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A Key Area Between Çukurova And Syria From Ancient Times To The Turkish-Islamic Period: Andırın

Yıl 2024, , 115 - 135, 31.12.2024


Since the earliest ages, trade has been the most important means of connection that people living in residential centers have established with cities far away. Transportation in trade is challenging in most places due to high mountains and deep valleys. In ancient times, Anatolia was connected to the Mediterranean ports in the south, one of the important regions where it opened to the world, through the passages opened by the rivers in the Taurus Mountains. The most important route providing the connection of the trade routes passing through the Eastern Mediterranean ports and Central Anatolia is the caravan route, known as Akyol / Ağyol by the naming of the local population, which provides transportation through the passages opened by the Ceyhan river. There are many ancient settlements established at different periods of history on the Ağyol and the road routes connecting to it. In this study, the Başdoğan zone of Andırın, through which the Ağyol passes, and the ancient settlements around it and Sarıbıyıklı Obası were made the subject of research. Thus, the study is expected to contribute to the literature on the commercial road routes in the region, the ancient settlements established on these roads, the localization of the ancient cities and the determination of the administrative areas of the local kingdom of the Roman period Tarkhondimotos in the north and east by drawing attention to the extensive research to be carried out here.


  • Herodotus, History of Herodotus, Trans. M. Ökmen, Istanbul: 1983.
  • Ptolemaeus, Geographia, ed. Nobbe: Lipsiae, 1845.
  • Strabon, Ancient Anatolian Geopgrafician (Geographika: XII, XIII, XIV), Trans. Adnan Pekman: Istanbul. 1993.
  • Alishan, L., Sissounan, Venice, 1890.
  • Alkım, U. B., "An Ancient Road Network in the South-West Antitoros Region", Belleten, XXIII/89, (1959): 59 - 77.
  • Alkım, U. B., "The Road between Sam'al and Asitawandawa: Amanus Research on the Historical Geography of the Region", Belleten, TTK, XXIV/95, (1960): 349 - 401.
  • Alkım, U. B., "The Road from Sam'al to Asitawandawa, Contributions to the Historica Geography of the Amanus Region", Anatolian Studies, II/1-2, (1965): 1- 45.
  • Altay , M. H., Adım Adım Çukurova, Adana, 1965.
  • Bing, J. D., A History of Cilicia During the Assyrian Period, Michigan, 1987.
  • Bossert, Helmut Th. "Phoenician-Ethian Bilinguis found at Karatepe" Belleten, XII/47, (1948): 515-523.
  • Casabonne, O., "Local Powers and Persian Model In Achamenid, Cilicia: A Reassesment",Olba, II/1, (Special Issue), (1999a). 57- 66.
  • Casabonne, O., "Notes Ciliciennes", Anatolia Antiqua, IX:, 1999b,131-140.
  • Cason, L., Travelling in Antiquity. Trans: Nalan Özsoy (Istanbul: MB Publishing House, First Edition), 2008.
  • Cavaignac, E., Les Hittites, Paris, 1960.
  • Ceram, C. W. , Anatolia, Home of the Gods, trans. Esat Mermi Erendor, Remzi Bookstore, Istanbul, 2008.
  • Çambel, H., Özyar, A., Karatepe-Aslantaş, Azatiwataya Die Bildwerke, Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2002.
  • Çınkır, C., “Andırın İlçesi Kızık Mahallesi Sersemli Obası ve Darıovası Mahallesi Acer Obasında Bulunan Hitit Mezarları”, Tırşık, 29, 2018, 18 – 22.
  • Dağlı, Y., Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi, Yapı Kredi Yay., 2015.
  • Durukan, M., "The Connection of Anazarbus, Aegeai and Tarsus Cities with Trade Routes", Çukurova Research Journal, 1/1, 2015, 1-15.
  • Ekmen, H., "According to Philological and Archaeological Data, the Importance of Rivers as a Means of Communication and Transportation in Anatolia in the Second Millennium BC", TAS 2, (2015): 47 - 66.
  • Erzen, A., Kilikien bis zum Ende der Perserherrschaft: Leipzig, 1940.
  • Evliya Çelebi, Evliya Çelebi b. Derviş Mehemmed Zıllî, Evliya Çelebi Seyâhatnâmesi (Anatolia, Syria, Hijaz/),Devlet Matbaası: İstanbul, 1935.
  • Girginer, K. S., "Tepebag Höyük (Adaniia) Kizzuwatna Country Was it the capital?" From Legend to History, From History to Today Adana: Koprubasi, Istanbul, 70, 2000.
