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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 74 - 84, 08.03.2014


The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between organizational corruption, organizational dissent and whistle-blowing in schools. 193 teachers, who worked at primary and secondary schools in Turkey, participated in the study. Measures of organizational corruption, organizational dissent, and whistle-blowing were used. Data were analyzed with correlation and regression analysis. Findings revealed that there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational corruption, organizational dissent and whistle-blowing and that organizational corruption predicted organizational dissent and whistle-blowing. The results suggest that organizational dissent and whistle-blowing are two main techniques that teachers use to resist organizational corruption in schools.


  • Aguilera, R. V.  Vadera, A. K. (2008). The dark side of authority: antecedents, mechanism, and outcomes of organizational corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 77(4), 431-449.
  • Aktan, C. C. (2006). Organizasyonlarda yanlış uygulamalara karşı bir sivil erdem, ahlaki tepki ve vicdani red davranışı: whistleblowing. Mercek Dergisi, 1-13.
  • Alt, J. E.  Lassen, D. D. (2003). The political economy of institutions and corruption in American states. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 15, 341–365.
  • Anderson, C. J.  Tverdova, Y. V. (2003). Corruption, political allegiances, and attitudes toward government in contemporary democracies. American Journal of Political Science, 47, 91–109.
  • Argandona, A. (2003). Private-to-private corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 47, 253–267.
  • Avtgis, T. A., Thomas-Maddox, C., Taylor, E.  Patterson, B. R. (2007). The influence of employee burnout syndrome on the expression of organizational dissent. Communication Research Reports, 24, 97–102.
  • Balcı, A., Özdemir, M.,  Özen, F. (2009). Organizational corruption: its relation with organizational culture, job attitudes and work ethics. 11nd International Congress of European Turks. 14-16 may, Antwerp-Belgium.
  • Berkman, Ü. (1983). Azgelişmiş ülkelerde kamu yönetiminde yolsuzluk ve rüşvet. Ankara: TODAİE Yayınları.
  • Berkman, Ü. (1992). Bureaucracy and bribery: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Public Administration, 15(6), 1345-1368.
  • Brooks, L. (1993). Whistleblowers: learn to love them. Canadian Business Review, 20(2), 19–21.
  • Caiden, G. E.  Caiden, N. J. (1977). Administrative corruption. Public Administration Review, 37(3), 301-309.
  • Cannings, K. (1992). The voice of the loyal manager: distinguishing attachment from commitment. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 5, 261-272.
  • Çadırcı, M. (1997). Tanzimat döneminde Anadolu kentlerinin sosyal ve ekonomik yapısı. Ankara: TTK Yayınları.
  • Darley, J. M. (2005). The cognitive and social psychology of contagious organizational corruption. Brooklyn Law Review, 70(4), 1177-1179.
  • Davis, J. (2004). Corruption in public service delivery: experience from South Asia’s water and sanitation Sector. World Development, 32(1), 53-71.
  • De Maria, W. (2008). Whistleblowers and organizational protesters. Current Sociology, 56(6), 865-883.
  • Doig, A.  Theobald, R. (2000). Introduction: why corruption? in Alan Doig and Robin. Theobald, eds. Corruption and democratisation. London: Frank Cass. pp. 1-12.
  • Dozier, J. B.  Miceli, M. P. (1985). Potential predictors of whistle-blowing: a prosocial behavior perspective. Academy of Management Review, 10, 823-836.
  • Dworking, T.  Baucus, M. (1998). Internal vs external whistleblowers: a comparison of whistleblowing processes. Journal of Business Ethics, 17(12), 1281-1298.
  • Eaton, T. V.  Akers, M. D. (2007). Whistleblowing and good governance. The CPA Journal, 77(6), 66-71.
  • Fackler, T.  Lin, T. (1995). Political corruption and presidential elections, 1929–1992. Journal of Politics, 57, 971–993.
