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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 247 - 271, 24.03.2025


Yeşil ekonomi kavramı, akademik dünyada uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir ve sıklıkla “yeşil büyüme” terimiyle birlikte kullanılmaktadır. Başlangıçta yalnızca eko-endüstrilerin büyüme analizlerinde yer alırken, günümüzde tüm ekonomiye yönelik büyüme hesaplamalarında da yaygınlaşmıştır. Yeşil ekonomi, çevre ekonomisi ve ekolojik ekonomi teorileriyle ilişkilidir. Çevre ekonomisi temiz üretim ve kaynak verimliliğine odaklanırken, ekolojik ekonomi endüstriyel ekoloji ve döngüsel ekonomi gibi kavramları temel alır. Yeşil ekonomi ve yeşil dönüşüm üzerine geniş bir literatür bulunsa da konuyu sistematik ve iktisadi açıdan ele alan çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Bu çalışma, yeşil ekonomik dönüşümü önce teorik düzeyde, ardından ilgili kavramlar ve yaklaşımlar çerçevesinde değerlendirerek sistematik bir bakış açısı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Alaña-Castillo, T.P.; Capa-Benítez, L.B.; Sotomayor-Pereira, J.G., (2017). Desarrollo sostenible y evolución de la legislación ambiental en las MIPYMES del Ecuador. Revista Universidad y Sociedad 9(1): 91-99
  • Ambec, S., Cohen, M.A., Elgie, S., Lanoie, P., (2013). The Porter hypothesis at 20: can environmental regulation enhance innovation and competitiveness? Rev. Environ. Econ. Policy 1e22.
  • Barbier, E. B. (2012). The green economy post Rio+ 20. Science, 338(6109), 887-888.
  • Bermudez Garcia, J. M., (2017). Aplicación de instrumentos de Economía Ecológica con enfoque de Producción Mas Limpia en el proceso de producción de la Empresa Termoeléctrica Cienfuegos (Doctoral dissertation, Corporación Universidad de la costa).
  • Bernal, A.; Béltran, C.; Márquez, A., (2016). Producción Más Limpia : una revisión de aspectos generales. Revista I3+: 16(2):66-85
  • Bina, O., La Camera, F., (2011). Promise and shortcomings of a green turn in recent policy responses to the “double crisis”. Ecol. Econ. 70, 2308e2316. http://
  • Bocken, N., Olivetti, E.A., Cullen, J.M., Potting, J., Lifset, R., (2017). Taking the circularity to the next level: a special issue on the circular economy. J. Ind. Ecol. 21 (3), 476e482.
  • Borel‐Saladin, J. M., & Turok, I. N. (2013). The green economy: incremental change or transformation? Environmental Policy and Governance, 23(4), 209-220.
  • Boulding, K. (1966) The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth. In: Jarrett, H., Ed., Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy, Resources for the Future/Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 3-14.Boulding, K.E. (1970). Economics as a aScience. McGraw-Hill, London
  • Boulding, K. E. (1978). Ecodynamics: a new theory of societal evolution. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills. CCDR, (2022). Key Highlights: Country Climate and Development Report for Türkiye,
  • Chertow, M. R. (2000). Industrial symbiosis: literature and taxonomy. Annual review of energy and the environment, 25(1), 313-337.
  • Clark, C.W., (1990). Mathematical bioeconomics: the optimal management of renewable resources, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York.
  • Daly, H. E. (1968). On economics as a life science. Journal of political economy, 76(3), 392-406.
  • Daly, H. E. (1991). Steady-state economics: with new essays. Island press. Washington DC.
  • Daly, H. E. (1992). Allocation, distribution, and scale: towards an economics that is efficient, just, and sustainable. Ecological economics, 6(3), 185-193.
  • Danish 92 Group, (1991). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Dünya Bankası, (2013). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Dünya Bankası, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • EC, (2008). Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on Waste and Repealing Certain Directives.
  • EEA, (2014). Resource-efficient Green Economy and EU Policies. European Environment Agency.
  • Ehrenfeld, J., Gertler, N., (1997). Industrial ecology in practice: the evolution of interdependence at kalundborg. J. Ind. Ecol. 1, 67e79.
  • Ekins, P., Simon, S., Deutsch, L., Folke, C., De Groot, R., (2003). A framework for the practical application of the concepts of critical natural capital and strong sustainability. Ecol. Econ. 44, 165e185.