  • Kabalcı, B., Kaya, M. A., Kadıoğlu, Andırın History and Cultural Assets Inventory: Kahramanmaraş, 2011.
  • Kaya, Ö., Elbistan-Maraş Inns and Road Routes, Kahramanmaraş Governorship Publication, Ankara, 2010.
  • Kaplan, A., "Ancient Settlements on the Plateau Roads Used by Oghuz Boys and Obas Settling in Çukurova", Asos Journal (The Journal of Academic Social Science), 34, (2016): 311- 321.
  • Kaplan, A.,"Remains of a Strategic City in the Upper Ceyhan Basin on the Anti Taurus Mountains: Haçağaç Mevkii Olucak Archaeological Settlement (Andırın)", SSS Journal, 5/29, (2019): 228 - 234.
  • Kaya, S., Kıyılı, R., "An Overview of Natural Disasters and Epidemics Occurring in Antakya in the Middle Ages", MKÜ, Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, 6/12, 2009, 403- 418.
  • Kobaner, M., Kobaner, İ.:"Çukurova'nın Antik Çağ Yolları" Efsanede Tarihe, Tarihte Bugüne Adana Köprübaşı, Istanbul, (2000): 169-177.
  • Kurt, M.,"The Country of Que and the Importance of the New Assyrian State in terms of Anatolian Policy", Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences, Volume X, Issue 3, (2008): 117-133.
  • Kurt, M., "Yeni Assyrian Sovereignty and Local Powers in Cilicia", Selcuk University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, Konya, 21, (2009): 327 - 337.
  • Kurt, M., "The Phenomenon of Roman Administration in Plain Cilicia in the First Century BC and the Kingdom of Tarkondimotos", Dumlupınar Un. Sos. Bil. Enst. Journal, 31, (2011): 429 - 445.
  • Lemaire, A., "Recherches De Topographie Historique sur Le Pays De Qué” (IXe-VIIe siècle av. J. C.), Anatolia Antiqua, I: (1991):265 - 275.
  • Levick, B., Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor, Oxford: Oxford at the Clarendon Press. Liebeschuetz, 1967.
  • W. J. H. G., Antioch: City and Imperial Administration in the Later Roman Empire, Oxford, 1972.
  • Luckenbill, D., D., Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, I, New York, 1968.
  • Mağmumi, Ş., Anatolia and Syria a Century Ago, Istanbul, 2008.
  • Moltke, H., Letters on the Situation and Events in Turkey, TTK Basımevi, Ankara, 1960.
  • Ramsay, A. M., "A Roman Postal Service Under The Republic", The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 10, 1920.
  • Sayar, M. H. , "Epigraphy and Historical-Geographical Research in Cilicia, 1994", Research Results Meeting, XIII/1, (1996): 55 - 75.
  • Sayar, M., H.,"Urbanisation in Ancient Cilicia", Proceedings of the Turkish History Congress, XII/I, (1999): 193 - 216.
  • Sayar, M. H. - Ercan P.,"Cilicia Surveys 2007", Research Results Meeting, XXVI, 1/, (2008): 75-85.
  • Sbeinati, M., R., Darawcheh, R., Mouty, M., "The Historical Earthquakes Of Syria: An Analysis of Large and Moderate Earthquakes from 1365 B.C. to 1900 A.D.", Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 48: N. 3., 2005.
  • Schaffer, F., Petermann's Mitteilungen, Ergaenzungsheft:141, 1903.
  • Shaw, B. D., "Bandit Highlands and Lowlands Peace: The Mountains of Isauria-Cilicia Journal Economic and Social History of the Orient, XXXIII/2, (1990): 199 - 233.
  • Sykes, M. Dar al Islam, trans. Yılmaz Tezkan, Kazan Matbaası, Ankara, 2000.
  • Syme, R., "Observations on the Province of Cilicia", Anatolian Studies Presented by W. H. Buckler (Edited by W. M. Calder, J. Keil), (1939): 299 - 332.
  • Tahbarer, B., Asclepius Cult in Ancient Cilicia Coins, Ç. Ü. Health Sciences Institute, Department of Deantology and History of Medicine, Unpublished Master's Thesis: Adana, 2005.
  • Texier, C., Asia Minor, 2005, Ankara, 2002.
  • Toroğlu, E., Alpaslan, Y., Roads in the Historical Geography of Kahramanmaraş: Kahramanmaraş, 2016.
