Maurice Walshe, Boston.
  • The Middle Lenght Discourses of Buddh: A New Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya, (1995), İngilizceye çev. Bikkhu Nanamoli ve Bikkhu Bodhi, Kandy.
  • The Sacred Books of the East, Dhammapada, (1881), İngilizceye çev. F. Max Müller Vol. X, Oxford.
  • The Sacred Books of the East, Saddharma Pundarika, (1884), İngilizceye çev. H. Kern, Vol. XXI, Oxford.
  • THERA, Nyanoponika (2008), Buddhism and the God Idea Selected Texts, The Wheel No. 47, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
  • TOPALOĞLU, Aydın (2004), Ateizm ve Eleştirisi, Ankara.
  • TÜMER, Günay (1987), “Çeşiti Yönleriyle Din”, A.Ü.İ.F.D. c.28. s. 1, ss. 213-267.
  • WEBER, Edmund (2001), “Buddhism: An Atheistic and Anti-Castle Religion?” Journal of Religious Culture, No: 50, ss. 1-10.
  • YAMAZAKİ, Tatsuya (2007), “The Eastern Orthodox Theology and Buddhism”, Journal of Oriental Studies, V.17, Tokyo, ss. 165-174,, Erişim Tarihi: 10/09/2013
  • YİTİK, Ali İhsan (1996), Hint Kökenli Dinlerde Karma İnancının Tenasüh İnancıyla İlişkisi, İstanbul.
  • YİTİK, Ali İhsan (2005), Hint Dinleri, İzmir.
  • YOSHİNORİ, Takeuchi (2003), Buddhist Spirituality, Delhi.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 85 - 105, 06.04.2015


Budizm VI. yüzyılda Goutama Budda tarafından kurulmuş bir dindir. Goutama’nın öğretisinin temel hedefi, insanın içinde bulunduğu acı ve ızdıraplardan kurtulup nirvanaya ulaşmasıdır. Diğer dinler kurtuluşun ancak Tanrı’ya ibadet ve taatle mümkün olabileceğini iddia ederken Budda, sisteminde herhangi bir tanrıya yer vermemiştir. Bu yapısı nedeniyle Budizm, kimi araştırmacılara göre ateist bir din olarak kabul edilir. Ancak Budizm’in ateizm olarak adlandırılan düşüncenin tüm argümanlarını bünyesinde barındırdığı söylenemez. Zira her ne kadar kuruluş döneminde bir tanrı düşüncesine sahip değilse de Budizm’in bazı ekolleri sonradan başta Budda olmak üzere pek çok varlığı tanrılaştırmıştır. Ayrıca o, tıpkı teistik dinlerde olduğu gibi insanüstü bir takım var oluş aşamalarının olduğunu kabul eder. Bu bakımdan tanrı anlayışı ile ilgili olarak Budizm’in Teravada mezhebi ateistik özellikler taşırken Mahayana politeist bir yapıya sahiptir denebilir.


  • ANAND, Y. P. (2004), “Mhatma Ghandi and Buddhism”, The Journal Oriental of Studies,, Erişim Tarihi:10/01/2015 Vol. 14, Tokyo, ss. 60-70
  • BARUAH, Bibhuti (2000), Buddhist Sects and Sectarianism, New Delhi.
  • BUCKLEY, Michael J. (1987), At the Origins of Modern Atheism, USA
  • BURTON, David (2007), “Buddhism”, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, Ed. Chad Meister, Paul Copan, New York, ss. 16-26.
  • CARUS, Paul (1915), The Gospel of Buddha, Chicago ve London.
  • CLİTEUR, Paul (2009), “The Definition of Atheism”, Journal of Religion and Society, Vol. 11, Netherlands, ss. 1-23.
  • COOMARASWAMY, Ananda, (2000), Hinduizm ve Budizm, İstanbul
  • DHAMMANADA, Sri K. (2002), What Budhists Believe, Kuala Lumpur,, Erişim Tarihi: 10/09/2013
  • DARGYAY, Eva K. (1985) “The Concept of Creator God in Tantric Buddhism” The Journal of the International Assocation of Buddhist Studies, ed. A. K. Narain, Universty of Wisconsin, Madison USA. Vol. 8, ss. 31-47.
  • DE BARY, William Theodore (1972), The Buddhist Tradation, New York.
  • DHARMASİRİ, Ganupala (2000), Essentials of Buddhism, Sri Lanka.
  • EDWARDS, Paul (2006), “Atheism”, The Ecyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Donald M. Borchert, Vol. 1, USA, ss.356-377.
  • FLEW, Antony (1972), “The Presumption of Atheism”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 2, No: 1, ss. 29-46.
  • GETTY, Alice (1914), The Gods of Northern Buddhism, Oxford.
  • GLASENAPP, (1966), Helmut Von, Buddhsim: A None-theistic Religion, İngilizceye çev. Irmgard Schloegl, New York, Braziller.
  • GNANARAMA, Ven. Pategama (2000), Essentials of Buddhism, Singapore.
  • GÜNGÖREN, İlhan (1995), Zen Budizmi Bir Yaşama Sanatı, İstanbul.
  • HARVEY, Peter (1990), An Introduction to Buddhism, Cambridge.
  • HAYES, Richard (1998), “Principled Atheism in the Buddhist Scholastic Tradation” Journal of Indian Philoosphy, 16, by Kluwer Academic Publishers, ss. 5-28.
