Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 56, 1121 - 1142, 19.03.2025


Türkiye’s relationship with the European Union (EU) has a long history, dating back to the Ankara Agreement signed in 1963. Despite the decades-long relationship, the full membership envisioned by the Ankara Agreement has yet to materialize. Political and technical obstacles, including frozen negotiation chapters and shifts in foreign policy priorities, have recently strained relations. While Türkiye has been drifting away from the EU, the transformative impact of the EU on Turkish politics and society have declined for the last decade. Thus, recent research on Türkiye-EU relations has focused on the processes of de-Europeanization in Turkish politics, rising contestation, and political divergence between Türkiye and the EU. Borrowed from the discipline of business administration, the concept of coopetition offers a different perspective on how cooperation and competition can co-exist together between Türkiye and the EU. By focusing on progressive cooperation rather than a stagnant partnership, and on constructive competition rather than destructive rivalry, both parties can sustain a more balanced and productive relationship. This study re-evaluates Türkiye-EU relations in light of global transformations, technological advancements, and regional conflicts, proposing the concept of coopetition as a framework for the management of simultaneous cooperation and competition between the two. Focusing on the green economy, digital transformation, and geopolitical/geo-economic areas and in line with the perspective of coopetition model, the study argues that Türkiye-EU relations can be revitalized if only both sides acknowledge that cooperation for research and development, maintaining peace in their vicinity will provide mutual gains while contestation for normative order and competition for geo-economic benefits will persist.

Etik Beyan

Etik Kurullar ve Komisyonlarının Yönergelerini inceledim ve bunlara göre çalışmamın yürütülebilmesi için herhangi bir Etik Kurul/Komisyon’dan izin alınmasına gerek olmadığını; aksi durumda doğabilecek her türlü hukuki sorumluluğu kabul ettiğimi ve vermiş olduğum bilgilerin doğru olduğunu beyan ederim.