  • Farrell, D.  Rusbult, C. E. (1992). Exploring the exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect typology: the influence of job satisfaction, quality of alternatives, and investment size. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 5, 201-218.
  • Gerring, J.  Thacker, S. C. (2004). Political institutions and corruption: the role of unitarism and parliamentarism. British Journal of Political Science, 34, 295-330.
  • Goodboy, A. K., Chory, R. M.  Dunleavy, K. N. (2008). Organizational dissent as a function of organizational justice. Communication Research Reports, 25(4), 255-265.
  • Graham, J. W. (1986). Principled organizational dissent: a theoretical essay. Research in Organizational Behavior, 8, 1-52.
  • Hallak, J.  Poisson, M. (2007). Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: what can be done. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Hegstrom, T. G. (1990). Mimetic and dissent conditions in organizational rhetoric. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 18, 141-152.
  • Hegstrom, T. G. (1995). Focus on organizational dissent: A functionalist response to criticism. In J. Lehtonen eds. Critical perspectives on communication research and pedagogy (pp. 83-94). St. Ingbert, Germany: Rohrig University Press.
  • Heyneman, S. P. (2004). Education and corruption. International Journal of Educational Development, 24, 637- 648.
  • Hunbury, G. L. (2004). A “pracademic’s” perspective of ethics and honor: imperatives for public services in the 21st century! Public Organization Review, 4, 187-204.
  • Johnston, M. (1986). Right and wrong in American politics: popular conceptions of corruption, Polity, 18, 367-391.
  • Johnson, R. A.  Sharma, S. (2004). The Struggle against corruption: a comparative study. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Kassing, J. W. (1997). Articulating, antagonizing, and displacing: a model of employee dissent. Communication Studies, 48, 311-332.
  • Kassing, J. W. (1998). Development and validation of the organizational dissent scale. Management Communication Quarterly, 12(2), 183-229.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2000). Investigating the relationship between superior-subordinate relationship quality and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 17, 58-70.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2002). Speaking up: identifying employees’ upward dissent strategies. Management Communication Quarterly, 16(2), 187-209.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Avtgis, T. A. (1999). Examining the relationship between organizational dissent and aggressive communication. Management Communication Quarterly, 13, 76-91.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Armstrong, T. A. (2001). Examining the association of job tenure, employment history, and organizational status with employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 18, 264-273.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Avtgis, T. A. (2001). Dissension in the organization as a function of control expectancies. Communication Research Reports, 18, 118-127.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Armstrong, T. A. (2002). Someone’s going to hear about this: examining the association between dissent-triggering events and employee’s dissent expressions. Management Communication Quarterly, 16, 39-65.
  • Kassing, J. W.  DiCioccio, R. L. (2004). Testing a workplace experience explanation of displaced dissent. Communication Reports, 17, 111-120.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2006). Employees’ expressions of upward dissent as a function of current and past work experiences. Communication Reports, 19(2), 79-88.
  • Kassing, J. W.  McDowell, Z. (2008). Talk about fairness: exploring the relationship between procedural justice and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 25, 1–10.
  • Kayes, D. C., (2006). Organizational corruption as theodicy. Journal of Business Ethics, 67, 51-62.
  • Keenan, J. P. (2000). Blowing the whistle on less serious forms of fraud: a study of executives and managers. Employee Responsibilities and Right Journal, 12(4), 199-217.
  • Klitgaard, R. ( 1998). International cooperation against corruption. Finance and Development, 35(1), 3-6.
  • Luo, Y. (2004). An organizational perspective of corruption. Management and Organization Review, 1(1), 119-154.
  • Mansbach, A.  Bachner, Y. G. (2010). Internal or external whistleblowing: nurses’ willingness to report wrongdoing. Nursing Ethics, 17(4), 483-490.
  • Mbatha, J. S. (2005). The ethical dilemmas of whistle-blowing and corruption in the South African public sector. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Zululand.
  • McCluskey, N. (2005). Corruption in the public schools: the market is the answer. Policy Analysis, 542, 1-20.