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation, (2015). Home page. https://www. (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Europarl, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Fúquete-Retamoso, C.E., (2007). Produccion limpia, contaminacion y gestion ambiental. Bogotá (Colombia): Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • GEC, (2019). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1966). Analytical economics: issues and problems. Harvard University Press.
  • Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1971). The entropy law and the economic process. Harvard university press.
  • Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1975). Energy and economic myths. Southern economic journal, 347-381.
  • Hammer S., S. Hallegate, F. Banaji. (2020). World Bank, “How countries’ climate ambitions can support a sustainable recovery from COVID-19,” Development and a Changing Climate, May 2020.
  • Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, (2021). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Holling, C. S. (1973). Resilience and stability of ecological systems. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 4(1), 1-23.
  • Holling, C. S., & Walters, C. (1978). Adaptive environmental assessment and management. Wiley, New York.
  • Holling, C. S. (1986). 1 986. The resilience of terrestrial ecosystems; local surprise and global change. Sustainable Development of the Biosphere. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. UK, 292-317.
  • Hoof, B.; Monroy, N.; Saer, A., (2007). Producción más limpia: paradigma de gestión ambiental. Bogotá, CO: Alfaomega.
  • İklim Değişikliği Başkanlığı, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Janicke, M., (2012). “Green growth”: from a growing eco-industry to economic sustainability. Energy Policy 48, 13e21.
  • Klink, F. A. (1994). Pigou and Coase reconsidered. Land Economics, 70(3), 386-390.
  • Le Blanc, D., (2011). Special issue on green economy and sustainable development. Nat. Resour. Forum 35, 151e154.
  • Loiseau, E., Saikku, L., Antikainen, R., Droste, N., Hansjürgens, B., Pitkänen, K., Leskinen P., Kuikman P. & Thomsen, M. (2016). Green economy and related concepts: An overview. Journal of cleaner production, 139, 361-371.
  • MEA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) (2005), Current State and Trends Assessment,, accessed 2 December 2008.
  • Meadows, Donella H., Meadows, Dennis L., Randers, Jørgens, Behrens III, William, (1972). The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind, Second edition. Potomac Associates, New York.
  • Neher, P.A., (1990). Natural resource economics: conservation and exploitation. Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Odum, H. T. (1971). Environment power and society. Wiley, New York.
  • Odum, H. T. (1987). Models for national, international, and global systems policy. Economic-Ecological Modelling. North-Holland.
  • OECD, (2009). The Bioeconomy to 2030: Desingning a Policy Agenda. Pearce, D., 1992. Green economics. Environ. Values 1, 3e13.
  • OECD, (2011). Towards Green Growth: Monitoring Progress. (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Pearce, D., Markandya, A., Barbier, E., (1989). Blueprint for a Green Economy. Earthscan, London, Great Britain.
  • Pearce, D. (2002). An intellectual history of environmental economics. Annual review of energy and the environment, 27(1), 57-81.
  • Pigou, A.C., (1920). The Economics of Welfare, fourth ed. Macmillan and Co, London, Great Britain.
  • Porter, M.E., Van der Linde, C., (1995). Green and competitive: ending the stalemate. Harv. Bus. Rev. 73, 120e134.
  • Rennings, K., Wiggering, H., (1997). Steps towards indicators of sustainable development: linking economic and ecological concepts. Ecol. Econ. 20, 25e36.
  • Saavedra, Y. M., Iritani, D. R., Pavan, A. L., & Ometto, A. R. (2018). Theoretical contribution of industrial ecology to circular economy. Journal of cleaner production, 170, 1514-1522.
  • Short, S.W., Bocken, N., Barlow, C.Y., Chertow, M.R., (2014). From refining sugar to growing tomatoes: industrial ecology and business model evolution. J. Ind. Ecol. 18 (5), 603e618.
  • Simpson, Dorota, (2021). “The Concept of Green, Blue and Circular Economy” in book Per mare ad astra. Space technology, governance and law. Vol. II, Edmund Wittbrodt (ed.), Magdalena Konopacka (ed.), Paweł Chyc (ed.), Gdańsk: Polska Akademia Nauk, Oddział w Gdańsku Komisja Nauk Kosmicznych publisihing
  • Sterr, T., Ott, T., (2004). The industrial region as a promising unit for eco-industrial developmentdreflections, practical experience and establishment of innovative instruments to support industrial ecology. J. Clean. Prod. 12, 947e965.
