This study aims to determine how special education teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge practical competency levels are related to various variables including age, educational status, field of graduation, years of teaching experience, and years of experience as a special education teacher. The correlational survey design model was used. This study was conducted with the participation of 301 teachers working in different regions of Turkey. In this study, the personal information form and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Application scale were used. Data showed that the participants are partially competent in terms of all sub-dimensions. In terms of the age, field of graduation, and years of experience variables, there is no statistically significant difference in all subdimensions. There is a statistically significant difference regarding student recognition, subject content, and practical teaching variables in favor of those with 21+ years of experience, while no significant difference was found in the sub-dimensions of curriculum design and evaluation.
Agree, E. M. (2014). The potential for technology to enhance independence for those aging with a disability. Disability and health journal, 7(1), S33-S39.
Aktaş, İ., & Özmen, H. (2022). Assessing the performance of Turkish science pre-service teachers in a TPACK-practical course. Education and Information Technologies, 27(3), 3495-3528.
Ardıç, M. A. (2020). Ortaöğretim öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi özgüvenlerinin incelenmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3), 653-695.
Avcı, T., & Ateş, Ö. (2017). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerine yönelik algıları üzerine bir araştırma. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 0(1), 19-42.
Ay, Y., Karadağ, E., & Acat, M. B. (2016). ICT Integration of Turkish Teachers: An Analysis within TPACK-Practical Model. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(2).
Azgın, A. O., & Şenler, B. (2018). İlkokullarda görev yapan sınıf öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerinin incelenmesi. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 6(11), 47-64.
Bağdiken, P.& Akgündüz, D. (2018). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi özgüven düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(2), 535-566.
Bal, M. S., & Karademir, N. (2013). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB) konusunda öz-değerlendirme seviyelerinin belirlenmesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(2), 15-32.
Baran, E., Canbazoglu Bilici, S., Albayrak Sari, A., & Tondeur, J. (2019). Investigating the impact of teacher education strategies on preservice teachers' TPACK. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), 357-370.
Belda-Medina, J. (2022). Promoting inclusiveness, creativity and critical thinking through digital storytelling among EFL teacher candidates. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 26(2), 109-123.
Bilgin, İ., Tatar, E., & Ay, Y. (2012). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının teknolojiye karşı tutumlarının teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB)’ne katkısının incelenmesi. X. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 125, 1-10.
Bilici, S., & Güler, Ç. (2016). Ortaöğretim Öğretmenlerinin TPAB Düzeylerinin Öğretim Teknolojilerini Kullanma Durumlarına Göre İncelenmesi. Ilkogretim Online, 15(3).
Boris, H., Campbell, C., Cavanagh, M., Petocz, P., & Kelly, N. (2013). Technological pedagogical content knowledge of secondary mathematics teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 13(1), 22-40.
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak Kılıç, E., Akgün, Ö. E.,Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2020). Eğitimde Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Can, S., Dogru, S., & Bayir, G. (2017). Determination of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(2), 160-166.
Canbazoğlu Bilici, S., & Baran, E. (2015). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisine yönelik öz-yeterlik düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Boylamsal bir araştırma.
Canbazoğlu-Bilici, S., Yamak, H. ve Kavak, N. (2012). "Fen Bilgisi Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi İmajları”, X. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi, Turkey.
Cerny, M. (2015). The way to open education through the modern technology. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 3194-3198.
Chadegani, A. A., Salehi, H., Yunus, M. M., Farhadi, H., Fooladi, M., Farhadi, M., & Ebrahim, N. A. (2013). A comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases. arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.0377.
Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., Tsai, C. C., & Tan, L. L. W. (2011). Modeling primary school pre-service teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for meaningful learning with information and communication technology (ICT). Computers & Education, 57(1), 1184-1193.
Demirok, M. S., & Baglama, B. (2018). Examining technological and pedagogical content knowledge of special education teachers based on various variables. TEM Journal, 7(3), 507.
Dori, Y. J., Belcher, J., Bessette, M., Danziger, M., McKinney, A., & Hult, E. (2003). Technology for active learning. Materials Today, 6(12), 44-49.
Giles, R. M., & Kent, A. M. (2016). An investigation of preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching with technology. Asian Education Studies, 1 (1), 32-40.
Goodyear, P. (2005). Educational design and networked learning: Patterns, pattern languages and design practice. Australasian journal of educational technology, 21(1).
Graham, C. R., Borup, J., & Smith, N. B. (2012). Using TPACK as a framework to understand teacher candidates' technology integration decisions. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(6), 530-546.
Graham, C. R., Burgoyne, N., Cantrell, P., Smith, L., St Clair, L., & Harris, R. (2009). Measuring the TPACK confidence of inservice science teachers. TechTrends, 53(5), 70-79.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall Edition.