  • Uhlig, H., Silk Road, Ancient World Culture between China and Rome, (Die Seidenstraße, Antike Weltkultur zwischen China und Roma, Translated By: Alev Kırımlı), Istanbul, 2006.
  • Ünal, A. , "The History of Adana and Çukurova from the Stone Age of the Kizzuwatna Kingdom in Adana to the Fall of the Hittite Empire", Myth to History, Adana from History to Today: Köprü Başı, (Eds: S. Koz-E. Artun), Istanbul, 2000.
  • Ünal, A. , The Historical Geography of Çukurova in Ancient Times and the Political History of the Kingdom of Kizzuwatna (Adana)”, Journal of Cukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, vol. 15. 2006.
  • Ünal, A., Girginer, K. S.: Cilicia-Çukurova Historical Geography, History and Archaeology in Cilicia from the Early Ages to the Ottoman Period, Istanbul. 2007.
  • Ürün, Ş.,"Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage: Natural Heritage Sites Application, Nomination and Evaluation Processes", Unesco Turkey National Commission, Ankara, 2016.
  • Yalman/Yalgın, A., R.: Cenupta Türkmen Oymakları, Ministry of Culture Yay. Ankara. 1977. Wäfler, M.:"Zu Status und Lage von Tabāl", Orientalia, 52, (1983): 181-193.


Yıl 2024, , 115 - 135, 31.12.2024


En eski çağlardan itibaren yerleşim merkezlerinde yaşayan insanların, uzak mesafelerdeki kentler ile kurdukları bağlantının en önemli aracı ticaret olmuştur. Ticarette ulaşım, çoğu yerde, yüksek dağlar, derin vadiler sebebiyle zorlayıcıdır. Eskiçağda Anadolu’nun, dünyaya açıldığı önemli bölgelerden biri olan güneydeki Akdeniz limanları ile bağlantısı da Toroslardaki nehirlerin açtığı geçitlerle olmuştur. Doğu Akdeniz limanlarıyla Orta Anadolu’dan geçen ticaret yollarının bağlantısını sağlayan en önemli güzergâh, Ceyhan nehrinin açtığı geçitlerden ulaşım sağlayan, yerel halkın isimlendirmesiyle Akyol/Ağyol olarak bilinen kervan yoludur. Ağyol’un ve ona bağlanan yol güzergahlarının üzerinde, tarihin farklı dönemlerinde kurulan çok sayıda antik yerleşimler bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Ağyol’un geçtiği Andırın’ın Başdoğan bölgesi ve buradaki Sarıbıyıklı Obası ile çevresindeki antik yerleşimler araştırma konusu yapılmıştır. Böylece çalışmanın, bölgede yer alan ticari yol güzergahlarına, bu yollar üzerinde kurulan antik yerleşimlere dikkat çekerek, burada yapılacak kapsamlı araştırmalar ile eskiçağ kentlerinin lokalizasyonu ve Roma döneminin yerel krallığı Tarkhondimotos’un kuzey ve doğu yönündeki yönetim alanlarının belirlenmesi konusunda literatüre katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir.


  • Herodotus, History of Herodotus, Trans. M. Ökmen, Istanbul: 1983.
  • Ptolemaeus, Geographia, ed. Nobbe: Lipsiae, 1845.
  • Strabon, Ancient Anatolian Geopgrafician (Geographika: XII, XIII, XIV), Trans. Adnan Pekman: Istanbul. 1993.
  • Alishan, L., Sissounan, Venice, 1890.
  • Alkım, U. B., "An Ancient Road Network in the South-West Antitoros Region", Belleten, XXIII/89, (1959): 59 - 77.
  • Alkım, U. B., "The Road between Sam'al and Asitawandawa: Amanus Research on the Historical Geography of the Region", Belleten, TTK, XXIV/95, (1960): 349 - 401.
  • Alkım, U. B., "The Road from Sam'al to Asitawandawa, Contributions to the Historica Geography of the Amanus Region", Anatolian Studies, II/1-2, (1965): 1- 45.
  • Altay , M. H., Adım Adım Çukurova, Adana, 1965.
  • Bing, J. D., A History of Cilicia During the Assyrian Period, Michigan, 1987.
  • Bossert, Helmut Th. "Phoenician-Ethian Bilinguis found at Karatepe" Belleten, XII/47, (1948): 515-523.
  • Casabonne, O., "Local Powers and Persian Model In Achamenid, Cilicia: A Reassesment",Olba, II/1, (Special Issue), (1999a). 57- 66.