  • Miceli, M.  Near, J. (1994). Whistleblowing: reaping the benefits. Academy of Management Executive, 8, 65–73.
  • Miethe, T. D.  Rothschild, J. (1994). Whistleblowing and the control of organizational misconduct. Sociological Inquiry, 64, 322–347.
  • Mumcu, A. (1969). Osmanlı devleti’nde rüşvet. Ankara: A.Ü. Hukuk Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Near, J. P.  Jensen, T. C. (1983). The whistleblowing process: retaliation and perceived effectiveness. Work and Occupations, 10, 3-28.
  • Near, J. P.  Micelli, M. P. (1985). Organizational dissidence: the case of whistle-blowing. Journal of Business Ethics, 4(1), 1-16.
  • O’Reilly, C.  Chatman, J. (1986). Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: the effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3), 492-499.
  • Özdemir, M. (2010). The opinions of administrators and teachers working in public high schools in Ankara Province on organizational dissent. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Ankara University.
  • Palmier, L. (1983). Bureaucratic corruption and its remedies, in M. Clarke, eds. Corruption. London: Frances Printer Ltd. London, pp. 207-219.
  • Pascoe, J.  Welsh, M. (2011). Whistleblowing, ethics and corporate culture: theory and practice in Australia. Common Law World Review, 40, 144-173.
  • Payne, H. J. (2007). The role of organization-based self-esteem in employee dissent expression. Communication Research Reports, 24, 235-240.
  • Peters, J. G.  Welch, S. (1980). The effects of charges of corruption on voting behavior in congressional elections. American Political Science Review, 71(3), 697-708.
  • Redlawsk, D. P.  McCann, J. A. (2005). Popular interpretations of ‘corruption’ and their partisan consequences. Political Behavior, 27(3), 261-283.
  • Redding, W. C. (1985). Rocking boats, blowing whistles, and teaching speech communication. Communication Education, 34, 245-258.
  • Rodal, C. A. S.  Mendoza, E. C. (2004). Transparency in Education: report card in Bangladesh. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Sayed, T.  Bruce, D. (1998). Police corruption: towards a working definition. African Security Review, 7(1), 3-14.
  • Seligson, M. (2002). The impact of corruption on regime legitimacy: a comparative study of four Latin American countries. Journal of Politics, 62, 408–433.
  • Schein, E. (1985). Defining organizational culture. In M. Shafritz and J. Ott, eds. Classics of Organization theory (1992). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Sprague, J. A.  Ruud, G. L. (1988). Boat-rocking in the high technology culture. American Behavioral Scientist, 32, 169-193.
  • Stapenhurst, F.  Langseth, P. (1997) The role of the public administration in fighting corruption. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 10(5), 311 – 330.
  • Tanaka, S. (2001). Corruption in education sector development: a suggestion for anticipatory strategy. The International Journal of Educational Management, 15(4), 158-166.
  • Truelson, J. A. (1989). Implications of whistleblowing for public administration education. Policy Studies Review, 8(4), 871-876.
  • Uys, T. (2008). Rational loyalty and whistleblowing: the South African context. Current Sociology, 56(6), 904-921.
  • Vinten, G. (1999). A whistleblowing code for educational institutions. The International Journal of Educational Management, 13(3), 150-157.
  • Waite, D.  Allen, D. (2003). Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration. The Urban Review, 35(4), 281- 296.
  • Warren, M. E. (2004). What does corruption mean in a democracy? American Journal of Political Science, 48, 328–343.
  • Welch, S. & Hibbing, J. R. (1997). The effects of charges of corruption on voting behavior in congressional elections, 1982–1990. Journal of Politics, 59, 226–239.
  • Werner, S. B. (1983). New directions in the study of administrative corruption. Public Administration Review, 43(2), 146-154.
  • Wilson, J. Q. (1966). Corruption: the shame of the states. The Public Interest, 2, 28–38.