Hsu, C. Y., Liang, J. C., Chai, C. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). Exploring preschool teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge of educational games. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 49(4), 461-479.
Hsu, C. Y., Tsai, M. J., Chang, Y. H., & Liang, J. C. (2017). Surveying in-service teachers’ beliefs about game-based learning and perceptions of technological pedagogical and content knowledge of games. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(1), 134-143.
Jen, T. H., Yeh, Y. F., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., & Chen, K. M. (2016). Science teachers' TPACK-Practical: Standard-setting using an evidence-based approach. Computers & Education, 95, 45-62.
Jimoyiannis, A. (2010). Designing and implementing an integrated technological pedagogical science knowledge framework for science teachers professional development. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1259-1269.
Kafyulilo, A., Fisser, P., & Voogt, J. (2014). Determinants of the sustainability of teacher design teams as a professional development arrangement for developing technology integration knowledge and skills. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2130-2136). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Karadeniz, Ş., & Vatanartıran, S. (2015). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerinin incelenmesi. İlköğretim Online, 14(3), 1017-1028.
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What happens when teachers design educational technology? The development of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of educational computing research, 32(2), 131-152.
Koh, J. H. L., Chai, C. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2014). Demographic factors, TPACK constructs, and teachers' perceptions of constructivist-oriented TPACK. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(1), 185-196.
Koştur, M. (2018). Promoting and investigating pre-service middle school mathematics teachers' TPACK-practical development in the context of an undergraduate course. (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University, The Graduate School Of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Lin, T. C., Tsai, C. C., Chai, C. S., & Lee, M. H. (2013). Identifying science teachers’ perceptions of technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK). Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22, 325-336.
Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers college record, 108(6), 1017-1054.
Ozudogru, M., & Ozudogru, F. (2019). Technological pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics teachers and the effect of demographic variables. Contemporary educational technology, 10(1), 1-24.
Önal, N., & Çakir, H. (2015). Eğitim fakültesi öğretim elemanlarinin teknolojik pedagojik içerik bilgilerine ilişkin özgüven algilari. HAYEF Journal of Education, 12(2), 117-131.
Özdurak Sıngın, R. H., & Gökbulut, B. (2020). Okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin teknopedagojik yeterliklerinin belirlenmesi. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 269-280.
Peng, C., & Daud, S. (2015, July). Exploring elementary special education (hearing impairment) teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). In 1st International Conference on Special Education, Bangkok, Thailand (pp. 28-31).
Raja, R., & Nagasubramani, P. C. (2018). Impact of modern technology in education. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 3(1), 33-35.
Rolf, E., Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R. (2019). An analysis of digital competence as expressed in design patterns for technology use in teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3361-3375.
Sanders, J. (2006). Gender and technology: What the research tells Us. In C. Skelton, L. Smulyan, & B. Francis, The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Education (pp. 307-322). London: SAGE.
Starkey, L. (2011). Evaluating learning in the 21st century: a digital age learning matrix. Technology, pedagogy and education, 20(1), 19-39.
Timur, B., & İmer-Çetin, N. (2014). Fen ve teknoloji öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgi düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. 1. Avrasya Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
Tondeur, J., Pareja Roblin, N., van Braak, J., Voogt, J., & Prestridge, S. (2017). Preparing beginning teachers for technology integration in education: Ready for take-off?. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(2), 157-177.
Tosuntaş, Ş. B., Çubukçu, Z., & Beauchamp, G. (2021a). A new model for the factors that affect interactive whiteboard usage of teachers and its effect on performance. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 3575-3592.
Tosuntaş, Ş. B., Çubukçu, Z., & Beauchamp, G. (2021b). Teacher performance in terms of technopedagogical content knowledge competencies. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 29(1), 63-83.
Turgut, T., Aydın, F., & Kanturk Yigit, G. (2019). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Competencies of Social Studies Teachers: The Case of the City of Karabuk. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1).
Türker, M. S. (2020). Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretenlerin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 9(1), 271-292.
Usta, B. (2021). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin Teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB) ve hizmet içi eğitim durumlarının incelenmesi (Doctoral Dissertation). Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
Van Driel, J. (2021). Developing science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. In Science Teachers’ Knowledge Development (pp. 1-37). Brill.
Yeh, Y. F., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., Hwang, F. K., & Lin, T. C. (2014). Developing and validating technological pedagogical content knowledge‐practical (TPACK‐practical) through the D elphi survey technique. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(4), 707-722.
Zhang, S., Liu, Q., & Cai, Z. (2019). Exploring primary school teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in online collaborative discourse: An epistemic network analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3437-3455.
Zhao, Y., Llorente, A. M. P., & Gómez, M. C. S. (2021). Digital competence in higher education research: A systematic literature review. Computers & Education, 168, 104212.