  • TUİK, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Turner, R.K., Perrings, C., Folke, C., (1997). Ecological Economics: Paradigm or perspective. In: Van den Bergh JCJM, Van der Straaten J (eds) Economy and Ecosystems in change: analitycal and historical approaches. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
  • UNIDO, (2016). Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP). United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Available Available environment/resource-efficient-and-low-carbon-industrial-production/resource-efficient-and-cleaner-production-recp
  • UNEP, (2011a). Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication.
  • UNEP,(2011b). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • UNEP,(2012).,in%20carbon%2C%20resource%20efficient%20and (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • UNEP, (2016). Sustainable Consumption & Production Branch: Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production [WWW Document]. URL. (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Van den Bergh, J.C. (2001). Ecological economics: themes, approaches, and differences with environmental economics. Reg Environ Change 2, 13–23.
  • Vieira, L.C.; Amaral, F.G., (2016). Barriers and strategies applying Cleaner Production: a systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production 113: 5-16.
  • Williams, C.C., Millington, A.C., (2004). The diverse and contested meaning of sustainable development. Geogr. J. 170, 99e104.
  • Williamson, O.E., (1994). The institutions and govemance of economic development and reform. In: Proceeings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, pp. 171e196.
  • WFD, (2008). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • World Bank, (2012). Inclusive Green Growth: the Pathway to Sustainable Development. The World Bank, Washington D.C, p. 171.
  • Zhang, C., Hu, M., Di Maio, F., Sprecher, B., Yang, X., & Tukker, A. (2022). An overview of the waste hierarchy framework for analyzing the circularity in construction and demolition waste management in Europe. Science of the Total Environment, 803, 149892.
  • Zika E., I. Papatryfon, O. Wolf, M. Gómez-Barbero, A.J. Stein, A.-K. Bock (2007). Consequences,opportunities and challenges of modern biotechnology for Europe. Reference Report by the JointResearch Centre of the European Commission, EUR 22728 EN. Luxembourg: Office for OfficialPublications of the European Communities.

A Systematic Overview Of The Green Economy From An Economic Perspective And A Review On Turkey's Journey Of Green Transformation

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 247 - 271, 24.03.2025


The concept of the green economy has a long academic history, often interchangeably used with "green growth." Initially applied to eco-industries, green growth now extends to overall economic calculations. It aligns with both environmental and ecological economics, each fostering distinct approaches. Environmental economics emphasizes clean production and resource efficiency, while ecological economics introduces concepts like industrial ecology and the circular economy. Despite extensive literature on green economy theories and transformations, systematic economic evaluations remain scarce. This study aims to fill that gap by analyzing green economic transformation through a theoretical lens and within the framework of related concepts and approaches.


  • Alaña-Castillo, T.P.; Capa-Benítez, L.B.; Sotomayor-Pereira, J.G., (2017). Desarrollo sostenible y evolución de la legislación ambiental en las MIPYMES del Ecuador. Revista Universidad y Sociedad 9(1): 91-99
  • Ambec, S., Cohen, M.A., Elgie, S., Lanoie, P., (2013). The Porter hypothesis at 20: can environmental regulation enhance innovation and competitiveness? Rev. Environ. Econ. Policy 1e22.
  • Barbier, E. B. (2012). The green economy post Rio+ 20. Science, 338(6109), 887-888.
  • Bermudez Garcia, J. M., (2017). Aplicación de instrumentos de Economía Ecológica con enfoque de Producción Mas Limpia en el proceso de producción de la Empresa Termoeléctrica Cienfuegos (Doctoral dissertation, Corporación Universidad de la costa).
  • Bernal, A.; Béltran, C.; Márquez, A., (2016). Producción Más Limpia : una revisión de aspectos generales. Revista I3+: 16(2):66-85
  • Bina, O., La Camera, F., (2011). Promise and shortcomings of a green turn in recent policy responses to the “double crisis”. Ecol. Econ. 70, 2308e2316. http://
  • Bocken, N., Olivetti, E.A., Cullen, J.M., Potting, J., Lifset, R., (2017). Taking the circularity to the next level: a special issue on the circular economy. J. Ind. Ecol. 21 (3), 476e482.
  • Borel‐Saladin, J. M., & Turok, I. N. (2013). The green economy: incremental change or transformation? Environmental Policy and Governance, 23(4), 209-220.
  • Boulding, K. (1966) The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth. In: Jarrett, H., Ed., Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy, Resources for the Future/Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 3-14.Boulding, K.E. (1970). Economics as a aScience. McGraw-Hill, London
  • Boulding, K. E. (1978). Ecodynamics: a new theory of societal evolution. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills. CCDR, (2022). Key Highlights: Country Climate and Development Report for Türkiye,
  • Chertow, M. R. (2000). Industrial symbiosis: literature and taxonomy. Annual review of energy and the environment, 25(1), 313-337.