  • Altay, S. (2018). Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union. Insight Türkiye, 20(3), 179–198.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. (2016). De-Europeanisation Through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches. South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 45–58.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S., and Kaliber, A. (2016). Encounters With Europe in an Era of Domestic and International Turmoil: Is Turkey a De-Europeanising Candidate Country? South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 1–14.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S., and Noutcheva, G. (2022). External Contestations of Europe: Russia and Turkey as Normative Challengers? JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(6), 1815–1831.
  • Barigazzi, J., and Tamma: (2020). EU Agrees Sanctions on Two Turkish Oil Company Officials. Politico. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Bashirov, G., and Yilmaz, I. (2020). The Rise of Transactionalism in International Relations: Evidence from Turkey’s Relations with the European Union. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 74(2), 165–184.
  • Bayramoğlu, G. (2022). Rekabetin Değişen Doğası: Paradoksal Bir İlişki Olarak Rekaberlik. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 87-110.
  • Bengtsson, M., and Kock, S. (2000). “Coopetition” in Business Networks – To Cooperate and Compete Simultaneously. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(5), 411–426.
  • Bengtsson, M., and Kock, S. (2014). Coopetition — Quo vadis? Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(2), 180–188.
  • Bodur-Ün, M., and Arıkan, H. (2022). Europeanization and de-Europeanization of Turkey’s Gender Equality Policy: The Case of the Istanbul Convention. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(4), 945–962.
  • Chin, K.-S., Chan, B. L., and Lam:-K. (2008). Identifying and Prioritizing Critical Success Factors for Coopetition Strategy. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 108(4), 437–454.
  • Cianciara, A. K., and Szymański, A. (2020). Differentiated Integration: Towards a New Model of European Union–Türkiye Relations? Turkish Studies, 21(2), 254–273.
  • Cihangir-Tetik, D., and Müftüler-Baç, M. (2018). Turkey’s Compliance With the European Union’s Development Policy: A Pattern of External Differentiated Integration? Journal of European Integration, 40(7), 939–959.
  • Copeland: (2016). Europeanization and de-Europeanization in UK Employment Policy: Changing Governments and Shifting Agendas. Public Administration, 94(4), 1124–1139.
  • Council of the European Union. (2022). A Strategic Compass For Security and Defence. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Dandashly, A., and Noutcheva, G. (2022). Conceptualizing Norm Diffusion and Norm Contestation in the European Neighborhood: Introduction to the Special Issue. Democratization, 29(3), 415–432.
  • de Neve, J. E. (2007). The European Onion? How Differentiated Integration is Reshaping the EU. Journal of European Integration, 29(4), 503–521.
  • Diez, T. (2021). The EU in a Changing World Order: In Defence of Normative Power 2.0, Marmara Journal of European Studies, 29(1), 1–20.
  • Directorate for EU Affairs. (2023). Türkiye-AB Ilişkilerinin Tarihçesi. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Directorate for EU Affairs. (2024). Katılım Müzakerelerinde Son Durum. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2019). The European Green Deal COM(2019) 640 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2023a). 2023 Communication on EU Enlargement Policy COM(2023) 690 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission (2023b). Türkiye 2023 Report SWD(2023) 696 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2023c). Critical Raw Materials: Ensuring Secure and Sustainable Supply Chains For EU’s Green and Digital Future. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2023d). Joint Communication to the European Council: State of Play of EU-Türkiye Political, Economic and Trade Relations JOIN(2023) 50 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2024a). List of non-EU Participating Countries in the Creative Europe Programme. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2024b). Critical, Strategic and Advanced Materials. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Parliament. (2023). Report on the 2022 Commission Report on Türkiye (2022/2205(INI)). Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Gençtürk, A. (2023). Year of Aegean Rapprochement: Turkish-Greek Ties Take Turn for Better in 2023. Anadolu Agency. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı (İKV). (2023). Kamuoyunda AB Desteği ve Avrupa Algısı Araştırma Sonuçları 2023” Adlı Toplantı Düzenledi. [IKV held a meeting called “Results of Research on EU support and perception of Europe in Public Opinion 2023”]. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Kaliber, A. (2013). Contextual and Contested: Reassessing Europeanization in The Case of Turkey. International Relations, 27(1), 52–73.
  • Kaliber, A., and Kaliber, E. (2019). From De-Europeanisation to Anti-Western Populism: Turkish Foreign Policy in Flux. The International Spectator, 54(4), 1–16.
  • Müftüler-Baç, M. (2017). Turkey’s Future With the European Union: An Alternative Model of Differentiated Integration. Turkish Studies, 18(3), 416–438.
  • Nalebuff, B. J., and Brandenburger, A. M. (1996). Coopetition, London: Harper Collins Business. Nas, Ç. (2018). Türkiye-EU Customs Union: Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations. Insight Türkiye, 20(3), 43-60.
  • Renda, K. K., Özçelik, A. O., and Tabak, H. (2023). Turkey’s Proactive Contestation of EU Sanctions Against Russia: European Normative Order vs. Geopolitical Realities. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 23(4), 757–780.
  • Reuters. (2020). France Joins Military Exercises in East Mediterranean. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Ritala: (2012). Coopetition Strategy – When is it Successful? Empirical Evidence on Innovation and Market Performance. British Journal of Management, 23, 307–324.
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2016). De-Europeanisation in Turkey: The Case of the Rule of Law. South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 133–146.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2014). EU Enlargement and Differentiated Integration: Discrimination or Equal Treatment? Journal of European Public Policy, 21(5), 681–698.
  • Schimmelfennig, F., Leuffen, D., and Rittberger, B. (2015). The European Union as a System of Differentiated Integration: Interdependence, Politicization and Differentiation. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 764–782.
  • Stanicek, B. (2020). A new approach to EU enlargement. European Parliament Research Service. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Stubb, A. C-G. (1996). A Categorization of Differentiated Integration. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 34(2), 283-295.
  • The Group of Twelve. (2023). Sailing on High Seas: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st Century. Report of the Franco-German Working Group on EU Institutional Reform. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Tidström, A., and Rajala, A. (2016). Coopetition Strategy as Interrelated Praxis and Practices on Multiple Levels. Industrial Marketing Management, 58(October), 35–44.
  • Turhan, E. (2018). Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB Ilişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım. SİYASAL: Journal of Political Sciences, 27(1), 95–120.
  • Ülgen, S. (2012). Avoiding a Divorce: A Virtual EU Membership for Turkey. Carnegie Europe. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Walley, K. (2007). Coopetition: An Introduction to the Subject and an Agenda for Research. International Studies of Management and Organization, 37(2), 11–31.
  • Yilmaz, G. (2016). From Europeanization to De-Europeanization: The Europeanization Process of Turkey in 1999–2014. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 24(1), 86–100.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 56, 1121 - 1142, 19.03.2025


Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği (AB) ile ilişkisi, 1963 yılında imzalanan Ankara Anlaşması’na kadar uzanan uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir. On yıllardır süren bu ilişkiye rağmen, Ankara Anlaşması’nda öngörülen tam üyelik gerçekleşmemiştir. Dondurulmuş müzakere fasılları ve dış politika önceliklerindeki değişimler gibi siyasi ve teknik engeller son dönemde ilişkileri germiştir. Son on yıldır, Türkiye, AB’den uzaklaşırken, AB’nin Türk siyaseti ve toplumu üzerindeki dönüştürücü etkileri de azalmıştır. Bu nedenle, Türkiye-AB ilişkileri üzerine yapılan son araştırmalar, Türk siyasetindeki Avrupasızlaşma sürecine, artan çekişmelere ve Türkiye ile AB arasındaki siyasi ayrışmaya odaklanmıştır. İşletme disiplininden ödünç alınan rekaberlik kavramı, Türkiye ve AB arasında işbirliği ve rekabetin nasıl bir arada var olabileceğine dair farklı bir bakış açısı sunmaktadır. Durağan bir ortaklık yerine ilerici bir işbirliğine ve yıkıcı bir rekabet yerine yapıcı bir rekabete odaklanarak her iki tarafın da daha dengeli ve verimli bir ilişki sürdürebileceği iddia edilmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye-AB ilişkilerini küresel değişimler, teknolojik ilerlemeler ve bölgesel çatışmalar ışığında yeniden değerlendirmekte ve iki taraf arasındaki iş birliği ve rekabetin aynı anda yönetilmesi için bir çerçeve olarak rekaberlik kavramını önermektedir. Yeşil ekonomi, dijital dönüşüm ve jeopolitik/jeoekonomik alanlara odaklanan bu çalışma, rekaberlik modeline uygun olarak, Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinin ancak her iki tarafın da araştırma ve geliştirme için işbirliği yapmalarının, çevrelerinde barışı korumanın karşılıklı kazanımlar sağlayacağını, ancak normatif düzen için çekişmenin ve jeoekonomik faydalar için rekabetin devam edeceğini kabul etmeleri halinde yeniden canlandırılabileceğini savunmaktadır.