Özel Eğitim Öğretmenlerinin Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi-Uygulama Yetkinlik Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, özel eğitim öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi uygulama yeterlik düzeylerinin yaş, eğitim durumu, mezun olunan alan, öğretmenlik deneyim yılı ve özel eğitim öğretmeni olarak deneyim yılı gibi çeşitli değişkenlerle olan ilişkisini belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma Türkiye'nin farklı bölgelerinde görev yapan 301 öğretmenin gönüllü katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak kişisel bilgi formu ve Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi Uygulama ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veriler, katılımcıların tüm alt boyutlar açısından kısmen yeterli olduğunu göstermiştir. Yaş, mezuniyet alanı ve deneyim yılı değişkenleri açısından tüm alt boyutlarda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark belirlenmemiştir. Öğrenciyi tanıma, konu içeriği ve uygulamalı öğretim değişkenlerinde 21 yıl ve üzeri deneyime sahip olanlar lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunurken, program tasarımı ve değerlendirme alt boyutlarında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır.
Agree, E. M. (2014). The potential for technology to enhance independence for those aging with a disability. Disability and health journal, 7(1), S33-S39.
Aktaş, İ., & Özmen, H. (2022). Assessing the performance of Turkish science pre-service teachers in a TPACK-practical course. Education and Information Technologies, 27(3), 3495-3528.
Ardıç, M. A. (2020). Ortaöğretim öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi özgüvenlerinin incelenmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3), 653-695.
Avcı, T., & Ateş, Ö. (2017). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerine yönelik algıları üzerine bir araştırma. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 0(1), 19-42.
Ay, Y., Karadağ, E., & Acat, M. B. (2016). ICT Integration of Turkish Teachers: An Analysis within TPACK-Practical Model. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(2).
Azgın, A. O., & Şenler, B. (2018). İlkokullarda görev yapan sınıf öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerinin incelenmesi. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 6(11), 47-64.
Bağdiken, P.& Akgündüz, D. (2018). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi özgüven düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(2), 535-566.
Bal, M. S., & Karademir, N. (2013). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB) konusunda öz-değerlendirme seviyelerinin belirlenmesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(2), 15-32.
Baran, E., Canbazoglu Bilici, S., Albayrak Sari, A., & Tondeur, J. (2019). Investigating the impact of teacher education strategies on preservice teachers' TPACK. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), 357-370.
Belda-Medina, J. (2022). Promoting inclusiveness, creativity and critical thinking through digital storytelling among EFL teacher candidates. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 26(2), 109-123.
Bilgin, İ., Tatar, E., & Ay, Y. (2012). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının teknolojiye karşı tutumlarının teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB)’ne katkısının incelenmesi. X. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 125, 1-10.
Bilici, S., & Güler, Ç. (2016). Ortaöğretim Öğretmenlerinin TPAB Düzeylerinin Öğretim Teknolojilerini Kullanma Durumlarına Göre İncelenmesi. Ilkogretim Online, 15(3).
Boris, H., Campbell, C., Cavanagh, M., Petocz, P., & Kelly, N. (2013). Technological pedagogical content knowledge of secondary mathematics teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 13(1), 22-40.
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak Kılıç, E., Akgün, Ö. E.,Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2020). Eğitimde Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Can, S., Dogru, S., & Bayir, G. (2017). Determination of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(2), 160-166.
Canbazoğlu Bilici, S., & Baran, E. (2015). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisine yönelik öz-yeterlik düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Boylamsal bir araştırma.
Canbazoğlu-Bilici, S., Yamak, H. ve Kavak, N. (2012). "Fen Bilgisi Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi İmajları”, X. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi, Turkey.
Cerny, M. (2015). The way to open education through the modern technology. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 3194-3198.
Chadegani, A. A., Salehi, H., Yunus, M. M., Farhadi, H., Fooladi, M., Farhadi, M., & Ebrahim, N. A. (2013). A comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases. arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.0377.
Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., Tsai, C. C., & Tan, L. L. W. (2011). Modeling primary school pre-service teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for meaningful learning with information and communication technology (ICT). Computers & Education, 57(1), 1184-1193.
Demirok, M. S., & Baglama, B. (2018). Examining technological and pedagogical content knowledge of special education teachers based on various variables. TEM Journal, 7(3), 507.
Dori, Y. J., Belcher, J., Bessette, M., Danziger, M., McKinney, A., & Hult, E. (2003). Technology for active learning. Materials Today, 6(12), 44-49.
Giles, R. M., & Kent, A. M. (2016). An investigation of preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching with technology. Asian Education Studies, 1 (1), 32-40.
Goodyear, P. (2005). Educational design and networked learning: Patterns, pattern languages and design practice. Australasian journal of educational technology, 21(1).