  • Clark, C.W., (1990). Mathematical bioeconomics: the optimal management of renewable resources, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York.
  • Daly, H. E. (1968). On economics as a life science. Journal of political economy, 76(3), 392-406.
  • Daly, H. E. (1991). Steady-state economics: with new essays. Island press. Washington DC.
  • Daly, H. E. (1992). Allocation, distribution, and scale: towards an economics that is efficient, just, and sustainable. Ecological economics, 6(3), 185-193.
  • Danish 92 Group, (1991). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Dünya Bankası, (2013). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Dünya Bankası, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • EC, (2008). Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on Waste and Repealing Certain Directives.
  • EEA, (2014). Resource-efficient Green Economy and EU Policies. European Environment Agency.
  • Ehrenfeld, J., Gertler, N., (1997). Industrial ecology in practice: the evolution of interdependence at kalundborg. J. Ind. Ecol. 1, 67e79.
  • Ekins, P., Simon, S., Deutsch, L., Folke, C., De Groot, R., (2003). A framework for the practical application of the concepts of critical natural capital and strong sustainability. Ecol. Econ. 44, 165e185.
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation, (2015). Home page. https://www. (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Europarl, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Fúquete-Retamoso, C.E., (2007). Produccion limpia, contaminacion y gestion ambiental. Bogotá (Colombia): Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • GEC, (2019). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1966). Analytical economics: issues and problems. Harvard University Press.
  • Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1971). The entropy law and the economic process. Harvard university press.
  • Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1975). Energy and economic myths. Southern economic journal, 347-381.
  • Hammer S., S. Hallegate, F. Banaji. (2020). World Bank, “How countries’ climate ambitions can support a sustainable recovery from COVID-19,” Development and a Changing Climate, May 2020.
  • Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, (2021). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Holling, C. S. (1973). Resilience and stability of ecological systems. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 4(1), 1-23.
  • Holling, C. S., & Walters, C. (1978). Adaptive environmental assessment and management. Wiley, New York.
  • Holling, C. S. (1986). 1 986. The resilience of terrestrial ecosystems; local surprise and global change. Sustainable Development of the Biosphere. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. UK, 292-317.
  • Hoof, B.; Monroy, N.; Saer, A., (2007). Producción más limpia: paradigma de gestión ambiental. Bogotá, CO: Alfaomega.
  • İklim Değişikliği Başkanlığı, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Janicke, M., (2012). “Green growth”: from a growing eco-industry to economic sustainability. Energy Policy 48, 13e21.
  • Klink, F. A. (1994). Pigou and Coase reconsidered. Land Economics, 70(3), 386-390.
  • Le Blanc, D., (2011). Special issue on green economy and sustainable development. Nat. Resour. Forum 35, 151e154.
  • Loiseau, E., Saikku, L., Antikainen, R., Droste, N., Hansjürgens, B., Pitkänen, K., Leskinen P., Kuikman P. & Thomsen, M. (2016). Green economy and related concepts: An overview. Journal of cleaner production, 139, 361-371.
  • MEA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) (2005), Current State and Trends Assessment,, accessed 2 December 2008.
  • Meadows, Donella H., Meadows, Dennis L., Randers, Jørgens, Behrens III, William, (1972). The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind, Second edition. Potomac Associates, New York.
  • Neher, P.A., (1990). Natural resource economics: conservation and exploitation. Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Odum, H. T. (1971). Environment power and society. Wiley, New York.
  • Odum, H. T. (1987). Models for national, international, and global systems policy. Economic-Ecological Modelling. North-Holland.
  • OECD, (2009). The Bioeconomy to 2030: Desingning a Policy Agenda. Pearce, D., 1992. Green economics. Environ. Values 1, 3e13.
  • OECD, (2011). Towards Green Growth: Monitoring Progress. (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Pearce, D., Markandya, A., Barbier, E., (1989). Blueprint for a Green Economy. Earthscan, London, Great Britain.
  • Pearce, D. (2002). An intellectual history of environmental economics. Annual review of energy and the environment, 27(1), 57-81.
  • Pigou, A.C., (1920). The Economics of Welfare, fourth ed. Macmillan and Co, London, Great Britain.