  • Casabonne, O., "Notes Ciliciennes", Anatolia Antiqua, IX:, 1999b,131-140.
  • Cason, L., Travelling in Antiquity. Trans: Nalan Özsoy (Istanbul: MB Publishing House, First Edition), 2008.
  • Cavaignac, E., Les Hittites, Paris, 1960.
  • Ceram, C. W. , Anatolia, Home of the Gods, trans. Esat Mermi Erendor, Remzi Bookstore, Istanbul, 2008.
  • Çambel, H., Özyar, A., Karatepe-Aslantaş, Azatiwataya Die Bildwerke, Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2002.
  • Çınkır, C., “Andırın İlçesi Kızık Mahallesi Sersemli Obası ve Darıovası Mahallesi Acer Obasında Bulunan Hitit Mezarları”, Tırşık, 29, 2018, 18 – 22.
  • Dağlı, Y., Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi, Yapı Kredi Yay., 2015.
  • Durukan, M., "The Connection of Anazarbus, Aegeai and Tarsus Cities with Trade Routes", Çukurova Research Journal, 1/1, 2015, 1-15.
  • Ekmen, H., "According to Philological and Archaeological Data, the Importance of Rivers as a Means of Communication and Transportation in Anatolia in the Second Millennium BC", TAS 2, (2015): 47 - 66.
  • Erzen, A., Kilikien bis zum Ende der Perserherrschaft: Leipzig, 1940.
  • Evliya Çelebi, Evliya Çelebi b. Derviş Mehemmed Zıllî, Evliya Çelebi Seyâhatnâmesi (Anatolia, Syria, Hijaz/),Devlet Matbaası: İstanbul, 1935.
  • Girginer, K. S., "Tepebag Höyük (Adaniia) Kizzuwatna Country Was it the capital?" From Legend to History, From History to Today Adana: Koprubasi, Istanbul, 70, 2000.
  • Kabalcı, B., Kaya, M. A., Kadıoğlu, Andırın History and Cultural Assets Inventory: Kahramanmaraş, 2011.
  • Kaya, Ö., Elbistan-Maraş Inns and Road Routes, Kahramanmaraş Governorship Publication, Ankara, 2010.
  • Kaplan, A., "Ancient Settlements on the Plateau Roads Used by Oghuz Boys and Obas Settling in Çukurova", Asos Journal (The Journal of Academic Social Science), 34, (2016): 311- 321.
  • Kaplan, A.,"Remains of a Strategic City in the Upper Ceyhan Basin on the Anti Taurus Mountains: Haçağaç Mevkii Olucak Archaeological Settlement (Andırın)", SSS Journal, 5/29, (2019): 228 - 234.
  • Kaya, S., Kıyılı, R., "An Overview of Natural Disasters and Epidemics Occurring in Antakya in the Middle Ages", MKÜ, Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, 6/12, 2009, 403- 418.
  • Kobaner, M., Kobaner, İ.:"Çukurova'nın Antik Çağ Yolları" Efsanede Tarihe, Tarihte Bugüne Adana Köprübaşı, Istanbul, (2000): 169-177.
  • Kurt, M.,"The Country of Que and the Importance of the New Assyrian State in terms of Anatolian Policy", Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences, Volume X, Issue 3, (2008): 117-133.
  • Kurt, M., "Yeni Assyrian Sovereignty and Local Powers in Cilicia", Selcuk University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, Konya, 21, (2009): 327 - 337.
  • Kurt, M., "The Phenomenon of Roman Administration in Plain Cilicia in the First Century BC and the Kingdom of Tarkondimotos", Dumlupınar Un. Sos. Bil. Enst. Journal, 31, (2011): 429 - 445.
  • Lemaire, A., "Recherches De Topographie Historique sur Le Pays De Qué” (IXe-VIIe siècle av. J. C.), Anatolia Antiqua, I: (1991):265 - 275.
  • Levick, B., Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor, Oxford: Oxford at the Clarendon Press. Liebeschuetz, 1967.
  • W. J. H. G., Antioch: City and Imperial Administration in the Later Roman Empire, Oxford, 1972.
  • Luckenbill, D., D., Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, I, New York, 1968.
  • Mağmumi, Ş., Anatolia and Syria a Century Ago, Istanbul, 2008.
  • Moltke, H., Letters on the Situation and Events in Turkey, TTK Basımevi, Ankara, 1960.
  • Ramsay, A. M., "A Roman Postal Service Under The Republic", The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 10, 1920.