Graham, C. R., Borup, J., & Smith, N. B. (2012). Using TPACK as a framework to understand teacher candidates' technology integration decisions. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(6), 530-546.
Graham, C. R., Burgoyne, N., Cantrell, P., Smith, L., St Clair, L., & Harris, R. (2009). Measuring the TPACK confidence of inservice science teachers. TechTrends, 53(5), 70-79.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall Edition.
Hsu, C. Y., Liang, J. C., Chai, C. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). Exploring preschool teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge of educational games. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 49(4), 461-479.
Hsu, C. Y., Tsai, M. J., Chang, Y. H., & Liang, J. C. (2017). Surveying in-service teachers’ beliefs about game-based learning and perceptions of technological pedagogical and content knowledge of games. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(1), 134-143.
Jen, T. H., Yeh, Y. F., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., & Chen, K. M. (2016). Science teachers' TPACK-Practical: Standard-setting using an evidence-based approach. Computers & Education, 95, 45-62.
Jimoyiannis, A. (2010). Designing and implementing an integrated technological pedagogical science knowledge framework for science teachers professional development. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1259-1269.
Kafyulilo, A., Fisser, P., & Voogt, J. (2014). Determinants of the sustainability of teacher design teams as a professional development arrangement for developing technology integration knowledge and skills. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2130-2136). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Karadeniz, Ş., & Vatanartıran, S. (2015). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerinin incelenmesi. İlköğretim Online, 14(3), 1017-1028.
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What happens when teachers design educational technology? The development of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of educational computing research, 32(2), 131-152.
Koh, J. H. L., Chai, C. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2014). Demographic factors, TPACK constructs, and teachers' perceptions of constructivist-oriented TPACK. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(1), 185-196.
Koştur, M. (2018). Promoting and investigating pre-service middle school mathematics teachers' TPACK-practical development in the context of an undergraduate course. (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University, The Graduate School Of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Lin, T. C., Tsai, C. C., Chai, C. S., & Lee, M. H. (2013). Identifying science teachers’ perceptions of technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK). Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22, 325-336.
Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers college record, 108(6), 1017-1054.
Ozudogru, M., & Ozudogru, F. (2019). Technological pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics teachers and the effect of demographic variables. Contemporary educational technology, 10(1), 1-24.
Önal, N., & Çakir, H. (2015). Eğitim fakültesi öğretim elemanlarinin teknolojik pedagojik içerik bilgilerine ilişkin özgüven algilari. HAYEF Journal of Education, 12(2), 117-131.
Özdurak Sıngın, R. H., & Gökbulut, B. (2020). Okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin teknopedagojik yeterliklerinin belirlenmesi. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 269-280.
Peng, C., & Daud, S. (2015, July). Exploring elementary special education (hearing impairment) teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). In 1st International Conference on Special Education, Bangkok, Thailand (pp. 28-31).
Raja, R., & Nagasubramani, P. C. (2018). Impact of modern technology in education. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 3(1), 33-35.
Rolf, E., Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R. (2019). An analysis of digital competence as expressed in design patterns for technology use in teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3361-3375.
Sanders, J. (2006). Gender and technology: What the research tells Us. In C. Skelton, L. Smulyan, & B. Francis, The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Education (pp. 307-322). London: SAGE.
Starkey, L. (2011). Evaluating learning in the 21st century: a digital age learning matrix. Technology, pedagogy and education, 20(1), 19-39.
Timur, B., & İmer-Çetin, N. (2014). Fen ve teknoloji öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgi düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. 1. Avrasya Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
Tondeur, J., Pareja Roblin, N., van Braak, J., Voogt, J., & Prestridge, S. (2017). Preparing beginning teachers for technology integration in education: Ready for take-off?. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(2), 157-177.
Tosuntaş, Ş. B., Çubukçu, Z., & Beauchamp, G. (2021a). A new model for the factors that affect interactive whiteboard usage of teachers and its effect on performance. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 3575-3592.
Tosuntaş, Ş. B., Çubukçu, Z., & Beauchamp, G. (2021b). Teacher performance in terms of technopedagogical content knowledge competencies. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 29(1), 63-83.
Turgut, T., Aydın, F., & Kanturk Yigit, G. (2019). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Competencies of Social Studies Teachers: The Case of the City of Karabuk. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1).
Türker, M. S. (2020). Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretenlerin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 9(1), 271-292.
Usta, B. (2021). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin Teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB) ve hizmet içi eğitim durumlarının incelenmesi (Doctoral Dissertation). Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
Van Driel, J. (2021). Developing science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. In Science Teachers’ Knowledge Development (pp. 1-37). Brill.
Yeh, Y. F., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., Hwang, F. K., & Lin, T. C. (2014). Developing and validating technological pedagogical content knowledge‐practical (TPACK‐practical) through the D elphi survey technique. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(4), 707-722.
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