  • Zoraloğlu, Y. R., Şahin, İ.  Fırat, N. Ş. (2004). İlköğretim okullarının finansal kaynak bulmada karşılaştıkları güçlükler ve bu güçlüklerin okula etkileri. Eğitim Bilim Toplum, 2(8), 4-17.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 74 - 84, 08.03.2014



  • Aguilera, R. V.  Vadera, A. K. (2008). The dark side of authority: antecedents, mechanism, and outcomes of organizational corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 77(4), 431-449.
  • Aktan, C. C. (2006). Organizasyonlarda yanlış uygulamalara karşı bir sivil erdem, ahlaki tepki ve vicdani red davranışı: whistleblowing. Mercek Dergisi, 1-13.
  • Alt, J. E.  Lassen, D. D. (2003). The political economy of institutions and corruption in American states. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 15, 341–365.
  • Anderson, C. J.  Tverdova, Y. V. (2003). Corruption, political allegiances, and attitudes toward government in contemporary democracies. American Journal of Political Science, 47, 91–109.
  • Argandona, A. (2003). Private-to-private corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 47, 253–267.
  • Avtgis, T. A., Thomas-Maddox, C., Taylor, E.  Patterson, B. R. (2007). The influence of employee burnout syndrome on the expression of organizational dissent. Communication Research Reports, 24, 97–102.
  • Balcı, A., Özdemir, M.,  Özen, F. (2009). Organizational corruption: its relation with organizational culture, job attitudes and work ethics. 11nd International Congress of European Turks. 14-16 may, Antwerp-Belgium.
  • Berkman, Ü. (1983). Azgelişmiş ülkelerde kamu yönetiminde yolsuzluk ve rüşvet. Ankara: TODAİE Yayınları.
  • Berkman, Ü. (1992). Bureaucracy and bribery: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Public Administration, 15(6), 1345-1368.
  • Brooks, L. (1993). Whistleblowers: learn to love them. Canadian Business Review, 20(2), 19–21.
  • Caiden, G. E.  Caiden, N. J. (1977). Administrative corruption. Public Administration Review, 37(3), 301-309.
  • Cannings, K. (1992). The voice of the loyal manager: distinguishing attachment from commitment. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 5, 261-272.
  • Çadırcı, M. (1997). Tanzimat döneminde Anadolu kentlerinin sosyal ve ekonomik yapısı. Ankara: TTK Yayınları.
  • Darley, J. M. (2005). The cognitive and social psychology of contagious organizational corruption. Brooklyn Law Review, 70(4), 1177-1179.
  • Davis, J. (2004). Corruption in public service delivery: experience from South Asia’s water and sanitation Sector. World Development, 32(1), 53-71.
  • De Maria, W. (2008). Whistleblowers and organizational protesters. Current Sociology, 56(6), 865-883.
  • Doig, A.  Theobald, R. (2000). Introduction: why corruption? in Alan Doig and Robin. Theobald, eds. Corruption and democratisation. London: Frank Cass. pp. 1-12.
  • Dozier, J. B.  Miceli, M. P. (1985). Potential predictors of whistle-blowing: a prosocial behavior perspective. Academy of Management Review, 10, 823-836.
  • Dworking, T.  Baucus, M. (1998). Internal vs external whistleblowers: a comparison of whistleblowing processes. Journal of Business Ethics, 17(12), 1281-1298.
  • Eaton, T. V.  Akers, M. D. (2007). Whistleblowing and good governance. The CPA Journal, 77(6), 66-71.
  • Fackler, T.  Lin, T. (1995). Political corruption and presidential elections, 1929–1992. Journal of Politics, 57, 971–993.
  • Farrell, D.  Rusbult, C. E. (1992). Exploring the exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect typology: the influence of job satisfaction, quality of alternatives, and investment size. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 5, 201-218.
  • Gerring, J.  Thacker, S. C. (2004). Political institutions and corruption: the role of unitarism and parliamentarism. British Journal of Political Science, 34, 295-330.