  • Sayar, M. H. , "Epigraphy and Historical-Geographical Research in Cilicia, 1994", Research Results Meeting, XIII/1, (1996): 55 - 75.
  • Sayar, M., H.,"Urbanisation in Ancient Cilicia", Proceedings of the Turkish History Congress, XII/I, (1999): 193 - 216.
  • Sayar, M. H. - Ercan P.,"Cilicia Surveys 2007", Research Results Meeting, XXVI, 1/, (2008): 75-85.
  • Sbeinati, M., R., Darawcheh, R., Mouty, M., "The Historical Earthquakes Of Syria: An Analysis of Large and Moderate Earthquakes from 1365 B.C. to 1900 A.D.", Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 48: N. 3., 2005.
  • Schaffer, F., Petermann's Mitteilungen, Ergaenzungsheft:141, 1903.
  • Shaw, B. D., "Bandit Highlands and Lowlands Peace: The Mountains of Isauria-Cilicia Journal Economic and Social History of the Orient, XXXIII/2, (1990): 199 - 233.
  • Sykes, M. Dar al Islam, trans. Yılmaz Tezkan, Kazan Matbaası, Ankara, 2000.
  • Syme, R., "Observations on the Province of Cilicia", Anatolian Studies Presented by W. H. Buckler (Edited by W. M. Calder, J. Keil), (1939): 299 - 332.
  • Tahbarer, B., Asclepius Cult in Ancient Cilicia Coins, Ç. Ü. Health Sciences Institute, Department of Deantology and History of Medicine, Unpublished Master's Thesis: Adana, 2005.
  • Texier, C., Asia Minor, 2005, Ankara, 2002.
  • Toroğlu, E., Alpaslan, Y., Roads in the Historical Geography of Kahramanmaraş: Kahramanmaraş, 2016.
  • Uhlig, H., Silk Road, Ancient World Culture between China and Rome, (Die Seidenstraße, Antike Weltkultur zwischen China und Roma, Translated By: Alev Kırımlı), Istanbul, 2006.
  • Ünal, A. , "The History of Adana and Çukurova from the Stone Age of the Kizzuwatna Kingdom in Adana to the Fall of the Hittite Empire", Myth to History, Adana from History to Today: Köprü Başı, (Eds: S. Koz-E. Artun), Istanbul, 2000.
  • Ünal, A. , The Historical Geography of Çukurova in Ancient Times and the Political History of the Kingdom of Kizzuwatna (Adana)”, Journal of Cukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, vol. 15. 2006.
  • Ünal, A., Girginer, K. S.: Cilicia-Çukurova Historical Geography, History and Archaeology in Cilicia from the Early Ages to the Ottoman Period, Istanbul. 2007.
  • Ürün, Ş.,"Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage: Natural Heritage Sites Application, Nomination and Evaluation Processes", Unesco Turkey National Commission, Ankara, 2016.
  • Yalman/Yalgın, A., R.: Cenupta Türkmen Oymakları, Ministry of Culture Yay. Ankara. 1977. Wäfler, M.:"Zu Status und Lage von Tabāl", Orientalia, 52, (1983): 181-193.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eski Anadolu Tarihi
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehibe Şahbaz 0000-0002-0597-925X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahbaz, M. (2024). ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD), 24(2), 115-135.
AMA Şahbaz M. ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD). Aralık 2024;24(2):115-135. doi:10.30627/cuilah.1528036
Chicago Şahbaz, Mehibe. “ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN”. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD) 24, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 115-35.
EndNote Şahbaz M (01 Aralık 2024) ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD) 24 2 115–135.
IEEE M. Şahbaz, “ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN”, Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD), c. 24, sy. 2, ss. 115–135, 2024, doi: 10.30627/cuilah.1528036.
ISNAD Şahbaz, Mehibe. “ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN”. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD) 24/2 (Aralık 2024), 115-135.
JAMA Şahbaz M. ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD). 2024;24:115–135.
MLA Şahbaz, Mehibe. “ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN”. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD), c. 24, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 115-3, doi:10.30627/cuilah.1528036.
Vancouver Şahbaz M. ANTİK ÇAĞDAN TÜRK-İSLAM DÖNEMİNE ÇUKUROVA-SURİYE ARASINDA KİLİT BİR BÖLGE: ANDIRIN. Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD). 2024;24(2):115-3.

Correspondence Address
Cukurova University, Faculty of Theology, Balcali Campus, 01330, Saricam/Adana.