  • HOPKİNS, Edward Washburn (1976), The Religions of India, New Delhi.
  • İTİL, Abidin (1963), “Budda Tanrıyı Reddediyor mu?”, A.Ü.İ.F.D. c. I, Sayı 1, Ankara, ss. 11-16.
  • JAYATİLLEKE, K. N. (2008), Facets of Buddhism, The Wheel Publication No. 162, 163, 164, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri, Lanka.
  • KARATAŞ, İbrahim E. (1999), Hint Dinlerinde Tanrı Anlayışı (Hinduizm Örneği), Bursa, (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • KEOWN, Damien (1996), Buddhism A Brief Insight, New York.
  • LARGUNPAİ, Seree (1995), World Lover World Leaver. The Book of Ecclesiastes an Thai Buddhism. A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Divinity, New College, Universty of Edinburgh for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Edinburg.
  • LYSENKO, Victoria (2012), “Buddhism as an Interactive Message”, Societal Studies.
  • MACKENZİE, Donald A. (1985), Myths and Legends Series India, London.
  • MAKRANSKY, John, (2003), “Buddhist Perspectives on Truth in other Religions: Past and Present”, Theological Studies, (6), USA, ss. 334-361.
  • MİNG, Kuan, (1985), Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhsim, Malaysia,, Erişim Tarihi: 10/09/2013
  • MOHAPATRA, A. Ranjan, (2003), “Budizm”, S.Ü.İ.F.D. Konya, Sayı 16, ss. 169-181.
  • MÜLLER, Friedrich Max (1867), Chips from a German Workshop Essays on the Science of Religion, London.
  • MÜLLER, Friedrich Max (1889), Natural Religion The Gifford Lectures, London.
  • MÜLLER, Friedrich Max (1891), Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, London.
  • PARİNDER, Geoffery (1961), Worship in the World Religions, New York.
  • PARİNDER, Geoffery (1970), Avatar and Incarnation, London.
  • RADHAKRİSHNAN, Sarvepalli (1948), Indian Philosophy, Hollanda, c. I.
  • RAHULA, Walpola Sri (1974), What the Buddha Tought, New York.
  • RUBEN, Walter (1943), “Budizmanın Menşei ve Özü”, A.Ü.D.T.C.F.D, c. II, Ankara, ss. 115-131.
  • RUBEN, Walter (2000), Eski Metinlere Göre Budizm, İstanbul.
  • SARANYU P. ve DANA S. (2000), “Distinctiveness of the Unseen: Buddhist Identity”, International Journal of Humanistic Ideology, Cluj-Napoca Romania, Vol. 4, ss.115-144.
  • SAUNDERS, Kenneth (1921), “Some Significant Aspects of the Theology of Buddhism”, The Journal of Religion, Vol. I, No: 4, Chicago, ss. 355-361.
  • SCHİMMEL, Annemaria (1955), Dinler Tarihine Giriş, Ankara
  • SENEVİRANTHA, Anurtha (1994), King Asoka and Buddhism, Sri Linka.
  • SHARPE, ERİC (1971), 50 Key Words, London.
  • SİNG, Upinder (2008), A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the Stonage to the 12th Century, New Delhi.
  • SMART, Ninian (1996), The Religious Experience, United States of America.
  • SMİTH, Vincent A. (1901), Rulers of India, Asoka, Oxford
  • The Jataka: Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births, (2000), Ed. E. W. Cowel, New Delhi.
  • The Long Discourses of the Buddha, A Translation of the Digha Nikaya, (1995), İngilizceye çev. Maurice Walshe, Boston.
  • The Middle Lenght Discourses of Buddh: A New Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya, (1995), İngilizceye çev. Bikkhu Nanamoli ve Bikkhu Bodhi, Kandy.
  • The Sacred Books of the East, Dhammapada, (1881), İngilizceye çev. F. Max Müller Vol. X, Oxford.
  • The Sacred Books of the East, Saddharma Pundarika, (1884), İngilizceye çev. H. Kern, Vol. XXI, Oxford.
  • THERA, Nyanoponika (2008), Buddhism and the God Idea Selected Texts, The Wheel No. 47, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
  • TOPALOĞLU, Aydın (2004), Ateizm ve Eleştirisi, Ankara.
  • TÜMER, Günay (1987), “Çeşiti Yönleriyle Din”, A.Ü.İ.F.D. c.28. s. 1, ss. 213-267.
  • WEBER, Edmund (2001), “Buddhism: An Atheistic and Anti-Castle Religion?” Journal of Religious Culture, No: 50, ss. 1-10.
  • YAMAZAKİ, Tatsuya (2007), “The Eastern Orthodox Theology and Buddhism”, Journal of Oriental Studies, V.17, Tokyo, ss. 165-174,, Erişim Tarihi: 10/09/2013
  • YİTİK, Ali İhsan (1996), Hint Kökenli Dinlerde Karma İnancının Tenasüh İnancıyla İlişkisi, İstanbul.
  • YİTİK, Ali İhsan (2005), Hint Dinleri, İzmir.
  • YOSHİNORİ, Takeuchi (2003), Buddhist Spirituality, Delhi.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Dr. İbrahim Karataş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karataş, D. İ. (2015). BUDDİZM’DE TANRI ANLAYIŞI ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(1), 85-105.