  • Goodboy, A. K., Chory, R. M.  Dunleavy, K. N. (2008). Organizational dissent as a function of organizational justice. Communication Research Reports, 25(4), 255-265.
  • Graham, J. W. (1986). Principled organizational dissent: a theoretical essay. Research in Organizational Behavior, 8, 1-52.
  • Hallak, J.  Poisson, M. (2007). Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: what can be done. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Hegstrom, T. G. (1990). Mimetic and dissent conditions in organizational rhetoric. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 18, 141-152.
  • Hegstrom, T. G. (1995). Focus on organizational dissent: A functionalist response to criticism. In J. Lehtonen eds. Critical perspectives on communication research and pedagogy (pp. 83-94). St. Ingbert, Germany: Rohrig University Press.
  • Heyneman, S. P. (2004). Education and corruption. International Journal of Educational Development, 24, 637- 648.
  • Hunbury, G. L. (2004). A “pracademic’s” perspective of ethics and honor: imperatives for public services in the 21st century! Public Organization Review, 4, 187-204.
  • Johnston, M. (1986). Right and wrong in American politics: popular conceptions of corruption, Polity, 18, 367-391.
  • Johnson, R. A.  Sharma, S. (2004). The Struggle against corruption: a comparative study. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Kassing, J. W. (1997). Articulating, antagonizing, and displacing: a model of employee dissent. Communication Studies, 48, 311-332.
  • Kassing, J. W. (1998). Development and validation of the organizational dissent scale. Management Communication Quarterly, 12(2), 183-229.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2000). Investigating the relationship between superior-subordinate relationship quality and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 17, 58-70.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2002). Speaking up: identifying employees’ upward dissent strategies. Management Communication Quarterly, 16(2), 187-209.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Avtgis, T. A. (1999). Examining the relationship between organizational dissent and aggressive communication. Management Communication Quarterly, 13, 76-91.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Armstrong, T. A. (2001). Examining the association of job tenure, employment history, and organizational status with employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 18, 264-273.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Avtgis, T. A. (2001). Dissension in the organization as a function of control expectancies. Communication Research Reports, 18, 118-127.
  • Kassing, J. W.  Armstrong, T. A. (2002). Someone’s going to hear about this: examining the association between dissent-triggering events and employee’s dissent expressions. Management Communication Quarterly, 16, 39-65.
  • Kassing, J. W.  DiCioccio, R. L. (2004). Testing a workplace experience explanation of displaced dissent. Communication Reports, 17, 111-120.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2006). Employees’ expressions of upward dissent as a function of current and past work experiences. Communication Reports, 19(2), 79-88.
  • Kassing, J. W.  McDowell, Z. (2008). Talk about fairness: exploring the relationship between procedural justice and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 25, 1–10.
  • Kayes, D. C., (2006). Organizational corruption as theodicy. Journal of Business Ethics, 67, 51-62.
  • Keenan, J. P. (2000). Blowing the whistle on less serious forms of fraud: a study of executives and managers. Employee Responsibilities and Right Journal, 12(4), 199-217.
  • Klitgaard, R. ( 1998). International cooperation against corruption. Finance and Development, 35(1), 3-6.
  • Luo, Y. (2004). An organizational perspective of corruption. Management and Organization Review, 1(1), 119-154.
  • Mansbach, A.  Bachner, Y. G. (2010). Internal or external whistleblowing: nurses’ willingness to report wrongdoing. Nursing Ethics, 17(4), 483-490.
  • Mbatha, J. S. (2005). The ethical dilemmas of whistle-blowing and corruption in the South African public sector. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Zululand.
  • McCluskey, N. (2005). Corruption in the public schools: the market is the answer. Policy Analysis, 542, 1-20.
  • Miceli, M.  Near, J. (1994). Whistleblowing: reaping the benefits. Academy of Management Executive, 8, 65–73.
  • Miethe, T. D.  Rothschild, J. (1994). Whistleblowing and the control of organizational misconduct. Sociological Inquiry, 64, 322–347.