  • Altay, S. (2018). Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union. Insight Türkiye, 20(3), 179–198.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. (2016). De-Europeanisation Through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches. South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 45–58.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S., and Kaliber, A. (2016). Encounters With Europe in an Era of Domestic and International Turmoil: Is Turkey a De-Europeanising Candidate Country? South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 1–14.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S., and Noutcheva, G. (2022). External Contestations of Europe: Russia and Turkey as Normative Challengers? JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(6), 1815–1831.
  • Barigazzi, J., and Tamma: (2020). EU Agrees Sanctions on Two Turkish Oil Company Officials. Politico. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Bashirov, G., and Yilmaz, I. (2020). The Rise of Transactionalism in International Relations: Evidence from Turkey’s Relations with the European Union. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 74(2), 165–184.
  • Bayramoğlu, G. (2022). Rekabetin Değişen Doğası: Paradoksal Bir İlişki Olarak Rekaberlik. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 87-110.
  • Bengtsson, M., and Kock, S. (2000). “Coopetition” in Business Networks – To Cooperate and Compete Simultaneously. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(5), 411–426.
  • Bengtsson, M., and Kock, S. (2014). Coopetition — Quo vadis? Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(2), 180–188.
  • Bodur-Ün, M., and Arıkan, H. (2022). Europeanization and de-Europeanization of Turkey’s Gender Equality Policy: The Case of the Istanbul Convention. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(4), 945–962.
  • Chin, K.-S., Chan, B. L., and Lam:-K. (2008). Identifying and Prioritizing Critical Success Factors for Coopetition Strategy. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 108(4), 437–454.
  • Cianciara, A. K., and Szymański, A. (2020). Differentiated Integration: Towards a New Model of European Union–Türkiye Relations? Turkish Studies, 21(2), 254–273.
  • Cihangir-Tetik, D., and Müftüler-Baç, M. (2018). Turkey’s Compliance With the European Union’s Development Policy: A Pattern of External Differentiated Integration? Journal of European Integration, 40(7), 939–959.
  • Copeland: (2016). Europeanization and de-Europeanization in UK Employment Policy: Changing Governments and Shifting Agendas. Public Administration, 94(4), 1124–1139.
  • Council of the European Union. (2022). A Strategic Compass For Security and Defence. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Dandashly, A., and Noutcheva, G. (2022). Conceptualizing Norm Diffusion and Norm Contestation in the European Neighborhood: Introduction to the Special Issue. Democratization, 29(3), 415–432.
  • de Neve, J. E. (2007). The European Onion? How Differentiated Integration is Reshaping the EU. Journal of European Integration, 29(4), 503–521.
  • Diez, T. (2021). The EU in a Changing World Order: In Defence of Normative Power 2.0, Marmara Journal of European Studies, 29(1), 1–20.
  • Directorate for EU Affairs. (2023). Türkiye-AB Ilişkilerinin Tarihçesi. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Directorate for EU Affairs. (2024). Katılım Müzakerelerinde Son Durum. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2019). The European Green Deal COM(2019) 640 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2023a). 2023 Communication on EU Enlargement Policy COM(2023) 690 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission (2023b). Türkiye 2023 Report SWD(2023) 696 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2023c). Critical Raw Materials: Ensuring Secure and Sustainable Supply Chains For EU’s Green and Digital Future. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2023d). Joint Communication to the European Council: State of Play of EU-Türkiye Political, Economic and Trade Relations JOIN(2023) 50 final. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2024a). List of non-EU Participating Countries in the Creative Europe Programme. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Commission. (2024b). Critical, Strategic and Advanced Materials. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • European Parliament. (2023). Report on the 2022 Commission Report on Türkiye (2022/2205(INI)). Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Gençtürk, A. (2023). Year of Aegean Rapprochement: Turkish-Greek Ties Take Turn for Better in 2023. Anadolu Agency. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı (İKV). (2023). Kamuoyunda AB Desteği ve Avrupa Algısı Araştırma Sonuçları 2023” Adlı Toplantı Düzenledi. [IKV held a meeting called “Results of Research on EU support and perception of Europe in Public Opinion 2023”]. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Kaliber, A. (2013). Contextual and Contested: Reassessing Europeanization in The Case of Turkey. International Relations, 27(1), 52–73.
  • Kaliber, A., and Kaliber, E. (2019). From De-Europeanisation to Anti-Western Populism: Turkish Foreign Policy in Flux. The International Spectator, 54(4), 1–16.
  • Müftüler-Baç, M. (2017). Turkey’s Future With the European Union: An Alternative Model of Differentiated Integration. Turkish Studies, 18(3), 416–438.
  • Nalebuff, B. J., and Brandenburger, A. M. (1996). Coopetition, London: Harper Collins Business. Nas, Ç. (2018). Türkiye-EU Customs Union: Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations. Insight Türkiye, 20(3), 43-60.
  • Renda, K. K., Özçelik, A. O., and Tabak, H. (2023). Turkey’s Proactive Contestation of EU Sanctions Against Russia: European Normative Order vs. Geopolitical Realities. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 23(4), 757–780.
  • Reuters. (2020). France Joins Military Exercises in East Mediterranean. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Ritala: (2012). Coopetition Strategy – When is it Successful? Empirical Evidence on Innovation and Market Performance. British Journal of Management, 23, 307–324.
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2016). De-Europeanisation in Turkey: The Case of the Rule of Law. South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 133–146.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2014). EU Enlargement and Differentiated Integration: Discrimination or Equal Treatment? Journal of European Public Policy, 21(5), 681–698.
  • Schimmelfennig, F., Leuffen, D., and Rittberger, B. (2015). The European Union as a System of Differentiated Integration: Interdependence, Politicization and Differentiation. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 764–782.
  • Stanicek, B. (2020). A new approach to EU enlargement. European Parliament Research Service. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Stubb, A. C-G. (1996). A Categorization of Differentiated Integration. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 34(2), 283-295.
  • The Group of Twelve. (2023). Sailing on High Seas: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st Century. Report of the Franco-German Working Group on EU Institutional Reform. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Tidström, A., and Rajala, A. (2016). Coopetition Strategy as Interrelated Praxis and Practices on Multiple Levels. Industrial Marketing Management, 58(October), 35–44.
  • Turhan, E. (2018). Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB Ilişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım. SİYASAL: Journal of Political Sciences, 27(1), 95–120.
  • Ülgen, S. (2012). Avoiding a Divorce: A Virtual EU Membership for Turkey. Carnegie Europe. Accessed: 15 December 2024,
  • Walley, K. (2007). Coopetition: An Introduction to the Subject and an Agenda for Research. International Studies of Management and Organization, 37(2), 11–31.
  • Yilmaz, G. (2016). From Europeanization to De-Europeanization: The Europeanization Process of Turkey in 1999–2014. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 24(1), 86–100.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye İlişkileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Kadri Kaan Renda 0000-0002-1170-4631

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 56

Kaynak Göster

APA Renda, K. K. (2025). FUTURE OF TÜRKİYE-EU RELATIONS: COOPERATION, COMPETITION AND COOPETITION. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(56), 1121-1142.

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