  • Porter, M.E., Van der Linde, C., (1995). Green and competitive: ending the stalemate. Harv. Bus. Rev. 73, 120e134.
  • Rennings, K., Wiggering, H., (1997). Steps towards indicators of sustainable development: linking economic and ecological concepts. Ecol. Econ. 20, 25e36.
  • Saavedra, Y. M., Iritani, D. R., Pavan, A. L., & Ometto, A. R. (2018). Theoretical contribution of industrial ecology to circular economy. Journal of cleaner production, 170, 1514-1522.
  • Short, S.W., Bocken, N., Barlow, C.Y., Chertow, M.R., (2014). From refining sugar to growing tomatoes: industrial ecology and business model evolution. J. Ind. Ecol. 18 (5), 603e618.
  • Simpson, Dorota, (2021). “The Concept of Green, Blue and Circular Economy” in book Per mare ad astra. Space technology, governance and law. Vol. II, Edmund Wittbrodt (ed.), Magdalena Konopacka (ed.), Paweł Chyc (ed.), Gdańsk: Polska Akademia Nauk, Oddział w Gdańsku Komisja Nauk Kosmicznych publisihing
  • Sterr, T., Ott, T., (2004). The industrial region as a promising unit for eco-industrial developmentdreflections, practical experience and establishment of innovative instruments to support industrial ecology. J. Clean. Prod. 12, 947e965.
  • TUİK, (2023). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Turner, R.K., Perrings, C., Folke, C., (1997). Ecological Economics: Paradigm or perspective. In: Van den Bergh JCJM, Van der Straaten J (eds) Economy and Ecosystems in change: analitycal and historical approaches. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
  • UNIDO, (2016). Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP). United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Available Available environment/resource-efficient-and-low-carbon-industrial-production/resource-efficient-and-cleaner-production-recp
  • UNEP, (2011a). Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication.
  • UNEP,(2011b). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • UNEP,(2012).,in%20carbon%2C%20resource%20efficient%20and (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • UNEP, (2016). Sustainable Consumption & Production Branch: Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production [WWW Document]. URL. (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • Van den Bergh, J.C. (2001). Ecological economics: themes, approaches, and differences with environmental economics. Reg Environ Change 2, 13–23.
  • Vieira, L.C.; Amaral, F.G., (2016). Barriers and strategies applying Cleaner Production: a systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production 113: 5-16.
  • Williams, C.C., Millington, A.C., (2004). The diverse and contested meaning of sustainable development. Geogr. J. 170, 99e104.
  • Williamson, O.E., (1994). The institutions and govemance of economic development and reform. In: Proceeings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, pp. 171e196.
  • WFD, (2008). (Erişim Tarihi: 29 Şubat 2024)
  • World Bank, (2012). Inclusive Green Growth: the Pathway to Sustainable Development. The World Bank, Washington D.C, p. 171.
  • Zhang, C., Hu, M., Di Maio, F., Sprecher, B., Yang, X., & Tukker, A. (2022). An overview of the waste hierarchy framework for analyzing the circularity in construction and demolition waste management in Europe. Science of the Total Environment, 803, 149892.
  • Zika E., I. Papatryfon, O. Wolf, M. Gómez-Barbero, A.J. Stein, A.-K. Bock (2007). Consequences,opportunities and challenges of modern biotechnology for Europe. Reference Report by the JointResearch Centre of the European Commission, EUR 22728 EN. Luxembourg: Office for OfficialPublications of the European Communities.
Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Döngüsel Ekonomi, Çevre Ekonomisi, Çevre Politikası
Bölüm Derleme

Selen Işık Maden 0000-0002-3998-855X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Işık Maden, S. (2025). İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 247-271.
AMA Işık Maden S. İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Mart 2025;15(1):247-271. doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1440926
Chicago Işık Maden, Selen. “İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 15, sy. 1 (Mart 2025): 247-71.
EndNote Işık Maden S (01 Mart 2025) İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 15 1 247–271.
IEEE S. Işık Maden, “İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 1, ss. 247–271, 2025, doi: 10.18074/ckuiibfd.1440926.
ISNAD Işık Maden, Selen. “İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 15/1 (Mart 2025), 247-271.
MLA Işık Maden, Selen. “İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 247-71, doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1440926.
Vancouver Işık Maden S. İKTİSADİ PERSPEKTİFTEN YEŞİL EKONOMİYE SİSTEMATİK BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE’NİN YEŞİL DÖNÜŞÜM YOLCULUĞU ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2025;15(1):247-71.