  • Mumcu, A. (1969). Osmanlı devleti’nde rüşvet. Ankara: A.Ü. Hukuk Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Near, J. P.  Jensen, T. C. (1983). The whistleblowing process: retaliation and perceived effectiveness. Work and Occupations, 10, 3-28.
  • Near, J. P.  Micelli, M. P. (1985). Organizational dissidence: the case of whistle-blowing. Journal of Business Ethics, 4(1), 1-16.
  • O’Reilly, C.  Chatman, J. (1986). Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: the effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3), 492-499.
  • Özdemir, M. (2010). The opinions of administrators and teachers working in public high schools in Ankara Province on organizational dissent. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Ankara University.
  • Palmier, L. (1983). Bureaucratic corruption and its remedies, in M. Clarke, eds. Corruption. London: Frances Printer Ltd. London, pp. 207-219.
  • Pascoe, J.  Welsh, M. (2011). Whistleblowing, ethics and corporate culture: theory and practice in Australia. Common Law World Review, 40, 144-173.
  • Payne, H. J. (2007). The role of organization-based self-esteem in employee dissent expression. Communication Research Reports, 24, 235-240.
  • Peters, J. G.  Welch, S. (1980). The effects of charges of corruption on voting behavior in congressional elections. American Political Science Review, 71(3), 697-708.
  • Redlawsk, D. P.  McCann, J. A. (2005). Popular interpretations of ‘corruption’ and their partisan consequences. Political Behavior, 27(3), 261-283.
  • Redding, W. C. (1985). Rocking boats, blowing whistles, and teaching speech communication. Communication Education, 34, 245-258.
  • Rodal, C. A. S.  Mendoza, E. C. (2004). Transparency in Education: report card in Bangladesh. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Sayed, T.  Bruce, D. (1998). Police corruption: towards a working definition. African Security Review, 7(1), 3-14.
  • Seligson, M. (2002). The impact of corruption on regime legitimacy: a comparative study of four Latin American countries. Journal of Politics, 62, 408–433.
  • Schein, E. (1985). Defining organizational culture. In M. Shafritz and J. Ott, eds. Classics of Organization theory (1992). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Sprague, J. A.  Ruud, G. L. (1988). Boat-rocking in the high technology culture. American Behavioral Scientist, 32, 169-193.
  • Stapenhurst, F.  Langseth, P. (1997) The role of the public administration in fighting corruption. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 10(5), 311 – 330.
  • Tanaka, S. (2001). Corruption in education sector development: a suggestion for anticipatory strategy. The International Journal of Educational Management, 15(4), 158-166.
  • Truelson, J. A. (1989). Implications of whistleblowing for public administration education. Policy Studies Review, 8(4), 871-876.
  • Uys, T. (2008). Rational loyalty and whistleblowing: the South African context. Current Sociology, 56(6), 904-921.
  • Vinten, G. (1999). A whistleblowing code for educational institutions. The International Journal of Educational Management, 13(3), 150-157.
  • Waite, D.  Allen, D. (2003). Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration. The Urban Review, 35(4), 281- 296.
  • Warren, M. E. (2004). What does corruption mean in a democracy? American Journal of Political Science, 48, 328–343.
  • Welch, S. & Hibbing, J. R. (1997). The effects of charges of corruption on voting behavior in congressional elections, 1982–1990. Journal of Politics, 59, 226–239.
  • Werner, S. B. (1983). New directions in the study of administrative corruption. Public Administration Review, 43(2), 146-154.
  • Wilson, J. Q. (1966). Corruption: the shame of the states. The Public Interest, 2, 28–38.
  • Zoraloğlu, Y. R., Şahin, İ.  Fırat, N. Ş. (2004). İlköğretim okullarının finansal kaynak bulmada karşılaştıkları güçlükler ve bu güçlüklerin okula etkileri. Eğitim Bilim Toplum, 2(8), 4-17.
Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Murat Özdemir

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Mart 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Mart 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster


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Cukurova University Faculty of Education

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